by Joe Atwill and Jan Irvin
May 12, 2013
GnosticMedia Website

In 2012 Jan Irvin made an important
In the course of re-publishing
The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross by the
Dead Sea Scrolls scholar John Allegro,[1] Irvin had been
researching the letters of one of Allegro's most prominent critics,
Gordon Wasson, at various university archives (including Princeton,
Yale, Columbia, Dartmouth, and the Hoover Institute at Stanford) when he
came across primary documents - letters actually written by Wasson - showing
that he had worked with the CIA.[2]
Though Gordon Wasson was both chairman for the
Council on Foreign Relations and the Vice President of Public
Relations for J.P. Morgan Bank, he is most famous as the individual who
"discovered", or more accurately popularized, magic mushrooms.
An article in Life magazine described fantastic
visions and experiences Wasson claimed to have had while under their
influence (see Life, May 13, 1957 -
Seeking the Magic Mushroom).
Wasson's claims were the first description of
the effects of psilocybin ("magic") mushrooms presented to the general
Irvin saw troubling implications in his discovery. He was aware, of course,
of the
CIA's infamous Project MK-ULTRA, in which
the organization had given LSD to unsuspecting U.S. citizens. He also knew
of the many conspiracy theories claiming that the government has been
somehow involved with the creation of the "drug culture."
He was also aware of Dave McGowan's
research on the drug and music movement that had come out of Laurel Canyon
in the 1960‘s, which showed that many of the "rock idols" who created it
were the children of members of military intelligence.[3]
So the fact that a member of the CIA had also been involved with the
discovery of Psilocybe mushrooms fit into a large collection of troubling
linkages between the American government and the drug culture that emerged
during the 1960's. Irvin decided to do further research into the
government's involvement with the "psychedelic movement".
An obvious question he hoped to answer was: Had
Wasson been somehow involved with MK-ULTRA?
During this research, Irvin came in contact with another scholar, Joe
Atwill, author of Caesar's Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent
Atwill's research into the origins of
Christianity had led him to conclude that Rome had invented the religion.
Further, he believed that the Caesars had deliberately brought about the
Dark Ages. They had
used Christianity as a mind control device
to give slavery a religious context intended to make it difficult for serfs
to rebel.
Like Irvin, Atwill had become suspicious of the
U.S. government's many connections to the psychedelic movement, which
reminded him of the Caesars' intellectual debasing of their population to
help bring on the Dark Ages.
When comparing the results of their research, Irvin and Atwill developed a
theory about the origin of the psychedelic movement of the 1960's:
The "counterculture" had been developed by
elements within the U.S. government and banking establishment as part of
a larger plan to bring about a new Dark Age; or, as it was marketed to
potential victims, an ‘archaic revival.'[4]
In 1992 Terence McKenna published in his book
Archaic Revival:
These things are all part of the New Age,
but I have abandon that term in favor of what I call the Archaic Revival
- which places it all in a better historical perspective. When a culture
loses its bearing, the traditional response is to go back in history to
find the previous "anchoring model."
An example of this would be the breakup the
medieval world at the time of the Renaissance. They had lost their
compass, so they went back to Greek and Roman models and created
classicism - Roman law, Greek aesthetics, and so on.[5]
~ Terence McKenna
In another chapter regarding his timewave
theory, he states:
Within the timewave a variety of "resonance
points" are recognized.
Resonance points can be thought of as areas
of the wave that are graphically the same as the wave at some other
point within the wave, yet differ from it through having different
quantified values.
For example, if we chose an end date or zero
date of December 21, 2012 A.D., then we find that the time we are living
through is in resonance with the late Roman times and the beginning of
the Dark Ages in Europe.
Implicit in this theory of time is the notion that duration is like a
tone in that one must assign a moment at which the damped oscillation is
finally quenched and ceases.
I chose the date
December 21, 2012 A.D., as
this point because with that assumption the wave seemed to be in the
"best fit" configuration with regard to the recorded facts of the ebb
and flow of historical advance into connectedness.
Later I learned to my amazement that this
same date, December 21, 2012, was the date assigned as the end of their
calendrical cycle by the classic Maya, surely one of the world's most
time-obsessed cultures. [6]
~ Terence McKenna
Notice that the date McKenna chose - 12-21-2012
- was earlier falsely claimed to be the date of the
Apocalypse foreseen in the Mayan calendar by professor and CIA
agent Michael Coe in his 1966 book The Maya,[7] although
it was changed by McKenna in 1993 from Coe's 2011 date to December 21, 2012.[8]
Moreover, McKenna sees this date as resonating
with the beginning of the Dark Ages.
If, as the authors believe, the psychedelic
movement was part of a general plan to usher in a new Dark Age, this
suggests that McKenna's promotion of a drug-fueled "archaic revival" was
also a part of the plan.
I guess am a soft Dark Ager. I think there
will be a mild dark age. I don't think it will be anything like the dark
ages that lasted a thousand years […] [9]
~ Terence McKenna
Most today assume that the CIA and the other
intelligence-gathering organizations of the U.S. government are controlled
by the democratic process.
They therefore believe that MK-ULTRA's role in
creating the psychedelic movement was accidental "blowback." Very few have
even considered the possibility that the entire "counterculture" was social
engineering planned to debase America's culture - as the name implies. The
authors believe, however, that there is compelling evidence that indicates
that the psychedelic movement was deliberately created.
The purpose of this plan was to establish a
neo-feudalism by the debasing of the intellectual abilities of young people
to make them as easy to control as the serfs of the Dark Ages.
One accurate term used for the individuals who
were victims of this debasing was "Deadhead," which is an equivocation for a
"dead mind" or "a drugged, thoughtless person."
Aldous Huxley predicted that drugs would one day become a humane alternative
to "flogging" for rulers wishing to control "recalcitrant subjects."
He wrote in a letter to his former student
George Orwell in 1949:
But now psycho-analysis is being combined
with hypnosis; and hypnosis has been made easy and indefinitely
extensible through the use of barbiturates, which induce a hypnoid and
suggestible state in even the most recalcitrant subjects.
Within the next generation I believe that
the world's rulers will
discover that infant conditioning and narco-hypnosis are more efficient,
as instruments of government, than clubs and prisons, and that the lust
for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into
loving their servitude as by flogging and kicking them into obedience.
~ Aldous Huxley
Decades later, one of the CIA's own
researchers, Dr. Louis Jolyon West, while citing Huxley had this to
say on the matter:
The role of drugs in the exercise of
political control is also coming under increasing discussion. Control
can be through prohibition or supply.
The total or even partial prohibition of
drugs gives the government considerable leverage for other types of
control. An example would be the selective application of drug laws
permitting immediate search, or "no knock" entry, against selected
components of the population such as members of certain minority groups
or political organizations.
But a government could also supply drugs to help control a population.
This method, foreseen by Aldous Huxley in
Brave New World
(1932), has
the governing element employing drugs selectively to manipulate the
governed in various ways.
To a large extent the numerous rural and urban communes, which provide a
great freedom for private drug use and where hallucinogens are widely
used today, are actually subsidized by our society.
Their perpetuation is aided by parental or
other family remittances, welfare, and unemployment payments, and benign
neglect by the police.
In fact, it may be more convenient and
perhaps even more economical to keep the growing numbers of chronic drug
users (especially of the hallucinogens) fairly isolated and also out of
the labor market, with its millions of unemployed.
To society, the communards with their
hallucinogenic drugs are probably less bothersome - and less expensive -
if they are living apart, than if they are engaging in alternative modes
of expressing their alienation, such as active, organized, vigorous
political protest and dissent.
The hallucinogens presently comprise a moderate but significant portion
of the total drug problem in Western society.
The foregoing may provide a certain frame of
reference against which not only the social but also the clinical
problems created by these drugs can be considered.[11]
~ Louis Jolyon West
The idea of drugs for control seems to be an
ancient one.
Italian professor Piero Camporesi,
writing on Medieval Italy in his book Bread of Dreams, says:
Adulterated breads had been put into
circulation by the untori of Public Health: criminal attacks
orchestrated by the ‘provisionary judges' who were supposed to oversee
the well-balanced provisioning of the public-square.
On the 21st, a Sunday, with Monday approaching, Master [blank in the manuscript] Forni, Judge of provisions in the square of
Modena, was arrested, along with the bakers, for having had forty sacks
of bay leaf ground to be put into the wheat flour to make bread for the
square, where it caused the poverty to those who brought it to worsen,
so that for two days there were many people sick enough to go crazy, and
during this time they could not work or help their families.[12]
Camporesi later continues:
It would be wrong to suppose that one must
wait for the arrival of eighteenth-century capitalism, or even of
imperialism, in order to see the birth of the problem of the mass
spreading of opium derivatives (first of morphine and then, today, of
heroin) used to dampen the frenzy of the masses and lead them back - by
means of dreams - to the ‘reason' desired by the groups in power.
The opium war against China, the Black
Panthers ‘broken' by drugs, and the ‘ebbing' of the American and
European student movements (supposing that hallucinogenic drugs were
involved in the latter, as some believe), are the most commonly used
examples - we don't know with what relevance - to demonstrate how
‘advanced' capitalism and imperialism have utilized mechanisms which
induced collective dreaming and weakened the desire for renewal by means
of visionary ‘trips', in order to impose their will.
The pre-industrial age, too, even if in a more imprecise, rough and
‘natural' manner, was aware of political strategies allied to medical
culture, whether to lessen the pangs of hunger or to limit the turmoil
in the streets.
