by Michael Salla
March 07,
Exopolitics Website

Chris O'Connor
claims to have completed three "20 and back" tours of duty with
Secret Space Program (SSP) including
one run by the
United Nations.
He says that it all began
with his birth into a normal human family as a "starseed" as part of
a pre-life agreement between the US Navy/Air Force and his
extraterrestrial family.
In 1970, at age 2,
O'Connor claims he was "age-progressed" to 25 years old where his
past life memories as an extraterrestrial were fully restored.
He believes that his
genetics and consciousness as a starseed helped ensure the success
of the newly formed Navy/Air Force Secret Space Programs.
After serving for 20 years in the US SSP performing security related
duties, O'Connor was allowed to became a liaison/ambassador for the
United Nations SSP.
In this interview, he
discusses with Dr.
Michael Salla the formation of the
United Nations SSP that emerged during the run up to the end of
the Cold War in the 1980's, which is best evidence by speeches from
Ronald Reagan urging nations to cooperate in facing
an extraterrestrial threat.
Apparently, Reagan's
exhortations, while publicly dismissed, were taken seriously behind
the scenes and secretly implemented. The UN SSP formation was a
direct factor that led to the Cold War's end.
According to O'Connor, the United Nations SSP had three outposts:
one around
another on
one of the moons of Saturn
one around
He say in 1990, he began
serving at Mimas UN outpost, where he conducted diplomatic
negotiations with many
extraterrestrial civilizations.
He asserts that many
negotiations involved exoplanet populations that had been negatively
impacted by human SSPs such as
the Dark Fleet.
He claims that during his
down times, he toured Mimas' futurist space facility and stayed in a
stasis chamber so he could better handle the eighth density energies
of the facility.
In this interview, he discusses how he and Jean Charles Moyen,
who served with a joint US French SSP recognized each other when
they first met in October at the Galactic Spiritual Informers
Connection conference in Orlando.
In a stunning
corroboration, Moyen says that he and his wife, Melanie, remembered
seeing O'Connor while he was lying in stasis during his first 20 and
back on Mimas from 1970 to 1990.
O'Connor says that he
currently is experiencing two timelines as his third "20 and back"
tour of duty completes in 2030.
He discusses his memories of participating in diplomatic
negotiations conducted in 2021 for the handover of
Anunnaki control
over Saturn to
the Earth Alliance.
He recalls meetings
involving a tall being that he believes was
(aka Prince Ea),
which supports
Elena Danaan's claims of diplomatic
negotiations for the handover of former Anunnaki facilities on
Saturn to the Earth Alliance.
Finally, O'Connor
discusses his involvement in an extraterrestrial
disclosure plan
that was handed over to the Earth Alliance at the Raven Rock
Mountain Complex in January 2023.
HERE and
Video Transcript:
right now we're having
um a disclosure plan kind of like starting to unfold
with UFOs being
suddenly talked about
Ad nauseam in the mainstream media you know at the
moment it's a threat but it soon can easily
morph into something
else do you feel uh how do you feel about that I
mean is is
there a bigger
disclosure plan happening and that you're part of
this absolutely absolutely that's the whole point of
many of us you know
when I say mini I mean we're talking millions and
millions of different you know what we call
starseeds coming in
it's and once this process of evolution at the human
has been completed
many of us will go to another planet where their
third density going into
fourth and they're you
know it's just the process because what it is once
your race has moved on past like the fourth
density or so into the
fifth especially then you've come together enough
you can go and assist
other races in their Ascension and so that's just
process it's very
normal but it's important that even if you're coming
in as another race that you have
to Incarnate through
that whatever race in this case is human you have to
Incarnate through the humans
to have The Human
Experience to maintain the Free Will abrogation so
that you don't
land a giant
spacecraft you know into a society that can't handle
you know that'll start
shooting at you or they will start shooting at one
another you know because out of fear you know
and and right now
we're not 100 out of that you know um so like you
say there will be a like a layout the plan for
Earth and for humans
is for it to become more common to see UFOs so that
it will
be no big deal you
know it might be cool to watch but you're like okay
yeah that's the hippo I get it now you know
then the next step
will be with them communicating with people more
directly and then you know eventually someday
landing on on the
earth and it truly depends on humans and how how we
approach the situation
if we can come together as a human race and say okay
you know
let's accept this this
is the fact let's not freak out you know let's not
start shooting at things and start going crazy
if we can get to that
point they'll land as soon as we're there but we're
just not there yet
you are listening to
exopolitics today with Dr Michael Salla your source
for the
uncensored truth
regarding the human extraterrestrial Global and
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subscribe to this
channel and now here's Dr Michael Salla
it's my great pleasure
to welcome back to Exile politics today Chris
O'Connor welcome Chris
hi Michael it's such a
pleasure to be here thank you for having me back and
hello everybody
well we have done one
interview before in late September early October
that it
came out where we
talked about your memories of being part of a unrun
space program and that
you you serve 320 in backs and what made your case
kind of
very unusual for me
was that you actually began by being age progressed
from the age of two to
the age 25 when you began your first 20 back so you
to just maybe recap
for those that don't remember or who haven't heard
you before
why it was that at two
years old that you were identified as someone of
to this secret space
program that was uh in existence at that time in the
1970s all right um
well essentially uh prior to
incarnating into this
you know this body in 1968 is when when I was born
uh prior
to that we actually my
soul group my soul family and myself uh had a
with uh the United
States uh that I would incarnate and at you
know I don't know if I
remember they said age of two or whatever but at at
two years old that they would take me
age Advanced me
through their technology um and then I would begin
I'd work 20
years for United
States uh doing various things a lot of which
you know are unrelated
to uh all of the uh Emissary type of stuff I did for
U.N but then after 20
years I would begin working
um with a a
space-based United Nations you know it has
connection to the United
Nations here on Earth
but it's not the same exact uh organization the
second offshoot
um so yeah so it was
pre-planned that's how they knew you know to find me
right so with that first uh
pointing back program
your age progressed from Age Two and this took place
in 1970 yeah and so suddenly
you're in a 25 year
old body but you have your memories
not of a two-year-old
but of your prior life or lives and so you serve for
years in a U.S Space
Program now was that the solar Warden program the
the beginning of that
I mean what do you call recall of that particular
program well interestingly I I'm really bad with
names um you know uh
so I I'm a very visual person I see uh um everything
and so I interpret
things that way and um so I don't remember exactly
which uh
organization it was at
first um I mean I I feel like I feel like it was
Warden but I can't say
for certain because I just don't have that exact
memory um but yeah so it uh it it was
definitely the United
States though do you remember anything about the
uniforms that the Personnel wore and
what kind of ships
they were flying on uh what I do remember is we had
I was
some a good amount of
time on Earth as well um and actually the uniforms
were just
like like a navy blue
very simple uniforms uh almost
um kind of security
guard sort of a look um they were very simple I do
one patch that was um
of course no I'm sorry that was later
on for United Nations
that patch that I I do remember that one but I don't
remember any uh insignias or logos
um I don't remember
anybody wearing one so that's very interesting so of
people when they think
of the Navy they think of the the dress whites or
