by Jon Rappoport
August 18, 2024

from JonRappoport Website






Mokeypox it's now called by the shorter name,


Soon to be Pox. Then Ox. Then X...

It's another virus which, like all viruses, doesn't exist...


Because no one has ever isolated a virus.

No problem:

the World Health Organization (WHO) plunges ahead anyway.


As it always does...

Never let a good crisis go to waste... Particularly when you're inventing the crisis in the first place.

Why invent it only to let it blow away in the wind...?


Start the fantasy of case numbers and death numbers.


Deploy a phony test.


Make Pharma companies richer by having them develop a vaccine to prevent the virus that doesn't exist.


A dangerous and highly destructive vaccine...

You know the drill...!

Make sure you claim the virus, until recently, was mainly found in a foreign land. Never, say, in Brooklyn or Beverly Hills.

So they're going with:

"Historically, human outbreaks occurred in Africa..."

But we're told the,

"species 'jump' from animals to humans" there didn't involve monkeys...

The virus traveled from rodents and other small animals to people.


The whole monkey thing resulted from the discovery of the virus in a lab, in a group of monkeys, in Denmark in the 1950s. Blah-blah-blah...

The storyline builds:

Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) - the official WHO label on Mpox now.


And of course there is "a more deadly strain" of the virus, called Clade 1b.


"Significant portion of the cases" affecting, you guessed it, children...


Virus is spreading from the Congo to other African countries.


"A few isolated cases" in Europe and North America.

But public health agencies are on "high alert," particularly when it comes to international travel to and from "the affected areas."


There are two vaccines currently available.

Both deploy the "same virus" used to vaccinate millions against SMALLPOX: "vaccinia virus."

You should know smallpox shots were stopped in the US in 1972...



Because "some recipients were experiencing severe disease"...

Research is ongoing to produce RNA vaccines, like those used against COVID.

Don't you feel great comfort in either case?


Whether it's the old or new vaccines?


Great trust?


A sense of security?




Deep-seated belief in assurances from WHO and CDC...?

Absolutely "no risk" in protecting yourself from a virus that doesn't exist...

Be aware that the WHO emergency could be ramped up further on a moment's notice.


Say, for instance,

just in time for the election this fall...




Conducting the vote with millions and millions more mail-in ballots?


Massive rigging?

Ha-ha. Just kidding...


That could NEVER happen...

And coordinating with the lockdowns, as one of his last acts as President, Biden would "NEVER" order widespread price controls on goods and services - to FULLY torpedo the economy.

He would never be that monkey...