by Nicholas Ginex
15, 2018
NicholasGinex Website

Brief Overview
How did the universe
Quantum physics has found that minute particles have
evolved the atom, which is considered the basic building block
of all matter. Physicists and scientists are investigating what
appears to be an unknown force that is currently being
characterized as
This force exists at the lowest
levels and appears to have a will to create inorganic and
organic matter with a purpose to reach its highest evolutionary
the creation of thinking organisms to articulate
and comprehend its own Consciousness.
This will is instilled
with a reproductive desire in all organic matter that fulfills a
noble purpose, which is to love one another and all living
things in our universe.
This paper presents,
very new ideas about the beginning of
the universe
a viable alternative to the Big Bang Theory
verifiable and substantial evidence that Extraterrestrials
that anti-gravity and zero-point energy technology
has been developed under U.S. top-secret programs
spacecraft has been built and operational in the United States
due to top secret operations of the new space technologies,
America has lost more than five decades that would have
decreased the threat of climate change and improve the quality
of life for people around the world. Lastly
all learning
and religious institutions need to emphasize truth and integrity
so that human beings will be accepted by intelligent beings in
the universe.
The paper is presented below.
Nicholas Ginex
York University, USA
This author evolved a hypothetical idea that everything has a
beginning, even the universe.
It surfaced based upon a perception by
Nikola Tesla that throughout space there is energy. The science of
quantum physics has led scientists and physicists to conclude that
matter is derived from energy.
It was an engineer, physicist, and
Paramahamsa Tewari that revealed the electron, a
fundamental particle, is created through the transformation of
energy in space.
His theory presents a space vortex structure used
to calculate how energy in space creates the electron and
mathematically derive many of its properties, such as its charge and
mass. Physicists have documented that one or more electrons revolves
around every atom and forms the elements of the universe.
The discovery that the electron is inherently associated with the
formation of every atom prompts scientists, physicists and
philosophers to understand the phenomenon of consciousness.
For it
appears that the electron is an intelligent master in the creation
of atoms. Beginning with Nikola Tesla, scientists and aerospace
engineers have learned to capture energy in space, which has led to
new technologies, zero-point energy and anti-gravity. These
technologies and the phenomenon of consciousness will be explored in
this paper.
They are presented to motivate scientists and innovative
engineers to someday eliminate poverty around the world, solve the
threat of climate change, and give mankind the ability to travel
into interstellar space.
Several questions will be investigated.
Will mankind be able to transform their aggressive behaviors that
initiate bigotry, hate, and violence and to learn to love one
Will mankind advance morally and intellectually with the
new technologies?
Will mankind's transformation to love one another
become a reality so that they are welcomed by other intelligent
beings in the universe?
You are entering a scientific and philosophical journey about the
beginning of the universe.
It is the author's hypothetical belief
that "Everything Has a Beginning - Even the Universe."
Throughout life this author has reflected on how life began and
wondered who was God and where did he come from? Upon retirement,
books by religious scholars and Egyptologists provided the benefit
of learning about the written works of one of the greatest
Egyptologists, James H. Breasted and the highly acclaimed
archaeologist, professor James B. Pritchard.
Portions of their
written works are produced in
Future of God AMEN.
The translated hieroglyphics conclusively revealed it was the
Egyptians that conceived the first one-universal God, maker of all
that is. This God was revered and worshipped over 2,000 years before
the birth of Jesus Christ.
His name is announced today at the end of
a prayer, supplication, expression of thanks and praise, and
worshippers even sing "Amen" in reverent tones. This book presents
the development of the Judaic, Christian, and Islamic
religions from
the beliefs of the Egyptians that had an advanced civilization as
early as 4200 BCE.
An overview of how Egyptian hymns were emulated
in the Old Testament of the Judaic religion, completed in 950 BCE,
is also presented (Footnote 1).
An illustrative overview of the development of Judaic and Christian
scriptures from Egyptian hymns is provided in a written paper
published by the Clute Institute titled, Provide History of Religion
and God (Note 2).
It was placed on an Internet on-line library by
the Education Research and Information Center (ERIC), which is
sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S.
Department of Education. Sharing the above hymns about the creation
of Amen was necessary to reveal how mankind came to believe in
one-universal God.
This belief is interrelated with trying to
understand the beginning of the universe.
History allows us to learn how mankind conceived the beliefs in a
soul, a hereafter, a Son of God (the pharaoh), and one-universal
However, dedicated Egyptologists not only reveal how mankind
came to conceive God, but their findings serve as a springboard to
reflect on the beginning of the universe.
Did it have a beginning?
If so, what are the fundamental building blocks of matter?
Could the
electron be the master particle that creates matter?
In the creation
of matter is there a consciousness that pervades the universe?
what level does consciousness exist to perceive thoughts?
What are
the technologies that enables the use of energy in space?
Can the
technologies that utilize energy in space be used for the benefit of
Will leaders in government be courageous enough to take
control of the new technologies kept secret by the military
industrial complex?
Can the national media, educators, government,
and religious leaders come to realize they must transform the
morality and character of mankind to advance with new technologies?
Will people throughout our planet embrace knowledge, compassion and
truth, so that they may someday meet other intelligent beings in
interstellar space?
It was after writing AMEN, The Beginning of the Creation of God that this author acquired an interest in the
possibility of
Extraterrestrial life and began to reflect upon the
above questions; this led me into the realm of Quantum Physics and
stimulated the philosophical view that Everything Has a Beginning,
Even the Universe.
There is much to present in an attempt to answer these questions.
The answers will be provided with scientific facts that have emerged
over the past century and in some cases, only the author's best
hypothetical thoughts will be presented with the hope that they will
stimulate others to continue the search for definitive answers.
author has no other mission but to inform and educate the public;
for which reason, this paper not only provides his thoughts about
the beginning of the universe but the foreseeable implications that
need to be addressed.
He has written two sayings that he lives by
and motivates his writings, they are:
Knowledge is a wonderful gift
and Knowledge without action means nothing.
That is why the author
has provided the contents of this paper in four parts.
It is not
enough to investigate how
Universe began, but also, what are the
obstacles and behaviors that mankind must overcome to be successful
in entering a new era and join Extraterrestrials in interstellar
1.1 The Electron Created the Universe
1.2 Does Consciousness Pervade the Universe?
1.3 The Big Bang Theory is Incompatible with Quantum Physics
1.4 There is a Purpose for life to Exist in the Universe
2.1 Zero-Point Energy Has Been Implemented for Space Travel
2.2 Extraterrestrials Have Bases on Our Moon
3.1 The Military Industrial Complex Withholds Zero-point Energy
3.2 The American People Must Insist on ET UFO Disclosure
4.1 Will Humans be Accepted by Intergalactic Beings?
4.2 The Covert Mind of US Operatives in Control of UFO/ET
4.3 Reveal Extraterrestrial Culture, History, and Beliefs
4.4 Understanding the Extraterrestrial Mind
During retirement, the
research and writing of several books led the author into a
relatively new science, quantum physics.
It is the author's belief
that the universe began with the electron. The electron is an
intrinsic part of every atom that forms all elements on our planet
and matter throughout the universe.
Figure 1 illustrates the basic structure of every atom showing it
contains protons and neutrons and has one or more electrons that
revolves around its nucleus. The atom is considered the basic
building block of all matter throughout the universe.
A review of
the Periodic Table of Atomic Numbers (Note 3) verifies that the
electron may be the mastermind in the creation of atoms.
electron appears to have the inherent ability to coalesce protons
and neutrons to form atoms that determine the characteristic of each
Therefore, the electron may be the fundamental particle
that creates matter. An Electron Configuration Chart (Note 4) that
shows the number of electrons for each element may be accessed under
NOTES below. There are 118 elements in the periodic table.
with the first element with one electron, each progressing element
has one extra electron that revolve around the nucleus ending with
118 electrons for the last element,

Figure 1.
