by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Seattle Exopolitics Examiner
September 27, 2010
Examiner Website
For the first time since the early days
of the presidency of
Barack Obama in 2009, a wave of
scheduled or predicted events around the theme of ‘official’
disclosure of extraterrestrial life to the human civilization of
Earth appears to be surging.
The early days of the Obama administration were rife with rumors
that ET ‘disclosure is imminent’ and
one observer predicted,
“An official announcement by the
Obama administration disclosing the reality of extraterrestrial
life is imminent.”
In fact, Barack Obama’s failure to make
ET disclosure turned out to be the
top UFO/ET story of 2009.
As of today, almost a year to the day since the 2009 Obama ‘ET
disclosure wave’ started, a new 2010 ‘ET disclosure wave has begun
to surge.
The 2010 ET disclosure wave is focused around a new set of
institutions from the Obama administration - an announcement of an
appointment of a person - and then an official denial of this UN
appointment - for ‘contact by extraterrestrial civilizations’ at the
United Nations, a National Press Club Press conference by U.S. and
U.K. nuclear missile UFO whistleblowers, and the Denver ET Affairs
November 2010 vote.
An in-depth evaluation of each of these ‘drivers’ in the 2010 ET
disclosure wave reveals deep conflicts around what 'extraterrestrial
contact' may mean to the SETI ‘search for the extraterrestrial
presence’ paradigm as used by
the United Nations personnel and
bodies, and the UFO and Exopolitics paradigm of ‘extraterrestrial
disclosure’ used by citizen-driven initiatives such as the nuclear
missile UFO whistleblowers and the proponents of the Denver
Extraterrestrials Affairs commission.
The confusion and false expectations of the 2009 ET disclosure wave
must be avoided at all costs in the new 2010 ET disclosure wave now
Dr Mazlan
Othman & the UN: Just what does ‘extraterrestrial contact’ mean?
In some deep sense, there is still a deep chasm of mis-understanding
and cultural conflict between the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial
Intelligence) paradigm that for many years has dominated the
discussion at the Royal society and the U.N.
Outer space office (UNOOSA), and reality
of the UFO and extraterrestrial presence that U.S. nuclear missile
UFO whistleblowers, proponents of the Denver ET Affairs commission,
and the UFO and exopolitical research community are referring to.
It was
initially reported that Dr
Mazlan Othman, head of the
UN Outer Space Office (UNOOSA) and former director of the
Malaysian Space Agency, announced she would explain at a October
4-5, 2010 at a
U.K. Royal Society conference on a scientific and
social agenda on extraterrestrial life how a proposal to designate
her office as the official point of contact with extraterrestrial
life will be debated in the
U.N. Outer Space Committee, and if
approved, sent to the U.N. General Assembly for a vote.
Then in a public email, Dr. Othman stated,
UN Plan for 'Alien Ambassador' a
Case of Science Fiction?
September 27, 2010
Guardian Website
Malaysian astrophysicist Mazlan Othman
denies Sunday Times
report that she is to become Earth's first contact for

ET would have been
directed to the UN's Malaysian astrophysicist Mazlan
if it had landed on
Earth today, according to the Sunday Times.
Photograph: Allstar/Cinetext/Universal
If a Martian,
proverbial or otherwise, had landed on Earth in the last
24 hours the media had some practical advice. Or so it
According to the
Sunday Times and numerous other media outlets that
followed up the story, the United Nations was "poised"
to appoint an individual to be the first point of
contact with aliens.
Malaysian astrophysicist Mazlan Othman was being lined
up for the role, the story said. As head of the UN's
Office for Outer Space Affairs (Unoosa) Othman would be
"nearest thing
we have to a take me to you leader [person]", Prof
Richard Crowther, from the UK Space Agency, told the
Sunday Times.
According to the
paper, Othman is due to tell a Royal Society conference
that as the detection of extraterrestrial life is more
likely than ever, the UN needs to be ready to
co-ordinate humanity's response.
Reading all this our Martian visitor might have been
encouraged to try to get in touch. They would have had a
frustrating time.
The Royal Society knew nothing about it. The United
Nations referred all queries to the switchboard of
UNOOSA in Vienna.
Its switchboard
number wasn't much help.
"The person at
extension 4951 is unavailable, please leave your
message after the tone," it said.
Those messages
might make for some interesting listening today.
Finally an email from Othman herself would have prompted
our Martian to trudge back to his spaceship.
"It sounds
really cool but I have to deny it," she said of the
She will be
attending a conference next week, but she'll be talking
about how the world deals with "near-Earth objects".
Our alien will just
have to try someone else, or stop reading the Sunday
Times. |
Other news reports stated,
"A UN spokesperson this afternoon
told Newslite the story was "nonsense" and insisted there were
no current plans to appointment anyone to the role.
"Never-mind… we guess this just means any visiting aliens will
have to continue asking to be taken to our leader.
"The spokesperson said:
"The Office for Outer Space
Affairs, headed by Mazlan Othman, serves as the secretariat
to the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of
Outer Space.
"It carries out activities to promote international
cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space and
strengthens the use of space science and technology
"The mandate of the Office for Outer
Space Affairs is defined by the United Nations General Assembly
and there are no plans to change the current mandate.
