Andrew Tomas
Berkeley Medallion Books, New York City
COMMENTs by Rob Solàrion
SlowMotionDoomsday Website
This book will be excerpted from beginning to end, with my COMMENTs
interspersed as single paragraphs bracketed by COMMENT: and
RS. I’ll
note the page numbers of my paperback edition but shall not include
the scores of footnotes. If any reader of this treatise wishes to
know if certain material is documented by Mr. Tomas, please contact
me and I’ll look in the book for a footnote. This 1972 edition was
the first American printing of this international bestseller. I also
have in my library the book We Are Not The First by Andrew Tomas,
which contains a chapter on Apollonius of Tyana in the context of
his visit to the "magical technological palace" of the Indian Sage
Iarchas in 26 CE. |
Part I
Page 7
-- Dedicated to NICHOLAS ROERICH (1874-1947), artist,
explorer and philosopher, who wrote this verse about a forgotten
We do not know. But they know. The stones know, And they remember. Airships were flying. Came pouring a liquid fire. Came flashing The spark of life and death. By the might of spirit Stony masses ascended. Scriptures guarded wise secrets. And again all is revealed.
Pages 11-12
Once a youth stood before the image of Quetzalcoatl in Mexico City,
reflecting upon the culture hero’s links with legendary Atlantis.
In Los Angeles and Hollywood he frequented public libraries
examining chronicles of the conquistadores and legends of the
American Indians.
In Japan the man learned of a myth that formerly the earth had been
connected with heaven by a bridge, and he thought of prehistoric
space travel.
Taoists in China spoke to him about the abode of "immortals of the
west" and Shambhala, the city of star-men.
In Australia he found out about
Dreamtime, a forgotten epoch in
which mankind commuted with the sky-beings.
Recently he beheld the mighty Kanchenjunga on [the] Tibetan border,
known as the Five Treasuries of the Great Snow, where secret
treasures are believed to be stored from time immemorial.
In India he admired the Himalayas and listened to legends about the
underground palaces and treasure-vaults of Nagas, the flying
serpents who have brilliant lamps to illuminate their subterranean
The man lived in the Himalayan village of Manali which, according to
Brahmin scriptures, was founded by Manu who had rescued his sages
from the Great Flood in a bark.
Then he explored the Khufu Pyramid and asked the Sphinx for the
answer to his age-old riddle.
In Australia he tried to solve the mystery of a polished steel cube
found in a coal stratum, millions of years old.
At the Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal, near the Place de la
Bastille in Paris, he perused eighteen-century volumes of the ’Astronome du Roi’
Jean-Sylvain Bailly. In the Louvre he found the ancient
Zodiac of Denderah.
Then he studied in the reading room of the British Museum Library in
London with its wealth of books and manuscripts of great antiquity.
After that -- research work in the Lenin Library of Moscow, meetings
with Russian scientists and writers, visits to the Hermitage Museum
in Leningrad.
This tale is about the author of this book.
COMMENT: The Egyptian Zodiac of Denderah is considered to be so
"mysterious" and significant because it depicts the Stars and
Constellations "upside-down" from what they are today, that is,
North and South are reversed. However, this can be quite easily
explained if the North Pole were located near the Ruins of Zimbabwe
in southern Africa, due "south" of the Pyramids. What is now "south"
was at that time "north", and so the heavens were reversed. This
"problem" is discussed at length by Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky in
Worlds In Collision. The "bridge" connecting heaven to earth in the
Japanese legend simply refers to the "Rainbow Bridge Bifrost" which
connected heavenly "Asgard" with the Earth at our North Pole in the
Nordic legends. It is the
Cosmic Tree-Trunk, the Golden Pole, the
Totem Pole. Shambhala was not another name for Atlantis. It was
Planet X Nibiru, The Winged Disk, The Celestial Ship Of The North.
