#1 - COVID-19
symptoms are largely indistinguishable from symptoms of other
common illnesses
CDC's official list of COVID-19 symptoms do nothing to
differentiate COVID-19 from illnesses such as influenza, the
common cold, allergies, and pneumonia.
millions of people diagnosed with COVID-19 likely had
one of these other illnesses.
#2 - Early test
kits developed by the CDC were severely flawed
A March 2020
article in Business Insider
revealed CDC test kits
could not distinguish between the coronavirus and water.
CDC had to recall over 32,000 test kits that had been shipped to
state public health labs. In April 2020,
CDC officials confirmed that COVID-19 test kits sent out to
states in February
were tainted with the coronavirus.
It was
determined that
sloppy laboratory practices at two of three CDC labs
involved in the tests' creation led to contamination and
uninterpretable results.
Though it's
said that the tests did not spread coronavirus to people, how do
we know this for sure given the multitude of other lies that
were told?
If you think this was just an issue in the U.S.,
please see also
here, and
#3 - The RT-PCR
test used to diagnose COVID-19 is fraudulent
The late Nobel
Prize winning inventor
Kary Mullis said that PCRs should
never be used for medical
The PCR test
was never intended to diagnose illness from viruses and current
versions cannot distinguish between
different coronaviruses or other virus types.
The test can
only detect the presence of genetic material having a variety of
levels for COVID-19 depend largely on what cycle threshold tests
are set for. Anything above 30-35 cycles is likely
to produce false positive results.
Anthony Fauci
admitted this
in an interview from July 2020.
According to
New York Times, most U.S. labs set the cycle threshold at
40, meaning test results are highly likely to indicate false
positive results.
The CDC is
abandoning the current PCR test as of Dec. 31, 2021 citing
that a new test will,
detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza
This admission
implies that
the current PCR test cannot make these distinctions!
The CDC even admitted that a positive PCR test result
does not necessarily indicate that COVID-19 is the
definitive cause of disease and may be other bacterial
infections or co-infection with other viruses.
See also
here, and
#4 - Results
from widespread PCR testing led to an increase in false positive
"cases" giving the illusion of a 'pandemic'
death rates were proven to be minimal, the fear mongering
campaign focused on the
rise of positive "cases" resulting from fraudulent PCR tests.
Thousands and
potentially millions of people tested positive for COVID-19
though they had no symptoms. Officials and the media were
complicit in creating a "casedemic" where
healthy people were told they were sick because of a positive
See also
here, and
#5 - The Delta
and all other COVID-19 variants are a sham
The current PCR
test can't differentiate between
SARS-CoV-2 and the "Delta" variant
(or any variant for that matter).
According to
Texas Department of Health and Human Services,
the Delta variant, or other variants, requires a special
type of testing called genomic sequencing. Due to the volume
of COVID-19 cases, sequencing is
not performed on
all viral samples.
because the Delta variant now accounts for the majority of
COVID-19 cases in the United States, there is a
strong likelihood
that a positive test result indicates infection with the
Delta variant."
According to
Business Insider,
you aren't legally allowed to
know which variant
gave you COVID-19 in the U.S., even if it's Delta.
Armed with
these facts, how can there be an epidemic of "Delta" variant
infections when the PCR test can't detect it and the required
genomic sequencing tests aren't being performed and haven't yet
been federally approved?
Finally, the supposed Delta
variant is
no deadlier than the original
"SARS-Cov-2" strain.
According to a
Public Health England report (page 8) from June 18, 2021,
the case fatality rate for the Delta variant was 0.1%, about the
same rate as the flu.
#6 -
Asymptomatic transmission is a myth
Before the
current state of scientific lunacy, you had to actually have
symptoms to be diagnosed as being sick from a disease or virus.
The COVID-19
"'pandemic'" turned things around 180 degrees where you could test
positive for the virus, but never show any symptoms.
December 2020 study in the
Journal of the
American Medical Association (JAMA)
The study
concluded that,
findings are consistent with other household studies
reporting asymptomatic index cases as having limited
role in household transmission."
If it's
virtually impossible to contract COVID-19 from someone without
symptoms you live with, how is it possible to contract it from
interacting with asymptomatic people in public places?
A study by Chinese researchers published
by the NIHs National Center for Biotechnology Information
(NCBI) revealed
that none of the 455 individuals exposed to asymptomatic
SARS-CoV-2 carriers for 4-5 days later tested positive for the
The study's
conclusion states:
"In summary, all the 455
contacts were excluded from SARS-CoV-2 infection and we
conclude that the infectivity of some asymptomatic
SARS-CoV-2 carriers might be weak."
