by Mike Adams
A NaturalNews Special Report
NaturalNews Website
This is a special report the FDA doesn't
want you to read. In fact, this is the story that the corporate
"leaders" of the natural health products industry don't want you to
read, either. Why? Because they've all been hijacked by
Big Pharma
interests, and they no longer represent real natural medicine like
the kind revealed in this story.
Read more about this consumer betrayal
by the natural products industry leaders
When it comes to H1N1 influenza (Swine Flu), all the "authority"
institutions in America agree on one thing:
Keep the American people
ignorant! Don't allow people to learn the truth about the anti-viral
properties of herbs, superfoods and dietary supplements.
Knowledge is a dangerous thing. It gives people options. It allows
people to be independent from the government and independent from
the medical system. It gives people control over their own lives,
and in a police state society that seeks to
dominate the health decisions of every citizen,
giving people control over their own lives simply cannot be
That's why this article will be blasted as "irresponsible" by health
authorities. It will be portrayed as "dangerous" by pharmaceutical
pushers. If the FDA could ban this website, this article would be
precisely the kind of content they would target for censorship.
And what's so dangerous about this article? It dares to advocate
specific anti-viral products as protection against the H1N1 swine
Big Pharma
Knowledge of natural anti-viral products is, of course, a huge
threat to the profits of Big Pharma - an industry that just received
a whopping
one billion dollars to make useless swine flu
When I say "useless," I mean that quite seriously. Vaccines are only
useful against the specific viral strain that was available at the
time of their manufacture. But influenza viruses mutate quickly, and
as the WHO has already said, the real concern with H1N1 swine flu is
that it will combine with seasonal flu in the Fall, creating a new,
deadly strain that will of course be immune to all available
Antiviral herbs suffer from no such limitations. Because they
contain literally thousands of different medicinal compounds, they
are able to attack viruses with a full spectrum of synergistic
natural medicines. Thus, even mutating viruses find themselves
unable to escape the multifaceted medicinal cocktail of antiviral
That's why this special report lists the top five anti-viral
products I currently recommend. I have no financial relationships
with any of these companies, nor do I earn any profits from the sale
of these products. These are 100% independent recommendations
offered under the Free Speech protections of the United States
Constitution. I will not remove this article, and I will not be
intimidated by health authorities wishing to see this information
The People have a right to know about
natural medicine, and NaturalNews will continue to bring you this
information regardless of the false authorities who attempt to deny
the People the right to know this kind of information.
Dumbing Down
What the pro-pharma health authorities are really seeking is
mandatory ignorance of herbs, foods and natural medicine.
They want
to cleanse the minds of the public from any knowledge of medicinal
herbs. This "information cleansing" is much like ethnic cleansing -
except they don't kill you directly; they just wait for the
influenza virus to kill you instead.
In the next great pandemic (which might only be months away), people
will die from ignorance. They will die from misplaced trust in
western medicine and government health authorities. They will die
while waiting for that dose of Tamiflu that never arrives, even
after receiving that
Big Pharma influenza vaccine shot that doesn't
People will die even while the very herbs that could save them are
growing in their own back yards. Mere meters away from their death
beds, Mother Nature is quietly manufacturing the natural antiviral
medicines that can save lives and end suffering. Yet
the FDA and the
health industry trade groups have sought to disconnect people from
the plants of the Earth; to dissuade people from growing their own
medicine, and to strike fear into the minds of those who dare take
responsibility for their own health (or survival).
As the editor of NaturalNews, I stand against that ignorance,
against the chemical profit agenda of Big Pharma and against the
vaccine profits reaped by drug companies at the expense of
I stand in favor of personal health freedom and personal
responsibility; for connection with the astounding biodiversity
found in our natural environment; for the embracing of natural
medicine created by Mother Nature; and for the nutritional education
of the People.
In the rest of this special report, you'll find two lists: First,
five things that CAUSE susceptibility to influenza infections,
followed by the FIVE products I recommend as a defense against swine
Things That
Can Kill You
#1 Arsenic
As revealed in a
recent story on NaturalNews,
drinking well water contaminated with arsenic greatly increases
susceptibility to H1N1 influenza infections. Arsenic is present
in the water supply of tens of millions of people across the
United States right now (now to mention the citizens of Canada,
the UK, Australia and other countries). Low levels of arsenic
are even "approved" by the EPA!
