by Robert W Malone MD, MS
May 31, 2022
Rwmalonemd Website

Will the
blatant fearporn ever stop?
The controlled
media have no shame...
If Ronald Reagan were still with us, I suspect we would be
you go again" replays...

First came the coordinated media blast of public
health-related fearporn.
For example, the image from Jake Tapper's CNN broadcast
program "The
Lead" of May 20, 2022 (above image) which appears to me to
be a case of smallpox, not monkeypox...
Another example involves the self-explanatory paired images below.

And of course
the Bill and Melinda
Gates, funded GAVI text, which is quite
blatant, claiming 10% mortality, which I covered in my
substack article concerning Monkeypox and fearporn.
I almost
cannot believe that I am writing this, but since my original
substack article on this topic, we had the reveal of an
Event 201-style
wargame exercise
modeled around a bioterror-related release of an engineered
Monkeypox virus,
"caused by a terrorist attack using a pathogen engineered
in a laboratory with inadequate biosafety and biosecurity
provisions and weak oversight."
With amazing (coincidental?) prescience, the "table top exercise" of
March 2021 (one year and three months into the Covidcrisis)
models a Monkeypox bioterror attack initiated on May 15,
Note the date of the
CNN / Jake Tapper
fearporn piece:
May 20,
The modeling deployed in the scenario upon which the "exercise" was
based predicts 3.2 billion cases and 271 million deaths by December
01, 2023.
Of course, the predictive accuracy of the simplistic public health
models such as that used to support this scenario have repeatedly
proven to be absolutely horrid, and these types of models should be
either relegated to the trash heap (or ongoing dumpster fire) as
unscientific speculation which is all too frequently weaponized by
the fearporn peddlers
such as CNN, MSNBC, NYT, Washington Post.
By now we all know the usual USG and WEF-controlled media players...

As the Italian's like to say:
Niente e lasciato al caso...
happens by chance...
As we now know, the
amazing foresight of this modeled date immediately preceded a
seminal WHO meeting,
which has just
concluded, in which international health regulation (IHR)
modifications which would grant the
WHO 'unprecedented powers to
bypass national constitutions' (proposed on January 23, 2022 by
the US HHS) were actively considered but
tabled for a future
meeting (~November 2022 or
2024...?) largely due to African nation concerns
regarding infringement of national sovereignty.
The stated purpose
of the "exercise" was remarkably well aligned with the stated
objectives and topics proposed by US HHS in the submitted IHR
establish a new global biosecurity entity dedicated to
reducing emerging biological risks that can accompany
certain technology advances.
Its mission
will be to reduce the risks of catastrophic consequences due
to accidents, inadvertent misuse, or deliberate abuse of
bioscience and biotechnology by promoting stronger global
biosecurity norms and developing tools and incentives to
uphold them.
To explore
the possibility of establishing a new Joint Assessment
Mechanism to investigate high consequence biological events
of unknown origin.
This new
mechanism would operate at the "seam" between existing
mechanisms - including World Health Organization (WHO)
outbreak investigation capabilities and the United Nations
(UN) Secretary-General's Mechanism for investigating alleged
deliberate bioweapons use - thereby strengthening UN system
capabilities to investigate pandemic origins.
To advocate
for establishing a catalytic, multilateral financing
mechanism for global health security and pandemic
The goal is
to accelerate sustainable biosecurity and pandemic
preparedness capacity-building in countries where resources
are most needed.

So, do we
have yet another example of a "Plandemic"?
All I can say is...
What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive"...
Sir Walter Scott
Or perhaps the more
appropriate quote would be ~
Italians having a Proverb,
that deceives me once, its' his fault; but if twice, its' my
Anthony Weldon
The Court and Character of King
James (1651)
In my prior
substack entitled "Monkey
Pox - Truth versus Fearporn", I concluded the essay with
the following caveat:
Unless there
has been some genetic alteration, either through evolution or
intentional genetic manipulation, it is not a significant
biothreat, and has never been considered a high threat pathogen
in the past.