the white uh uniforms they wear but uh but
the Navy uh also have
uh kind of blue camouflage uniforms which presumably
kind of uh make it
harder to distinguish someone uh in the ocean or in
the water
in one of those so so
and that's associated with kind of like combat
duties security Duty so you you were
involved in security
duties for that first 20 years I do have definitely
have memories of
that working with uh
you know with some of the children that they were
actually training
um and I know that was
on Earth out in the deserts of California and I do
remember some gray uniforms that were
very just plain like
medium darkish Gray now at that point I mean we're
that first 20 years I
mean the you know 1970 the beginning of this kind of
secret space programs
in the US so you're
an advanced ET Soul
that's incarnated Newman in the human body your age
progressed you're now
part of this secret space program you're doing
security work so was that because you
had the kind of DNA
and the Consciousness where you could interface or
interact with kind of like Advanced
ET Technologies or
artifacts in a way that made it possible for those
to be investigated
researched was was that kind of like does that ring
a bell
for what the sort of
things you were doing yeah absolutely um I I would
work on a number of things
part of it was um
memory and soil transfer and uh Consciousness you
know transfer from a
body to a clone or you
know saving somebody or removing memory you know so
I was working with that I remember doing
some security detail
work um and uh you know I did a number of things
most of which are pretty well
blocked off but uh but
I definitely have have memory of those uh
working in very small
white rooms that were like medical type of rooms uh
would uh work with uh
like extracting memory from someone uh or if there's
emergency um uh say if
say if a soldier was injured and their body was
dying we'd
transfer the
Consciousness in and the memories you know from
their dying body to generally a clone now I know
they had
technology to repair
bodies but this is only if they couldn't repair it
was pretty too far gone
well even sometimes
after they died we could transfer it if we have a
couple of hours
I find that to be an
interesting parallel with my Army inside of JP who
you met at the uh at
the uh what was it the spiritual spiritual informers
connection conference
you you met him and he is an extraterrestrial
contactee and and he when he began serving with
the army so he's
current he's active duty they put him on security
details so
when he does these
off-world missions he's um security details which uh
you know at first it sounds strange well why
would you use an ET
contact D who presumably has higher Consciousness
and is able to communicate with ETS why
would you use them on
security details but it sounds like a similar
considerations that
people like you like
him have the genetics the DNA so that you could go
into places or
interact with certain things and and make it a safe
well absolutely you
know and a lot of that technology you know because
when you're uh when you incarnate into a
physical form here in
third density you bring a DNA a trace of that with
you of your soul you know what your native race
um and so it's that
DNA that a lot of this technology that um that uh
the United States trades for
um is built by other
races so most people most you know humans don't
actually have that you
know DNA traits that can operate either sometimes it
ships sometimes it's
just technology and so that's why they make deals
you know with these races
um for certain people
you know that that they know will be able to operate
certain things and go certain places
like you say that's
that's absolutely correct that uh I know that's what
JP has told me that
the nordics that he
has been in touch with that been interacting with
him made
agreements with the US
Military and part of those agreements were that JP
be looked after and of
course then he enlisted and um and he's been
to release information
and I think this is part of the agreements uh
between the
nordics and the
military so that makes absolute sense why they would
identify a
two-year-old as having
the genetics and the consciousness to be useful in a
secret space program
and and so they go
through the whole age progression and age regression
thing so that does make sense even though it's a
bit of a stretch for a
lot of people I think a two-year-old come on
seriously silence yeah exactly how can a
two-year-old have
the free will to make
this Choice well the fact is it was made prior to
yeah and and the
critical thing is that that two-year-old has the
genetics and the Consciousness
that would be of value
to a secret space program and they have the
technology to
age progress and age
reverse any at that time so definitely I think
it's I mean that makes
it very plausible what you were that what you said
okay so for your the
first 20 years from 1970 to 1990 you're in this uh
military secret space
program um you know presumably the Navy solo
Warden but you're not
sure of that now towards the end of the 1980s was a
critical time because you you had uh the
the kind of end of the
Cold War the the crash of the Berlin wall and
um you you have these
very strange statements by President Ronald Reagan
the United Nations and
elsewhere saying that there was a great need for the
the U.S and the Soviet
Union to collaborate in facing an extraterrestrial
threat and is a very
famous clip where he's
standing before the United Nations General Assembly
I think it was September 1987 and he literally
says that you know
wouldn't it be better if the Earth's Nations learned
to cooperate in dealing with an
threat and isn't such a threat in front of us right
now and of course people thought well he's just you
know just being a
lunatic or something but but in fact at that very
time the
United Nations secret
space program was being performed and I did write
this in um in several
of my books that actually that was what led to the
creation of a United
Nations secret space program and and you come into
because you actually
at the end of your first 20 and back in 1990 then
you made
a kind of lateral move
from the from the U.S military run Space Program
into this
newly formed United
Nations space program so you want to kind of pick up
from there and tell us what you know
about that formative
period yeah um you're exactly right after that first
20 years the agreement
was uh for media incarnate through and and be used
the first United
States uh whether it's the Air Force or the Navy or
both because I remember I remember feeling
like there were both
at times depending on where we would travel but um
the agreement was for the first 20 years
they would get my
service and then they would Supply uh like
transportation and all these other
things for me um but I
will actually be moved over to
United Nations
representing Earth rather than it's just the United
States so that was kind of the deal that was struck
prior you know to me
incarnating was that that's how we would work it and
they would actually
provide transportation out to a Saturn to mimus you
know and during that time you know
there are these races
that were coming in you know like uh you mentioned
in that time of the end of the Cold War
they were working with
a number of nations anyone that had real military
power might or the
ability to leave the planet at some level
um uh because they
also knew that you know that we had to learn to get
along before we can actually be a fully off
planet uh race as far
as a whole human race
um and so uh they
began working uh to put the um the United Nations
together it was formed
through the United Nations because that was the best
organization at the time
uh for these outside
sources to come in and work with though they
individually like
certain races would communicate with the Russians
some with the Chinese and others with the United
States and the UK and
France and these other nations but they would all
come together through
the United Nation
because that was what we'd already established here
on Earth and so they honored that but they did
create a branch of the
earth-based United Nations it's more off planet
well that's a very
interesting kind of like perspective because one of
things that is always
puzzled Scholars is uh you know why the Cold War
the way it did why did
the Soviet Union kind of like let go of its Empire
know it let go of the
Warsaw Pact countries and it allowed itself to
actually disintegrate from uh a kind of
like a unitary
government with 15 provinces into 15 different
nations and
and that ended the
Soviet Union and led to the Russian Federation being