Atom has One or More Electrons
Orbits its Nucleus.
Of the many physicists who have discovered that the atom is made of
yet smaller particles, an electrical engineer, who ventured into the
world of quantum physics, developed a remarkable and profound theory
that may unify the gap between macro and micro physics.
engineer, physicist, and inventor, Paramahamsa Tewari wrote a paper
titled, Structural Relation Between the Vacuum Space and the
Electron (Note 5).

Figure 2.
Paramahamsa Tewari revealed energy
can be
transformed into matter
his Space-Vortex Theory.
His paper reveals how the first fundamental particle in the
universe, the electron, was created through the transformation of
He developed a space vortex structure that mathematically
verifies how energy in space creates the electron and calculated
many of its properties, such as charge and mass.
Tewari was dedicated to introducing to the scientific world a new
scientific approach. He developed a space structure that allows
deriving and substantiating the beginning of matter. This structure,
named the vacuum-vortex, transforms energy in space and creates the
For an illustration of the space-vortex structure, Figure
3 is provided.

Figure 3.
The space-vortex structure with a fixed volume of a dynamically
stable void at its center is defined as the fundamental particle of
matter, the electron.
The properties of "electric charge" and "mass"
of the electron and its "energy fields" are derived in Mr. Tewari's
paper using mathematical equations associated with its structure.
His paper presents a total new way that verifies the relationship
between energy, mass and the speed of light. A brief description of
Mr. Tewari's space vortex theory (SVT) is defined below.
The conceived structure of the electron where its
vacuum is emptiness and vortex refers to a whirling or circular
motion that tends to form a cavity or vacuum in its center.
Generation of electrostatic, electromagnetic, and gravitational
fields are shown to arise from the vacuum-vortex structure of the
To verify his SVT, Mr.
Tewari postulated three absolute principles:
The medium of
vacuum space, throughout the universe, is an eternally
existing, nonmaterial, incompressible, continuous, isotropic
fluid substratum.
The medium of
vacuum space has a limiting flow velocity equal to the speed
of light relative to the fluid space (absolute vacuum).
The medium of
universal vacuum space is eternal and inherent with motion.
Vacuum space, vacuum, or space consists of nonmaterial
properties without matter and fields.
Tewari has confirmed
Nikola Tesla's memorable quote stated in 1891,
"Ere many generations
pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any
point in the universe. This idea is not novel...
Throughout space
there is energy. Is this energy static or kinetic?
If static our hopes
are in vain; if kinetic - and this we know it is, for certain -
then it is a mere question of time when men will succeed in
attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature."

Figure 4.
Tesla revealed
is energy in space.
Tesla foresaw that,
"Throughout space there is energy" and Tewari
concluded that, "the reality is that the dynamic space (energy
substratum) is the first cause of creation, stability and subsequent
existence of cosmic matter and fields."
Tewari's book was published
in 2009, titled Universal Principles of Space and Matter, A Call for
Conceptual Reorientation (Note 6).
The physics world still needs to award the Laureate Nobel Prize to
Paramahamsa Tewari for his scientific discovery of the creation of
an electron and how the vacuum vortex structure is applicable to
many fields of study in physics. Although he won early commendation
by Nobel Laureates in physics and the Nobel Prize in Physics has
been awarded 111 times, Mr. Tewari has yet to receive this
distinguished honor.
The scientific authorities would be remiss by
not providing its greatest physics prize to Mr. Tewari in
appreciation of his outstanding Space Vortex Theory.
On November 27, 2017, less than two years ago, Tewari died in his
hometown close to Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India.
He was looking
forward to his 82nd birthday and completion of a new model of his reactionless generator, which he invented to validate his
Vortex Theory (SVT).
With the assistance of
other engineers, Tewari verified the practical use of his SVT by
building a generator that produced more power than it consumes with
efficiencies of more than 200 percent.
1.1 The
Electron Created the Universe
Mr. Tewari's paper reveals a scientific breakthrough that
electrons are born throughout space through the transformation
of energy. This fundamental particle, the electron, had to be
produced millions and trillions of times.
In the same way, the
vacuum space vortex may explain the formation of other
fundamental particles, such as neutrons and protons. Through the
supervision of the electron, many different configurations of
atoms evolved to create the many elements of matter.
Based upon
the different configurations of an atom's electrons, protons and
neutrons, the atom has earned the reputation of being the
building block of inorganic and organic matter in our universe.
However, Professor David Tong (Note 7), a theoretical physicist
at the University of Cambridge who studies and lectures on
quantum field theory, lectured at the Royal Institution in
London and stated that the fundamental building blocks of matter
are not discrete particles; instead, they are continuous
fluid-like substances, spread throughout all of space.
Physicists calls them quantum fields, which are electric and
magnetic waves.
According to Professor Tong's recent theory of continuous
fluid-like substances known as ‘quantum fields' we find that
even the electron and other fundamental discrete particles have
a beginning. However, the professor appears to have made an
overreaching conclusion by stating that quantum fields are the
real building blocks of the universe.
Yes, quantum fields,
energy in space, are from where discrete particles are born, but
it is the particles that form into atoms, which are the building
blocks of all matter.
The question arises,
is there some unknown
force that the electron inherently possesses that drives the
formation of different atom configurations, which creates
inorganic and organic elements?
It is this matter that creates
the stars, planets, galaxies and
dark matter throughout the
universe not quantum fields.
What appears to be a phenomenon that requires further study,
what is that unknown force that allows the electron to configure
the many different elements in our universe?
Is it
This phenomenon deserves further study and is
presented below.
1.2 Does
Consciousness Pervade the Universe?
Having learned that the electron is one of the first particles
to be created in space, it raised the question,
does an unknown
force, believed to be
consciousness, cause the birth of the
For consciousness to exist,
it must emanate from
matter, a cohesive object, that is capable of originating
Since the electron is born from non-matter, energy that
was able to transfer its electrical, magnetic and gravitational
forces into matter, it may be hypothetically possible that
energy created the electron to initiate the phenomenon of
Consciousness is non-matter like energy and it
serves no purpose unless it is able to communicate with matter.
could it be that energy created the electron (mass)
so that consciousness can communicate in the universe?
If so,
with the creation of trillions of electrons throughout space,
consciousness may pervade the universe.
The scientific discovery that positive, negative and neutral
particles of an atom can coalesce into inorganic and organic
elements, gives credence to the idea that there is a phenomenon
we may characterize as consciousness.
Ultimately, we, as
thinking human beings, may be the product of that source of
We are part of the "stuff" that makes up the
universe, and in trying to understand our beginnings, it could
be due to the inherent forces of the atom that surfaces as
This hypothetical idea that matter, created by
atoms that determine inorganic and organic outcomes, can assume
consciousness may have some merit because we are proof as
thinking products of our universe.
When does consciousness actually become a reality whereby an
element made of atoms is able to sense the external world and
enable it to react to its environment and make choices? Logic
presumes that reaction to its environment requires that the
element cannot be an inorganic but an organic form of life.
is, we would not expect a rock to have the ability to react to
external stimuli or think. It would have to be an organic form
of life that is capable to exhibit some form of consciousness.
At what point in the development of organic life does
consciousness reach a level that allows organic life to interact
with its external world? For human beings, our first awareness
(consciousness) starts after conception into conscious awareness
at birth.
However, a question surfaces as to,
why only at birth
of an organic form would consciousness come into play?
