Alleged NASA Cover-Up
As is always the case in matters
concerning comets and NASA, on the
other side of the conspiracy isle we have
the following rebuttal (typical and
transparent, I might add) concerning a
NASA cover-up, appearing on the website:
[quoting excerpts]
Alleged NASA Cover-Up
Of Menacing “NEAT” Comet Threat
Is Pure Bunk, Experts Say
by Robert Roy Britt
Senior Science Writer, 2/28/03
Internet accounts of a comet,
supposedly bigger than Jupiter and
possibly bearing down on Earth, have concerned citizens e-mailing
astronomers and journalists worldwide asking if the end is finally
nigh. True to form, the rumors also include allegations of a
cover-up by NASA.
Scientists say there is absolutely no danger and call the
suggestions of coverup false and even silly.
The inaccurate portrayals on various Internet sites range from
suggestions that the comet’s electromagnetic field will drastically
alter Earth’s weather in coming days to even wilder notions that it
is not a comet but instead the long missing and hypothetical “Planet
X”. In some accounts the object is destined to fulfill dire biblical
Comets are chunks of ice and rock that form in the outer reaches of
the solar system and orbit the Sun. When they approach the inner
solar system, on elongated loops, solar energy boils material away.
This gas and dust shines with reflected sunlight, creating the
telltale heads and tails that make popular viewing targets out of
the icy visitors. The accusations of cover-up result, in part, from
a few alleged missing images, or images that NASA tampered with, in
the series snapped over a few days by SOHO (SOlar and Heliospheric

is the median of 43 images of 50 seconds each,
captured in the time period from 17:32:01 UT to
18:17:56 UT on 1/31/03 by Soren V. Andersen, David
Lange, Martin Sorensen, Kristian Mandrup, and
Michael Jensen. Image size = 1.2 degrees; the comet
has an angular size more than twice the full Moon.
(Above image is from the
website, with thanks to the observatory at EUC Syd
and AGS - Sonderborg.) |
Plait called the tampering suggestion silly.
Plait said the idea that NEAT is as big as a planet is just plain
“The actual comet itself, the chunk of rock and ice, is only a few
miles across” he said.
“What we see in the [SOHO] images is the
cloud of gas surrounding the nucleus, evaporated off the surface by
the heat of the Sun. That cloud is huge, but the comet itself is
Doomsday aficionados might also recall that a chance alignment of
planets in the year 2000 had been cited as a moment that would bring
great gravitational calamity to Earth. Nothing happened, just as
reputable scientists had predicted.
Plait predicts the same non-occurrence of the present
“I wonder what those conspiracy theorists will say a week or two
from now, when nothing has happened” Plait said. “Will they say
covered up the destruction of the Earth?”
[end quoting]
Continuing with facets of the Comet
NEAT “controversy”, this next
information comes to us from the website:
Furor Over Doomsday Comet
On The Internet
(Updated 2/26/03)
Is this comet real or is it a machine? Is
NASA telling us the truth
or is there a cover-up?
Could all of the furor be the product of overactive imaginations or
“conspiracy nut-cases”?
• Signs in the heavens? •
Confusion reigns over solar-comet behavior & the
after-effects • Strange things are happening out by the
Sun, and those events may
be creating a bizarre set of circumstances here on Earth
SOHO researchers allege
coverup by NASA with 7 missing pictures from
spacecraft removed from website.
NASA also accused of tampering with and/or faking
SOHO pictures to
mislead independent researchers and the public.
Then there was the incident involving a forum discussion website
that was discussing the latest coverup information and current
picture controversy which was suddenly hacked down and out of
existence from the Internet for a critical time.
The Comet NEAT Is Big:
• Sun Diameter = 870,000 miles • Comet
NEAT Diameter = 348,000 miles • Length of
NEAT’s tail = 5,220,000 miles • Jupiter Diameter = 88,782 miles
(That Makes The Comet 4 Times Bigger than Jupiter!)
This is a HUGE Comet—not one peep out of the media over this.
Nothing from the science community to speak of either.
(Note: Comet
size referred to is size of coma—actual comet approximate size of
[end quoting]
Obviously a great deal of effort was directed toward keeping this
comet out of the public eye.
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In an article by Jack Manuelian, author of
Nostradamus: Predictions
Of WWIII, titled “Is The Prophesied Comet Here?” we read:
The prophetic quatrain no.62,
century no.2 of Nostradamus is a
reflection of our nowadays. It states:
“Mabus then shortly will die,
there will come a horrible devastation
of people and animals.
Then suddenly the vengeance will be seen when the comet runs.
For a hundred hands (500 days as each hand has 5 fingers) there is
going to be widespread thirst and hunger.”
