by Mees Baaijen
January 21,
New Dawn
156 (May-June 2016)
NewDawnMagazine Website
born below sea level in the Dutch province of Zeeland.
Six months later he survived the great flood of February
1953 together with his parents. Between cows and
pastures and birds and canals he developed strong ties
with nature.
As a veterinary
student in the 70s he travelled to Eastern Europe,
Turkey, Peru and picked tobacco in Canada.
As a veterinarian
he worked in Sao Tome y Principe, Holland, Portugal,
Mozambique and Costa Rica.
In the latter
country since 1988, he led the design and development of
an integrated information system for dairy farmers,
advisors and researchers, which is still leading in the
As an entrepreneur
from 1999 on, he proved that world class cheeses can be
made in the tropics.
Since his 60th
birthday he started to dig deep into the strange case of
9/11. He now works on our true history with several
international researchers like Jim MacGregor and
Wolfgang Effenberger. |

In the West, we've all been spoon fed the idea that we are free
citizens of sovereign countries, where our democratically elected
governments rule according to the peoples' wishes.
If that's not achieved,
it's usually explained as being due to misfortunes such as crises,
security threats or wars, or the stupidity of our governments.
The few people that doubt
these explanations, or even suspect hidden hands behind the
occurrences of our time or the official narrative of our history,
are easily dismissed as conspiracy nuts.
Our Rulers in
Ancient Times
For sure, there were no hidden hands when humanity was in its
"pre-history," predating our "real history" as seen by most.
For about 200,000 years
our ancestors lived in small nomadic communities, sharing the food
obtained by hunting and gathering. Problems, plans and rules were
settled in probably long discussions, where the opinions were
usually harmonized until a consensus was reached.
Our pre-historic world
ruled by highly sovereign people.
Things started to change about 10,000 years ago with the
revolutionary innovations of crop and livestock farming. Many
communities became sedentary and small villages grew bigger. The
makers of tools, clothes, pottery or art had to barter with the
people producing food.
At some point, money such
as shells or clay tablets came in as a handy substitute for
Then silver and gold
coins appeared, and inevitably, some people became poorer and others
richer. Next, people with a surplus started to lend their money to
people in need of it.
At times as a favor, but
usually against interest.
It was then discovered that even a small percentage of interest
applied over a few years would quickly double a debt, e.g. 10% over
seven years. Thus, the treacherous power of usury revealed
itself, capable of destroying the fabric of any egalitarian society.
The ancient knowledge of
the wreckage caused by usury led to its prohibition in the
three Abrahamic religions:
Today, it's still
forbidden in Islam.
Through usury, the first bankers of Babylon became so wealthy and
powerful that they controlled kings and priests.
Commercial laws were
drawn up that protected the elite and even gave them the right to
treat conquered people as a commodity:
Big Slavery, in
multi-color, became a key business.
After the fall of
Babylon, other empires like the Persian, the Phoenician and the
Roman came and went.
In all, the question "who
rules the world" was easy to answer.
Fast Forward
to the Middle Ages
In the
Middle Ages, Europe was overtly ruled by a landed aristocracy
that kept rural people in feudal serfdom, obliging them to deliver
part of their harvest in exchange for protection.
The dominating religion
was Catholicism, which forbade usury.
Yet, there was a high
demand for money lending, and only Jews were permitted to do so
(however, they were religiously forbidden to lend money to other
They were among the few
people skilled in writing and accounting, and through their networks
large amounts of money could be lent to high-placed debtors. Lending
was a very lucrative business, but also risky as guarantees were
often feeble. Taxing of subordinates was commonly used to solve the
This unpopular task was
often left to the lenders, and such tax-farming activities caused
them to be hated by the people.
After earlier expulsions
the Inquisition threw the Jews out
of Spain in 1492 and out of Portugal in 1496. Because of their
capital and international networks, they were welcomed in Holland
and Venice.
In the early 1600s, Holland was a rising star, while Venice - the
richest, oldest and probably most perfidious European empire - was
struggling to recover from an extermination attempt by the
Cambrai league of European forces.
Using a new shipping
route around Africa, the Portuguese were taking over part of their
lucrative Asia trade. Besides, Venice was not well located for
business with the newly discovered and already booming (via stolen
gold and silver) Americas.
Hence, an endeavor was
started to develop a new and larger empire, with safer and better
located bases on the Atlantic coast in Holland and England.
