by Tyler Durden
February 15,
ZeroHedge Website
Italian version

"Believers" in man-made global warming show their love
and devotion for "mother earth" and are bent on saving
it at all costs.
Their prophecies of doom have repeatedly failed.
have long abandoned legitimate science to embrace
pseudo-science, forcing the data to fit their
preconceived conclusions.
time they stopped getting a free pass to change society.
Where is
this "Climate Crisis"
that Activists
keep talking about...?
Climate change hysteria has
been an ongoing point of social contention since at least the 1980s.
For the past 40 years,
western countries have been relentlessly bombarded with
global warming propaganda and
predictions of an environmental cataclysm.
Many people spent their
formative childhoods and school years being indoctrinated with tales
of oblivion...
a world in which the
oceans rise hundreds of feet and land masses are swallowed by
the waves.
A world in which
exponentially rising temperatures create havoc with the weather
as millions die from hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding and

The United Nations
As many of us now know, all of these claims ended up being
The glaciers and polar ice caps
never melted.
The land is not
covered by the seas.
The only famine today
is a result of
economic disaster, not climate
And, most endangered
species have not disappeared from the planet...
But, climate scientists
chasing billions of dollars in funding from governments and
globalist think tanks still say the weather Apocalypse is coming...
they were wrong for 40 years, but we should trust them now.
The "debate is over" they
say, and we must defer to the "experts."
But where is the
evidence of this climate crisis that these well funded
scientists and activists keep talking about?
Where are the weather
One can see the very
tangible results of our ongoing economic crisis; inflation and high
prices, floundering consumers relying on credit cards, mass layoffs
in the tech industry spreading to other sectors, etc.
People are experiencing
the downturn and they can witness the consequences for themselves.
If the climate cult wants
people to take them seriously, they will have to show some kind of
visible proof that global warming is real and a legitimate
The problem is, they
have no proof, and so they are forced to dishonestly connect
every single bad weather event to "climate change" as a means to
frighten the public.
Let's look at the real
weather data and see if supposedly dangerous man-made
carbon emissions are somehow
contributing to weather calamity.
The US is often cited as a primary carbon polluter (even
though nations like China produce 30% of global carbon emissions
while the US produces only 14%).
Let's look at a track
record of US weather data and see if we can find signs of impending
disaster. If the problem is global, then it should certainly be
visible in US weather as much as any other country.
How about hurricanes?
Every time a
hurricane hits the Gulf Coast the mainstream media rants about
climate change as the cause.
But has there been a
significant increase in hurricanes in the US?
No, there has not
according to long term data.
Storms are forming at
a rate consistent with
the historic record.

What about major
flooding events?
Has there been more
downpours and raging rivers?
No, there has not.
Flooding events are not
happening at a greater frequency or severity today than they have in
past decades. Even climate scientists are forced to admit that US
and global flood damage has been in
decline for decades.
Data of damage as a
proportion of GDP shows this.

Does this mean we are
facing increasing drought conditions?
Surely, global
warming is causing significant damage through loss of rainfall?
Nope, that's not
happening either.
The worst droughts in
recent US history occurred in
the 1930s and 1950s.

Maybe we can see a
noticeable shift in tornadoes and severe weather inland?
Are there more deadly
tornadoes today than years ago?
No, there are not.
In fact, dangerous
tornadoes have been declining.

Climate change hysteria often relies on the theory of
temperature "tipping points" as a basis for their arguments.
Official temp data only
goes back to the 1880s, giving us a tiny window to view climate and
compare data from today with the data from the past.
According to the
NOAA, global temps have risen less than 1°C in 100 years.
They assert that it
only takes a 1.5°C increase to trigger a "tipping point" event
that could destroy the Earth as we know it.
There is no evidence
to support tipping point theory, nor is there a historic
Certainly there is no
evidence in the weather, and skeptics are having a difficult time
finding any indications that a catastrophe is on the horizon.
If anything, the data proves that,
man-made carbon
emissions have no effect on weather events...
So, if we are on the
verge of global warming annihilation, it's not because human
industry caused it.
The truth is, climate change has become a religious ideology,
an extension of Earth worship based on faith rather than facts.
And like every religion,
the climate cult needs an Apocalypse mythology, an end of the
world image to keep the flock in line.
Every decade they
conjure up new tales of inevitable
destruction unless we follow their rules and bow to
their whims...
It is a sad attempt to
co-opt science as a tool for zealotry.