by Leo Hohmann
May 23, 2023
LeoHohmann Website

World Health Organization and its sister organizations
have established a global delusion covering all 194
nations, including the U.S. Delusion is defined as,
"A belief or altered reality that is persistently
held despite evidence or agreement to the contrary,
generally in reference to a mental disorder."
short, the world has gone mad.
For those who thought that "mass formation" (proposed by
Dr. Mattias Desmet") would pass with time, not so.
COVID and the "Great Panic of 2020" represents only the
initial conditioning of mankind to fall deeper and
deeper into hardened delusion.
worse it gets, the more pliable people are to
manipulation toward self-destructive or harmful
Bachmann reports directly from
WHO World Health
Assembly in Geneva:
'No dissent
registered by any nation thus far
to proposed
amendments nor to global 'pandemic' treaty'.
James Roguski
also weighs in:
'I can
appreciate a skillfully crafted evil plan,
and that's what
I see...'
There will be a
lot of people deceived...
Former Minnesota
Michele Bachmann is in Geneva this week as
part of a small team of prayer warriors interceding for the very
serious situation in which the world finds itself.
We are on the brink
of a major historical event in which power is in the process of
shifting from nation-states to international bodies affiliated with
the United Nations.
It's that process
and how to accomplish it that's being discussed right now at the 76th
annual World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland.
Bachmann will be
monitoring the proceedings regarding major amendments to the
International Health Regulations (last amended in 2005) as well as
an all-new ''pandemic' accord' that would shift massive amounts of power
from national governments over to the United Nations
World Health
Organization and its 'director general'...
Today, she provided
me with a timetable for the nations of the world to enter into this
global pact, surrendering their sovereignty over "public health
emergencies" to the WHO.

Former member of Congress
Bachmann, R-Minnesota,
at the
76th annual World Health Assembly
Geneva, Switzerland
Bachmann stated in
a text message that the WHO's 194 member nations will take a final
vote on,
whether to hand over their sovereignty to the WHO one year
from today at the 77th World Health Assembly in May 2024.
"That vote will
be on the package of 300 amendments supplanting (changing) the
current International Health Rules," she said.
4"The delegates
will also vote on the global 'pandemic' health treaty/accord."
Those two documents
will be synthesized and coordinated and will be voted on at the same
event in Geneva in May 2024, Bachmann explained.
"There was no
dissent registered by any nation thus far at the World Health
Assembly 2023 to either the proposed 300 amendments nor to the
global 'pandemic' treaty," she said.
"It is a
unified voice of support for passage of the amendments and the
proposed 'pandemic' treaty."
She further stated
that a U.S. delegate to the Assembly (there are many
alternates listed) spoke today, May 23, in favor of
passing the package of proposed international health amendments and
the global 'pandemic' accords.
intervention, the timetable and agenda are in place for passage in
May 2024.
"Nations will
negotiate and will discuss the proposed 300 amendments and
'pandemic' treaty in New York City at the UN General Assembly
meeting in September 2023," Bachmann said.
"The final
package of amendments will be presented to the UN in January
2024, meaning the amendments and treaty will not be altered
after that date."
She further stated
"The delegates
plan to return to Geneva in February 2024 to discuss and
finalize their plans before the final vote one year from now at
the 77th World Health Assembly at the United Nations in Geneva,
Switzerland, May 2024."
Another expert on
the globalists' plans to achieve world domination through the avenue
of "public health" is James
Roguski, a California-based researcher and writer.
Roguski runs the
website Worldwide.ExitTheWHO.com.
He said the draft
documents have been crafted in almost complete secrecy and yet they
will be presented as inclusive and reflective of a broad array of
He said U.S.
passports in the early 1970s were issued with a smallpox vaccine
certificate. This was your proof when entering another country that
you had been immunized against smallpox.
He said his
girlfriend still has an old passport from 1972 showing the
certificate of vaccination.
"In Annex 6 of the International
Health Regulations there's a form identical to my girlfriend's
passport of 1972.
It's already been there but they
want to digitize that, which would make it much easier to expand
to whatever else they want to require or mandate.
Digitizing it would open it up to
all sorts of other certificates of compliance on a QR code."