In June 2020,
Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, head of the WHO's Emerging Diseases and
Zoonosis unit publicly stated that asymptomatic carriers
very rarely transmit
the coronavirus...
As this
admission began to make major news, Dr. Van Kerkhove and the WHO
quickly backtracked, "reassuring" everyone that asymptomatic
people can spread the virus.
So, which is
Perhaps the
words of Dr. Anthony Fauci (in one of the rare times he's told
the truth) will help clear the confusion, see
Case closed...!
#7 - Over 80% of
people who were diagnosed with COVID-19 and placed on
ventilators died
Last year Dr.
Cameron Kyle-Sidell sparked controversy
with a viral video stating that patients being put on
ventilators were dying at an alarming rate.
Data from China
and NYC indicated that
over 80% of people placed on ventilators died.
USA Today ran a story
stating that
most COVID-19 patients put on ventilators die.
A Journal of the
American Medical
Association study from April, 2020 revealed that
88% of New Yorkers placed on a ventilator did not survive.
These examples
prove that it was medical malpractice that killed thousands of
people, not COVID-19.
#8 - Nursing
homes and long-term care facilities comprised a large portion of
COVID-19 deaths worldwide
Many of the
deaths that created the initial "'pandemic'" panic were elderly
patients in nursing homes and long-term care facilities.
In June 2020,
USA Today documented 40,600 deaths among nursing home
residents and believed this number to be an undercount.
The Atlantic corroborated this total and also pointed
out that,
"state and
federal officials seem to be doing little to protect the
elderly from further devastation."
Former New York
Governor Andrew Cuomo should have been held
personally responsible for many of these
deaths after issuing an executive order allowing COVID-19
positive and infectious patients to be moved to nursing homes
for treatment.
A May 2020
The Guardian article revealed that "90% of the 3,700 people
who have died from coronavirus in Sweden were over 70, and half
were living in care homes."
In Belgium, more than half of coronavirus deaths were those in care homes. Spain and Italy
also had similar numbers.
How many
elderly patients truly died from COVID and not some other
underlying cause like cancer? Even worse, how many may have been
deliberately killed?
A damning
NHS document revealed that many nursing and care facility
patients were potentially given a
fatal dose of
Midazolam, a drug used for sedation therapy in critically
ill patients.
See also
Were the
elderly sacrificed to spark fear and create the illusion that
death was imminent if one contracted COVID-19?
#9 - Some
COVID-19 patients were denied life-saving medical treatments
NYC hospitals
(at one time the epicenter of the "'pandemic'" in the U.S.) issued
"Do Not Resuscitate (DNR)" orders for dying coronavirus
Just as insidious, these DNR orders were also being
for those with disabilities.
Being denied
life-saving treatment goes against the Hippocratic Oath!
See also
here, and
#10 - Doctors
and hospitals were paid more to diagnose patients with COVID-19
The corruption
in our health care system cannot be overstated.
According to
S. Senator Dr.
Scott Jensen, hospitals were given $13,000
for every COVID-19 diagnosis (up from $5,000 for a typical lump
sum payment) and $39,000 for every COVID-19 patient using a
ventilator by the NIH.
Even a
USA Today fact check article
verified that this was true.
This is easily verifiable because
the CARES Act authorized
increased Medicare payments to hospitals treating COVID-19
Dr. Jensen, who would not go along with the scam was
threatened with having his medical license revoked for exposing
this truth.
In August 2020,
former CDC Director Robert Redfield also admitted that
hospitals have a monetary incentive to
overcount coronavirus
#11 - The CDC
dishonestly mixed in mortality data from pneumonia, influenza or
COVID-19 (PIC) to tally death rates
overt data manipulation does not present an accurate picture
of the death rate for COVID-19 alone.
Further evidence can be
found in the fact that the
flu virtually disappeared.
How is this
According to a
"the flu
has resulted in 3
million to 49 million illnesses each year in the United
States since 2010. Each year, on average, five
to 20 percent of the United States population gets the
Creating the
PIC category allowed the CDC to hide the flu and relabel it as
See also
here and
#12 - COVID-19
death numbers were inflated
A CDC memo
dated March 24, 2020 from
Steven Schwartz, PhD and Director - Division of Vital
advised coroners and medical examiners to report COVID-19
fatalities for those who did not receive a
positive test result as long as it was
it caused or contributed to the death.
