We are in a time of major
energetic cleansing of Planet Earth.
is part of the final phase of the planetary transition. Everything
is being prepared for the New Age, which has already begun here.
are entering the Aquarian Age, and this time it will not just be
Aquarian Age as has happened so many times before, because this
coincides with the shift from the Third Dimension to the Fifth
Consciously, Earth is no longer a World of trials and
reconciliations for the souls incarnated here.
We are in a time
never before experienced on this planet, as it is also the end of an
evolutionary cycle for these souls. There will therefore be a
greater opportunity for mass ascension, as at least 1/3 of humanity
will ascend in this incarnation.
The divine plan is so perfect that it is beyond the human mind to
comprehend its scale and scope.
The souls who will make their
ascension will understand this plan.
The rest need not, for they
will remain subject to the veils of oblivion, in other words, as
they have always been used to until now, even as they move on into
another World of Trials and Reconciliations.
The details of this
divine plan are not unknown, incarnated souls
have their memories in their unconsciousness, so they can sense that
we are in fact nearing the end of this great Cycle.
It is a time of
great expectation for the soul and this is reflected in the material
Besides the material body that we see in every human being, there is
the emotional body, which feels most intensely the moment we
are going through right now.
And, therein lies the cause of so many
symptoms of anxiety that many people are experiencing right now.
People who have never felt it before are now experiencing situations
that are difficult to cope with.
At times, it is so intense that it turns into anxiety or panic
We know it is only
for a short time, the period needed to realize that we are going through profound changes, both
energetically and in terms of consciousness.
The soul expresses itself through the body, so it is in the body
where we feel the greatest hindrance.
Anxiety does not only stem from anticipation, from the unique moment
the planet and its humanity are going through.
It also reflects
cleansing of all the negative energy that has accumulated over
thousands of years in each soul's successive incarnations.
Any shadow that still exists must now be illuminated.
These are the
unconscious memories of trauma, pain and suffering experienced on
this long journey through the school of life.
Those who feel
fear are in fact bringing out that shadow that was
still latent in them.
There is no other way to alleviate this than
by exposing it to the Light.
And for that to happen, it has to be
brought to consciousness, in other words, we have to bring it out of
our basements...
Yes, everyone
realizes that this is not easy, but if we understand
that it is all part of the final cleaning, instead of the usual
discomfort, we can also experience a certain joy at the feeling that
the house is finally ready.
The soul's dimensional house that is
about to make
its ascension is almost ready.

The ascended soul, after and through all this cleansing will continue
in her poetic body, and finally have a New Cycle, no longer
consisting of trials and reconciliations, but of Regeneration.
more pain or suffering will be experienced in this new frequency...
Therefore, it is said that this is the end of a great era.
Crossing this stage is necessary because we are on the dimensional
bridge that separates the two worlds:
the Old Earth, which
cease to exist, and the New Earth, which has already appeared on the
A lighter world awaits us, so the heavier energies must be
left behind.
There is not much to do, because this crossing is necessary. The
soul has waited thousands of years for this and now the time has
The anticipation is high and that is the cause of the symptoms
mentioned here. We must have faith and stay balanced, because it is
also a time of great joy for all souls who are ready for ascension.
Those who are not ready for ascension may also feel these symptoms
to some extent, because they come from within the soul, the one who
will not ascend may also express itself with anxiety or fear at
certain times, because it already knows it won't be this time.
Finally let's,
let go of certain unnecessary things, including the
'need to know' when and how it will all end.
Also, let go of curiosity
about whether or not you will ascend.
No one knows in advance and
curiosity is pointless...
However, we can all do what is best for us.
To do this, you just
have to do every single thing, every day, always with the intention
of doing it well, and in a loving way, with respect and compassion
for everything and everyone.
By doing this, everything will go well.
Trust the divine plan:
do breathing techniques, meditate, pray, seek
practices where you can elevate your thoughts and expand your mind
with higher things, and finally, seek a holistic technique that
brings emotional balance, such as Reiki, for example...

There is no harm in helping yourself a little.
After all, everything
is within us,
both light and shadow...
And as difficult as it may
seem, this is a time of opportunity.
Let's free ourselves from the heavy energy that still accompanies
Understand, accept and let go.
Everything will pass.
I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment!