by John Stapleton
New Dawn 200 (Sept-Oct 2023)
John Stapleton
is the author of the new book
'Australia Breaks Apart,'
which shines a light on one of the darkest episodes in Australian
history, the COVID overreach that gripped the nation in madness
between 2020 and 2022. |

What happens when the government itself becomes
the country's greatest purveyor of misinformation and disinformation
- gaslighters of their entire populations?
And that same government is hell-bent on
censoring the truth...?
That is exactly what has happened, and is happening, in Australia.
Long known as the most illiberal of all Western democracies - as the
greatest surveiller, manipulator and oppressor of its own population
of any so-called democracy - Australia stepped straight off the
cliff into a totalitarian abyss during the Covid era.
And made
headlines around the world for all the wrong reasons...
Without the right to freedom of assembly or freedom of speech in its
Constitution, and without a Bill of Rights, the despotic conduct of
Australian governments has run out of control, accelerated first by
the overreach of the terror response post the September 11 attacks
in the United States in 2001, and then by the heavy-handed
government response to
the Covid panic beginning in early 2020.
Aided and abetted by a legacy media taken hostage by its funding
sources, principally the government, either through direct grants,
tax right-offs, or threats to withdraw advertising if they step out
of line.
Not content with having a controlling hand in all the country's
mainstream media and untrammelled by common sense or any
inconvenient social conscience, the Australian government is now
introducing a new and entirely counterproductive level of censorship
unseen at any time in the nation's history.
On 25 June 2023, on what - appropriately - marked 120 years since
George Orwell's birth, the Australian government released an
"Exposure Draft" of its The Communications Legislation Amendment
(Combating Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2023, for public
and institutional comment. 1
The public had until 6 August 2023, later extended by a fortnight,
to make submissions to a government Inquiry on the Bill, which would
give the media regulator, the Australian Communications and Media
Authority (ACMA), yet greater powers.
Private submissions will not
be published.
Once a paper tiger, an obscure bureaucratic backwater, ACMA has
grown dramatically in power over recent years and now has the power
to control all online public discourse...!
ACMA wields power over Australia's entire communications spectrum,
television, radio, newspapers, digital platforms, and the
The new laws include content aggregation services, connective media
services, media sharing services and, somewhat broadly,
"a digital
service specified by the minister."
Targets include websites that
collate information and present it to end users, self-produced
information, search engines, instant messaging services, social
media platforms and podcasting services.
Many Laws "in this space"
There have been flotillas of government overreach legislation
launched on the public since the early days of the millennium; so
many laws "in this space," an expression beloved by bureaucrats,
that it is hard to keep track.
One piece of Malcolm Turnbull-era
legislation the general public has never heard of is the
innocuous-sounding Defence Trade Controls Act, a poorly
drafted piece of catch-all legislation.
Interpreted literally, it could make the use of
mobile phones or internet banking illegal, both, obviously, using
encryption. 2
As usual, the government has only been going through the motions of
a public inquiry and has zero interest in what the public thinks.
The tight deadlines, the complexity of making a submission - well
beyond the average punter - the lack of any genuine public
information campaign and town hall meetings are all designed to
ensure the voices of ordinary people are eliminated from the
The last people this government wants to hear from are its many
incensed citizens, offended by the censorship they have repeatedly
endured, at the Australian government's request, on American-owned
social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram and
Subjects which the government has seen fit to censor or deplatform
or outright ban have included Christian websites, opponents of mass
immigration, critics of the current LGBTQIA+ obsessions, and in the
past three years, thousands of often factually correct communiqués
the safety and efficacy of vaccines
the effectiveness of masks
and lockdowns
the views of world medical experts dissenting
from the Big Pharma line...
Bill Gates, of course, is a protected
animal online. Protected with our money. Not for us. And not for the
public good. But purely for the benefit of the world's elites.
All this is being done under the rubric of keeping Australians safe
and under the auspices of the Orwellian named "eSafety
Commissioner," a World Economic Forum (WEF) acolyte now acting as
the country's Chief Censor, Julie Inman Grant.
Touted as the world's first government regulatory agency committed
to keeping its citizens safer online, there's a reason why every
other country on Earth has avoided going down this path.
your citizens builds enormous stressors in the system, rapidly
leading to chaos, state control, and a totalitarian nightmare...
Julie Inman Grant was appointed by the conservatives in 2017 when an
already intensely disliked Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull dominated
the political stage and took every opportunity possible to get
himself on the nightly news.
Turnbull's Totalitarian State
Before becoming Prime Minister, Turnbull headed the Australian arm
of the obscenely wealthy financial group Goldman Sachs, one of whose
specialties is the creation of new markets, particularly
an agenda Turnbull pursued with great diligence and which is now
being equally diligently pursued by the Labor Party.
Always follow
the money.
