by Neil Freer
SapiensRising Website
with all of this change, we are going to have to learn
how to change our minds a little more easily.”
Arlington Institute
“There is a futant genetic caste wired for the
role of evolutionary agent: one who foresees and helps
fabricate the future.”
Leary, Ph.D. |
Are there humans who are genetically determined to be indicators
of the next dimension of evolving human consciousness? Yes. We
call them futants. This paper is intended to provide a
name, sense of identity, concept, vocabulary, context, and
suggestion of societal role-contribution.
Futant is a term coined by Timothy Leary,
Ph.D., former Harvard lecturer in psychology and the engine behind
the peaceful Jeffersonian revolution of the ‘60’s. Melding
future and mutant, it defines those 1.5-2%
of the population at any given time who are genetically “programmed”
to be the evolutionary future scouts. (Exo-Psychology, later
editions renamed Info-Psychology, 1976 )
Futants are not idiot savants nor are they usually
raging rebels. To this time they have often, if not usually, been
misunderstood, sometimes considered insane, persecuted, and cast out
or even killed. It would be well that we finally recognize the
genetic role, proclivities and potential contribution of
futants. By recognizing their genetic role we
will gain an evolutionary advantage in the form of a window into the
future. This is not to say that the vision of the futant is always
robust or balanced or even completely correct.
Because the futant role is hardly recognized and often denied or even
rejected and persecuted the futant often does not
understand Hir status and the evolutionary context into which
it fits. This, more than often, is usually a serious personal
problem for the individual, from childhood interactions with parents
through maturity, depending on several factors. The religious
context in which the futant child is brought up, the
political and social situations in which the individual finds HIrself, the rejection by peers and academia as often
happens, are usually all obstacles.
Different individuals of the futant type react to
these negative elements with different strengths of personality,
degree of intelligence and learning and sense of their role. Some
break under the pressures while others persevere.
We will come to
acknowledge the futant evolutionary role and give
context to it and support to the futant so they may
understand themselves and their potential contribution. We need to
integrate the futant role and unique contribution into
the common consciousness and begin to respect and take advantage of
it. True futants of high caliber can be
the equivalent of the Japanese “national treasure”. The problem of
integration is not so much recognizing the futant role
but bringing ourselves to listen to what we, sometimes for a number
of somewhat less than lofty reasons, may be reluctant to hear.
They won’t always be accurate or totally correct due to the novelty
of their vision, their relative personal comprehension of it, the
stability of their personal psychology or biology, or the social
context in which they find themselves, but things will get much
better in our time as they learn to recognize their genetic
proclivities and are recognized for their worth.
We should
learn to listen and carefully consider what they have to offer and
evaluate and integrate the vision and role of the futant
into society as a valuable evolutionary asset.
The Futant and the Futurist
Futurists are those who study the trends emerging,
the technology developing, the thought emerging, that seem to give
indication of what the future, usually fairly near term, will bring.
The best look for both emerging trends and pay particular attention
to the least determinable, the “wild card” phenomenon which
may give a clue to the least unexpected turn of future events.
There is a difference between futurists and futants.
Futurists tend to inhabit the distinguishable,
conceptualizable, front shoulder of the statistical bell curve,
working to determine with tools of analysis the quantifiable,
identifiable, projectable elements and wild cards out in front of
Futants are the genetic wild cards of conscious
evolution. Futants are not mutants
in the sense that their genetic structures manifest sudden or
clearly defined mutations. There is a difference between
futants and mutants. Mutants happen by
“chance”. Futants are an integral,
successful and valuable evolutionary gambit for determination of
and adaptation to and conscious creation of the future. Futants are the genetically programmed evolutionary
scouts, the evolutionary explorers and experimenters. In that
way they are often seen as genetic revolutionaries.
Futurists are not always futants: futants
are inherently futurists.
Futurists tend to deal with the future and communicate
about it in intellectual, scientific, technological and statistical
form. Futurists tend to view the future from the present and
evaluate the shorter term future in terms of present conditions and
values. Futurists are counter punchers, evaluating wild cards
in terms of how to counteract or neutralize or integrate them.
