by Eric Raines
April 29,
DreamingWithDolphins Website
Spanish version

This is a subject I personally did not want to broach due to the
heavier nature of the subject, but with the events of today, it
needs to be discussed.
There are human men and women on this planet who are working in
conjunction with the parasitic construct in exchange for physical
power and control.
Many of these people are
known, such as,
corporate heads,
...and many are unknown,
such as,
These people have a whole
system of hidden societies and
groups that stretch out into the general populace, and many of us
interact with them on a daily basis without knowing it.
Their system of control is multi-tiered.
Starting on the etheric
side with the multiple layers of control directed at keeping
humanity in the lowest vibration possible, filled with physical and
emotional pain, leading directly into the physical systems of
control such as the,
These are the people who
are running the physical side,
the Cabal or
the Illuminati if you will.
Using Babylonian slave
money magic and programming of the collective consciousness, they
have steered humanity into the situation we now face.
Their power is greatly increased with rituals over
ley-line convergence points geared
around torture, rape, murder, fracturing traumas and
Throughout history they
have placed a grid around the planet with dark rituals that have
created a collective blood consciousness that they can then tap into
to power their personal power and abilities.
The only way to describe this web of blood connection born of
utmost, extreme trauma and death is the
Blood God of War.
The energy of this consciousness is a swirling tornado of blood,
fire, acid and flaying edges. This web was eliminated on April 28th
(2017) around 11:50AM Pacific time.
dark workers connected into this
field are extremely weak on the etheric side, as in their control
over the collective consciousness that was slipping before is now
free of much of the influence that has lead us here.
The consequences of this are huge. We can take our collective
consciousness back. This was a major blow to the systems of the
The direct reaction will most likely be physical. Worldwide tensions
right now are very heated, and there is most likely going to be a
physical push for fear in the near future.
I do not know specifics
of who, what, how, or why, but this most likely will be within the
week. This is the reason for these actions.
These people are going to
feel the lack of connection to their dark power, and the entities on
the other side they were in direct connection to, are going to have
to push back and reconnect to them, which some most likely are
reconnecting right now, but all of them will take at least 48 hours.
As soon as they are fully connected to everyone, the entities are
going to be pushing for mass rituals around the planet to
force the blood web to reconnect, as well as pushing the political
and economic climate into more upheaval to push more and more fear
into the surface populace.
Here is the thing though.
Human potential is
limitless, even in its own scope to enslave itself into a
limitation. The guiding hand is removed and a small group of an
awakened population can push the whole collective onto a
different track.
The pushback from the dark can be completely mitigated, if not
returned back to them with the Aikido principles of redirecting
force back to the attacker.
Here is OUR job.
Recognize that
the world is in chaos.
Recognize that
fear is going to be pushed.
Recognize that it
does not affect you. YOU are a bastion of light... a rock in
the storm.
Recognize that
YOU are the center of YOUR YOUniverse.
See something in your
minds eye that bring a genuine smile to your face... the laughter of
your child, a puppy licking your face... anything to evoke the
energy of a smile, and then take deep, controlled belly breaths into
the body through the filter of that smile, lighting you inner
YOUniverse with a golden laugh.
Breathe the smile into your heart-space, lighting up the chest as
brightly as possible, and see your light connecting out to other
points of light doing the same.
Synchronized meditations
are very helpful in connecting in, but this work is timeless.
Whenever you connect in, you are connecting in with everyone who has
or will do this exercise, so take note of this as you do it as well.
Sit in this connectivity for a few deep, full breaths, feeling your
flow reach out in an ebb and flow of connectivity in the breath.
Now, as a collective, turn your attention to what you know this
world is supposed to be. Free! Open! Alive!
See the entire
population of the world waking up to the awareness of
multi-dimensionality and
losing the
fear of death.
See the
understanding of how slave money magic works sparking to
life in every mind.
See the
programmed cycles of self perpetuating trauma begin to end
as people break the cycle of hate within themselves and
begin to radiate love.
Visualize this as
a real thing that you can reach out to through time. Make
this OUR future. Make this OUR NOW!!!
See the lines of
death and destruction that connect like a web across the
planet dissolve into brilliant golden fire, dissolving the
old, and rebirthing the new in the Flames of Rebirth and
The old systems will try
to reassert themselves.
We now have a foot in the
door to make sure that they will not be able to. Recognize things
might look crazy from the outside, but what matters is your ability
to transmute darkness inside of yourself, so close your eyes, take a
deep breath, and impose your knowledge of Natural Humanity onto the
fake systems we are breaking free from.
The time is NOW. It always is. We are the ones we have been waiting
for. It is time to rise. Like the tide. Gentle, soft, inexorable,
We are
the shift...