These Protestant lands
were usury-friendly, and thus promising grounds for the development
of a novel, less risky lending system.
The participants were the
Giovanni faction of Venetian oligarchs (as empire
specialists), rich Sephardic Jews expelled from Spain and Portugal
(as financial specialists), and opportunistic Anglo-Dutch Protestant
nobility and aristocracy (as puppets and profiteers).
The ground for this tripartite project had been prepared from the
early 1500s when the Venetian oligarchy's divide-and-rule policy
supported the Protestant revolution in Northern Europe. 1
Venice also aided the new
Protestant Dutch Republic in its long struggle with Catholic Spain
(1568-1648), and later had a heavy hand in the instigation of the
30-year war between European
Protestants and Catholics (1618-48). 2
Venetian and Sephardic capital and knowledge was an important driver
behind the British and Dutch East India companies (established
around 1600), with Venetian banking experience transferred to the
Dutch Venice as the Bank of Amsterdam (1609).
Stock of these and other
companies was traded at the Amsterdam and London stock exchanges.
Amsterdam even offered
call and put options, which led to the tremendous collapse of the
Tulip bubble in 1637. With a little Sephardic-Venetian help, the
tiny Dutch Republic was catapulted into global empire and its Golden
In the meantime, Britain
was being prepared for its future role as a much greater and safer
Both countries took over
the Venetian trade in,
gold bullion
...and were also active
in piracy and the colonization of faraway lands - yes, to
spread Christianity, no moral
dilemmas here!
Later, in the 17th century, Venetian-Sephardic sponsoring
enabled the take-over of Britain by Oliver Cromwell.
They also financially
backed an expensive invasion army led by Dutch puppet William III
of Orange that led to the overthrow of King James II of England,
known to history as the
1688 Glorious Revolution.
Six years later, the Bank
of England was established as a private bank with a monopoly on the
emission of money as interest-bearing debt. Very quickly, the
war-eager William got the State highly indebted to the new bank.
At the same time, tax
laws were installed to guarantee repayment by the State and
eliminate risk
for the bankers.
Of course, the State
could have produced its own money without having to pay any interest
or taxing its people, but that was clearly not part of the deal made
by corrupt governors.
The outcome was the heavy
but hidden golden crown on the tripartite endeavor that had started
almost two centuries before.
The bankers were the
new rulers of the world, but for the first time in history they
were invisible to the people:
hereafter, usury was
extended covertly and gradually to all citizens, including to
those without bank loans.
Aided by Dutch finance
capital, Britain soon became the dominant world power, and the
channel for widespread international usury systems, both overt and
The only exception were
some Muslim countries (one reason why they are being destroyed since
The great deceptive and
controlling power of the money masters behind the scenes is best
illustrated by the incredible fact that until very recently, almost
nobody ever questioned this system:
neither economists,
governments or investigative journalists, nor political parties,
not even die-hard socialists or Marxists!
Project for a
New World Order (NWO)
During the 19th century, one family became
the controller
of finance capitalism, both overtly in the British Empire and
Europe, and covertly in the USA via their fronts, the Morgan
and Kuhn-Loeb banks.
From their headquarters
in The City of London,
Rothschilds accumulated probably half of the world's
wealth, not only via hidden usury, but also from open usury on loans
to kings, countries and corporations.
It was only a matter of
time before the Rothschild banking family teamed up with
the American
Rockefellers and their Big Oil companies. 5
In the early 20th century, the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and their
global corporations and networks were more powerful than any country
on earth.
According to then US
President Woodrow Wilson:
"Some of the biggest
men in the United States are
afraid of something.
They know there is a
power somewhere, so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so
interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not
speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."
That power bribed
politicians (including Wilson and subsequent US presidents),
infiltrated opposition and media, corrupted governments, and
hijacked science.
To join their games, you
had to sell your soul to the devil, and suddenly doors or
markets opened, careers or stocks soared, and you made loads of
Moreover, banker shrewdness got most of the dirty work done through
subordinates and the raw power of money:
empires, their
armies and secret services
the mafia
the military and
even idealistic
or revolutionary movements
And it even worked on the
small people, as our decisions often favor money and not life.
These elites financed
wars and political assassination, often manufacturing events (i.e.
false flags attacks) to provoke conflict in their favor. This power
was utilized extensively last XX century - over 140 million deaths -
as part of a strategy to guarantee their position at the top.
The step-by-step multi-generation
NWO project has been masterly
outlined by Richard K. Moore in his article
A Brief History of the New World Order.
