7 - Awareness and the Soliton
This chapter considers awareness.
First, the intelligent particle
associated with awareness is considered.
Then, a type of projection
experience, which supports the association of a single intelligent
particle with awareness, is described.
Last, the afterlife is considered.
7.1 The Soliton
soliton is an intelligent
particle that has an associated awareness.1
Each person
has a single soliton, which is the location of the separate,
solitary awareness that each person experiences. Unlike bions, which
interact with both intelligent particles and common particles, the
soliton interacts only with intelligent particles.
The computing-element program, in effect, can make a soliton the
ruler over a cooperating population of bions. Each adult man or
woman has a cooperating population of roughly 50 trillion bions -
assuming one bion per cell.
The bions of the brain that collectively
form the mind, are like a government - and the governed is the body.
This government reports to, and receives orders from, the soliton
ruler. The role of the soliton ruler is to be the final decision
maker - to set goals for the government, and approve its results.
Although the soliton ruler is intelligent, so are the bions that
form the subject population. The intellectual work of one’s mind is
done by bions. For example, the bions of the brain store memories.
Also, they provide all processing of
sensory input, including all recognition work, such as recognizing a
face. In addition, they provide all language operations, such as
parsing and constructing sentences, and they provide all motor
control. Moreover, they provide all problem-solving and creative
services - and so on.
The total amount of intellectual product
generated by the bions of the brain is much greater than the amount
of intellectual product that is brought to the attention of the
soliton ruler.2
1 The word 'soliton' is a coined
word: truncate the word 'solitary', and suffix 'on' to denote a
2 It is well known from psychology that the activities of the
unconscious mind are not always brought to awareness. For example,
one is never aware of the algorithmic steps taken by one’s own mind
to solve problems, such as the problem of understanding the meaning
of this sentence. As the problem is solved, the algorithmic steps
are hidden from awareness. One becomes aware of only the finished
Regarding the reports received by the soliton ruler from brain bions,
there is a filtering process that takes place. The soliton ruler can
express preferences about what specific reports it wants to see.
Also, the bions can decide on their own, which reports are important
and demand the attention of the soliton ruler. Some general examples
of reports are: image reports, sound reports, and thought reports.
The conscious act of seeing involves a
continuous stream of image reports, sent to the soliton ruler. The
conscious act of hearing involves a continuous stream of sound
reports, sent to the soliton ruler. The conscious act of thinking
involves a continuous stream of thought reports, sent to the soliton
As an intelligent particle, the soliton can store its own data -
such as preferences, which are probably in the form of learned
programs - as part of its state information. For a person, the state
information of the soliton ruler is one component of personality.
The cooperating population of brain bions that collectively form the
mind, is the other component of personality.
7.2 Solitonic Projections
The existence of a solitary particle of awareness, the soliton, is
supported by a rare projection experience: During an otherwise
ordinary out-of-body experience, the projected population of bions
stops sending sensory reports to the accompanying soliton ruler. In
other words, the awareness is cut off from all sensory input.
At the same time, the soliton remains
awake (section 10.3). Call this a solitonic projection.
A solitonic projection can happen to someone without a prior history
of out-of-body experiences, but this seems to be very rare. More
likely, a solitonic projection can happen to experienced lucid-dream
projectionists, and to bion-body projectionists. The Om meditation
method, described in chapter 5, has the potential to elicit a
solitonic projection.
The comparative rarity of solitonic projections is indicated by a
reading of the principal Upanishads. There seems to be confusion
when most of the principal Upanishads talk about the awareness -
called the soul in the verses that follow.
However, the Katha Upanishad appears
knowledgeable on the subject:
Know thou the soul as riding in a
The body as the chariot.
Know thou the intellect as the
And the mind as the reins.3
The above verse from the Katha Upanishad
portrays awareness as separate from the mind, just as the soliton is
separate from the bions.
Though He is hidden in all things,
That Soul shines not forth.
But he is seen by subtle seers
superior, subtle intellect.4
A certain wise man, while seeking immortality,
beheld the Soul face to face.5
3 Hume, op. cit., p. 351.
4 Hume, op. cit., p. 352.
5 Hume, op. cit., p. 353.
The above two verses from the Katha
Upanishad are probably talking about a solitonic projection. The
starting point of a solitonic projection is either a lucid-dream
projection or a bion-body projection.
Once all sensory reports cease, the
following is experienced: One finds oneself existing as a completely
bodiless and mostly mindless awareness - residing at the center of a
sphere. All sensory inputs are gone. But it is typically still
possible to think to oneself, in which case thought reports are
still occurring. Also, one cannot report a solitonic projection
unless it is remembered. Therefore, any reportable solitonic
projection always involves some interaction, albeit minimal, between
the projected bion population and the accompanying soliton ruler.
The perception of a surrounding spherical shell - around the
point-like awareness - appears to be a common feature of a solitonic
projection. This apparent shell is probably the limit of the
soliton’s direct perception, when it is in the solitonic-projection
state. More specifically, given the solitonic-projection data, it
seems that the apparent shell is only a few centimeters in diameter,
and, similarly, the accessible information environment for a soliton
is only a few centimeters in diameter. This contrasts sharply with
bions, which, based on ESP data, seem to have an accessible
information environment with a radius greater than the diameter of
the Earth.
Solitonic projections are typically short in duration - lasting less
than a minute, or perhaps only a few seconds. Given a lucid-dream
projection, the solitonic projection typically begins during the
sudden acceleration that occurs for long-distance travel. In
contrast, a solitonic projection that occurs during a bion-body
projection, typically begins when the bion body is stationary.
Based on the scanty reports of solitonic projections scattered in
the literature, the awareness is separate from the mind. Besides the
separateness of the awareness, the point-like quality of the
awareness - as experienced during a solitonic projection - is
compatible with the awareness being associated with a single
7.3 The Afterlife
The computing-element reality model allows an afterlife (section
A brief outline of the stages of the typical afterlife
Upon death, although not necessarily all at once, the entire
population of bions abandons the physical body. Of course, this
fleeing population takes its soliton ruler with it. In other words,
the soliton accompanies the bion population as it abandons the
p-common physical body.
Thus, the first stage of afterlife is roughly equivalent to the bion-body
projection experiences of Sylvan Muldoon (section 6.3).6
However, the afterlife bion body is even more dense than the bion
body that Sylvan Muldoon had, because all the bions are included.
analogy with Muldoon, this greater density of the bion body means
that the newly dead can see and hear physical objects. However, the
fair-play rule prevents
them from disturbing anything.
6 This first stage of afterlife
should not be confused with the many published accounts of NDEs
(near-death experiences). During an NDE, the person, by definition,
has not yet died, so many or most of the bions are still with their
cells in the physical body - which is not the case once death has
There is a large literature on NDEs, and journalist
Pierre Jovanovic
summarizes the typical experience:
“The subject suddenly finds
himself outside his body, floats up to the ceiling and observes what
is happening around his physical envelope. … In general the patient
does not understand what is happening to him, above all when he
discovers that he can pass through walls or when he tries to explain
to the doctors that he is not dead. [then] After this observation
period, he feels himself sucked at extraordinary speed into a tunnel
(drain, pipeline, shaft, tube, canal, etc.) at the end of which he
sees a light beckoning him on. … After having traveled through the
tunnel, the subject may meet near and dear ones who died earlier.
[then] Fusion with the light, which seems like a living being made
of light, overflowing with an unconditional love for the subject.
His whole life passes before him like a film, in the space of ten
seconds, but in three dimensions, with the effects of his actions
and words experienced by others. [then] A dialogue (not aloud but in
thought) with the Light being, who ends the encounter by saying:
‘Your hour has not come; you must return and finish your job.’
Sometimes the subject is asked, ‘Do you wish to stay here or
return?’ [then] Return to the body.”
(Jovanovic, Pierre. An Inquiry
into the Existence of Guardian Angels. M. Evans and Co., New York,
1995. pp. 29–30).
Because many or most of the bions are still with their cells in the
physical body, the typical NDE is a lucid-dream projection. The part
about being “sucked at extraordinary speed into a tunnel (drain,
pipeline, shaft, tube, canal, etc.) at the end of which,” is clearly
a description of the acceleration and high-speed movement of that
person’s projected part (his mind-piece) to a remote location that,
in the typical case, is probably many hundreds or thousands of
kilometers distant (as mentioned in section 6.2, intelligent
particles can accelerate rapidly to a velocity of at least several
hundred kilometers per second).
That distant travel is a common feature of NDEs, is not surprising.
An NDE can potentially happen to a person anywhere, but the “near
and dear ones who died earlier,” and, especially, the “Light being,”
are going to be at some more or less fixed location in the afterlife
domain, which presumably envelops the Earth. Also, the “Light
being,” who is probably a Caretaker (section 8.6), is probably a
specialist in handling NDE encounters. And just as people typically
travel as needed to the various specialists in their daily lives, so
with an NDE: typically the person having the NDE travels to the
specialist, instead of the specialist coming to him.
Regarding the NDE’s life-review, the life-review is probably
internally generated by that person’s mind-piece (and not generated
by the “Light being”). In effect, the life-review is a highly
condensed highlights film: only the self-judged significant parts
are reviewed (for example, don’t expect to see a review of what you
were doing ten minutes ago, whatever that was).
There is not much time for the life-review to take place, and so the
data is fed to the soliton at a much higher data rate than is normal
for waking consciousness. One result of this high data rate, is that
the memory trail that is made of the life-review experience - if
there were no such memory trail, then that life-review experience
would not be remembered by that person - has a data-content that
normally occupies a much longer time period. But the remembering
process - in effect, the playback - will take place at normal speed,
which causes the person remembering the experience to make typically
exaggerated comments, along the lines that his whole life was lived
in a few moments, and so on.