a very
weak shadow of the
former Soviet Union so why did that happen and one
of the
explanations of course
is that uh the Soviet Union knew that they couldn't
keep up with the
advances in kind of like um Star Wars and advanced
weapons they couldn't
keep up with it and so a deal was struck whereby the
United the United States would like
begin collaborating
with uh the Soviet Union in terms of space
activities and that
United Nations Space
Program would be created where all of the nations
collaborate so that
the technology would be shared and so this was one
of the conditions for the end of the Cold War
and and certainly it
it explains why the Cold War ended the way it did
there being you know
shots fired between the Warsaw Pact and NATO it was
all done
peacefully and the
only fighting that took place was in Romania because
of the Civil War there between the Army and
this and the secret
police but it was all done peacefully and that to me
suggests that some
behind the scenes there was some deal that was
struck and I think that this
creation of the United
Nations secret space program was was probably one of
the main reasons why the Cold War ended
I would agree with
that entirely because you know those talks began mid
um you know these
races had already begun contacting you know each of
the Nations and it took quite a while you
know for them to
really come together uh because we had to get over a
lot of stuff you know that's just that's been
our human process is
is getting over those idiosyncrasies that we hold on
okay so uh you
formally begin working in the United Nations secret
space program
in in 1990 that's your
first and you sign a 20-year contract and uh then
go you're relocated to
the Saturn moon minus so so why would a United
Space Program that
involves the leading
Nations on Earth why
would they establish a headquarters on the saturnian
moon mimus
how do you pronounce
it yes um well they they established several
uh different locations
uh because there are at least three that I can
different um
confederations or federations in just
our solar system alone
um they're all connected but they're just different
locations and so you have
to have a
representation at each of those so they had one in
Jupiter Saturn and Neptune and I think they had like
small you know a
couple of small ones that are just outposts and I
in a couple of small
planetoids and asteroids but yeah they just needed
needed to have
representation where they're going because not all
um because some locations uh are higher
densities that uh not
all entities can interact with so they have to have
a location for that and there's technology
to help adjust but you
can't spend a lot of time outside of your your
density so you have to have technology so they just
try to make it as easy
as possible which is why they kind of split
confederations and federations up a bit uh just
logistically you know
to allow as many different races to be a part of it
possible well we know
on Earth that the United Nations has headquarters in
Geneva and
New York City so what
you're saying is that the United United Nations
secret space programs has I guess headquarters
on on those three
areas like the mimisons on Saturn
Jupiter what you
didn't say where on Jupiter in the clouds yeah I
don't I wasn't connected with them I was only
memos so all my
memories are primarily members but I know they were
in Jupiter
and Neptune as well
okay all right so so tell us then you know what do
recall about that um
United Nations secret space program headquarters
that you operated out of on
on net on um memes
memes well um obviously first off uh due to the
of my work was
telepathic um and so when you're in a this is a
large space station
it's like the radius is about 250 miles so it's it's
has hundreds of
thousands of entities in it of different types
um so what we would
have and it resides primarily in a higher density
the eighth
density so different
parts of the station
um have like I I'll I
call them Faraday cages is the closest thing I can
come to them because you can you can kind of
control a density
within that type of environment like a metal room
and control the
density and so forth most of the time I was actually
in stasis so a lot of what I did
I did through
holographic work which I recently remembered that so
I'm really grateful for that because things didn't
make sense until you
know I realized oh my gosh that was holographic work
that I was doing so but a lot of times I was in
a physical presence
with a lot of these entities in meetings and
boardrooms and things but those were with entities
um that were of a
similar vibration and density that we could kind of
come together you know we would sometimes
have to wear um I
don't know what we call them but they were just
these belt type of things and
and a suit that
allowed you to be in a higher density as a third
density entity
that I was but I
couldn't do that for very long and I couldn't stay
at this eighth density
location for too
terribly long unless I was in a stasis pod
and I think you know
Jean Charles Moyet and uh and he and his wife
Melanie that
are were both in uh
you know security detail as well um they actually
both uh recently told
me that they
remembered me being in stasis they actually
physically saw me there and that that was kind of
interesting to know
somebody remembered that but so most of the time I
was in stasis when I wasn't in stasis
uh the the station is
very round it's just a big looks like
the Death Star really
um that's the closest thing we can come to
explaining what it is just a big ball
out in space and
within that um space or within that space station uh
there are different uh
locations that for different types of entities like
there's a large ocean space
um there's there's
spaces that are very hot spaces that are very cold
depending on the entity that
um the the delegation
of that entity you know what they require for their
atmosphere needs I of
course stayed when I wasn't in stasis I was in
stasis over
80 percent of the time
um you know and that was a because of
the density but also
so that I couldn't be um interfered with you know on
telepathic level
because I had information that you know didn't need
get out you know to
other races necessarily when you're just negotiating
things you know there's just ways you do things you
and so it was would be
inappropriate for me to be accessible to any higher
Advanced you know telepathic
entity to come in and
just take everything out of my mind that they want
telepathically so I was in stasis for
those two reasons um
but when I wasn't in stasis it was like a giant
shopping mall really
um it was like you
know I don't know how many stories you know it was
they were all very very
large areas you know
that you would think you were in a really slick
sci-fi type of movie
um that was all all
kind of glass and chrome and and just white like
marble looking I don't
know that it was more and then also trees and
waterfalls you know because the atmosphere where I
was you know most of
the time was of course oxygen hydrogen based like we
breathe but it was very very enriched
you know it's like at
times it was almost that you didn't have to breathe
because your body was absorbing this
atmosphere and it had
enough oxygen in the blood system and so breathing
was sort of secondary versus primary
um but uh yeah it was
just just a beautiful environment there were people
Milling around you know um and when I
wasn't just spending
some time with with friends that I had there
co-workers and friends I would generally
be in stasis so
unfortunately there's not a lot of memories of
living day to
day on the station
well it's very interesting that you mentioned Jean
Charles moien and his
wife Melanie as
actually seeing you in one of these stasis
Chambers because right
there you have kind of like independent
corroboration or support for for what you're you are
saying because I'm
sure a lot of people are trying to wrap their minds
around what what you've been saying but but
that's and I know Jean
Charles I mean he has said that he had this Deja Vu
experience when he saw
you at the galactic spiritual informants conference
so do you remember that I mean what what
happened just tell my
audience you know what what happened when you met
Jean Charles moyen in in October in Orlando
yeah it was really
interesting um he kind of froze up a little bit he
was just you know there's like
things connecting in
his brain all of a sudden you know and it was and
and just
within a few seconds
you know we started to talk for the first couple
seconds we just looked at each other it's like oh