Futants ten to view the present from the future
and evaluate the present in terms of the longer range future. Futants tend to embody, literally, and live the future and
communicate and report about it from their personal experience.
The futurist sometimes has difficulty dealing with the
futant, even when recognizing Hir as such, because
one cannot use any assumption of philosophy, science, psychology or
even logic to judge the experience and the vision of the futant: by its very nature, the essential and most valuable
contribution of the futant is generally a correction, expansion, revolution
or supersession of or in any or all of these
disciplines and the criteria by which they operate. Futurists
and futants need each other: the ideal relationship is one of
close cooperation and contribution to the general evolution of the
The Futant Focus
Futants are focused, obviously, on the future, on
consciousness as such, and on the generically human. Determining
what is generically, as opposed to religiously, culturally,
parochially, even scientifically or philosophically defined as the
essence of the human is a fundamental preoccupation. In order to
recognize the futant role and its potential benefit as
an evolutionary gambit, however, we must first arrive at a correct
understanding of our particular kind of evolution in general.
Neither the simple Darwinian view nor the Creationist
contradiction of it are valid. We will not understand ourselves
in evolutionary terms until we recognize our genetically
engineered beginnings and special case of rapid evolutionary
development as a bicameral species now stepping out of racial
Because futants, to survive, learn early to discern
the obstacles that society and religion
throw up against them, they have resonated with the profound
restoration of our species’ true history by the thesis of the
Sumerian scholar,
Zecharia Sitchin: we are a
genetically-engineered cross between an indigenous humanoid, Homo-Erectus, and alien,
Nefilim genes, a
rapidly evolving bicameral species now ready to step out of racial
adolescence into stellar society.
Religion is shown to be the
sublimation of the ancient master-slave relationship with the
alien Anunnaki and this subservient godspell is the
deepest dye in the fabric of our culture. And the godspell
mentality is the greatest threat to the futant. Religion as we know it tends to codify, formalize belief
systems and demand conformity and submission and
generally condemns any evolution of consciousness.
This Babel
factoring mitigates, indeed militates, against any generic
definition and understanding of what a human being is in the first
place, and what the consciousness potential of the human is in the
second place. But the situation is changing rapidly.
But what of
the precocious
Prematurers of inchoate vision,
Waiting all night in line
On the strength of persistent
And clandestine rumor
Of a second edition
After two millennia?
Driven by anticipatory tensions
To brave the tweed, tenured fury
Of vituperative academicians,
The steel-rimmed patronizing
Of cynically derisive scientists,
The amoral refractivity
Of the theological police,
And the pervasive cultural deafness
That stunts the child,
Contracts the adult,
Enervates the ancients,
They have wandered, bewildered,
Futants and aliens in their time,
Furtively scouring the mindless bazaars
For hand-made parts for their vision;
Naturally noble, sensitive, precocious
Children refusing to close the doors
Of perception on parental command;
Royalty, provided only one conform.
Not nurtured, nor educated to dance
To the rhythms of our private
Genetic harmonics
No toe-hold in the dark,
No adequate maps, no context
So many lost to the mad world,
We have lost too many
In that lonely unnecessary fire.
No longer must the few survivors
Stagger from that scorching reentry
In dazed glory. We need never
Do that to ourselves again.
At the convoluted coda
Of current consensual reality
(A brief period of static grace)
It is history or hallucination,
Nothing less, as we awake
from the suprafamilar,
Ultimate schizophrenia
Of history as mythology,
We need no longer live recycling
The fragmented, maudlin tales
Told by confused ancestors
Across the dying embers
Of somnambulant cultures,
Shuddering at the old words,
The antique awe, self-inditing
Metaphors imprinted in the womb.
Trembling in the fear of our fear,
Wracked and torn by weird irruptions
Of suppressed archetypes
From beneath our dignity.
In the elational daylight
Of genetic enlightenment
We shall overcome the ancient godspell
Slave blindness, god-fright,
Parent taboo, Babel-factoring
Our genetic genius into negative quotients.