Dr. Annie Bukacek,
"The CDC counts both true
COVID-19 cases and speculative guesses of COVID-19 the same.
They call it death by COVID-19.
They automatically
overestimate the real death numbers, by their own
Dr. Deborah Birx
that if someone died after testing positive for COVID-19, the
death will be counted as COVID-19
even if they died from other causes.
A report showed
up to 88% of Italy's alleged COVID-19 deaths could have been
In April 2020,
CDC began counting coronavirus cases and deaths not confirmed by
lab testing, allowing numbers to be falsely inflated.
U.S. News & World Report
article stated that as a result in the change in guidance from
the CDC,
"There was
already a big rise in New York City, where officials this
week started counting people who had never tested positive
for the coronavirus.
That caused
the city's death count to jump by more than 3,700 on
COVID-19 deaths
have been greatly exaggerated from the outset.
The CDC has
admitted that people who have died from "COVID-19" have had an
average of
4 comorbidities (see Table 3), including
conditions such as heart failure, diabetes, and cancer.
Doesn't it make
sense that one or a combination of these other health conditions
led to their death?

The CDC data
also reveals that only over 5% of deaths recorded on official
death certificates were attributed solely to COVID-19 as of
Sept. 5, 2021.
This means that
around 95% of recorded deaths were not
from COVID-19!
See also
here, and
Project Veritas
exposed the accounts of
several directors and workers at New York funeral
homes, who admitted
that COVID-19 was being written on the death certificate (when
it was not the true cause of death) for political and monetary
The real death
published by the CDC back in May 2020 is,
.004% for all ages...
This indicates that the
survival rate is 99.96% according to
their current best estimate at the time.
The breakdown
is as follows:
The overall
survival rate jumped to 99.98% as indicated in the
September 10 version of this data.
As of this
date, the current best estimate for death rates in all age
groups was further defined as:
years: 0.00003
years: 0.0002
years: 0.005
years: 0.054
Overall: 0.02
In a March 2021
JAMA concluded that,
provisional leading cause-of-death rankings for 2020
indicate that COVID-19 was
the third leading cause
of death in the U.S. behind heart disease and cancer."
So, with all of
the hype and hoopla about a 'pandemic', more people died from
heart disease and cancer as is typical of any other year.
In an article from the
BMJ, Dr. John
Ioannidis indicated there were several other causes for excess
deaths stating,
"Under lockdown conditions
many patients with acute, treatable conditions (such as
coronary syndromes) avoid seeking care.
This disruption may be seen in
the excess deaths accruing so far in the COVID-19 lockdown.
Patients with cancer whose treatment is delayed have worse
And when patients avoid
hospitals many health systems suffer financially, furlough
personnel, and cut services.
COVID-19 overwhelmed a few
dozen hospitals, but COVID-19 Countermeasures have already
jeopardized thousands of them."
Center for Evidence Based Medicine came to the conclusion
"the total
amount of excess mortality [attributed to COVID-19] will
also depend on the age structure of a population.
Countries with age structures
weighted towards an older population will experience higher
mortality than a country with an age structure weighted
towards a younger population."
In June 2020, a
study revealed that nearly one-third of excess deaths in the
early stages of the coronavirus 'pandemic' in the United States
were linked to causes other than COVID-19.
Study author
Dr. Steven Woolf stated,
"People who never had the
virus may have died from other causes because of the
spillover effects of the 'pandemic', such as delayed medical
care, economic hardship or emotional distress."
figures showed there were 2,703 excess deaths across England and
Wales as of September 2020, but coronavirus was
not even in the top 10 leading causes of fatality.
The leading
cause of death in September for both countries was dementia and
Alzheimer's disease.
And finally, an
article published on Nov. 22 in
The Johns Hopkins Newsletter
deleted a few days later) revealed some startling
information about COVID-19 death rates including:
is no evidence that COVID-19 created any excess deaths.
Total death numbers are not above normal death numbers
total decrease in deaths by other causes almost exactly
equals the increase in deaths by COVID-19
due to heart diseases, respiratory diseases, influenza
and pneumonia may instead be recategorized as being due
to COVID-19
classified all deaths that are related to COVID-19
simply as COVID-19 deaths. Even patients dying from
other underlying diseases but are infected with COVID-19
count as COVID-19 deaths.
The original
article was retracted
with an editor's note on Nov. 27 and made available by
The WHO altered
the 'pandemic' definition by deleting "severity of illness" and
focusing on the number of cases rather than the number of
Some WHO
scientists responsible for creating 'pandemic' policies were being
paid by the very pharmaceutical companies creating the vaccines
and antivirals that would be used if a 'pandemic' was declared.
