ThinkAboutIt Website
If you are new to the strange story of
Dan Burisch I have a suggestion to offer for your first read through
the material. Simply imagine that you are a movie executive reading
through a terrific new science fiction script that you have
acquired. The script is good. It has everything: secret of life,
aliens, a coming extinction event, and two warring world factions,
one of which wants alien existence made public, and another that
wants to retain the secrecy.
The hero of your story is a genius microbiologist held in virtual
captivity of a secret underground airforce base, and the amateur
reporter who gains computer contact with him and begins leaking the
story to the world. He leaks the discovery of the means to create
life, the mysterious and seemingly miraculous "Ganesh" particle. At
stake is the possible takeover of the earth by an alien species.
Doing a first read of the Dan Burisch story in this framework will
allow full enjoyment of the story, and only on the second read
should you try to realize that this is not a script, but something
that is allegedly going on. I'm not sure yet if all of this
is something that is really going on or not, but I can say that I
really enjoyed the movie.
Normally, one goes through the event, and then, a couple years
later, one goes to see the movie. I am just suggesting to reverse
that order here.
LightEye at STA has posted some updates on the Dan Burisch
situation, and if you Google from there you will gradually come upon
the whole amazing story. The part about the Ganesh particle is
especially intriguing, and may possibly be better understood in the
light of
Bearden's scalar electromagnetic theory.
Even here some scriptwriter side of me comes in to see if there is a
link between the "Ganesh" theory and the scalar theory, in which
case the movie would contain some very advanced and frontier
scientific speculation, to the great benefit of the movie. I wish I
had time to write this script, but the possibility is there for some
younger more eager writer.
Ganesh is the Hindu god of prosperity and beginnings. At the
opening of any new enterprise, at birth, on the first day of school,
Ganesh is called on to bless the undertaking or event. There
are wonderful Hindu references all through the scientific
terminology of Dan Burisch's research and discovery.
The overall project was (is) called
"Project Lotus."
The lotus is the symbol of Lord Buddha.
"Dan Burisch claims to be a
microbiologist who worked on a number of highly classified
projects including one that presumably provides a means for
creating life - Project Lotus. Burisch allegedly interacted with
an extraterrestrial called J-Rod and as a consequence has
been able to pioneer some breakthroughs into a mysterious
molecule called the Ganesh particle that provides the
solution to how to generate life. As a result of his
highly classified work in Project Lotus and other
projects, Burisch has allegedly become privy to how a variety of
secret committees operate to control extraterrestrial affairs.
The two main committees are:
the MJ-12 committee
originally formed to deal with the extraterrestrial
an international committee
called the Committee of the Majority formed in the
1960s as result of international efforts led by the Soviet
Union to more widely disseminate extraterrestrial
technologies to the international community."
For an article summarizing the Burisch
Dr Dan Burisch, Project Lotus and Disclosure
of the Extraterrestrial Presence.
If we go back to April, 2004, we find the story that Dan Burisch was
ready to testify before a congressional hearing about government
involvement in designer viruses.
Area 51 Microbiologist Ready to
Dr. Dan Burisch, who is in lock-down, working with the Lotus
project, seeks immunity to stand before a Congressional hearing
or other appropriate public body, to disclose his first-hand
knowledge, with proof, of U.S. government involvement in
designer viruses and other black-ops.
Burisch is allegedly aware of an Extinction Level Event (ELE)
coming towards the Earth in the
2012 time frame.
In the affidavit he states:
"some implications of these
projects … are of such a grave nature that, were the general
world human population to know the entirety of the
information contained within them, the resultant reactions
of portions of the present human population may vary from
"no reaction" to potential 'panic'."
This event which threatens to kill off
90% of the human population is apparently the driving rationale for
why disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence and associated
information has not occurred.
According to an interview Burisch had with long time UFO
researcher, Bill Hamilton, this ELE is associated with some
kind of "convergent time line paradox" where humanity splits in two
after the ELE, and from this two groups of extraterrestrials are
One is the 'Zeta Reticulums' or 'J-Rods' who are
physically degenerated humans from the future. The other are Nordic
looking humans from Orion who are the descendents of humans able to
survive the ELE in the future (see
Bill Hamilton Interview with Dr. Dan Burisch
on October 18, 2002)
In the affidavit, Burisch states that there has been a treaty
signed between the clandestine government authorities and the
extraterrestrials in order to fully deal with the consequences of
the forthcoming ELE event that generates two separate branches of
humanity in the future:
"You have also been a party during
the negotiations of a treaty known as the 'Tau-9 Conference for
the Preservation of Humanity', between present human authorities
and certain individuals representing themselves as
extraterrestrial peoples, with their origin alleged to you as
the star constellations 'Reticulum' and 'Orion.' You have had
physical interaction with at least one such extraterrestrial."
Burisch and Deppeller
describe the Nordics as benevolent and very spiritual which is very
consistent with the many 'contactee reports' that began in the
1950's. (see
Extraterrestrial - Chapter 1 from Alien Magic)
In contrast the Reticulums/J-Rods have two factions. One is friendly
to humanity and wishes to assist in coming up with solutions to the
forthcoming 2012 ELE. The other is unfriendly and is seeking to take
whatever advantage it can be performing widespread abductions and
genetic engineering with human population up to 2012.