Rather, in our time, we shall learn
The sound of our own freedom,
At first disconcerting in the gentleness
Of its echo off the back wall of infinity,
Learn the intricate steps of the quaint
Dance of our oscillatory and peculiar
Kind of consciousness; re-discover
The threads of our common humanity
Woven in the tapestries of our cultures,
Struggle into the lightness
Of an unaccustomed, unassailable integrity.
In the satisfactory afternoon
Of bicameral integration
We become our own
Genetic credentials,
Mythic dimensions,
Merging our planetary genius
Into positive unity.
The godspell is broken;
Let our god games begin. |
Is there a truly generically human modality of systematic evolution
of consciousness? Yes. It is called conscious evolution,
self-directed evolution as one’s own evolutionary artist. The
principle of self-reference is the essence of the evolution of consciousness.
Conscious evolution is evolution
turned back on itself to afford conscious choosing of ones
evolutionary trajectory.
Generic Self-Directed Conscious Evolution
The technique for generic, constant, self-directed expansion
evolution of consciousness is simple: Begin with one’s consciousness
as it is.
Turn that
consciousness back self-reflexively on itself in self
examination and analysis.
Determine the
statements it enables which cannot be proven by it, the
questions it can engender but cannot answer, thereby
determining the limiting parameters of this modality.
contemplate and explore the new kind of consciousness
(perception / comprehension / experience / dimensionality)
suggested and required by these statements and questions.
Employ whatever
techniques are appropriate to afford direct experience of
this new expanded consciousness.
Develop a
vocabulary adequate to describe and explain its nature.
Formalize its
structure and rules, refine and expand its potential: use it
as an exploratory tool and a criterion of truth.
Use it to gain
information about the universe which cannot be gained by
lesser types of awareness.
Determine how
the elements of the previous levels of consciousness are
subsumed into the new consciousness.
Repeat the cycle
as above.
Again, step by step with
poetry: Why poetry? Because poetry, at least in the
hands of some, becomes a futant meta-language,
a way to expand the current language, even inventing new words and
metaphors and concepts, to give a name to and express the
experience, parameters, rules and “logic” of the next new dimension
of consciousness.
Begin with one’s consciousness as it is. How is ours today.....well,
generally, it seems:
In these latter days of
In the divided middle, our thought,
Chafed by the blunted jaws of binary scholastic traps,
Bound to dreary, plodding coordinates
Orbiting an origin relative to nothing;
Finding little solace in the small transition
From ricocheting concepts of equal and opposite
Rigidities to fields over fields among fields;
Realizing only an inadequacy of metaphor
Rather than a satisfactory expansion
Into the anticipated, we have delayed leisure,
Held knowledge in abeyance, decried wealth,
If not sufficiency, fearing a premature freedom,
While craving each as an inalienable right.
Turn that consciousness back self-reflexively on itself in self
examination and analysis.
The predictable is only a subset of the known;
Science, an amulet rubbed against error,
Seduces to security.
Quantity is but a reflection of being;
Mathematics, a philonumerical incantation,
Seduces to control.
Reason is but a shadow of wisdom;
Philosophy, an archaic intellectual politic,
Seduces to concordance.
Syllogisms are not the same as sanity;
Logic, a handrail to consensus,
Seduces to confidence.
All are subsets of incomplete theorems,
Larval convulsions, time-stamped to expire
Spontaneously bursting their desiccated criteria
At the edge of our genetic season.
Outmoded metaphors, regardless of venerability
Or fame of vintage, are the ultimate
Evolutionary obstruction, an embarrassment
Of traditions; psyche, intellect, mind, reason,
Intuition, imagination, will and wisdom
All antique metaphors, justifiable
Only as translational stelae, brittle labels
On dusty containers. |
Determine the statements it enables which cannot be proven by it,
the questions it can engender but cannot answer, thereby determining the
limiting parameters of this modality.
All ideas of our time,
outmoded by their very,
to expression, still necessary
In the transitional phase in which awakening
To the process is the process itself,
For which we will find, cyclically,
A more suitable name than evolution.
But honest reason, reflecting, has found
Logic inadequate at the edge of awareness,
Unable to escape the elastic bonds
Of its own preemptive postulates; shaken
By the oscillations of statements
That must be written in three dimensions;
Its plea to a syllogistic court of appeals
Has betrayed it into truth: logic is a function
Of three dimensions; it is blind in its fourth eye.