The 2009
'pandemic' definition.
An influenza 'pandemic' occurs
when a new influenza virus appears against which the human
population has no immunity, resulting in several,
simultaneous epidemics worldwide with
enormous numbers of deaths
and illness.
See also
here, here,
here, and
#15 - WHO
deleted the references to naturally acquired immunity from its
Once known as a
basic staple in virology, the definition of herd immunity, also
called naturally acquired immunity, was completely redefined by
the WHO in a matter of months.
No longer did
natural immunity mean that a person could be protected from a
viral infection because of previous exposure
or vaccination; the
new definition only emphasized
protection from vaccination!
The new
definition serves to benefit vaccine makers and pigeonholes
humanity into seeking protection from vaccines only.
here, and

is the first WHO Director not to have this distinction.
He is a Marxist
Communist who had a key role in leading the murderous communist
organization known as the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF).
In addition,
Ghebreyesus was
accused of carrying out genocide through forced vaccination,
chemical sterilization and abortion, when holding the post of
Ethiopian Minister of Health between 2005 and 2012 by the Amhara
Professional Union (APU), an Ethiopian civic organization.
here and
To reiterate,
the person responsible for declaring a global 'pandemic' and
creating mass hysteria and fear to stop an "invisible enemy" is
not a medical doctor and is accused of genocide!
Where's the
science in that?
#17 - WHO, CDC,
and many public health officials confirmed COVID-19 is
no more dangerous than the flu
During a
special session
of the WHO's 34-member executive board on October 5, 2020,
WHO officials (inadvertently) revealed that 10% of the world
population had been infected with coronavirus.
This totaled to
about 780 million cases.
At the time,
the global death toll attributed to COVID-19 was 1,061,539. This
would equate to a fatality rate of 0.14%, about the same rate as
seasonal flu deaths.
On January 31,
2020, Time published an
article entitled "Want
to Protect Yourself from Coronavirus? Do the Same Things You Do
Every Winter" in which the author wrote,
"While 2019-nCoV has never
been seen before, it's part of a family of viruses that are
well-known both to doctors and the public; the common cold,
for example, can be caused by certain coronaviruses.
And while influenza is not a
coronavirus, it isn't so different from 2019-nCoV, either…
The things we take for granted actually do work. It doesn't
matter what the virus is.
The routine things work."
On February 1,
2020, USA Today published an
article entitled
"Coronavirus is scary, but the flu is deadlier, more widespread"
in which the author stated,
"So far,
there have been an estimated 19
million cases of flu, 180,000 hospitalizations and
10,000 deaths in the U.S. this influenza season - including
68 children."
Dr. Anthony
Fauci and former CDC Director Robert Redfield stated,
overall clinical consequences of COVID-19 may ultimately be
more akin to those of a
severe seasonal influenza (which has a case
fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a 'pandemic' influenza
(similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease
similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates
of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively",
published statement by the New England Journal of
Medicine on February 28, 2020.
As early as
March 19, 2020, Public Health England (PHE)
downgraded COVID-19 from the status of a High Consequence
Infectious Disease (HCID).
This is
significant because according to the definition of a HCID,
COVID-19 was not acutely infectious, did not typically have a
high case fatality rate, or require an enhanced individual,
population and system response to ensure it was managed
effectively, efficiently and safely.
During a press
conference on April 30, 2020,
British Chief Medical Officer Chris Witty,
"the great majority of people
will not die from this… Of those who get symptoms, the great
majority, probably 80%, will have a mild or moderate
Might be bad enough for them
to have to go to bed for a few days, not bad enough for them
to have to go to the doctor."
One could argue
that these statements were made early on before the COVID
fatality rate was properly understood.
However, the
death rate has remained consistent throughout the entire
"'pandemic'" and proves that it has always been more flu like than
anything else.
#18 -
Predictions based on false
'pandemic' models led to lockdowns and harsh measures to "stop the
spread" of the "virus"
On March 16,
2020 the
Bill Gates' funded Imperial College of London
model predicted
2 million U.S. deaths and
510,000 in the U.K.
In May 2020,
this prediction
went up in smoke as the mathematical code was deemed sh*tcode.
Neil Ferguson,
the author of the code/report
resigned his
position as it was revealed he violated the lockdown by
having his married lover visit his home.
around the world including the U.S. used this fake computer
model to justify strict lockdowns that caused extreme economic
hardship, depression, unemployment, and "unintended" negative
medical consequences.