The subterranean abodes of the Indian "Nagas" or "flying serpents"
call to mind the Duat legends of Ancient Egypt, discussed at length
Zecharia Sitchin in
The Stairway To Heaven. RS
Page 26
-- A 3,000-year-old [Egyptian] Twelfth Dynasty papyrus
preserved at the Leningrad Hermitage mentions the "Island of the
Serpent" and contains this passage:
"After you leave my island, you
will not find it again as this place will vanish under the sea
COMMENT: This passage could have a double meaning. "Island of the
Serpent" could also refer to that "island" in the "heavens" above
our North Pole -- "Lake of the Dragons". And the quote above might
refer to the fact that after Planet X Nibiru detethers and departs,
it will have seemed to have vanished beneath the sea. The Twelfth
Dynasty was at the beginning of the Egyptian Middle Kingdom, around
1600 BCE when adjusted for the Velikovskian Historical
Reconstruction. RS
Page 27
-- A Maya codex states that "the sky approached the earth
and in one day all perished. Even the mountains disappeared under
water." The Dresden Codex of the Mayas shows the destruction of the
world in pictorial form. On the chart there is a serpent in the sky
with torrents of water pouring out from its mouth. Mayan signs
indicate lunar and solar eclipses. The moon goddess, the patroness
of death, has a frightening appearance. An inverted bowl, from which
gushes a destroying flood, in in her hands.
The Popul Vuh, the sacred book of Guatemala Mayas, bears witness to
the dire character of the disaster. It says that the roar of fires
was heard above. The earth shook and things revolted against man. It
rained tar with water. The trees were swinging, houses crumbling,
caves collapsing. Then day became black night.
The Chilam Balam of
Yucatán asserts that the motherland of the Mayas was swallowed up by
the sea amid earthquakes and fiery eruptions in a very distant
epoch. A white Indian tribe, Paria, used to live in
Venezuela, in a
village with so significant a name as Atlan. They had a tradition of
a calamity which had destroyed their country, a large island in the
ocean. A perusal of American Indian mythology discloses an
interesting fact that over 130 tribes have legends of a world
Can mythology and folklore be used to some extent in filling the
numerous gaps in history? Professor I.A. Efremov of the Soviet Union
answers in the affirmative. He insists that "historians must pay
more respect to ancient traditions and folklore". Efremov accuses
scientists in the West of a certain snobbishness when it comes to
the tales of the so-called common people.
COMMENT: To appreciate fully these remarks, the reader has to put
this writing into the context of the times in which it was
published. Even though Dr. Velikovsky’s Worlds In Collision was
first published in 1950, it wasn’t until the early 1970s that it
enjoyed international interest and acclaim. I first heard about Dr. Velikovsky from my dear friend
Giovanni Gianello in Brooklyn, NYC, in
January 1973, when Gianni came to Texas for a visit and we discussed
these matters. This was at the very outset of my interest in these
topics. Erich von Daniken was all the rage, too, at the time. Later
that year Dr. Maxine K. Asher’s expedition would "discover Atlantis"
off the coast of Cádiz, only to be chased out of Spain as "Cold War
spies". Every heartbeat pumped adrenaline. Several of Dr. Velikovsky’s major books had not even been published yet. The
journal KRONOS did not exist. Because of the "atheistic" nature of
Communism, a lot of the major opinion in this field was Soviet.
Thus, it is not at all surprising to read this quote from Professor Efremov, and I feel sure that
Dr. Velikovsky would agree completely.
There are "catastrophe legends" all over this world. The ancient
people may not have had our modern technology to guide their
thoughts, but they certainly had as much "common sense" as we do, if
not more. From their human experience they knew the difference
between an ordinary hurricane and a "cosmic catastrophe", between
just another tornado or earthquake and a "cosmic catastrophe". A
"flying serpent" in the sky does not accompany these "predictable"
events. And also, this idea that "the sky approached the earth"
resembles the theme of the treatise "The Wayward Sun" by
Rand & Rose
Flam-Ath (The Velikovskian Journal, 1997): "But why did the sky
fall?" We could speculate about the exact "scientific" meaning of
these legends; but when it happens again, and we see it (again?)
with our own eyes, I’m certain that instinctively from "race-memory"
we’ll know exactly what was being remembered, what will have started
to happen again. RS
Page 29
-- Interesting supporting arguments are worth mentioning. In
ancient Mexico there was a holiday devoted to a past event in which
constellations had assumed a new aspect. It follows that in a bygone
age the heavens did not have the same appearance as now.
Martinus Martini, seventeenth-century
Jesuit missionary in China,
wrote in History of China concerning her oldest records. These speak
of a time when the sky suddenly began to fall after the earth had
been shaken. This is certainly a strong hint at the wobble of the
earth for it alone can explain the astronomical phenomena described
in Chinese writings.