Consciousness exists at many levels and in higher life forms
provides the ability to communicate and exchange thoughts with
others. But for consciousness to be productive and relevant, it
relies on inputs of data and stimuli to construct thoughts and
make decisions.
It too, is like a baby that gradually becomes
intelligent and articulate after study and grooming from the
thoughts of other highly educated human beings.
reaches its height in human beings to think and reach out with
hypothetical thoughts to try to understand its own existence.
And that is why this author believes that the transformation of
energy in particles is a long, evolutionary process whereby it
transforms itself into matter with an inherent will to exist as
consciousness in higher life forms that will question and
examine its nature.
Namely, thinking life forms are the crown
achievement of consciousness in the universe.
Organic life, from a single cell to highly evolved animal and
plant life forms, is preordained with conditions that support
Organic life begins after inorganic matter (earth, gases
and minerals), is exposed to heat and moisture that produces
plant life, which produces a byproduct (air) to sustain life.
Organic forms of life that become mobile, such as the fly, a
bird, fish, and animals evolve based upon the environment and it
all began with the mix of atoms that produced inorganic and
organic matter.
It becomes evident that the atom has forces that
somehow takes advantage of its surroundings and gives birth to
inorganic and organic matter.
The forces within the atom have an
intelligence or a consciousness that tries to evolve and express
itself in many ways. It is this consciousness that reaches its
height in human beings to think and eventually try to understand
its own existence.
Anwar Shaikh, an author, poet, philosopher, great Islamic
historian and scholar, wrote a significant thought about
consciousness; it complements the philosophical conclusion of
this paper that, "Everything has a beginning, even the cosmic
Anwar rationally wrote,
"Since consciousness means cognition or knowing, there must be
something worth knowing.
Therefore, eyes have a multiple
purpose; firstly, to play a definite role in the evolution of
consciousness, and secondly, to know the world around us.
this conclusion, it also follows that the world or cosmos has a
it wants to be known; it aspires to be conscious of
This seems to be the entire purpose of consciousness.
Since man is the cosmic baby, he happens to be the medium for
the universal consciousness." (Note 8)
Anwar Shaikh is to be applauded for his philosophical
conclusions are compatible with the scientific findings that
particles evolved the atom.
It is evident from the latest
quantum physics findings that energy waves are able to generate
electron particles that evolve atoms, which eventually, with an
inherent consciousness, coalesce into matter that forms stars.
We have learned though the astrophysicist,
Carl Sagan (Note 9),
that stars can become unstable and explode due to gravitational
forces that cause extremely high pressures and temperatures.
gravitational forces are so immense that astronomers have found
it is responsible for pulsars, quasars, black holes, and star
supernovas. These entities eventually reach a state whereby they
will explode or emit matter, gases, and radiant energy back out
into the universe.
This process repeats itself, which eventually
populates the universe with stars and planets.
1.3 The Big
Bang Theory is Incompatible with Quantum Physics
The gravitational forces in matter verifies that it is
impossible for a star to become a singularity that is so dense
that it can create matter that could populate an entire
The pressure and extreme temperatures created by
gravitational forces will cause the star, or singularity, to
explode before it can coalesce billions and trillions of
particles, gases and radiant energy that supposedly can initiate
the birth of our universe.
Therefore, from a logical
perspective, the theory that the universe began with one big
bang is not comprehensible. Rather, it is more likely that the
universe has had multiple big bangs initiated by such phenomena
as black holes, pulsars, quasars and supernovas.
Truly, if
particles, such as electrons, protons and neutrons populate the
universe due to the transformation of energy waves, then there
must be trillions upon trillions of particles that form atoms
that can coalesce into billions of stars throughout the
Another rational conclusion that
the Big Bang could not have
happened was provided by John Watson in an article titled,
Ten Scientific Flaws in The Big Bang Theory (Note 10).
"Since the Big Bang was supposed to occur only 13.7
billion years ago, then we should be looking at the early
preformed universe. We shouldn't see fully formed stars and
However, instead we see stars and planets just like in
our own galaxy. This is a serious problem for the Big Bang
Theory because we're looking at the "early universe" yet it
doesn't appear very early at all.
Thus, the Big Bang could not
have happened."
Rejecting the Big Bang Theory, this author presents a
philosophical view that scientists may eventually confirm that,
"Everything has a beginning, even the universe."
It is
incomprehensible to believe that the universe began with the
explosion of one singularity when in fact, it is constantly
changing, dying, and forming new stars to exist.
Just as
inorganic and organic matter came to exist through an
evolutionary process on our planet, matter has evolved
throughout the universe through a consciousness inherent in
particles. This author concedes that although the latest
findings in Quantum Physics supports his philosophical view that
everything has a beginning, scientists and physicists may never
be able to explain how energy, in the form of electromagnetic
waves, first originated.
Einstein's equation, E=mc2,
presumes there is a balance between energy and matter. Still,
for energy to create matter, in the form of particles, it had to
appear first.
But the question remains for quantum physicists,
how did energy first appear in the form of electromagnetic
1.4 There
is a Purpose for life to Exist in the Universe
Anwar Shaikh, a perceptive philosopher, has presented another
aspect of consciousness.
He wrote,
"If we delve deeper into consciousness, it transpires that it is
the apex of evolution. Without it, existence or non-existence of
the universe will not matter.
A thing may exist but it is the
knowledge of its existence which gives it a proper valuation.
The universe obviously wants to be recognized, otherwise
consciousness will have no meaning because whatever man sees,
feels, senses or perceives relates to the universe; man himself
is a part of it. Therefore, human consciousness belongs to the
More properly, the cosmos evolves man for the sole
purpose of seeing, feeling, sensing and perceiving through him.
Thus, man ranks as the cosmic baby with a special purpose.
is this purpose of man?"
The author's attempt
to answer Anwar's question is with an imperative command given
to us three times -
love one another (Note 11).
It is through love that mankind will
be able to reach the highest levels of integrity and truth that
enables mankind to make sound decisions in the future. It is a
command that has evolved with the highest regard for truth as
illustrated by Figure 5.
It illustrates Isis presenting the
symbol of Truth to Nefertari.

Figure 5.
The ankh represents the symbol of Truth,
the most highly esteemed quality of the Egyptians.
As presented in the book, page
181, Future of God Amen, it is the highest conceived attribute
of the ancient Egyptians, their Pharaoh, esteemed councilors,
and their revered God, Amen, the Lord of Truth (Note 12).
Truth depends on the ability to love one another, to listen with
objective reasoning that sustains a compatible relationship with
others. One may conclude that the attribute of love is inherent
in consciousness for it instills the reproductive desire in all
organic life forms to promote their existence.
Can love for one
another be the evolutionary purpose of consciousness? To attain
the apex of development that is the jewel crown of being, the
purpose of consciousness is to love all life throughout the
The undercurrent of consciousness is a profound will
that instills the reproductive desire in all organic life forms,
which promotes in our evolutionary development the attribute of
This apex or purpose of consciousness is challenged today by a
religious ideology that has, since its inception, caused
bigotry, hatred, violence and the killing of people.
In the
Qur'an (Note 13), the belief that islam is the
Religion of 'Truth'
and that Allah may make it prevail over every other religion has
caused armies of Muslim fundamentalists to destroy many
civilizations in efforts to subjugate people to follow Islam.
People around the world need to be conscious of this
They need to come together to educate misguided
Muslims by revealing that the Qur'an needs to be revised by
advocating the greatest command given to man - love one another.