my gosh I remember you
it's you it's you you know and it was just like
it was just this
remarkable feeling of seeing a family member or a
friend you haven't seen in in years and years and
you have missed them
you know and suddenly they're right standing they're
standing right in front of you and it's
just it's a joyous
feeling it's absolutely joyous so did he say
anything to you about
um having met you when
you weren't in the stasis chamber I mean I assume
you know the fact that he and his wife who
was also part of the
secret space program the French The Joint French U.S
secret space program
that they were standing over your stasis chamber for
a reason obviously they
would have known that
you were a representative for the Earth in this
very sensitive kind of
United Nations diplomatic Outpost there on on mimus
the kind of impression
I got was that he he knew you from from interacting
you that he had met
you as opposed to just seeing you in a stationary in
a stasis chamber yeah we were friends
yeah we're friends and
um it wasn't until after the conference
uh that a lot of our
memories came through which that's kind of how
recovering memories Works do you have
like a spark and then
it takes a little while a little Ember has to burn
for a while and other little memories flow up
to the consciousness
and so in that process uh you know we had remembered
that we were friends and
we had been very close
and we've known each other for many years and um
though we hadn't mentioned why they
were in the the stasis
chamber and why they would see me in there we
haven't really discussed that my
feeling is that they
were probably just you know checking and you're
making sure
everything was okay
yeah and the timelines match too because I remember
Jean Charles saying he began serving on
this joint uh U.S
French secret space program in the 1990s that he did
a 20
and back with them um
so that overlaps with with your time
so clearly uh that was
possible that he and you met and it makes sense that
if he's serving on a
joint French U.S uh space carrier he called it the
Solaris that the
Solaris would have had a lot to do with this United
Space Program
headquarters there on mimas yeah well because the
Nations at that time
didn't have any ships didn't have any transportation
so they utilized what was available and the
primary organization
that that had set up interest solar Interstellar
but within our solar
system travel uh was uh was the Navy
um or the Air Force
sorry outside of our solar system was was more maybe
they had
better ships yeah but
yeah but then later on the United Nations actually
you know did
obtain some ships that
they used for their their own but they weren't as
large or they weren't like battleships
you know within mimasu
you described almost like this futuristic kind of
shopping mall type
um facility there
where there was lots of personnel so can you
describe you know
what was it like in
terms of personnel are we talking predominantly
humans you know from different countries France
China Russia or are we
talking about a mixture of humans nordics other
types of
extraterrestrials can
you describe that absolutely there were a lot of
humans Earth humans of all Races
um but the majority of
uh what was on the station that I would see were
non-human a lot of
humanoid forms uh some some entities were very tall
looked exactly human
there were entities that looked like what we call
Sasquatch um there were entities that looked
like insectoid I'm
trying to think of their name but I'm terrible names
um some of the ant
type ant people we call them as well are there um
there were people that looked
um uh they're all blue
they look human for the most part but we're blue and
like translucent skin
and shiny beautiful white hair and um several
there's quite a few races
that were different
shades of blue um most of those were humanoid there
were entities that
that looked like you know lions and cats and some of
looked sort of more
canine as well they were from different uh different
different races uh
there were there's just one of my favorite races um
uh is a race that looked like like a
macaque or a rhesus
monkey uh that just stood up and became human
suddenly but they have that look and
they're highly
intelligent and they love humanity and love human
beings and they love human clothes they wear human
clothes a lot they
have this that they have a thing for that um so
there was just an amazing array
and a lot of entities
that were that were mostly light you know that were
like maybe plasma you know but they
could kind of take a
form so that you know we could have something to
look at kind of shape themselves and they um you
know like a light body
type of thing so it was just a huge array huge array
do you remember
anything about the different kind of um birth
Nations that were part of this uh un Outpost there
minus I mean for
example was it clear the difference between say
someone from China as
opposed to someone from Russia or someone from
France I
mean did they wear the
similar uniforms just with a different patch a
national patch I mean well what do you remember
about the Earth humans
that were there and and their uniforms well there's
different variations of of
what Earth humans that
were there meaning that some of them were military
some of them were actual residents you
know maybe families of
Representatives that were there um but that we they
never acted as a
separate nation or
race we were always humans Earth humans we were
always Earth
humans no matter what
which is like it just brings joy to my heart knowing
that's how it was and that's how it'll
eventually be here we
just got to get there but uh but we were never
because you know when you're leaving the planet
and you're somewhere
you know hundreds of thousands millions billions of
miles away and you're with your other fellow
earthlings you're from
Earth you're not from a country you know and that
was the camaraderie
that we all had
together so there wasn't you know there were
civilian clothes and you know that you could
always tell the
difference from where they were from but but we all
we couldn't unnecessarily I don't recall
all of us knowing the
same language but it didn't really matter for the
most part you know uh we were
all from Earth and we
were all Earth things so I mean how how was the
done between the
earthlings and I I assume that with the
extraterrestrials it was largely telepathic but with
the earthlings I mean
it was was English the lingua Franca was there some
translation device or how how was that
done do you remember
you know I don't remember a translation device
though I I remember that there was something but I
don't know what that
was um for myself uh when they unlocked all
of my previous
memories I had a number of languages that I could
um you know and that
of course was when I was returned and you know after
60 years back as a two-year-old then those
memories were taken
back out you know it wasn't appropriate for me to be
born with them um so I think a lot of the people
were there they were
there because they had the ability to be
multilingual you know so communicating I don't ever
remember it being a
problem you know um but I don't remember a specific
a device that caused
us to understand one another now this this United
Nations outpost on
my Miss included the
major space-faring Nations or those with uh
space programs at the
time we could you know kind of list them off China
France India Britain us and so forth but what
about the the German
program or the dark Fleet or not Waffen was that
there on momus mimus
well you know it was a really difficult uh problem
that they they there
were races or sorry there were factions of human the
race um that were off
doing their own thing and certainly some of those
um you know that you
mentioned were actually mostly off planet on either
asteroids or another
planet uh that was occupied by humans
um but they generally
had an interest you know in being there from time to
time but they were short-time visitors
uh because they really
didn't want anything to do with us as far as other
Earth humans they felt like they'd left
us and they left us
behind um the unfortunate thing was that how
you're seen as a
galactic race as an up-and-coming race as we humans
currently are you're
seeing that if if you faction
fracture off and you
leave the your planet you're still seen as Earth
humans for quite a long period of time
so whatever these
negative dark fleets would go off and do it still
came back
to the United Nations
you know we're still responsible for their actions
so we had to meet with them
to try to work out a
