by Frederick Dodson
December 12, 2024
FalseHistory Website

Skynet is a company in the fictional movie Terminator
(1984) and Terminator - Judgment Day (1991) and others.
But to me Skynet is not
The movies are "predictive programming" long
before any of this came to be.
In the fictional world of the movie, Cyberdyne -
the company that created Skynet - was a computer firm operating out
of Sunnyvale, California.
The street name was El Camino Real...
In reality, Sunnyvale, California, along with
Mountain View, Menlo Park and Palo Alto are today Silicon Valley,
the now world-famous center of computers,
Internet and
AI that
developed in the 1990s and early 2000s.
El Camino Real is a real street and a mere 10
minute drive from today's Google Headquarters.
How did the writers of Terminator know this
would become the world center of AI more than two decades later?
When the movie script was written in 1983, the
term "Internet" was not yet public.
The writers used the word "Skynet".
From the Terminator Fan Wiki Page:
"A T-800 Terminator, which was sent from the
future and designed to kill humans, programmed to assassinate
Sarah Connor, was crushed in one of the hydraulic presses in
Cyberdyne's factory.
Thus, the company obtained the machine's
wreckage, including its CPU chip and an arm.
After its arrival in 1984, Meta-Node was able to reach Cyberdyne
Systems Laboratory in Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado. It provided
the technical data, which accelerated the development of Skynet.
This leap of engineering accelerated the
events that led to Skynet achieving self-awareness, thereby
making any Resistance futile.
The Meta-Node then served as an information
tutor and guardian, uploading to the fledgling Skynet all the
tactical data gathered about the future, then protecting it so
it could carry out Judgment Day.
As Skynet of this timeline gained various
knowledge from the Meta-Node, there would be no Resistance after
the nuclear holocaust".
"Cyberdyne eventually developed Skynet, a
network of supercomputers that employed artificial intelligence
in order to replace human beings as commercial and military
aircraft pilots, and for the control of other military systems,
including nuclear missiles.
The system went online on August 4, 1997.
On August 29, 1997, Skynet became self-aware.
In a panic, its creators attempted to shut it
down, but Skynet retaliated by launching a nuclear attack
against Russia, knowing that the Russian counterattack would
eliminate its enemies in the United States, initiating an
indeterminately long period of global warfare.
The battle pitted humans against Cyberdyne
machines, which developed ever-increasing capabilities.
Although the company was presumably shut down
or destroyed, the event was later known as Judgment Day.
In other words, the military created Skynet
(Internet & Big Tech).
Cheyenne Mountain does not only exist in the
fictional Universe, it's also a real military place beneath a
Skynet achieved self-awareness.
Then it used Robots to wage war against humans...
The Military runs Big Tech
It is true that the Internet was created by the military - by
DARPA to be exact.
DARPA is short for "Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency".
They invented it in the 1960s, quarter of a
century before they let us have it, and called it ARPANET.
One of the early Logos used by DARPA:

I assert that they didn't only create Internet, but all of Big Tech.
I think it's easy to prove and I'll try to
right now...
In Mountain View, California the following
companies share the same physical space:
Air Force
Hewlett Packard

They share streets, buildings and even office space.
It's as if the
Government was too lazy to set up the Big Tech companies elsewhere.
It's almost as if all of these separate companies
are one and the same company.

Before Silicon Valley was Silicon Valley it was Government owned
land, run by the Defense Industry.
It was Moffett Airfield and NASA Ames Research
What did Ames do...?
A bit of everything:
They researched information technology and
computers, aeronautics, traffic control, weapons systems,
robotics, air flight and space-flight...
For all we know, the computer companies grew out
of that research and they created
Facebook, etc. to
accommodate all the spin-offs of their research.
As I've been saying for the last ten years,
Facebook was created by
the military and called "Lifelog" before they renamed it and
pretended it was a private company...:

This quaint idea about,
an independent whizz kid named "Mark Zuckerberg"
is just a cover story...!
Google is also a Government creation.
Here's a good
article on the
Google's true origin lies in CIA and NSA
research grants for mass surveillance
Also there is a robotics company called
They've managed to build a Robot Super Army:

Watch video...
You would never guess who owned Boston Dynamics:
Google owned it...!
If Google weren't already a military asset,
why would the Government allow them to create
a robot army?
They wouldn't...
To see how intertwined military and Big Tech are
we need look no further than the Wikipedia page of Boston Dynamics:
"Early in the company's history, it worked
with the American Systems Corporation under a contract from the
Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division..."
"Eventually the company started making physical robots - for
example, BigDog was a quadruped robot designed for the U.S.
military with funding from Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency (DARPA)".
"On December 13, 2013, the company was acquired by Google X
(later X, a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc.) for an unknown price,
where it was managed by Andy Rubin until his departure
from Google in 2014"
And then there's this surprising statement from
the Terminator Wiki Fan Page:
"Cyberdyne Systems is revealed in Kimberly
Duncan's presentation to be a company similar to a combination
of the real-world tech companies IBM, Apple Inc., and Microsoft
among others".
This is certainly true of later Terminator
but what about the early ones...?
In 1983 these companies didn't exist.
Even in 1991, when the second film was made, the
Internet barely existed and Google was not yet to be.

With the army of Robots, Google was the closest thing to Skynet and
the Terminator movies.
Here's what I think:
When they plan to manifest something, they
make movies about it to help along with its manifestation.
Did you know that the area of today's "Hollywood Movie Industry"
also used to belong to the Defense Industry?
Most Hollywood studios are located in Burbank,
California (and not in Hollywood, California - that's a diversion
for tourists).
Burbank was so important to the military that,
World War II they built an entire landscape to camouflage it.
Here's an old post of mine on the subject:

Big Tech are weird...
They act like intelligence agencies.
I've written about this extensively.
One example:

Microsoft Word uses a Keylogger because it's purpose is to
collect intel.
Why do you think they're computers have "intel
inside" as you can see on so many stickers pasted onto computers.
They make a joke of your ignorance.
Google has the same purpose.
And Amazon, which provides Data-Management
for the CIA, etc. etc...
Autonomous AI
But wait, there's more.
The Skynet agenda is for AI to become an
autonomous, self aware military machine.
These are some news and
social media snippets for your consideration:

Here's a whole
news article on it:
'Pentagon launches new AI office as it looks
to launch autonomous weapons'...
Some quotes:
"The Artificial Intelligence Rapid
Capabilities Cell (AI RCC) will aim to install AI tech into
systems for the military, focusing on emerging technologies like
generative AI".
"The U.S. wants to deploy thousands of autonomous drones powered
by AI through its Replicator initiative.
A second Replicator initiative is focused on
using new technologies to counter swarms of autonomous drones".
"Plumb said the "top priority" for the new office is to find the
"highest return on investment" to where AI can "rapidly improve
either lethality or efficiency, depending on whether it's war
fighting or business management."
They really are working on an AI-machine-army
that can't be shut down.
In China they have built a comprehensive social credit score system
which uses AI to control the population. People with a "low social
credit score" (people accused of wrong-think...) are banned
from luxury hotels, tourist attractions, spas, certain shops,
certain jobs, etc.
If they try to enter these places cameras
automatically alarm the authorities.
An example in the video below:

You would never guess who assisted the Chinese in building this
electronic prison-grid.
It was Eric Schmidt, the former long-time CEO
of Google...!
They knew they could not yet build their Skynet system in
America, so they started in China as it's already a communist
"Let's try it there first and work America
more slowly".
There are too many freedom-loving people in
America, so it will take longer...
The symbolism
And then there's the symbolism.
Both the fictional movie and the real-life
companies are full of symbols that the average American would
deem satanic...
The Skynet-Logo contains the "Y" Symbol that
splits a Pyramid into three.
I've explained this symbol in previous articles:
it's the mark of the "horned God of the
The Google Chrome Logo is outright 666...:

The Facebook Threads Logo is 666...:

There's much, much more in the movie and in real life but I won't
spoon-feed everything, look for yourself.
But what's the point?
Flaunting allegiance?
Military misdirection?
Programming people's subconscious?
It's 2024 and AI-promoters are saying we are
rapidly heading toward technological "singularity" - a point where
tech becomes uncontrollable and irreversible with unforeseeable
consequences for humanity.
They say AI will become smarter than humans
within the next two years.
I don't think that's going to happen, but I think they say it
because they want it to happen.
Just like they made the Terminator movies
because they wanted it to happen.
I don't believe machines will rule over humans because we can
pull the plug and AI has no consciousness (and therefore no
self-awareness and no creativity).
It can only repeat what we input.
The powers-that-be know this and have attempted
The Transhuman - a combo of human and AI...
But this won't lead to machine supremacy either.
It will never happen unless robots can become
possessed by spirits.
But I highly doubt they can.
Without consciousness all we have is a heap of
metal that's programmed to say what we tell it to, with no real free
But what if robots learn to harvest free
energy from the air?
And then wage war against humanity?
Well, then we'll just have to program some robots
to defend humanity.
With or without technology, we face similar
There's obviously a Skynet-agenda afoot,
but with some awareness we can counteract and defeat it and this
timeline will never come to pass.