by Julian Rose
March 14, 2012
ActivistPost Website
Spanish version
Julian is a British
pioneer organic farmer, writer and activist. He is
currently president of the 'International Coalition to
Protect the Polish Countryside'
which is leading the
fight against GMO in Poland.
He is author of "Changing
Course for Life - Local Solutions to Global Problems" www.changingcourseforlife.info |

Shall We Put an End
to the Human Race or Shall Mankind Renounce War?
Bertrand Russell
Looming up in front of us like some
ghoulish malevolent giant, is the prospect of mankind having to
endure the devastation of
a 'Third World War'.
An event, should it come to pass, would pit,
...and all of it together against the
continuation of life on Earth.
The forces covertly operating to bring this Third World War about
will not be in the direct line of fire, but a long way off,
comfortably ensconced in leather chairs in the plush offices of
high-ranking officialdom.
They made their plans many years ago and
the Third World War is a keystone in bringing these plans to
These individuals come from countries well practiced in historical
and modern empire building and share a 'special relationship' whose
vision of the future completely excludes the great majority of us.
We do not feature on the planet they see ahead of them, except as
slaves to whatever activities they may wish to pursue.
To them, we are essentially
Those who would perpetrate this plan have already prepared their
underground bases to survive the destruction they propose to unleash
upon this world.
We will not be invited to join them
there either, except a few carefully chosen minions to manage the
technologies that keep this underworld functioning and those who
serve their daily needs. It is a very exclusive 'club'.
The master plan involves certain nations being sacrificed to the
Those nations will have their
populations wiped off the map and most of their history with them.
The fact that they are nations situated in key geographical areas
that hold extraordinary historical records of great importance to an
evolving humanity - is not coincidental.
The timing of this Third World War is
not incidental either. Its perpetrators have long since noted the
approaching changes at the universal macro-cosmic level which will
directly affect Earth. They have noted that energies associated with
these changes might work against them, especially if humanity were
to embrace them unhindered.
So they set their clocks to ensure that this particular alarm will
go off at a time designed to obscure the relevance of the
simultaneously unfolding macro-cosmic event. And to draw the
attention of mankind away from that which aids the evolution of its
consciousness - and towards that which ensures its further
We are, according to the manipulators of this scenario, not supposed
to know that we have a choice. We are not, of course, supposed to
ever recognize what their game is, or what our real potentiality is.
We are not supposed to know that we have the power to stop this
Third World War from ever happening.
The procedures which have been put into effect to ensure that
humankind remains in a state of non-awareness are many and varied.
Many, which are quite deadly underneath, look innocuous enough on
the surface and remain accepted by the majority as necessary aspects
of the standard routines of daily life.
Others are less easily received and even
resisted; but few amongst us comprehend the fact that they all
belong to one underlying plan of repression, control and domination.
The financial and material resources employed to keep the lid on
humanity's awakening depend entirely upon the unconscious majority
fulfilling their role as unstinting providers. Providers of both the
energy and the money to keep in place all the elements of the
control system.
The 2012 London Olympic games are to
provide a perfect smoke screen for the further imposition of this
control system.
There are to be some 35,000 police and troops on hand to impose
'lock down London' and the lock down will not be relinquished when
the event is over.
It has its complementarity in the heart
of Europe where plans for a totalitarian superstate are nearing
completion. And since bankers and 'security agents' feature strongly
in the mix which constitutes 'the club' standing behind these
impositions, it is not too difficult to guess where the 'missing
billions' of recent banking scandals ultimately lands up.
In summary:
Unless we take conscious action to withdraw our support
from the system, the Third World War will be sponsored by we the
people, freely and at times grudgingly, donating our energy, our
money and even our brain power to our own self destruction.
That is - so long as we continue our refusal of consciousness and
avoid seeing what is staring us in the eye almost every day of our
lives. And that state of refusal, of course, is exactly what 'the
club' wants maintained.
the Occupy Movement has discerned:
it is the 1% who hold power
over the 99%; and in all other circumstances 99% would certainly
hold the whip hand over 1%. But while the majority of the 99% remain dumbed down, docile and divided, they remain easy prey to the 1%.
In a state of semi-sleep most can be hypnotically induced to accept
the political lies and distortions that contrive to place in our
minds an unimpeded acceptance of the 'inevitability' of a Third
World War.
A war which would constitute a big step
down the road to the end of the human race.
Seven Steps to
Defeat the Matrix and End War
Now please take a deep breath.