#2 Antibiotics
Taking antibiotics before a
swine flu infection greatly increases your risk of being killed
by swine flu. How do we know that? Because antibiotics wipe out
the friendly flora that have been scientifically proven to boost
the body's defenses against influenza.
This is why, during any pandemic, doctors must exercise extreme
caution when handing out antibiotics. While antibiotics can be
extremely helpful during the pneumonia phase of a viral
infection (when bacteria invade the lungs), they can be deadly
if given to patients too soon (during the pre-pneumonia phase).
In addition, there's the whole concern over antibiotics abuse
creating yet more dangerous superbugs in hospitals. Imagine the
combination assault of a deadly new strain of the H1N1 influenza
virus plus an antibiotic-resistant superbug sweeping through the
hospitals of the world...
That's a very dangerous combination indeed!
#3 Lack of sleep
Getting fewer than six hours
of sleep each night increases your risk of contracting colds
(such as influenza) by a whopping 300 percent!
Eight hours of sleep each night will substantially boost your
immune function, giving you the metabolic tools you need to
fight off potentially deadly influenza infections.
More Deadly Things
#4 Lack of vitamin D
Virtually everyone living in
the U.S., Canada and the U.K. is chronically deficient in
Vitamin D. Those living in Australia are usually better off, as
there's more of a sunshine culture there, but even Aussies can
find themselves vitamin D deficient if they live their lives
indoors and don't venture into the real world to catch some
healthy rays.
Vitamin D deficiency is, without question, one of the primary
causes of influenza susceptibility.
Having sufficient vitamin D circulating in your blood is one of
best defenses against infection.
Health authorities in the U.S. and other western nations are
currently engaged in a campaign to keep the population vitamin D
deficient. This is achieved by brainwashing people into thinking
sunlight alone causes skin cancer. That's a big medical lie, of
course. Even the Journal of the National Cancer Institute has
published scientific research showing that sunlight exposure
reduces the risk of skin cancer.
The American Cancer Society, of course, spreads extremely
dangerous disinformation about sunlight exposure, seeking to
make sure that no ray of sun ever touches the skin of any
person. This "darkness" campaign will soon be exposed as a death
sentence for the People as the next pandemic takes the lives of
those stupid enough to believe that moderate sunlight exposure
is bad for their health.
In the next great pandemic, when the
hospital beds are overflowing with the dead, and school
gymnasiums are taken over as holding cells for the constant
stream of incoming body bags, the dead will consist almost
entirely of those who believed the lies of the American Cancer
Society and the disinformation of the FDA and Big Pharma.
This is one case in which misplaced
faith in a corporate-controlled medical monstrosity can
literally cost you your life.

(What's missing from this photo, of course, are the armed
military personnel, toting automatic rifles, who will shoot any
infected person who attempts to escape the facility.)
#5: Antacid drugs like Prilosec,
Nexium and Prevacid
In a pandemic, use of these popular antacid drugs can actually
lead to your death. How? A study published in the Journal of the
American Medical Association (JAMA) concludes that these PPI
drugs significantly increase the risk of deadly pneumonia.
Read the full story
These acid-suppressing medications, it turns out, are linked to
a 30 percent increase in the risk of acquired pneumonia. And if
you're suffering from something like the swine flu, pneumonia is
the most common cause of death. It's the secondary bacterial
infections, after all, that killed most people in 1918, and
that's what's likely to cause the greatest number of fatalities
in the next great pandemic as well.
If you want to protect yourself from influenza, avoid taking
antacid drugs (including over-the-counter antacids).
Natural Anti-Virals
Now let's get to the good news. The good news is that natural
medicine can save your life. If a pandemic strikes, Tamiflu supplies
will be tightly controlled. Unless you're an emergency worker or a
health care worker, your chances of ever being given Tamiflu are
rather slim. Vaccines, of course, will be utterly useless once the
influenza virus mutates, so even receiving a vaccine shot offers no
protection other than what's available through the placebo effect.
This leaves natural medicine and the world of anti-viral plants.
Due to the mass brainwashing of the public by pro-Pharma health
authorities, most people have no awareness whatsoever of the fact
that plants manufacture their own anti-viral medicines.
