by Adrian Salbuchi
New Dawn 139
(July-August 2013)
NewDawnMagazine Website

In recent years we have seen more and more science-fiction-like
nanotechnologies integrated into incredibly tiny
(Radio Frequency Identification Devices).
These devices can be
embedded into a person's body to serve as a
Global Power Master controlling
mechanism as they increasingly encroach on civil liberties,
political freedom and peoples' sovereignty everywhere.
Many people relate this to historically recurrent 'End-Times'
predictions, such as the ominous prophecy in the christian book of
Revelation. Others more pragmatically point their fingers at
the total political and economic control the Elite intends to impose
upon all of mankind.
Let's do some mental Aikido and take a more Zen approach towards
this problem.
Yes, it is true that
developments in these and many other types of technologies are
moving at a highly dynamic, even frantic pace, making it harder to
understand and cope with the changes they bring about and, more
importantly, to identify the perils they entail in a correct and
timely manner.
Every day we learn of some new micro-electronic wunderapparat
unimaginable until yesterday.
Some RFIDs are so tiny
they can be implanted in the human body without us being aware of
them; thus, beware of pandemic-scare induced mass
vaccinations that could serve to slip one into you!
We also have retinal
scanners and other ID gadgets, remote controlled drones as small as
birds and insects, and a myriad of snooping devices of every shape
and kind.
I've Got You
Under My Skin…
Frankie Valli sang this song when I was a teenager in the
who would have
thought that half a century later a rash might not actually come
from a girlfriend you like, but from some RFID chip that - like
it or not - someone stuck under your skin?
Luckily, the grave
dangers of this are being understood by increasing numbers of people
who rightfully perceive that RFIDs are not just technological
wonders but tools for total control used by the
Global Power Masters - and they
need us to accept them 'voluntarily' even if with varying degrees of
fear and misgivings.
In other words,
people must either be
persuaded or forced into accepting them.
Persuasion, of course, is
the preferred road, but if that doesn't work, well… we'd all better
watch out!
Their mass propaganda - through movies, advertising, TV - instills
into the brains of millions of people the voluntary acceptance of
Radio Frequency Identification chips.
They use swarms of
different arguments all designed to convince us that chipping will
make life safer, easier and more secure.
They tell us we won't need to carry 'stealable' cash around with us
anymore; that if we suddenly fall ill on the street or when
travelling our full medical records will be right there on us for
emergency medics to retrieve; and - think! - if your little child is
late coming home from school, no need to panic:
his electronic tag
will identify his location for you…
In a truly mature,
just, morally solid and intellectually balanced
'society,' the mass application of such technological advancements
could represent a true blessing.
But in today's world,
this is at best naïve and utopian.
We all know that the
problem is not the technology in itself, but rather the inevitable
development and application of the technology by the power elites to
serve their demented goals.
Thankfully, people in every country are
slowly waking up to the fact that
over and above national governments - whether 'democratically
elected' or not - there reigns a mostly unseen and immensely
global elite.
It increasingly distorts
the forces shaping society, mocks the genuine desires and
expectations of decent people everywhere, and is bent on imposing
its will upon all of us.
They are, in fact,
forging a veritable World Government right before our noses in which
they and only they will call the shots.
Call it,
...or any other
conspiracy flavor you prefer.
We can sense it and catch
glimpses of its dark shadow passing over key world events.
If we listen very
closely, we can even hear it whispering ideas and orders hither and
dither to,
...in an immense variety
of organizations and institutions.
Don't Throw
the Baby Out With the Bath Water
Right now there are two basic actions we can take:
implementation by the ruling power elites to enslave us
Design socially
constructive awareness-generating applications of these
We know the Global
Power Masters would love to chip us all right here and now.
Recently, a U.S. Senate
Republican High Tech Task Force praised RFID chip applications,
describing them as,
"exciting new
technologies… holding tremendous promise for our economy."
They vowed to "protect"
RFIDs from regulation and legislation. 1
When confronted with such challenges, we must first of all properly
grasp what the problem is really all about so that we don't fight
back in the wrong way and miss out on hidden opportunities.