This is no idle threat dreamed up by an
amateur prophet; it is a reality and one which is being revealed by
more and more awaking individuals daily. We are getting a handle on
the great lie being perpetrated against humanity and we have had
We are going to put an end to it.
It is perfectly possible for us to
make sure the Third World War never happens.
The first step in doing so
involves breaking the spell that 'the club'
employs the mass
media to hold us under. Just on the other side of the
television set and the Sunday newspaper lies the road that
leads to the end of war and the beginning of freedom… if we
want to take it.
But 'freedom' is not achievable
without an effort; a real effort. It is not achieved by
prayer or by meditation, although both can support it.
Neither is freedom simply the removal of a state of
It is a direct and determined statement of
intent to put in place a better world and to take the
actions that give expression to this intent: physically,
mentally and spiritually.
The second step is to use this
intent to challenge, unmask and expose corrupted authority
by refusing to go along with its life inhibiting demands and
revealing its ideology to be fundamentally false.
accompanying action to this involves withdrawing support for
the military-industrial complex which is the foundation of
the war machine.
This means taking pragmatic, practical steps.
Start by
taking your money out of the mainstream banking system and
putting it into ethically oriented banks that do not support
the weapons industry and the war machine, but do support
benign enterprises and human-scale creative initiatives.
The third step is to trace how
the arteries of war are spread throughout the veins of our
consumer society. How everyday acts of aggression,
suppression and control are the elements that fuel corporate
domination in today's globalized market place.
today's (and yesterday's) education system encourages
all the wrong instincts in young minds: the urge to be
'competitive', 'successful' and to achieve the exclusivity
of status which guarantees the top positions and highest
salaries in the matrix.
How deliberate human, animal and ecological exploitation are
rife within the supermarket-dominated food chain.
How the same deliberate exploitation is equally rife within,
Join the dots and see how the same underlying 'war' symptoms
are at large in all these and more.
The fourth step is to seek out
others who are also endeavoring to bring about positive
change. Keep company with such individuals; mutual support,
cooperation and encouragement is crucial in overcoming the
war state which relies on divisions and incriminations to
keep society weakened, fractious and self absorbed.
The fifth step involves moving
out of the city and into the country. That's a big one isn't
it? However, the only alternative is to be part of a major
greening of the city and this may not be possible to achieve
within the short time span available to us.
The need is to
transition away from the crass consumerist 'supermarket
syndrome' and establish links with local food and farming
operations that can provide fresh and nutritious foods grown
in the proximity of your home.
It also means
starting to grow your own chemical-free food,
saving water and introducing renewable energy systems to
heat your home and to cook with. Reasserting authority and
self-reliance over your home is an excellent starting point
from which wider fields of resistance can grow.
Step six is about re-educating
yourself. Re-educating yourself to be able to recognize the
behavior patterns and appearances of oppressors, posers and
infiltrators, for they are many and often move with great
guile and cunning.
Once one is true to oneself, one can spot those who disguise
their intentions behind falsehood and flattery.
The process
of re-education also involves dedicating serious time to
researching and exploring the phenomena which stand behind
events often portrayed by the mainstream media as the
precise opposite of what they really are.
Step seven: grow your own
spiritual and creative powers!
This is a very personal
process because there are many different pathways leading to
creative and spiritual awakening. Each individual needs to
find his or her own right of passage and feel comfortable
with it.
However, a prerequisite for
becoming a conscious human being
is the recognition that this state is not something external
to ourselves which we try to draw down; rather it is a force
which lies dormant within us and simply needs awakening.
Much of the process of this
awakening involves shedding the protective layers we have
built around ourselves as a form of extra persona, deemed
necessary to get along in this distorted modern world.
Beneath the mask of this persona lies a great wealth of
creative spiritual potential just longing to be allowed to
shine forth.
This potential is the quality most feared by our oppressors.
This is because it has the power to render their control
system and war agenda completely powerless. It is the one
force capable of freeing humanity from the state of funk
which holds millions in hypnotic captivity to a consumerist
indoctrination which lies at the heart of our present
society's ills.
In order to renounce war we have to do far more than just
come out onto the streets waving anti-war placards. We have
to vibrate with an unswerving passion to defend Life to the
very end.
Once so empowered, nothing can
stand in the way of a process of planetary transformation
which will cut off the arteries of war at their base and
render those who stand behind its grotesque atrocities
powerless to pursue their dark agendas.
I would like to state that I would not
be making any of the above recommendations if I had not already put
them into effect in my own life and drawn great benefit thereby.