Note that the feeding of data to the soliton at a much higher data
rate than normal, is also typical for serious accidents. And the
author has an anecdote that illustrates this: In 1986, or
thereabouts, I was in my car, a 1984 Mercury Capri, stopped at a red
traffic light, waiting behind a large garbage truck. Then, the
traffic light changed to green, and the traffic in the adjoining
lane, going in the same direction as my car, was already moving. But
for some reason, the garbage truck in front of me was not moving. A
few seconds passed, and I was just sitting there in my car, waiting
for that garbage truck to move - wondering why it wasn’t moving.
Then, time suddenly slowed: as if in
slow motion, my car, with me in it, was thrown forward, smashing
into the back tires of that garbage truck, which had still not moved
(my car had been hit from behind by a red MG sports car, driven by a
young woman who was bloodied and hurt from that crash, but not too
badly, although her car was totaled; I had my seat-belt on and was
not hurt, but my car was damaged at both ends). The garbage truck
was only a few feet in front of my car, and it seems safe to say
that from the moment of the initial impact from behind, until the
moment that my car was stopped by its impact with that garbage
truck, that less than a second had elapsed. And yet, my experience
and memory of that time period seemed to last for many seconds (a
rough guess would be between five and ten seconds).
As a final note regarding the soliton and its perception of the
passage of time, it is a common observation that the day seems
longer when one is a child, and shortens as one grows older. The
likely explanation is that the average rate at which data is fed to
the soliton, decreases with age: time shortens as one grows older.
Upon death, most of the bions have lost
the purpose that they had when they occupied the physical body.
Without cells to manage and care for, most of the bions in the bion
body are severely underutilized. The only exception to this, would
be the former bions of the brain that collectively form those parts
of the mind that are not body focused. These former bions of the
brain still have their soliton ruler to serve and interact with.
However, the loss of purpose for the other bions is probably the
reason that the bion-body stage of afterlife typically has a short
The average duration of the bion-body stage is uncertain, but it
seems to be a few weeks, or months. And there is some evidence that
the older one is when one dies, then the shorter the bion-body
stage. There is also evidence that a violent or sudden death, tends
to prolong the bion-body stage.
It is just as well that the bion-body stage typically has a short
duration, because the bion body can cause feelings of pain. Also,
there is the possibility of the bion body being attacked by other
bion bodies, such as when the projected Sylvan Muldoon was attacked
by a recently deceased neighbor. However, fights during the bion-body
stage can be avoided, just as fights can be avoided during ordinary
One way or another, sooner or later, one is freed from the bion
body. Presumably, the bion body eventually breaks up, as its bions
move away to find reuse in the cells of other organisms.
Upon separation from the bion body, a person is not as complete as
he once was. What remains with the soliton ruler are those bions
that collectively form those parts of the mind that are not body
After the bion-body stage, the next stage of afterlife is roughly
equivalent to the lucid-dream projection experiences of Oliver Fox
(section 6.2). It seems that this lucid-dream stage of afterlife can
last for many years, even centuries. In general, there is no pain or
distress during the lucid-dream stage. Instead, one leads a benign
and possibly enjoyable existence.
However, at some point the
lucid-dream stage ends, typically in some form of rebirth (aka
7 Rebirth is an old belief with a long history, and there is a large
literature. The psychiatrist Ian Stevenson has collected over 2,600
reported cases of past-life memories, and has written extensively on
the subject. In one of his books (Stevenson, Ian.
Reincarnation and Biology Intersect. Praeger Publishers, Westport
CT, 1997), Stevenson presents cases that show a correlation between
conditions or happenings in the most recent previous life, and
current marks or defects on the body. For example, in some cases a
birthmark marks the location of a fatal wound received in the
previous life.
Regarding what accompanies the soliton into the new body, there are
several considerations: the fact that the soliton finds its way into
the new body, despite the soliton’s small accessible information
environment; the evidence in the literature that some children
accurately recall at least some details from their most recent
previous life; the evidence presented by Stevenson that the new body
can be marked according to conditions or happenings in the previous
From these various considerations, a necessary conclusion is
that during the rebirth process, the soliton remains in the company
of at least some or all of the bions that were with it during the
lucid-dream stage. And it is these bions that account for the
navigation to the new body, the past-life memories, and the marks
made on the new body.
Regarding the mind’s longevity, the total memory storage in each
computing element is finite. Thus, there is a limit on how many
memories, and other data, a mind can retain. The management of the
available state-information memory of each bion, depends on the
learned programs of that bion. However, as available memory becomes
filled, storing new memories, and other data, requires replacing old
data. Thus, an old mind either forgets its past, or its present.9
Also, the finite amount of memory for
each computing element may be the primary reason that the human mind
has so many bions.
The more bions, the more room there is to store
memories and other data.
8 Astrology associates solar
and/or planetary positions relative to the Earth, with specific
influences on human personality and/or events. For any given culture
that has an astrological system, there may be a kernel of truth in
that system; and the rest of the system may be dross that has
accumulated over time, due to the need of professional astrologers
to add to the complexity of the system and broaden its claims, so as
to increase the demand for their services.
In the case of the astrological system
of the European peoples, there seems to be, in at least some cases,
a correlation between personality and sun sign (i.e., the person
has, to some extent, the personality predicted by his birth zodiac
sign: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio,
Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, or Pisces).
Such a correlation is possible, given the computing-element reality
model; but the details of the mechanism by which the correlation is
maintained are not clear. One possibility is that there is some sort
of “birds of a feather flock together” effect going on, in which
people are reborn in large groups that self-segregate based on
current and/or planned personality characteristics that are carried
into the new life by those bions from the lucid-dream stage that
accompany the soliton into the new body.
9 The Caretakers (section 8.6) are probably much longer lived than
humans, and may in fact be immortal. In a society of immortals,
relearning forgotten or soon-to-be-forgotten material, would be an
ongoing process - possibly aided by periodic returns to “school.”
Back to Contents
8 - The
Lamarckian Evolution of Organic Life
This chapter considers the evolution of organic life.
First, there
is a brief explanation of evolution.
Then follows an examination of
the explanation for evolution offered by the mathematics-only
reality model; Darwinism is described, and its weakness exposed.
Then follows an examination of the
explanation for evolution offered by the computing-element reality
model, which involves both Lamarckian evolution and a civilization
of beings called Caretakers.
8.1 Evolution
With regard to organic life,
evolution states that new organic life-forms are derived from older
organic life-forms. Often this derivation involves an increase in
complexity, but this is not a requirement of evolution.
The idea of evolution is very old. A theory of evolution, such as
Darwin’s theory, or
Lamarck’s theory, offers an explanation of the
mechanism of evolution.
In more general terms, evolution is a process by which something new
is created by modifying something old. This kind of evolution is so
common throughout human activity that one takes it for granted.
Almost every modern product is at least partly derived from
knowledge that was previously developed and used to produce one or
more preexisting products.
For example, if a group of engineers is
asked to design a new car, they do not throw out everything known
about cars and reinvent the wheel.
8.2 Explanation by the Mathematics-Only
Reality Model of the Evolution of Organic Life
The mathematics-only reality model would have one believe that the
entire history of organic life - including the transformation of the
early atmosphere to the current atmosphere, and the active ongoing
maintenance of the current atmosphere in a state of disequilibrium -
was accomplished in its entirety by common particles jostled about
by random events.1
1 The oldest known organic life
is bacteria. The fossil record shows that bacteria first appeared at
least 3½ billion years ago. Since then, organic life has radically
altered the atmosphere. For example, the removal of carbon dioxide
from the atmosphere probably started with the first appearance of
bacteria; and all the oxygen in the atmosphere originated from
photosynthesis, an organic process.
The assertion that organic life actively maintains the atmosphere to
suit its own needs, is known as the Gaia Hypothesis. The
Hypothesis was developed by atmospherics scientist James Lovelock.
While working as a NASA consultant during the 1960s, Lovelock
noticed that Venus and Mars - the two nearest planets whose orbits
bracket the Earth - both have atmospheres that are mostly carbon
dioxide. As a means to explain the comparatively anomalous Earth
atmosphere, Lovelock formulated the Gaia Hypothesis (Margulis, Lynn,
and Gregory Hinkle. “The Biota and Gaia: 150 Years of Support for
Environmental Sciences.” In Scientists on Gaia, Stephen Schneider
and Penelope Boston, eds. MIT press, Cambridge, 1993).
The current atmosphere of the Earth is not self-sustaining. It is
not an equilibrium atmosphere that would persist if organic life on
the Earth were removed. Instead, the atmosphere is mostly a product
of life, and is actively maintained in its present condition by
life. The composition of the atmosphere by volume is roughly 78%
nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 1% argon, and 0.03% carbon dioxide.
gases are present, but in smaller amounts. As Lovelock states in his
book Gaia, if life on Earth were eliminated, the oxygen would slowly
leave the atmosphere by such routes as reacting with the nitrogen.
After a million years or so, the Earth would have its equilibrium
atmosphere: The argon would remain, and there would be more carbon
dioxide. But the oxygen would be gone, along with much of the
nitrogen (Lovelock, James. Gaia. Oxford University Press, Oxford,
1982. pp. 44–46). However, instead of moving to this equilibrium
state, the atmosphere is maintained in disequilibrium by the
coordinated activities of the biosphere.
One of the more interesting examples of control over the atmosphere
by organic life, is the production of ammonia. The presence of
ammonia in the atmosphere counteracts the acids produced by the
oxidation of nitrogen and sulfur. Lovelock estimated that without
ammonia production by the biosphere, rainwater would be as acid as
vinegar (Ibid., pp. 68, 77). Instead, there is just enough ammonia
produced to counteract the acids, and keep the rainwater close to
neutral. Besides ammonia production, there are many other Gaian
processes (Shearer, Walter. “A Selection of Biogenic Influences
Relevant to the Gaia Hypothesis.” In Scientists on Gaia, op. cit.).
