by Virginia Stoner
May 04, 2021
VirginiaStoner Website
Virginia "Ginny" Stoner is a writer, artist and attorney
based in the Austin, Texas area.
She's also a wanderer in search of wilderness and
The focus of her writing is the covert manipulation of
human beliefs and behavior, and its impact on humanity. |

Vaccine Dangers
hiding in Plain Sight
There has been a
massive increase in deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event
Reporting System (VAERS) this year.
That's not a 'conspiracy
theory', that's an indisputable fact.
You can try to explain it or
justify it, or even argue it doesn't matter, but you can't deny it.

We're not talking about a modest increase in death reports,
something we might chat about in concerned voices over Chai tea and
bagels at a company mixer.
We're talking about a
huge and unprecedented increase - so massive that in the last 4
months alone, VAERS has received over 40% of all death reports it
has ever received in its entire 30+year history.
So massive it's literally
"off the chart."
The first chart in the
pair below shows VAERS death reports from 2014 thru 2020. If you
tried to add the 2021 data to it, it would be way, way off the
The second chart shows
how much detail was lost when the 2021 data was squeezed in.

The pair of charts below are another illustration.
Notice all age
groups had an increase in death reports from the COVID-19 vaccines -
with both the 18-64 and 65+ age groups experiencing a dramatic "off
the chart" increase.

The increase
in VAERS death reports is not due to more vaccination
Even with the
COVID-19 shots, the estimated total vaccines
administered so far this year is less than the yearly average -
because we are only a quarter of the way through this year.
No doubt the vaccine
count will climb much higher by the end of this year, but it's not
the reason for the massive increase in VAERS death reports over the
last 4 months.
The following chart compares estimates of vaccines administered with
deaths reported to VAERS, separating COVID-19 vaccines from other

There are many notes at the end of this paper about how the vaccine
data was estimated, and where the data for these charts was
obtained, along with the data table.
What the
official experts have to say ('crickets')
With all the many experts at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ostensibly dedicated to
COVID-19 and vaccine safety,
not a single one has attempted to
explain or analyze, or has even mentioned, the
massive increase in
deaths reported to VAERS from the COVID-19 shots...
The silence is telling...
But it's not as if VAERS death reports are being hidden, exactly.
VAERS data is freely available to the public... and if you don't
want to look it up, you can follow the CDC's
COVID-19 Vaccine Death
Count online, which is updated regularly.
Just scroll down to the
section called "Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination" for the
latest numbers.
Most recently, the death
count went from 2794 on April 5, to 3005 on April 12, to 3848 on
April 26. But a mere 1054 deaths in 21 days is no problem for the
CDC - it probably just means the vaccines are working.

I found only
one paper (1) that mentioned VAERS death reports re
COVID-19 vaccines.
The lead author was
Julianne Gee, from the CDC's COVID-19 Response Team, and the
paper concerned safety monitoring during the first month (December
14 to January 13).
We are told, in the
indicates reassuring safety profiles for COVID-19 vaccines...
No unusual or unexpected reporting patterns were detected."
The authors said 113
deaths were reported to VAERS that month from the COVID-19 vaccines.
Incredibly, they never
compared that number to historical VAERS averages or trends... just
kidding. Of course they compared it, realized it was shockingly
higher than the historical average of 12 deaths per month, and
decided not to mention it.
Never let science
interfere with good vaccine marketing...
Bizarrely, the authors actually implied the number of VAERS death
reports indicated a safe vaccine, because a lot fewer deaths were
reported to VAERS than they would have expected to see
coincidentally among people who got the vaccine.
Do you think that makes
I hope you said "no,"
because it does not make sense...
You can't conclude a
vaccine is safe because fewer people filed VAERS death reports than
were expected to die coincidentally.
I can't even explain it
in a way that makes sense - because it's NONSENSE...
They were
going to die anyway... someday
One hypothesis I've heard, and which is hinted at by Gee, et.al. in
the paper above, is that the elderly and infirm, many in long-term
care facilities, were the first to be targeted by the COVID-19
vaccine campaign, and they are much more likely to die
These coincidental deaths
then lead to an increase in suspected vaccine-induced deaths
reported to VAERS. ('cough')
VAERS data just does not support that hypothesis.
First, because all
age groups - not just seniors - had a dramatic increase in VAERS
death reports from COVID-19 vaccines, as illustrated in the charts
The red line represents
reported COVID-19 vaccine deaths, and the green line represents
other vaccines.
Across the board, all age
groups experienced a dramatic increase in deaths reported to VAERS
from the COVID-19 shots - even the under 18 group, which has had
very few COVID-19 shots (so far).