In this case the money of Goldman Sachs, which Turnbull
re-joined after leaving politics.
As The Australian Financial Review describes the firm:
occasionally dodgy reputation among the public is outweighed by the
deference it commands in circles of power.
The network. The platinum
Rolodex. Rich people who help powerful people get rich, and powerful
people who make rich people powerful.
It all stems from a culture of
breathtaking exclusivity." 3
Malcolm Turnbull passed into law some of the most anti-democratic,
anti-free speech anti-journalist legislation Australia, indeed the
world, had ever seen.
Under his watch, journalists became Persons of
Interest under the Australian Security and Intelligence (ASIO) Act.
He introduced Journalist Information Warrants, meaning the
authorities can legally sweep all of a journalist's communications.
Created without any consultation with the industry, the legislation
means if perchance a journalist discovers he, she, they, or them,
discover they are the subject of such a warrant and publicizes the
fact, they can be sent to jail. 4
As former Inspector General of Intelligence and Security Margaret
Stone pointed out publicly, it is possible to be arrested and jailed
for five years for breaching orders you did not even know existed in
It also became legal under Turnbull for the intelligence agencies to
detain ten-year-olds and hold them incommunicado for a fortnight,
without access to their families or to a lawyer.
If a concerned
family publicized the fact, they also face jail. 5
Equally, under the Stasi chambers of anti-corruption commissions, a
journalist can be hauled before a Commission and forced to reveal
their sources.
If they fail to comply, they can be jailed, and if
they so much as tell a family member, a friend, a lawyer, or their
own union that they have been thus summoned, they can also be jailed
for up to two years.
That's not democracy. That's a
totalitarian state...
The WEF & Our New eSafety
It is no surprise that back in 2017 the fully committed globalist
Malcolm Turnbull, with his extreme hostility to the profession of
journalism and thereby to free speech, was responsible for the
appointment of one Julie Inman Grant, the so-called eSafety
Commissioner now more than willing to censor her fellow Australians.
Easy to find online is her 2022 call to recalibrate what we
understand to be free speech at the World Economic Forum (WEF), an
increasingly reviled organization whose dystopian vision of
humanity's future has provoked widespread criticism.
Any notion of a
modern democracy being "Of the people for the people by the people"
has long been dispensed with under the tutelage of the caricature of
an evil despot, WEF head
Klaus Schwab.
A contempt for the views and indeed the lives of ordinary people
pervades everything the WEF does and is on full display at their
annual meeting
in Davos, Switzerland, frequented by some of the
wealthiest, and some would argue most ruthless, dishonest, and
unpleasant individuals on Earth.
"We are finding ourselves in a place where we have increasing
polarization everywhere," Ms Grant told a WEF Forum in 2022.
"Everything feels binary when it doesn't need to be.
I think we are
going to have to think about a recalibration of a whole range of
human rights that are playing out online, from the freedom of speech
to the freedom to be free from online violence.
Or the right of data
protection to the right to child decency." 6
Right, that makes sense.
Ms Grant's biography reads like a holy writ of horror, a long dance
with the world's worst corporate entities, bookended by the rapid
expansion of her powers which have made her the country's unelected
Chief Censor...
Reappointed for a five-year stint just before last year's election,
she has been fervently embraced by the so-called "progressives" of
the left, whose desire to censor the views of ordinary Australians
is outdoing even their censorious predecessors.
The World Economic Forum records:
"Julie has extensive experience in
the non-profit and government sectors and spent two decades working
in senior public policy and safety roles in the tech industry at
Microsoft, Twitter and Adobe.
The Commissioner's career began in
Washington DC, working in the US Congress and the nonprofit sector
before taking on a role at Microsoft.
Julie's experience at
Microsoft spanned 17 years, serving as one of the company's first
and longest-standing government relations professionals, ultimately
in the role of Global Director for Safety & Privacy Policy and
At Twitter, she set up and drove the company's policy,
safety & philanthropy programs across Australia, New Zealand &
Southeast Asia."
Ms Grant worked closely with Bill Gates, whose
devastating role promoting unsafe, ineffective, and highly
profitable "vaccines" during the Covid era has left him as a
discredited and widely despised figure.
She also worked with Twitter
during the height of its suppression of freedom of speech at the
request of American military and intelligence agencies.
At the height of government-propelled Covid hysteria, the World
Economic Forum notes,
"Julie oversaw significant increases in the eSafety office's budget, increased staffing levels and launched the
global Safety by Design initiative.
As Commissioner, she has led
work to stand up novel and world-first regulatory regimes under the
new Online Safety Act 2021, with implementation of a sweeping new
set of reforms beginning on 23 January 2022." 7
Well, that's reassuring...!!
The WEF also nominated Ms Grant as one of their so-called Agile 50:
The World's 50 Most Influential People
Revolutionizing Government.