Intelligent processes are too complicated to be explained by
mathematical equations. Therefore, the mathematics-only reality
model denies that there is any intelligence at the deepest level of
the universe.
By a process of elimination, the
mathematics-only reality model has only common particles and random
events with which to explain all the many innovations during the
history of organic life.
8.3 Darwinism
Darwinism - named after the British naturalist Charles Darwin who
first proposed his theory in the mid 19th century - is a theory of
how organic evolution has happened. The theory states that during
the production of a child organism, random events can cause random
changes in that child organism’s characteristics.
Then, if those new characteristics are a
net benefit to that organism, that organism is more likely to
survive and reproduce, thereby passing on those new characteristics
to its children.
Darwin’s theory has two parts.
The first part identifies the
designer of organic life as randomness.
The second part, called
natural selection, is the means by which good designs are preserved
and bad designs are eliminated. Natural selection is accomplished by
the environment in which the organism must live.
As discussed in the previous section, random events applied to
common particles is the only mechanism for the evolution of organic
life that the mathematics-only reality model allows.
Thus, in
effect, Darwinism applies the mathematics-only reality model to the
question of how organic life has come about; and this is the reason
that Darwinism is embraced by those who embrace the mathematics-only
reality model.
The strong point of Darwinism is natural selection (for example, see
the use of natural selection in explaining the evolution of learned
programs, in section 4.6).
And the weak point of Darwinism is its
exclusive reliance on random events as the cause of the changes
winnowed by natural selection.2
8.4 Darwinism Fails the Probability Test
In various forms, the probability
argument against the randomness of Darwinism - in which odds are
computed or estimated - has been made by many scientists since
Darwinism was first proposed more than a century ago.
2 As was described in chapter 3, the production of sex cells has
certain steps in which the genetic inheritance from both parents is
randomly mixed to form the genetic inheritance carried by each sex
cell. Thus, for sexually reproducing organisms, randomness does play
an important role in fine-tuning a species to its environment,
insofar as that species is defined by its genetic inheritance.
Although sexual reproduction uses randomness - as part of the total
sexual reproduction process - that does not mean, as Darwinism would
have it, that the process itself was produced by random physical
events. For example, in computer science there are many different
optimization problems whose solutions are most efficiently
approximated by randomly trying different possibilities and keeping
only those tries that improve the quality of the solution. This is a
standard technique. However, because a computer program uses
randomness to find a solution, that does not mean that the program
itself was produced by random physical events. Quite the contrary,
the programs of computer science were produced by intelligent
designers - namely computer scientists and programmers.
In the computing-element reality model, randomness is assumed to
play an important role in the origin of learned programs, because,
in essence, the trial-by-error learning algorithm (section 4.6) is
an algorithm that makes random changes within the confines defined
for that algorithm.
More recently, the structure of the major organic molecules,
including DNA,3 and protein,4 has become
known, and the probability argument against the randomness of
Darwinism has become easier to make.
For example, the probability p of
getting in one trial an exact sequence of N links, when there are
different equally likely choices for each link, is:

Applying this equation to DNA, where C
is 4 - or to protein, where C is 20 - quickly gives infinitesimally
small p values as N increases.
For example, consider the DNA needs of
the first self-reproducing bacterium (until self-reproduction enters
the picture, Darwinian natural selection has nothing to work with).
In an effort to raise p:
assume that the DNA needed to
code the bacterium is only 10,000 links (this is enough to
code a small number of proteins totaling about 3,300 protein
assume that at any DNA link, any
two of the four bases will be adequate in coding the DNA for
that link, because, presumably, there are many more DNA
sequences than only one DNA sequence that would adequately
code the first self-reproducing bacterium (this assumption
lowers C from 4 to 2)
assume that the number of trials
done, which is multiplied by p, is a million trials per
second (106) for the estimated age of the visible
universe (15 billion years is roughly 1018
seconds) for each physical particle in the visible universe
(estimated by physicists at roughly 1090
assume that nothing else is
needed but this DNA strand to make the first
self-reproducing bacterium (a very generous, albeit
ridiculous assumption) 5
With these assumptions, the probability
of the first bacterium arising by chance is:

In other words, the odds are roughly 102,896
to one, against.
3 Each molecule of DNA is a long
molecule composed of chemical units called bases. These bases are
strung together like links on a chain. There are four bases. Thus,
there are four choices for each link.
The sequence of bases in an organism’s DNA is very important,
because this sequence codes the structure of proteins, among other
things. A bacterium - the simplest organic life that can reproduce
itself without the need to parasitize other cells - typically has
many strands of DNA containing altogether hundreds of thousands or
millions of bases.
4 A protein is a long, folded molecule. Just as DNA is composed of a
sequence of smaller building blocks, so is protein. However, whereas
the building blocks of DNA are four different bases, the building
blocks of protein are twenty different amino acids. Although a
protein has more choices per link, a protein rarely exceeds several
thousand links in length.
A bacterium has several thousand different proteins. The average
length of these different proteins is somewhere in the hundreds of
5 Any self-reproducing machine in the physical universe must meet
certain theoretical requirements. A self-reproducing machine must
have a wall to protect and hold together its contents. Behind this
wall, the self-reproducing machine needs a power plant to run its
machinery - among which is machinery to bring in raw materials from
outside the wall. Also, machinery is needed to transform the raw
materials into the components needed to build a copy of the
self-reproducing machine. And machinery is needed to assemble these
All this transport, transformation, and assembly machinery, require
a guidance mechanism. For example, there must be some coordinated
assembly of the manufactured components into the new copy of the
self-reproducing machine. Thus, the guidance mechanism cannot be too
trivial, because its complexity must include a construction plan for
the entire self-reproducing machine.
The requirements of a wall, power plant, transport machinery,
transformation machinery, assembly machinery, and a guidance
mechanism - all working together to cause self-reproduction - are
not easily met. Consider the fact that there are no manmade
self-reproducing machines.
8.5 Darwinism Fails the Behe Test
The Behe test refers to the main
argument made against Darwinism by the biochemist
Michael Behe:6
By irreducibly complex I mean a
single system composed of several well-matched, interacting
parts that contribute to the basic function, wherein the removal
of any one of the parts causes the system to effectively cease
functioning. An irreducibly complex system cannot be produced
directly (that is, by continuously improving the initial
function, which continues to work by the same mechanism) by
slight, successive modifications of a precursor system, because
any precursor to an irreducibly complex system that is missing a
part is by definition nonfunctional.
An irreducibly complex biological
system, if there is such a thing, would be a powerful challenge
to Darwinian evolution. Since natural selection can only choose
systems that are already working, then if a biological system
cannot be produced gradually it would have to arise as an
integrated unit, in one fell swoop, for natural selection to
have anything to act on.7
After giving the example of a mousetrap
as an irreducibly complex system, Behe then gives several detailed
examples of specific complex biochemical systems that are
irreducibly complex:
the cilium 8
the bacterial
flagellum 9
blood clotting 10
the immune
system’s clonal selection, antibody diversity, and complement
system 11
6 Behe, Michael.
Darwin’s Black Box.
Touchstone, New York, 1998.
7 Ibid., p. 39.
8 Ibid., pp. 59–65.
9 Ibid., pp. 69–72.
10 Ibid., pp. 79–96.
11 Ibid., pp. 120–138.
By focusing on the issue of irreducibly
complex systems, and being clear about that focus, Behe avoids the
strong part of Darwinism, which is natural selection, and instead
concentrates on the weak part of Darwinism, that random physical
events are the cause of the changes winnowed by natural selection.
Note that the previous section uses as
its probability example the DNA needs of the first self-reproducing
bacterium, precisely so as to avoid any possible involvement of
natural selection.
8.6 Explanation by the Computing-Element
Reality Model of the Evolution of Organic Life
As with the mathematics-only
reality model, the computing-element reality model also offers as a
possible explanation of the evolution of organic life common
particles jostled about by random events.
However, as shown in the
previous sections, this is not a viable explanation, and is not
considered further.
Another possible explanation is that the computing-element program
explicitly programs the details of organic life.
For example, the
computing-element program could include the details of the DNA,
proteins, and other molecules, in the first bacterium. However, this
possible explanation, which is not considered further, is weak for
many reasons, not the least of which is that it greatly increases
the complexity of the computing-element program.
Another explanation - and much more promising - is that the
evolution of organic life is the result of the cooperative action of
intelligent particles - beginning in the remote past at least 3½
billion years ago, and continuing into the present.
Note that with the availability of
intelligent particles, there are two basic approaches available in
which intelligent particles can be involved with the evolution of
organic life:
An inside-out process: Design
innovations in an organism originate from the intelligent
particles that occupy a specific instance of that organism.
Once made, an innovation can be copied from the originating
population of bions to other bion populations that occupy
and develop new instances of that organism.12 In
effect, this is Lamarckian evolution.13
An outside-in process: There is
nothing in the computing-element reality model that implies
a need for common particles in the composition of a sentient
being. Instead, only intelligent particles are needed. And,
as indicated in earlier chapters, even we humans, who have
p-common bodies, exist quite well without them.
Thus, given
these considerations,
it seems very likely that a large
fraction of the sentient beings in the universe are free of
any p-common body
It is likely that civilizations
of such beings exist widely throughout the universe
is likely that at least some of these civilizations are
highly advanced in their ability to interact with p-common
particles, and in their scientific knowledge of p-common
For the members of such a civilization,
their interaction with p-common particles would first include direct
manipulation of p-common particles by means of learned programs
(until the advent of such learned programs, the beings would be
unable, in effect, to “touch” any physical matter).