deal so we can go back to you know uh you know the
delegation on mimas
and actually make apologies a lot of times
you know and
renegotiate things because of some of the stuff
these other human factions were doing but like I
um reason we have to
all get along here on Earth and the reason most of
the you know galactic races haven't just come
and landed on Earth
for the most part um is because we're not getting
along with ourselves and that we don't
understand and realize
that we're held responsible for all the other humans
every single one of us is responsible
for every other one of
us and that's just how it's looked at that's just
how it's done
you know so uh so that
yes there were some of the dark Fleet that would
from time to time but
begrudgingly so and they wouldn't stay long
so much like uh uh a
family where you have the parents being held to
for an unruly child
that goes out there and creates havoc in the
neighborhood and you you have to knock on the
neighbor's door say
sorry my what my son did you know to your lawn and
you know
what he did to your
fans and sorry about that and so it sounds like
that's pretty much what you were doing a lot of the
time yeah it was a lot
yeah a lot of the time because I
um because it was
known that what race I was you know uh what my
native race was
and it was known by a
lot of other delegations a lot of the other races
knew who I was natively they could tell
they're telepathic
they could see it instantly and so my race is a very
trusted race
so that's why I would
do a lot of the negotiating and go in and have
conversations um with
these other races now I was never in charge of those
small meetings
we had I was usually
just there as The Anchor Point you know because my
race was trusted um
but also because I had I was I don't have it so much
now because you know he
returned to Earth and
you forget all these things but a very strong
telepathic ability that can communicate during
with other entities
and so I would just report in and say listen things
aren't going well or things are going great you
know keep going keep
doing what you're doing but there I was not the one
in charge I was always with at least two other
people that were you know
outranked me
essentially so now it's worth kind of emphasizing
here that you know at that point you'll
finally you kind of
live two years on Earth as a baby even though now
you're in your your second 20 and back program
of course you spent 20
years in the military space program so are you
regarded as kind of
like a fellow extraterrestrial or as a human because
you were brought in
because of your extraterrestrial Heritage and I
you mentioned
andromedans at some point so so did the
Extraterrestrial see you like as an andromedan or
did they see
you as a human with
with andromedan kind of characteristics I mean how
did they
perceive you well um I
firstly uh I've don't 100 know
you know or actually I
do but I'm not really allowed to say what my native
race is
um it does kind of go
through a number of races I have definitely
incarnated through Andromeda
um but when you're
when you're seeing it it depends on the individual
and the awareness of the individual so in my
case um when I would
come into contact with another what the vast
majority of them
were much more
advanced telepathically and much more advanced
technologically so easy read you know real easy to
as a human physical
form um so they would see me and they would be able
to know what I was
already aware of for the most part I was aware of
everything who I was what my native race was the
reason I was there so
they could communicate with me on that level but
many of the other people I was with
they were human like
my security detail I had they traveled with me and
such as that their awareness was more limited
because it had to be
it needed to be and so they would go at that level
it's so it was about
the individual and whatever the individual was aware
of internally
okay in our last
interview you talked about a meeting that you were
in where like in your in the first year of you
being in the United
Nations secret space programs on Mimis that you were
shot and
killed by an
extraterrestrial that was very angry over what the
nut Waffen had
done on their Planet
killing hundreds of thousands and you were killed
and and I you know I guess your your body or so
your body was killed
but your Consciousness or Soul extract was
transferred into a clone so that was one
incident you described
so I just wanted to kind of get you to yeah if you
want to elaborate on that
and then describe were
there other incidents you remember from that 20 that
first 20-year
period in the United
Nations secret space program yeah it's really
um that I tend to
remember things that are like really impactful you
know and
being shot and killed
would be one so that is a very defined memory you
and just for the sake
of uh viewers that haven't heard of what this was
about very quickly
um there was these
dark fleets that went to a planet and were trying to
talk them
out of some of the
resources I believe it was some type of Courts they
um and the race
wouldn't turn it over for free and they were like no
we need to you know trade
um so basically they
just attacked the the dark Fleet attack killed about
300 000 of these
individuals and took
what they wanted anyway well of course this this
race is very
angry you know this
race uh they they they're not quite like say a
Vulcan you
know in Star Trek that
you know have suppressed their emotions entirely
though for the most part they have
um and but they don't
like to show emotion they choose not to show emotion
but they feel it
um and this obviously
was a highly emotional situation we were sitting in
board room there was
myself and my two superiors to my left at sort of
like a
small Board Room I
guess the room would be about 20 foot square you
know each Direction
and then there was
three of these this other race um very tall uh they
had tall gray skin
but they had like a
triangular type of head and um they were doing their
best to control
their emotion but it
wasn't working very well because of the three factor
300 000
of them were killed um
and they were there because we were desperately
trying to you know tell them
you know we'll find a
way to make it right you know because they were
headed to Earth they were pissed off
um and they were we
didn't know exactly what they were going to do but
it wasn't going to be good for her
um so we had we
stepped in there and they were negotiating with my
two superiors but I could tell the main uh
guy in charge of the
of these other entities wasn't was feeling that he
was not being
heard and so I I told
you know my superiors to listen it's you know you're
not getting
through you know
you're you're cold and he's feeling like you're not
understanding the gravity of the
situation so you know
in that sort of moment
um of not feeling like
he's being heard and understood he got very angry it
just it snapped
and so he just ran his
hand across his chest like this and then this beam
say you know the
center of his chest kind of like a green bean came
out and so he was only about six feet from you
across the table and
it this beam hit me about this area and it's just
like fried me I mean I was
gone you know I didn't
die right away but I obviously I fell back you know
you know they had to
very quickly because you know they had uh clones
um you know certain
people uh that for these type of emergencies
you know so there's
one available on the space station so they got me to
Medical right away um they were able to transform
Consciousness and
memories um capture it and and transfer it to the
Clone before it dissipated because I did
die in the room
actually so that's what happened
you know so I had a
brand new 25 year old body again so that wasn't bad
but also the good thing is that that
entity he became my
friend and he has actually visited me here on
Earth um one time um
and just checking in to see how
things were going uh
but he instantly he really meant to kind of like
share that
beam across and kill
all three of us but the second he hit me he he felt
regret and so he he shut that beam off and
um and because of that
and after that moment I heard later that they were
to come to an
agreement you know because they realized that they
had lost it and they you know wanted to make that
so they were able to
come to an agreement
oh I can't I can't
hear you Michael a diplomats certainly earn their
so that was one
incident in that period for were there any other
incidents in
that kind of first 20
years within this the United Nations secret space
program you remember you know there are a couple