#19 - Deborah
Birx, former White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator,
backed another fraudulent coronavirus model
IHME (Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation)
coronavirus model (also funded by
Bill Gates) used data from New York and New Jersey (where
some of the heaviest concentration of COVID-19 cases were
occurring at the time) and applied it to the rest of the U.S.,
creating a completely false and unrealistic outcome.
This prediction
was used to further instill fear that death tolls and
hospitalizations would drastically rise, further justifying the
continuation of lockdowns.
The same
IHME predicted that up to 2,800 daily deaths within 11 days
and a final death total as high as 75,000 would occur if Sweden
didn't enact strict social distancing measures.
For Sweden, the
daily death peak was actually 75% lower than the baseline
prediction and 96% lower than the worst-case prediction.
#20 - The
SARS-CoV-2 virus has NEVER BEEN ISOLATED, only sequenced by a
No government
or health agency
has proof SARS-CoV-2 exists!
FOIA requests from CDC reveal
this to be true (FOIA request
Dr. Andrew
Kaufman, Dr. Thomas Cowan, and Sally Fallon Morell have
gone on record stating,
SARS-CoV-2 virus has never been
isolated or purified. As a result, no confirmation of the
virus' existence can be found."
See also
here and
here, and
#21 -
Hydroxychloroquine was sidelined to make sure vaccines were the
only available treatment for
On March 30,
2020 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
approved the emergency use of Hydroxychloroquine and
Chloroquine to treat COVID-19.
On June 15,
the EUA was revoked and the FDA,
that Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine are unlikely to be
effective in treating COVID-19 for the authorized uses in
the EUA."
This revocation
took place despite the fact that the NIH
knew Hydroxychloroquine was effective in treating
coronaviruses as
early as 2005.
Big Pharma
stands to gain
between $6-$19 billion in
revenue from a coronavirus vaccine. Meanwhile
Hydroxychloroquine -
a proven coronavirus treatment - only costs on average about
$20 per bottle.
On May 22, 2020
The Lancet, one of the most
reputable medical journals in the world,
published a study concluding that
Hydroxychloroquine 'kills'
more patients and is a dangerous drug.
On June 5,
The Lancet retracted
this study after investigations into the company (Surgisphere)
providing the data
revealed severe inconsistencies and faulty methodology.
more about this unprecedented scandal
here and
Dr. Anthony Fauci continued to insist that Hydroxychloroquine (an FDA
approved drug in use for over 60 years)
is not an effective treatment for COVID-19, despite numerous
worldwide studies that concluded that it is.
epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch
accused Fauci of,
running a
'misinformation campaign' against Hydroxychloroquine...
The National Pulse
that a document 'no longer available' from the FDA (Considerations
for FDA Licensure vs. Emergency Use Authorization of COVID-19
Vaccines) regarding
"emergency use authorization" of potential COVID-19 treatments
appeared to suggest that,
Hydroxychloroquine satisfied the
criteria for the classification, but would have stood in the way
of other lucrative drugs and a vaccine...
The American
Association of Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) even
sued the FDA for withholding from the public some 60 million
doses of Hydroxychloroquine that were donated by drug
manufacturers to treat coronavirus patients.
Please see the
following list of studies proving that Hydroxychloroquine is an
effective treatment for COVID-19
here, and
#22 - Props
were used to make the "'pandemic'" look worse than it actually was
In March 2020,
U.S. states and
countries around the world began constructing makeshift
hospital facilities to accommodate the expected surge of
COVID-19 patients.
New York
anticipated needing an extra 87,000 beds as the Javits Center
was converted into a hospital by the Army Corp of Engineers.
The U.S.S.
Comfort was also deployed to New York City while the U.S.S.
Mercy was deployed to Los Angeles. This was all a sham, meant to
trick the public into thinking the situation was much more dire
than reality.
An article in
Navy Times revealed the
truth about these makeshift facilities, stating:
By the time of Comfort's
departure, the approximately 1,200-person crew and 1,000-bed
hospital had treated just 182 patients, of which
approximately 70 percent had COVID-19, according to Capt.
Patrick Amersbach, commanding officer of the Comfort's
Medical Treatment Facility.
Underutilization of added
medical resources in New York City is not unique to the
Thousands of hospital beds
made available in a converted convention center have gone
largely unused after quick assembly by the Army
Corps of Engineers.
The Javits Center, which was
initially envisioned as a 2,500-bed field hospital for
non-COVID-19 patients, converted to coronavirus-only
hospital shortly after going operational.