Then, once the
beings can directly manipulate physical matter, they can then
proceed - more or less in the same way that humanity has done - to
master the science of p-common particles; and then, as their
interests and needs dictate, they can use that knowledge to
construct highly sophisticated p-common environments and/or
12 If the innovation is a change to
one or more learned programs, then the copying that is done, is the
copying of those learned programs from one population of bions to
another. If the innovation is a change that can be recorded by the
organism’s bions, into that organism’s DNA - such as recording, for
example, a new design for a specific protein - then, in accordance
with the rules for DNA encoding of information (presumably these
rules exist in one or more learned programs that all cell-occupying
bions share, so that they all speak the same DNA language), that
change can be made to the germ-cell DNA, and then allowed to
propagate through the normal reproduction means for that organism.
13 Lamarckism - named after the French naturalist Jean Lamarck who
first proposed his theory in the early 19th century - is a theory of
how organic evolution has happened. The theory states that an
organism can adapt to its environment by making structural changes
to itself, which can then be inherited.
Historically, Lamarckism was replaced by Darwinism due to
Darwinism’s better fit with the mathematics-only reality model.
Also, Lamarckism had the problem that there is no apparent physical
mechanism by which Lamarckism can happen. However, this objection is
removed by the computing-element reality model, because intelligent
particles provide the means by which Lamarckian changes can take
14 Even though the beings, by means of their learned programs for
manipulating p-common particles, would presumably have telekinetic
and materialization powers (section 5.1), these powers would
necessarily be limited in their scale, because the underlying
learned-program statements can only process, and thereby affect, a
limited number of p-common particles per unit time. In practice,
this limitation is quite severe (for example, see the discussion of
Sai Baba in section 10.4, who at his apparent best could only
materialize a few kilograms of p-common particles per second). Thus,
for example, if the beings want to terraform a planet, they cannot
simply use their learned programs to make one.
Also, consider the limitations of a learned program to materialize
p-common objects: Could a learned program, for example, materialize
a 386 microprocessor or its functional equivalent, if there is no
nearby preexisting instance of such a microprocessor that the
learned program could, in effect, scan, and therefrom make a more or
less exact copy? The answer is no, because there are no
learned-program statements that say, in effect, give me a 386
microprocessor or its functional equivalent - for the same reasons
that the computing-element program does not contain the designs of
organic life. Thus, if the beings want, for example, a p-common
computer, they cannot simply materialize one if they have none to
begin with. Instead, they must first master the science of p-common
particles, and then design and build that first instance. Only after
doing so - and if the object is sufficiently small - can the
beings then use their learned programs to materialize copies.
Thus, given the computing-element reality model, it is possible that
such a civilization, wise in the ways of p-common particles, existed
in the solar system more than 3½ billion years ago - before the
beginning of organic life on Earth.
And it is possible that that same
civilization, or a more evolved version of it, still occupies the
solar system today.
Presumably, the members of this civilization would each be composed
of intelligent particles, in the same basic pattern as man: a single
intelligent awareness particle, ruling a large, cooperating
population of intelligent unaware particles (i.e., a soliton ruling
The way in which this civilization could be involved with the
evolution of organic life is fourfold:
They may have played a role in
terraforming the Earth.
They could be the source for the
original versions of many of the learned programs in our own
Assuming they have deciphered
the DNA language, they could act as intelligent breeders
within the limits of what the DNA language allows: for
example, they could modify an organism’s DNA, and insert
that modified DNA into an egg.
They could act directly for or
against specific species, in an effort to eradicate them,17
or in an effort to preserve them.18
15 This basic pattern - a single
intelligent awareness particle, ruling a large, cooperating
population of intelligent unaware particles - is probably also found
in the larger and more intelligent animals - such as dogs, cats,
elephants, dolphins, horses, apes, and chimpanzees. But exactly
where the dividing-line falls - in other words, of those animal
species that clearly have a complex mind, which, if any, lack a
soliton - is not an easy question. For example, do cattle have
solitons? The mere fact that cattle are routinely butchered for food
in many countries during the 20th century, does not necessarily mean
that these animals lack a soliton, and consequently are unaware.
16 The members of this civilization would differ from man primarily
in terms of their learned programs. For example, because they do not
have organic bodies, and apparently have no p-common body of any
kind, their bions would not have any learned programs dealing with
cell matters, such as organic chemistry and the DNA language.
17 For example, the arising by means of Lamarckian evolution of a
parasitic or poisonous species, that is judged too damaging, could
be singled out for eradication - assuming that eradication is
18 For example, during extinction events caused by comets and
asteroids, such as the Cretaceous extinction event of roughly 65
million years ago, some species may be singled out for preservation:
representative members could be collected and kept in a protected
environment for as long as needed, until they can be safely
reintroduced onto the planet’s surface. In theory, an extinction event could be
arranged, so as to allow a general “housecleaning” of the Earth’s
biosphere, followed by the selective reintroduction of those species
wanted on the newly “cleaned” Earth.
This range of possible activity with
regard to organic life on Earth suggests for this civilization the
name of Caretakers.
Organic life depends on learned programs that, in effect, carry the
knowledge and ability to construct and operate the organic
structures that compose a given organism. These organic structures
range in scale from organic molecules, such as DNA and protein, up
to complete organs, such as the heart and lungs, and finally up to
the entire organism.
Regarding learned programs in general, learned programs cannot be
directly programmed into intelligent particles by any mechanism
other than the computing-element program and its learning algorithms
(section 4.6). The reason for this limitation, is that the computing
elements are inaccessible: All particles, whether intelligent or
common, are data stored in computing elements (chapter 2). Thus,
particles - as an effect of the computing elements - cannot be used
to directly probe and/or manipulate the computing elements.
Thus, for example, no civilization in
this universe can ever know the actual instruction set of the
computing elements, nor can it ever know the actual programming
language of learned programs. Thus, no civilization in this universe
can ever write, as one writes on paper, a new set of learned
programs, and then program those learned programs into one or more
computing elements.
Thus, for example, it is not possible
that in the remote past, the Caretaker civilization
designed, and then caused to come into existence, the first
self-reproducing bacterium, because they could neither write nor
program the learned programs needed by whichever bion would operate
that first bacterium.19
Thus, only Lamarckian evolution
can be the cause of an organic feature that requires a new or
modified learned program to go along with that organic feature.
However, where the Caretakers can play a role is in being a source
of learned programs for non-organic capabilities - such as mental
capabilities. Thus, many of the learned programs in the typical
human mind may ultimately trace back to the Caretakers. Also, the
Caretakers can play a role in the large-scale needs of organic life
on a planetary scale. For example, it is possible that the
Caretakers have played a role in terraforming the early Earth, such
as by hauling water to this planet from comets further out in the
solar system.20
The next chapter considers in more detail what seem to be the
current activities of the Caretakers with regard to this planet,
and, in particular, with regard to human life.
19 The Caretakers, in theory,
could have designed the molecular composition of the first bacterium
- its DNA, proteins, etc. - but without a bion to animate it,
the Caretakers would have had only a lifeless lump of organic matter
- a lump that would, among other things, have been unable to
reproduce itself.
20 The transport of water to the Earth may be an ongoing process.
Geophysicists Louis Frank and John Sigwarth have published a number
of papers during the 1980s and 1990s regarding what they call 'small
The claim is that, “Every few
seconds a ‘snowball’ the size of a small house breaks up as it
approaches Earth and deposits a large cloud of water vapor in
Earth's upper atmosphere.”
(quoted from their website at
If this alleged influx of snowballs is
correct, then it may be that this influx is the result of a
deliberate transport program operated by the Caretakers.
Back to Contents
9 - Caretaker Activity
This chapter briefly surveys,
What is known about
UFOs, by describing
the UFO, the UFO occupants, and the abduction of people by UFO
After the survey, an evaluation of the evidence concludes
that the UFO occupants are the Caretakers
Then, the possibility of interstellar
travel by the Caretakers, and their involvement with miracles, are
both considered
9.1 The UFO
Starting with the flood of
American UFO reports that occurred in 1947,1 the US Air
Force established an official investigation in September, 1947,
which existed under different names until December, 1969, when it
was closed.
For most of its life, the investigation
was lightly staffed, and had a policy of debunking and dismissing
each one of the thousands of UFO reports that accumulated in its
1 The Roswell 'hoax' - the alleged
of a UFO in Roswell, New Mexico; and the subsequent recovery and
dissection by the US military of several dead alien crash victims -
dates to an event in July, 1947: Debris from a crashed balloon - the
balloon was part of a secret project of the US military, named
Project Mogul - was misidentified by an Army Air Force intelligence
officer - who knew nothing of the secret project - as the remains of
a crashed saucer (apparently because of the very recent and
widespread US news coverage of “flying saucers”).
An astronomy professor, J. Allen Hynek, was a consultant to the
investigation, from 1952 to 1966.
However, he quit in disgust after
being subjected to public ridicule for his infamous “swamp gas”
explanation of the March 21, 1966, UFO sighting on the Hillsdale
College campus in Michigan:2 On the night of March 21, a
civil-defense director, a college dean, and eighty-seven students,
witnessed the wild maneuvers of a car-sized football-shaped UFO.
Keith Thompson, in his book
Angels and Aliens, summarizes:
“The curtain came down on this
four-hour performance when the mysterious object maneuvered over
a swamp near the Hillsdale College campus.”3
2 Thompson, Keith. Angels and Aliens.
Addison-Wesley, New York, 1991. pp. 80–84.
3 Ibid., p. 81.
This misidentification was reported in
the local Roswell newspaper, and then reported across the US. But
within a few days, the military retracted the story as a
misidentification of debris that belonged to a weather balloon
(Project Mogul was a military secret, and not declassified and made
public until 1994, so a more accurate and detailed explanation was
not forthcoming).