Two star maps painted on the ceiling of the tomb of Senmouth,
Queen Hatshepsut’s architect, present a riddle. The cardinal points are
correctly placed on one of these astronomical charts but on the
other they are reversed, as if the earth had undergone a tilt. In
fact, the Harris Papyrus mentions that the earth had turned over in
a cosmic cataclysm. The Hermitage Papyrus of Leningrad and the
Ipuwer Papyrus also allude to the world having been turned upside
COMMENT: The star maps in the tomb of
Senmut were also mentioned by
Dr. Velikovsky. Senmut was the architect of Queen Hatshepsut, Queen
of Sheba, who ruled during 983-971 BCE and visited King Solomon in
975 BCE. Both were alive during the previous period of
The Cosmic
Tree and saw it with their own eyes. The Papyrus Ipuwer is dated
from the end of the Middle Kingdom and describes -- from the
Egyptian perspective! -- the Israelite Exodus from Egypt, during
which time the Red Sea temporarily "parted" allowing the Israelites
to escape but later swallowed up the pursuing Pharaoh’s army.
Certainly Andrew Tomas was aware of Dr. Velikovsky. RS
Pages 34-36
Across the Atlantic there is another link between ancient Egypt and
Peru. Their calendars had eighteen months of twenty days with a
five-day holiday at the end of the year. Is this coincidence or
tradition from a common source?
The approximate date of the end of Atlantis can be arrived at from
the examination of ancient calendars. The first year of Zoroastrian
chronology is 9660 B.C. when "time began". This is very close to the
date given by Egyptian priests to Solon for the doomsday of
Atlantis, or 9560 B.C.
Ancient Egyptians calculated time in 1,460-year solar cycles. The
end of their last astronomical epoch came in A.D. 139. Eight solar
cycles from this date can be traced back to the year 11,542 B.C. The
lunar calendar of Assyrians divided time in periods of 1,802 years.
The last one ended in 712 B.C. Six lunar cycles from this date are
followed back to 11,542 B.C. The solar calendar of Egypt and the
lunar calendar system of Assyria coincided in the same year --
11,542 B.C., when both calendars were presumably created.
COMMENT: Trying to analyze and compare ancient calendars is a
difficult proposition. I have spent countless hours in this
endeavor. It’s often an exercise in mathematical futility. We need a
completely new and scientific world calendar starting 3 or 4 "shars"
ago. As for the Egyptian Sothis Period of exactly 1,461
"Orbit-Years", that simply means that there are 1,461 Earth orbits
around the Sun during a period of 1,440 calendar years. 1,461 X 360
= 1,440 X 365.25. Therein lies the "secret" of the Egyptian Sothis
Period. One "shar" would contain 2.5 Egyptian Sothis Periods, since
3,600 divided by 1,440 equals 2.5. See also "An
Introduction To Galactic Mathematics"
for additional information about the Egyptian Sothis Period. RS
The Brahmins measure time in rounds of 2,850 years from 3102 B.C.
Three of these cycles, or 8,550 years, added to 3102 B.C. give us
the date of 11,652 B.C.
The Mayan calendar shows that the ancient peoples of Central America
had long cycles of 2,760 years. The beginning of one span is traced
to the year 3373 B.C. Three periods of 2,760 years, or 8,280 years
from 3373 B.C. would take us back to 11,653 B.C. which, within a
year is the same date as that of the sages of India.
COMMENT: These figures look a little suspect to me, but I don’t plan
to analyze them for accuracy. Suffice it to say that "shars" began
in 1588 BCE, 5188 BCE (not a typo, just a coincidence of counting),
8788 BCE and 12,388 BCE. The destruction of Atlantis undoubtedly
coincided with one of the latter dates. The Flood of Noah would have
been in 5188 BCE. RS
Vatican Codex A-3738 contains a significant chronology of the
according to which the first cycle continued for 4,008 years ending
in a flood. The second of 4,010 years was destroyed by hurricanes.
The third era of 4,801 years was closed by fires. In the fourth
period which lasted 5,042 years, mankind suffered starvation. The
present era is the fifth and it began in 751 B.C. The duration of
all the four periods listed in this Codex is 17,861 years; and its
beginning is traced to an incredibly distant date of 18,612 B.C.
COMMENT: The date of 751 B.C. may be slightly incorrect. A lot of
new information about early American calendars has been published
since 1972. According to
John Major Jenkins,
the current Mayan Calendar "officially" commended in 679 BCE, eight
years after the final departure of Planet X Nibiru in 687 BCE.