Just to set
the stage, the outbreak seems to be tightly associated with a point
of origin at what appear to have been
two large European dance party events
("Raves"), in the Canary Islands ("Gay Pride event in the Canary
Islands, which drew some 80,000 people") and "a Madrid sauna".
The Canary Islands event was the 20th anniversary of "Maspalomas
Gay Pride", which took place from
May 05 to May 15 (the precise date of the
modeled Monkeypox bioweapon release).
The organizers anticipated,
"a huge parade with over 100,000 participants, boat trips,
pool parties and more!".
So, basically, pretty much a perfect opportunity for a
Monkeypox super spreader event, whether intentional or inadvertent.
Donning my "cynical skeptic" tinfoil hat for a moment, if one
was looking for an opportunity to seek a pathogen into a highly
mobile international population, mindful of the early history of
HIV-based AIDS, this would be just what the doctor (Mengle…)
Multiple cases were
soon detected in Portugal, and to their great credit, INSA Portugal
got busy and promptly did the deep sequencing necessary to enable
building a phylogenic map of the Monkeypox variant associated with
the outbreak.
Based on
their findings, they have rapidly disclosed both their data as well
as a series of startling hypothesis regarding the origin of the
currently circulating Monkeypox (West African Clade) Monkeypox.
Cutting to the chase, having
reviewed their data and paper, I now have to conclude that one of
the many "working hypotheses" concerning the origin of this
particular virus must be that it is the product of laboratory-based
manipulation - precisely as previously
modeled by the
Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) - Bio/Munich Security Conference.
True story....
Truth continues to be stranger than fiction.
The authors briefly
(and elegantly) summarize the study purpose and methods as follows:
the (First
draft genome sequence of Monkeypox virus associated with the
suspected multi-country outbreak, May 2022 - confirmed case in
Portugal 184), we now release 9 additional genome
sequences of Monkeypox virus causing a multi-country outbreak.
These sequences were obtained from clinical specimens
collected from 9 patients on May 15th and 17th,
2022 through high throughput shotgun metagenomics using Illumina
technology (see details bellow), with depth of coverage
throughout Monkeypox genome ranging from 38x to 508x (mean of
The rapid
integration of the newly sequenced genomes into the Monkeypox
genetic diversity, also including the sequence released by USA*
(Gigante et al,
Monkeypox virus isolate MPXV-USA_2022-MA001, complete genome -
Nucleotide - NCBI 156).
They then proceed
to raise the following main observations:
The multi-country outbreak
most likely has a single origin,
with all sequenced viruses released so far* tightly
clustering together (Figure 1).
Confirmation of the
phylogenetic placement unveiled by the first draft sequence
Isidro et al, 183:
the outbreak virus belongs to the West African clade
and is most closely related to viruses (based on available
genome data) associated with the exportation of monkeypox
virus from Nigeria to several countries in 2018 and 2019,
namely the United Kingdom, Israel and Singapore (1, 2).
the outbreak virus diverges
a mean of 50 SNPs from those 2018-2019 viruses
(46 SNPs from the closest reference MPXV_UK_P2, MT903344.1)
1_2022-05-23.zip (15.0 KB)), which is
far more than one would
expect considering the estimated substitution rate for
Orthopoxviruses (3).
also mentioned by Rambaut (Discussion
of on-going MPXV genome sequencing 228), one
cannot discard the
hypothesis that the divergent
branch results from an evolutionary jump (leading to a
hypermutated virus) caused by APOBEC3 editing (4)
have already detected the
first signs of
microevolution within the outbreak cluster, namely the
emergence of 7 SNPs (Table
(10.9 KB)), leading to 3 descendant branches (Figure 1)
including a further sub-cluster (supported by 2 SNPs)
involving 2 sequences (PT0005 and PT0008).
Notably, these two sequences
also share a 913bp
frameshift deletion in MPXV-UK_P2-010 gene
coding for an Ankyrin/Host Range (Bang-D8L); D7L protein
(MT903344.1 annotation).
Gene loss events were
already observed in the context endemic Monkeypox
circulation in Central Africa, being hypothesized to
correlate with human-to-human transmission
Those not versed in
academic science talk may be shaking their head by this point, and
probably getting ready to post a comment along the lines of,
"Why don't you
just tell us that this means in simple language?"
So, at the risk of
Looks like the
Monkeypox outbreak comes from a single original virus
Following the teachings
of the "Multiple
working hypothesis" model for arriving at
scientific "truth" (which was a core part of my education as
a young scientist),
this could be (for
example) a "natural" single jump event
from some infected animal into a single human
somewhere in the world (who presumably had some
relationship to the
Maspalomas Gay Pride
it could have come
from an intentional release of a viral isolate.
Mixed news - could be good or bad...
The authors have
confirmed that this new outbreak virus maps to the "(less
disease-causing) West African group (clade) of Monkeypox
Good news...
This single source virus
could have come from West Africa or could have come from
United Kingdom, Israel or Singapore (consistent with either
hypothesis a or b).
news - could be good or bad...
Despite the
sequences indicating that the virus is most closely related
to those isolated in 2018-2019, it is significantly
This could be due to
natural evolution or due to laboratory engineering/gain of
function "research" (consistent with hypotheses a) and b).
bad news...
Basically, the authors are indicating that they
believe that genome of this virus is either evolving more
rapidly than one would expect from a double stranded DNA
poxvirus, (left unsaid,
or somebody has been
messing around with it).
The authors
speculate that the pattern of mutations are consistent with
the effects of a natural cellular protein with the
abbreviated name of
For those who want to dive into the molecular virology
here is a nice 2015 J Immunology review.
For those seeking the "Cliff Notes" abridged version,
For the obsessives or aficionados, note that APOBEC3
is associated with specific pattern of base changes- (C→ U).
On the basis of their hypothesis regarding the
potential role for APOBEC3, I infer that the authors must
have detected a statistically significant fraction of C→ U
changes in the current isolates relative to the 2018-2019
Mixed news - could be good or bad...
Still does not differentiate between hypothesis a) or
hypothesis b).
Here is the rub.
APOBEC3 is associated with
cellular resistance
(yet another form of "innate immunity" - isn't
molecular virology and cell biology amazing!)
to HIV (and presumably other retroviruses),
a quick pubmed search reveals that Poxviruses are resistant
to the mutational effects of APOBEC3!
For example, see this
2006 paper published in "Virology".
Frankly, whether through lack of curiosity or fear of
attack from government controlled media and journals, the
failure of the authors to even mention this Virology article
is a major oversight at best. My inference and
On the basis of this sequence analysis report from the
INSA team cited above, to me this is looking more like a
laboratory manipulated strain than a naturally evolved
this double stranded DNA
virus, infections by which have historically been
self-limiting, appears to be evolving (during
the last few days!)
to a form that is more readily transmitted from human to
In conclusion, the
preponderance of current evidence is pointing towards a hypothesis
for the origin of this outbreak which is increasingly consistent
with prior "war game" scenario planning, remarkably akin to that
which occurred
during Event 201, which posits
emergence of an engineered Monkeypox virus into the human population
during mid-May of 2022.
Draw your own
conclusions, and do your own diligence.