by Dr Bruce Scott
23, 2020
Off-Guardian Website
Bruce Scott is a Psychoanalyst in Edinburgh/Scottish
Borders who trained with the Philadelphia Association,
is the author of Testimony of Experience: Docta
Ignorantia and the Philadelphia Association Communities
(2014) and a contributor to RD Laing: 50 Years since the
Divided Self (2012, edited by Theodor Itten and
Courtenay Young), both published by PCCS Books Ltd.
is also the English language Edition Editor of
Psychotherapy with life: intensive therapeutic life, by
Alexander Alexeychick (2019),
Published by Angelika Belolipetskaya. |

(Jose Carlos Fajardo/Bay Area News Group)
In March, it was just a three-week lockdown, to flatten the curve so
as not to overwhelm the NHS.
The narrative has quickly
evolved. It has progressed from what seemed a reasonable idea of
keeping NHS bed space free based on the completely false
Neil Ferguson prediction that
hospitals would be overwhelmed by patients suffering from
This never happened...
Many weeks passed where
face masks were not needed and then suddenly in July, long after the
majority of supposed COVID-19 deaths had occurred,
face masks were made compulsory.
Indeed, the UK government advice from the likes of Chris Whitty
and the World Health Organization (WHO) was that,
face masks were not
effective in stopping the spread of COVID-19 or in contracting
it; science does not change that quick - anyone who tells you
otherwise is a liar...
The result is that we
have now fallen deep into a Covidian Cult, a
totalitarian psychotic narrative that has little connection to
reality or to the facts.
The opposition to official government narratives regarding COVID-19
are well known. I will not bother again telling you what is already
known or can be readily ascertained.
Suffice to say, one just needs to type into Google "The
Great Barrington Declaration" or ACU2020, where one can
read about the doctors, scientists and lawyers who are opposing
multi-governmental COVID-19 restrictions and laws of,
...amongst other things.
Their essential argument, contra the multi-government policy on
COVID-19, is that virus is not the danger we are being told it is;
the data on COVID-19 is clear:
we do not need to
lockdown society, wreck the economy, or frighten people into
death as they are scared to leave home for fear of catching
COVID-19 or seek medical treatment for non-COVID-19 illness,
which has happened...
Specifically, many
doctors and scientists argue that,
face masks are not protective
and could be very harmful...
Dr Jay Bhattacharya,
a signatory of the Great Barrington Declaration, which 40,000
medical, public health scientists and medical practitioners have
signed, said that the use of face masks are not supported in the
scientific literature.
There is no
randomized data to indicate if they are effective in reducing
the spread of COVID-19.
Indeed, face masks have no effectiveness in the spread of
This is backed up by
the fact that social distancing and face masks have not made a
difference on yearly rate of influenza deaths in the UK.
On the 15th
October 2020 the stark reality that we are being led by a
psychotic Covidian cult narrative became even more evident:
Nicola Sturgeon, the
First Minister of Scotland, announced with great glee that
couples marrying would no longer have to wear face masks when
tying the knot.
Of course, the
Priest, Vicar, or Registrar etc. conducting the ceremonies never
had to wear a mask to conduct the marriage ceremony.
What kind of
political leader would impose on couples, who for all intent
and purposes will be living together and spending the night
together after the wedding, have to wear a mask during their
wedding ceremony?
Would a mask be
required for the happy couple to consummate their marriage
on their wedding night?
This ridiculous face mask
rule imposed by
Nicola Sturgeon shows quite
clearly the dark side of Scottish politics.
It is ridiculous because
Nicola Sturgeon (as well as all the other MSP's and Holyrood staff)
has met many people from other households indoors in parliament
(before and after face masks were imposed), whilst at the same time
continually telling the masses that they cannot meet people from
other households indoors.
One rule for me, one for
The paranoid fuelled COVID-19 rules delivered by Sturgeon on a daily
basis during the week and even reiterated on her twitter account on
a frequent basis, and the blatant inconsistent and illogical nature
of these rules, are not meant to console or comfort the masses.
No, they are a deliberate
attempt to disorientate and control the minds of the masses.
Cult leaders do this
to their followers to short circuit their critical thinking.
Cult leaders will
also change the rules or the narrative at a whim for no apparent
Hence the change of now
being able to get married without a face mask, even though the
COVID-19 restrictions are being tightened again all over the UK; it
makes no sense, its not meant to, and the masses are meant to
follow, not question and obey.
Cult leaders want to make the masses follow chaos.
This kind behavior is equally applicable to the realm of BDSM
(bondage, domination, sado-masochism) or the Master-Slave
dialectic. In the world of BDSM, a master or mistress will
impose illogical rules, but demand to be obeyed.
As a slave in BDSM
scenario might say,
"Mistress is correct
even when Mistress is wrong".
This forms the basis for
a human subject becoming an object, of becoming alienated from
This logical structure
underpins the dictates from politicians in relation to COVID-19
The blatant flaunting of
the dictates by the likes of,
Neil Ferguson
Dominic Cummings
Margaret Ferrier,
...and the many more we
have not heard about yet, is testament to the fact that they don't
really take this COVID-19 restrictions all that seriously.