"The article in the Sunday Times is nonsense."
Prior to this announcement-denial of the
UN 'extraterrestrial point of contact,' Dr. Othman is reported to
have said:
“The continued search for
extraterrestrial communication, by several entities, sustains
the hope that some day human kind will received signals from
“When we do, we should have in place a coordinated response that
takes into account all the sensitivities related to the subject.
“The UN is a ready-made mechanism for such coordination.”
The U.N. General Assembly in 1978 in
Decision 33/426 (1978) approved the establishment of an office to
investigate ‘extraterrestrial life’.
That 1978 Decision has not been
implemented to date.
A review of the Committee debates and working papers of the U.N.
Outer Space Committee make it clear that by ‘extraterrestrial
contact’ is meant contact of the sort envisioned by SETI through the
reception of radio signals from a distant point in deep space.
In a fundamental way, this chasm between the SETI-type contact and
an actual physical contact from extraterrestrial presence around
Earth may serve to fuel false expectations and substantive confusion
about what ‘ET contact’ means.
There is a vast difference between,
the sort of SETI-type radio
antenna contact that Dr Mazlan Othman and the rest of UNOOSA
and the UN General Assembly have in mind
authentic disclosure of secret
human-extraterrestrial liaison programs of the U.S.
government and the presence around Earth of multiple
advanced intelligent civilizations from other worlds and
When Dr Mazlan Othman (director of the
Malaysian Space Agency 2002-7) and the UN speak of ‘extraterrestrial
contact,’ they are speaking of a scenario of the return of radio
signals from some distant galaxy via
the SETI program.
They are not speaking of, and will
officially fail to confirm, the evidence of an active
extraterrestrial presence on Earth, and of secret human-ET liaison
programs of the U.S. government.
The functional effect (and some say the mission) of the SETI program
- and of the UN ‘ET’ paradigm - is to continue the cover-up of the
active extraterrestrial presence on Earth, and of secret
human-extraterrestrial liaison programs of he U.S. government.
This fueling of false expectations by the UN designation happened
already in 2009 with the Obama ‘disclosure is imminent’ bubble and
should not be encouraged again in 2010, as has happened already by
this apparent reporting of a bogus announcement by the UN on its
appointment of an 'extraterrestrial contact' person in Dr. Othman.
of nuclear weapons 'is a message' to human race
Readers can view the below video (YouTube) of the
'Sept. 27, 2010 nuclear missile UFO whistleblowers'
UFOs And Nukes
Exopolitik-NPC Press Conference
September 27, 2010
Robert Salas, Charles Halt,
Robert Hastings, Bruce Fenstermacher, Dwynne Arnesson, Patrick
McDonough, Gerome Nelson, Robert Jamison
give testimony
about their UFO encounters while they were on official duty in the
US military.
The 2010 ET disclosure wave has no such
ambiguities in the case of a
Sept 27, 2010 press conference held in
Washington DC by U.S. nuclear missile UFO whistleblowers.
The message of the intelligent ‘extraterrestrial or interdimensional’
civilizations intervening to shut down specific nuclear missile
facilities is:
“Deactivation of nuclear weapons 'is
a message' to human race”
The whistleblowers, all former U.S.
servicemen representing more than 100 U.S. servicemen who have come
forward on the issue of have a clear agenda of putting onto the
public record the active intervention of extraterrestrial or
interdimensional intelligent civilizations in matters relating to
human nuclear weaponry.
At the Sept 27, 2010 National Press Club press conference, former
U.S. servicemen,
...disclosed facts related to interventions by UFOs in U.S. and U.K.
nuclear missile facilities.
According to
news reports,
“Capt Robert Salas, a former missile
launch officer, said he was on duty during one incident at
Malmstrom air force base in Montana in 1967.
"An object came over and hovered directly over the site," he
said. "The missiles shut down. And the same thing happened at
another site a week later. There's a strong interest in our
missiles by these objects, wherever they come from. I personally
think they're not from planet Earth."
News reports from the press conference
also state,
“Suddenly one of the objects sent a
concentrated beam at the feet of the terrified men.
“'Was this a warning? An attempt to communicate? A weapon? Then
just as suddenly as it appeared, it disappeared,' he said.
“The entire incident was categorized as a British affair because
it had happened off base, Mr. Halt said.
“'I have no idea what we saw that night but I do know it was
under intelligent control. My theory is that it was from another
dimension or extra-terrestrial,' he said.
“The six former U.S. Air Force officers and one former enlisted
man, all presented declassified information which they claim
backs up their findings.
“They want US and British authorities to release 60 years worth
of 'X-Files' they claim proves the existence of
“And the men said that the UFOs deactivation of nuclear weapons
was a message to the human race to move away from arms race.”
At the press conference, Col. Hastings,
answering a journalist, stated:
"I don't think there is a potential
hostility [from the intelligent civilization behind the UFOs],
except for the narrow mind people."
During the press conference, Col.
Hastings also made a very revealing statement with regard to the
impact of the ET disclosure he and his colleagues were making at
this event.