Roguski said every
nation under these proposed changes sees itself as having the right
to tell foreign travelers,
"you have to
get these injections or you can't come to our nation or state."
The question is,
how to do that...?
This one item,
digital health certificates, is included in the proposed amendments
to the IHRs.
That also happens
to be the one item the G20 nations all agreed at their summit in
Indonesia last November that they wanted every nation to accept and
"Each nation is
about to be coerced into abusing not necessarily their own
citizens' freedoms but the freedoms of the citizens of every
other nation, but if everyone agrees to abuse other nations'
citizens then everyone ends up being abused," Roguski said.
"The irony and
the hypocrisy are unbelievable. This
is the thing that I think they might push through.
It's just a digital expansion
of what everyone already accepts, and then you really do have a
worldwide (digital) ID system that easily becomes the beast
"And nobody is talking about it,"
Roguski said.
"They could push that through
"They have
these systems in place already," he added.
"All they have
to do is sneak it in under the guise of some other issue."
What might that
"other" issue be...?
The need for Voter
ID perhaps?
"I can appreciate a skillfully
crafted evil plan, and that's what I see here. There will be a
lot of people that you wouldn't expect, who would actually fall
for this.
They'd say, 'Oh you don't have to
get jabbed. You just have to get a test and then just let us
check your
digital ID."
We saw during Covid
how many people refused the jab but agreed to get tested in order to
be able to do certain things, go certain places.
They will do it
again, thinking they avoided the jabs, only they will be accepting a
global digital ID.
They will now be
marked with a digital ID that is recognized and certified under
global standards set by the WHO. They are now a certified obedient
"citizen of the world" who is able to travel internationally without
If the U.N. and its
support structure within the global corporations and governments of
the world are able to pull this one off on us, then we deserve all
of the oppression that comes our way.
It's not like we didn't get a
good warning. The lessons of
last 'pandemic' were clear...
Any power or
authority you give these monsters over your life, whether it be your
local health director or the demonic entities in high places at the
United Nations, they will claim that power over you perpetually and
assume your obedience/submission to them.
If you withhold
your submission, you get "left behind," unable to buy or sell, move
about freely, work a job or receive any government benefits.
That, my friends,
is where this is heading whether you want to believe it or not.
overwhelming majority will offer their fealty to the beast...
Whatever they agree
to at the World Health Assembly, this year or one year from now in
2024, will be binding on the 194 member states.
"And the WHO
will have the power to say what is disinformation or
misinformation," Roguski said.
"The WHO will
be the arbiter of what the science is. That is a massive power
The WHO and its backers are also
introducing a concept which they call One Health.
merges the interests of all life on planet earth - animal, human and
plant life.
All health decisions will be made through the lens of a
One Health approach.
You can see where this will get dicey.
"This gives the director general
the ability to declare a public health emergency of
international concern, triggering lockdowns, masking, forced
vaccinations, etc." Roguski said.
"It doesn't even have to be a real
emergency. It could be even just a risk of an international
"They are signing us up for
digital slavery. The WHO is the global hegemon when it comes to
forced vaccines policed through digital vaccine passports.
But then, if this passes, it will
go beyond 'pandemic's to
HEALTH EMERGENCY as declared by the WHO."
That could include
anything from,
"Anything could trigger the
massive new powers they want to give to the WHO," Roguski said.
The proposed
amendments eliminate protections.
Under Article 3, for instance, the
requirement that they respect human rights and human dignity is
replaced with "equity."
"This gives the
WHO a monopoly power over healthcare standards of care during
so-called emergencies.
This means we
are actually empowering
Bill Gates and
China to direct policy,
signing away rights and liberties carte blanche."
noted that the 'recommendation' to vaccinate children down to 6 months
of age came from the WHO.
Most nations did not listen to this
The U.S. did...!
Anyone who argued
Covid vaccines were dangerous for adults, pregnant mothers,
children or babies was branded as a purveyor of misinformation and
was silenced by the media/social media platforms working in tandem
Big Pharma and the government.
"There will be
only one version of the 'truth'," Roguski said.
"That doesn't
sound like science or the scientific method to me... Sovereignty
in a democratic republic legitimately belongs to the people.
It's not
Biden's or anyone else's to give away."