This abusive objectification and alienation are what totalitarians
and cult leaders want to achieve and impose on their followers.
Initiation rituals like
mask wearing (especially when getting married) and social
distancing, attack a person with terror, pain, humiliation and
Of course, anyone who has
been in an abusive relationship will tell you that pointless rituals
or behaviors are demanded by the abusive and sadistic abusive
partner to wear the other person down.
As is so often found in cults and individuals in abusive
relationships, the cult members or abused partner will even go to
great lengths to defend the cult leader's demands or the person who
abuses them.
In our current
predicament, this is highly ironic as the Scottish government have
recently introduced psychological abuse as a crime.
This abusive dialectic that is playing out between the UK
government/Scottish government/devolved assemblies and the masses
might explain why so many people cannot perceive the totalitarianism
that is being inflicted upon them right in front of them, or right
on their faces in the guise of masks and up till recently masked up
in front of the alter getting married.
The problem we have is this: people generally find it very difficult
to recognize the delusional nature of a totalitarian master
One case in point was
Nazi Germany:
cognitive dissonance
was a prevalent characteristic of people during these times...
People who cannot see the
totalitarian moves made upon them are not ignorant or unintelligent;
have been initiated into a cult
through the methods of initiation, chaos, confusion and the short
circuiting of critical thinking.
We are being initiated and conditioned for a future way of life
where there will be no return to normality, and it has
nothing to do with a virus.
This is why children are
being socially distanced in schools, are made to wear masks in
certain contexts, are treated like bio-hazards by their teachers and
are frightened half to death by being made to obsessively wash their
hands multiple times a day with an abrasive hand sanitizer.
Drawing on psychoanalytic thought, such directives pushed onto
children will ensure that many children will grow up to be socially
anxious and fearful of social interaction.
It begs belief that the
Adverse Childhood Experiences "movement" (ACEs) in Scotland
are utterly silent about the harms being committed upon children as
a result of these scientifically challengeable COVID-19 restrictions
and rules.
As the Centre for
Disease Control state, the survival rate estimates for people
aged 0-19 years for COVID-19 is 99.997%, 20-49 years is 99.98%,
50-69 years 99.5%, and 70 years+ 94.6% respectively.
And now we have a
casedemic where the rates of false positives (89%-94% of
positives potentially false) and the PCR test does not even test
for COVID-19 (See ACU, 2020).
Of course, the
politicians ignore the fact that the
PCR test was never intended to be a
diagnostic instrument to be used to inform public health policy,
never mind mandate it.
The culture of de-individuation that the totalitarian abusive
cult-like rituals of social distancing, mask wearing and not being
able to meet people freely is also primed to be ramped up even
Nicola Sturgeon has
stated that she is considering face masks to be compulsory even in
outside spaces-seven months into this COVID-19 nightmare-another
illogical and ridiculous idea with no basis in science.
We are now entering a precarious tipping point:
not from the virus,
but from de-individuated members of the cult slavishly following
these new rules and not challenging the wearing of masks
No doubt the "nudging"
from the Government will work a treat on the masses
This is because the UK and Scottish governments are manipulating,
coercing and frightening us into following the rules and shaming us
when we don't.
The UK and Scottish
Governments are using applied behavioral psychology, breaking
the ethical guidelines for psychologists, to deliberately ramp
up fear in the population.
A group of psychologists
called Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviours (SPI-B)
of SAGE have been tasked with advising the UK and Scottish
Governments how to get people to adhere to COVID-19 restrictions.
From their document which is freely available on
the UK Government website, it is
"A substantial number
of people still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened."
"The perceived level
of personal threat needs to be increased among
those who are complacent, using hard-hitting emotional
The psychologists of SPI-B
and the UK government knew fear alone would not be enough...
Therefore, SPI-B
suggested to government to use and promote social approval for
desired behaviors, to consider enacting legislation to compel
required behaviors, and to consider the use of social disapproval
for failure to comply.
They have used the
Mainstream Media and
Social media, along with false
fact-checking and censorship to get their message across
and it has been working.
The tactics of the SPI-B psychologists informing UK and Scottish
Governments' policies on the COVID-19 response are in my opinion
contrary to the ethical and practice guidelines of The British
Psychological Society (BPS); the psychology equivalent of the
Hippocratic oath for medicine.
The mainstream media are silent on these unethical practices of
deliberately ramping up people's sense of personal threat, creating
a culture of feeling shame to follow COVID-19 regulations and
encouraging people to shame others for not following regulations.
From the reports of
several mental health charities, UK and Scottish Government reports,
mental ill-health is in a crisis because of the COVID-19
Suicide risk factors have undoubtedly been hugely multiplied (house
repossessions, unemployment, poverty and stress etc).
When the official figures
are completed, I have no doubt that there will have been, and there
will be to come, many suicides because of the COVID-19 lockdown and
associated measures.
Our political leaders, despite their lip service to mental health,
are aware of the mental health and suicide crisis that now engulfs
us, yet they proceed onwards with the COVID-19 agenda regardless
complicit in more psychological abuse being foisted upon people,
knowing full well that this will cause untold misery.
