by Larry Lowe
Phoenix UFO Examiner
November 18, 2009
Examiner Website
A carefully nuanced program intended to exert pressure on the
unelected government of the United States to disclose the presence
non-(earth)human entities and technology operating in Earth's biosphere
took another step forward at the conclusion of a 5 day Study Week on
Astrobiology by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences at
the Vatican last week.
"Astronomers think it is just a
matter of time before we find life somewhere else," said
participant Chris Impey, professor at the department of
astronomy in the University of Arizona and the Steward
Observatory, Tucson.
As pressure on the administration to
the UFO issue from Europe increases, elements of resistance
to the truth embargo within the United States continue to call for
truthful disclosure on the matter.

Several have gone so far as to go on
record as saying disclosure will happen in a matter of months, not
Two key figures of the US resistance to the truth embargo,
Steven Greer, who coined the
term 'Disclosure' in the context of the UFO issue and David
Wilcock, who specifically predicts a disclosure event for later
this year will appear this weekend at the
2009 Secrets conference in
Tempe to discuss the issue.
The concept of an 'imminent' disclosure event by the US government
seems preposterous to a civil population cocooned inside the U.S.
media blanket of ridicule and denial of the UFO issue. America is
distracted by a deflated economy, protracted war, a lack of promised
change and transparency in government and a divisive battle over an
expensive health care program.
To a large degree, the American population does not realize the
extent to which its perception has been deliberately shaped by the
intelligence community on behalf of the military-industrial complex.
In the wake of the CIA-arranged
Robertson Commission
Report that concluded that UFO reports were a bigger
problem than UFO's, funding from the CIA for the National Enquirer
and World Weekly News was used to position in American minds the UFO
issue as a matter for ridicule.
Meanwhile, pressure on mainstream media
to downplay sightings reports served to silence witnesses.
Thus a large percentage of America does not know the facts of UFO
contact beyond the accuracy of Steven Spielberg's 'Close Encounters
of the Third Kind' and mini-series 'TAKEN', both of which are in
essence dramatically re-visualized documentaries - but categorized
as fiction. There is, it is thought, no 'credible evidence'
and thus the National Geographic can ask the question "Are We
Alone" on the cover of the current issue.
America's flawed perception of the UFO as a result of internal
propaganda makes the prospect of disclosure daunting both to a
brainwashed populace and to
Obama Administration planners
trying to decide how best to admit to a six decade lie of, forgive
me, cosmic proportion.
Seen on from outside the US media cocoon, however, it is
increasingly clear that that a large percentage of the world, lead
by Europe, is loosing patience with the unelected US government's
intractable refusal to let go of an iron grip on access to
information - and likely technology - derived from observation of
and probably contact with, non-human intelligent species.
The current elected government's response is a Nixonian stonewall
of silence, refusing to even acknowledge the barrage of requests
to the White House Press Correspondents Association urging
the press to ask the obvious questions. Despite the official
pretension than there is nothing to respond to, Steven Bassett's
Million Fax on Washington continues to produce a steady stream of
requests for engagement on this issue by the White House Press
Bassett's program will receive renewed
focus ad it accelerates Phase three in coming months.
Among the more overt indications of world disfavor with the American
empire's refusal to address an increasingly obvious non-human
presence are recent public announcements by the Vatican and a
British city Councilor, both of which add emphasis to the release in
1999 of the
French COMETA report.
Taken together the three events begin to
form a pattern of unofficial disclosure, leaving the US no choice
but to make it official or risk irrelevance.
"UFO: Something real must exist.
This is a statement coming out from basic considerations based
upon common sense, human rationalism and upon a normal and
possible course of our lives, considering not only individual
and social aspects, but also religious."
Balducci, Vatican Curia, 2001
"We should exclude that angels use spaceships. When speaking
about extraterrestrials, we must think in beings like us ...
better said, a body in a better state than the one existing for
us as humans."
Balducci, Vatican Curia, 2001
"Just like there is an abundance of creatures on earth, there
could also be other beings, even intelligent ones, that were
created by God. That doesn't contradict our faith, because we
cannot put boundaries to God's creative freedom."