Why and how people around the world can assist Muslims to
develop the consciousness to love one another by revising the
Qur'an is presented in an article titled, Worldwide
Communication Will Expose the Qur'an (Note 14)
2.0 THE
Before we explore why Extraterrestrial beings have entered our solar
system and why they have an interest in human beings, we have got to
reason if ETs (Extraterrestrials) and UFOs (Unidentified Flying
Objects) really exist.
After the downing of an
spacecraft in July 1947 near Roswell, New Mexico, President
authorized a top-secret investigation by the military to assess the
retrieval of dead beings that came from another world.
authorization quickly materialized into a highly secretive base
identified as
Area 51. It is a highly classified remote detachment
of Edwards Air Force Base within the Nevada Test and Training Range
and consists of approximately 60 square miles.
Still active today,
it contains hundreds of under-ground tunnels where scientists,
biologists, and engineers work in isolated laboratories to study the
anatomy of an Extraterrestrial and reverse-engineer the technology
of an alien spacecraft.
Figure 6 is a photograph that was authenticated as being made in
1947 and therefore not something that's been photoshopped like
today. This original photo shows an alien who's been partially
dissected lying in a case.
On the photo is a statement typed by the
son of Alan Lewis who points out that in the bottom right-hand
corner of the glass case is an Area 51 badge.
It would be foolish to
try to discredit the photo by claiming that the military man and
alien was staged.

Figure 6.
Extraterrestrial retrieved
the Roswell UFO crash.
It is now 72 years since the alien crash and the American people are
still fed misinformation by
the military industrial complex (MIC).
Although hundreds of UFO citing's occurred over Europe, England,
Mexico, Washington DC and the United States, Canada, Australia,
South America and count-less other countries, the cover-up was
effectively conducted by FBI, CIA, DIA, NSA intelligence agencies
and top DoD military personnel.
Such control was achieved by
controlling the national news media financially and by strict
military orders to comply.
This was an easy task as the MIC was
supported by the wealth of large corporations that financially
controlled much of the national news, TV and movie media.
The ET
cover-up continues today...
Figure 7 presents the photograph of a female and male grey
Extraterrestrial. The female is a rare photo that was provided by
Robert O. Dean who spent twenty-seven years of active duty in the US
Army where he retired as Command Sergeant Major after serving as a
highly decorated infantry combat veteran.
He also served in
Intelligence Field Operations and was stationed at Supreme
Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE), the military arm of
As a retired command Sergeant Major,
Robert O. Dean's history
includes forty years of research in the UFO field.

Figure 7.
A grey
female and male
The national news media has successfully duped many Americans about
the reality of
Extraterrestrials and
Surprisingly enough, many
Americans believe these phenomena are a hoax in spite of the
hundreds of citing's in many countries. It would be a poor
reflection for those of us who have learned the truth from retired
military officers and dedicated ET-UFO investigators to neglect
revealing to all people the Area 51 top-secret cover-up.
The MIC cover-up has denied the American people the greatest
discoveries of our era, anti-gravity and zero-point energy. Unknown
by most Americans, these discoveries have been successfully
implemented in U.S. spacecraft to enable interplanetary flight since
the late 1960s.
This author would be remiss by neglecting to provide
the reader a presentation by the retired Command Sergeant Major,
Robert O. Dean.
Given at the Exopolitics Summit in Barcelona, 2009,
he exposed the lies fed to the public about Extraterrestrials and
provided an inspiring message of hope for mankind; view
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ngvIP0Za9M&feature=youtu.be .
Zero-Point Energy Has Been Implemented for Space Travel
After the Roswell UFO crash, within one decade, a consortium of
U.S. military and large aerospace corporations, namely the
military industrial complex (MIC), developed and implemented
with the knowledge of ET beings the use of
zero-point energy and
antigravity technology.
The MIC has operated as a shadow
government unaccountable to every U.S. President even though the
U.S. government authorized many billions of dollars in their
Area 51 operations.
Today, unknown by the public due to national media control by
the MIC, the U.S. military is able to dominate earth's outer
space with Intergalactic Flying Object (IFO) technology.
2014, Mark McCandlish, an accomplished aerospace illustrator,
gave testimony at the Secret Space Program Conference in San
Francisco where he revealed that the U.S. military not only has
developed operational antigravity, but has for many years,
developed and engineered zero-point energy that propels IFOs
over the past 50 years.
Mark worked for many major defense contractors:
was previously in the US Air Force and for some of the major
aerospace corporations was employed as an illustrator for
aerospace designed spacecraft.
He testified that his colleague,
Brad Sorenson, with whom he studied and mentions at the
conference, had been inside a facility at Norton Air Force Base,
where he witnessed 3 different-sized alien reproduction
vehicles, or ARVs, that were fully operational and hovering.
They were all identical in shape and proportion, except that
there were three different sizes. The smallest one was about 24
feet in diameter at the base. The next biggest one was 60 feet
and the largest was about 120 to 130 feet in diameter.
Brad also saw a video tape that revealed the smallest of the
three vehicles sitting out in the desert, presumably over a dry
lakebed, someplace like
Area 51.
It showed this vehicle
accelerated straight up and out of sight in just a couple of
seconds with no sound, no moving parts, and no exhaust gases or
fuel for propulsion.
Figure 8 illustrates the shape and much of
the interior of the military

Figure 8.
ARV known to be operational
before 1973
Kent Sellen.
A detailed description of the ARV and its components may be read
in an article titled, Mark McCandlish: Master of Aerospace
Illustration (Note 15).
Mark presents the ARV on,
A patent was filed by James King Jr. that looks like the ARV
shown above except that instead of having a dome for a crew
compartment, it has a cylinder in the center. The design has the
same shape, the flat bottom, and the sloping sides. It has the
coils around the circumference, and has the capacitor plates
that are all radially-oriented.
The patent was filed initially
in 1960 and was secured in 1967, the same year that a photo was
taken 52 years ago near Provo, Utah. It looks just like the
craft shown as Figure 9.
Kent Sellen, a former crew chief for
the ARV, indicated the ARV, an interstellar flying object, was
operational perhaps earlier then 1973, 46 years ago from this
2019 writing.

Figure 9.
Mark II Flying Saucer prototype
the Alien Reproduction Vehicle.
Having anti-gravity zero-point energy technology raises the
question that government representatives should be asking,
spend all that money on development of NASA missiles for space
exploration when the U.S. has technology that will take us into
interstellar space right now?"
It is clear that use of
anti-gravity zero-point energy has not been revealed because the
military industrial complex (MIC) has successfully kept these
advanced technologies secret from the American public and
government officials.
It is time for the American people to
loudly proclaim the MIC disclose this technology for commercial
use to benefit mankind. People should be seriously concerned
that the MIC may not want to relinquish their power and control
of the world economies.
It is also possible the MIC may
misinform and brainwash people to believe Extraterrestrials are
a threat to mankind.
Extraterrestrials Have Bases on Our Moon
highly advanced technology of anti-gravity and zero-point
energy is so profound that Extraterrestrials have been able to
build a mother ship large enough to house hundreds of families
and maintain dozens of small space craft.
It is pertinent that
we learn that Extraterrestrials are our neighbors. They have
used the moon as a base for 8 decades and perhaps much longer.
In Germany, two astronomers,
Fred and Glenn Steckling, father
and son, wrote about extraordinary findings in their book
We Discovered Alien Bases on the Moon
(in German).
Published in 2012
by the International Journal of Modern Physics and copyrighted
by the World Scientific Publishing Company, this book was
translated from German in 2005.
Fred and Glenn spent many nights
at the telescope looking at the moon and made an astounding
find; a mind-blowing event, which has not received wide acclaim
by the American media.
In Chapter 3, Behind the Secrets of the Moon, Fred Steckling
wrote what he and his son saw on the moon crater Archimedes.
