by Makia Freeman
June 23,
TheFreedomArticles Website
Spanish version

Do you know what your virome is?
normal human virome is full of viruses,
'scary' ones like HIV & hepatitis.
time to dispel the myth of a killer virus
learn the truth about the humble virus.
THE STORY: Part of the reason governments could lockdown entire
nations was due to people's ignorance of the nature of
viruses and disease.
IMPLICATIONS: Fact: viruses symbiotically co-exist with us.
Fact: we
all have trillions of them within us in our virome.
Fact: viruses can protect us against disease. Time to
radically change our view of viruses... so our
ignorance is not exploited again with more fake
Did you know the normal
human virome contains a multitude of different viruses, including
many strains of coronavirus?
And did you know that some of these
viruses sound scary - the type people normally associate with
disease - even though the person carrying them may be completely
healthy and/or asymptomatic?
As discussed in previous articles, the
virome (similar to the word
microbiome for bacteria) refers to,
the community of viruses that naturally and usually live
within us...
Far from causing harm, they form a vital part of our bodies and
immune system, existing in symbiosis with us and playing an
important role in our healing response.
COVID coronavirus event
has exploited people's ignorance over the nature of the virus and
the nature of disease.
This is an
opportunity for us to educate ourselves, to come out of fear, to
understand the base assumptions and deceptions behind the COVID
propaganda, and to be prepared when the
New World Order (NWO)
controllers try to pull their next trick in Operation Coronavirus,
2nd wave.
Introducing… Your Wonderful Virome
It's high time for
us to examine the whole narrative of the
killer virus.
narrative itself is founded on germ theory, the idea that there are
dangerous, infectious pathogens 'out there' which can spread quickly
and invade our bodies no matter seemingly what we do.
It makes for a
good Hollywood movie (Outbreak
with Dustin Hoffman) or Netflix series (the
Explained series episode titled
The Next Pandemic with our good friend and NWO frontman
Bill Gates), but is it a good theory to actually describe and
predict disease?
I would say no, especially when we consider the
alternative model of host theory
or terrain theory.
Host/terrain theory emphasizes the importance of the inner
terrain or bio terrain:
your gut, bloodstream and the environment
inside of you...
Host/terrain theory teaches that your state of health
or disease is dependent upon how well or poorly you develop and
maintain your inner terrain.
It speaks of the
microbiome (the community
of bacteria inside of you)...
Many people have heard of the
but how many have heard of the
The virome is to viruses just as the microbiome is
to bacteria.
Both are fundamental to who we are and
our state of
These small companions are present in our body in massive
the number of
bacteria in our body outnumber the
'human' cells in
our body at a 10:1 ratio, while the virome is estimated to
trillion viruses.
2017 Scientific Study: Normal
Human Virome Full of Many Viruses in 42% of Test Subjects
With this in mind,
take a close look at this 2017 study entitled
The blood DNA
virome in 8,000 humans.
It found that a staggering 42% of people had all sorts of viruses in
them despite being in fine health!
Some of these were even viruses
we have been taught to fear, such as
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency
Virus), hepatitis, influenza and herpes.
Here is an excerpt from the
"The characterization of the
virome is important for the safety of
blood-derived transfusion
products, and for the identification of emerging pathogens.
explored non-human sequence data from whole-genome sequencing of
blood from 8,240 individuals,
none of whom were ascertained for any infectious disease. Viral
sequences were extracted from the pool of sequence reads that
did not map to the human reference genome.
Analyses sifted
through close to 1 Petabyte of sequence data and performed 0.5
trillion similarity searches.
With a lower bound for
identification of 2 viral genomes/100,000 cells, we mapped
sequences to 94 different viruses, including sequences from 19
human DNA viruses, proviruses and
RNA viruses (herpesviruses, anelloviruses, papillomaviruses,
three polyomaviruses, adenovirus, HIV, HTLV, hepatitis B,
hepatitis C, parvovirus B19, and influenza virus) in 42% of the
study participants.