Although the Roswell event dates to 1947, the Roswell myth did not
grow large until the 1980s and 1990s, when many books were written
on the subject, supporting the Roswell hoax as being factual.
As researcher Kal Korff says,
“The Roswell ‘UFO crash’ of 1947 is
not the only case in UFO history to be blown out of proportion,
nor is it going to be the last… Let’s not pull punches here: The
Roswell UFO myth has been very good business for UFO groups,
publishers, for Hollywood, the town of Roswell, the media, and
(Korff, Kal.
The Roswell UFO
Crash: What They Don’t Want You to Know. Prometheus Books,
Amherst NY, 1997. pp. 217–218).
Although money is an important factor in
explaining the peddling of the Roswell myth as factual, there is a
bigger reason that explains why there was a demand for this myth:
The mathematics-only reality model does not allow UFOs and their
occupants - if they are real - to be something that the
mathematics-only reality model cannot explain.
But the commonly reported
characteristics of the occupants - for example, their widely
reported use of telepathy - cannot be explained by the
mathematics-only reality model.
Thus, because the mathematics-only
reality model is the dominant reality model of the 20th century, and
many people believe the model, this belief creates a potential
paying public for false UFO stories - such as Roswell - to
counteract and contradict the UFO evidence that undermines the
mathematics-only reality model.
Thus, the creation and consequent
peddling of both the Roswell myth and similar but less well-known
crash-and-recovery myths; the ultimate purpose being to place the
aliens on the dissection table, so as to expose them as physical, as
the mathematics-only reality model requires.
Although initially disbelieving, Hynek underwent a conversion during
the 1960s as he was overcome by the weight of evidential UFO
reports.4 He had personally investigated many of these reports, by
interviewing UFO witnesses as part of his role with the Air Force as
a UFO debunker.
In a 1975 conference paper, quoted by
Leonard Stringfield in his book
Situation Red, Hynek summarized as
If you object, I ask you to explain
- quantitatively, not qualitatively - the reported phenomena of
materialization and dematerialization, of shape changes, of the
noiseless hovering in the earth’s gravitational field,
accelerations that - for an appreciable mass - require energy
sources far beyond present capabilities - even theoretical
capabilities - the well-known and often reported E-M effects,
the psychic effects on percipients, including purported
telepathic communications, the preferential occurrence of UFO
experiences to the “repeaters” - those who are reported to have
so many more UFO sightings that it outrages the noble art of
The statement about materialization and
dematerialization refers to reports where the UFO becomes visible or
invisible while being stationary.6
The statement about shape changes refers
to reports where a UFO undergoes a major change in its apparent
shape - such as when two smaller UFOs join to form a single larger
UFO. The statement about E-M effects refers to electromagnetic
effects, such as the bright lights and light beams that often
emanate from UFOs.
Also, there is the effect that UFOs can have on
electrical machinery. For example, a UFO in proximity to a car,
typically stops the car’s engine.
UFO sightings are not evenly distributed over time. Instead, the
sightings tend to clump together in what are called waves. During a
UFO wave, the number of reported sightings is much higher than
normal. Waves are typically confined geographically.
For example,
France experienced a large wave in 1954, which included landings and
observed occupants.
Sweden and Finland experienced a wave
beginning in 1946, and lasting till 1948.
In that wave, the UFOs
were cigar-shaped objects which were termed at the time, ghost
More recent was the wave in Belgium, that began in
November, 1989, and lasted through March, 1990.
The American waves
include those of 1897, 1947, 1952, 1957, 1966, and 1973.
Computer scientist
Jacques Vallee, in
his book
Anatomy of a Phenomenon, summarizes some earlier sightings:
Their attention, for example, should
be directed to the ship that was seen speeding across the sky,
at night, in Scotland in A.D. 60. In 763, while King Domnall Mac
Murchada attended the fair at Teltown, in Meath County, ships
were also seen in the air.
In 916, in Hungary, spherical objects
shining like stars, bright and polished, were reported going to
and fro in the sky. Somewhere at sea, on July 29 or 30 of the
year 966, a luminous vertical cylinder was seen….
In Japan, on August 23, 1015, two
objects were seen giving birth to small luminous spheres. At
Cairo in August 1027, numerous noisy objects were reported. A
large silvery disk is said to have come close to the ground in
Japan on August 12, 1133.7
There is no standard size, shape, or
coloring of UFOs. Reported sizes, as measured along the widest
dimension, have ranged from less than a meter to more than a
thousand meters.8
However, most reported UFOs, continued
on next page whose size was observed from the ground at close range,
were roughly between a small car and a large truck in size. In
modern times, most UFOs have resembled spheres, cylinders, saucers,
or triangles with rounded angles.
Sometimes, the observed UFO has a
distinct dome, and sometimes, the UFO has what appear to be windows
or portholes.
4 Ibid., pp. 80, 83–84, 117.
5 Stringfield, Leonard. Situation Red: The UFO Siege. Fawcett Crest
Books, New York, 1977. p. 44.
6 Because UFOs have the ability to accelerate and decelerate so
quickly - faster than the eye can follow - this ability is typically
given as the explanation for reported materialization and
dematerialization of UFOs. And this is probably the correct
explanation, assuming that the UFO involved is physical.
7 Vallee, Jacques. Anatomy of a Phenomenon. Ace Books, New York,
1965. p. 21.
8 Although typically classified in the UFO literature simply as UFOs
- because they are seen as unidentified objects moving through the
sky - the smallest objects, typically seen as small balls of light
less than a meter in size (and which are sometimes seen moving in
formation, and are often seen moving to and from a larger UFO), are,
apparently, individual intelligent-particle beings. For example:
“Also common within abduction reports is the ball-of-light
visitation. They have been dubbed ‘bedroom lights’ by UFO
researchers. Sometimes the glowing ball will dissipate and disgorge
an alien entity. At other times, the alien entity will dissipate and
become a luminous ball. Again, with the feeling of deja vu, I too
had an encounter with a small light hovering before my bed when I
was a child.” (Fowler, Raymond. The Allagash Abductions. Wild Flower
Press, Tigard OR, 1993. p. 197).
The “dissipation” that UFO researcher Raymond Fowler is referring to
in the above quote, is just the observed reorganization of the
being’s bion population, either to or from whatever shape that being
assumes when it is about to interact with people. As with the bion
bodies described in section 6.3, the being’s bions can potentially
assume any shape, such as the alien shape, by individually using the
learned-program move statement to make changes in position relative
to each other.
Presumably, when moving at speed, the
beings assume the undifferentiated shape of a ball, because that
shape is more conducive for high-speed travel. In either case,
whether the being appears as a ball or as an alien, and whether the
being is flying through the air or moving about as an alien, its
motive power is the learned-program move statement, used by that
being’s intelligent particles.
By using the move statement
synchronously, to move together, the intelligent particles that
compose that being - whether that being is in a ball shape or an
alien shape - can move about in a coordinated manner, maintaining
the appearance of being connected.
The question arises as to why the beings are appearing as a ball of
light, instead of simply remaining invisible.
The production of visible light, if
wanted, could be accomplished by the learned-program move statement:
for example, by ionizing molecules in the surrounding air, in such a
way as to cause the emission of visible light. The reason the beings
may want to be lighted when they travel as a ball, could be the same
reason that their vehicle is often lighted.
In general, when the beings are
closely interacting with p-common particles, they themselves,
apparently, can see by means of visible light (they would have a
learned program for this). Thus, when they move as a ball to and
from their ship, being visibly lighted may be done so that their
progress can be tracked visually by any of their fellow beings who
are currently seeing by means of visible light.
As explained above, the small balls of light are the beings
themselves. However, the larger UFOs, from car-size on up, are,
apparently, the actual vehicles used by these beings when they have
something more than just themselves to move around.
When viewed as solid objects, UFOs often have a shiny metallic
finish, although dark colors are also sometimes reported.
viewed as lights, or as flashing lights on a UFO body, typical
colors seem to be white and red, with other colors, such as yellow,
blue, and green, reported less frequently.
9.2 The UFO According to Hill
Aeronautical engineer Paul Hill
(1909–1990) presents a detailed technical evaluation of UFOs in his
Unconventional Flying Objects.9 His experience with UFOs
included two different sightings that he had (both sightings were
made in Hampton, Virginia).
The first sighting was on July 16, 1952:
In the early 1950s, I studied the
UFO pattern and noticed their propensity for visiting defense
installations, flight over water, evening visits, and return
appearances. … Accordingly, expecting conformance to the
pattern, at 5 minutes to 8 P.M., just at twilight, a companion
and I arrived at the Hampton Roads waterfront, parked, and
started to watch the skies for UFOs…
They came in side by side at about
500 mph [about 800 kilometers per hour], at what was learned
later by triangulation to be 15,000 to 18,000 feet altitude
[about 4500 to 5500 meters]. From all angles they looked like
amber traffic lights a couple of blocks away, which would make
them spheres about 13 to 20 feet [about 4 to 6 meters] in
Then, after passing zenith, they
made an astounding maneuver. Maintaining their spacing of about
200 feet [about 60 meters], they revolved in a horizontal
circle, about a common center, at a rate of at least once per
9 Hill, Paul. Unconventional
Flying Objects: a scientific analysis. Hampton Roads Publishing,
Charlottesville VA, 1995. (Hill’s book, although completed in 1975,
was not published until 1995, five years after his death.)