Second, the increase in death reports in the 65+ age group is just
so massive that coincidental death, no matter how sickly the
population, just doesn't seem like a sufficient and plausible
After all, the elderly
and infirm in long-term care facilities are frequent targets of flu
shot campaigns.
What does
VAERS, and the people who tend to it, do all day?
VAERS is a,
generating system" that "identifies potential vaccine safety
concerns that can be studied in more robust data systems."
VAERS uses data mining
disproportional adverse event reporting for vaccines, including
COVID-19 vaccine."
VAERS also,
"identifies... adverse
event-vaccine pairs reported at least twice as frequently as
expected for a COVID-19 vaccine... " (2) (Pages 12-15)
Given the massive
increase in deaths reported to VAERS - not a modest increase, but an
enormous, unprecedented increase - it's unfathomable that VAERS
would not detect "disproportional" reporting, thus putting the
wheels in motion to study the situation "in more robust data
But there is no
indication anything like that has occurred.
According to the CDC:
"VAERS has not
detected patterns in cause of death that would indicate a safety
problem with COVID-19 vaccines."
Even as the death reports
continue to roll in at an astonishing rate, by the dozens and
sometimes hundreds per week, in true
Orwellian fashion, the CDC
simply updates the
Death Count on its website and reiterates:
"VAERS has not
detected patterns in cause of death that would indicate a safety
problem with COVID-19 vaccines."
And, of course, the old
standby reassurance:
"COVID-19 vaccines
are 'safe' and 'effective'..."

The only way it seems possible that VAERS did not detect any safety
concerns, is if VAERS was actually programmed to expect a very high
rate of deaths from the COVID-19 vaccines - much higher than the
rate of deaths expected for other vaccines.
That would explain why
VAERS did not detect any,
event-vaccine pairs reported at least twice as frequently as
expected for a COVID-19 vaccine... "
On the other hand, maybe
people are just lying, and VAERS is either doing nothing at all, or
something other than what we're being told; or, it is detecting
possible safety concerns with the COVID-19 vaccines like crazy, and
it's being covered up.
But, hey... never let it be said I don't have an open mind.
Maybe one of the many
highly paid and respected experts at the CDC will do an analysis -
like my humble analysis here, but bigger and fancier with more bells
and whistles, because they are experts - and prove the massive
increase in VAERS death reports has nothing to do with
COVID-19 vaccines.
But I won't be holding my
I think if that could be done, it would have been done
already - in triplicate...
Gee J, Marquez
P, Su J, et al. - First Month of COVID-19 Vaccine Safety
Monitoring - United States, December 14,
2020–January 13, 2021 - MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep
2021;70:283–288. DOI:
COVID-19 vaccine
safety update, Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
(ACIP) January 27, 2021 - Tom Shimabukuro, MD, MPH, MBACDC
COVID-19 Vaccine Task Force Vaccine Safety Team
Search VAERS
There were a lot
of "unknown age" VAERS death reports - sometimes dozens or
even hundreds per year. Therefore, 1/3 of the unknown age
reports were added to each of the 3 age groups of 0-17,
18-64 and 65+.
US Census Bureau
data was used for the years 2014-2020. For 2021, the 2020
population estimates were used.
Age data was
consolidated into 3 uniform groups of Age 0-17, Age 18-64 &
Age 65+. The Census Bureau uses a 0-19 age range, and no
adjustments were made for that.
The CDC's
estimated rate of flu vaccination for 2010-2020 was used to
estimate the rate of all vaccinations.
% vaccinated in
each age group for flu was used to estimate the rate of
vaccination per the CDC's vaccine schedule for non-COVID-19
recommended vaccines for each age group were divided among
the years in the age group to estimate yearly vaccine
Age 0-17: 18 flu
shots + 35 other shots = 53 / 18 = 2.94 per year.
Age 18-64: 45
yrs, 45 flu shots + 12 more recommended for everyone (18
more for some) = 45 + 12 = 57 / 45 = 1.24 per year.
Age 65+: 15 yrs:
15 flu shots + 5 more recommended for all (18 more
recommended for some) = 15 + 5 = 20 / 15= 1.33 per year.
CDC's child and
adolescent vaccine schedule:
CDC's adult
vaccine schedule:
For COVID-19
vaccines I used the total # administered in each age group
and estimated 5% were given in 2020 and 95% were given in