It says:
"This list seeks to laud those politicians, civil servants
and entrepreneurs driving agility in governments all around the
world. Julie Inman Grant is Australia's eSafety Commissioner.
this role, Grant leads the world's first government agency committed
to keeping its citizens safe online." 8
If you're not reassured by having an unelected person closely
associated with Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and the World Economic
Forum (WEF) acting as the nation's Chief Censor and dedicated to
"transforming government," you're not alone.
As the saying goes, one
of the only good things to come out of the Covid era is that the
power structures have now been exposed for all to see.
Dangerous Legislation
The response to the government's plans to expand the power of the
Australian Communications and Media Authority to become our very own
Ministry of Truth has been hostile and widespread, provoking an
onslaught of criticism, with the bill being repeatedly described as
Orwellian and labeled the most dangerous legislation ever
introduced into the Australian parliament.
The laws would give the government the power to censor content they
decide is "untrue, false or misleading," declared Sky News host and
favored News Ltd personality Sharri Markson.
"A government entity cannot be allowed to decide what is
misinformation," she said.
"They do not have first-hand contact with
sources like journalists do. This is extremely dangerous territory."
Paul Gregoire, winner of a New South Wales Council of Civil
Liberties award for excellence in journalism, suggests the laws will
be used to silence political dissent.
He writes:
"The freedom of expression the internet has brought to
the global community has always posed an issue for governments.
is especially so in this country, now that the mainstream media has
become so compliant that ministerial press releases often dictate
whole stories, as they're taken as gospel.
"Of course, governments don't lie, they produce propaganda.
Could it
simply be that the government of what The New York Times described
as ‘the world's most secretive democracy' is seeking to empower
itself?" 9
Human rights lawyer Peter Fam described the misinformation bill as
"a poorly drafted piece of proposed legislation" that poses a threat
to the rights of free expression, self-determination, and freedom of
thought, conscience and religion.
"Do we want a government department to have the power to impose
civil and criminal penalties on users of the internet if they
publish something that the government doesn't like?
That is what the ACMA bill would allow.
It proposes an unacceptable and contemptible
breach of the right to freedom of speech and freedom of
expression." 10
Rukshan Fernando, one of the most talented journalists and
broadcasters to emerge from the Covid era, says:
"It has become very
apparent that we in Australia are at the forefront of a battle for
internet freedom, for freedom of speech, for the freedom of
political communication.
The right to share ideas that we in a
modern society should have.
The internet is now the town square.
People get together online. The fact that people can do this is a
very powerful part of our human nature.
There is nothing more that
our government would like to do than diminish the ability of people
to have this form of communication.
Government people will tell you
they are doing it to keep you safe. I am telling you, there are many
people out there who are looking at this, from all experts to the
layman like you and me, and we can see it for what it is.
government is running rampant." 11
Under the proposals, the Australian Communications and Media
Authority could require digital platforms to keep records about
matters regarding misinformation and disinformation and turn them
over when requested.
Communications Minister Michelle Rowland said this would,
"essentially mean that the regulator is able to look under the hood
of what the platforms are doing and what measures they are taking to
ensure compliance." 12
The ACMA would also be able to request the industry to develop a
"code of practice" covering measures to combat misinformation.
Violating the code could result in penalties up to $2.75 million
dollars or two per cent of global turnover - whichever is greater.
And lastly, ACMA would be empowered to create and enforce its own
industry standard. Penalties for breaching those standards could see
companies paying up to $6.8 million or five per cent of their global
Frequently incandescent with rage, Paul Collits has come to the fore
in recent years as one of Australia's most perceptive and acerbic
political commentators.
As he has repeatedly pointed out, during the Covid era Australian governments
gaslighted the entire population,
lying about everything from,
the effectiveness of masks, social
distancing and lockdowns to the safety of the vaccines administered
to millions of the nation's children.
He writes that the massive fines to be imposed on social media
giants if they fail to comply with the Australian government's
agendas and censor or delete their users has reached the point of
"Is the eSafety Commissioner - one Julie Inman Grant - coming for
me? Or you?
Well, she is coming for Elon Musk, threatening Twitter
with a $700,000 a day fine unless the company shows that it is
countering online ‘hate'.
"Like many, I had never heard of this person or her job until this
week. I wish I hadn't. This is a takeover by the State of our rights
to determine what we hear, what we believe, what we say. It has
nothing whatsoever to do with alleged hate speech.
"The loudmouthed threats to Twitter by Julie Inman Grant are merely
a foretaste of what is to come. Who gets to define what is mis- and
This is THE question." 13
Covid-19 Censorship
As one of the best of a new breed of journalists actively reshaping
Australia's media landscape, Rebekah Barnett of Dystopian Down
Under, observes that all these moves to censor the citizenry are
highly ironic after revelations that the federal government censored
thousands of online posts during the Covid era, many of which were
factually correct.