Certainly we could laugh at interventions
which are so mild as to appear almost surreal, amateurish or improvised;
but we must not forget that both in theory and in practice the
‘treatment of the poor man', cared for with sedatives and hallucinogenic
drugs, corresponded to a thought-out medico-political design.[13]
~ Piero Camporesi
A key element in the creation of America's drug
counterculture was "The Grateful Dead," a rock band that passed out LSD to
people attending its concerts in the 1960's.
At their concerts listeners were encourage to
take LSD and to "tune in, turn on, and drop out." An expression that
instructed the LSD takers to abandon the modern world and join what McKenna
coined the "archaic revival."
There is a recording of Dr. Timothy Leary actually describing the
retrograde culture that those who dropped out would participate in:
Alan Watts - The Houseboat Summit
In this talk, Leary, Alan Watts, Alan Ginsberg,
Gary Snyder and Allen Cohen describe how those that "tune in, turn on, drop
out" would abandon modern culture and return to the status of a peasant.
It is important to note that marketing and PR expert Marshal McLuhan, who
had a strong influence on Leary and later McKenna, is the one who actually
developed the expression "Tune in, turn on, and drop out":
In a 1988 interview with Neil Strauss, Leary
stated that slogan was "given to him" by Marshall McLuhan during a lunch
in New York City.
Leary added that McLuhan "was very much
interested in ideas and marketing," and he started singing something
like, "Psychedelics hit the spot / Five hundred micrograms, that's a
lot," to the tune of a Pepsi commercial. Then he started going, "Tune
in, turn on, and drop out." [14]
It is also notable that two individuals
associated with the Grateful Dead were once employees of the
program - band member and lyricist Robert Hunter, [15] and author
Ken Kesey [16] whose "Merry Pranksters" were often at the
Grateful Dead shows promoting LSD use to the "Deadheads."
Kesey's novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
promoted the archaic revival by concluding with a heroic American Indian
escaping from modern tyranny and returning to a primitive culture.
Furthermore, Grateful Dead song writer John
Perry Barlow, in 2002, admitted in a Forbes magazine interview ironically
titled "Why Spy?" that he spent time at CIA headquarters at Langley.[17]
MK-ULTRA ran a number of its operations near Haight-Ashbury, the San
Francisco district where LSD would become commonly used. Declassified CIA
records show that there were at least three CIA "safe houses" in the Bay
Area where "experiments" - the giving of LSD to unsuspecting citizens - went
This subproject of MK-ULTRA was code-named
"Operation Midnight Climax." Chief among Operation Midnight Climax's safe
houses was the one at 225 Chestnut on Telegraph Hill, which operated from
1955 to 1965.
While the odd role that MK-ULTRA played in launching the psychedelic
movement is well known, its involvement in bringing about another part of
America's descent into intellectual neo-feudalism is not.
Incredibly, MK-ULTRA was also involved in
bringing about the "New Age" quasi-religious movement, which debased the
reasoning of anyone who succumbed to its philosophies.
Another progenitor of this movement, which
believes in "channeling" and other fictional elements, was the book
A Course in Miracles, written by two
MK-ULTRA employees; William Thetford and Helen Schucman.[18]
In the book the reader is asked to believe that
Helen Schucman, a Jewish scientist
hired by the CIA to study how to control
the mind, was chosen by Jesus Christ to channel his current ideas to
At the same time the Grateful Dead was promoting LSD use in San Francisco,
another music drug counterculture scene with many suspicious connections to
military intelligence began promoting the drug to the young people attending
the music clubs on the Sunset Strip in Los Angeles.
The counterculture scenes in LA and San
Francisco were part of a larger whole that included Britain and New York.
The media gave the new music drug culture almost unlimited exposure, which
reached its zenith with Life magazine's coverage of the Woodstock music
Although Life presented Woodstock as three days
of "Love and Understanding" it was in fact a culturally debased event - a
true archaic revival - that featured drugged teenagers fornicating in the
mud while their rock idols provided encouraging background music.
Many of the events that led up to the counterculture and Woodstock have been
presented as accidental. For example, the string of occurrences that led to
the publication of Life magazine's cover story about Gordon Wasson's
experiences upon taking the psilocybin mushroom.
Irvin has shown, however, in his paper
Wasson: The Man, the Legend, the Myth, that there were too many
contradictions in his story line for Wasson to have had the "chance meeting"
with the editors of Life that led to the publication of the article:[19]
Wasson's direct boss at J. P. Morgan was
Henry P. Davison Jr.
Davison was a senior partner and generally regarded
as Morgan's personal emissary.[20] As it turns out, it was Henry P. Davison who
essentially created (or at least funded) the Time-Life magazines for
J.P. Morgan in 1923.
After a row with Henry Luce for publishing
an article against the war for Britain in Life, Davison,
"became the company's first investor in
Time magazine and a company director." [21]
Another J.P. Morgan partner, Dwight
Morrow, also helped to finance the Time-Life start-up.
Davison kept Henry Luce in charge of the company as president, as he and
Luce were both members of Yale's
Skull and Bones secret society, being
initiated in 1920.
In 1946 Davison and Luce then made C.D.
Jackson, former head of U.S. Psychological Warfare, vice-president of
It seems to me that the entire operation at
Time-Life was purely for spreading propaganda to the American public for
the purposes of the intelligence community, J.P. Morgan, and the elite.
Yet another Skull and Bonesman behind the establishment of Time-Life was
Briton Hadden, who worked with Davison, Luce and Morrow in setting up
the organization. Hadden was also initiated into Skull and Bones in
The list of Bonesmen that tie in directly to
Wasson and his clique is astounding, and also includes people like
Averell Harriman, initiated 1913, who worked with Wasson at the CFR,[22]
and was a director there.[23]
Documents also reveal that Luce was a member of the
Century Club (Association), an
exclusive "art club" that Wasson had much ado with and may have held
some position with, and which was filled with members of the
intelligence and banking community.
Members such as George Kennan, Walter
Lippmann and Frank Altschul appear to have been nominated to the Century
Club by Wasson himself.[24]
Graham Harvey in Shamanism says that Luce
and Wasson were friends, and this is how he came to publish in Life:
A New York investment banker, Wasson was
well acquainted with the movers and shakers of the Establishment.
Therefore, it was natural that he should
turn to his friend Henry Luce, publisher of Life, when he needed a
public forum in which to announce his discoveries.[25]
~ Graham Harvey
However, the most common version of the
story is the one told by Time magazine in 2007:
Wasson and his buddy's mushroom trip
might have been lost to history, but he was so enraptured by the
experience that on his return to New York, he kept talking about it
to friends.
As Jay Stevens recalls in his 1987 book
Storming Heaven: LSD and the American Dream, one day during lunch at
the Century Club, an editor at Time Inc. (the parent company of
TIME) overheard Wasson's tale of adventure.
The editor commissioned a first-person
narrative for Life.
Since this article was written in the
post-Luce and Jackson age, the author was a little more candid about the
Wasson/Luce/J.P. Morgan/psychedelic revolution connections:
After Wasson's article was published,
many people sought out mushrooms and the other big hallucinogen of
the day, LSD.
(In 1958, Time Inc. cofounder Henry Luce and his wife
Clare Booth Luce dropped acid with a psychiatrist. Henry Luce
conducted an imaginary symphony during his trip, according to
Storming Heaven.)
The most important person to discover
drugs through the Life piece was Timothy Leary himself. Leary had
never used drugs, but a friend recommended the article to him, and
Leary eventually traveled to Mexico to take mushrooms.
Within a few years, he had launched his
crusade for America to "turn on, tune in, drop out." In other words,
you can draw a woozy but vivid line from the sedate offices of J.P.
Morgan and Time Inc. in the '50s to Haight-Ashbury in the '60s to a
zillion drug-rehab centers in the '70s.
Long, strange trip indeed.[26]
In The Sacred Mushroom Seeker, a third
version of this story was told by Allan Richardson:
Sometime just before or soon after our
return from the '56 expedition, Gordon and I were dining at the
Century Club in New York. He noticed Ed Thompson, the managing
editor of Life magazine, alone at a table nearby, and asked him to
join us.
We talked about the article Gordon was
working on to publicize what he'd discovered in Mexico. Thompson
said Life might be interested in publishing it, and invited us to
make a presentation at his offices.
~ Allan Richardson
As we noted above, nowhere do these accounts
mention Valentina's write-up of her and Gordon Wasson's mushroom
experiences in This Week magazine, which was released that same week
(May 19, 1957) to 12 million newspaper subscribers.
Also coincidently, This Week was published
by Joseph P. Knapp, who was a director of Morgan's Guarantee Trust,
where Wasson had begun working for Morgan in 1928.
If Wasson's claim that the publication of
the Life article was the result of a chance meeting, how had it come to
pass that Valentina's parallel article was published in the same week?
In light of the above, the idea that Wasson published his "Seeking the
Magic Mushroom" article in May, 1957, in Life, due to a "chance meeting
with an editor" seems ridiculous.
In fact, Abby Hoffman is quoted as
saying that Luce did more to popularize LSD than Timothy Leary (who
first learned of mushrooms through Wasson's Life article).
Luce's own wife, Clare Boothe Luce, who was
a member of
the CFR, agreed:
I've always maintained that Henry Luce
did more to popularize acid than Timothy Leary. Years later I met
Clare Boothe Luce at the Republican convention in Miami. She did not
disagree with this opinion.
America's version of the Dragon Lady
caressed my arm, fluttered her eyes and cooed, "We wouldn't want
everyone doing too much of a good thing."[27]
~ Abbie Hoffman
If one compares the culture of Woodstock and the
music drug scene of the 1960s with that of America at the beginning of the
century, a number of distinct differences are visible:
overt sexual images in the popular media
wildly uninhibited dancing
music idols
psychedelic drug use
Culture normally changes slowly and for many
reasons, and the 60's American drug counter culture was certainly a long
time in the making.