"Retrograde calculations" such as those noted below are just that:
modern projections backwards based upon suppositions. At any rate,
both these approximations comfortably coincide with Planet X’s last
departure sequence dated 762-687 BCE. These references to
destructions by flood, hurricane and fire resemble the references in
Buddhism to destructions by water, wind and fire. RS
Bishop Diego de Landa wrote in 1566 that in his time the
reckoned their calendar from a date which was about 3113 B.C. in
European chronology. They claimed that 5,125 years had passed before
this date in former cycles. This would move the origin of the early
Mayas to 8238 B.C., or close to the period of [the] Atlantean
COMMENT: Note the proximity of the date 8238 BCE to the commencement
of the "shar" in 8788 BCE. All of these ancient calendars were
simply trying to "interpret" the correct length of a "shar". People
everywhere were aware that "after long intervals of time" another
"cataclysm" of some sort "destroys" the world, and they wanted to be
able to warn future generations when it might happen again. And here
we are today, pondering the same age-old question. RS
Aside from providing a clue as to the dating of Atlantis, a
reasonable supposition can be made on the basis of these figures
that many thousand years ago mankind possessed a considerable
knowledge of astronomy which is usually characteristic of a high
The longest day in the Mayan calendar contained 13 hours and the
shortest 11. In Ancient Egypt the longest day had 12 hours 55
minutes and the shortest 11 hours 5 minutes. These figures are
almost identical with the Mayan hours. But what is really puzzling
is this -- 12 hours 55 minutes is not actually the duration of the
longest day in Egypt, but in the Sudan. In an attempt to explain
this difference, Dr. L. Zajdler of Warsaw suggests that this time
reckoning had come from tropical Atlantis.
Archeologist Arthur Posnansky of La Paz, Bolivia, speaking of the
uncompleted Sun Temple at Tiahuanaco, claims that the construction
was suddenly abandoned about 9550 B.C. The date is familiar -- the priests of Sais told Solon that Atlantis
perished in 9560 B.C.
In the words of E.F. Hagemeister of U.S.S.R. science has this to say
about the sinking of Atlantis:
"The end of the European Ice Age,
appearance of the Gulf Stream and submergence of Atlantis occurred
simultaneously about 10,000 B.C."
Not all scientists take a similar stand in the problem of Atlantis.
Some discard the theory altogether in spite of all the evidence.
Others attempt to put Atlantis in the Mediterranean, Spain or
Germany. Needless to say, this is not the Atlantis of Plato and
Egyptian scholars which they placed "in front of the Pillars of
Hercules in the Atlantic sea".
COMMENT: That statement is not factually correct. The priests told
Solon only that one had to pass through the Pillars of Hercules
(Strait of Gibraltar) in order to sail to Atlantis. No distance from
there was ever specified. And as I have demonstrated in
Chapter 5 of
my book Planet X Nibiru : Slow-Motion Doomsday, an excellent case
can be made that Atlantis is modern Antarctica. It did not sink to
the bottom of the sea; it pivoted or "sank" to the bottom of the
world (geographical bottom of the seas!) and then froze over. It was
"destroyed" in the sense that it was no longer accessible by or
hospitable to ancient visitors. It is difficult even for us today to
travel to and across Antarctica. It would have been impossible by
pre-technological ancient peoples. RS
In the Egyptian section of the Louvre in Paris I saw a carved design
inconspicuously exhibited in a staircase with no tablet. However, I
recognized the carving as the famous Denderah Zodiac. Originally
this ancient Egyptian relic was part of a ceiling in the portico of
the temple of Denderah in Upper Egypt. It was brought to France by
Lelorrain in 1823.
For many generations the Calendar of Denderah has remained a
baffling riddle to science. The zodiacal signs are arranged in a
spiral and the symbols are easily recognizable, but Leo is at the
point of vernal equinox. Because of the precession of the equinoxes
this would indicate a date between 10,950 to 8800 B.C., or the
period during which the Atlantean catastrophe took place.
The Zodiac of Denderah is of Egyptian origin but it may have been
engraved to commemorate a distant event -- the end of Atlantis and
the birth of a new cycle.
