by Frank Bergman
January 07, 2024
SlayNews Website

A world-renowned biologist has blown the whistle with explosive
allegations against globalist power elites and the pharmaceutical
Biologist Bret Weinstein dropped several bombshells during a
new interview with independent news anchor Tucker Carlson.
While raising the alarm about the power grab of the United Nations
World Health Organization (WHO), Weinstein left Carlson stunned
when he stated how many people have died from Covid mRNA injections.
He cited scientific evidence that shows 17 million died globally as
a result of the shots.
"So I'm not a math genius, but one in eight
hundred shots times billions is a lot of people... 17 million
deaths from the Covid vaccine?" Carlson asked.
"Just for perspective: I mean, that's like the death toll of a
global war," Carlson noted.
"Yes, absolutely," Weinstein said.
"This is a great tragedy of history.
"So that proportion."
"And, amazingly, there is no way in which
it's over," Weinstein continued to explain to Carlson.
"I mean, we are still apparently recommending these things for
healthy children, who never stood any chance of getting any
benefit from it.
"Every chance of suffering harms that are not only serious but
tragic on the basis that children have long lives ahead of them.
"If you ruin a child's immune system in youth, they have to
spend the rest of the presumably shortened life in that state.
"So, it never made any sense that we were giving these to kids
in the first place."
Video also
Weinstein also warns that pandemics and mass vaccination rollouts
are all part of the UN's ultimate agenda to
install itself as an
unelected single-world government.
As Slay News
has reported, the WHO is currently drafting its
"Pandemic Treaty" that will be signed by all UN member states.
The agreement will grant the unelected United Nations health agency
with disturbing new levels of global authority.
UN member nations, including the United States,
have confirmed that
they intend to sign the "Global Pandemic Treaty" in 2024.
Once signed, sovereign countries will surrender authority to the WHO
in the event of a pandemic or other international "emergency" such
as "global boiling."
Under the treaty, the WHO will be authorized to declare a global
"emergency" and enforce measures to respond to it.
If the WHO were to declare a "climate emergency," for example, the
unelected bureaucratic organization would have the authority to
enforce lockdowns, forcing Americans to stay inside their homes to
supposedly "fight global warming."
Not only is Joe Biden planning to
sign the agreement without
congressional approval, but it was also the Democrat president who
last year urged the WHO to begin preparing the "Pandemic Treaty."
As part of the treaty, the WHO would also be awarded global
censorship powers that would override the First Amendment rights of
American citizens.
The WHO is now drafting "pandemic preparedness plan modifications"
to end free speech in response to "dissidents" in America who
"upended" establishment COVID-19 narratives and talking points.
Weinstein warned Carlson that,
the WHO is preparing "troubling" new
health emergency measures that could eviscerate national sovereignty
and free speech as we know it...
During his appearance on "The Tucker Carlson Encounter" Friday,
Weinstein explained how the WHO was taken by surprise by a "small
group of dissidents" were who able to "bend the narrative"
surrounding the COVID-19 'pandemic' and vaccines.
To combat this wrongthink, the WHO is drafting "pandemic
preparedness plan modifications" in response to prevent similar
pushback when "the next pandemic" arises.
"The fact that that small number of
dissidents was able to bend the narrative was able to bring
people's awareness to the massive levels of harmful and
effectiveness of the shots is, in some ways, the most surprising
element of the story," Weinstein stated.
"And I think it truly surprised Pharma and its partners in
social media and government - and government-run organizations -
I think they thought that they own enough of the media that they
could sell us any narrative they wish.
"And I think surprising as it is, they didn't really understand
that podcasts could possibly be a countervailing force of
significance," he said.
He added that the WHO is "looking for a rematch"
with humanity.
"What I believe is going on is the World
Health Organization is now revising the structures that allowed
the dissidents to upend the narrative," he said.
"And they are looking for a rematch, I think."
"What they want are the measures that would have allowed them to
silence the podcasters to mandate various things internationally
in a way that would prevent the emergence of a control group
that would allow us to see harms clearly," he added.
The top biologist noted that the WHO's plan to
completely end the First Amendment in the U.S. is,
"currently under discussion at the
international level."
Weinstein also explained how governments' Covid
public health emergency measures were the only way for Big Pharma to
rollout experiment mRNA injections for use on the public.
"Because they called it a vaccine, people
were much more willing to accept it," he said.
"What I've come to understand is something I call the game of
"If you think about what pharma is, we tend to imagine that it
is an industry that is hell-bent on finding drugs that will make
us healthier.
"That's not what it is," he noted.
"In fact, pharma is healthy when people are sick."
"...basically every day of the year, pharma is engaged in
portraying the properties that it owns as more useful than they
are, safer than they are, and persuading the medical
establishment, the journals, the societies, the hospitals, the
government to direct people towards drugs they wouldn't
otherwise be taking," he continued.
"So that's what the racket is."
Video also
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