by Peter Koenig
January 06,
GlobalResearch Website
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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former
Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health
Organization (WHO), where he has worked for over 30
years on water and environment around the world.
lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South
writes regularly for online journals and is the author
of Implosion - An Economic Thriller about War,
Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and
co-author of Cynthia McKinney's book "When China
Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global
Politico-Economic Crisis" (Clarity Press - November 1,
He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on
is also is a non-resident Senior Fellow of the
Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing. |

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Hal Turner Radio Show
Early indications are that the tide may be turning, that "peak-Covid
tyranny" may have been reached.
Going into 2022 under
these new apparent signs could mean a rapid general
awakening, to
the point of reaching a critical mass of people who start doubting
the going billion-dollar propagated narrative.
That would be good. It's
never too late...
Though a lot of damage, health-wise, socially as well as
economically has already been done, but a lot more could be done -
and is, in fact, planned - through
the U.N. Agenda 2030.
We must stop this
diabolical agenda.
forced "vaccination" programs, throughout Europe, and strangely,
to a lesser degree in the US, where apparently US states have more
authority and autonomy than have European Union (EU) member
countries, are creating enormous physical (like in diseases caused
by the vaxxes), psychological and social harm.
Yes, you understood correctly,
in Europe,
European Union (EU), entire so-called sovereign nations,
are more subjected to tyrannical dictatorships than are US
states, despite a dictatorial US President, who requests that
every US citizen be "vaccinated" or else...
His words are blown in
the wind, when it comes to US State autonomy. Fortunately...
We can just dream of such
leadership in European nations.
There ain't.
They are all bought,
coerced or threatened into submission...
For example, US States do
not accept QR-coded vaccine passports.
The coercion to
vaccination varies, but in most states, there is no forced
vaccination. The most "liberal" states as far as vaxxes go, are
Texas and Florida, where very few restrictions apply, if any.
Many "rules" are
voluntary and not imposed.
Japan Places
Myocarditis Warning on 'Vaccines', Requires Informed Consent
The Government of Japan requests that myocarditis warnings are put
on vaccines, and that vaccination may only take place with informed
Vaccination is basically
voluntary and at that, people have to be told about the risks they
are taking, by accepting the jab - see
Indeed, immediate cardiac arrest, or
myocarditis, an inflammation of
the heart muscle, a direct result of the mRNA-"vaxx", that could
lead to lingering heart problems, as well as death.
This has already happened
in thousands of cases as a result of
mRNA unproven gene-modifying
experimental injections.
See Dr. Sucharit
These efforts towards informed consent from Japan's health authority
are in stark contrast to the dictatorial and coercive measures taken
by other countries to force citizens into taking the injection,
downplaying and outright lying about potentially deadly side
effects, as well as discouraging proper adverse event reporting.
In fact, Japan breaks ranks with the rest of the world.
Doctors worldwide have echoed Japan's health authority
warnings about the experimental gene-therapies -
"vaccination" is a stark misnomer - side effects.
However, this kind of
proper informed consent has cost many doctors in western
nations their licenses to practice medicine.
The government has
accused these doctors of spreading 'vaccine hesitancy.'
They have threatened
them to either conform to the current narrative or "else"...
The "else" may
include the worst threats imaginable.
Additionally, Japan is
not only emphasizing informed consent, but is respecting bodily
Until the appearance of
the coronavirus "pandemic", the concept of "informed consent" was
considered sacred to healthcare professionals in the West.
And here - just in - BREAKING news:
In Israel they just
discovered the latest sibling in the corona family...
It's called "Flurona", a
hybrid of flu and Covid. Very, very infectious.
I kid you not. Health
workers are just being forced into their 4th Covid jab
(The Times of Israel). See
In the same train of thoughts and of equally powerful breaking news:
In France they
discovered the latest brand of the corona family "variants",
called "IHU", which is more infectious than Omicron and spreads
even faster... and, of course, current vaccines are likely to be
worthless against IHU.
So, what's next...?
They are still debating
on how to confront and fight this latest Covid-19 strain. See this
French Health News.
One would think with so much "funny" BREAKING Covid information
appearing at once, juxtaposing the real news of Japan's dismantling
obligatory Covid vaccination for their deadly "side effects", or
rather potentially deadly consequences, it would be a wake-up call
for the still sleep-walking part of the population...
One would hope.
Let's hope it's more than
In a "Final Warning to Humanity", Dr. Michael Yeadon, former
Vice President and Chief Science Officer of Pfizer, talks
about myriad willful crimes against humanity by Pfizer, most of
which are applicable to some extent to all mRNA vaxx-manufacturers.