During the month of November 1970, they used a 12.5-inch reactor
(31.75 cm) to observe the field of Archimedes, which was 2,300
meters above sea level.
One night they saw to their surprise
three very large, cigar-shaped objects on the base of
All three objects were the same size, two of which
were parked in the northern area, the other was located in the
southern area. They then compared the objects with a map section
of the moon of this area created by the Air Force, which showed
that the crater or was relatively at with no indications of
these objects.
Fred and Glenn observed the three cigar shaped
objects for several hours in the crater. The diameter of the
Archimedes crater is approximately 80 kilometers, about 50 miles
wide. According to their survey the cigar-shaped structures were
at least 32 miles long and about 2.8 miles wide.
Figure 10 shows
the 50 mile-wide crater occupied with three cigar-shaped

Figure 10.
the crater field of Archimedes
were three cigar-shaped objects.
The highly advanced technology of anti-gravity and zero-point
energy is so profound that Extraterrestrials have been able to
build a mother ship large enough to house hundreds of families
and maintain dozens of small space craft.
They have
used the
moon as a base for 8 decades and perhaps much longer.
"The very idea that someone has the knowledge to build
spaceships of such monstrous proportions, is beyond the
imagination. Photographic evidence, however, attest their
It would be useless to determine the material and
labor costs incurred to construct only one aircraft several
kilometers in length."
The construction of a huge aircraft carrier, about a quarter of
a mile, cannot be compared to the immensity of the ET spaceship;
a technical masterpiece, which would be extremely prohibitive to
build on Earth.
A spaceship 32 miles long would be nearly
impossible for humans to build.
Mr. Steckling astutely wrote,
"whoever they are up there, they are much more advanced than
Out of arrogance, covert leaders of the military industrial complex
(MIC) have kept secret alien technology to surreptitiously control
government, world organizations and wealth.
It is a certainty that
the MIC has retrieved aliens that have survived spacecraft crashes.
It is plausible that they have communicated with aliens but the
small-minded objectives of MIC leaders appear to only concentrate on
world power and control.
People worldwide must demand all UFO ET
spacecraft technology, developed covertly by the MIC, be disclosed
to allow commercial use of anti-gravity and zero-point energy.
It is imperative that people in all countries start to employ
zero-point energy to achieve low cost energy without the use of bio
and nuclear fuels that are constantly polluting the earth. The
benefits will allow people, around the world, to no longer endure
poverty, lack of food, and gain leisure time to grow intellectually
and morally.
This demand must be initiated by all people to gain
control from the MIC, a shadow government, which denies
accountability and control by the Congress, Senate, and Executive
branches of the United States Government.
News media journalists and editors are educated and knowledgeable of
the benefits of zero-point energy.
As part of their profession, one
would think that this highly advanced technology would be reported
to the public to reveal its benefits for people around the world.
But what is the problem, what stifles their ability to inform people
worldwide about the benefits of zero-point energy?
Could it be that
their voices are stifled because the news media is financed and
controlled by the military-industrial complex?
The answer is that
the MIC has total control of the national media, which are financed
with billions of American taxpayer dollars.
The shadow government of the MIC is so covertly pervasive that a
serious warning by president Eisenhower was delivered to the
American people in
his 1961 speech.
He stated,
"We have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of
vast proportions.
Added to this, three and a half million men and
women are directly engaged in the defense establishment. We annually
spend on military security more than the net income of all United
States corporations. This conjunction of an immense military
establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American
The total influence - economic, political, even
spiritual - is felt in every city, every State house, every office
of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this
development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave
Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved;
so is the very structure of our society.
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition
of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the
military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise
of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the
weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic
We should take nothing for granted.
Only an alert and
knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge
industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful
methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper
A top scientist, Rick Fousch, at the Naval Research Labs, the
largest defense lab in the world, revealed that anti-gravity and
zero-point energy was developed and implemented by October 1954.
This means that in the mid 50's the capability existed to replace
much of the oil, gas, coal, and fuel used for rockets, nuclear jets,
cars, and internal combustion engines. By the MIC not disclosing
anti-gravity and zero-point energy for commercial use, people in
America and many parts of the world have lost over six decades of
technological evolution.
The MIC prevented the employment of
zero-point energy because it would eliminate hundreds of trillions
of dollars in oil and infrastructure assets that they control and
continually reap profits.
To allow the MIC to maintain their grasp
of global economies and the brainwashing of people through fake
news, the warning by President Eisenhower has become not only a
reality but an emergency that threatens the well-being of mankind
and our earth.
There may be a solution with the authorization of a
Space Force by
Donald Trump.
It is obvious that the Space Force employs
many MIC officers and personnel. It would be an astute president
that has love for the American people to insure disclosure of
anti-gravity and
zero-point energy technologies for commercial use
in all countries.
Their implementation will
usher in a new era of development that will benefit mankind both technically and morally.
Although revelation of this technology would change the world by
eliminating a centralized petrodollar economy, within a generation
it would be replaced by many innovative industries that would
increase the quality of life for all people.
The Military Industrial Complex Withholds Zero-point Energy
Steven M. Greer, an emergency room physician and Director of
Emergency Medicine at a major hospital in North Carolina, left
his medical profession to devote his life full-time to informing
Americans of the truth about the reality of ETs and UFOs.
three years later he hosted a National Press Club Event in 2001
to initiate his disclosure campaign (Note 16).
Many highly
credible officers and scientific personal attended to give
testimony that they witnessed or worked on UFO and ET top-secret
At the event, Dr. Greer proposed the following
Open and
honest hearings about UFOs and ETs in the U.S. Congress.
That there be
a permanent ban on the weaponization of space or the
targeting of any objects of ET origin. To initiate such
a ban, there must be immediate legislation and
national/international treaties to prohibit space based
That there be
a full and complete study of classified technologies
connected to this subject to see how they could be
properly declassified and applied for peaceful energy
generation so that the world may get off of fossil fuels
in enough time to prevent eco damage or war over the
looming energy crises which is sure to sweep the earth
in the coming decade.
There must be
declassification and release of currently classified
technologies that could ameliorate the environ-mental
and energy crisis. To eliminate poverty, improve the
earth's air quality, and raise the quality of life for
all people, we must make use of the anti-gravity and
zero-point ambient energy propulsion systems that have
already been developed on top-secret covert programs.
On January 23, 2009,
Dr. Greer wrote on behalf of the Center for the Study of
Extraterrestrial Intelligence, a letter for people to impress
upon the President the need for disclosure (Note 17).
to his letter was a Special Presidential Briefing (SPB) for
President Obama and to his senior military and intelligence
team. The SPB provided a full briefing, which contained detailed
information on the projects, project code numbers, names,
corporations, locations etc., associated with the UFO/ET covert
He wrote an appeal to friends, supporters of
disclosure, to actively inform President Obama of needed actions
regarding Extraterrestrials.
"Nine months after the inauguration of a new and potentially
transformative American President, we await significant progress
on official Disclosure on the UFO/ET subject.
While the UK,
France, Denmark, Brazil and other countries around the world
have increasingly opened their official government files, the US
is found lagging behind her sister nations."
Again, on June 1, 2017, Dr. Steven Greer communicated with top
administration officials of the newly elected President, Donald
J. Trump.
He hopes the new president will disclose and
declassify ET UFO information once and for all. Over several
years devoted to unravelling the secrecy of the military
industrial complex, Dr. Greer claims to have evidence that a
small clandestine group of people rooted in government has
suppressed alien technology.
Since the development and
implementation of anti-gravity zero-point energy around the
mid-1960's the military industrial complex (MIC) has withheld
this technology for commercial use; a period of more than half a
Dr. Greer's objective is to sensitized the public regarding
Extraterrestrials visiting earth.
