by Kelly Brogan
July 11,
KellyBroganMD Website
Spanish version

There are three philosophical books that make my required reading
for life list:
What's incredible about
these manifestos is that they gently but steadily deconstruct our
collective assumptions about the human experience and expose the
vast gulfs of mystery.
The oft quoted line tells
"The first gulp from
the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but
at the bottom of the glass god is waiting for you."
The more we open
ourselves up to the ways in which we are closed off, the more we can
examine, explore, and refine the truth.
Ever heard the phrase,
"…the science is
If so, it didn't come
from the mouth of a true scientist.
Scientific dogmas
create taboos - things you're not allowed to ask about or
talk about, let alone study and research. But science is not a
destination… it is a process of discovery.
Moreover, it is a means
of studying and honoring the wonder around us and within us. When
science is bound and arrested by dogmatic beliefs, it becomes an
eviscerated religion that can be co-opted for political gain and
Rupert Sheldrake is a brilliant
renegade scientist and theorist with this to say on the matter:
We are, many of us,
waking up from a several century long slumber induced by
Scientism - the dogmatic belief in the dominant narrative of
science as religion.
As we wake up to
nuance, to new science that defies the old, and to a complexity
that often leads us to an awareness of all that we don't know,
those Scientism believers will become more and more
These people may be
your family, your doctors, or even your formerly trusted media
They may foam at the
mouth and threaten violence at the suggestion that Scientism's
sacred cows (pharmaceuticals, bioengineered foods, industrial
chemicals) are not what we have been lead to believe.
Stay strong and
reconnect to the elegance of a world of natural design, harmony,
and regeneration.
In his book,
The Science Delusion, he
showcases 10 dogmatic beliefs that contemporary science-believer
have adopted from 400 years of entrenched and unexamined ideology.
He describes these
believers as materialists - those who believe that only matter is
It's his assertion that
these beliefs are inhibiting inquiry and that science is stymied
because of the questions we are not allowed to ask when we hold
these assumptions as concrete and unchangeable 'laws.'
The materialist perspective is that of purposeless, soul-less
survival of the fittest.
As Alan Watts
we are flesh robots
on a dead rock in the middle of nowhere.
Here are the dogmas he
feels should be reexamined:
Nature is
mechanical - Living beings fulfill a genetically
programmed role.
Matter is
unconscious - Stars, plants, animals, water, rocks, and
the inanimate around us are just material things and
therefore do not and cannot have any of the properties
of consciousness...
The laws of
nature are fixed - Since
the Big Bang, the laws that
were set into motion will endure and never change.
of matter and energy - The total amount of matter and
energy is the same, 'forever'...
Nature is
purposeless - There is no overarching design in nature
and no higher purpose.
Heredity is
solely biological - The traits of a species are solely
encoded in and passed down through the genes.
Memories are
stored inside of the brain as material traces - Despite
the scientifically elusive nature of mechanical memory
storage, they are somehow encoded in proteins and nerve
endings, in the brain.
The mind is
inside the head - The mind is physically within the
bounds of the head and brain.
phenomenon, like telepathy, is impossible - Thoughts
cannot influence the outside world because the mind is
inside an individual's head.
medicine is the only real medical science -
Conventional medicine has
worked out sufficiently what the nature of the human body
is, it's functioning and pathology and has corresponding
interventions to fix it. Alternative or natural approaches,
however, are founded in the placebo effect.
He proposes that self
organizing systems draw on a collective memory to determine their
path forward - this means that the reason a fetus grows into a baby
is simply because this has happened before, and it can be drawn upon
from the collective.
Morphogenetic fields as Rupert
calls them, provide a template for new experiences to conform to,
based on an outcome that has already existed.
This means that when one person heals from a previously incurable
illness, it makes it easier for others to heal in the future, and is
the reason I have dedicated myself to supporting more and more
seemingly "impossible" forms of healing.
When we bring everything into question, we can
dispassionately appreciate where our desire for comfort and security
ends and where an independent search for truth begins.
To pursue this truth, we
must acknowledge where and how science has become a religion.
How medicine has become a
matter of belief, with a zero-tolerance policy for critical inquiry.
Is Vaccination
the Untouchable Sacred Cow?
I do find, however, that there are few intellectuals, clinicians,
and professionals who can call
vaccination to the proverbial
Scientism carpet.
I did send him a
communication about this, which he said he would review:
I thought to mention
that my interest in vaccination didn't arise from the fact that
I'm a physician.
In fact, in school we
are taught nearly nothing about the subject other than
memorizing the schedule of administration (which has tripled
since I was a child), despite the fact that this is the one
medical intervention recommended (and sometimes mandated) to
every human on the planet regardless of personal history, family
history, health status, ethnicity, gender, or age.
My interest arose from the fact that I had a baby and needed to
make my first informed decision as a parent, a juncture which
collided temporally with a prompting through my own health
experience to begin investigating dogma in the field of
The reason that I believe you would personally be interested in
this topic is because of what I perceive your life's work,
passion, and mission to be - creating space for science to be
what it ought to be: an elegant process of inquiry and
As I read your book, I looked forward to the "medical" chapter
because I am not sure there is a topic on the planet, including
controversies in astrophysics and beyond that fits the
scientific dogma bill as neatly as the topic of vaccination.
Indeed, an
intellectual giant such as yourself is admittedly deterred by
the signs that are posted on the barbed wire fences reading:
those of questioning intellect, enter at your own risk!
I'll share a couple of scientism-related factoids as pertain to
vaccination, namely, assumptions that do not stand the test of
even basic scientific investigation (there are over 225K entries
in Pubmed on the subject):
Vaccines are
Vaccines are
unvaccinated contract disease because they are
unvaccinated endanger others
If we can tolerate,
for just a moment, the possibility that these are assumptions
rather than scientifically verified facts, then we can see that
the claims that the "science is settled around vaccine safety
and autism" for example, is a clear rallying cry for the
militant "skeptics" at the helm of this religion masquerading as
Predicated on 200
year old science, developed conceptually long before our
discovery of the double helix,
the microbiome, or the concept
of epigenetics, without a single true placebo-controlled trial
under its belt, vaccination science is fortifying itself against
meaningful examination or evolution.
More philosophically, I observe that germ theory and the
"anti"/warring posture of medicine over the past 300 years
reflected a morphogenetic field, perhaps, of our shared
That is still
present, but we are also being called towards or attracted to a
new field… one that is predicated on communion, cooperation, and
complexity as exemplified by the discovery of "pathogens" alive
and well in all of us, down to the retroviral (~8%) core of
our own genome.
I think it would be very possible for you to wrap your mind
around the most fascinating aspects of this topic that affects
every human alive and I'd be happy to facilitate your
Since you mention it
in both your current book and
The Science Delusion, it's
clear you appreciate it as an iconic example of health
interventions occupying symbolic real estate in the human
It's time to get brave in
our ability to question institutions that are no longer serving us.
Continue to question
assumptions and allow the crumbling architecture of our own
intellectual prison cells to finally fall to the ground...