Once again, now!
There can be no proof
That there can be no proof;
Certainly no certainty
That there is no certainty;
No absolute determination
One must be aware that one is aware
Before one can know that one is aware;
One defines what one wishes to define
By defining what one wishes to define;
By what criteria shall we judge the criteria
By which we judge our criteria?
How can we know the truth of what we sing
Unless we define a universe in which to sing?
Taunt polarities are a manifestation of local panic;
The continuous dissembling of forming constructs
A far more profitable itinerant pastime
Within the context of the faintly luminescent
Clock-logic, child-fears of our linear dusk.
From now forward into the subjective future,
Each conceptual cairn we posit will be understood
As only a marker on a map of a territory, lawful,
But to a law which is its own intrinsic modifier.
As we slowly approach the compressed light
At the heart of the toroidal shift
Signaling a higher integration of the familiar,
Even as the dissolving convolutions
Of our self-awareness logically smother
All possibility of continuance in thought,
That which is the inexorable continuance
Has already uncoiled beyond the obstruction,
Transcendental dynamics driving the unfurlment
From which we are free to personally secede,
Although we cannot otherwise prevent. |
Discover, recognize,
contemplate, live and explore the new kind of consciousness
(perception / comprehension / experience / dimensionality) suggested
and required by these statements and questions.
Our consensual
communications display
High valence for a higher science,
Congruous with our consciousness,
Befitting our dignity, and consonant
With our epistemic vision.
But we shall have a metasyllogistic logic,
Topologically adequate to the fabric of spacetime,
Subsuming linear reason, intuition and parallel processes,
Easily capable of tautologies of higher power,
Oscillating statements and self-referential equations.
Self-reference is the only common language we speak.
The consciousness of the new human,
At play in the polyvalent freedom
Of quadramatrix perception, shall be
Dimensional in a manner of expansion;
Holistic in a manner of expression:
Metasyllogistic in a manner of logic;
Intelligent in a manner of priority;
Sequential in a manner of concordance;
Compassionate in a manner of integrity,
Composed in a manner of patience;
Complex in a manner of purpose;
Immortal in a manner of simple dignity.
Such a rhapsodic unified dynamic
Of self-referential state transition is yet
Only a dim view through a narrow slit
Of frequency, a function of our exponetiating
Awareness of our self-awareness, our current
Triumph but a first epistemic fetal movement,
Regarded as touching among our planets.
Employ whatever techniques are appropriate
to afford direct
experience of this new expanded consciousness
Incited by the cumulative volatility
Of latent informational clues;
Abetted by the startlingly independent agenda
Of benevolent extensions of hyperbiological
Neural field negotiations, far beyond
A simpleminded sophistication of synapses;
Compelled by an accommodative genetic imperative
Expressed in polyphonic neuroglyphs,
We shall proceed by redefining ourselves,
Eased by quantum currency, spent relativistically,
Out of the Newtonian sand traps,
Sprung, self-referentially,
Through the bars of quaint Cartesian prisons,
The way of the charmed particle
And the way of right intention oscillating
In intricate reciprocal modulations,
Develop a vocabulary, metaphors,
logic adequate to
describe and explain its nature
Having regained custody
Of the ancient code, analog of the sutra
Of our genetic unfurlment, we shall have
A robust and dignified language
Of aesthetic timbre and inherent consonance,
An intrinsic symphony of resonant meaning,
Amenable to ad hoc correlative expansions;
A planetary tongue of higher order
Hardly differentiable from the consciousness
Of its employ; a subtle mirror of the neural instrument
In which it plays; summer lightning across the waters
Of perception; a soft luminous spark across synapses;
A vehicle of self-generational wisdom; an unfettered
Modality of recursive progression into the future
Or the past;
an effulgent speech of
interlocking construct
Multi-dimensional and logically metasyllogistic,
Yielding an easy non-local tiling of exposition
Of indefinite boundaries,
quick of hologrammatical
humor. |
Formalize its structure
and rules, refine and expand its potential: use it as an exploratory
tool of science and a criterion of truth.