But, incredibly, most of the events that led to
it can be traced back to two men: Gordon Wasson and his close friend
Edward Bernays, the father of propaganda.
Given Bernays' background
and political perspective, his role in bringing about the drug culture is
highly suspicious.
Bernays wrote what can be seen as a virtual Mission Statement for anyone
wishing to bring about a "counterculture."
In the opening paragraph of his book
he wrote:
The conscious and intelligent manipulation
of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important
element in democratic society.
Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism
of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling
power of our country… We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes
formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.
This is a logical result of the way in which
our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must
cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly
functioning society…
In almost every act of our daily lives,
whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or
our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of
persons… who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the
It is they who pull the wires which control
the public mind.[28]
Bernays' family background made him well suited
to "control the public mind."
He was the double nephew of Jewish
psychoanalysis pioneer Sigmund Freud. His mother was Freud's sister Anna,
and his father was Ely Bernays, brother of Freud's wife Martha Bernays.
When considering his influence on his nephew, it is important to bear in
mind that though Freud is famous for his theories of individual
psychoanalysis, he and the group that surrounded him developed the first
theories concerning how to "pull the wires which control the public mind."
Among the key members of the Freudian
psychoanalysis movement in England, most of whom were associated with
the Tavistock Institute, were,
Gustave Le Bon, the originator of the
term "crowd psychology" [29]
Wilfred Trotter, who promoted similar
ideas in his book Instincts of the Herd in War and Peace [30]
Ernest Jones, who developed the field of
Group Dynamics [31]
Bernays refers to all of these theorists in
crowd control in his writings.
Crowds are somewhat like the sphinx of
ancient fable: It is necessary to arrive at a solution of the problems
offered by their psychology or to resign ourselves to being devoured by
~ Gustave Le Bon
Freud often pointed out the positive effects of
In other words, that in order to maintain civilization,
individuals needed to sublimate many sexual and violent urges.
For example, Freud cited the need for males to
sublimate what he named the
Oedipal Complex, which he claimed was the innate
desire of young males to kill their fathers in order to have intercourse
with their mothers.
Certainly Bernays knew of Freud's theories on civilization's requirement for
sublimation, as he constantly promoted his uncle's work. Therefore, the fact
that Bernays helped bring about so many of the destructive elements that led
to the music/drug counterculture in the 1960s demands an explanation.
Prima facie it seems that Bernays used his uncle's insights to deliberately
break down the structure of American civilization. To understand this
requires recognizing that none of the elements of the counterculture of the
1960's described above occurred without some prior events that shifted
culture and made them permissible.
This is self-evident because anyone acting like
a "Deadhead" in 1920 would have been arrested. All of the aspects of the
counterculture had been preceded by events that led to the subtle cultural
shifts that permitted the public to accept them.
And Edward Bernays was at the root of these
cultural shifts.
1. Overt sexual images in the popular media
In 1913 Bernays was hired to protect a play that supported sex education
against police interference.
Typically, Bernays set up a fictitious
front group called the "Medical Review of Reviews Sociological Fund"
(officially concerned with fighting venereal disease) for the purpose of
endorsing the play and intimidating critics.
When reviewing the play the
New York Times glowed: "It is ‘sex' o clock in America."
2. Uninhibited dancing
Bernays produced the performances of Vaslav Nijinsky, who mimed
masturbation onstage, causing an outrage and sometimes actual riots.
"The whole country was discussing the ballet," Bernays wrote.
"The ballet liberated American dance
and, through it, the American spirit. It fostered a more tolerant
view toward sex; it changed our music and our appreciation of it…
The ballet scenarios made modern art more palatable; color assumed
new importance. It was a turning point in the appreciation of the
arts in the United States. "
An example of how the elements Bernays introduced would eventually
blossom into the counter culture is Jim Morrison of "The Doors" (named
after Aldous Huxley's book The Doors of Perception).
Morrison performed
the same on-stage miming of masturbation that Nijinsky had but to a far
larger audience.
To further debase his listeners, Morrison sang about a
young man acting out Freud's Oedipus complex in "The End," an ode to an
apocalypse of a culture where "all the children are insane":
The killer awoke before dawn, he put his boots on
He took a face from the ancient gallery
And he walked on down the hall
He went into the room where his sister lived, and…then he
Paid a visit to his brother, and then he
He walked on down the hall, and
And he came to a door…and he looked inside
Father, yes son, I want to kill you
Mother…I want to…WAAAAAA
While Morrison sang about a young man acting out the Oedipus complex,
another culturally debasing activity was taking place right in front of
Uninhibited "freak" dancing was part of the counterculture's
promotion of drug use and appeared on the Sunset Strip music clubs at
the same time that LSD did. Freak dancing, as it was called, was
introduced through the efforts of Vito Paulekas.
Notice in the following
video clip that though Paulekas seems to be dismissing LSD, he actually
provides a number of reasons for taking it.
At the end of the clip his
wife Szou, who seems to be a victim of mind control, cites Vito's belief
that people learn from those younger than themselves and that she has
learned from her child, obviously a culturally destructive pattern of
learning. Moreover, she claims at the end of the clip that LSD is a "military plot."
This begs the question of how someone who appears
mentally deficient came up with this idea.
''Alan Whicker'' - Whickers World San
Francisco 1967
(pt1 of 3)
People who are loaded behind that kind of thing don't do anything.
heavy kind of insistence everyplace you go with all the media about
"Wow, look at the colors, look at
the lights, look at the strobe things blinking! Man, you can
really find a trip if you get loaded behind this stuff."
There's a lot of that kind of thing insisting that we become
aware of it, that we become sensitive to it.
And a lot of the young
people are sensitive to it, and they become curious about it.
So they
say, "Which of it is bad?", and I say "Man, all of it's bad". […] "I'm
just going to get wiped out and I'm going to stay wiped out
baby, and nothing's going to get through to me."
~ Vito Paulekas
The following video clip of Vito's freak dancers shows that their
dancing obviously led people into LSD use, a fact that he could not have
been unaware of.
Vito's Freak Dancers
Vito made sure that his freak dancers attended the shows of the
fledgling rock idols to assist the LSD promoting bands of Laurel Canyon
to become as popular as the Beatles.
Vito was in his fifties, but he had four-way sex with goddesses… He
held these clay-sculpting classes on Laurel Avenue, teaching rich
Beverly Hills dowagers how to sculpt. And that was the Byrds' rehearsal
Then Jim Dickson had the idea to put them on at Ciro's, on the
basis that all the freaks would show up and the Byrds would be their
~ Kim Fowley
3. Music Idols
Bernays wrote:
"Human beings need to have godhead
symbols, and public relations counsels must help to create them."
Bernays saw his
idol-making as vital to the salvation of society:
"We have no being in the air to watch
over us. We must watch over ourselves, and that is where public
relations counselors can prove their effectiveness, by making the
public believe that human gods are watching over us for our own
These human gods, created by astute public relations,
would keep order by giving their followers reasons to live and goals to
Bernays manufactured the public's adoration of Enrico Caruso, who is
often called the first American pop star.
Bernays wrote:
"The overwhelming majority of the people
who reacted so spontaneously to Caruso had never heard him before."
"The public's ability to create its own
heroes from wisps of impressions and its own imagination and to
build them almost into flesh-and-blood gods fascinated me.
Of course, I knew the ancient Greeks and
other early civilized peoples had done this. But now it was
happening before my eyes in contemporary America." [34]
In his 1980 interview in Playboy magazine John Lennon also claimed that
the military and the CIA created LSD, though this did not stop him from
encouraging its use:
We must always remember to thank the CIA and the Army for LSD. That's
what people forget.
Everything is the opposite of what it is, isn't it,
Harry? So get out the bottle, boy - and relax. They invented
LSD to control people and what they did was give us freedom.
In light of the discovery that the CIA funded Gordon Wasson's trip to
Mexico, Lennon's comments begs the question as to how he came to his
understanding about the CIA popularizing LSD, and raises additional
questions about his assassination.
The research of David McGowan has shown that the connections between
military intelligence and the music idols that promoted drug use to
America's youth were too numerous to have been accidental.
Among the
many examples, Frank Zappa was the son of a specialist in chemical
warfare. Jim Morrison's father was Admiral Morrison, the same Admiral
Morrison who oversaw the
false flag Gulf of Tonkin incident that
launched the Vietnam War that was genocide against the Vietnamese, and
killed tens of thousands of American boys.
Other rock idols with direct
connections to the military included,
the Byrds
Buffalo Springfield
Mamas and the Papas
Jimmy Hendrix
the Grateful Dead
the Police
The father of Police band member Stewart Copeland was the founder of the
Office of Strategic Service (OSS), the precursor to the CIA, and he also
co-founded the CIA.
Ian Copeland, Stewart's brother, went on to start
the "New Wave" music movement, promoting bands such as his brother's The
Police, and also Squeeze, B-52s, The Cure, Simple Minds, The English
Beat, and The Go-Go's.
David McGowan also pointed out that
Ian Copeland
deliberately associated government power with the pop music
counterculture by the names he gave his organizations:
"I.R.S. Records,"
the band "The Police," and his "F.B.I." talent agency. [35]
We would note that this is just a small part of McGowan's research and
hope that our readers study his work.
Many of the so-called leaders and pioneers of psychedelic research
became media idols:
Gordon Wasson
Terence McKenna
Timothy Leary,
...have been virtually worshipped as gurus or gods.