Vladimir Bukovsky, a Soviet
dissident who was imprisoned in a psychiatric hospital (enforced
incarceration for political dissidents) described well our current
The peculiar features
of the Soviet political system, the Communist ideology, the
uncertainties and difficulties of the science of psychiatry, the
labyrinths of the human conscience-all these have weirdly woven
themselves together to create a monstrous phenomenon, the use of
medicine against man."
Forward from
Russia's political hospitals, 1977
(S. Bloch and P.
by Vladimir
Like the Soviet Union
today the monstrous phenomenon is again the use of science and
medicine against the masses by many Governments in the battle
against COVID-19.
Not only do our political
leaders want to "keep us safe until a vaccine" but they seem to want
destroy the economy,
create huge unemployment and destroy businesses...
They also want to,
monitor our every
move and impose restrictions on work, travel and social and
family life...
There will be no end to
this nightmare:
There never is an end
when one is in an abusive relationship.
The goalposts always
keep moving.
The victim is broken
down until they can offer no resistance.
Bill Gates recently indicated
even if we get a
vaccine for COVID-19, there will be no return to normal as it
will probably take a second or third generation vaccine to get
us back to normal...
Of course, we know full
well, when we get that second or third generation vaccine, it
will not herald a return to the old normal.
Unfortunately, at the moment there is not enough people (especially
politicians and mainstream media journalists) with the necessary
courage to call out the tyranny and call out the abuser.
Historically this has
also been a problem, politically and within an abusive context
(e.g., the victim finds great difficulty calling out their abuser).
In a critical remark and
warning to the West, Alexander Solzhenitsyn said in his
Harvard address in 1973:
A decline in
courage may be the most striking feature which an outside
observer notices in the West in our days.
The Western world
has lost its civil courage, both as a whole and separately,
in each country, each government, each political party, and,
of course, in
the United Nations...
Should one (have
to) point out that from ancient times declining courage has
been considered the beginning of the end...?"
Is this Scotland's
beginning of the end?
Will the masses start
to wake up to the dictatorial and totalitarian measures?
Only time will tell.
It might be too late. If
it is the end, just don't say you didn't see it coming or nobody
told you. There is hope. We can learn from history and enact that
famous dictum after World War II:
it should never
happen again...
Perhaps our politicians
should mediate upon the
Nuremberg Code of guidelines for
determining what constitutes a war crime and UNESCO
Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human
Rights - Article 6.
Nuremberg Code
The voluntary
consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.
The experiment
should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of
society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study,
and not random and unnecessary in nature.
The experiment
should be so designed and based on the results of animal
experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of
the disease or other problem under study that the
anticipated results will justify the performance of the
The experiment
should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical
and mental suffering and injury.
No experiment
should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to
believe that death or disabling injury will occur; except,
perhaps, in those experiments where the experimental
physicians also serve as subjects.
The degree of
risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the
humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the
preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided
to protect the experimental subject against even remote
possibilities of injury, disability, or death.
The experiment
should be conducted only by scientifically qualified
persons. The highest degree of skill and care should be
required through all stages of the experiment of those who
conduct or engage in the experiment.
During the course
of the experiment the human subject should be at liberty to
bring the experiment to an end if he has reached the
physical or mental state where continuation of the
experiment seems to him to be impossible.
During the course
of the experiment the scientist in charge must be prepared
to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable
cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith,
superior skill and careful judgment required of him that a
continuation of the experiment is likely to result in
injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject.
UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights:
Article 6 - Consent
Any preventive,
diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is only to
be carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of
the person concerned, based on adequate information. The
consent should, where appropriate, be express and may be
withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any
reason without disadvantage or prejudice.
research should only be carried out with the prior, free,
express and informed consent of the person concerned. The
information should be adequate, provided in a comprehensible
form and should include modalities for withdrawal of
consent. Consent may be withdrawn by the person concerned at
any time and for any reason without any disadvantage or
prejudice. Exceptions to this principle should be made only
in accordance with ethical and legal standards adopted by
States, consistent with the principles and provisions set
out in this Declaration, in particular in Article 27, and
international human rights law.
In appropriate
cases of research carried out on a group of persons or a
community, additional agreement of the legal representatives
of the group or community concerned may be sought. In no
case should a collective community agreement or the consent
of a community leader or other authority substitute for an
individual's informed consent.
The Nuremberg Code and UNESCO Universal Declaration on
Bioethics and Human Rights - Article 6, make for sobering
reading when it comes to governmental mandates or ideas in the
pipeline regarding COVID-19.
Just think
of face masks (especially for
children), social distancing, travel restrictions, work
restrictions, immunity passports and ideas about giving people a
rushed out unlicensed
vaccine for COVID-19 (which will be
indemnified) which has not been assessed for the long-term side
The cult-like nature of the Brave New Normal that is
COVID-19 is insidiously pervading more and more aspects of our
lives, with seemingly less and less science to back it up, and
curiously being seen by those in power as an "opportunity" to
reshape our society, not for our good, but for the good of those
in power.
Perhaps we should all think about what all this means for us, our
children, our grandchildren and democracy in the UK and wider