Many military witnesses,
civilians and scientists involved with top-secret covert
operations have given testimony of their encounters with ETs and
He has revealed that
the Disclosure Project has
coordinated interviews with over 800 whistleblowers from high
level defense contractors, government officials, and
military/intelligence individuals to testify the existence of
UFOs and ET beings.
However, Dr. Greer would like to see a tidal
wave of support from the public.
3.2 The
People Must Insist on ET UFO Disclosure
The quandary still exists as to when will our President demand
disclosure of Intergalactic Flying Object (IFO) technology?
American people are educated enough to accept intelligent beings
from other worlds. But will the greedy and powerful status quo
of the establishment and military industrial complex dominate
and control the destiny of mankind?
It is essential that people
be informed and educated to recognize that their political
leaders must insist that the military industrial complex
disclose IFO technology. Eventually, people will no longer
tolerate being kept hostage from experiencing a new age that is
able to make use of zero-point energy.
It can be employed in all
moving objects and the needed infrastructure rebuilding of our
cities, roads and bridges.
Will people become informed and
knowledgeable enough to want to increase their quality of life,
meet Extraterrestrials and welcome an intergalactic era?
Disclosure of IFO technology can be achieved by people writing
their political leaders, Congressmen, Senators and the President
to attain transparency and to finally be free from surreptitious
The human race is constantly evolving both technically and
Humans have advanced in the technical spheres, but
due to the many diverse views about spiritual, religious,
philosophical, and political beliefs, there is no common agreement
in a belief system they can all embrace.
As a result, much conflict
has arisen that has resulted in hatred, violence and death of human
beings in many countries.
It would be of benefit to learn if ETs
have solved their ideological differences and developed an
acceptable view of learning how to love one another. This is the
ultimate outcome; to revere all life and learn of the wonders of
other beings in the universe.
An alternate outcome is to let the
fears and terror humans inflict upon other beings constrict our
ability to advance to the next level of spiritual and intellectual
development. If so, we may never get to fly into interstellar space.
If the military industrial complex (MIC) discloses anti-gravity
zero-point energy will the American people, and people around the
world, be ready for the dramatic changes that will affect their
The economies of every country will be impacted by new
production capabilities, which will require an intellectual rebirth
of our educational and religious institutions.
4.1 Will Humans be
Accepted by Intergalactic Beings?
There is an opportunity for humans to travel to intergalactic
space and meet Extraterrestrial beings from other worlds.
are humans ready to meet ETs who are thousands and perhaps
millions of years ahead intellectually and technologically?
we witness every day, the mass killing of people with different
religious beliefs and witness the millions of people who suffer
from poverty and lack of food, it becomes clear that we, the
human race, have not learned to solve problems that can
religious differences
How can ETs accept human beings that have not learned to live
peacefully among themselves?
We are a threat to ETs as we still
exhibit arrogance, bigotry, greed for power and wealth, hatred
and violence towards each other.
Our educational and religious
institutions, around the world, have failed to teach integrity,
an attribute that is based upon compassion and truth.
Even the
National Media have found it easy to lie about events and
distort facts because of political differences.
Professors in
our colleges and universities poison our young minds with
tainted political views by reinterpreting historic events.
President of the United States is ridiculed and disrespected
with indecent names even though he loves America and its people,
has rescued our economy by increasing jobs, and raised the
incomes of blacks and other minorities.
Unfortunately, humans do
not appear to be ready in two or three decades for intergalactic
The root of the problem begins with behavioral instruction
received by parents and morality instilled by religious leaders
of spiritual organizations. They are most intimately involved in
raising children with a foundation of moral rules that builds
the attributes of character and integrity.
This means that the
scriptures of our religious institutions need to be evaluated to
understand why and how they became a fundamental part of any
Such evaluation begs to be studied because it is
clear that it is the clash of different religious beliefs that
are responsible for bigotry, hatred, terrorism, and the murder
of millions of innocent people worldwide.
The abstract of the Chute Institute paper indicates there is a
need for high school, college, and university educators to
introduce their students to a history of mankind's development
religions and beliefs in God.
People need to understand that
need and why instruction in morality is essential to the
well-being of their nation and its citizens.
By providing people
with a greater understanding of the nature of man it can
energize political and religious leaders to increase love
between peoples of all nations and be able to welcome visitors
from outer space.
4.2 The
Covert Mind of US Operatives in Control of UFO/ET Projects
There are many theories about why Extraterrestrial beings are
visiting our planet, and many have developed out of fear that
these beings will invade earth.
Such fear has been propagated by,
the MIC, CIA, FBI, DIA and NSA government agencies,
...to obtain
continued funding for the many under-ground complexes
constructed to covertly study UFOs and recovered ETs.
The fears
propagated by the military have even affected Air Force
personnel to order its jets to shoot down any flying saucers
that are detected on radar.
On July 29, 1952, UFO sightings were reported by the
International News Service (INS) and revealed multiple flying
saucers were seen along the East Coast and Washington D.C.
incident caused our military to give orders to shoot down UFOs.
Such an order confirms the reality that covert intelligence
agencies have been successful to utilize the media to not only
alarm the public, but also our military personnel in believing
that aliens were a threat to their lives.
If there is any threat
of war to humans by ETs, it will likely be initiated by our own
military forces.
Public fear has been purposely generated by the covert
intelligence agencies in order to continue developing their own
experimental flying spacecraft. USAF UFOs were successfully
operable to impersonate ETs in order to simulate alien
This fear was also fermented by religious fanatics
that work for and manage the covert agencies. It is plausible
that many of the covert operatives believed that public
knowledge of another intelligence from outer space would mean a
breakdown of our way of life.
Too many people have been
indoctrinated with particular beliefs in God and the threat to
their belief system could cause panic and turmoil by many
religious groups.
There may be reason to believe that such
highly religious people may be in control of the top-secret UFO
ET programs.
Possessed by such fears, men in control of the
undercover UFO ET projects refuse to share their findings with
our Government leaders and the American people. It is evident
that military and intelligence agencies, in collusion with large
corporations, have deliberately withheld facts about UFO
sightings and examination of retrieved ETs, dead or alive, from
the American people due to fear of the breakdown of existing
religious beliefs.
The American public have been lied to by the MIC with use of
worldwide news, TV and contrived movies, to instill
misinformation and a perception that ETs are a threat to human
It is odd that so little is known or written about the
culture, history and spiritual or worldly beliefs of ETs.
Hundreds of UFO sightings were reported since the 1500s, and
thousands more sighted after the 1900s. In fact, the military
has recovered from crashed UFOs, ETs from July of 1947 through
July 1989.
Of a total of 128 ETs retrieved, 117 died and 11 ET
beings have survived. In Area 51, the scientists and
psychologists who have actually spoken with ETs have been
threatened with their lives and family not to reveal to the
American people the existence or their communication with ETs.
Many ET remains and survivors are in secret underground
Members of the White House, Congress and Senate
have no control or accountability of the status of the ETs and
technical UFO developments.
They are blocked from all scientific
and technical capabilities secretly developed in the hundreds of
underground tunnels separated over many miles. In underground
compartments, scientists and engineers who worked on ET UFO
projects are isolated from one another so that no one scientific
worker can access or acquire an overview of the entire program.
The covert program objective was to develop spacecraft using
anti-gravity and ambient zero-point energy that can enable
travel greater than the speed of light.
The military, large corporations, and intelligence agencies
worked together to convince Government that contracts were
necessary to continue UFO back engineering and scientific ET
studies. Their pitch was that such funding was necessary to
prevent nuclear war and alien invasion.