So these three
extraterrestrials factions are presumably interacting with humanity
and the 'controllers' of extraterrestrial information, MJ-12 in ways
which reflect different agendas and priorities.
According to Burisch and insiders sympathetic to his efforts to
release information, the MJ-12 committee is split on the issue of
disclosure. The larger international committee, the Committee of
the Majority has apparently been dissolved as a result of
conflict between MJ-12 and the larger financial and cultural
interests that make up the Committee of the Majority known more
generally as
the Illuminati.
So what we have then from the Burisch affidavit and other material
is a very complex story involving two factions of human
controllers (MJ-12 and the Illuminati) and three factions of
extraterrestrials (J-Rods - friendly and unfriendly - and Nordic
This means that events leading up to the ELE in 2012 is a
five tiered conflict between actors with different agendas and
activities in their interactions with one another, the human
population and secret control groups. Apparently, the very future of
human life is at stake and supporters of the Burisch material,
such as Deppeller advocate preparing for a possible
catastrophic event that wipes out 90% of the population. (see
Area 51
Microbiologist Dr. Dan Burisch Ready To Talk)
This article goes on to mention that,
"researchers such as Bill Hamilton,
Ron Garner and earlier Linda Moulton Howe, conducted extensive
examinations of all the material and found the Burisch case to
be credible."
In an article at
Rense Bill
Hamilton presents an introduction to Burisch by "B.J. Wolf"
which contains this:
"Toward the end of 1998 Dan
disappeared. His residence was abandoned overnight, and nobody
seemed to know where he had been taken. He turned up half way
across the country, with most of his memories concerning his
association with me and our work on Eagles Disobey altered or
erased. I tried my best to remind him of his past, but he did
not believe me until I showed him a copy of the book and
photographs of himself sitting on my couch playing with the
He returned to his new location, but
memories started to break through the conditioning to such an
extent that Dan fled and was eventually recaptured and whisked
off to a military base for re-conditioning. When they realized
that they couldn't keep it up with out damaging his ability to
think and function (remember, they wanted him to continue to
work for them in his capacity as team leader and microbiologist)
they decided to re-wind his memories and return him to Las Vegas
under the careful observation of his spouse, who relays all
communication up the pipeline, and signs much of her
correspondence with her title/designation PsiOpSec."
One of the best scenes in this story is
the "mind-meld" of our hero scientist with one of the "EBE"s he
calls "J-Rods."
"Dan Burisch has also worked with
one extraterrestrial biological entity, a 'Gray' he called
J-Rod, with whom he had a close working relationship with at
Area 51. This J-Rod essentially performed a 'mind-meld' with him
where he downloaded much valuable information on the genesis of
life (The Last Letter from Dr. Dan B.C. Burisch).
Some of the major themes coming through the Burisch saga are
that there are two factions of J-Rods or Grays (above images).
One faction is
apparently helping Burisch in his research and is benign, and wants
the knowledge disseminated in a way that helps humanity, and also
assists the Grays/J-Rods themselves in repairing their own damaged
The other faction of J-Rods/Grays is helping more reactionary
national security types in getting more control of the Ganesh
Particle so it can be utilized for the usual range of
self-serving reasons around the usual formula of power, greed and
exploitation. (Dr
Dan Burisch, Project Lotus and Disclosure of the Extraterrestrial
Supposedly the Ganesh Particle could also hold the secret of
anti-aging. Perhaps people could live for centuries.
"He is presently working on the
Lotus project at Area 51 north of Las Vegas, in a secret
extra-budget operation under the umbrella direction of a
non-elected shadow international governing body that has covert
ties to the U.S. government and with extra-terrestrials.
"The Lotus project involves studies of what is called a 'Ganesh
particle' which is capable of repairing damages cells. The
Ganesh particle itself, which gives off light, has
characteristics of being a living intelligence." (Area 51
Microbiologist Dr. Dan Burisch Ready To Talk)
Well, this story goes on and on and will
be a blockbuster, for sure. I'd suggest making it a trilogy,
at least.
Here's the affidavit filed by Burisch:
Affidavit - April
One final note, about that
dead area in the Gulf of Mexico:
Burisch's Ganesh Particle,
the centerpiece of his present Lotus Project, which he
insists on finishing before testifying,
killed every living thing for 150 square
miles in the Gulf of Mexico in a prototype test now called
"Blackwater." The
incident received limited coverage in local papers, but was
covered up from further exposure.
Burisch and McDowell,
who took over directorship of the Lotus Project the day
following the April 8 press release, believe the Ganesh
Particle is synonymous with the "tree of life," imparting
healing and regenerative powers.
The Blackwater incident was
merely because they didn't have things quite right yet.
Allan protests:
"Now we find out he has
knowledge about and possible involvement with the Gulf
War Syndrome, in which a botched vaccination killed or
maimed thousands of veterans and even some of their family
members. And he wants us to wait until he finishes the Lotus
Project before he testifies?
A more appropriate name for him
would be 'Dr. Death.' "