that I'm I'm currently
working on trying to you know make sense of their
memories because they don't all come in like
linearly they kind of
come in as a puzzle taken apart and I'm still
putting them together so I don't think it'd be
appropriate really to
share yet um but I will certainly uh when I get
that puzzle put back
together that's just the most impactful one and the
one I remember the most that I I could stand
and say this is the
absolute truth and this is what happened all the
other things are flashes
all right so so that
that happened around 1991 so in in 2000
uh 1991 so 2010 I
guess your 20 year I'm back with
the United Nations is
over and you decide to re-enlist to serve again and
your I guess what are
you given a new clone body or are you age regressed
what what
happened well uh
during that negotiation uh I was kind of out of it
you know
there's certain things
you know if I'm going to join for 20 more years and
it's interesting that I I had to it was still
through the uh um the
Earth base obviously but the United States because I
was United
States citizen and I
was brought in through the United States so I had to
do all my negotiating through them and they
had to agree first for
everything so I was I negotiated you know my terms
you know I could pay
out and such as that when I you know retire
um uh so I at that
negotiation at that
negotiation one of my
points that I negotiated was because I'm again I'm
45-ish I'm like I want my 25 year old
body again you know so
as part of my negotiation I was moved into a 25 year
old clone again it's a
nice I served my last
20 years but at the end of the full 60 years then
what they would do or
what they did with me um was they had a clone of my
two-year-old body and
then they moved they removed most of
my memory the vast
majority of it um and then my Consciousness they
just moved into that two-year-old body so
basically I was a
two-year-old again with no memory of anything and so
they returned me back
in to 1970. so that's very interesting that I mean
you return back to
1970 you live a normal life but that but that Chris
O'Connor that's part of the United
Nations secret space
program that began the third twenty and back in 2010
still serving right
now yes he has a different name but yes different
name okay yeah all right so
you're still serving
and um and I think the last time we talked you
didn't have any memories of that
third secret space
program term of service but you did an interview
with the Lena dunan
uh a month or two ago
where you actually started to get some memories and
this concerned um the
Anunnaki and uh enki so you want to tell us like
what what did you
remember yeah that's
fascinating um uh one of my uh and what I mentioned
about memories coming
in as puzzle pieces and you have to put them
together to to create a story and make sense of
your memory um was I
had always remembered being on the balcony of like
what I thought was a
mall at the time with
four maybe five but four or five uh security that
in Gray suits and um
we were having a discussion on
this mezzanine next to
a large doorway that was to my right
and um we were
discussing how sad it was that uh we would we're not
able to go
back home and share
these stories with our family and those we loved and
and how sad it was that that humans don't
know the truth of
what's Happening you know and that there would be no
Wars on Earth if people knew what was really
going on out there and
how wonderful it really was and we were just talking
about this and there's you know entities
and people Milling
around entering kind of coming out of this large
it was like a
conference Hall type of room so we're standing there
and um
and I said well you
know I'm going to remember this moment I said I'm
going to remember and a man one of the security next
to me
says no no you're not
I'm like oh I absolutely am going to remember and
then just at that moment there were
um these blue alien
entities coming out of that doorway and they were
like arms linked away and we and I heard
him psychically or
telepathically say something to me catch my
attention say my name probably so I turned my head
I look and as soon as
I said oh I'm going to remember I looked at him and
said and I know you
will too you know and part of the memories that I
began to receive and and put together
was that that was only
a moment in a much larger memory that I now have
been able to kind of put those pieces
together because it
turns out that as an emissary you know I I don't
to say Ambassador
because I don't remember me having that title though
that was the work I was doing I don't
recall the title so I
don't claim it um but I was there to have a you know
speak actually and so
I'm speaking and and so that memory was kind of the
end of that
moment but prior to
that I was actually in the conference room
um and that there was
a big meeting about something and I didn't remember
I don't remember what exactly it was about
but I remember it was
big and it was about Earth having to come in and
become a larger part of the
Confederation and the
Federation and that um there were some entities and
was a program um that
was set up and I knew it was
very very old and that
for some reason because you mentioned that DNA and
being able to work certain you know machinery and
certain Technology
based on your DNA I was the only one available to be
there to actually punch in the
code to dis disarm
this program and part of that program in speaking
with Elena
and and going over
this for the last couple of few months was uh
because I
recall being with
entities that we described now as the Anunnaki I
standing in front of
them having conversations and it was all part of
this this memory so in that memory
because I had
something to do as a prior to Incarnation my race
had something to
do with setting this
program up but since it was going to humans it had
to go through that one of those
entities that have
been incarnated through the human race because it
has it's about breaking and bridging Free
Will as long as a
human is doing it for the human race then it's not
Breaking Free Will and
so um it turns out that that was the canceling of
basically ownership of
Saturn and some other
locations within our solar system and that that was
being turned over by
uh Inky who we now
refer to as IA um because he was technically the
of a lot of territory
here in the Anunnaki as a whole
now that that is
that's I've been able to put that whole memory
together now and that was the
event the event was
turning over that those properties to human Earth
Earth humans rather
now we know that Elena Dunham talked about that that
and and witnessing
witnessing that or being told about that meeting
with uh
Prince ER handing over
the Authority for
Saturn over to um the
Earth and and also heard and I
recall uh Alex Collier
also kind of like relaying information he got from
andromedans that uh
there was a trial being set up for uh enki's brother
Lil who was the big
Troublemaker now um are we talking about the same
set of
events or are these
separate events I mean enki handing over Authority
Prince ear handing
over authority of Saturn to the Earth Alliance and
command or and and and
also this trial of enlil
um that was that were
they separate incidents were they the same thing
they were separate incidences that I as far
as I can recall
Because the actual uh event that I was at on mimas
because it was whole
they were handing over Saturn and as I recall
um all the other the
trial type of stuff didn't happen on that station I
believe it was Jupiter
but I'm not 100 sure
on that okay okay but of course uh you know
that's something that
um Elena described and and she also has described
meetings involving
delegates holographically coming in
to to meet and have a
dialogue kind of like in the Star Wars I think
episode The the First episodes or episode one
and two where they had
these you know the Jedi Knights meeting and you'd
have some physically there but many of them
holographically came
in so was that pretty much the way the meaning that
attended uh played out
well um In My Memory uh and what I'm feeling
is that mostly it was
they were physically there um but also when you're
dealing with
just memory uh it's
since I'm so visual my memories are based on those
and uh
and so a lot of those
Holograms some of those uh different races you
know the difference
between them being their solid and a hologram now a
lot of what we were using and a lot of other
races you could tell
because I mean I I remember being um in meetings
where I could look at my
hand and it was sort
of like Fade Out like the middle of my finger down
