by S.D. Wells
August 21, 2024

from NaturalNews Website




Science proves billions of

mRNA Vaccine Nanoparticles

might be used to Control Appetite and Emotions

of entire Vaxxed Populations...

It sounds like something out of a science fiction movie, where aliens inject humans with microscopic Martian particles that take over the human mind and body, all controlled remotely on "smart devices" by the evil beings from outer space.


Now that's a scary movie, and it's a good thing it's not really happening here on Earth for real. Or is it...?

Korean scientists just discovered through in-depth laboratory research that Moderna and Pfizer mRNA Covid "vaccine" vials contain millions of magnetic graphene nanoparticles that can self-assemble into white fibrous clots that grow up to three feet long and move, like snakes.





MIT researchers discover how atomically thin layers of carbon can be controlled electronically

...through quantum computing, a.k.a. "superconducting"


In case you are doubting that "nanoparticles" can be controlled electronically, MIT colleagues have already proven it true with three different electronic devices that use multiple "fabrication steps" to do it by superconducting electricity without resistance through an "unconventional mechanism."


The results are published in the May issue of Nature Nanotechnology.


In their words, a certain,

"magic-angled graphene is the most versatile of all superconducting materials."

The special angle of graphene is composed of a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in hexagons.


This type of nanoparticle research began way back in 2004 and can now be used to conduct both HEAT and ELECTRICITY.


That takes us back to the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine "technology" and all the strange fibrous clots embalmers across the globe are finding in the Covid-vaccinated masses who die from "unexplained" causes, including sudden heart failure, strokes and spontaneous miscarriage.


Korean scientists found that mRNA vaccine vials belonging to Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech contain these self-assembling nanoparticles.


Coincidence? We think not.


Just follow the bouncing technological nanoparticle ball. The clots are the amyloids forming chains.


Can you say spike protein patent without coughing into your Fauci face diaper?





Remote-controlled magnetic nanoparticles

...can manipulate the brain, reducing appetite and exacerbating emotional states


No invasive surgery needed to manipulate the human brain.


Thanks to advances in nanoparticle technology (a.k.a. mRNA), hardware is now being used in laboratories to control the minds of lab animals.


Using long-range and large volume switches that manipulate magnetic fields, researchers at South Korea's Institute for Basic Science (IBS) are in early stages of Nano-MIND (Magnetogenetic Interface for NeuroDynamics) technology that allows them to control the appetite and emotions of mice remotely.


They are saying this can help treat neurological disorders, so,

can it damage the CNS also, if it gets into the wrong hands?

Of course it can...!


The tests included inducing maternal instincts in female subjects and reducing appetite in others (where the mice lost 10% body weight).


If you're not impressed yet, realize now that the scientists manipulated a complex network of over 100 BILLION NEURONS by simply magnetically pushing and pulling nanoparticles that were implanted in the mice's brains.


This means scientists already know how to use nanoparticles to control animal cognition, emotion and social behavior.


Let that sink in for a minute when thinking about the crazy things happening to the Covid-jabbed sheeple everywhere...

Was the entire plandemic vaccine apocalypse the beginning of the biggest mind control experiment ever conducted on planet earth?


Will mRNA-vaxxed humans only eat bugs because they're simply not very hungry suddenly?


Will a few billion folks who got the Covid gene therapy injections suddenly lose their minds, say, when Trump wins in November, and attack each other like zombies?


Or will the 5-G towers across earth instruct all the mRNA-injected spike prions to suddenly GATHER together and clot, causing a mass die-off of humans, just like Bill Gates - predicted and planned - said at a TED conference in 2010?