It is of note that two
professors: one who taught at Harvard and wishes to remain anonymous,
and Prof. Bart Dean who studied there, have informed Irvin that, aside
from the Wasson library, there is actually a chapel at Harvard dedicated
to Wasson worship.
Ironically, as this article was being written, a new book of this genre
was being published:
Albert Hofmann - LSD and the Divine Scientist.
Though like many of those associated with the origins of the psychedelic
movement, Albert Hofmann is called "divine," evidence has come to light
which exposes him as both a CIA and French Intelligence operative.
Hoffman helped the agency dose the French village Pont Saint Esprit with
LSD. As a result five people died and Hofmann helped to cover up the
The LSD event at Pont Saint Esprit led to the famous murder of
Frank Olson by the CIA because he had threatened to go public. It was
the exposure of Olson's murder and his involvement with the MK-ULTRA
program that caused the national uproar leading to the Church
Incredibly, a paper to be published in Time and Mind this July by
English researcher Alan Piper shows that LSD was known about years
before Albert Hofmann supposedly "invented" it on 16 November 1938
(Hofmann claims to have not been aware of LSD's properties until 16
April 1943).
Piper has noted that in 1933 Jewish author
Leo Perutz wrote
the novel Saint Peter's Snow, wherein a new drug made from a fungus from
wheat is secretly tested and used in a failed attempt to bring about a
return of religious beliefs and return a Roman Emperor to his throne,
with a priest who warns that it's instead the worship of Molech.
than a return of Christian belief, the book ends in a communist
The relationship between psychedelics and communist or
socialist political leanings is not uncommon and should be noted. Piper
sees the parallelism between Perutz's psychedelic drug and LSD as an
unsolved mystery, but provides cultural historical background to the
conception of the novel and the scientific study of ergot.
The authors
maintain that in light of the evidence showing that the psychedelic
movement was part of a multi-generational plan, Perutz's book clearly
shows an awareness of that agenda.
It's ironic too that Perutz chooses
the name of St Peter's Snow for the title of the book from the following
quote, as it states on page 93 that "in the Alps it was called St
Peter's Snow" and of course the Alps are primarily in Switzerland -
where Hoffman supposedly invented the drug:
A few months later I came across the incomparably more important
testimony of Dionysus the Areopagite, a fourth-century Christian
Neo-Platonist, who states in one of his works that he imposed a two-day
fast on the members of his community, who longed for the real presence
of God, and he then regaled them with "bread made with holy flour." […]
I came across an ancient Roman rural priests' song, a solemn invocation
of Marmar or Mavor, who at that time was not yet the bloodthirsty god of
war but the peaceful protector of the fields.
‘Let your white frost
invade the crop so that they acknowledge thy power,' it said.
Like all
priests, Roman rural priests knew the secret of the hallucinogenic drug
that produces a state of ecstasy in which people ‘become seeing' and
‘acknowledge the power of the god'. The white frost was not a kind of
wheat, but a wheat disease, a parasite, a fungus that invaded the wheat
and fed on its substance." […]
"There are many kinds of parasitic fungi," the baron went on,
"the ascomycetes, the phycomycetes, and the basidiomycetes. In his Synopsis
Fungorum Bargin describes more than a hundred varieties, and nowadays
his work is regarded as out-of-date.
But among that hundred I had
identified the only one that produces ecstatic effects when it is
introduced into human food and thus finds its way into the human
organism." […]
There is - or was - a wheat disease that was often described in earlier
centuries and was known by a different name wherever it appeared.
Spain it was called Mary Magdalene's Plait, in Alsace it was known as
Poor Soul's Dew. In Adam of Cremona's Physician's Book it was called Misericord Seed, and in the Alps it was called St Peter's Snow.[37]
The book continues later on with the same theme we're discussing here,
where two of the main characters of the plot argue over whether they
should test the drug on themselves:
I did not at first realize that she was talking about the baron.
been quarrelling with him," she went on.
"A very serious quarrel. With
whom? The baron, of course, about the hallucinogen. He maintained that
we two, he and I, should not take it, but I disagreed. We were the
leaders, he said, we must remain clear-headed and dispassionate and be
above things, our task was to lead and not be carried away.
That's what the quarrel was about. I
said that being above it meant being out of it, and just because
he was the leader he must feel and think what the crowd thought
and felt.[…]" [38]
Later in the story we discover that the woman, Bibiche, who created and
tried the drug, is the one who headed the communist rebellion.
4. Feminism
In the 1920s, working for the American Tobacco Company, Bernays sent a
group of young models to march in the New York City parade.
He then told
the press that a group of "women's rights marchers" would light "Torches
of Freedom." On his signal, the models lit Lucky Strike cigarettes in
front of the eager photographers.
The New York Times (1 April 1929)
printed: "Group of Girls Puff at Cigarettes as a Gesture of 'Freedom'."
The study of the origins of feminism itself is an important one.
semi-anonymous Canadian researcher and author, Karen, who calls herself
"Girl Writes What," has spent the last several years investigating the
history and origins of feminism, and found, like the ‘psychedelic
movement' many of the claims concerning its foundations are
5. Integration
1920 Bernays produced the first
NAACP convention in Atlanta, Georgia.
His campaign was considered successful simply because there was no
violence at the convention. Bernays focused on the important
contributions of African Americans to Whites living in the South. He
later received an award from the NAACP for his contribution.
During this
decade he also handled publicity for the NAACP.
Though this is an obviously sensitive issue, it must be remembered that
at the beginning of the twentieth century rock and roll was almost
strictly African-American music.
If Bernays saw that music as helping to
release sexual restrictions, integration would have been useful.
Moreover, since they were emerging from slavery, the culture of African
Americans in the 19th century was much closer to the archaic revival
promoted by the creators of the counterculture than that of white
Thus, Bernays' promotion of integration was likely an attempt
to debase the culture of white America, rather than uplift African
6. Psychedelic drugs
Though Bernays is not known to have overtly promoted LSD, as noted
above, he did assist in establishing smoking tobacco as a socially
desirable act, thereby seeding the ground for other drug use.
Moreover, Bernays created the propaganda that enabled a destructive drug to be
accepted by the American public - the PR campaign that fooled the
country into believing that water fluoridation was safe and beneficial
to human health.
As Health Freedom News related:
The wide-scale U.S. acceptance of fluoride-related compounds in drinking
water and a wide variety of consumer products over the past half century
is a textbook case of social engineering orchestrated by Sigmund Freud's
nephew and the "father of public relations" Edward L. Bernays.
episode is instructive, for it suggests that tremendous capacity of
powerful interests to reshape the social environment, thereby prompting
individuals to unwarily think and act in ways that are often harmful to
themselves and their loved ones. […]
In fact, sodium fluoride is a dangerous poison and has been a primary
active ingredient in a wide variety of insecticides and fungicides. The
substance bioaccumulates in mammals, has been linked to dulled intellect
in children, and is a cause of increased bone fractures and osteosarcoma.[…]
In the 1930s, Edward Bernays was public-relations adviser to the
Aluminum Company of America (Alcoa).
Alcoa's principal attorney, Oscar
Ewing, went on to serve in the Truman administration from 1947 to 1952
as head of the Federal Security Agency, of which the Public Health
Service was a part.
In that capacity, Ewing authorized water
fluoridation for the entire country in 1950 and enlisted Bernays'
services to promote
water fluoridation to the public.
Bernays recalled the fluoridation campaign in which he was involved as
merely another assignment.
"The PR wizard specialized in promoting new
ideas and products to the public by stressing a claimed health benefit."
One such approach to prompting public opinion involved correspondence
from the City's Health Department to the presidents of the NBC and CBS
television networks, informing them,
"that debating fluoridation is like
presenting two sides for anti-Catholicism or anti-Semitism and
therefore not in the public interest."
Another method involved laying the ground
work for making fluoridation a house-hold term with a scientific patina.
He advised his clients to send letters to the editors of leading
publications discussing what the specific aspects of fluoridation
"We would put out the definition
first to the editors of important newspapers," Bernays recalled.
"Then we would send a letter to
publishers of dictionaries and encyclopedias. After six or eight
months we would find the world fluoridation was published and
defined in the dictionaries and encyclopedias."
In 1957, the Committee to Protect Our Children's Teeth suddenly emerged
to tout fluoridation with several celebrity figures on its roster…[40]
James F. Tracy
But the most direct connection between Bernays and the psychedelic movement
is that he was a close friend, adviser and promoter of the above-mentioned
Gordon Wasson - the so-called discoverer of magic mushrooms.
Bernays wrote:
Gordon Wasson was one of those newspapermen
who consciously or unconsciously recognized the implications of the
contacts he made in that capacity.
He found these contacts important,
outstanding. This led to other places and other things. In the New York
Tribune financial department he had made contact with the house on the
corner, Broad and Wall - J. P. Morgan.
Then he had given up newspaper work and
become associated with the home [Morgan's "house on the corner"].
he was in the publicity department. When Martin Eagen died, he assumed
the function of publicity man with J. Pierpont Morgan. He was highly
respected by his own people. He was intelligent, smooth. His mind was a
highly, splendidly geared functioning mechanism. […]
Wasson made it his
business and he got pleasure out of it too, of associating with a broad
segment of society. This was not unimportant in maintaining contacts for
the house on the corner [Broad and Wall - J.P. Morgan], with the rest of
the world.
Not until long after I knew him did I find out in [Prof. Raymond]
Moley's book "The First Seven Years" [sic] published in 1939, a
reference to Gordon Wasson.
Moley wrote a memo in 1934 and made
recommendations for the Stock Exchange Commission membership.