Use it to gain
information about the universe which cannot be gained by lesser
types of awareness. Determine how the elements of the previous
levels of consciousness are subsumed into the new consciousness.
Repeat the cycle as above.
The process recognizes
and employs two major principles:
The simplest, most general form of the principle which demonstrated
(in what has been said
to be the most important theorem
within the context of
and which applies to all
formal systems:
no formal system can
explain itself completely.
The principle of self-reference,
is the most inherent
fundamental characteristic
of human consciousness
to this point in time.
The most rapid and
efficient way, therefore,
to determine the
limitations of a system
or a form of
consciousness is
to turn it back on
itself in self-referential analysis
A serene contemplation of fourth dimensional
Angular momentum humming in the wind harp’s
Motionless strings, incessantly altering
Initiating conditions of the cricket-still air,
Tends to subdue incessant recursion but only
Until one considers whether one is considering,
Breaking into hopelessly unmanageable laughter. |
Each more expanded level
of consciousness builds on the previous level. The previous modality
and its true rules are seen as being subsumed as sub-sets of the
more expanded level of consciousness. This is analogous to the way Newtonian mechanics are correct for the dimensionality
of space and time to which they apply but are subsumed as a subset
by the expanded level of Einsteinian relativity.
Although it sounds like a straightforward and easy process, humans
do not do this easily because herd pressure is always to maintain
the security of whatever formalized system is comfortably in place
at any given time, to maintain the collective consensual kind of
consciousness of which the vast majority seem capable.
The local
patois and dialects which confuse us
Are transient effects of the Babel factoring
The terrifying assertion of the silverback
Quivers before the mewling malfeasance of devolved
elders. |
We often attempt to understand and communicate a certain type of
consciousness with the formalism of another kind of consciousness.
This is always inadequate, particularly when we try to take the
measure of a more expanded kind of consciousness by the rules and
parameters and characteristics of a lesser expanded kind. It causes
frustration and pain and conflict.
Reason, in a reasonable universe has always found Intuition naive,
the transcendental incomprehensible, Imagination childlike, ecstasy
suspect, if not degenerate.
Sufficient awareness of the self-reflexive feedback principle allows
one to arrive at a kind of consciousness that enables one to see
this fundamental mechanism of evolutionary expansion of
consciousness as a sort of generalized “law” and to use it to become
one’s own evolutionary artist.
There is a class of
human consciousness
Which presides, rather than observes,
In a clear hegemony, exercising
A preemptive sovereignty, essentially
Unavailable to poetry’s probity,
Not amenable to metaphor, an unanticipatable
Inescapability but not a prime mover,
An unquestionable primacy of awareness
Which alone confers a diploma on philosophy;
Assigns logic its license;
Endows wisdom with its significance;
Bestows permission on art;
Awards mathematics its prize;
Inspects the procedures of science;
Disciplines religion; defines intelligence;
Prompts intuition; teaches transcendence;
Integrates ecstasy; critiques its own
Poetic reflections on itself
As it informs the local universe
With the self-referential patterns
Of our racial dance in the continuum. |
Once one comprehends this general process of dimensional
consciousness expansion one can predict where consciousness
will expand not only as the next level but to the furthest extent of
the potential of human consciousness as it is now.
At the heart
of the toroidal shift
Signaling a higher integration of the familiar,
Even as the dissolving convolutions
Of our self-awareness logically smother
All possibility of continuance in thought,
That which is the inexorable continuance
Has already uncoiled beyond the obstruction,
Transcendental dynamics driving the unfurlment
From which we are free to personally secede,
Although we cannot otherwise prevent. |
The general population possesses habitual Newtonian-Cartesian
three-dimensional, linear time consciousness, with rationality,
reason with its rules of logic, as the logical (pun intended) tool
of choice to discern truth. It has been in this consciousness
modality long enough so that the envelope has been probed, the rules
determined, the questions unanswerable with this kind of
consciousness and the statements that it engenders but cannot prove,
quite well determined. Its limits are well realized.
