by Miri Anne
January 23,
FarmWars Website

Ever since the pantomime plague began, your local friendly crazy
quackaloons have been telling you the diagnostic test isn't fit
for purpose and creates false positives, due to results being
amplified too many times...
the WHO states the diagnostic test
isn't fit for purpose and creates false positives, due to results
being amplified too many times.

For the hard of thinking and BBC-watchers (but I repeat myself ), I
will explain again what
the PCR test does:
it detects genetic
sequences of viruses, but NOT viruses themselves...
The more amplification
cycles a test result goes through, the more genetic sequences it
As we all have all sorts
of genetic debris floating about inside of us, to quote the inventor
of the PCR test,
"anyone can test
positive for anything with the PCR. It doesn't tell you
you're sick..."
Read this salutary tale
from 2007 for what happens when PCR tests are inappropriately used
to diagnose infectious illness:

So, if you happen to be in the midst of orchestrating a pretend
plague and want to create a lot of "positive cases" to terrify the
masses, you simply,
amplify the
cycles of the PCR test results a lot of times.
Have you noticed how the
propaganda press is always going on about rises in CASES?
Not deaths.
Not hospitalizations.
Not even the
Just "cases"...
A "case" is a
positive PCR result, and hence, in reality, meaningless.
It doesn't tell us
anything about whether more people are ill or not.
Nevertheless, most people
take headlines at face value and don't and can't think (critical
thinking having been intentionally axed from the national curriculum
years ago), so they believe an explosion in "cases" a pandemic
but you know someone
who was really sick "with Covid"?
I'm heartless
for denying its severity?
I don't deny you knew
someone very sick.
They may even have
But elderly and
unwell people, and sometimes younger people, do die.
It's tragic, but it's
In normal
circumstances, 1,600 people die every day in the UK
That number hasn't
significantly increased.
Just because they "tested
positive" on an unfit-for-purpose test shortly before their death
does not prove they died "from
Covid", and it certainly doesn't prove there's a
The PCR test has
been used to create the illusion of a pandemic to
manufacture your consent for a variety of despotically draconian
and ultra-authoritarian measures that you never would have
accepted unless you had been scare-mongered into compliance...
The best way to control
people is to scare them - all repressive regimes know
But... now we have the 'miraculous'
savior vaccine, so the propaganda angle has got to
the WHO is now
telling labs across the world to
reduce the number of PCR cycles...
This means a dramatic
decrease in positive test results, which will be used as
"evidence" the so-called vaccine is working.
Meanwhile, as bad reactions to the experimental gene therapies being
marketed as vaccines mount up, this will be used as evidence for why
we need to keep the restrictions, as bad vaccine reactions
will be blamed on,
"the virus mutating"
and as evidence we don't have "herd immunity"...
We will be told new
and different vaccines are needed every six months or so to
fight the never-ending "new strains".
So, both
restrictions and vaccines will go on and on
and on...
This will last until at
least 2025, by which point,
you will have
been fully and irreversibly re-engineered
to be terrified
of other people
to eschew all
physical contact
to smother your
airways and hide your face
to view your
fellow human beings with deep suspicion and hostility,
snitching to the authorities if they break "the rules"
viewing them as
nothing but filthy disease vectors and potential mass
That's if
you survive the next five years, of course, which, if you
keep getting vaccinated, is not necessarily very likely - especially
if you're older and/or have existing health problems.
That's the future in store for you if you keep believing the
execrable and mendacious lies being fed to you by your felonious
government, and their state propaganda organs "the
Yes, I know I'm just a crazy conspiracy theorist, and,
why should anyone
listen to me?
But you know what the
conspiracy theory of all time is?
Trusting the
Government, and believing they have your best interests at 'heart'...