10 Ibid., pp. 44–45.
Hill computes the acceleration of the revolving UFOs at about 122
g’s.11 Hill’s second sighting, made in 1962, was of a single large
dirigible-shaped UFO, that was seen by Hill - who was riding as a
passenger in a car - to be maneuvering over Chesapeake Bay:
… I was surprised to see a fat
aluminum- or metallic-colored “fuselage” nearly the size of a
small freighter, but shaped more like a dirigible, approaching
from the rear. It was at an altitude of about 1000 feet [about
300 meters] …. It was moving slowly, possibly 100 mph [possibly
160 kilometers per hour] … It looked like a big, pointed-nose
dirigible, but had not even a tail surface as an appendage. …
Soon… it began to accelerate very
rapidly and at the same time to emit a straw-yellow, or pale
flame-colored wake or plume, short at first but growing in
length as the speed increased until it was nearly as long as the
object. Also, when it started to accelerate it changed from a
level path to an upward slanting path, making an angle of about
5 degrees with the horizontal.
It passed us going at an astounding
speed. It disappeared into the cloud layer… in what I estimated
to be four seconds after the time it began to accelerate. The
accelerating distance was measured by the car odometer to be 5
miles [8 kilometers].12,13,14
Hill computes the acceleration of this
dirigible-shaped UFO at about 100 g’s - with a velocity, when he
last saw it, of about 9,000 mph [about 14,500 kilometers per hour;
about 4 kilometers per second].15 Although an
acceleration of 100 g’s would kill a man, intelligent-particle
beings have no physical body to crush, and would be safe.
Assuming that a UFO is composed of p-common particles, an
acceleration of 100 g’s is not necessarily destructive to that UFO’s
p-common content. And Hill points out that the US military has
self-guiding cannon shells - subjected to more than 7,000 g’s at
launch, and designed to survive 9,000 g’s - that contain
electronics, sensors, and maneuverable flight surfaces.16
11 Ibid., p. 48.
12 Ibid., pp. 175–176.
13 According to Hill’s analysis (Ibid., pp. 53–82, 179–180), the
plume emitted by this dirigible-shaped UFO is the result of the
ionization of the air that moves into the wake of the vehicle. This
ionization is caused by soft x-rays, presumably emitted as a
consequence of the propulsion system. The plume - although it looks
like a flame - is not a flame: there is no burning, and the plume is
not hot. The plume lengthens as the vehicle moves faster through the
air, because there is a relaxation time for the ionization.
According to Hill, this emission of soft x-rays - primarily in the
direction of the vehicle’s thrust vector - is a common feature of
UFOs, and accounts for the reported instances of radiation sickness
in those persons who get too close to the outside of a UFO for too
long. The ionization plume is not normally visible during daylight,
but is visible under low-light conditions. For example, a
saucer-shaped UFO, hovering at night, can appear cone-shaped: the
cone under the saucer is the ionized air beneath the saucer (Ibid.,
pp. 144–145). In general, the ionization around a UFO tends to
interfere with the ability to clearly see the surface of that UFO.
14 According to Hill, he heard
no noise from this dirigible-shaped UFO, even though it was moving -
when he last saw it - at supersonic speed. According to Hill’s
analysis (Ibid., pp. 181–218), both the lack of a sonic boom, and
the apparent lack of any significant heating of the UFO - as the UFO
moves at supersonic speeds through the atmosphere - are due to the
same cause: the same type of force field used to move the craft, is
also used to move the air smoothly around the craft.
15 Ibid., pp. 48–49.
16 Ibid., p. 49.
Based on the observation that UFOs tilt to move - which implies a
single thrust vector - and based on the various reported effects of
UFOs - such as the bending down and breaking of tree branches when a
UFO flies too closely over them - Hill makes a very solid case that
the UFO moves by means of a directed force field that repels all
physical matter, in the same way that gravity attracts all physical
This anti-gravity force field is not
known to 20th-century physics.
Although a physical UFO, in theory, could, in effect, be infused
with bions, and those bions could use the learned-program move
statement to move that UFO about, there are two reasons that work
against this explanation:
The move statement moves
p-common particles directly. Thus, if a physical UFO were
being moved about by the move statement, there would be none
of the reported outside reactionary effects, such as the
reported downward bending of tree branches under a UFO.
As explained in section 8.6,
bions cannot be directly programmed by any civilization.
Thus, how would the bions infusing the physical UFO be
programmed to move that craft as desired by the craft’s
occupants? Alternatively, suggesting that the occupants
themselves are moving the physical UFO avoids this second
reason, but not the first.
Given the above considerations, it seems
most likely that the normal motive force for the physical UFO is the
directed force field described by Hill, and not the learned-program
move statement.
However, although not normally moving
the UFO themselves, the intelligent-particle beings in the craft may
play an indirect role: For example, assuming they are the
Caretakers, then perhaps they use the learned program that they have
for materializing p-common objects (section 10.4), to materialize
whatever exotic p-common fuel is needed to run whatever engine
creates the directed force field.
9.3 Occupants
UFO occupants come in
humanoid shapes and sizes.
Depending on the circumstances of the
observation, a UFO occupant may appear as a normal-size person, a
dwarfish person, a humanoid monster, or a small alien. Apparently,
the only appearance constant is that the occupant follows, more or
less, the basic humanoid shape: two legs, two arms, a head, and
bilateral symmetry.
The UFO occupant is often small, ranging from roughly 1 to 1½ meters
in height. One advantage of a small size is that, for whoever sees
them, that person’s fright is reduced: the person typically assumes
he is stronger than the small occupant. In the case of occupants
that look human, the person is even more at ease.
UFO occupants assume normal human form when they want to be mistaken
as human, such as during certain
abductions of people.19
17 Ibid., pp. 98–118.
18 According to Hill’s analysis (Ibid., pp. 219–224), this same type
of force field can be directed into the craft, opposite to the
thrust vector, so as to more or less cancel the acceleration force
on the presumed passenger area of the craft. What this means, is
that the presumed passenger area, and its occupants, would be more
or less free from experiencing any acceleration, even though the
craft may in fact be accelerating at a high rate.
19 Alternatively, in some cases, an occupant that looks human may
actually be human. This possibility is not considered further.
Apart from abductions, there seems to be
a standard ruse that a single occupant, masquerading as a human,
likes to play on the selected observer. The ruse is to approach the
person and ask for help of some kind - such as requesting food or
This ruse has three advantages.
First, it gives the occupant
a believable excuse for approaching the person.
Second, it puts the
person at ease with the occupant, because the occupant is claiming
weakness and the need for help.
Third, it prolongs the time the
occupant has with the person, because the person is soon busy
getting the food or water.
For example, in her book
Abductions, Jenny Randles recounts an alleged incident on the
Drakensteen mountain in South Africa, during the spring of 1951: a
British engineer was driving his car up the mountain late at night,
when he encountered a strange man who said he needed water.
Collecting water in an oil can, the engineer drove the mysterious
stranger back to the pick-up point.
Here he now saw a disc-shaped
craft hidden in the shadows of the mountain.
He was invited inside and shown a table or bed, on which lay one of
the entities. He had supposedly been burnt - hence the need for
water. For the man’s kindness, the aliens allowed their benefactor
to ask questions. Naturally he wanted to know how their UFO worked,
but the reply was not helpful:
‘We nullify gravity by way of a fluid
magnet,’ they explained.
So where did they come from?
They looked at the sky, pointed and said
‘From there!’20
20 Randles, Jenny. Alien
Abductions. Inner Light Publications, New Brunswick, 1988. p. 153.
UFO occupants assume dwarfish human form under two conditions.
First, occupants assume this form when they are engaged in
activities on the ground that may cause them to be inadvertently
observed by persons who come along by chance.
There are many reports, both old and
recent, of people coming across this kind of occupant while it is
busy collecting rocks, soil, or plants. There may be several
occupants so engaged at once, and there always seems to be a UFO
parked nearby. When surprised by someone, the standard scenario is
that the occupants quickly take whatever they are carrying at the
moment, return to their UFO, and leave the area.
Depending on the actions and proximity
of the person when his presence is detected, one of the observed
occupants may aim a short wand at him, rendering him unable to move
until some minutes after the occupants and their UFO have departed.
For example:
On December 19, [1954] Jose Parra,
an eighteen-year-old jockey from Valencia [Venezuela], who was
doing some night-training, during the early hours, suddenly saw
six little men pulling boulders from the side of the highway and
loading them aboard a disc-shaped craft which was hovering less
than nine feet [less than three meters] from the ground.
started to run away, but one of the little creatures pointed a
small device at him, which gave off a violet-colored light and
prevented Parra from moving.21
The second condition under which UFO
occupants assume dwarfish human form, is obsolete in modern times.
In pre-modern times, when UFO occupants wanted to abduct someone,
they typically appeared to the abductee as dwarfish people. These
occupants would then play a ruse on the abductee. They invited the
abductee to come with them, to provide help of some kind, or to
participate in their celebrations. Some such excuse would be made,
to help win the abductee’s initial cooperation in his own abduction.
The people at the time believed these
occupants to be members of an advanced human race that lived on
mountains, in caves, or on islands; in places not inhabited by
ordinary people. But this deception became obsolete when it became
unbelievable in modern times. However, the deception was used in
Europe until as late as the 19th century, when the practice died out
Jacques Vallee, in Dimensions (quoting Walter
Evans-Wentz, who wrote both a thesis on Celtic traditions in
Brittany, and a book in 1909, titled The Fairy-Faith in Celtic
The general belief in the interior of Brittany is that the fees once
existed, but that they disappeared as their country was changed by
modern conditions. In the region of the Mene and of Erce (Ille-et-Vilaine)
it is said that for more than a century there have been no fees and
on the sea coast where it is firmly believed that the fees used to
inhabit certain grottos in the cliffs, the opinion is that they
disappeared at the beginning of the last century.