began to slightly Fade Out you know and I
never could make sense
of that memory you know why you know why is my hand
not entirely solid well now that makes sense
to me that I've begun
to recall that a lot of my work was holographic and
so our technology wasn't as good as some of
the other and so my
memories being that everyone at least looked solid
I think there are
probably a couple scattered that I could maybe tell
might have been holographic
so this was a very
significant event I know David Ike he has talked
about the
Saturn moon Earth
Matrix so that that Saturn and the moon are somehow
critical components of
this control grid or the Matrix uh controlling all
life on
planet Earth so
handing over control of Saturn since to
be or mimus and Saturn
handing that over to
the Earth Alliance
essentially would mean that Humanity would be free
of this control system
so is that pretty much
what you recall the significance of this Handover of
authority that somehow
the Earth would now be free yes exactly because the
feeling of it
um is that because the
humans are moving into fourth density a higher
understanding and and
we're in all the disclosure is going to be coming in
the next couple of years it's really going
to be intensified um
we kind of had to have that ability
to create disclosure
and not allow it to be blocked and controlled by
forces but just as a
side note the memos
was never a part of
Saturn as far as ownership from about memos outward
from the orbit
of Saturn was not
owned by the Annunaki it was just the planet and the
Rings for
the most part at this
time at least you know so there was no handing over
of memes because that was truly a
confederation of many
many different races and planets and solar systems
so what do you recall
of the Anunnaki themselves and of ear that that you
saw at memos
uh the only memory I
really have is having a discussion um with uh some
of these entities that
you know I I can't say
100 with that they were on an Aki because of the
whole name Memory thing is very blocked for me
um but visually they
look exactly like you know I've described them to to
and some others that
know what they look like and they're like yeah
that's exactly what they look like so I
remember specifically
having conversations with them I don't remember what
the context was we were just
standing out in a
mezzanine area and this one entity that I I believe
now is
IA or was he um is
wearing this robe that was very interesting and he's
seven eight feet tall
I'm guessing um but this road was like a shimmering
it's more like light
it didn't really look physical um and I just
remember noticing that it
was just like a silver
fabric that was that would kind of wave and move
and it was very
iridescent so I had all the colors you know as it
moved it would Shimmer different colors and that
what I remembered you
know but then around him were I think three or four
other entities that were of the same
race that had on a
black and green suits um and they were kind of
backing him up
and so I was just
having a conversation with I believe was the I just
100 can't say
yeah okay so I mean
this this happened only
recently I mean we're
talking uh kind of like a year ago that this meeting
this Handover occurred
and of course you're here leaving living a
conventional timeline
but a part of you your soul extract or Consciousness
living as part of this
International Space Program with another name having
these experiences and
now you're starting to remember that so I mean how
does that happen I mean is
the memory something
that is being recollected linearly you know in terms
of or is it happening
directly some kind of
direct connection between you physically here and
version of you that's
serving right now you know it's interesting um but
that's all true actually uh
there's no I found in
my experience that there's no real rule to memory
um the the primary
rule that I follow is is meditation to you know kind
of open
my subconscious mind
to my conscious mind and so that some of those
memories can come through
um but it's also I I
it sounds really strange but it's absolutely true
um my other aspect of
myself um has come and visited me and has had some
communication with me
and we've met a couple of times and which is very
strange you know
um to to have a
conversation with yourself that you're physically
standing there looking at yourself it's very very
odd um but um for the
most part there's a separation and that's only been
because of other
events coming in you know and and me increasing my
memories and and raising my vibration to
a level that that can
be possible you know and so it's a journey and and
there's like I said
there's no real rule you know to recovering and
putting memories together and they don't come in
linearly they come in
as needed and then you kind of kind of have to put
them together and make sense of the
whole you know whole
memory once you get enough of the pieces together
and then once you kind of like begin to connect
the dots then it uh
then it's like a framework where more memory can
come in
you know then they can
establish in your mind and that's that's how I see
it working with me
but it's very
interesting that um just recently on on January 7 uh
Elena says
that she saw Through
The Eyes of forehand that he was at a at the at a
Blue Ridge
Mountain facility
where there was a a four-star general who was there
forehand handed over a
device which was containing a disclosure plan and
that disclosure plan
presumably involves the galactics kind of putting
together a sequence of
events that would
result in humanity being told the truth about what's
happening out there
now it sounds like what is happening to you
could be part of that
plan because now I mean you're you're meeting your
aspect of you which is
part of the international secret space program
you're starting to remember more you've
had meetings with him
and right now we're having um a disclosure plan kind
of like
starting to unfold
with UFOs being suddenly talked about ad nauseum in
mainstream media you
know at the moment it's a threat but it soon can
morph into something
else so um yeah I mean what do you feel uh how
do you feel about that
I mean is is there a bigger disclosure plan
happening and that you're part of this
absolutely absolutely
that's the whole point of many of us you know when I
mini I mean we're
talking millions and millions of different you know
what we call starseeds coming in it's and once
this process of
evolution at the human race has been completed many
of us will
go to another planet
where their third density going into fourth and
they're you know it's just the process because what
it is once your
race has moved on past
like the fourth density or so into the fifth
then you've come
together enough that you can go and assist other
races in
their Ascension and so
that's just the process it's very normal um and
there is always a plan
um and Earth Earth is
a little bit you know special and unusual because
been so much negative
interference for so very long um and there are a lot
of things have
been put in place to
suppress memory and to keep control over
population and that
type of thing and so
because of those issues the plan has to be
more crafted you know
and more carefully placed but it's important that
even if
you're coming in as
another race that you have to Incarnate through that
whatever race in this case is human you
have to Incarnate
through the humans to have The Human Experience to
maintain the Free Will
abrogation so that you
don't land a giant spacecraft you know into a
society that can't
handle it you know it'll start shooting at you or it
start shooting at one
another you know because out of fear you know and
and right now we're not 100 out of
that you know um so
like you say there will be a like a layout the plan
Earth and for humans
is for it to become more common to see UFO so that
it will
be no big deal you
know it might be cool to watch but you're like okay
yeah see yep oh I get it now you know then the
next step will be with
them communicating with people more directly and
then you know eventually someday
landing on on the
earth and it really depends on humans it truly
depends on
humans and how how we
approach the situation if we can come together
as a human race and
say okay you know let's accept this this is the fact
not freak out you know
let's not start shooting at things and start going
if we can get to that
point they'll land as soon as we're there but we're
just not there yet
I've heard uh similar
things uh from uh JP my Army Source Who who very
was taken into an
underground facility in Florida and saw a Spaceport