Barnett reports that a Freedom of Information request by Senator
Alex Antic revealed that from the start of the pandemic up to 15 Dec
2022, the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) referred 4,213 social
media posts that they argued were a breach of big tech platforms'
community guidelines.
"This comes as a surprise, given that the Department's purview
includes border security, counter-terrorism and immigration, but not
public health," notes Barnett.
DHA representatives told Senator
Antic that under the Scott Morrison Government, the Department was
directed to,
"lean in on Covid dis- and misinformation."
Covid was the most politicized disease in Australian history, which
meant that the Prime Minister was using both the bureaucracies and
social media platforms to further his own political ends.
It is
clearly scandalous that the Australian government was censoring
correct information to further the careers of politicians and the
interests of Big Pharma, most notably Moderna and
Censored posts included claims that lockdowns were ineffective, now
a widely accepted truism. Ditto mask mandates.
Claims that the
Covid-19 vaccine did not prevent infection or transmission were
removed as "potentially harmful information" yet, as is now also
well recognized, were correct.
Barnett writes:
"Notably, the government will be exempt from the new
The collusion of government with big tech, industry, academia
and think tanks to steer public conversation and suppress
inconvenient truths veers sharply from the democratic ideals that
our societies were founded on.
In a world where the experts were
always right, this would only be a violation of our freedom of
expression and thought.
But as we know from the Covid era, the
experts get it wrong, a lot, which makes the Censorship Industrial
Complex a violation of truth itself." 15
Broadcaster Chris Kenny wrote in The Australian:
"It is
extraordinary and alarming to see the factual, arguable and
reasonable social media posts the government censored.
This was a
secret stifling of proper debate and crushing of dissent over
crucial government actions. Much of this censorship did not protect
the public from misinformation.
Rather, it protected the government
from dissent and suppressed sensible discussion of the facts."
There has been not one word of concern from Australia's Chief
Censor, Ms Julie Inman Grant, over the revelations to parliament
that the government was actively censoring correct information on Covid.
In other words, the government is free to lie.
The people are not free to tell the truth.
surveillance is such a serious threat
Australians now find themselves under surveillance, and therefore
under some sort of state control, both physically and online, in
their homes and their cars, on the streets and in the supermarket,
and on the social media platforms that the majority of the
population rely on for their news.
Despite the uber surveillance of the past few years, to this day
people will shrug and say:
"If you're not doing anything wrong, why
does it matter if you're under surveillance?"
It matters because surveillance, in and of itself, alters human
behavior and severely impacts the culture.
Bruce Schneier, one of the world's leading cyber security experts
and author of Data and Goliath: The Hidden Battles to Collect Your
Data and Control Your World, told this writer that mass surveillance
profoundly affects liberty and justice, fairness and equality, and
Bruce Schneier
"When we are observed at all times we become
conformist, and creativity suffers," he said. "Fear, discrimination,
Again and again, society forgets that targeting entire
groups of people in a vain effort to find the few bad actors is both
ineffective and toxic.
There's a reason why surveillance states
aren't the ones that flourish; it's profoundly inhumane." 17
Books such as
The Age of Surveillance Capitalism - The Fight for a
Human Future at the New Frontier of Power and Surveillance Valley
clearly demonstrate that
for the Australian authorities, technology is the gift that keeps on
giving, offering levers of social control they could once only have
dreamed of.
A technology that evolved from the electronic footprints recorded by
online searches during the earliest days of the internet now means
you cannot enter a Woolworths or a Bunnings, you cannot drive down a
public street or meet a friend on a street corner, without being
under surveillance.
The technology does not merely track your whereabouts and online
activity but can determine your mood, IQ, heart rate, and multiple
personality traits.
It can detect whether or not a woman is pregnant
before she herself knows.
In recent years there has been a plethora of advances in biometric
tracing and associated technologies, including facial recognition at
scale, and rafts of legislation to accompany it.
Where does it all end?
With the relaxation of euthanasia laws to
include mental health issues, it is no longer science fiction to
imagine a state where anyone who disagrees with climate change, mass
immigration, gender diversity, or claims that vaccines are safe and
effective, can be classified as mentally ill, and thereby a
candidate for elimination.
A surplus human. Easily dispensed with...
And if anyone has the temerity to disagree with the state's
diagnosis and publicises the fact on social media, their voice will
be systematically eliminated.
As US presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the repeatedly
deplatformed author of
The Real Anthony Fauci - Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, told a US
House Committee inquiry recently:
"Once you start censoring, you're
on your way to dystopia and totalitarianism."
With the rapid evolution of brain-reading technology, there will
soon be literally no place to hide.
And if you think this is all being done for your benefit, you really
do need your head read. You are not in good hands...