The oldest Bretons say that their
parents or grandparents often spoke about having seen fees, but very
rarely do they say that they themselves have seen fees. M. Paul
Sebillot found only two who had. One was an old needlewoman of
Saint-Cast, who had such fear of fees that if she was on her way to
do some sewing in the country and it was night she always took a
long circuitous route to avoid passing near a field known as the
Couvent des Fees.
The other was Marie Chehu, a woman 88
years old.22
21 Vallee, Anatomy of a Phenomenon, p. 201.
22 Vallee, Jacques. Dimensions. Ballantine Books, New York, 1988.
pp. 70–71.
Although UFO occupants have been seen collecting rocks, soil, and
plants; in recent times almost no one has reported seeing them
collecting farm animals. However, UFOs have been sighted in farm
areas, where shortly afterward the carcasses of biopsied farm
animals, typically cattle, have been found.
For example, there was the wave of
so-called cattle mutilations that took place in America during the
There is no doubt that in the mid to
late 1970s, something of an epidemic of animal mutilations in
states including Minnesota, South Dakota, Iowa, Kansas,
Nebraska, Colorado, Idaho, Wyoming, and Texas took place. By May
1974, more than 100 cattle had been found dead and gruesomely
mutilated in Iowa, Kansas, and Nebraska alone.
In case after case, ranchers and
farmers reported that an unknown person had killed the animals,
and removed with surgical precision body parts including sex
organs, tongues, ears, eyes, or anuses.
“I’ve yet to see a coyote who
can chew a straight edge,” said the organizer of a patrol to
protect the animals.
The killers were elusive, leaving no
footprints or other evidence of their presence.
Often the
mutilations were committed in what should have been plain sight or
within hearing distance - close proximity to a farmhouse, for
instance - but no sights or sounds were reported.23
UFO involvement with animal collection is not confined to modern
Jacques Vallee, in his book
Messengers of Deception,
describes an incident that occurred in the Natal midlands of Africa,
during the 1960s, as two men walked down a hill:
They saw “an eerie reddish glow” on
the farm runway, about 200 yards [roughly 200 meters] from them.
The flock of sheep in the runway
paddock were all standing in two one-third circles on opposite
sides of the glow, looking toward it.
“From our elevated position,”
wrote Anton Fitzgerald in the aviation magazine Wings over
Africa, “the sheep reminded me of iron filings on a piece of
paper around a magnet.”
The pinkish glow started rising
vertically without a sound. Fitzgerald inspected the area, and
noticed that one old sheep was missing. He was reminded of the Zulu
legend of “the Red Sun that rises straight up into the sky after
devouring some of the tribe’s cattle.” The Cherokee Indians have a
similar legend of the Sun that rises straight up.24
UFO occupants assume monstrous form comparatively rarely. Perhaps
there are times when the UFO occupants want to deliberately frighten
the observer. By appearing monstrous, a UFO occupant communicates
the idea that it is radically different from man - thus
discouraging, in advance, certain lines of questioning and types of
A possible, legendary example is Oannes:
a large fish with feet at its tail, and a human voice, who walked
out of the Persian Gulf and taught civilization to the early
23 Thompson, op. cit., p. 129.
24 Vallee, Jacques. Messengers of Deception. And/Or Press, Berkeley,
1979. p. 165.
25 Story, Ronald. Guardians of the Universe?. St. Martin’s Press,
New York, 1980. pp. 104–109. (Ronald Story quotes the Greek sources
for this legend.)
9.4 The Abduction Experience
In recent times, and
especially in America, UFO occupants assume a small-alien form when
they are abducting people. Elsewhere around the world, many
abductions are reported to be conducted by UFO occupants that look
Detailed reports of the abduction experience typically come from
abductees who undergo hypnosis to learn the truth of what has
happened to them. It seems to be standard practice that the UFO
occupants do something to the abductee to prevent conscious recall
of the abduction experience. This forced forgetfulness is not new.
For example,
“the mind of a person coming out of Fairy-Land is
usually blank as to what has been seen and done there.” 26
When UFO occupants abduct someone, they are faced with a dilemma: On
the one hand, the abductee must be conscious during any
psychological testing. In addition, a conscious abductee can do
certain tasks, such as undress himself.
Also, a conscious abductee can warn the
UFO occupants if he is being inadvertently hurt by them. On the
other hand, conscious recall by the abductee distracts that person
from his normal life, and causes social ostracism if the abduction
experiences are told to others. For this dilemma, forced
forgetfulness is probably the best solution.
Historian David Jacobs, in his book
Secret Life, states that he,
“had more than 325 hypnosis sessions with more than sixty
abductees.” 27
Summarizing Jacobs’ description of the
UFO occupants involved in abductions:
The aliens do not wear
clothes, although sometimes the coloring of clothing appears to be
“painted” on their bodies.
The aliens lack any visible sign of a
circulatory system. In other words, there is no sign of veins on
their bodies.
The alien skin is completely smooth, and there is no
sign of surface or color irregularities. For example, there are no
hairs, bumps, or wrinkles.
There is no noticeable aging of the
There are no signs of bones or muscles
in the alien body. In other words, there is no visible sign of
subsurface supporting structures.
The two alien eyes - on a
disproportionately large head - are very large, slanted in a v
shape, solid black, fixed without visible movement, and have no
The alien mouth is a slit which never seems to move or
The alien neck has a narrow tube shape.
Also, their arms and
legs have a narrow tube shape.
And in spite of such apparently
flimsy structure, motor control by the aliens is excellent. They
move about and manipulate tools with speed and precision.
Regarding bodily needs, Jacobs remarks,
“they do not appear to breathe or to
ingest food and water.”28
The basics of the abduction experience -
in which a person, body and all, is abducted - are described by
David Jacobs in Secret Life. There are other books, by different
authors, that say essentially the same thing, although not
necessarily in as much detail.
The typical abduction experience begins when several small aliens
appear to the abductee. The aliens typically choose a time for the
abduction when the possibility of detection is minimized - such as
late at night, or when the person is alone. If the abductee is in,
for example, a bedroom, then the aliens either pass through a wall
or float through a window.
At some point, the abductee is aware of
the presence of these aliens. Fear is the normal human reaction, and
at least one alien quickly moves alongside the abductee who is
calmed by this alien. If there is someone near the abductee, such as
a mate, that person remains unconscious - asleep - for the duration
of the abduction.
The next step is that one or more of the aliens grab hold of the
abductee. The entire party then floats upward and out of the
abduction site - up toward a waiting UFO. If the abduction site is a
room, standard procedure is for the party to pass through a window,
to leave that room.29
26 Vallee, Jacques. Passport to
Magonia. Henry Regnery Company, Chicago, 1969. p. 87. (Jacques
Vallee is quoting Walter Evans-Wentz.)
27 Jacobs, David. Secret Life. Simon and Schuster, New York, 1992.
p. 24.
28 Ibid., p. 228.
29 Jacobs claims that both the aliens and the abductee will pass
through a closed window. However, this claim may not be completely
correct. For the aliens, assuming they are intelligent-particle
beings with no p-common content, passing through a window or wall is
simply a matter of their intelligent particles not interacting with
that window or wall. However, regarding the abductee passing through
an allegedly closed window, it is probably the case, instead, that
the window is opened - either by one of the aliens, or by the
abductee, prior to the abductee passing through the window.
Note that if one assumes - as apparently many abduction researchers
do, and probably also as many abductees do - that the aliens and
abductee are physical beings, then because the aliens are reported
to be passing through closed doors and windows, and solid walls, it
is not unreasonable to assume that the abductee can do likewise -
assuming that the aliens can apply to the abductee whatever means
they apply to themselves.
Thus, a report that an abductee passes
through a closed window - instead of being a report of direct
observation - may be more of a logical inference, made by the abductee and/or researcher. Also, the mere fact that the abductee is
normally reported as taken through a window, even when the aliens
themselves come through a wall, indicates that physical objects are
more of an obstacle for the abductee than for the aliens.
As the UFO is approached by the party, the size of the UFO - as
estimated by abductees - is somewhere between 10 and 100 meters in
diameter. Depending on the size of the craft, the abductee may enter
directly into the examination room; or, if the UFO is very large,
the abductee enters first into a waiting room.
Once the abductee is in the craft, the next step is the undressing
of the abductee - assuming the abductee is wearing something. If the
craft is very large, the abductee is soon brought to the examination
room in which there are typically many examination tables. At least
some of these tables may already be occupied by other people
undergoing the examination process.
Throughout the abduction experience, all communication from the
aliens is by telepathy.
Typically, they say to the abductee only
words of assurance that everything is all right, and that the
abductee will not be harmed. When the aliens are asked questions
about their motivation for the abduction, the typical reply is that
it has to be done, followed by the usual assurances. In general, the
aliens do not volunteer information, and as a rule they evade direct
The abductee is placed on an empty examination table, and a very
thorough physical exam - by human standards - is conducted by
several aliens working together. At the end of the physical exam, a
tiny object may be implanted in the abductee. This implant is
typically placed in the head, up the nose.
According to Jacobs,
“someone might expel a tiny metallic
ball from their nasal passage, although this has not happened to
the abductees I have worked with… In the cases where they have
been recovered, analyses have so far been inconclusive about
their origin… To date, no operations have been performed to
remove the suspicious masses because the risks and problems
inherent in surgery outweigh recovery considerations, or the
object mysteriously disappears.” 30
The standard comment that abduction
researchers make about this implant is that it is analogous to the
tagging of animals.
Once the physical exam is over, a specialist alien - noticeably
taller than the other aliens - may become involved with the abductee,
to conduct an advanced physical procedure - using hand-held tools.
When working on women, this specialist does egg and fetus removal,
and, presumably, other things - such as fertilized egg implants.31
Sometimes, soon after her abduction, a
woman abductee learns that she is pregnant; and then, within the
next few months, the fetus is removed during a follow-up abduction.