Jose Gabriel Funes,
director of the Vatican Observatory, 2008
The Vatican exobiology conference is the
latest event designed to position the church as relevant in a
post-disclosure world. It has ignited a firestorm of discussion on
the web,
engaging religious observers for the first time in the
realization that ET may become real at any minute.
The Holy See must realize that some form of disclosure is imminent,
whether by the US, a third-party nation or the non-human presence
itself, and is preparing catholics to practice their religion in a
world where the non-(earth)human presence is overt. The Vatican seems
determined not to engage in another 'tragic mutual incomprehension'
as it did when it could not accept the implications of Galileo's
observations - the paradigm-shifting disclosure of the 17th Century.
The essence of the Vatican's stance is that if extraterrestrial life
exists, they would not be demons nor would they be angels. This
precludes the two least-reasonable reactions of a civil population
to the appearance of advanced beings: run in fear or bow down in
Which leaves the middle ground of
continuing to go to church for spiritual comfort...
Great Britain, generally a staunch ally of the United States, has
resisted efforts to extradite cyber-investigator
Gary McKinnon, wanted by the US
Air Force for breaching lax security in Defense department computer
The US maintains McKinnon caused a
preposterous amount of damage, which is unlikely, since stealth
system users such as McKinnon are usually at pains to do nothing
that would reveal their access. Aside from the embarrassment, the
real reason the defense establishment wants to make an example of
McKinnon is more likely that he accessed sensitive records of the US
Space Command, a largely unacknowledged component of the US military
that may be the recipient of billions of black-budget dollars and is
said to be operating advanced technology of its own on orbit.
England has fiercely resisted efforts to extradite McKinnon to the
US for a trial in what would likely be a kangaroo court and
sentencing to US detention. Most recently the home secretary
'stopped the clock' on extradition proceedings.
At the same time, the British government has remained silent on the
recent speech by Winchester City Councilor Adrian Hicks, who
openly calls for the
US Space Command to come forward
with the truth. The silence amounts to tacit support for Councilor
Hicks' position, one that 10 Downing Street may be firmly in favor
of but, for the time being, diplomatically restrained from espousing
Hicks' speech amounts to formal
disclosure at his level of government.
"It was not long [after
that it was established that UFO's were something real and not
an illusion, that they were extraterrestrial in origin and that
they were not pilotless objects."
"During President Nixon's era,
Majestic was formed into a
total satellite government, outside the control of Washington,
D.C. This provided cover for the visitors, plus a totally new
concept for protecting all information relating to the subject."
"I truly do not know who the unelected leaders are. This speech
is an open speech to all members of the satellite government."
"What is truly amazing is that virtually all of our elected
politicians are unaware of [the extra terrestrial contact by the
U.S.] This is morally repugnant."
"When an ordinary citizen, now elected Councilman knows more
than [Congress and Parliament] and has seen the visitors with my
own eyes for over 10 minutes, common sense tells you the
timetable [for disclosure] is fatally flawed."
Councillor Adrian Hicks
Hicks is clearly incensed that the
elected representatives of both the US and the UK have no idea what
the facts of the matter as he sees them are.
His speech is the culmination of a
long-term plan executed in response to his sighting of a non-human
entity walking freely on a British street in broad daylight. Hicks
realized the political risk of campaigning on the issue, so he stood
for and eventually won a Councilor's seat and served with merit for
some time before making his appeal to the US for 'Judgment and
A bootleg video of his speech is
traveling the internet like wildfire, despite early attempts by
Google to censor the message by
removing the video from YouTube.
Councilor Adrian Hicks Demands to Hear Truth Over
November, 2009
from Archive Website
Hicks feels
strongly about the UFO issue and the fact that a UFO base is located
near his city
and that the public are not
being given what the government knows about the issue.
Councilor Hicks, member of Winchester city council in Hampshire,
England, recently went on public record
as having witnessed an alien
humanoid in a busy shopping centre in Winchester five years ago.
Hicks is appealing to
authorities in the United States and the United Kingdom to release
what they know about UFOs.
The complete story can be found at
Councilor Hicks' website.