"WWI was the epochal
event that began an identifiable program toward a new world
order, a single global hierarchy… under the control of elite
Britain was no longer
the obvious choice, as the base for a global power grab. So the
decision was made to shift hegemony from London to Washington…
WWI was the making of
America, as a world power…
While Europeans and
Brits were being slaughtered in their millions, Americans were
experiencing boom times, leading into its golden age of the
roaring 1920s… allies were encumbered by astronomical debt to
the American Treasury and to the banking elite…
"We could say that America won WWI, and all of Europe lost - and
lost big. The Europeans were bound to pay America huge sums for
the privilege of having devastated one another…
Britain had won the
battle for Europe, for a while; America had won the battle for
strongest nation, for a longer while - but it was the banking
elite who won the war - for discretionary power over the future
course of world affairs." 6
The once secret story of
the staging of WWI is told in
Hidden History - The Secret Origins of the
First World War by Jim Macgregor and Gerry
Doherty. 7
A secret elite of the
British empire prepared the operation.
Should the Sarajevo
trigger have failed, a backup scenario was in place - the sudden
discovery of German weapons they'd smuggled to Ireland. The
Rothschild and Rockefeller-controlled oil companies could have shut
off Germany and its war machine at once, but that never happened.
When, in 1915, a food
shortage threatened to stop Germany fighting,
the banksters quickly guaranteed
them a massive supply through the fake Belgium Relief Commission,
led by their agent and 'philanthropist' Herbert Hoover -
later to become US president.
Thus, the genocide could
go on, resulting in 17 million deaths and 20 million wounded, often
severely mutilated. 8
Naturally, the Machiavellian banksters "never let a good crisis go
to waste."
With the same chutzpah,
they helped instigate other important NWO projects under the cover
of WWI such as the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, the League of
Nations (precursor for the United Nations) and the Balfour
Declaration, the opening move for the Zionist Israel project.
After the war, thousands
of agents were used in a massive cover-up operation, again directed
by Herbert Hoover who filled his new Institution at Stanford
University with shiploads of documents from all corners of Europe.
In the early 1920s he was
involved in another 'humanitarian effort' to save the Soviet Union
from starvation - while at the same time preserving a future 'arch
After four pointless - for the people - years of war, the Germans
were forced to take all blame.
At the Versailles 'Peace'
Conference, the bankers guaranteed debt repayment and the conditions
for their next NWO project, WWII.
In excerpts from the same
article by Richard Moore:
"WWI had been such a
successful project that planning began immediately for a grander
sequel, another giant step toward a new world order.
In the early 1920s,
still in the days of the Weimar Republic, a team of Krupp
engineers were secretly tasked with a project: come up with
designs for a line of military equipment suitable for a war
twenty years from now.
Thus were conceived
the advanced weapons that served the Reich so well when the time
Even though Germany
was destitute, and treaty-bound not to rearm, someone knew, and
told Krupp, that all this would change - and within the
designated timeframe…. Hitler was a project of the
Anglo-American bankers.
His charismatic
brilliance was noticed early… and immense profits were made by
investing in the German rearmament process… [see
Conjuring Hitler by Guido
The WWII project
achieved all of its objectives admirably.
While having fought
only marginally, and suffered negligible casualties - in
comparison with the other major combatants - the US emerged with
an intact infrastructure, 40% of the world's wealth and
industrial capacity, control of the seven seas, a monopoly on
atomic weapons, strategic footholds in the Middle East oil
sheikdoms, and general popular acclaim as the heroic champion
of democracy.
Quite naturally, the
world's eyes turned to Washington for leadership in shaping the
postwar world.
"And America was
ready with a blueprint. The bankers had selected a committee,
from their
Council on Foreign Relations,
and sent it over to the White House to design the postwar
America was now
secured as a hegemonic base of operations, more viable for that
role than Britain had been, and it was time to move forward with
the next phase of the new-world-order project.
Thus were launched,
promptly after the war ended, the Bretton Woods globalist
institutions -
the UN,
IMF, and World Bank - the early
foundation stones for an eventual
one-world government."
The Power to
Turn Truth on Its Head
The banksters' unimaginable power of deceit turned the truth upside
down, making into heroes the very instigators of these destructive
How on earth did they
manage that?
Through control of,
That's how they shape
our perception of the present and the past, and that's how the
majority of people are kept in ignorance of these machinations.