Some have interpreted “Mabus” as a reference to
Saddam (Hussein)
since reading the word Saddam on reverse sounds like the
word Mabus. Hence, the prophet could be saying that when Saddam is
murdered by our President Bush during the planned war upon
Iraq, we
should look up in the sky for the visitation of the comet—and what a
vengeance that would be! God help us!
[end quoting]
Another interpretation of the same
quatrain comes from John Hogue, well-known
author on Nostradamus. The
following article comes from his website and appears in his February 3
Nostradamus’ famous “Mabus”
prophecy is about to be fulfilled
translation in English reads:
“Mabus will soon die, then will come,
A horrible undoing of people and
At once will see vengeance,
One-hundred powers, thirst, famine, when the comet will pass.”
Nostradamus wrote two prophecies concerning the advent, destruction,
and 27-year war of the third of three antichrists. He hid the name
of the first antichrist under the anagram “Napaulon Roy” (Napoleon
King); the second he called “Hister” (Hitler); the
third is either
code named “Mabus” (C2-Q62), or he is addressed as the “Third
Antichrist” of Century 8 Quatrain 77. For now, I will give you brief
interpretive conclusions about the Mabus/Third Antichrist
Two finalists compete for the title of “Mabus”. By following the
laws of anagram you turn the “M” and “a” in “Mabus” upside down and
they become “g. W.” The “h” then is left silent in Latinized French,
thus “bus” becomes “bus(h).” “Mabus” therefore becomes
G.W. Bus(h).
As I have been saying for over 15 years now, you can also get
(Hussein) out of “Mabus” by using the anagram game of reverse
lettering. Put Mabus into lower case letters: “mabus”. Reverse them
and you get “subam”. Reverse any letter that makes another letter
and you get “sudam”. The laws of anagram allow for doubling one
letter, so you can get “suddam”. You are allowed one vowel’s
replacement with another, so you can replace “u” with “a” to spell “saddam”.
I have shared my belief on the record for nine years (and counting)
that Nostradamus’ Third Antichrist is none other than
Hussein. However, as events catch up with augury, an interpreter
must be open minded to the ever clearer understanding that often
comes when the light of future events foreseen draw near to the
No matter how repugnant this revelation may be to myself and to
other Americans, I cannot rule out the growing prescient evidence
that the Third Antichrist may be the American president
G.W. Bush,
rather than Iraqi president Saddam Hussein. It is also necessary to
confront the ugly possibility that Nostradamus has once again
mistaken his symbols and made a composite out of two adversarial
leaders. In other words, Mabus is a composite of Bush and Saddam
Hussein. They are the two-faced catalysts for the Third World War.
The events of the next few months will judge my interpretation of
the Mabus prophecy true or false. If my understanding of
is correct, then the United States will invade Iraq. Saddam Hussein
will be killed in one of his bunkers by a missile or by a coup. If
he is “Mabus” then he “soon dies”. He therefore is one of the first
casualties of this new war.
His death is not the beginning of the
end of troubles, but the end of the beginning of a 27-year war of
terror. A number of Nostradamus’ prophecies imply that this war’s
final stages could see nuclear exchanges between old adversaries of
the Cold War era, Russia and America, as well as a nuclear exchange
between America and China—all taking place sometime no later than
the end of the 2020s. In other words, a rush to war will hasten the
death of Mabus, and his death brings this terrible apocalypse upon
humanity. Nostradamus in Century 8, Quatrain 77 says:
“The Third Antichrist
very soon annihilated. Twenty-seven years his
bloody war will last. The heretics are dead, captives exiled,
blood-soaked human bodies, and a reddened, icy hail covering the
The Third Antichrist—this man named
Mabus—is the first to go down.
Whether this first casualty of war turns out to be the president of
America or of Iraq—or both—the war of
Mabus is just beginning. It is
a war motivated by “heretic” religious views. Its catalyst harbors
extreme fundamentalist and apocalyptic religious views, be they
Christian (in the case of Bush) or Islamic (in the case of
Islamic terrorists are already the “captives, exiled” filling
POW camps at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The final line could be a
horrific description of the human wreckage one might behold if the
death of the American president or the Iraqi president
inspire a catastrophic retaliatory revenge attack (“a great undoing
[or destruction] of people and animals”).
Nostradamus, in other quatrains, hints of “new plagues” unleashed
across the Earth from this war. Perhaps the red stain upon corpses
and the icy hail are a 16th century man’s attempt to describe those
killed by a rain of chemical and biological weapons.
Perhaps “Mabus soon dies” in the next few weeks, after “the comet”
[end quoting]
John Hogue wrote this before the passing of Comet NEAT, so in this
writing he was interpreting the comet as the Space Shuttle Columbia.