with all
of these Nordic craft
that he has seen before actually he took a photo of
one of the Craft
um back in 2018 uh
with with two nordics in it and I actually did
publish it on
my website so that
photo is available uh but he saw that he saw
hundreds of these
crafts in this
underground base and he said they are now working
with the underground
civilizations and they
are going to start revealing themselves just as you
said so that so that it does seem to be
a disclosure plan
where methodically and gradually all humanity is
going to be
introduced more and
more to these uh strange craft that are flying that
one can explain
satisfactorily and then at some point the light's
going to turn on and it's going to be like well
they're actually
extraterrestrial but I but I believe that they'll
probably first reveal the
secret space program
first to just get people's confidence up that oh you
know uh you know the Earth's Nations have
their own anti-gravity
craft you know we can kick butt out there and and
then eventually it'll be like oh oh by the
way extraterrestrials
are here as well yeah we haven't been here all along
you know and it's it's it's it's so exciting
to me because people
have no idea I mean I know there's there's a lot of
horror stories you know because that that's
just part of life it's
got to be a balance but the beauty of what's out
there you
know the ex the
excitement I know that people will experience and
the joy and the Wonders
that that are
available if we're just ready for it you know and uh
I I can't
wait you know I
remember a lot of it so it's not going to be such a
shock for me
obviously but I I just
you know people are afraid uh to let go of old
especially religious
Concepts that say if you don't believe this you're
going to go to hell or you're never going to you
know you know you know be accepted
you know into a heaven
state which those are all lies you know to keep you
opening your mind to
accepting you know extraterrestrials to accepting
the truth
of what's really out
there you know and those are those are the reasons
you know um because religion has been a very very
powerful control over
Humanity for a very long time and to the point that
people have killed
over it and they and and it's just it's been
happening for a long long time here
on Earth you know and
once we can get past the mindset of you not wanting
kill somebody else
over the fact they don't believe like you then we're
opening ourselves to being ready to
accept the truth one
thing it's very important to mention that there is
confirmation for the
things that you've been describing the things that
Elena has been describing the and the things
that JP has been
telling me um recently a very prominent uh founder
of a Washington DC
Think Tank called the Arlington Institute uh John
Peterson and
I talked about this in
my recent webinar webinar what's coming in 2023 for
those that want to go in into this more deeply
to find out what he
said but but he was told by three independent
sources and
and the important
thing is that the Arlington Institute is in no way
associated with UFO the UFO movement
it's an independent
Think Tank funded by the U.S Navy to come up with
future scenarios
for Advanced
Technologies being kind of disseminated on the earth
and how the US
Navy would respond to
all of that but he was he was said uh in an
interview he just did with recently with Greg Braden
he said that three
independent credible sources had told him very
similar things
to what you and Elena
and JP have been saying that that negative
extraterrestrials have had to leave positive
extraterrestrials have taken
over our solar system
and are working with uh Earth governments the Earth
Alliance to promote
disclosure and that this is this is going to be
happening very soon so you know there's some
people that are
listening to all of this made me think well you know
this is opium or this is kind of like just uh
wishful thinking but
in fact there's independent corroboration from a
very credible Washington area Think Tank
funded by the Navy
confirming a lot of what you've said well that's
amazing I wasn't aware of
that um but uh you
know and even if even if there is a dash of hopium
in there we
need it you know we
need hope and we need to see a future that is that
is real and that
is positive and and
that is loving and we don't have that to focus on we
can't manifest it
well there's the you
know the old adage uh where your attention goes
reality flows oh yeah so you you put your
attention on positive
outcomes that's the reality you're gonna create and
um and so I'm very glad to be working with
you Elena Jean Charles
uh JP and others that do have a positive Vision that
don't get us to dwell
on the gloom and doom scenarios that we focus on the
because the more we
focus on the positive put our attention on that then
then we are actually participating in
the creality in the
creation of this incredible new reality and I think
you're doing really wonderful in in
putting out that
message with you know what you do and of course your
your Dean's device so maybe as we kind of
bring this to a close
you want to just give people an update on the things
that you're doing the deems device and
anything else that
you're doing now that can help people prepare for
what's coming
well as far as the the
deems uh device you know that um I'm still building
we're on a Hiatus
right now I had a foot injury I'm recovering from so
I can't build at the moment but
um so those are still
you know available and we're in many many more
countries and I'm just really really grateful for
that you know because
that was a piece of technology I brought back
um that was part of my
negotiation for my final 20 years was I wanted to
bring that technology back it was called
something else I call
it the dean's device um because I know Humanity
needed it the
humans need to
understand that we are creating like you just said
we are creating our reality thought is love and
love and thought are
what creates our current reality and so uh this
device the deems device
all it all it really
does is have a electromagnetic magnetic field and a
piezoelectric energy
field that it creates and it's a passive type of
technology that just
gives your body the ample energy that it needs to do
what it
needs to do whether
it's work um on your energy body your physical body
for your pain relief or healing
because piezoelectric
energy is what our brain our pineal gland and our
system use so um
that's the type of understandings that we as humans
humans need to
understand is that all
the answers are internal you know all the healing is
internal I
mean it's it's we do
it ourselves our physical body and so bringing these
because all technology all high the
highest technology out
there in some form or fashion is magnets and
so I'm working on
doing research and helping to bring some of the
um and crystalline
technology here to Earth the deems is the first of
those devices and I am working on others
um to you know to do
some things I probably shouldn't say what they're
quite at this point in time I will
reveal some you know
some stuff in uh in October in the uh the gist at
um so it's a it's a
work in progress you know and I'm we're doing
experiments and
trying different
crystals and different things to see really what
works and I didn't used to believe in Crystal and
Technology I really didn't
you know I did a lot
of research for for museums around the world and so
I had a very technical thinking type of research
mind but when I began
to understand and research you know the crystalline
structure and the
nature of crystals in how energy flows through them
then I began to understand
how it is that we are
manifesting you know our own reality and so that's
main lesson uh and the
main purpose for for the deems company is to help
learn to do things for
themselves so where do people go to find out more
about uh the deems and
what you're doing and if they want to get in touch
with you where do they go
well if you want to
get in touch our email is uh
gmail.com that's
d-e-e-m-s device
d-e-v-i-c-e at
gmail.com or you can go to Dean's company
.com and we have our
website there well I want to thank you Chris for
coming on mixer
politics today and and sharing some of your
experiences and the knowledge about what's what's
and what's happening
up there in secret space program so thank you and
oh thank you Aloha you
know Michael for allowing me to be here and thank
you everyone for watching I
truly appreciative of
that thank you
you have been
listening to exopolitics today with Dr Michael Salah
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