History shows that when
revolutionary inventions appear, peoples' first reactions are
often of 'fear and trembling'.
As we all know, we
get used to new technologies, just as we are familiarized with a
million different new things in life:
some better, some
Let's understand how we
can use these technologies to fight back.
How we can fool
their System
How we can mock
their controls, checkpoints, scans, radars and surveillance
How we can
understand the Matrix by
taking a step back and looking at the Matrix from outside in
order to understand what makes it tick
More is on the Way…
The 'next generation' of technology is on its way, and as always is
driven by the strategic logic of military application.
The London-based Voice
of Russia quoted Russian defence minister Anatoli Serdjukov
stating in March 2012 that,
"the development of
weaponry based on new physics principals - direct-energy
weapons, geophysical weapons, wave-energy weapons, 2
genetic weapons, psychotronic weapons, and so on - is part of
the state arms procurement program for 2011-2020." 3
Britain's Daily Mail
newspaper explains that research in electromagnetic weaponry has
been secretly carried out in the U.S. and Russia since the 1950's
"previous research
showing that low-frequency radio waves or beams can affect brain
cells, alter psychological states, making it possible to
transmit suggestions and commands directly into people's brains
though processes with high doses of microwaves damaging the
function of internal organs, controlling behavior and even
driving victims to suicide." 4
Their target is clear:
our physical brains
and thereby our minds.
What's the antidote...?
Clearly, when confronted
with increasingly dangerous mind games the one true antidote is
lucidity and awareness. The power elites know only too
well that it will be difficult to get people to accept RFIDs and
similar technologies of control.
This is why they are
actively working on setting up a veritable 'gate' through which they
hope billions of people will pass, even if they have to do so
against their will and desire.
This, unfortunately, is very dangerous because that Gate lies
precisely where the Global Power Masters are strongest and where
they wield the most control:
The Money Gate
The Book of the Revelation says that in the 'End-Times'
satanic forces will reign that,
"causeth all, both
small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark
in their right hand or in their foreheads; that no man might buy
or sell, save he that hath the mark or the name of the beast, or
the number of his name, 666." 5
This might actually turn
out to be a self-fulfilling prophecy, but nevertheless it is coming
about. Literally...
We are moving away from
the use of real money - i.e., paper currency - and being pushed,
coaxed, trapped and ensnared into using electronic-based money. It
is happening fast and this change requires we all have 'the mark of
the Beast'…
Sweden, for instance, is on the verge of
outlawing real money and just
having plastic and electronic funny money as the only way to buy and
Svenska Dagbladet - Sweden's
main conservative newspaper - recently reported that Swedbank
informed its branch offices in the fashionable Stockholm
neighborhood of Ostermalm they will no longer operate with cash
money for payments or withdrawal of funds:
Only electronic
Cash has been abolished
at this branch with many more branches following suit. It has also
been reported that Germany began to abolish cash transactions step
by step from August 2012.
And it's happening all
across the world, but particularly in Western countries
dominated by the power elites.
Financial institutions are selling the idea of cashless transactions
by saying it makes life much easier for 'customers' and 'users'.
Marketing goes something like this:
plastic and
electronic funds transfers are forms of "intelligent money,"
whilst good old currency bills in your pocket is "stupid money."
"Intelligent" electronic
money allows the banking system to exert full control of all money,
something they cannot do when money is in the form of "stupid" cash.
The goal is clear:
replace and annul the
use of cash, meaning that anonymous operations are no longer
Every electronic
transaction leaves a trail:
if anyone is targeted
the Powers That Be for whatever
reason, they will know what you bought, when, from whom and for
how much, and will know or infer what you bought it for.
If you are
algorithmically or otherwise marked as a 'rebel' or - God forbid! -
'terrorist', then your chip ID will be cancelled and you're dead! At
least in economic and financial terms.
Life will then become a
very, very difficult challenge…
The European Union is pushing the
idea that full control over private transactions is a must.