He also is interpreting descriptions of Nostradamus as being
necessarily war-related.
If I understand the possible impact that another passing comet could
have (which you’ll read about later in this article), Nostradamus’s
descriptions may be war related, or they may also be connected to
Earth changes brought on by celestial events.
In addition to the above, there has
been a recent “controversy” over
informing the public in the event of the discovery of a Near Earth
Let’s take a moment to see what the flap is over:
Asteroids And Secrecy: If End Is Nigh, Do You
Want To Know ?
by Robert Roy Britt Senior Science Writer, 2/24/03
Suppose a giant asteroid is heading toward Earth right now. Impact
is certain. The consequences are expected to be globally
devastating, with the human race among the casualties. The chances
of doing anything about it are zero, the government decides.
Would you want to know?
Or would you prefer the Feds keep the information secret and spare
you and your neighbors a bunch of pointless worrying?
In essence, the question concerns whether you’d prefer to die in
ignorant bliss, or if you’d like some options. The alternatives
might include dying in a panic, calmly making peace with your Maker,
finally taking the kids to Disneyland or—who knows?—making a
last-ditch effort to fight odds your elected leaders say are wholly
against you.
For several reasons that will become apparent as you read on, the
question is largely moot.
But that didn’t stop it from coming up at a major science gathering
earlier this month and generating a global round of conspiracy
headlines. According to some articles, the U.S. Government has been
advised to withhold information of a catastrophic impact, were one
ever found to be imminent. The Times of London put this headline
above its story:
Don’t Tell Public Of Doomsday Asteroid.
The media accounts centered
around the words of one graduate student (the press variously and
erroneously called him a scientist, a researcher, and a government
adviser). Geoffrey Sommer spoke as part of a seven-person panel Feb.
13 at an impact hazard symposium during a meeting of the prestigious
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), held in
Controversial Words
Here are the widely quoted words, from an
AAAS press release,
attributed to Sommer (much to his surprise, he said later):
“When a problem arises with high uncertainty, there is an
opportunity to spin the problem to avoid global panic. If you can’t
do anything about a warning, then there is no point in issuing a
warning at all. If an extinction-type impact is inevitable, then
ignorance for the populace is bliss.”
Those words were taken “severely out
of context” and “inaccurately described
my position” according to Sommer, who
says he was not advocating a position
but rather discussing choices involving
information disclosure that policymakers
would face. Yet the press release was sent
out with, effectively, an AAAS stamp of
approval, and for several days, all Sommer could do was watch as the
comments generated ire among readers
and some frustration on the part of
However misconstrued, the quote
seemed to stem logically enough from a case study that was part of
Sommer’s doctoral dissertation at the Rand Graduate School, operated
by the
Rand Corporation (the media inaccurately placed him as an
employee of the Rand Corporation working for the government). The
dissertation’s topic:
Low-Probability, High-Consequence Threats And How Policymakers Might
Evaluate Them.
Whatever the circumstances, Sommer received some vitriolic responses
to his words, which many saw as downright wrongheaded and arrogant
at worst, pessimistic at best.
Late last week, Sommer explained his true stance to
First, the reaction of scientists—most of whom were somewhat
confused about what Sommer was actually trying to say—shows how
passionately they detest secrecy.
Across the board, experts in asteroid search efforts and
death-by-space-rock risk assessment, collectively known as the
Earth Object (NEO) community, contest whether secrecy could ever be
warranted, let alone possible.
The Panic Myth
At the heart of Sommer’s case is how people would respond to the
knowledge of looming cataclysm. Lee Clarke, who advocates
asteroid mitigation planning, spoke at the
AAAS asteroid symposium, too. The Rutgers University sociologist
studies big-time catastrophes and the supposed public panic that
comes with them. He says the whole concept that everyone freaks out
is largely a myth.
“We have five decades of research on all kinds of
disasters—earthquakes, tornadoes, airplane crashes, etc.—and people
rarely lose control” Clarke said. “Policy-makers have yet to accept
this. People are quite capable of following plans, even in the face
of extreme calamities, but such plans must be there.”
A scheme for
survival would require good international communication and ought to
be discussed in the United Nations, so that poorer countries are not
left out of any world blueprint for notification and mobilization,
Clarke said.
“Earth’s history is filled with unanticipated
catastrophes and their disastrous consequences. With appropriate
planning, the human toll could be lessened.”
Clarke figures the worst thing governments could do is lose public
trust by withholding information. But he points out that secrecy
might appeal to some public officials.
“Keeping secret something potentially very dangerous is an idea that
would resonate very well with the current administration in
Washington” Clarke said. “It would probably resonate with most
high-level decision makers.”
[end quoting]
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