Next to Gordon Wasson, whom he recommended,
he added,
"a resident of New Jersey, handled
foreign securities for Guaranty Company, has acted a liaison between
Wall Street and Landis, Cohen and Corcoran because his friendship
with them was known downtown.
Knows security business and the Act
thoroughly having helped in its drafting, very well-liked by
treasury and commerce, would certainly be recommended by the
Guaranty and Stock Exchange and therefore would be acceptable to
Wall Street. I saw Wasson very often between 1934 and '44[…]."
~ Edward Bernays
An example of Bernays' influence on Wasson is
Wasson's article of September 26, 1970 in the New York Times, wherein Wasson
claimed to feel remorse regarding the reports of,
"hippies, psychopaths and adventurers and
pseudo-research workers",
...that had descended on Huautla de Jimenez in
Oaxaca, Mexico to take magic mushrooms:
Huautla, when I first knew it as a humble
out-of-the-way Indian village, has become a true mecca for hippies,
psychopaths, adventurers, pseudo-research workers, the miscellaneous
crew of our society's drop-outs.
The old ways are dead and I fear that my
responsibility is heavy, mine and Maria Sabina's. […]
As for me, what have I done? I made a cultural discovery of importance.
Should I have suppressed it? It has led to further discoveries the reach
of which remains to be seen. Should these further discoveries have
remained stultified by my unwillingness to reveal the secret of the
Indians' hallucinogens?
Yet what I have done gives me nightmares: I have unleashed on lovely
Huautla a torrent of commercial exploitation of the vilest kind. Now the
mushrooms are exposed for sale everywhere - in every market-place, in
every village doorway. Everyone offers his services as a "priest" of the
rite, even the politicos. […]
The whole of the countryside is agog with
the furtive movements of hippies, the comings and goings of the "federalistas,"
the Dogberries with their blundering efforts to root them out. [42]
~ R. Gordon Wasson
However, in a later letter to Bertram Wolfe that
was found at the Hoover Institute at Stanford, Wasson remarks:
October 13, 1970:
Dear Mr. Wolfe:
[...] Do you remember your last letter to me? I was
asking you where Tolstoy had said the printing press was a mighty engine
for disseminating ignorance.
This Mazatec affair is a case in point.
~ R. Gordon Wasson
We can be certain now that Wasson was engaging
in a Bernays-style misdirection to hide the truth with his claim to be sorry
that he had ruined "lovely Huautla."
Within the trove of documents made public by the
CIA on MK-ULTRA are some brought to the attention of Jan Irvin by MK-ULTRA
expert Dr. Colin Ross. These documents prove that Wasson's journey had been
financed by the infamous organization.
In other words, the resulting magazine articles
from Life and This Week, cited above, were describing an operation funded by
the CIA's MK-ULTRA Subproject 58. These documents will be analyzed in a
separate article but show that Wasson lied to conceal his agenda.
For brevity we'll only include three of the CIA letters here.
Other documents include financial information
for the camera and recording equipment, a note stating that J.P. Morgan Bank
and the National Philosophical Society were the subcontractors, and letters
from Wasson requesting MK-ULTRA reimburse his expenses for his trips to
gather hallucinogenic mushrooms, and several letters between Wasson and
Allen Dulles, the head
of the CIA, in the weeks before the Life magazine
article was published - including an invitation from Dulles to Wasson to
come and visit him.
February 8, 1956
Attention, Dr. [redacted - Sidney Gottlieb or Charles Geschickter?]
Dear Sirs,
Over recent months, as Dr. [redacted] will inform you, I have had
conversations with him and Dr. [redacted - James Moore?] of the
[redacted - Geschickter fund?] concerning certain pioneering inquiries
that we are [unintelligible] hallucinatory fungi used by some of the
more remote [redacted - Mexican Indian cultures] in association with
their indigenous religious practices.
I am planning a fourth expedition to the mountains in the [redacted -
Oaxaca region of Mexico] for July. I should like to hope that the
expenses involved win this expedition would be borne by a [redacted] in
the medical aspects of the research.
With this in mind, I take the liberty of
applying to you by this letter for a grand-in-aid of $2000 for the
purpose of gathering the specimens in the field, identification thereof,
their conservation either in liquor or in the dry state, and their
conveyance to [redacted - CIA or Albert Hoffman?].
For your further information, Professor [redacted - Roger Heim], leading
[redacted] mycologist and Director of the [redacted - Museum National
d'Histoire Naturelle] has committed himself to accompany us on this
His great experience in mycology generally
and in tropical mycology in particular will be of very great value to
us. In order that we may plan accordingly, I should hope that your
decision on this matter could be communicated to me before too long.
am leaving for a trip to [redacted] at the end of March to be gone for
two months, and before my departure for [redacted - Oaxaca, Huautla de
Jimenez] I should like to settle on all details concerning the equipment
we shall take and the personnel of our expedition.
I remain Respectfully Yours
Gordon Wasson
[name redacted in the original]
The following letters show exactly how close DCI
Dulles was to Wasson.
Obviously, as the head of the CIA Dulles would
have known of and, as subproject 58 documents reveal, actually approved the
secret agenda of MK-ULTRA's "subproject 58" - the promoting of psychedelic
drugs to America's youth.
21 March 1956
ATTENTION: Finance Division
SUBJECT: MK-ULTRA, Subproject 58
Under the authority granted in the Memoranda dated 13 April 1953 from
the DCI to the DD/2, and the extension of this authority in subsequent
memoranda, Subproject 58 has been approved, and $2,000.00 of the
over-all Project MK-ULTRA funds has been obligated to cover the
subproject's expenses and should be charged to Allotment 6-2502-10-001.
[redacted - Acting Chief]
TSS/Chemical Division
Research Director [redacted]
Date: [redacted]
3 April 1957
Dear Gordon:
It was a great pleasure to write a letter of recommendation on behalf of
my good friend, Ellsworth Bunker, to the Century Association. I enclose
a copy. It was good to hear from you.
Let me know if you are in
~ Allen Dulles [44]
An example of how Wasson's activities for the
CIA have been kept hidden is the work of MK-ULTRA "expert" and author Hank Albarelli, a former lawyer for the Carter administration and Whitehouse who
also worked for the Treasury Department.
Though Albarelli presents himself to the public
as a MK-ULTRA ‘whistleblower', he apparently attempted to derail Irvin's
investigation into Gordon Wasson. Over a 3-year period - which Irvin has
carefully documented - Albarelli pretended to help Irvin file CIA FOIA
(Freedom of Information Act) requests.
During this period Albarelli repeatedly claimed
that the FOIA requests had come back empty, or that the Agency had not
responded and had not yet filled the FOIA requests. Albarelli's claims were
The agency had filled separate FOIA that Irvin
had filed on Wasson in just 90 days.
Though several pages on Wasson were released to FOIA requests by the CIA in
2003, eventually Albarelli sent a fake CIA response to Irvin, wherein
Albarelli stated that the CIA's response was:
"0 on Wasson. 'All pages most
likely destroyed in 1973 MK/ULTRA destruction of documents'."
Then, after
his many claims that the FOIA request hadn't yet been filed by the CIA,
Albarelli changed his story and claimed that the delay was due to the fact
that he had never filed it, even though Irvin maintained numerous email
records where Albarelli had claimed to have done so.
Suspicious, Irvin filed
his own FOIA request with the CIA, which was promptly filled by the Agency
and exposed Albarelli's cover story as, apparently, a fabrication intended
to slow Irvin's research. Here are just a few of the conversations regarding
the matter that Irvin recorded:
On February 16, 2010, Irvin wrote:
Hi Hank,
Question, would you be willing to help me do a FOIA request on Wasson? I
have no idea where to begin or who to send it to. I've looked a few
times and it all was so intimidating for me - which is what they want I
suppose. But that seems the best way to get to the core of this issue.
On February 16, 2010, Albarelli replied:
Sure. The first thing we need is an obit on
Wasson from a major newspaper like the NYT's. After that, I can do the
rest for you.
On May 04, 2010, Albarelli wrote:
0 on Wasson. All pages most likely
"destroyed in 1973 MK/ULTRA destruction of documents."
On Oct 22, 2010, Irvin wrote:
I also asked if you would send me the CIA
FOIA response so that I have it in my Wasson records?
On Oct 22, 2010, Albarelli replied:
[Y]ou can't without my revealing all those
other files/documents/subjects I requested and I have no intention of
doing that… that simply was not part of our arrangement which is a bit
one-sided thus far…
On July 04, 2011, Albarelli, contradicting his
email of May 04, 2010, claims:
[Y]ou need to read more carefully -
FOIAs have NOT been answered: these [are] the refiled FOIAs.
I will share nothing with you that does not involve your writings or
[…] Please do not keep bothering me with this stuff… I do not share your
interest in Wasson: I don't care if he worked for the CIA; I am only
interested in Pont St. Esprit and the French use of LSD, matters you
know nothing about as far as I know.
On February 22, 2013 Albarelli wrote:
Huxley and MK/ULTRA: a pipe-dream on your
part. Wasson was not CIA. I challenge you to document that.
90 days for a neophyte filing, but look at what you got in response;
documents that were released 25 years ago.
I did NOT file a FOIA for you because I did NOT want to be associated
with you in any way.
During the above conversation on February 22,
2013, Albarelli threw insult after insult at Irvin and refused to answer any
direct questions.
Though Albarelli claims that he did not want to
be associated with Irvin in any way, after the above emails regarding the
FOIAs and requesting his help, Albarelli did a full interview on Irvin's
podcast show to promote his book A Terrible Mistake, and he also agreed to
publish this interview in print and did the editing of the interview
Albarelli accuses Irvin for being a neophyte for
getting a response from the CIA in 90 days, but from the above February 16,
and May 04, 2010 missives, it's clear that Albarelli too received the
response from the CIA within 90 days.
