by Bernhard Guenther
08, 2023
VeilOfReality Website

"Men are
being constantly invaded by the hostiles,
and there are
great numbers of men
who are partly
or entirely under their influence.
At the present
they are very
active all over the earth.
The struggle between the psychic (soul)
and the hostile
forces goes on mostly
behind the veil
or, so far as it is on the surface,
is not
understood by the mind.
The apparent freedom and self-assertion
of our personal
being to which we are
so profoundly
conceal a most
pitiable subjection to
a thousand
suggestions, impulsions, and forces.
Our ego, boasting of freedom,
is at every
moment the slave, toy, and puppet
of countless
beings, powers, forces,
and influences
in universal Nature.
All life is the
play of universal forces.
The individual
gives a personal form
to these
universal forces.
But he can choose whether he shall
respond or not
to the action of a particular force.
Only most people
do not really choose
- they indulge
in the play of the forces.
It is only when
one can make oneself free of them
that one can be
the true person and have a true life
- but one can be
only by living
in the Divine."
The War is
Through Us
There is a spiritual war that,
acts THROUGH us with occult [hidden]
forces that influence us and humanity at large, and it is
We are transducers of
hidden forces while the ego-personality that is only focused
externally lives under the illusion of "freedom" and
We are subjected to the
suggestions of occult hostile forces of the vital world, but we also
receive insights, creative and inspirational impulses from Spirit,
the Higher Self, and Divine forces, which also manifest as thoughts.
We all receive a mixture of these impressions/thoughts from the
whole range of lower to the higher realm depending on many factors.
Based on our level of
Being [soul individuation], our intentions and aspirations in life
can either be guided from the lower nature, or we can choose to
align them with higher ideals.
The direction we bring our awareness towards determines which realm
we tune into and the forces we align with.
As long as we live on the
surface of the socially conditioned [false] ego-personality [which
is also the result of unconscious trauma, childhood wounds, past
life karma, etc.], the majority of this will be unconscious and
mechanical, living under the illusion of "free will" while we are
guided and/or manipulated by hidden forces outside our
five-sensory perception.
During this intensifying spiritual war, it's important to understand
how the hostile/deceiving forces, some even demonic auric demi-gods,
operate and use, abuse, and manipulate humanity from non-physical
I've written and spoken
about this topic for over two decades in various articles, videos,
and webinars.
This article is a very basic overview of the main aspects of how
these hidden hostile forces (which have been given different names
throughout the ages) operate.
We go deeper into these
points in our podcast episode, "Beginner's
Guide to Occult Forces."
Humanity is
not on top of the food chain
Malevolent entities feed off of specific emotions and frequencies,
predominantly reactive emotional turmoil that is projected
externally, such as,
violence, anger,
hate, envy, jealousy, lust and sexual energy of the lower
nature, fear, anxiety, shadow projections, pride,
self-importance ("feeling better as...") as well as self-pity
("feeling less than..."), victim/blame consciousness,
...to name a few.
These occult [hidden] forces also tempt humans with greed, power,
and sex working through them, implanting thoughts, suggestions,
false spiritual & religious ideologies, and beliefs (such as the
religious "savior program"), and desires that are not their own, but
humans mistake them as their own.
These negative forces can also appear as "positive" beings in highly
deceptive ways that are hardly distinguishable unless you can "see
the unseen" and notice the ego temptations they target within you.
How do these forces influence humans?
In other words,
how do we open
ourselves up to their influence, even unconsciously?
They need an entry point
to come in.
What are the entry points? (we ALL have them to varying degrees
unless you are fully enlightened):
1. Shadow, Trauma,
Ego Temptations, Lower Nature
Unconscious blind spots, Trauma, childhood wounding,
unintegrated shadow aspects, giving in to the temptations of the
lower nature:
lust, greed,
power over others, mechanical reactive behavior, ego
blindspots, pride, arrogance, self-importance but also
self-pity, victimizing yourself, blaming others,
...all serve as entry
points for other forces to come in through the cracks of your
un-integrated being.
Pharmaceuticals and Illegal Drugs
Entry points can be created via pharmaceutical drugs,
drugs, anti-depressants, SSRIs, benzodines, etc., or illegal
drugs, fentanyl, heroin, and amphetamines like Cocaine,
speed, and meth,
...open doorways to
demonic entities.
COVID mRNA vaccine
Vaccines, especially the recent
COVID mRNA vaccines, contain
Soratic hostile entities, as Thomas Mayer showed in
his research and book,
Vaccines form a Spiritual Perspective - Consequences on the
Soul, Spirit, and Life After Death."
These vaccines also
have the potential to dislodge the soul from the body, which
opens up a doorway for other malevolent beings to come in.
4. Alcohol,
Cannabis, and "medicine" plants
Entry points can also be created via alcohol and so-called "medicine"
plants and psychedelics like,
ayahuasca, psilocybin mushrooms, LSD, and others.
It's not black and
white; however, notice how psychedelics are being popularized,
normalized, abused, and romanticized as if there are no adverse
Strong pharmaceutical drugs, illegal drugs, and high doses of
cannabis/medicine plants can rapture the aura/energy body and
have the potential to dislodge the soul from the body (getting
out of the body) so something else can quickly come in and
5. MK Ultra and
Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA)
On an occult level,
satanic ritual
abuse, the notorious
MK Ultra program, child
sexual ritual abuse, and all kinds of initiation rituals
the powerful elite engages
in behind closed doors,
...are purposely done
to open the doorway to powerful asuric hostile entities
who take possession of the traumatized individual and to gain
more occult powers via making an occult agreement of entrapment.
