Cancer Patients report 'Miraculous
Recoveries' from Ivermectin Treatment
Can Ivermectin help Prevent
COVID-19 Deaths? - More Good News about it...
Can You Overdose on Ivermectin? -
Dr. Pierre Kory's answer will Shock You
Covid, Ivermectin and 'Mass
Formation Psychosis' - Dr. Robert Malone gives
Blistering Interview to Joe Rogan
Doctor defends '80 Clinical
Studies' showing Ivermectin '89% Effective' at
Preventing COVID
Doctor files $25 Million Lawsuit
against Hospital for Smearing her as 'Dangerous'' over
views on Ivermectin
Doctors Raise Awareness on
Ivermectin Treatment for COVID-19
Español |
Documentos Secretos revelan qué
hay detrás de los Ataques contra la Ivermectina
Español |
El Estado más Poblado de la India
elimina el Covid-19 con la Ivermectina - Los Medios de
Comunicación lo...
Español |
Elimine los Efectos Secundarios de la Vacuna
Anti-Covid con estos
Tratamientos Efectivos
Español |
- ¿Es
la Ivermectina una Solución al Cáncer?
- FDA Loses its War on Ivermectin and Agrees to Remove ALL
Social Media Posts
says telling People 'Not to Take Ivermectin for
COVID-19' was just a "Recommendation"
FLCCC Alliance Statement on the
'Ivermectin Disinformation Campaign'
Ivermectin Adoption for COVID-19
How Ivermectin became a Target for
the 'Fraud Detectives'
How Ivermectin Trials were
Designed to Fail
Hundreds received Ivermectin for
Covid - Never Told Public! - Report
Immediate Global Ivermectin Use
will End COVID-19 'Pandemic' - Latest peer-reviewed
Is Ivermectin a Cancer Solution?
Español |
Ivermectina como Fármaco Preferido
para la Prevención y Tratamiento del COVID-19
Español |
Ivermectina - Del Suelo a las
Lombrices y Más Allá
Ivermectin 1% Livestock Injectable Solution which Humans
take Orally
Ivermectin - A multifaceted drug
of Nobel prize-honored distinction with indicated
efficacy against COVID-19
Ivermectin - A potential
Anticancer Drug derived from an Antiparasitic Drug
Ivermectin as a Drug of Choice for
Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19
Ivermectin could have Saved
Millions of Lives - Why was it Suppressed...?
Ivermectin may Defeat Cancer and
other 'Common Chronic Diseases of Aging'
'Safe' and 'Effective' for Treating Omicron - Japanese
Ivermectin - The Medication that
Could 'Reduce COVID-19 Deaths up to 83%
Ivermectin was Approved for Human
use Decades Ago - Mainstream Media Lying...
Ivermectin Wins in Court Again -
For Human Rights
Ivermectin - 'Wonder drug' from
Japan and the Human Use Perspective - by Andy
C. Rump and Satoshi Ōmura
Ivermectin Worked - New
Peer-Reviewed Study Proves It - Peru, India,
Brazil, Japan, Africa...
- "Ivermectin
Worked!" - Peer-Reviewed study finds 74% Reduction in
Excess Covid Deaths in Peru
Ivermectin 'Works throughout All
Phases' of COVID according to Leaked Military Documents
Japan Drops Vax Rollout - Goes to
Ivermectin and ends COVID almost Overnight
Español |
La Censura Mortal de la
Español |
La FDA se niega a Cambiar las
Declaraciones contra la Ivermectina tras la Sentencia
Español |
La Guerra Sucia contra la
Ivermectina - Medicamento Efectivo para el COVID
Español |
La 'Historia de Mala Conducta
Científica' detrás de la Ivermectina
Español |
La Ivermectina Funcionó - Nuevo
Estudio Revisado por Pares lo Demuestra - Perú, India,
Brasil, Japón, África...
Español |
La Ivermectina Gana en la India
Italiano |
L'Ivermectina Funziona - Un nuovo
Studio sottoposto a Revisione lo Prova - Peru, India,
Brasile Giappone, Africa...
Español |
Médico Argentino habla sobre la
Eficacia de la Ivermectina para el COVID
New Study confirms Ivermectin
Outperforms other Options
New Study on Ivermectin 'Should
Convince any Naysayer' - Dr. Pierre Kory
Number of Covid Cases in Delhi
crashes after Mass Distribution of Ivermectin
Praise the 'Lord' and Pass the
Español |
- ¿Puede
la Ivermectina ayudar a Prevenir las Muertes por
COVID-19? - Más buenas Noticias al respecto
The 'Campaign against Ivermectin'
- WHO's Chief Scientist served with Legal Notice for
Disinformation and...
The Deadly Censorship of
The Global Disinformation Campaign
to Suppress the Evidence of Efficacy of Ivermectin
'Scientific Misconduct Story' behind Ivermectin
The Truth about Ivermectin -
Medical Miracle or notorious Lynchpin of Misinformation?
The War on Ivermectin
The War on Ivermectin - A Lie will
Circle the World before the Truth has a Chance to get
Its' Shoes On
Pradesh State is 'Covid-19 Free' proving the Effectiveness
of 'Deworming Drug Ivermectin' - India
Additional Information |
A Five-day Course of Ivermectin
for the Treatment of COVID-19 may Reduce the Duration of
effects of Ivermectin at Clinically Feasible Concentrations support
its Clinical Development as a...
Excess Deaths in Peru's 25 States in 2020 - Nationwide Trends,
Confounding Factors, and...
Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in
the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19
Español |
Informe Final sobre el Covid-19
del Senado de EE.UU.
Ivermectin for Prevention and
Treatment of COVID-19 Infection
Ivermectin Prophylaxis used for
Pfizer launches 'Final Study for
COVID Drug' that's Suspiciously Similar to 'Horse Paste'
aka Ivermectin
Español |
Prevención del COVID - Una
Alternativa Efectiva a las Vacunas
Review of the Emerging Evidence
Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectina in the
Prophylaxis and Treatment...
The FDA-approved drug Ivermectin
Inhibits the Replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro
The Pill that Cracked Covid-19
Use of Ivermectin is Associated
with Lower Mortality in Hospitalized Patients with
Coronavirus Disease
World Council for Health reveals
'Spike Protein Detox'
Books - Libros |
After Action Review of the Covid-19
Pandemic - Final Report
of the Select Subcommittee Senate USA
Español |
Ivermectin en COVID-19 - Profilaxis y
Tratamiento - por Dr. Roberto Hirsch y Dr. Héctor
Ivermectin for the World
- by Justus R. Hope
Ivermectin in COVID-19 - Profilaxis and
Treatment - by Dr. Roberto Hirsch and Dr. Héctor Carvallo
War on Ivermectin - The Medicine
that Saved Millions and Could Have Ended the Pandemic - by
Pierre Kory
Multimedia |
Home Ivermectin based kits in
India govt. declares most
populated state officially COVID Free after widespread
use of Ivermectin
Español |
Ivermectina - ¿Un 'Potente
Medicamento' para combatir el Cáncer? - Un Vistazo a las
Ivermectin - New 'Wonder Drug' as
Potential Cure for Coronavirus Patients
Español |
La Ivermectina contra el Cáncer y
gana batalla contra la FDA
The Truth About Ivermectin
The Untold Story of a 'Miracle
The War on Hydroxychloroquine,
Ivermectin, and Other Cheap Drugs to Treat COVID-19 -
Dr. Pierre Kory
Why are We Not Using Ivermectin to
Prevent and Treat Covid?
Related Reports |
Covid-19 and Anthony Fauci -
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The WHO - World 'Health'
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