Albarelli also claimed that the files had been
released 25 years ago, when they had actually been released on 5/5/2003 - 6
years and 9 months before Irvin's first request to Albarelli for help.
When Albarelli claims:
"you can't without my revealing all those
other files/documents/subjects I requested," in fact the CIA answers
each FOIA request individually by postal mail.
Between the CIA FOIA request documents that
Albarelli apparently attempted to withhold from Irvin, and also the CIA
documents from MK-ULTRA subproject 58, it's quite easy to document that
Wasson was involved with the CIA and MK-ULTRA - as we've already revealed
In our opinion, in light of the above and the documents showing that
MK-ULTRA funded Wasson, Albarelli's description of Wasson's relationship to
the CIA below can be seen as clever disinformation intended to hide the
truth from the public.
Albarelli wrote:
Especially significant in the history of LSD
and psychotropic drugs is the work of Gordon Wasson and his wife
Valentina Pavlovna.
The couple traveled the globe in search of
exotic and rare psychoactive mushrooms, and they were the first to use
the term ‘ethnomycology'. Over a forty year period, the two collected
and catalogued the "food of the Gods."
In 1977, Wasson commented that throughout
his many excursions to Mexico from 1952 through 1962, "I didn't send a
single sample to an American mycologist. I didn't get a penny, not a
single grant from any government sources. I'm perfectly sure of that."
There is no reason to doubt Wasson, but what he did not know at the time
of his excursions was that the United States government was closely
monitoring every one of his trips and that each and every one of his
collected samples found their way back from Mexico to CIA-funded
Wasson also sent his samples to Albert
Hofmann at Sandoz Labs in Switzerland. Hofmann, according to Wasson,
"was doing the key work synthesizing the active ingredients" of the
What Wasson again did not realize was that
the fruits of all of his and Hofmann's labors were being plucked from
the vine by the U.S. Army and CIA both of whom, since at least 1948, had
covert operatives working in the Sandoz Laboratories.[…]
Wasson also reported that he had once been approached by either the CIA
or FBI.
"I'm not sure which," he said.
They wanted him "to do work for the
government." He turned them down, saying he thought the effort "patriotic," but did not want his work being classified secret.
"I wanted to publish all my findings,"
he explained. [45]
Albarelli's "research" seems to only expose
insignificant aspects of the overarching MK-ULTRA programs, sacrificing
older operations to keep the more important and more current ones separate
and hidden.
Also of note is that the CIA FOIA request that Irvin filed behind
Albarelli's was on Gordon Wasson, and several of the files received from the
CIA are personal letters between Wasson and Allen Dulles (one is quoted
above) - from just 5 weeks before Wasson's Life magazine article was
Bernays - The Government
Operative for Social Control
Bernays was also directly linked into another government effort to shape
In 1917, Woodrow Wilson engaged George Creel to
influence the American public opinion in favor of WWI. Creel founded the
Committee on Public Education and hired Edward Bernays.
It is noteworthy
that after the death of his wife, Creel resided at
the Bohemian Club in San
Francisco, the secret society that also has members of the Grateful Dead -
Bob Weir, Mickey Hart.[46] As well, Alexander Shulgin, the famous
psychedelic chemist, is also a member of the club.
In his book Pihkal he
refers to the Bohemian Club as "The Owl Club" for its famous mascot:
I happily rejoined the Owl Club and, to this
day, I put on a polite shirt and tie and carry my viola to the City [San
Francisco] and play in the orchestra every Thursday evening, without
I should add that I'm the only Club member who wears, and always has
worn, black sandals instead of shoes, having decided a very long time
ago that sandals were infinitely healthier for my feet than the airless,
moist environment offered by the kinds of footwear worn by my fellow
They are used to my sandals, by now, and they are used to me.[47]
~ Alexander Shulgin
The Bohemian Club is the West Coast sister club
of the CIA's Century Club (cited above), formerly headed up by none other
than DCI Allen Dulles and, apparently, Gordon Wasson.[48]
One cannot understand Edward Bernays' and Gordon Wasson's influence on
American culture by regarding each piece in isolation or as "one thing."
Their work must be viewed as a whole. From this perspective it is clear that
they were part of a "tide" that eventually overwhelmed the youth of America.
The authors would argue that given Bernays'
totalitarian political perspective and his understanding of group behavior,
and Gordon Wasson's now proven role in MK-ULTRA, the collection of
destructive elements they introduced into American culture could not have
been by accident.
The turning of America's youth into "Deadheads" was a
longstanding project created by a secret organization within the US
government that intends to usher in a new Dark Ages.
As the Cohen brothers wrote in their film "No Country For Old Men":
Ellis: You know,
if you'd have told me 20 years ago.
I'd see children walking
the streets of our Texas towns.
…with green hair, bones in their noses…
I just flat-out
wouldn't have believed you.
Bell: Signs and wonders.
Ellis: But I think once you quit hearing "sir"
and "ma'am," the rest is soon to foller.
Bell: - Oh, it's the tide.
Ellis: - Yeah.
It's the dismal tide.
It is not the one thing.
Bell: Not the one thing.
Terence McKenna and
the Esalen Institute
Terence McKenna eventually became the key promoter of the Huxleys' and the
Esalen Institute's New Dark Age, or neo-feudalist, post-modernist agenda to
enslave the masses and turn back history.
McKenna's book The Archaic Revivalis essentially
a rundown of nearly all of the items promoted by the Fourth World Wilderness
agenda to accomplish these goals.[49]
In the introduction to The Invisible Landscape by the brothers McKenna,
Stevens, author of Storming Heaven, makes clear the true agenda of their
Our appetite for simplicity has caused us to
compress the chaos of the ‘60s into one monolithic "Youth Revolt." But
there were two philosophies then among the revolutionaries on how the
world might be remade.
One path, endorsed by political power and
using the vantage to raise consciousness and save the world. The other
path proposed an attack on the consciousness itself using a
controversial and soon outlawed family of psychochemicals-the
psychedelics. [50]
~Jay Stevens
Confirming Stevens' statement, in The Archaic
Revival Terence McKenna admits:
You know, I am very much at variance with
the wisdom of hindsight in looking back at how Leary and Alpert and
Ralph Metzner handled it in the sixties.
But to try to launch a "children's crusade,"
to try to co-opt the destiny of the children of the middle class using
the media as your advance man [i.e. Henry Luce and Time-Life] was a very
risky business. And it rebounded, I think, badly.
I think Huxley's approach was much more intelligent - not to try to
reach the largest number of people, but to try to reach the most
important and influential people: the poets, the architects, the
politicians, the research scientists, and especially the
Because what we're talking about is the
greatest boon to psychotherapy since dreaming. [51]
Later McKenna admits that Aldous Huxley was a
key player behind MK-ULTRA and this neo-feudalism, all the while relating
the official version of the story:
When you go to the Amazon or when you take
peyote with the Huichol it is quite a chore to get sufficient material
for twenty people.
So the release of so much LSD into modern
society caused the powers that be [who released it] to assume that the
whole social machine was being dissolved in acid - literally, before
their very eyes. I think that this was a mistake, to go at it like this.
There were many voices at the time, with many theories of how it should
be handled. If Aldous Huxley had lived another ten
years, it would have been very different.[52]
Recently it has come to light that Aldous Huxley
was also a member of the Century Club with Gordon Wasson and Allen
In August 2012 Irvin published a short overview of some of his research
points on Esalen, Huxley and McKenna, which revealed that Aldous Huxley and
the Esalen Institute had long been a key center for distributing this New
Dark Age, as well as Fourth World Wilderness agenda to dumb down the masses,
essentially being a sort of MK-ULTRA headquarters with Michael Murphy
apparently running the entire MK-ULTRA show today.
Is it coincidence that Terence would hang
out with the great grandson of one of the key promoters of Darwin's
theories, Francis Huxley (1),
who had ties via his own family to Darwin's
via his cousin (2), and was influenced heavily by Tielhard (3) - who was
involved with the Piltdown Hoax (4) - who happened also to have an intro
in his book written by Julian Huxley (5), Francis's father (6), and
should then come up with the Stoned Ape theory (7), and promote it and
the 2012 meme that was developed by a CIA agent, Coe (8), who just so
happened to be in-laws with a friend of Julian's, Dobhzanski (9), and
then dispense the entire meme from Esalen (10), where he spent time with
Aldous's wife, Laura (11), and Esalen happens to have been co-created by
Aldous Huxley himself (12)? [54]
The Invisible landscape, which is essentially an
attack on thought, an attempt to get the youth of America to believe there
is no truth, also talks about using psychedelics and ending critical
thinking to bring about the apocalypse:
Achievement of the zero state can be
imagined to arrive in one of two forms. One is the dissolution of the
cosmos in an actual cessation and unraveling of natural laws, a literal
The other possibility takes less for granted
from the mythologems associated with the collective transformation and
entry into concrescence and hews more closely to the idea that
concrescence, however miraculous it is, is still the culmination of a
human process, a process of toolmaking, which comes to completion in the
perfect artifact: the monadic self, exteriorized, condensed, and visible
in three dimensions' in the alchemical terms, the dream of a union of
spirit and matter.
Presumably, were such a hyper-spatial
tool/process discovered, in a very short time it would entirely
restructure life's experience of itself, of time, space, and of
otherness, and then it would be these effects which would follow rather
than precede the concrescence, and which, through their atemporal
influence on the content of visionary experience, would be seen to have
given rise to the "apocalyptic scenario" in the expectation of so many ontologies.