Of possible relevance to transfusion
medicine, we identified,
Merkel cell polyomavirus
in 49 individuals
papillomavirus in
of 13 individuals
parvovirus B19 in 6 individuals
presence of herpesvirus 8 in 3 individuals
The presence of
DNA sequences from two RNA
viruses was unexpected:
Hepatitis C virus is revealing of an
integration event, while the influenza virus sequence resulted
from immunization with a DNA
Age, sex and ancestry contributed significantly to the
prevalence of infection.
The remaining 75 viruses mostly reflect
extensive contamination of commercial reagents and from the
environment. These technical problems represent a major
challenge for the identification of novel human pathogens.
Increasing availability of human whole-genome sequences will
contribute substantial amounts of data on the composition of the
normal and pathogenic human blood
Other Recent Studies on Viruses
Here are some
quotes and conclusions of other studies on the virome.
This 2019 study
The Gut Virome - The 'Missing Link'
between gut Bacteria and Host Immunity? analyzed the
importance of the virome on human immunity:
"Despite its predominance, the
virome remains one of the least understood components of the gut
microbiota, with appropriate analysis toolkits still in
Based on its interconnectivity with all living
cells, it is clear that the virome cannot be studied in
The human
intestinal microbiome
represents one of the most complex ecosystems on Earth
and has
taken millions of years to coevolve.
DNA and RNA viruses that
collectively make up the intestinal virome outnumber bacterial
cells by as much as 10:1, and include eukaryotic viruses which
infect eukaryotic cells, endogenous retroviruses, bacterial
viruses (i.e. bacteriophages) and archaeal viruses that infect
Diet is an important and constant
environmental and lifestyle factor that can influence the gut
microbiome, including its viral component.
interactions between virome components and bacteria highlights
that there are additional layers of complexity to consider in
terms of host-microbial homeostasis."
This 2019 study
Human Virome and Disease - High-Throughput Sequencing for Virus
Discovery, Identification of Phage-Bacteria Dysbiosis and
Development of Therapeutic Approaches with Emphasis on the Human Gut
suggested we intake prebiotics and
probiotics to affect our
"Although virome-directed
therapeutic research is still in the relatively early stages of
development, it has been suggested that directly or indirectly
altering the virome may improve health outcomes in disease
phenotypes associated with virome perturbations.
The use of
(e.g., inulin and fructooligosaccharides) and
probiotics, for instance,
may indirectly target the virome since these may potentially
affect bacterial membership and function."
Finally, this 2018
The Intestinal Virome and Immunity
concluded that viruses can play a beneficial role in human health:
"While we continue to perform
essential research into the pathogenic role of viruses and
develop antivirals and vaccines, we can no longer ignore the
possibility that they function as components of the microbiome.
Like bacteria, the effects that viruses have are critically
dependent on their tissue location, microenvironment and host.
These factors will directly influence whether the virus acts
beneficially, detrimentally or remains neutral for the host…
This research will certainly lead to the discovery of novel ways
in which viruses interact with the host that we can potentially
harness for disease prevention and therapies.
It may even be
possible to engineer enteric viruses with desirable traits, much
like current attempts at administering oncolytic viruses as
adjuvants for
cancer therapy."
Final Thoughts
A study of human
history shows that it is frequently those who think creatively and
originally - outside of the established groupthink - who become the
pioneers of new models and technologies which better serve humanity.
In one of my previous articles linked to above (here),
I discussed the brilliant German virologist Dr. Stefan Lanka, who
won a landmark case in the German Supreme Court proving that measles
was not a virus.
Dr. Andrew Kaufman has made a name for himself
during this time of COVID by speaking out strongly against the idea
of a killer virus and instead pointing to the evidence that the body
exosomes (tiny
particles) which in turn become bacteria and viruses.
reiterates the research of others, namely that,
viruses have never
been proven to be the cause of COVID or any disease at all...!
In its
essence, the virus is information,
RNA encapsulated in a protective
lipid or fat layer...
As a community of viruses, the
virome is,
a sort of library or central database of information, one
in which we are very much in our infancy of understanding.
My hope
is that people can use Operation Coronavirus to wake up, including
doing such things as learning about the virome and radically
transforming the way they look at viruses and disease.
This must be
done quickly, before the next wave of fear, hype, propaganda,
lockdown, tyranny and array of forced medical interventions by the
We know it's coming and we have to act now
- while we still