by Michael Salla, Ph.D.
Honolulu Exopolitics Examiner
February 26, 2009
TheExaminer Website
NASA press announcement
on December 16, 2008 revealed that a
giant breach has been found in the Earth magnetic field. The
magnetic field shields the earth from the solar wind which consists
of plasma energy transmitted from the sun.
For the entire duration of the next solar cycle, especially during
its peak, plasma energy will pour in through the breach which is
four times larger than the earth. In part one of this series of
articles, I showed how each individual’s bio-electrical system will
become increasingly charged as the sun ramps up its outpouring of
plasma for Solar Cycle #24.
As bio-electrical systems are charged up, many will feel this most
immediately as surges of nervous energy.
If individuals prepare correctly their bodies and nervous systems,
the increased plasma energy can lead to a significant enhancement of
human abilities.
The human nervous system is made up of billions of neurons that
communicate information to one another and the body’s trillions of
cells. Robert Becker, in
Body Electric,
revealed that neurons transmit information through tiny electrical
signals that are very sensitive to the electrical environment. This
was why living near
electrical transmission wires can be very damaging to the body’s
sensitive bio-electrical system.
Similarly, large electrical discharges or shocks can severely
disrupt the human body.
The precise effect of a tremendous increase in solar plasma energy
in the Earth’s electrical environment upon the human nervous system
is unknown. Its effect on human relations and society is even less
known. It can be predicted, however, that the surge in electrical
energy on the planet and human bioelectrical systems will directly
influence relations and communications between people.
This arises from the tiny bio-electrical signals that enable the
brain neurons to communicate.
Brain cycles
represent the dominate ways our neurons
communicate when organizing sensory data about the world around us.
During waking time, we typically operate using two brain wave
Beta is where our brain’s
electrical signals operate between 14-40 cycles per second
or Hertz (Hz) and represents a state of high mental activity
typically associated with stress.
Alpha brain wave states operate
at 7.5-14 cycles per second and represent a relaxed state of
Lower brain wave states, Theta (4-7.5
Hz) and Delta (0.5-4) are physically inactive states such as deep
meditation and sleep.
The highest recorded brain wave state, Gamma (40+Hz), represents
bursts of insight and has been
increasingly observed
in the use of higher cognitive abilities
by children.
As the plasma energy pours into the earth, people’s brain wave
states will be affected.
For some, this might be experienced as communications and
interactions becoming more intense as more beta brain wave activity
takes place. An analogy would be someone who has lived all their
life in a relaxed small town in the American mid-West, suddenly
being transported to a busy New York City.
Alternatively, others may find that their body
lacks vitality
due to a rapid build up of static
electricity in the Earth’s environment.
Those able to express the body’s increased nervous energy in
constructive ways, will find it much easier to start and complete
projects they previously put on back burner of life. The ability to
easily switch between Gamma and Alpha brain wave states will lead to
greater creative insight as individuals need to calmly respond to a
more challenging socio-economic environment. The key to benefiting
from increased Gamma brain wave activity is to keeping a positive
and open mind where new insights are integrated.
Once the brain’s higher cognitive skills come on line, then it’s
vital to be able to calmly integrate new insights into our lives.
By keeping an open mind and having a positive outlook individuals
are most likely to succeed in dealing with the solar waves pouring
through the giant hole of the Earth’s magnetosphere.
They will be prepared for the rapid increase in plasma energy that
will increases levels of electricity in the environment, and alters
human bioelectric systems and brain wave patterns.
Individuals who adequately prepare themselves will literally become
solar wave riders able to ride the waves of incoming solar energy to
higher levels of creativity and life fulfillment.
Scientists -
"Major Solar Storms in 2012"
During his upbringing in Hawaii, one of President Obama’s favorite
beach activities was body surfing. He can combine this skill with
his understanding that
scientific “facts demand bold action."
He can do much to help others surf the upcoming solar waves by
taking “bold action” to help people deal with this fact by helping
open their minds and exercising their creative abilities response to
a rapidly changing social environment.
This can be most effectively done by disclosing the truth about a
great number of areas previously kept secret from the American
Arguably the most challenging national secrets are those concerning
extraterrestrial life. If indeed extraterrestrial life
exists as evidence suggests, then disclosure of such evidence would
be part of the “bold action” President Obama could take in helping
Americans people prepare for the incoming solar waves. Perhaps
nothing would more open peoples minds than the realization that
extraterrestrial life is real, and has been visiting our planet.
The next solar maximum will last for several years with one peak
expected to be the year
The giant breach in the Earth’s magnetosphere means increased solar
activity will directly impact people’s bio-electrical systems and
brain wave states. As the
current global economic meltdown
with lost jobs and increased uncertainty, this is a good time to
explore options in how to best express one’s creative energies.
By keeping a calm open mind while being creative in a changing
socio-economic environment and integrating information about
extraterrestrial life, individuals can become solar wave riders
where they creatively deal with waves of solar energy pouring into
the planet up to 2012 and beyond.