In fact, there's no such thing as a plant that does not contain
anti-viral medicine. EVERY plant on our planet manufactures at least
one anti-viral medicine in its own cells.
Did you ever wonder why? It's because plants are under constant
attack by viruses, too. And if they don't create their own internal
mechanisms for dealing with viruses, they will not survive.
This is especially true with plant roots, which are immersed in soil
that's rich with both bacteria and viruses. If those roots do not
possess anti-viral and anti-bacterial defenses, they will quickly be
consumed and destroyed, killing the plant.
Thus, in virtually all plants, the manufacture of anti-viral
medicines is the most natural thing in the world. It happens from
day one of the plant sprouting, and it continues through the entire
life of the plant.
Simply eating grass (or better yet, juicing grass) is, all by
itself, an empowered act of medical self treatment. Grass contains
anti-viral compounds, chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals and hundreds
of other health-enhancing phytochemicals. (Don't use juice grass treated
with pesticides, obviously.)
There are other plants, of course, with far greater anti-viral
potential than grass. I merely mention this to point out the utter
simplicity of finding and consuming anti-viral medicine: If you have
a lawn, you have a pharmacy in your yard! (Even better if you have
dandelions and other "weeds.")
Wild foods offer the strongest anti-viral medicine. That's a whole
different area of expertise, of course, and if you want to learn
more about wild foods, I have two sources to suggest:
Top Five Anti-Virals
Anti-Viral #1 - Super ViraGon
My favorite liquid
anti-viral product remains Jon Barron's Super ViraGon - a potent
combination of garlic, olive leaf extract (a powerful
anti-viral!), onion, ginger, zinc and other nutrients. I keep
this in my own emergency supply of natural medicine.
It's available from
for a very fair price (order five for the best discount).
Anti-Viral #2 - Fitura PowerImmune
The PowerImmune
anti-viral tincture offered by Fitura (www.Fitura.com)
combines organic Echinacea, Cat's Claw, Shiitake Mushroom, Olive
Leaf and many other ingredients (all organic). This is another
"medicine chest" product I keep in good supply. It's also good
to travel with. I personally take a dropper full of this product
each time I board an airplane.
Living in Ecuador, this is also a "first aid" product I keep
with me in the Valley of Longevity. Of course, if a pandemic
were to strike, I would just go to my garden and eat all the
natural anti-virals located there, but if I'm caught traveling -
or I need an extra boost of herbal concentrates, PowerImmune is
one of my top choices.
Anti-Viral #3 - Lomatium Dissectum
This product is the
"secret" anti-influenza herb that very few people know about,
even in the natural health industry.
The root of the Lomatium is
perhaps Mother Nature's "perfect" anti-influenza herb because
its anti-viral action is combined with a respiratory clearing
action that's especially useful for dealing with the secondary
infections caused by many strains of influenza.
The indigenous American Indians grew Lomatium and used it as
medicine. If you live in the American Southwest (or other dry,
hot climates), you can probably grow this medicine, too. It
might be one of the best investments you can make in your own
health defense, because herbs that are growing in your yard are
always more potent than herbs found in bottles.
If you can't grow it, of course, you'll need to buy it. Here's
one recommendation of an existing Lomatium tincture:
Nature's Answer has a 1-ounce tincture that's available at
Vitacost.com for a ridiculously
good price. This product will probably be wiped out of inventory
shortly after this special report goes public, so get some of
this quickly if you want it in your natural medicine chest.
Anti-Viral #4 - HerbPharm Virattack
Speaking of Lomatium,
HerbPharm offers an herbal tincture that combines it with St.
John's Wort (also a powerful anti-viral), lemon balm, olive leaf
and other powerful anti-viral herbs.
This is a superb combination. It's really, really powerful in
defending against influenza infections.
Vitacost offers it at nearly
half off the retail price.
I definitely recommend getting some of this. You might also wish
to check your local health food stores to see what they have in
stock. During a pandemic, I can practically guarantee you won't
be able to find any of these medicines, because people will
engage in "panic buying" of these natural anti-virals.
smart to have a few on hand now, before the next pandemic
Anti-Viral #5 - Olive Leaf Extract
One taste of real olive
life extract and you'll be convinced: This is powerful stuff!