Their excuse:
money laundering.
Although the greatest
money launderers in the world for many decades are the megabanks
Goldman Sachs
And not just in corrupt
countries like,
...but in,
...where corruption is
rampant amongst top government and banking officers, albeit
implemented with better PR image marketing.
Controlling all assets - public and private - ensures that when
banks really blow it, they will not only have recourse to be
'bailed-out' by governments using taxpayer money, but they will also
be 'bailed-in' by their confiscation of clients' bank account
balances, as we recently saw happen in Cyprus with the
Laiki Bank and the
Bank of Cyprus.
The 'Chipping of Mankind' is the Global Power Elite's 'product of
the future' with which they expect to impose full economic and
financial control over people.
It comes with a strong
PsyOps module that for many decades has been telling and teaching us
what money is and what money is not, all aligned of course to their
However, when you study the power elites more closely and read
between the lines, you realize they have identified a series of
'public enemies'.
First and foremost is the
Sovereign Nation-State, a veritable
wall that is their 'Public Enemy No. 1' so to speak.
A truly sovereign State
necessarily has two inalienable functions and goals:
to promote the
Common Good of the majority of the population inside a
country's borders
to defend the
National Interest when confronted with the huge challenges
and perils of today's tremendously dangerous world 'order'
Coming very close behind,
the Elite's 'Public Enemy No. 2' is
Sovereign National Currencies.
Just as Sovereign
Nation-States in country after country have been purposely
eroded into 'colonial administrative entities', the concept of
Sovereign Currency has been eroded into funny 'private money'
controlled by the megabankers themselves.
Let's take a closer look at this because understanding the true
nature of money and currency can make all the difference in
surviving what the Elite have in store for us.
Public Money =
Real Money / Private Money = Fraud
There are basically two types of money, something the boys over at
The Financial Times and Wall Street Journal will
certainly never tell you:
Public Money
Private Money
- Public
Money is the dollar, euro, peso and pound bills in your
pocket that circulate in different countries and regions of the
It is issued by
public banking authorities, normally a national central bank
having monopoly issuance rights. Any private citizen trying to
print such money will, if caught, end up in jail.
And rightly so,
because counterfeiting currency adds money to the national and
regional financial system, but adds no work to the Real Economy.
Whilst decent people work to earn money (which means they give
something of value to the Real Economy in exchange for their
build cars,
roads, bake bread, render services), anyone who counterfeits
currency is an antisocial private individual who enjoys the
benefits of what money can buy without contributing anything
of value in exchange.
The message to people
is clear:
You want money?
Work for it!
- Private
Money, however, is created
by private banks working
together as a 'system' which thanks to Fractional Lending
legally allows them to create loans for amounts 10, 20 or 50
times greater than the size of the actual currency deposits in
their vaults.
To add insult to
injury, after creating money out of thin air, they then lend it
out to individuals, companies, even government, charging
interest for those loans!
Private banking money, however, is just a figure on your bank
statement or a blip on your ATM screen.
Like all screens it
can go blank,
'in a moment, in
the twinkling of an eye…'
Because private
banking money is a figment of your imagination.
The message this
System gives to the bankers is also clear:
You want money?
Create it out of nothing!
Why are banks allowed to
do this in country after country you might ask?
Because they have grown
so immensely rich and powerful, they operate as a cartel that
finances and brings politicians and government officers into power
who are aligned to their interests, and who will time and again do
their bidding, sanctioning the laws, rules and regulations they need
to do this.
Doing away with cash transactions amongst people and organizations
means doing away with 'stupid' Public Money, and replacing it
with electronic and plastic 'intelligent' Private Bank Money. Music
to bankers' ears...!
When the system goes global - international or, should we say,
supranational - then there is no limit to how much each bank can
create out of nothing.