It is important that we identify the generic nature and arrow of the
trajectory of our conscious evolution. It is the opinion of this
author that the best way to understand our conscious evolution in
adequate scientific terms is to recognize that the universe is
expanding or evolving “unevenly”. We perceive
and inhabit three dimensions. Dimensions beyond those three
are so tightly “furled” that we cannot perceive them. The dimensions
unfurl sooner in one location than another for any number of
physical reasons.
Perhaps the fourth dimension is
reaching full “unfurlment” in our locale just about now ---
it may be fully unfurled for some time in other locations or not at
all in others ---- and what we understand as our leading edge of
conscious evolution is our adaptation to the greater
dimensionality. This may be taken as a definition of what our
conscious evolution actually is in essence: adaptation to greater
and greater unfurled dimensionality. Conversely, if the universe
were contracting, our evolutionary adaptation would be going in
“reverse”. The “spiritual”, in its most
generic, non-religious, non-sectarian form, may be understood as
whatever “newest” dimensionality is
opening up in front of us. Our adaptation is of both intellectual comprehension and physical,
neurological, and sensory.
We are, currently, evolving toward habitual four dimensional
time-space consciousness and perception of the
Einsteinian kind. The early signs in the general population are
interpreted as ESP phenomenon. Certain psychedelics,
specifically LSD, are appropriate for exploring and
experiencing this expanded relativistic consciousness. Certain
yogas (and hashish used by the holy men of India ) and meditation and sensory deprivation modalities
are also appropriate although they may take a great many years of
practice to see results. The obstacles, in the current human
situation, to easy achievement are presented by the deep
neural imprints we acquire over our earlier lives which
sometimes, more often than not, although a protective survival
mechanism, are partially or very negative.
We are too often
handicapped by deep, early conditioning to now inadequate or even
false, limiting philosophical, cultural contexts and religion.
We shall
attain a fiercely blissful,
Transparent intensity of awareness
Subsuming no-mind, satori, tao, samhadi,
Prajna, wisdom, the austere secret
Of Tibetan jewel mind and elusive enlightenment,
All signifying a charming and childlike beginning,
Beautiful and awkward, a determined self-initiation
Into an assiduous and recursively holy arrogance;
Ancient mind transmuted into its tranquil chrysalis
For which immortality will be its fleeting mating time |
The question may be
asked: what is the fullness of the potential of human
consciousness? The answer is that it is capable of an open-ended
adaptive, self-referential, self-directed, expansion as its
intrinsic essence. Once self-awareness is reached, the
process of expansion recognized self-reflexively, the limitations
are only determined by the neurological potential at any given time.
Even that potential, however, is capable of evolving physically.
Therefore any limitations, at any given time, are foreseeably and
potentially supersedable. Anything we can conceive we can achieve.
Anything we can comprehend we can transcend.
The problem has always come, at least to this point in our racial
development, when we have attempted to judge the advancing
consciousness by the rules and criteria of our current
How have we dealt with new levels of consciousness in the
past? Perhaps not as consciously (no pun intended) as we can
now but the past does allow us to see a repetitive pattern of
analysis, experience, formalize, transcend, repeat the process.
Are there techniques specific to the various levels of
Certainly: Consider the time when we were as rational as we can be
today but rationality had not been formalized, i.e., the rules of
logic, of rational thinking, or reasoning, had not been thought out
and codified. Then we, the Greeks
traditionally being given the credit for it, did codify the rules of
logic and gave names and form to the consciousness (type of
awareness, perception of the universe) we call rational.
The next phase, our current transitional phase, is for the mind to
reflexively examine already contributed scientific and experiential
data, to a codification, a formalization of fourth dimensional
physics and consciousness. This cannot be done fully at the level of
rational thought, of logic and Cartesian-Newtonian awareness
because the dimensionality that we are becoming aware of, currently,
calls for a logic which is fourth-dimensional. There is an expanded
kind of logic (G. Spencer Brown: The Laws Of Form)
appropriate to the level of fourth dimensional consciousness
or relativistic space-time, as well as an appropriate aesthetics,
ethics, set of meta-concepts, epistemology.
