by Dorothy Cummings McLean
August 25,
LifeSiteNews Website

The Fox
News host
warned that the
for the WHO and
Bill Gates
is 'reordering
Fox News host Tucker
Carlson warned that the World Health Organization (WHO)
is linking,
coronavirus to "climate
On his top-rated talk
show last night, Carlson stated that the sweeping social and
economic changes that have inflicted the world since the COVID-19
coronavirus lockdown will not end when a vaccine is developed.
"The World Health
Organization says that finding the vaccine is not the goal," he
"Reordering society is the goal.
'We will not, we
cannot go back to the way things were.'
That's a direct quote
from the leader of the World Health Organization, Dr.
Tedros (Adhanom Ghebreyesus)
who, by the way, is not really a doctor," Carlson continued,
referring to the fact that Tedros' doctorate from the University
of Nottingham is in public health.
"According to Tedros, COVID-19 is really about
global warming," said Carlson.
The director of the WHO
has stated that,
"the COVID-19
pandemic has given new impetus to the need to accelerate efforts
to respond to climate change."
Carlson noted that
Bill Gates wrote something
similar in
an essay he posted earlier this
In the essay, Gates
regretted that the pandemic will lead to only an 8 percent reduction
in carbon emissions this year.
"Consider what it's
taking to achieve this 8 percent reduction," the influencer
"More than 600,000 people have died, and tens of millions are
out of work. This April, car traffic was half what it was in
April 2019. For months, air traffic virtually came to a halt,"
he continued.
"What's remarkable is not how much emissions will go down
because of the pandemic, but how little."
Gates believes that the
climate change death rate "could be" as high as the current
death rate for COVID-19 (which he states is 14 per 100,000 people)
in 2060 and by 2100 it,
"could be five times
as 'deadly'."
The billionaire also
believes that within 10 to 20 years the economic damage caused by
climate change will,
"likely be as bad as
having a COVID-sized pandemic every 10 years."
Gates believes that
COVID-19 contains a lesson about "climate change."
"Health advocates
said for years that a pandemic was virtually inevitable," he
"The world did not do enough to prepare, and now we are trying
to make up for lost time. This is a cautionary tale for climate
change, and it points us toward a better approach," he
"If we start now, tap into the power of science and innovation,
and ensure that solutions work for the poorest, we can avoid
making the same mistake with climate change."

Carlson objected to
Tedros' and Gates' silence over the fact that China is responsible
for both the Wuhan coronavirus and massive amounts of carbon
emissions, scoffing that neither man would ever,
criticize the Chinese government."
The Fox News host
believes that both men think of climate change and the pandemic as,
"useful pretexts for
mass social control."
"Both are essentially unsolvable crises that they can harness to
bypass democracy and force powerless populations to obey their
commands," he said.
Carlson pointed out that
Tedros and Gates do not get equally as upset about the epidemics of
opiate abuse and suicide in the United States because such deaths
are "useless to them."
Earlier in his monologue,
the host noted that nobody in Virginia, which has asked for
mandatory vaccinations against COVID-19, is asking for mandatory
vaccinations against hepatitis, HIV, or meningitis, despite the fact
that meningitis kills more college students than coronavirus does.
Carlson observed that the coronavirus spread from China through
Europe to every major city in the West, and that
the WHO had done
nothing to stop this and even spread disinformation.
The lessons he
takes from this are that,
"globalism has risks"
and that "the WHO is corrupt"...
Another major figure who
has connected the pandemic with the physical health of the planet is
In his Wednesday audience
last week, the pontiff stated that when the pandemic is over, we
should not act as though it hadn't happened.
"Many want to return
to normality and restart economic activities," he
"Of course, but this 'normality' should not include social
injustice and the destruction of the environment. The pandemic
is a crisis and one does not leave a crisis the same: either we
leave better or we leave worse," the pontiff continued.
"We should leave better, to ameliorate social injustices and the
environmental decay."