See this shocking video:
In addition, there is
Pfizer's scandalous confidential "Killer
Within about 2 ½ months
after vaxxing began (mid-December 2020),
"Pfizer had already
received more than 1,200 reports of deaths, allegedly caused by
the vaccine and tens of thousands of reported adverse events,
including 23 cases of spontaneous abortions out of 270
pregnancies and more than 2,000 reports of cardiac disorders"...
In Romania,
the Police Protests with the People
In Romania, the police will not enforce the Government's Covid
rules, and they, the police, march en masse with the protesters -
see video below.
Should this make history,
granted, it so far hasn't, then the Covid lie would soon be
dismantled and over:
The only recourse left for governments would then be calling in the
This might become
problematic for many members of the army, as in most so-called
democracies, the army takes an oat not to fight against its
compatriots, the people of the very country they were recruited to
One such country that has abandoned all principles of democratic and
civil freedom is Australia, where the army forcibly throws Covid-exposed,
or suspected Covid-exposed people (like Australians returning from
abroad) into quarantine camps, and where the chief medical officer
warns the unvaccinated,
"Your life will be
According to this CBS
report, Australia has seized to be a free country:
Then there is the New Zealand dictator, Jacinda Ardern, who
"there is no end
point to Covid vaccines".
She calls out to "her"
"Those who were
vaccinated six months ago, we really need them to come back or
we need to go to them."
It is not clear what she
plans to do with those who do not come back for their next shot.
The worst is to be
expected as she says there is no end in sight for the Covid vaccine
Revealing News
Now comes the whammy, revealing news.
You might be surprised to
hear - or not - that many, if not all, of the most tyrannical
leaders (sic), took
Klaus Schab's (WEF) intensive course for
"Young Global Leaders".
Among them are,
New Zealand's Ms.
The Australian
Prime Minister and several of Australian's Provincial
Canada's Mr.
Justin Trudeau
France's Mr.
Emmanuel Macron
Costa Rica's
President Carlos Alvarado Quesada
Madame Angela
...and many more, just to
give you a taste, so you may judge for yourself, who is at least
part of the Big Orchestraters of this deadly game of
never heard-of tyranny in recent history.
Ursula von der Leyen, President of the unelected
Commission is a Member of the Board of Trustees of the
Economic Forum.
In Germany, protests against "Covid measures", especially coerced
vaccination, over the past 2 weeks have covered most major cities,
starting peacefully, then turning violent, mostly reacting to
violent police interference.
Hundreds of thousands -
if not millions - took to the streets throughout Germany over the
past few weeks. There is no end in sight as long as the German
Government insists on forced vaccination, and the QR-coded Covid
Why is the QR-coded Covid pass so evil?
Because everything you
ever do, wherever you go and you have to show your Covid pass,
grocery shopping, to the hairdresser, your entire health or disease
record, or god-forbid, you have to check-into a hospital or see your
medical doctor - all, and more, will be recorded on your QR-code.
And if you don't know it,
it's centrally government controlled...
It's no longer a secret to the people of Germany, that thousands and
thousands of Germans have died as a result of the experimental mRNA
injection, and tens of thousands were injured, many of them with
lasting hindrances, who will live miserable rest of their lives and
may eventually also die premature deaths.
In Austria, the first country to introduce compulsory forced
vaccination - and Covid passes (meaning, vaccination certificates)
for everybody, protests also abound - endlessly.
And as people's protests
do not relent, those who have been believing and following the Covid
narrative and propaganda, may gradually wake up to a reality they
didn't want to accept.
But once this reality is
laid open for everyone to see, there is no way back.
It's like a groundswell of understanding what is going on, what has
been going on over the past two years, and especially since the
so-called vaxx-programs started throughout the western world in
mid-December 2020.
Once this groundswell of
understanding of "waking up", reaches a critical mass, there is no
turning back.
That's when the tide
We are not quite there
yet, and it may take a while until the enemy has exhausted all its
propaganda and coercive weaponry - but the light at the end of the
tunnel is visible.
One might wonder,
What will happen to
all those world leaders, and to all those who have commandeered
the world leaders to commit these unspeakable crimes?
Are they
preparing a 'spaceship' - or have they already prepared one with a several
thousand men/women capacity, to fly the murderers
to a distant
Is this one of
Elon Musk's secret plans?
It may sound like
fantasy, but perhaps it is not so far-fetched...
Just think of the recent (2021) star-studded movie,
"Don't Look Up"...
an outstanding parody
of failed leadership, not unlike our current (western) world
Over the past ten/twenty
years we have noticed that what looks like 'laughable fantasy',
suddenly has become reality... in no time.
We are entering this new
epoch, where tomorrow may become today in a flicker...