The best-known phytochemical in olive leaves is oleuropein, a
very potent antimicrobial medicine that also has natural
anti-viral properties.
Your best value on a standardized extract, in supplement form,
is the
NSI brand from VitaCost.
I personally like
the liquids better, but the
taste is a big turn off for most consumers. If you're not into
chugging really bizarre-tasting liquids, go with the capsules
Ideally, your best way to have this medicine nearby is to grow
your own olive trees. To make the medicine, just gather leaves
from the trees, wash them, add them to a large container of
water and boil it into a concentrate. This liquid can be
consumed internally or used topically. Seek the direction of a
naturopathic physician, of course, before consuming this
internally, and be especially cautious if you are pregnant.
The shelf life of most of these natural medicine products is
about 1-2 years. That can be roughly doubled by refrigerating
the products (highly recommended).
More Anti-Virals
Honorable mention anti-virals
In addition to the top five I've already mentioned here, there are
other antiviral products and nutrients worth mentioning:
Nascent Iodine - (www.IntegratedHealth.com)
- Offers additional protection against infectious disease
while supporting your thyroid gland.
Amazon Herbs - The Amazon Herb
Company's numerous products from the Amazon rainforest are
also, in their own ways, powerful anti-virals. Even their
Zamu juice is a good choice (as it contains Sangre de Drago)
for protection against infectious disease. Cat's Claw (Una
de Gato) is also a powerful antiviral, and it's available in
numerous Amazon Herb products.
Probiotics - Virtually all
probiotics will boost your defenses against infectious
disease. Scientific research has even shown that probiotics
directly reduce the risk of contracting H1N1 swine flu. You
can find probiotics at your local health food store. Read
Wildcrafted oregano oil - (www.P-73.com)
- This is a phenomenal wildcrafted oil with too many health
benefits to mention here. It's extremely useful as a first
aid product, too, and can help your body heal more quickly.
(It's also known to be very useful for topically treating
spider bites and insect bites.)
A related product, also available from
Vitacost.com, is called
OregaRESP, which is an extremely
potent encapsulated form of oregano oil. (Just open this bottle and
inhale, you'll be floored!)
Stay Alive
Hopefully what you've noticed in all this is a very important
pattern: If you stay informed, you will stay alive!
The No. 1 killer of people in the next great pandemic will be,
without question, ignorance of natural medicine. Those who don't
know about these natural anti-virals will literally die of
ignorance, while those who understand the incredible healing power
of Mother Nature's medicine are far more likely to survive.
But it's about more than survival: It's also about independence.
When you use natural medicine to boost your defenses, you are no
longer dependant on doctors, hospitals and conventional medicine to
provide you with medicine. So instead of being a victim to the
military medical establishment (because the military will be
involved in the distribution of vaccines, trust me...), you can
instead remain independent and self-reliant.
It is this self-reliance that scares the power mongers who run our
world. The last thing they want is citizens taking charge of their
own health and refusing to function as
slaves to Big Pharma.
I hope you found this report informative and valuable. Stay informed
and you'll stay alive during the next pandemic.
Nothing mentioned in this report has been scientifically proven to
protect humans from H1N1 Influenza A.
Then again, neither has
Tamiflu or any vaccine in the world. In fact, nothing in this report
will ever be proven effective against any particular viral strain,
because doing so would immediately cause these products to be
considered "drugs" by the FDA, thereby restricting them from public
The criminally-operated FDA, of course, continues to insist that all
plants are biochemically inert!
Any food, plant or natural medicine
that has any biological effect whatsoever on the human body is
considered illegal by the FDA, and such products are confiscated
while the companies that produce them are destroyed by the FDA.
Thus, you won't see the companies mentioned in this report talking
about how effective their products are against influenza. That's
because they dare not tell you the truth without risking being run
out of business by the FDA.
Always consult with a naturopathic physician before using any
medicinal product. Exercise caution when using products for the
first time, and pay attention to proper dosing recommendations.
Although the information presented in this report is believed to be
accurate and true, neither myself, nor NaturalNews, nor its
employees or managers shall be held responsible for any
typographical errors, inaccuracies or other mistakes in this
material. Furthermore, this information is
provided AS-IS, with no warranty.
The user of this information
ASSUMES ALL RISKS from the use or misuse of this information.