by Cap Allon
Time Series ( Note the vertical line indicating the year 1880, and also note the Maunder Minimum (1645-1715) and the Dalton Minimum (1790-1830).
That year - the 'supposed' beginning of the industrial revolution ('supposed' because the revolution actually occurred between 1760 and 1840) - it turns out received the lowest solar output since those of the Dalton Minimum (1790-1830).
The NASA chart also reveals Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) has been cumulatively building since exactly 1880.
This 120+ years of solar
output became so active and so sunspot-productive that it was
designated as a Grand Solar MAXIMUM - the strongest maxima of the
past 4,000 years, and in turn - surprise-surprise - global average
temperatures rose with it.
This cherry-picked starting point of 1880 reminds me of the Arctic ice extent debacle.
Those charged with pushing the 'global warming' narrative (NOAA, NASA, and the IPCC) chose the year 1979 to begin their referencing. This was a deliberate choice, and the fact that it coincided with the start of satellite era is a coincidence, an excuse.
We have reliable polar
ice extent data going back to the 1920s at least (much further if
you include ice cores, of course).
And more to the point,
these charts show that northern hemisphere sea ice extent was at an
historically high level in 1979 and just five years prior had been
at historically low levels.
In addition, again note
the historically high point of 'sea ice amount' NOAA begin their
modern-day charts with.
This government obfuscation smacks you in the face, so hard it would appear that a lot of the population has been blinded.
However, this is worse
than mere obfuscation, this is outright fraud; because although
these old records still exists, available for anyone to google, NOAA
have replaced them with fake data which now shows an utterly
unexplainable decrease in Arctic sea ice during the 1970s:
vs. signal of planetary modulation of solar activity (Red).
Both NOAA and NASA appear to agree, if you read between the lines, with NOAA saying,
...with the agency
correlating previous solar shutdowns to prolonged periods of global
cooling here.