Still, the highest number of
patients treated at the convention center at one time topped
out at close to 500.
Similarly, the
U.S.S. Mercy had only treated 77
non-infected patients by the
time it departed the port of Los Angeles.
News media were
also caught faking stories to stir up fear.
CBS This Morning used
fake footage to
push a story about
overcrowded NYC
The footage was
actually from a hospital in Italy...
CBS also faked coverage of a testing site in Michigan, with
doctors posing as patients lining up in cars to get a COVID-19
These are just
a couple of examples, but there are dozens more.
#23 - Big Tech,
the White House, the media, and governments worldwide joined to
censor information
Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Reddit, and YouTube,
a joint statement about
combating fraud and misinformation about the virus,
basically admitting collusion to censor views that dissent from
the official narrative.
In an interview
on CNN, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki
justified censorship of opinions not supported by
"authoritative sources," stating,
"anything that would go
against World Health Organization recommendations would be a
violation of our policy. And so, removing information is
another really important part of our policy."
individuals, organizations, medical professionals, and political
figures were censored, suspended, or completely de-platformed
for expressing opinions or citing factual information that poked
holes in the story spun by entities like,
the WHO, CDC, FDA, the
White House, and United Nations...
Solving a
"'pandemic'" is not like a mathematical equation where there can
only be one right answer.
Censorship of
differing views and factual information is not a scientific
principle, but a totalitarian one that actually violates the
scientific method.
#24 - Surprise!
COVID-19 doesn't just infect humans
goats, and even
fruit and
Coca-Cola all tested positive for COVID-19.
coronaviruses are very common and were "discovered" in the
doesn't this reinforce that these tests are pointless for
diagnosing illness, but perfect for creating hysteria and the
justification for draconian measures?
The wearing of
face masks was widely panned in the early months of the
"'pandemic'" by nearly everyone including,
USA Today article from
February 2020 documented Fauci's original stance on masks:
The only people who need masks
are those who are already infected to keep from exposing
The masks sold at drugstores
aren't even good enough to truly protect anyone, Fauci said.
"If you look at the masks
that you buy in a drugstore, the leakage around that
doesn't really do much to protect you," he said.
"People start saying,
'Should I start wearing a mask?' Now, in the United
States, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to wear
a mask."
In a Dave
Rubenstein Show interview in May 2019, Fauci
called mask wearing "paranoid" and advised against it as
protection against infectious diseases.
article by Bill Hennessy documented the
New England Journal of Medicine's
stance on masks, citing:
For those of you who shout
"science" like it's a Tourette tick, this is from the
New England Journal of Medicine on May 21, 2020:
We know that wearing a
mask outside health care facilities
offers little,
if any,
protection from infection.
Public health authorities
define a significant exposure to COVID-19 as
face-to-face contact within 6 feet with a patient with
symptomatic COVID-19 that is sustained for at least a
few minutes (and some say more than 10 minutes or even
30 minutes).
The chance of catching
COVID-19 from a passing interaction in a public space is
therefore minimal.
In many cases, the desire
for widespread masking is a
reaction to
over the 'pandemic'.
So, why are we ordered to wear
From the same article in NEJM:
It is also clear that
masks serve
Masks are not only tools,
they are also talismans that may help increase health
care workers' perceived
sense of safety, well-being, and trust in their
On April 3,
2020 the initial sentiment around universal masking was reversed
when President Trump announced that the CDC recommended that
citizens wear cloth face masks in public to stop the spread
of the virus.
States then
began issuing mask mandates even for children, and the
controversy about their usage has never gone away.
There have been
hundreds of face mask studies.
One of the best
compilations can be found on
Life Site News, where they cite
47 studies that
confirm masks are ineffective
for COVID-19 and 32 additional
studies that confirm they have
negative health effects.
So, the
overwhelming scientific consensus confirms what we were told
from the very beginning:
masks do
not work...!
Wearing a face
mask is nothing more than virtue signaling and blind obedience
to today's scientific cult leaders.
#26 - There are
several other reasons that could explain the sickness and death
supposedly caused by COVID-19.
"In this research, we
show that 5G millimeter waves could be absorbed by
dermatologic cells acting like antennas, transferred to
other cells and play the main role in producing
Coronaviruses in biological cells."
the document is still available, it was
withdrawn from NIH's PubMed site.
Wuhan, the city that birthed the "'pandemic'," was
the first Chinese city to install and utilize 5G
just before the appearance of this "virus."