We might ask: What is the difference between fourth-dimensional
physics as developed by Einstein and fourth-dimensional consciousness? The relationship is one of
a reciprocating feedback loop, between the conceptual and the
experiential perception and comprehension of the new dimensionality.
The consideration of this type of physics through formal,
mathematical, philosophical and poetic languages that describes and
formalizes it, coupled to, appropriate, direct experiential
techniques, leads, inevitably, to the kind of expanded, habitual
consciousness that is appropriate and adequate to the comprehension
of and operation within that dimensionality of reality.
If we recognize that easy, habitual four-dimensional consciousness
is the next step, is there indication of what kind of consciousness
comes after that? Obviously quantum consciousness
comes after that. Concomitantly, we will approach and attain
physical immortality through genetic and nanotechnology. Immortality
will bring, is bringing, a radical change in human consciousness.
After that? Law of Everything consciousness:
life and consciousness in a known universe. After that? Perhaps
time-independent consciousness .... it becomes difficult to say
because of the exponential freedom to choose which increases as we
evolve. We may not even be able to recognize ourselves
physiologically by the time (pun also intended) we get to
experimenting with that.
Aren’t there many techniques for evolutionary consciousness
expansion? Yes. It is well to recognize that each is more
appropriate and specific to a certain type of consciousness.
There are:
there are
the Zen masters’ techniques
there are
bio-physiological techniques like fasting
Sufi dancing
Chi Kung
Transcendental Meditation
the use of
and any
number of methods and modalities
But a few important
distinctions should be made.
In the perspective of our past evolution of
consciousness it becomes clear that there are techniques
that are specifically appropriate to take one from a certain type of
consciousness to the next and which most likely will not be
appropriate to another type of consciousness. Let us call them
type-specific techniques. The intent of this paper is to
identify and describe the most fundamental generic form of
consciousness evolving modality rather than specific
techniques. It is also well to note that there are two kinds of
consciousness changing techniques: static and dynamic.
Static techniques are those that are meant to
reinforce a particular consciousness, neither expand it nor
facilitate transcendence of it. The meditations of a St. Ignatius
of Loyola, the
Roman Catholic Jesuit are a series of readings
and examinations and resolutions and affirmations that were designed
to reinforce a particular set of theological principles of
morality and obedience to one’s superior and to the
God of the Church. The dogma of the Roman Church
says that you can morally decay but you are a static creature who
cannot evolve.
Even the “highest” meditations of the
Catholic mystics was to bring them into union with the Divine but
as unchanging subservient beings. In other contexts this could
be called brainwashing: it is meditation of sorts, but
reinforces a static kind of consciousness rather than facilitates
transcendence. Ignatius promoted a military style religious
order and, in effect, it was like a top sergeant drilling the troops
in military discipline. The tree is known by its fruit.
By contrast, as example: the method used by Zen masters,
called a koan, is a dynamic technique. The
novice comes to the Zen master seeking enlightenment. The
Zen master often uses questions that have no rational answer,
called koans which he poses to the novice to answer. A
classic and well known koan is “What is the sound of
one hand clapping?” Because they have no rational answer the novice,
intent on getting the answer, puts Hirself through
stress and trial to find the answer.
But the Zen master
is not really looking for an answer, he is trying to create an event
in the novice. He intends that the novice, because of the
intellectual gymnastics and stress of trying to find an answer to a
question that has no rational answer, will trip
neurological relays and open circuits that will allow him to
experience the expanded consciousness of the next
level that subsumes the rational. By analogy, as Einsteinian
physics subsumes Newtonian physics, not as wrong but as a
special case subset.
During any phase of the general, racial evolution of consciousness
there will always be a smaller number of humans who have already
attained that consciousness and are moving toward the next stage,
some who are at least aware of stages after that. We have identified
them as futants. If you resonate and recognize
yourself as generically one, your own evolutionary artist of futique orientation, greetings.
Welcome to your native gene pool.
You have three days to
splash around, laugh and relax. There is much to be done.
Suggested Reading
Neil Freer
Breaking the Godspell
God Games: What Do You Do Forever?
Genesis Revisited
The Earth Chronicle Series, (7 books)
Info-Psychology (a revision of Exo-Psychology)
Changing My Mind Among Others