Col. Hastings stated,
"The only change will be a paradigm
In other words, Col. Hastings is stating
that his hopes that the disclosure his fellow whistleblowers are
making will result in a paradigm shift by the human race away from
nuclear weapons and toward cooperation with
other intelligent
civilizations in the
La Raza,
Republicans and the Denver ET Affairs Commission ballot vote
The Denver ET commission ballot initiative, scheduled for Election
Tuesday November 2, 2010, has recently gained the electoral support
of a Key Latino leader whose organization is responsible for the
annual Cinco de Mayo 300,000 person celebration.
Veronica Barela, CEO and
Executive Director of NEWSED
in endorsing Initiative 300, stated,
“I support Initiative 300 to create
an Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission and I encourage people to
vote yes."
The Denver Extraterrestrial Affairs
Commission appears to be the only current initiated
proposal on the Nov. 2, 2010 ballot, as opposed to no charter
amendments and only one recall petition "Petition to Recall Andrea
Merida from the Office of Denver Public School Board District 2"
Initiative 300 will stand out on the ballot and not be
lost among a forest of other ballot initiatives, charter amendments
and recall petitions at the City of Denver level.
There are no concrete present indicators as to whether Initiative
300 will actually pass on Nov. 2, 2010.
following exchange between Jeff Peckman, principal
proponent of the
Denver ET ballot initiative, and an opponent of
Initiative 300 is illustrative of the polarization accompanying many
ballot issues:
Bryan @ 2010-09-03 12:42:15
“While Peckman believes that there
is support for the initiative, the City of Denver might not.
Recently Denver District 2 conducted a poll asking if residents
supported a Commission for Extraterrestrial Affairs and the
results were 8% supporting and 92% opposed.”
Jeff Peckman @ 2010-09-03 13:27:19
“The Denver City Council member for
District 2 is a Republican. And Republicans represent LESS than
8% of the Denver City Council. And the District 2 poll was done
BEFORE the voter education campaign started. Read very revealing
facts about Democrat and Republican leaders' views and
experiences with UFOs and ETs in the 8-page paper at
extracampaign.org. Then decide your vote.”
How to evaluate the
2010 ET disclosure wave so far
The 2010 ET disclosure wave is
starting to surge in the Fall 2010 (late September, early
October period), the same period as the surge of the 2009 ET
disclosure wave, centered around a purported disclosure by
President Barack Obama that has not yet materialized.
can question whether this Fall surge is an ‘after Labor Day’
phenomenon, or whether there are deeper dimensions driving
this wave.
Citizen disclosure
Of the three measures so far in
the 2010 ET disclosure wave, two involve substantial
citizen-driven extraterrestrial disclosure -
the nuclear
missile UFO whistleblowers, and the Denver ET Affairs
commission vote.
Citizen-driven disclosure appears to be a
key criterion determining whether a specific ET disclosure
effort is directed at authentic disclosure of an actual
extraterrestrial or interdimensional presence around Earth
and of existing human-extraterrestrial liaison programs of
the U.S. government.
The SETI model and the ET
Truth embargo
The SETI model was developed and
founded by the late astronomer
Carl Sagan (himself covertly
knowledgeable about the UFO/ET presence around Earth) and is
plausibly a sophisticated alternative ‘cover’ to authentic
extraterrestrial and UFO disclosure.
The SETI paradigm and
many of the scientists and infrastructure devoted to SETI
are hostile to the UFO/ET and Exopolitics research paradigm
that states extraterrestrial and
civilizations are visiting Earth at this time and have been
engaging some governments such as the U.S. for at least 50
Scientists and spokespersons for the SETI model such as
Seth Shostak predominate at the Oct. 4-5, 2010 Royal Society
meeting at which Dr Mazlan Othman, director of the UN Outer
Space Office as contact person for extraterrestrial
civilizations is scheduled to speak, apparently on Near
Earth Objects (NEOs) and not on SETI-type extraterrestrial
Seth Shostak, who was featured by 20th Century Fox
in a mini-documentary on ‘extraterrestrial contact’ along
with this reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre, is diametrically
opposed to disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence
around Earth through the Exopolitics paradigm, and believes
that ‘extraterrestrial disclosure’ will come only through
the SETI paradigm.
Authentic ET disclosure vs.
the SETI paradigm
Even if the news report itself
were authentic (which as of this writing the UN itself has
denied), the United Nation's very use of a SETI-type
'extraterrestrial contact' paradigm arouses false
expectations of authentic extraterrestrial disclosure being
undertaken by the United Nations.
Similar false expectations
of authentic ET disclosure unfortunately occurred in exopolitical reporting around the 2009 ET disclosure wave,
by over-interpretation of purported actions within the Obama
It is important not to repeat the promotion of false
expectations during the 2010 ET disclosure wave by
attributing to the SETI model adopted by the United Nations
the same validity as citizen-driven groups that are
attempting to achieve authentic disclosure of an
extraterrestrial presence now on Earth.
The United Nations’ use of a SETI paradigm that itself
understands ‘extraterrestrial contact’ to be contact via
radio signals from deep space can be seen as a functional
continuation of the ET truth embargo.