Perhaps this
is also connected to Elon Musk's and Jeff Bezos' efforts
to put thousands of satellites into space?
symptoms attributed to COVID-19 are also
symptoms of 5G exposure.
Nitrogen Dioxide exposure.
A research article in
Science Direct, originally published in April 2020,
concluded that
chronic exposure to Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) could
have contributed to COVID-19 fatalities in places like
Italy, Spain, France, Germany, and "maybe across the
whole world."
Air Pollution.
Harvard scientists discovered that a small increase
in long-term exposure to air pollution (fine particulate
matter - PM5) led to a large increase in the
COVID-19 death rate.
Wuhan (China), New York City,
Lombardy (Italy), and many of the initial coronavirus
hotspots also have extremely high levels of air
Could people who were poisoned by air
pollution have been misdiagnosed with COVID-19?
See also
Vitamin B1 deficiency
(beriberi) and tuberculosis.
A fascinating series of articles by health journalist
Bill Sardi document how COVID-19 symptoms such as,
"racing heart, chronic headache, crushing fatigue and
even shortness of breath can only be explained by a
deficiency of vitamin B1.
No coronavirus, flu bug, or
any other infection produces the symptoms observed with
here, and
Sardi also posited that COVID-19 diagnoses
could also be cases of
tuberculosis since many of the symptoms are the
#27 -
Social distancing is a sham
An article in
the UK paper, The Telegraph,
stated there is
no scientific proof social distancing works and that it is
based on very fragile evidence.
Even the
world-renowned British Medical
Journal said social distancing was
based on outdated science.
Could it really
be that social distancing was actually
borne from a teenage girl's science project and adopted as a
worldwide policy to keep people apart and afraid of each other?
#28 - Lockdowns
do not stop viral transmission, but do destroy people's
lives and the economy.
Stanford Professor
Jay Bhattacharya stated, "It's not possible to
eradicate (the coronavirus) with a lockdown.
We have to
come to terms with that… (the lockdown strategy is)
doomed to fail and it's
also going to be counterproductive."
Prominent medical researcher
Knutt M. Wittkowski criticized the lockdown approach
"With all respiratory
diseases, the only thing that stops the disease is herd
About 80% of the people need to have had
contact with the virus, and the majority of them won't
even have recognized that they were infected, or they
had very, very mild symptoms, especially if they are
So, it's very important to keep the schools
open and kids mingling to spread the virus to get herd
immunity as fast as possible…"
Lockdowns and staying inside for weeks and months
serve to weaken the immune system, say Drs. Dan
Erickson and Artin Masseh in Bakersfield, California.
video of the doctors making these statements was
censored on YouTube for violating its terms of
showed that
unemployment caused by lockdowns leads to adverse health
effects including stroke, hypertension, heart
disease, diabetes, emotional and psychiatric problems,
and suicide.
Researchers at Well Being Trust and the Robert Graham
Center for Policy Studies in Family Medicine and Primary
Care estimated that
75,000 people could die from alcohol, drug abuse and
suicide, calling them "deaths of despair."
application of lockdowns was arbitrary and inconsistent.
Why were liquor and cannabis stores allowed to stay open
when churches were forced to close?
Why were some
businesses (mostly big box stores and major
corporations) deemed essential while others were
shuttered and forced to apply for government handouts
just to survive?
If lockdowns
worked, the "pandemic" should have ended as early as summer
Much more could be said on this topic, but I think you get
the point.
#29 -
Quarantining healthy people is tyrannical and goes against all
conventional wisdom
Great Barrington Declaration, signed by close to 60,000
scientists and medical professionals and over 800,000 lay
people, advised that only the sick should be quarantined.
The declaration
"The most
compassionate approach that balances the risks and benefits
of reaching herd immunity, is to allow those who are at
minimal risk of death to live their lives normally to build
up immunity to the virus through natural infection, while
better protecting those who are at highest risk.
We call
this Focused Protection."
Protection has been standard practice for every previous
epidemic or 'pandemic' situation. Healthy people should be free to
resume normal life and risk exposure.
National and
regional lockdowns which quarantine the healthy with the sick
are nonsensical and have only served to prolong the "'pandemic'"
#30 - Risk to
children is extremely minimal
"children under 10 are
less likely to get infected than adults and if they get
infected, they are less likely to get seriously ill…even
if children do get infected, they are less likely to
transmit the disease to others than adults. We have not
found a single instance of a child infecting parents."
"From a clinical standpoint, most children 1
to 18 years old experience mild or no illness from
COVID-19 and are much less likely than adults to face
severe consequences from the infection."