Psychopaths in power, murderers, rapists, and the death penalty
Most of the
powerful psychopaths in power
are nothing more than empty vessels of powerful evil asuric
occult beings.
Killing their human hosts won't change anything, for the occult
hostile entity that is riding them will survive and attach to or
possess a new host.
For example, people
cheered when "evil"
Kissinger died, but from an
occult level, nothing changed whatsoever.
Many murders and other violent crimes (including pedophilia and
rape) committed by psychotic individuals (be it individual
killers, rapists, or psychotic politicians in positions of
power giving orders to kill or engaging in sexual
ritualistic abuse) can be attributed to these occult malevolent
entities who possess or work through them to feed off the "loosh"
of suffering, a very "delicious" frequency these beings feed off
The death penalty and capital punishment won't change any of
It will only give
satisfaction to the demonic being (and to the human ego living
in the illusion that "justice is done"), which will then look
for another suitable human vessel to use.
Hence, as Sri Aurobindo noted:
"...From this
point of view, you will see that capital punishment is
The man who
murdered was, most probably, under the possession of the
impulse of some [occult] being. When the man is executed,
the being takes possession of another.
Some vital beings
want to have their play here..."
Humans are too
embedded in a tunnel vision of the dogma of material reality, so
they mistake symptoms for causes and don't recognize the
spiritual reality with countless beings acting on and through
7. The
Trauma Installment Program
From an occult level, humanity was purposely traumatized over
the past three years to create more entry points for these
entities to come in and take over humans.
It's the "alien
invasion through our bodies."
The psychological repercussions of the,
...will be and are
already way worse than the so-called "virus" itself.
It has already created and will create immense Trauma for
generations to come.
The vast majority of
people don't recognize this because they are already "checked
out", out of body, and disassociated, which is a trauma
It is psychological warfare and a massive global Trauma
Installment program at works - by design - for people who
are traumatized are always easier to control.
From an [esoteric] occult perspective, the inevitable Trauma of
the past three years has created more entry points for the
occult adverse forces to tag in from unseen realms, feeding off
of all the suppressed emotional pain of [forced] submission
[based on lies].
Most humans have already been disassociated (out of body ) for
decades and can easily be manipulated by these forces without
their awareness.
8. Traps of
Entry points given access to hostile forces can be made via
trap of agreements via engaging in left-hand path/black
magic or sex magick practices.
Many New Age and
popular self-help teachings are black magic practices in
They are based on
self-deification (believing to be a god or goddess), worship
of ego and egoic will, and
wanting to become God, feeling entitled to any desire.
Many so-called manifestation rituals can create these agreements
in exchange for a manifested desire or more power, knowingly or
It is the classical
"Faustian Pact with the Devil," selling one's soul for power and
These agreements can
also have been made in a past life and carry over to the present
How can we
protect ourselves from the hostile forces?
As long as you are grounded in your true Self and essence and
are soul-embodied, they cannot touch you.
They cannot touch
your true Self/Essence.
They can ONLY tag
into what is already there as part of our unconscious and false
Self (or you fell into the trap of agreement); hence, utilize
them as teachers!
The BEST protection is
ongoing psycho-spiritual work (trauma work, shadow work, embodiment
practices, spiritual work with sincere aspiration to the Divine,
etc.) to bring forth the true Self and close off any
entry points, not use any substances or drugs, and watch for your
weaknesses and temptations of the lower nature (EVERYONE has them).
Most "entity removal modalities" are useless unless the entry point
is closed/healed. Lots of questionable stuff out there, too.
Ultimately, it is about engaging in the Great Work to anchor
the soul firmly in your being ("living in the Divine") and make it
the master instead of your conditioned ego-personality running the
show, which these forces can easily manipulate.
The Teaching
Function of the Occult Adverse Forces
hostile forces
have a certain
self-chosen function:
it is to test
the condition
of the
individual, of the work, of the earth itself
and their
readiness for the
descent and fulfillment."
From an esoteric perspective and in light of the evolution of
the occult hostile
forces serve a teaching function...
So, be VERY careful of
the victim/blame trap, i.e., blaming entities or these forces (or
anything or anyone for that matter), for that gives them more power
while you disempower yourself.
There are still many
misperceptions and misconceptions about this "topic of all topics"
as it has become more popular over the years.
I've written about these
misconceptions more in my article "Occulted
Knowledge, Spiritual Bypassing, and The Necessity of Holistic
Integral Self-Work".
Also, be careful of making assumptions.
The vast majority of
entity interferences are very subtle, nuanced, and
oftentimes hardly distinguishable from your own childhood trauma,
triggers, shadow projections, or many other unconscious
psychological causes.
It is necessary to "know thyself" and your psyche and be strongly
connected to Self to discern what is what,
for there is the trap
of making assumptions regarding entity attachments when the
cause could be way simpler...
"Attacks from adverse
forces are inevitable:
you have to take
them as tests on your way and go courageously through the
The struggle may be
hard, but when you come out of it, you have gained something,
you have advanced a step.
There is even a necessity for the existence of the hostile
forces. They make your determination stronger, your aspiration
It is true, however,
that they exist because you gave them reason to exist.
So long as there is something in you that answers to them (which
are your wounds, Trauma, shadow aspects, and lower nature),
their intervention is perfectly legitimate.
If nothing in you
responded, if they had no hold upon any part of your nature,
they would retire and leave you."
The Mother