It has been estimated
that covert, unacknowledged, top-secret projects cost tax payers
as much as 40 to 80 billion dollars per year. The covert
organizers of the UFO ET projects had the scientific objective
to achieve anti-gravity zero-point energy to allow
interplanetary space travel.
Such energy, extracted from space,
would make obsolete the use of oil, electric generators, and
devices that run on bio fuels.
An unsubstantiated fear exists that the innovative use of
abundant space energy would mean a total collapse of large
corporations that employ thousands of people and affect the
economic and financial balance of world economies. It became
apparent to corporate leaders that such new technology may also
cause panic if not taken in baby steps.
But this is a
short-sighted excuse for the new technology would unleash many
new jobs and opportunities to build a new world that eliminates
poverty, air pollution, raise the quality of life for all
people, and permit them to have more personal time to advance
morally and intellectually.
It is clear that the American people have been lied to in order
to fund covert top-secret projects. When one considers that
since 1951, as much as 20 to 80 billion dollars per year has
been spent without their Government being apprised of covert UFO
ET activities and findings, it is tantamount to fraudulent use
of American taxpayer dollars.
All of the covert projects could
have been accomplished with transparency and truthfulness
whereby our Government officials are given reports of the
progress made by our UFO efforts and a greater understanding of
ET viability.
Working in an open environment, the American
people would have been exposed to the advancements made in the
study of UFOs and ETs whereby, in gradual steps, humans would
have become more knowledgeable and accepting of other living
life forms.
However, large corporations and limited minds,
constrained with ingrained ideologies, took control of the
covert top-secret programs out of greed to maintain the status
quo and possibly attain power with the technologies of
anti-gravity and zero-point energy capabilities.
Americans, and people in many other countries have the
opportunity to use the knowledge gained to manage anti-gravity
and zero-point energy whereby they can control their own destiny
versus large corporations and small-minded men dictating their
They must loudly appeal to their leaders in Government
to come clean and truly make their country be run by the people
and for the people; not the privileged few who only seek to gain
power and satisfy their greed.
This paper is provided to open
the eyes, hearts, and minds of people everywhere to stand up to
their leaders and no longer be made into fools by lies.
greatest lesson to be learned is that truth can set you free;
for anything less, there will only be distorted minds,
confusion, and eventually, destruction of mankind and possibly,
our earth.
4.3 Reveal
Extraterrestrial Culture, History, and Beliefs
It must be revealed to people around the world that ET life
forms do exist and they must become aware of the benefits of
communicating with them.
Hopefully, by learning about the
culture, history and beliefs of Extraterrestrials, mankind will
learn of the higher purpose in life, which is to love all people
and the living entities that are a part of our world and the
Understanding the Extraterrestrial Mind
One questions,
why haven't ETs made personal
contact with human
We must recognize that the intelligence of ETs is far
above that of humans.
Certainly, to have mastered technology to
traverse millions of light years in spacecraft that utilizes
anti-gravity and spatial energy, their development must be many,
many generations, perhaps 100 to 1,000 times that of human life.
We must understand that ET beings could have destroyed many
military facilities with weapons that surpass nuclear, atomic
and hydrogen capabilities.
For they must have a high respect for
the scientific and economic development of many of our civilized
They must also be aware of the many countries that
are poorly managed with millions of people in poverty.
Perhaps, ETs are watching our planet to see if mankind can rise above the
many challenges on earth to improve the lives of all people.
Surely, they are hoping that human beings can rise above the
arrogance, bigotry, and violence precipitated by distorted
As a visitor from outer space, you would be pleased to see
another civilization has advanced to achieve a high level of
technology and developed socially to produce literature that
allows for continued growth mentally and spiritually.
You would
like to someday see that another life form has been able to
advance and become another friend in the universe to exchange
philosophies and ideas. It's like finding some-body else to play
with; like a game of chess to enjoy the intelligence of another
It may be that it gets too lonely for ETs in the cosmos
and to find there are other living beings is something to be
thankful for.
If you were an ET, would you not celebrate to have
another life form with which you can exchange ideas and share
your history with? Company with another life form is a wonderful
It would be a marvelous breakthrough to learn about the history,
culture, beliefs and knowledge of Extraterrestrials. To this
day, we don't even know if they like to dance and sing.
It is clear that ETs do exist and is why we must try to
understand the psychological makeup of the Extraterrestrial mind
and what could be the motivation of ETs to learn about human
If you were a visitor from outer space, you too would not
interfere with the social, scientific, and spiritual development
of other life forms. You would watch and see if the human
species may someday learn to live with different ethnic peoples
and unite with a spiritual ideology that was given to mankind
2,000 years ago; very simple, but very hard to achieve.
A true
man of love and peace gave mankind a command to be taken
seriously, love one another. That one command is the key to
survival of mankind; if successfully followed, mankind may also
be able to join other life forms in the cosmos.
You may inquire
who that man was by reading AMEN. A book trailer and overview
for Amen is given on the author's website
Figure 11 illustrates the immensity of the Milky Way Galaxy and
the position of our Solar System. It serves to help us to
realize that the universe has many billions of other galaxies,
some even 10 times larger than our own.
It will truly be a
fascinating and a wonderful experience to actually meet other
beings in the universe.

Figure 11.
Our Universe is Teeming with Life
in Billions of
Inclosing with the following conclusions, the author presents the
greatest command given by a man of God - love one another.
By doing
so, mankind may someday find other living beings that have learned
to love and enjoy the wonders of the universe.
The beginning of
the universe began with the transformation of energy in
space into the first fundamental particle, the electron.
The electron has
a consciousness to form elements, which consists of negative
and positive particles coalesced within a nucleus, around
which one or more electrons revolves.
Electrons revolve
around all atoms and inherently possess a consciousness that
forms all the elements of the universe.
Many trillions of
electrons throughout space possess an inherent ability to
create atoms that populate the universe with planets, stars,
and galaxies.
Like energy,
consciousness is non-matter. Scientists and physicists have
yet to define why this phenomenon exists, which enables
organic entities to communicate.
The Big Bang
Theory will be replaced with the findings that energy in
space consists of quantum electro-magnetic waves that can
form matter, which, over billions of years, populates the
The military
industrial complex (MIC) has kept secret from U.S.
presidents and the American people the new technologies of
anti-gravity and zero-point energy.
For 72 years, the
MIC has duped the American people with misinformation that
UFOs and Extraterrestrials are a hoax.
Since the late
1960's, the MIC has developed and built space craft that
uses anti-gravity and zero-point technology to enter
interstellar space.
have visited earth and have landed 32 mile-long mother
spaceships on the moon.
All people in
countries must demand their leaders to disclose zero-point
energy for commercial use to eliminate poverty, decrease use
of bio and nuclear fuels, resolve the threat of climate
change, create cities and towns with infrastructures of the
future, raise the quality of life, motivate mankind to
improve morally and intellectually, provide the opportunity
to enter into a new era of interstellar space, and meet
other intelligent beings.
To induce members
of the MIC to disclose anti-gravity and zero-point energy
they must be given amnesty for surreptitiously using
billions of tax payer dollars, threaten personnel employed
in the covert programs, utilized the CIA, FBI, DIA and NSA
agencies to murder military and corporate personnel who
wanted to reveal the truth of top-secret ET-UFO programs.
The American
people, indeed people around the world, need to be educated
about the culture, history and beliefs of Extraterrestrials
that have survived from downed UFO crashes.
To gain control
of all covert UFO ET projects, American citizens together
with Government military forces ordered by the U.S.