"We know who is at risk. Only 0.2 percent of U.S. deaths
have been people younger than 25, and 80 percent have
been in people over 65; the average fatality age is 78."
"our data indicate that
children are at far greater risk of critical illness
from influenza than from COVID-19."
#31 - Though
often vilified, marginalized, and censored, other treatments for
COVID-19 exist and are proven to be effective, including:
#32 -
Hospitals being full to capacity with COVID-19 patients is
greatly exaggerated
here. As seen from these stories, when hospitals
are full, there are many
reasons besides COVID-19.
The current
shortage of nurses due to
vaccine mandates is also causing
hospital closures,
service restrictions and
bed shortages.
#33 - George
Floyd protests proved "COVID-19 prevention measures" had nothing
to do with public health
The protests
that erupted over the death of George Floyd
violated social distancing and, in many instances, mask
wearing rules.
The protests
were encouraged by leftist politicians and mainstream media.
Other events
where crowds gathered such as the
Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in South Dakota or organized
lockdown protests were deemed "super spreader" events and
widely condemned by these same leftists.
This blatant
hypocrisy shows that this is a political 'pandemic' more than
anything else.
#34 - Public
officials' hypocrisy in violating their own rules also prove
"COVID-19 prevention measures" had nothing to do with public
I'll just list
some of their names; you probably know the instance(s).
...and the
list goes on and on!
have created "rules for thee, but not for me" and love to openly
flaunt their self-perceived superiority every chance they get!
#35 -
There is strong evidence that the coronavirus "'pandemic'" was
Besides the
widely known
Event 201 'pandemic' exercise, governments
have been conducting exercises to prepare for a global
'pandemic' for a long time.
I have already
documented the many exercises, documents, legal proceedings, and
conferences that have taken place (please see
The Back Story and
The Ramp Up from my COVID
Chronicles series).
Since all this
planning has been taking place for at least 20 years, why did
everything go so poorly?
#36 -
Governments have tried to inflate illnesses into 'pandemic's when
not justified before
Swine Flu 1976,
SARS 2002-2004,
H1N1 2009, and
You would think
that with the foreknowledge gathered during the various
exercises conducted over the last two decades, something simple
like shutting down air travel in the place where the outbreak
first occurred would have been one of the first priorities.
However, that
did not happen.
Why is that?
#38 - Constant
confusion and misinformation from public health and government
officials keep people fearful and bewildered
Remember the
mantra "order out of chaos" because this is the modus operandi
of the "global elite."
They have
purposefully sowed confusion and chaos regarding the nature of
the "virus," where it originated, how it is transmitted, its
lethality, how variants emerge, how the tests work, whether one
can develop natural immunity, if masks work and if so, how many
need to be worn, and on and on.
continually contradict previous statements that seemed
definitive at the time, keeping the naïve public constantly off
balance and in a perpetual state of cognitive dissonance.
Why anyone
still trusts anything coming out of their constantly lying
orifices is completely baffling!
many still do trust, and their ignorance and obedience serve to
perpetuate the "'pandemic'" and the slippery slope to complete
#39 - The
"'pandemic'" ushered in the rise of authoritarian leadership just
as predicted in the
2010 Rockefeller Report (see page 18)
Under the guise
of public health and safety, governments committed all kinds of
atrocities in the name of keeping people safe.
#40 - We were
immediately and repeatedly told that
only a vaccine could remedy
the "'pandemic'" and get us back to normal.
How in the
world did people like
Bill Gates,
Dr. Anthony Fauci,
Dr. Zeke Emanuel, and countless others know instantly that a
vaccine was the only way out
of the "'pandemic'"?
I've explained the answer to this question in
lengthy detail in my article,
Beware the Vaccine Pt. 2 - The
Plan to Vaccinate the Planet.
By now it
should be obvious that from the outset,
the entire goal of this
"'pandemic'" has been to inoculate the entire planet with a
Why else would all other treatments (besides
Big Pharma-backed ones like
Remdesivir) be banned or vilified? Why else would there be
so much pressure to roll up one's sleeve and take the jab?
else would there be so much propaganda regarding how "safe and
effective" COVID-19 vaccines are, when there is so much
evidence to the contrary?
Since the
vaccination campaigns began, most countries are still not back
to normal (especially in places like
Australia and
Italy). The goalpost keeps getting moved while authoritarian
mandates and controls accelerate.
It is just like
Rockefeller predicted and Schwab and Ghebreyesus have stated -
We will not be returning to