The appearance in normal space-time of
hyper-dimensional body, obedient to a simultaneously transformed and
resurrected human will, and able to plumb the obligations and
opportunities inherent in this unique juncture in energy's long struggle
for self-liberation, may be apocalypse enough. [55]
In 1978 Gordon Wasson, Albert Hoffman, and Carl A. P. Ruck
published The Road To Eleusis, a book which argues that the ancient
Greek Eleusinian Mysteries were based on a derivative of ergot, or early
In the forward of this book Wasson states:
The initiates lived through the night in the
telesterion of Eleusis, under the leadership of the two hierophantic
families, the Eumolpids and the Kerykes, and they would come away all
wonder-struck by what they had lived through: according to some, they
were never the same as before.[56]
In chapter one, Wasson continues:
Early Man in Greece, in the second
millennium before Christ, founded the Mysteries of Eleusis and they held
spellbound the initiates who each year attended the right.
Silence as to what took place there was
obligatory: the laws of Athens were extreme in the penalties that were
imposed on any who infringed the secret, but throughout the Greek world,
far beyond the reach of Athens' laws, the secret was kept spontaneously
throughout Antiquity, and since the suspension of the Mysteries in the
4th century A.D. that Secret has become a built-in element in the lore
of Ancient Greece.
I would not be surprised if some classical
scholars would even feel that we are guilty of a sacrilegious outrage at
now prying open the secret.
On 15 November 1956 I read a brief paper
before the
American Philosophical Society [an MK-ULTRA Subproject 58
subcontractor - see CIA files] describing the Mexican mushroom cult and
the ensuing oral discussion I intimated that this cult might lead us to
the solution of the Eleusinian Mysteries.[57]
In the above two paragraphs Wasson admits that
the entirety of the Eleusinian Mysteries were controlled by two families:
the Eumolpids and the Kerykes.
He states that initiates would come away
"wonder-struck" and that they were held "spellbound." He admits that
everything regarding the mysteries was a secret under threat of penalty or,
in the case of Socrates, death.
But Wasson ironically claims the secret was
"kept spontaneously throughout Antiquity" - which is absurd. If the
mysteries were kept secret by force, they were, therefore, entirely
controlled - state sanctioned. As Irvin has shown in lectures, secrecy and
occultation are nearly always used against, or to control, those who don't
have that secret information.[58]
Why would these two families need to keep
something that's supposed to be a spiritual or religious experience a
secret, unless it was in actuality only for control?
Wasson goes on to discuss a paper he read on 15 November 1956 to the
American Philosophical Society. CIA MK-ULTRA documents reveal that "10.
National Philosophical Society" was a "Subproject 58 - Cosponsor," but then
go on to say "Unable to locate - not sent."
Why would the CIA be unable to locate the
National Philosophical Society, unless the name is wrong? I think it's
highly likely that this reference to the National Philosophical Society is
actually referring to the American Philosophical Society.
There doesn't appear evidence of a National
Philosophical Society ever existing, and there is much for an "American
Philosophical Society" - which was founded by Benjamin Franklin in 1743.
was the American Philosophical Society also behind MK-ULTRA Subproject 58?
Online searches for a "National Philosophical
Society" automatically pull up the "American Philosophical Society" - where
Wasson gave his lecture on this very topic in 1956 - during the height of
his MK-ULTRA activities.
The authors are in disagreement about the use of mind-altering drugs.
One believes that we do should not dismiss the
potential of these substances as biological tools to open doorways of the
mind, and possibly spiritual dimensions; but those who consider these
substances as only spiritual tools often ignore their dark side and never
consider that they can be easily used as much for control.
He recommends they not be used without a prior
thorough study in something such as the trivium method, and suggests that,
like a knife which may be used to cut your food, and also used to kill;
psychedelics can be used to empower or control. It is important for people
who use these substances to consider what others think of them who don't use
them for spiritual purposes.
The other believes that given their provenance,
they should not be taken under any circumstances.
We must consider:
Does the predator think that these substances are tools
for spiritual awakening, or for the control of others?
What the reader may
believe is not necessarily the whole truth.
How the elite of ancient Athens controlled the masses was through drug
mystery initiations at Eleusis that they managed to keep secret for 2000
years during their reign, and the secret agenda of how the mysteries were
actually used for control hasn't been revealed for all to see until now -
nearly 4000 years since the mysteries at Eleusis began.
Huston Smith in the introduction to The Road to Eleusis says:
The Greeks, though, created a holy
institution, the Eleusinian Mysteries, which seems regularly to have
opened a space in the human psyche for God to enter.
The content of
those Mysteries is, together with the identity of India's sacred Soma
plant, one of the two best kept secrets in history […]
For by direct implication it raises contemporary questions which our
cultural establishment has thus far deemed too hot to face.
The first of these is the already cited question Nietzsche raised: Can
humanity survive godlessness, which is to say, the absence of an
ennobling vision - a convincing, elevating view of the nature of things
and life's place within it?
Second, have modern secularism, scientism, materialism, and consumerism
conspired to form a carapace that Transcendence now has difficulty
In the answer to that second question is affirmative, a third one
follows hard in its heels. Is there need, perhaps an urgent need, to
devise something like the Eleusinian Mysteries to get us out of Plato's
cave and into the light?
~ Huston Smith - Intro Road to
Eleusis, p. 10.
Apparently that's what was actually done:
elites and oligarchs, based on their own arrogance and ad vericundiam, or
false appeal to authority, recreated the Eleusinian mysteries to pull the
masses from one
of Plato's caves, and not into the light but, rather,
another cave.
The meaning of "the noble lie," referred to as "an ennobling vision" by
Smith, above, is defined:
"In politics a noble lie is a myth or
untruth, often, but not invariably, of a religious nature, knowingly
told by an elite to maintain social harmony or to advance an agenda.
The noble lie is a concept originated by
Plato as described in the Republic."[59]
...the earth, as being their mother,
delivered them, and now, as if their land were their mother and their
nurse, they ought to take thought for her and defend her against any
attack, and regard the other citizens as their brothers and children of
the self-same earth...
While all of you, in the city, are brothers,
we will say in our tale, yet god, in fashioning those of you who are
fitted to hold rule, mingled gold in their generation, for which reason
they are the most precious - but in the helpers, silver, and
iron and brass in the farmers and other craftsmen.
And, as you are all akin, though for the
most part you will breed after your kinds, it may sometimes happen that
a golden father would beget a silver son, and that a golden offspring
would come from a silver sire, and that the rest would, in like manner,
be born of one another.
So that the first and chief injunction that
the god lays upon the rulers is that of nothing else are they to be such
careful guardians, and so intently observant as of the intermixture of
these metals in the souls of their offspring, and if sons are born to
them with an infusion of brass or iron they shall by no means give way
to pity in their treatment of them, but shall assign to each the status
due to his nature and thrust them out among the artisans or the farmers.
And again, if from these there is born a son
with unexpected gold or silver in his composition they shall honor such
and bid them go up higher, some to the office of guardian, some to the
assistanceship, alleging that there is an oracle that the city shall
then be overthrown when the man of iron or brass is its guardian.[60]
All of this leaves us asking…
Was the field of ethnomycology founded
not, necessarily, to study the myths and legends of cultures that
utilized these substances, but rather to study how they used them
for control - the noble lie?
Was it also founded to promote this
neo-feudalist, archaic revival?
Were MK-ULTRA Subproject 58, the
psychedelic revolution, and the Deadhead an expression of that
Are these systems of control being
continued today through the rave culture and "Burning Man"?
So it appears.
just as the ancient Greek hierophants
created the mysteries of Eleusis
just as Emperor Titus created the
story of Jesus and Christianity
just as the Levitical priests created
Judaism and the "chosen" ideology,
...today the elites have spun a new religion,
the New Dark Age, a.k.a. the Archaic Revival - and they call this
reverse direction into history "evolution."
Wasson, McKenna, Leary, and Hoffman are
but the hierophants of this New Dark Age, and its new mystery religion,
which is nothing
but mind control in disguise.
As John Uri Lloyd, one of the first to actually experience psilocybe
mushrooms in the 1800s, warns us in a footnote in his novel
(Aphrodite backwards):
[…] If, in the course of experimentation, a
chemist should strike upon a compound that in traces only would subject
his mind and drive his pen to record such seemingly extravagant ideas as
are found in the hallucinations herein pictured, would it not be his
duty to bury the discovery from others, to cover from mankind the
existence of such a noxious fruit of the chemist's or pharmaceutist's
Introduce such an intoxicant, and start it
to ferment in humanity's blood, and before the world were advised of its
possible results, might not the ever increasing potency gain such
headway as to destroy, or debase, our civilization, and even to
exterminate mankind? [61]
- John Uri Lloyd, 1895 -
Though it seems incredible, Esalen, and Huxley,
McKenna, Bernays, Wasson and Dulles appear to have been part of a secret
agenda within the U.S. government that intends to usher in a post-modernist,
neo-feudalism Dark Age and slavery in America.
What makes this particularly difficult to
believe is the unanswered question of the organization's motivation.
What would motivate such a group?
Religious fervor?
All of the above?
And how would it be able to maintain
such secrecy, involving certainly hundreds, if not thousands of
individuals over such a long time?
One thing is clear. Whatever is the basis for
this organization, it resides within
identifiable secret societies.
The number of individuals that can be
demonstrated to have taken part in creating the Deadhead who are also
members of,
...is simply too large to have been
Moreover, Dr. Colin Ross has shown that
high level
Freemasonry was responsible for funding the original LSD research
(waiting for citation from Ross) and this group should also be inspected
We appeal to scholars and to the public to help us find the truth behind
MK-ULTRA and the creation of the Deadhead and the post-modernist,
neo-feudalism movement.