These actions by
the Vatican and the U.K. follow in the footsteps of
the unofficial-official publication of
the COMETA report by a
high-powered panel of French military officials in 1999.
COMETA report was never (?) translated
into English and the French are publicly at some pains not to appear
to be telling the US what to do, however the publication of the
report was a clear signal to the unelected American government that
France would no longer tolerate the obvious lies and denial on the
issue that work on the American public.
It is an open secret that Steven Greer is referring to France
when he discusses his efforts to stage a contact event with the head
of state of a major G-8 country.
"The UFO problem cannot be eliminated
by mere caustic and off-hand witticisms. A single hypothesis
sufficiently takes into account and for the most part only calls
for present-day science. It is the hypothesis of
extraterrestrial visitors. Advanced by certain military
personnel in 1947, today it is popular worldwide."
COMETA report: Conclusions and Recommendations
"Based on this prudent but solid
assessment, we can make several recommendations," the report
concluded, listing a number including informing French political,
military and administrative decision-makers, creating a civil
detection network, funding investigation and analysis.
Most significant of all was the fifth
item on the COMETA report to-do list:
5) Initiate diplomatic demarches to
the United States, with the support of other states and the
European Union, to urge the superpower to collaborate, and if
necessary, exert useful pressure to clarify this crucial issue
that can only come within the framework of political and
strategic alliances."
—The COMETA report:
Conclusions and Recommendations
The issue of
UFO reality and advanced being
contact with humanity is a Pandora's Box and once it is opened,
there is no way to close it. The problem is the the U.S. is no
longer the only hand on the lid besides that of
the ET themselves.
Sooner or later there will come a point where a country other than
the United States takes point on this issue, if the US does not do
so soon.
And it may not even be the expected
France that conducts the first formal disclosure on the world stage.
Both Russia and China have already released considerable news and
official reports of UFO activity - either may at anytime decide it
is in their best interest to step into the vacuum of silence
emitting from Washington, D.C.
If the
Obama administration allows it to come to that, then the
final slide from superpower to fellow world citizen will be complete
for America.
It is a matter of diplomacy that the
other nations of the world are waiting for official acknowledgement
by the US that there are non-human entities and technologies
operating in earth's biosphere, but that patience cannot last
Every day that the Obama administration maintains a frosty silence
on the issue, it buys another day of ownership of a policy that has
been an affront to the sensibilities of American trust in government
since Harry Truman elected to lie to the people in 1947. Time is
running out for the President elected on the premise of change to
take an action that will change a six decade long policy that has
mutated into a cancer on American society.
Perhaps it is that realization or perhaps it is true psychic
precognition, but earlier this year on Coast to Coast AM, Wilcock made the prediction that
a disclosure would occur on
national TV before the end of the year.
Michael Salla has written in
the Examiner that
disclosure is imminent, based
on his perspective as head of the Exopolitics institute. It was one
of the most widely read pieces of Examiner direct journalism Salla
has published.
The real question is not if the US will finally take an official
step down the path to Disclosure, but when they do,
How complete and truthful will
it be?
And what role the
United Nations
will take in a post-disclosure world?
How relevant will America be if
it does not officially come to its senses on this issue?

Paula Harris,
Greer, Lynne Kitei
Steven Greer, center flanked by journalist Paola Harris, left
and author/witness
Dr. Lynne Kitei at the recent CSETI conference at Rio Rico.
Steven Greer released the contents
of his briefing paper to President Obama at the recent CSETI
conference in Rio Rico and called for an Internet driven email
campaign to flood the White House with requests for disclosure.
Greer will deliver the
Saturday Nov.
21 Keynote lecture to the audience at the Secrets 2009 conference in
Tempe, giving Phoenix UFO and disclosure minded citizens a rare
opportunity to hear both men speak on the issue.
Maurizio Baiata will discuss the role of the Vatican in
Exopolitics at the
UFO 2012 Meetup Group meeting in Mesa.
Editor for years of the influential
Italian magazine 'Area 51', Baiata will also talk about the Fatima
events and their alien implications and explore other delicate
matters, such as the US and global cover-up.