When the truth is finally
heard, it's difficult to grasp because the lies are so big, the
scope so vast, and the real events of history so different to what
we've been told.
To wake up and accept the
truth about the situation, and acknowledge we've been duped, most
people go through the painful process of cognitive dissonance,
9 which is like losing part of your identity.
Today, much disinformation comes via
the Internet, false and dead-end
paths to keep you distracted and away from the truth:
the conspiracy for
world domination has variously been linked to,
These groups have indeed
been involved but always as pawns and dupes of the banksters.
History reveals the
banksters hold no loyalty to any race, nation, group or religion.
They are their own gods, all others their slaves, either classified
as useful fools or useless eaters to be reduced in numbers.
The next enemy project had been long on the waiting list: Islamic
extremism! 'Court' scientist Samuel Huntington prepared the
public with his Clash of Civilizations, its message spread by more
than a hundred think tanks.
Then came 9/11, the war
on terror, and the erosion of civil rights in all so-called Western
Ever since, under the
guise of bringing 'democracy' to former dictatorships, the playing
field for their New World Order is being leveled by the removal of
the last few independent countries. 10
What Can We
The future, as designed by the masters of this 'global plantation',
would look like Huxley's
Brave New World or Orwell's
1984. 11
If we know who rules the
world, the big question then becomes: what we can do to protect our
already weakened freedoms?
My answer is anything
that empowers the people and their nations, favors life and not
money, and makes us less dependent on the Big Banks and Big
Strive for
prohibition of war, because wars in modern times are
bankster-designed wars.
sovereignty to our nations, with proper international
relations and leagues for peace and collaboration, as US
president John F. Kennedy and Gandhi wanted.
Spread the true
story of our world and its wars, which should be included in
our education systems, media and the science of history.
Less corporate
and bank control: no cashless societies or predatory
corporate trade agreements like TPP or TTIP (these are about
"power" not trade). 12 Stop projects to give all
poor people in developing countries a bank account or a
microcredit. Get out of debt to banks as soon as possible,
also an important safety measure in a troubled future.
Set up
interest-free money systems as proposed by Margrit Kennedy
and her successors, e.g. Positive Money,
Oppose more loss
of privacy by SMART-meters, the Internet-of-Things, human
microchip implants (RFIDs), laws to increase the
surveillance powers of authorities, etc.
Turn off the
controlled mainstream media and inform yourself through
independent journalists, writers, and magazines.
Go organic and/or
grow your own: not only healthy for you and the environment
but also independent of Big Agriculture, dangerous GMOs, and
oil-derived pesticides and fertilizers. 13
Support local
initiatives like renewable energy generation, food markets,
health services, and insurance schemes.
Keep a healthy lifestyle and avoid
Big Pharma solutions
whenever you can. 14
A massive wake-up by "we,
the people" is urgently required if we are to end this wicked game.
Spread the word and engage in peaceful action!
If you appreciate this article, please consider a digital
subscription to New Dawn.
Through the
handling of Luther by Venetian-trained Spalatin, and by
Francesco Zorzi of Venice who advised Henry VIII in England
to abolish Catholicism and also bringing novel ship building
techniques to England.
See also Webster
Tarpley's Against Oligarchism,
According to the
Positive Money website
www.positivemoney.org, "Positive
Money is a movement to democratize money and banking so that
it works for society and not against it. Our current
financial system has left us with the highest personal debt
in history, unaffordable housing, worsening inequality, high
unemployment and banks that are subsidized and underwritten
with taxpayers' money. We believe that these problems have a
common root: money."
www.margritkennedy.de and Dr. Margrit Kennedy's article 'If
money rules the world, who rules money?' at
See James
Corbett's video
'A Brief History
of the New World Order' by Richard K. Moore,
See also their
and 'The
Secret Origins of the First World War' by Gerry Docherty &
Jim Macgregor in New Dawn Special Issue Vol 9 No 1.
See The Iboga
Visions by Jim Macgregor.
The dictionary
definition of cognitive dissonance: "the state of having
inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as
relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change."
See Richard
Moore's Full Spectrum Dominance,
See also Richard
Moore's The Elite Plan,
'The Predators
Behind the TPP (14 Oct. 2015)',
The hijacking of
world agriculture is covered in
Seeds of Destruction by F.
William Engdahl.
See Peter
Gotzsche's book Deadly Medicine and Organized Crime and read
Eustace Mullins'
by Injection