And when Megabankers'
ponzi schemes periodically and predictably come crashing down like a
castle of cards then, no sweat:
the bankers
either maneuver to get a government 'bail-out' using
taxpayer money (because the megabanks are 'too big to fail',
or they impose a
'bail-in' stealing their account-holders' deposits
Isn't it nice to be a
banker in today's,
parasite-controlled financial system
which, in turn,
controls the economy
which, in turn,
controls government through suitably aligned politicians and
political parties
which, in turn,
drives the displacement of Public Money with Private Money
which, in turn,
irrecoverably indebts government to the Megabankers
who, in turn,
order governments to promote and impose the chipping of
their populations…
Simultaneously, for
decades now the global mega-banking establishment has worked really
hard through the media, universities and their own key players to
blind us to a key factor that no one ever talks about:
the huge difference
that exists between Public Money (Sovereign Currency issued by
the State that can generate interest-free loans) and Private
Money (created by private banks out of almost nothing which can
grow exponentially through compound interest).
Death Trap
To ensure that all countries come neatly under the fold and carry
out all these insidious plans, nations must themselves become
artificially indebted to the Megabankers through Sovereign-Debt
death traps.
In order to achieve the goal of controlling each and every
individual through government-imposed chipping, first you must
control governments.
Here's how that works:
The private
Megabanker cabal uses their leverage/control over governments
and politicians to ensure legislation is passed making sure the
local central bank never provides the correct and proper amounts
(volume) of Public Money that the real economy of goods,
services and investment needs.
This will invariably
lead to a credit crunch or inflation (or even both). 6
Then, in come the private
bankers, asking governments:
"Do you need money to
build highways, finance defence, education and health? No
problem: we'll lend all you want!"
Governments start and
keep borrowing and borrowing, way beyond their means, whereupon
fiscal indiscipline and collapse kicks in…
Bankers and successive politicians then refinance 'sovereign-debt'
again and again until it balloons way beyond all repayment
possibilities of the victim-nations.
The politicians will
merely dump that into the 'public debt' and leave it for future
generations to pay; whilst the bankers cash in on the interest
Ah, the wonders of
compound interest...! And so whole nations fall under the grip of
the Megabankers…
Candidate Managers
Why does this happen again and again in many countries and regions?
Bad luck? Inept
management? Sheer stupidity? Corruption?
Yes, of course. All of
them are true, correct and we read about them in the papers every
But there may also be
another 'missing factor' well worth keeping in mind...
Are we seeing a new generation of increasingly 'chipped',
prime ministers
...that are wittingly or
unwittingly doing their job as public 'managers and CEO's' for the
Are properly modulated and directed electromagnetic waves and other
technologies and systems behind the political decisions and blunders
of our political leaders?
Perhaps studying, identifying and understanding them more closely
will help unravel their global reach and huge power.
It might even expose
notorious 'Manchurian
Candidates' who - like an army of berserk, amok-running
madmen - are occasionally triggered to suddenly go on shooting
sprees and bombing attacks in schools, campuses, military
facilities, shopping malls, movie houses, marathons, street corners,
for no apparent reason as we see happen rather seldom in the U.S.
and elsewhere…
Or maybe there are very clear reasons… We're just not looking in the
right places.
Time to start taking a
second look at all these developments and facts and begin thinking
more and more with our own minds and brains.
"Smart Cards" in
a Surveillance Society:
The Implanted Radio-Frequency
Identification Chip: RFID tags implanted in physical objects
or human beings - by Tom Burghardt, Global
HAARP - High Frequency
Active Auroral Research Program - has long been suspected of
being able to trigger earthquakes in areas where tectonic
plates are known to be unstable by getting them to vibrate
at their resonant frequency. They might not be able to
actually create an earthquake any place they wish, but they
can certainly trigger one that is ripe to happen: in Iran,
China, Russia, Japan, for example…
targets foes with 'zombie' gun which attack victims' central
nervous system", Daily Mail, 31 March 2012
The exact amount
of currency a national economic system needs is absolutely
calculable using proper metrics (i.e., velocity of
circulation in each industrial sector, geographical area,
demographics, social and strategic infrastructure needs, and
a vast number of other identifiable and calculable factors).