President, need to obtain access and control of all
top-secret MIC projects. Developed UFO ET technologies by
the MIC belong to the American people. All corporate patents
used to suppress UFO ET technology for public use are
invalid as they were financed by billions of American tax
Continued MIC
secrecy and control of UFO ET developed technology denies
the American people to determine the best outcomes for a
peaceful and prosperous future. The MIC has authorized
murder of many people who were willing to tell the truth
about UFO ET activities. Lists of retrieved ETs and people
murdered by the MIC may be read in the article,
Understanding the Extraterrestrial Mind (Note 20).
Nicholas Paul Ginex was born in New York City with his fraternal
brother Louis on August 27, 1935.
They attended Elementary School PS
121 and were first in the Ginex family to receive a college
education. Both went on to receive a free education with Nicholas
obtaining a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering degree and Louis a
degree in Accounting.
Nicholas graduated from the City University of
New York and obtained a Master's in Business Administration at
Adelphi University in 1979.
Nicholas' experience in the engineering support disciplines of
Maintainability, Reliability, Human Factors and Configuration
Management which developed strong planning, writing, training and
oral skills.
He interfaced with all levels of management to effect
successful operations for such large engineering companies as Hughes
Aircraft, McDonnell Douglas Electronic Systems and Raytheon Missile
Upon retirement in 2002 from Raytheon, Nicholas wrote his
first book, self-published in 2004, titled Legacy of a Father. He
went on to write six other books, illustrated with Figure 12. below.
Overviews and book reviews may be accessed on the website,
Nicholas has been honored by Dr. Ahreeman, developer, founder, and
administrator of the Iran Politics Club (IPC) who has written:
"Nicholas Ginex is a valuable philosopher, Egyptologist, scholar,
author, and a scientific person.
He needs no introduction and
outside IPC, all you need to know is that he is a true American
Patriot, Concerned Global Citizen and a Lovely Humanitarian.
Nicholas is well educated and radically logical. He seeks the truth,
exposes corruption and offers solutions.
His writings are strongly
recommended to read."
Dr. Ahreeman provides many Ginex articles and three books, which are
available at:
Armstrong, Karen
(1993). A History of God, New York, N.Y., Ballantine Books.
Breasted, James H
(1933), The Dawn of Conscience, New York, N.Y., Scribner's
Breasted, James H
(1935), A History of Egypt, New York, N.Y., Scribner's Sons.
Bruno, Giordano
(1950), Giordano Bruno, His life and Thought, New York,
N.Y., Henry Schuman.
Budge, E.A.
Wallis (1923), The Book of the Dead, London, England;
Penguin Group.
Clayton, Peter A
(1994), Chronicle of the Pharaohs, New York, N.Y., Thames
and Hudson Inc.
Dimont, Max I
(1962), Jews, God and History, New York, N.Y., Signet Books.
Freud, Sigmund
(1967), Moses and Monotheism, New York, N.Y., Vintage Books
div. of Random House.
Ginex, Nicholas P
(2009), Future of God Amen, Bloomington, Indiana, Xlibris
Ginex, Nicholas P
(2012), AMEN, The Beginning of the Creation of God,
Bloomington, Indiana, Xlibris Corp. Ginex, Nicholas P
(2013), Provide History of Religion and God, Chute
Institute, Littleton, Colorado, U.S.
Ginex, Nicholas
P. (2013), Allah, We, Our and Us, Hancock Press, Fort Smith,
AR. Ginex, Nicholas P. (2018), Understanding the Alien
Extraterrestrial Mind.
Greer, Steven M. MD (2001), 2001 National Press Club Event.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DrcG7VGgQU Greer, Steven M.
MD (2009), Letter to President Obama, The Center for the
Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence, The Disclosure
Holy Bible
(1972), King James Version, Gospel of John, Red Letter
Edition, Regency Publishing House, Nashville, Tennessee
Khan, Muhammad
Zafrulla (1997), The Qur'an, Brooklyn, N.Y., Olive Branch
Press (First published in 1970)
La Barre, Weston
(1972), The Ghost Dance, New York, N.Y., Dell Publishing
Co., Inc. Manji, Irshad (2004), The Trouble With Islam,
N.Y., N.Y., Canada, Random House, St. Martin's Press.
Mark McCandlish,
(July 13, 2017) Mark McCandlish: Master of Aerospace
Noss, John B.
(1974), Man's Religions, 5th ed., New York, N.Y., MacMillan
Publishing Co. Princeton New Jersey, Princeton University
Press, 2nd edition revised and enlarged
Pritchard, James
B (1954, 1969), The Ancient Near East in Pictures Relating
to the Old Testament, Princeton New Jersey, Princeton
University Press, 2nd edition with supplement
Sagan, Carl
(1980), Cosmos, N.Y., N.Y., Random House Inc. Shaikh, Anwar
(2016), Eternity Book Series, 2nd Ed, Book 4, Chapter 12,
Mind and Matter,
Smith, Homer W
(1957), Man and His Gods, New York, N.Y., Grosset and
Spong, John S
(2005), The Sins of Scripture, New York, N.Y., HarperCollins
Steckling, Fred
and Glen (2005), We Discovered Alien Bases on the Moon,
translated from German to English in 2012, World Scientific
Publishing Company
Tong, David
(2017), Quantum Fields: The Real Building Blocks of the
Paramahamsa (2018), Structural Relation Between the Vacuum
Space and the Electron, Physics Essays 31 (2018) Tewari,
Paramahamsa (2007), Universal Principles of Space and
Matter, A Call for Conceptual Reorientation #10212 Astronomy
Vermes, Geza
(1982), The Dead Sea Scrolls in English, Middlesex, England
& N.Y., Penguin Books, Ltd.
Watson, John
(2015), Top Ten Scientific Flaws in the Big Bang Theory,
Nicholas P. Ginex,
AMEN, The Beginning of the Creation of God; Hymn to the
Aton, Pages 71-76 and, Amon As the Sole God, Pages 88-89
Nicholas P. Ginex,
The Chute Institute, Contemporary Issues in Education
Research, Provide History of Religion and God, Second
Quarter 2013, Volume 6, Number 2; ERIC Internet link:
The Periodic
Table of Atomic Numbers can be accessed at:
Configuration Chart, view at:
Tewari, Structural Relation Between the Vacuum Space and the
Electron, Paper accepted 10 February 2018; published online
13 March 2018,
Tewari, Universal Principles of Space and Matter, A Call for
Conceptual Reorientation, Book Published 2007.
Professor David
Tong, Quantum Fields: The Real Building Blocks of the
Anwar Shaikh,
Mind and Matter, Cosmic Purpose, Book 4, Chapter 12,
Carl Sagan,
Cosmos, The Lives of the Stars, Pages 238, 239
John Watson,
(2015) Top Ten Scientific Flaws in the Big Bang Theory,
Jesus Christ,
King James Bible, Gospel of John, Verses 13:34 and 15:12, 17
Nicholas P. Ginex,
Future of God Amen, Amen the Universal God, Page 181
Muhammad Zafrulla
Khan, The Qur'an, Sura Al-Tauba, Chapter 9, Page 173, Verse
Nicholas P. Ginex,
Worldwide Communication Will Expose the Qur'an,
Mark McCandlish,
Mark McCandlish: Master of Aerospace Illustration, edited by
Robert D. Morningstar.
Dr. Steven M.
Greer, 2001 National Press Club Event, The Disclosure
Project, May 9, 2001
Steven M. Greer,
MD, Founder and Director of Center for the Study of
Extraterrestrial Intelligence, The Disclosure Project,
Nicholas P. Ginex,
Provide History of Religion and God, The Clute Institute,
Contemporary Issues In Education Research - Second Quarter
2013 Volume 6, No. 2,