The authors are not looking to bring anyone out of one cave and into yet
another, but to free humanity from this insanity. And only the truth is
capable of that.
Esalen, Aldous Huxley, Gordon Wasson, Timothy
Leary, Terence McKenna, and the peddlers of this agenda: The spell is now
undone and the true secrets of Eleusis, of the CIA and the psychedelic
revolution, are now revealed for the entire world to see.
As we were concluding this article, the following letter arrived.
We share it to drive home the importance of
bringing to light all of the MK-ULTRA and related military/intelligence
Terry Parker Jr.
2209-55 Triller Ave.
Toronto, Ont.
Canada. M6R-2H6
Dear Jan,
As an unwitting subject of unauthorized lobotomy and brain implant
experimentation, I do suspect that this intrusion is CIA MK-ULTRA
Medical records and X-ray at
http://www.thewhyfiles.net/mkultra4.htm#update discloses
unauthorized lobotomy and brain implant experimentation, (Dec. 9,1969 &
Jan. 27,1972, at 14 & 16 years of age) without informed consent, nor
parental knowledge, while under the guise of treating epilepsy. (ie-"scar
tissue removal")
This information correlates with the CIA
MK-ULTRA project of psychosurgical and brain implant research upon
unwitting subjects. Those subjects being myself, and other children who
suffer epilepsy at the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children.
I recall neurosurgical wards 5-G and 6-G, full of children with various
cranium incisions and casts on their heads. Despite my efforts to
address this criminal assault with the College of Physicians & Surgeons,
Ontario Health Professions Board, Toronto Police, Ontario Provincial
Police, RCMP, CSIS, INTER-POL, and our members of parliament, one is
subject to major damage control and concealment of this covert
Just as we have a cloud of secrecy in respect to JFK's missing brain
tissue, after his assassination in 1963, we have a similar cover-up in
respect to Dr. Harold Joseph Hoffman's covert brain surgical experiments
upon unwitting children who suffer epilepsy.
Would appreciate any info relating Toronto Sick Kids with the CIA
MK-ULTRA projects.
I believe we have further insight as to why former CIA Director Richard
Helms destroyed all the MK-ULTRA files back in 1973.
For your attention, I remain.
Terry Parker Jr./aka Robertson
Photo and X-ray enclosed-scroll down
John Allegro, The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, Gnostic
Media, 2009.
Terence McKenna, Archaic Revival, 1991, HarperSanFransico
Michael Coe, The Maya, Frederick A. Praeger, New York,
Terence McKenna: The Invisible Landscape,
HarperSanFrancisco, 1993, pg. 171. This citation is not found in
the 1st, 1975 edition, of The Invisible
Terence McKenna, Archaic Revival, 1991, HarperSanFransico.
P. 215
Louis Jolyon West (1975) in Hallucinations: Behaviour,
Experience, and Theory by Ronald K. Siegel and Louis Jolyon
West, 1975. ISBN 978-1-135-16726-4. P. 298 ff.
Piero Camporesi, Bread of Dreams, University of Chicago
Press, 1996. ISBN: 0-226-09258-5. p. 84
Around 1962, Hunter was an early volunteer test subject (along
with Ken Kesey) for psychedelic chemicals at Stanford
University's research covertly sponsored by the CIA in their
MK-ULTRA program. [McNally 42] He was paid to take LSD,
psilocybin, and mescaline and report on his experiences, which
were creatively formative for him: "Sit back picture yourself
swooping up a shell of purple with foam crests of crystal drops
soft nigh they fall unto the sea of morning creep-very-softly
mist…and then sort of cascade tinkley-bell like (must I take you
by the hand, every so slowly type) and then conglomerate
suddenly into a peal of silver vibrant uncomprehendingly, blood
singingly, joyously resoundingbells….By my faith if this be
insanity, then for the love of God permit me to remain insane."
[McNally 42-43]
An interview with John Perry Barlow in Forbes: "Why
Spy?", October 7, 2002. - "A few weeks later, in early 1993, I
passed through the gates of the CIA headquarters in Langley,
Virginia, and entered a chilled silence, a zone of paralytic
paranoia and obsessive secrecy, and a technological time capsule
straight out of the early '60s. The Cold War was officially
over, but it seemed the news had yet to penetrate where I now
found myself."
Eustace Mullins, Secrets of the Federal Reserve, 1993. p.
Ron Chernow, The House of Morgan, 2001 p. 466
The CFR archives, Princeton University, Mudd Library: MC104, box
451: folder 1 - Mikoyan
Hamilton Fish Armstrong, Wasson Archives, Harvard Botanical
Museum. Foreign Affairs (CFR) letterhead, dated November 10,
1950. "Dear Gordon: I have written these Century members to say
that you and I are proposing George Kennan for membership: Boris
A. Bakhmeteff, Charles C. Burlingham, Allen Dulles, General
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Philip C. Jessup, Geroid Tanquary
Robinson, William L. Shirer, Dean G. Acheson, James B. Conant,
Edward Mead Earle, Herbert B. Elliston, Joseph C. Grew, William
L. Langer, Robert A. Lovett. In addition George gave me some
other names: Imrie de Vegh, John Foster Dulles, Thomas S.
Lamont, Russell C. Leffingwell, Vannevar Bush, Everett Case […]
Graham Harvey, Shamanism, 2002. p. 433
John Cloud, When the Elites Loved LSD - Time Magazine,
April 23, 2007
Abbie Hoffman, Soon to be a Major Motion Picture, New
York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1980, p. 73
Edward Bernays, Propaganda, 1928, Ch. 1, P. 1.
Gustave Le Bon, Psychology of Crowds, 1895, Sparkling
Books LTD, 2009.
Wilfred Trotter, Instincts of the Herd in Peace and War,
T. Fisher Unwin LTD, 1919.
Gustave Le Bon, Psychology of Crowds, 1895, Sparkling
Books LTD, 2009. P. 95.
Larry Tye, The Father of Spin: Edward L. Bernays and The
Birth of Public Relations, Macmillan, 2002. P. 15ff
Hank Albarelli, A Terrible Mistake: The Murder of Frank Olson
and the CIA's Secret Cold War Experiments, Trine Day, 2009.
P. 359
Leo Perutz, Saint Peter's Snow, Arcade Publishing, 1990.
P. 92ff.
Gnostic Media podcast episode #146: Karen of GirlWritesWhat - "The Feminist Fallacy".
James F. Tracy, Poison is Treatment: Edward Bernays and the
Campaign to Fluoridate America, p. 15 ff in Health Freedom
News. Summer 2012/ Vol. 30 / No. 2
US Library of Congress, Bernays collection: Part I: Book File,
1890-1965, n.d. BOX I:459, Wasson, Gordon
Gordon Wasson. "Drugs: The Sacred Mushroom." The New York
Times, 26 Sept 1970, p. 29.
Hoover Institute, Stanford University. Bertram D. Wolfe papers.
Box: 15, Folder: 72
Documents and letters from the CIA archives on R. Gordon Wasson
- FOIA request, February 2012. Approved for release 2003/05/05 :
Hank Albarelli, A Terrible Mistake: The Murdier of Frank
Olson and the CIA's Secret Cold War Experiments, Trine Day,
2009. P. 359
Bohemian Grove 2008 Guest List, courtesy of TruthAction.org
Alexander and Ann Shulgin, Pihkal: A Chemical Love Story.
Transform Press, 2000, ISBN 0-9630096-0-5. Pg. 65
Hamilton Fish Armstrong, Wasson Archives, Harvard Botanical
Museum. Foreign Affairs (CFR) letterhead, dated November 10,
1950. "Dear Gordon: I have written these Century members to say
that you and I are proposing George Kennan for membership: Boris
A. Bakhmeteff, Charles C. Burlingham, Allen Dulles, General
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Philip C. Jessup, Geroid Tanquary
Robinson, William L. Shirer, Dean G. Acheson, James B. Conant,
Edward Mead Earle, Herbert B. Elliston, Joseph C. Grew, William
L. Langer, Robert A. Lovett. In addition George gave me some
other names: Imrie de Vegh, John Foster Dulles, Thomas S.
Lamont, Russell C. Leffingwell, Vannevar Bush, Everett Case […]
George Hunt, UNCED, Earth Summit, 1992.
see also George Hunt's interview with Gnostic Media: "Say What
Is UNCED - The Elite and the Environmental Movement" - #13, by
Gnostic Media.
Jay Stevens, introduction to The Invisible Landscape,
1993 edition, by brothers McKenna, p. XII.
Terence McKenna, Archaic Revival, 1991, HarperSanFransico.
P. 9
Terence McKenna, The Archaic Revival, 1991,
HarperSanFransico. P. 243.
Gordon Wasson presenting to the Century Club, The Century Club,
04-01-1971. Audio. Hear the introduction by the president of the
Century discussing Aldous Huxley's membership along with Gordon
Wasson's. Available through the Century Association library
Jan Irvin, How Darwin, Huxley, and the Esalen Institute
launched the 2012 and psychedelic revolutions - and began one of
the largest mind control operations in history. Some brief
notes. Gnostic Media, August 28, 2012.
Terence McKenna: The Invisible Landscape,
HarperSanFrancisco, 1993, P. 188
Gordon Wasson, Albert Hoffman, Carl Ruck, The Road to Eleusis,
North Atlantic Books, 2008. P. 19
Jan Irvin, The Trivium - How to Free Your Mind, Free Your
Mind Conference, April 10, 2011.
Plato, Republic, Book 3, 414e–15c.