Besides collecting eggs and fetuses, the aliens also collect sperm -
but sperm collection is a comparatively easy task, which does not
require the specialist.
Psychological exams - which are sometimes given after the physical
exam - are also done by a specialist. Some of these tests involve
emotional response. For example, a woman abductee might be placed in
a comfortable-looking room. Shortly afterward, a man whom the woman
knows and is attracted to, suddenly enters the room. While this is
happening, the specialist remains close to the woman, and “stares”
at her, watching her response. Later, the woman learns that the man
is actually an alien who had assumed that man’s appearance.
When the examinations are over, it is time for the abductee to leave
the UFO. If not already there, the abductee is taken to his
clothing. Then, the abductee is encouraged to dress, and helped if
necessary. The abductee is then escorted out of the UFO, and
returned to the place from which he was originally taken. Once
returned, the abduction experience is over - having lasted, usually,
“from one to three hours.” 32
The typical abductee is abducted first in infancy or childhood, and
then abducted at least several more times over the remaining course
of his life. This pattern has the obvious advantage of allowing a
long-term study of the individual, beginning at an early stage of
Also, another advantage of repeated
abductions is that the repetition habituates the individual to the
abduction routine, making the results of psychological testing more
reliable and less corrupted by the surrounding abduction experience.
30 Ibid., p. 240.
31 When a woman abductee is implanted with an egg, one should not
necessarily assume that that egg came from that woman; although,
depending on the reason for the implantation, it may have. Also,
although the term fertilized is used to indicate that the egg is
diploid and ready to start dividing, one should not necessarily
assume that the aliens actually introduced a sperm into that egg to
make it diploid; although, depending on the reason for the
implantation, they may have. Note that if the aliens in a specific
implantation case, want to specify exactly some or all of the egg’s
genetic content, then it is not unreasonable to assume that prior to
implantation, the aliens custom-built the DNA wanted, and introduced
it into the egg.
32 Ibid., p. 50.
9.5 Identity of the Occupants
The fact that the UFO occupants can communicate telepathically with
the people they abduct, indicates that the learned programs involved
in the communication are either the same or very similar in both
For example, the learned programs of
both parties must agree as to the low-level protocols used in
establishing and maintaining the communication channel, over which
the raw data is sent and received. Also, the learned programs of
both parties must agree, at least in large part, as to the format
and meaning of the raw data that is sent and received.
This commonality of learned programs is
consistent with the UFO occupants being the Caretakers.
these learned programs were copied, at some time in the remote past,
from Caretakers to humans.
In contrast to man, the UFO occupants - like the Caretakers - are,
it seems, composed solely of intelligent particles. Thus, without
the burden of common particles, the UFO occupants are free to pass
through walls, as during an abduction, and to shape-shift and assume
the many different appearances found in the survey data. This
shape-shifting ability includes the ability to form the appearance
of clothing, although, on certain occasions, actual p-common
clothing may be worn.
The ability of a UFO occupant to become solid to p-common particles,
such as when collecting rocks and soil, is a consequence of the
intelligent particles composing that occupant deciding that they
will interact with p-common particles. Specifically, the
learned-program move statement can be applied to p-common particles.
For example, if a learned program only
applies the move statement to move p-common particles that are next
to the outermost intelligent particles of the occupant, then, the
direct contact that man experiences with his own p-common body can
be closely simulated. Even Newton’s law - for every action there is
an opposite and equal reaction - can be simulated, allowing an
occupant to use the resulting feedback to moderate the force that
the move statement applies against p-common objects.
Thus, not surprisingly, there are many
reports of UFO occupants being knocked over by various p-common
impacts - such as by a person falling on them, or by bullets hitting
them - after which they get up unharmed and continue whatever they
were doing.
That UFOs are described in old historical records, is consistent
with the UFO occupants being the Caretakers, because the Caretaker
civilization is assumed to be very ancient, and is probably more
ancient than the beginning of organic life, 3½ billion years ago.
The collecting of rocks and soil by UFO occupants, although not
necessarily a Caretaker function, can be a Caretaker function,
because various biosphere-related chemicals, bacteria, and other
organisms, are typically found on rocks and in soil.
The biopsies done on lower animals - such as the cattle that had
parts of their anatomy removed - are consistent with the UFO
occupants being the Caretakers. A possible reason for such sampling
of animal parts is to monitor the animals’ well-being as a species
in the face of environmental change. Similarly, the abduction
experience - with its focus on human fitness and reproduction - is
consistent with the UFO occupants being the Caretakers.
conclusion, the UFO occupants are the Caretakers.
9.6 Interstellar Travel
Presumably, the Caretakers can
and do travel within the solar system. However, travel to other
stars is another matter. Even if they can do it, it would be a
time-consuming trip at sub-light speed.33
33 Does the computing-element
program allow the Caretakers to instantaneously jump to other star
systems? Specifically, does the computing-element program offer
learned-program statements that allow a group of intelligent
particles to instantaneously move itself to arbitrarily different
spatial coordinates?
First, although the accessible information environment of a bion is
a very large sphere centered on that particle, there is no reason to
believe that this sphere’s radius is on the order of interstellar
distances, because of the computational burden involved. The
computational burden of examining an accessible information
environment is proportional to the sphere’s volume. Thus, for
example, compared to the computational burden of examining the
information environment of a sphere with a radius of 100,000
kilometers, the computational burden for a sphere with a radius of
four light years - which is the distance to the nearest star - is
about 1025 times greater.
Without strong evidence - and there is none - one should not assume
that intelligent particles can directly perceive objects across
interstellar distances. And without direct perception, an
intelligent particle cannot provide a meaningful destination
coordinate, or address, that a move statement, or a send or receive
statement for communication purposes, requires. Of course, this does
not rule out a series of short jumps, made within the limits of
direct perception. However, there are other difficulties.
Specifically, the existence of a move
statement for arbitrary spatial translation within the accessible
information environment, would be inherently dangerous to the
stability of any population of cooperating intelligent particles.
Each intelligent particle is autonomous, running its own learned
programs, so there is no guarantee that a cooperating population of
intelligent particles would always use such a move statement in
perfect synchrony. Thus, intelligent particles could easily separate
from each other, beyond the limits of their direct perception,
quickly becoming lost to each other. Given these considerations, it
seems likely that the only move statement offered by the
computing-element program is a safe move statement, whose range is
much shorter than the range of the send and receive statements.
And in another star system, the learned
programs of whatever intelligent-particle beings are there, are
probably different enough from those of the Caretakers to make
personal interaction with them difficult.
Thus, star systems are probably fairly
isolated from each other, even for the Caretakers.
9.7 Miracles at Fatima
UFOs and religion,
many UFO researchers have suggested that UFO occupants have played a
major role in the formation and maintenance of at least some of the
historical religions.
The evidence for this claim includes the
widely cited miracle at Fatima, Portugal, which occurred on October
13, 1917, and was witnessed by roughly 70,000 people. This large
number of witnesses was the direct result of a methodical sequence
of ever greater miracles occurring at the same location, which was a
pasture named Cova da Iria, 2½ kilometers from the village of
The sequence of events had the following
dates and approximate attendance:
May 13 attended by 3
June 13
attended by 50
July 13 attended by 4,500
August 13 attended by
September 13 attended by 30,000
October 13 attended by
70,000 34
On May 13, three children, who worked as shepherds, apparently met
and conversed with a Caretaker, who appeared as a woman floating on
top of a tree.
The woman wore radiant, beautiful clothing. The
children, being Catholic, believed that she was the Virgin Mary.
Among other things, this Caretaker told them to return to the same
spot each month, on the 13th day. On October 13, 1917, at the Cova
da Iria site, at the appointed time of noon, there appeared a giant,
radiant UFO, which had a flat, disc shape.
This UFO maneuvered about for roughly
ten minutes, changing colors, spinning, and sometimes dropping
closer to the ground, which frightened the audience greatly.
9.8 Miracles and the Caretakers
The Caretakers lack organic
bodies, and their learned programs evolved without concern for
organic frailty. As a result, the Caretakers have subject to their
conscious control, learned programs that make them look like gods
with marvelous psychic powers.
It seems that, occasionally, the Caretakers transfer some of their
psychic powers - presumably by a copying of the relevant learned
programs - to a person for whom they intend a role as a miracle
worker. A possible contemporary example is Sai Baba (section 10.4).
Alternatively, the miracles apparently done by a miracle worker may
actually be done by a nearby Caretaker, who monitors the situation,
but remains invisible. A possible example of such Caretaker
involvement, is the escape artist Harry Houdini, who died in 1926 at
the age of 52.
According to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, a
friend and contemporary of Houdini:
He told me that a voice which was
independent of his own reason or judgment told him what to do
and how to do it. So long as he obeyed the voice he was assured
of safety.
“It all comes as easy as
stepping off a log,” said he to me, “but I have to wait for
the voice. You stand there before a jump, swallowing the
yellow stuff that every man has in him. Then at last you
hear the voice and you jump. Once I jumped on my own and I
nearly broke my neck.”
This was the nearest admission that I
ever had from him that I was right in thinking that there was a
psychic element which was essential to every one of his feats.35,36
34 Vallee, Dimensions, p. 177.
35 Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan. The Edge
of the Unknown. Barnes & Noble Books, New York, 1992. p. 12.
36 Of course, not every independent mental voice a person might
hear, is from a Caretaker. Other possible sources include other
human minds, or the dead; or a functional piece of the person’s own
mind, which has not integrated properly. This functional-piece
possibility is the explanation for those suffering from
schizophrenia, in which the voices heard are independent but “low,”
having an extremely limited mental range.
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