COMMENT: Read that word "cycle" to mean "shar"! And the trouble with
trying to determine when a particular Constellation like Leo was
aligned with the Vernal Equinox is that the Constellations
themselves are not of equal length. The "astrological signs" are all
equal to thirty degrees, but not the actual Constellations in the
sky. This complex topic will not be considered here. RS
Pages 44-45
-- To preserve the products of civilization for an
indefinite period against the dangers of devastating wars and
geological calamities, nothing would be more effective than
underground shelters. This is as true today as it was in the days of
From the story of man’s life on the planet many pages have been torn
out by the hand of Time. However, legend speaks of a colossal
disaster which wiped out an advanced civilization. Most of the
survivors became savages. Those who were later rehabilitated by
"divine messengers" rose from their primitive state and gave birth
to the nations of ancient history from which we ourselves derive our
origins. The secret communities of the "Children of the Sun" were
small in number but great in knowledge. By means of their high
science they excavated a vast network of tunnels, particularly in
Isolation has been the eternal law of these colonies. Philosophers,
scientists, poets, artists, religious devotees, writers and
musicians require a peaceful environment in which to pursue their
labours. They do not want to hear the tramping of soldiers’ boots or
the cries of the market place. No one can accuse these philosophers
of the vice of selfishness because down through the ages they had
shared their wisdom with those who were ready for it. This
detachment is of a protective nature. For is not the rule of the
fist as strong today as in the times of Caligula? Perhaps, the fist
is even more awful in its technological armour.
Lost in the secret valleys between snowy ridges or hidden in
mountain catacombs live the Elder Brothers of the human race.
Indications of the reality of these colonies came from such widely
separated countries as India, America, Tibet, Russia, Mongolia and
other parts of the world. Over the expanse of time these reports
have appeared in the past five thousand years. Embellished by fancy
of the people living in various lands, they contain grains of truth.
Pages 46-51
A Shanghai newspaper in the twenties featured an article by Dr.
about his journey to a utopia in Central Asia. In a colourful
narrative antedating James Hilton’s Lost Horizon, the surgeon
describes his hazardous trek with a Nepalese yogi to the uplands of
Tibet. In a desolate mountainous region the two pilgrims found a
hidden valley protected from severe northern winds and enjoying a
much warmer climate than the surrounding territory.
Dr. Lao-Tsin
spoke of the ’Tower of Shambhala’ and the laboratories which aroused
his wonder. The two visitors saw great scientific achievements of
the dwellers of the valley. They also watched outstanding feats in
telepathy conducted over great distances. The Chinese doctor could
have told much more about his stay in the valley if it were not for
some promise he had given its inhabitants not to reveal all.
According to the Eastern tradition of Northern Shambhala, where now
are found only salt lakes and sands, there was once a huge sea in
Central Asia. This sea had an island of which nothing now remains
but mountains. In that faraway epoch a great event took place:
with the mighty roar of swift descent from incalculable heights,
surrounded by blazing masses of fire which filled the sky with
shooting tongues of flame, flashed through the aerial spaces the
chariot of the Sons of the Fire, the Lords of the Flame from Venus;
it halted, hovering over the White Island which lay smiling in the
bosom of the Gobi Sea."
On the background of present-day controversy over a cosmic ship
crash in
Tunguska, Siberia -- let us not ridicule this Sanskrit
In the folklore and songs of Tibet and Mongolia,
Shambhala is
exalted to a point where it assumes the form of a supreme reality.
During an expedition through Central Asia Nicholas Roerich came
across a white frontier post regarded as one of the three outposts
of Shambhala. To demonstrate how strong the belief in Shambhala was
in lamahood, we will quote the words of a Tibetan monk who told Roerich that,
"the people of Shambhala at times emerge into the
world. They meet the earthly co-workers of Shambhala. For the sake
of humanity they send out precious gifts, remarkable relics."
After examining the traditions of Buddhism in Tibet,
Csoma de Koros
(1784-1842) placed the land of Shambhala beyond Syr Daria River
between 45 and 50 degrees north latitude. It is a notable fact that
a seventeenth-century map (published in Antwerp, Belgium) shows the
country of Shambhala.
Early Jesuit travellers in Central Asia, such as Father Stephen Cacella, recorded the existence of an unknown domain called ’Xembala’.
Explorers Colonel N.M. Prjevalsky and Dr. A.H. Franke mention
Shambhala in their works. Professor Grünwedel’s translation of an
ancient Tibetan book The Path to Shambhala is an interesting
document. However, the geographical pointers seem to be purposely
vague. They are of no use to anyone without a thorough familiarity
with ancient and modern names of places and monasteries.
Geographical indications may be confused for two reasons. Those who
actually know of the colonies will never disclose where they are, so
as not to disturb the humanitarian work of the Guardians. On the
other hand, references to these retreats in oriental literature and
folklore may sometimes seem to be conflicting because they allude to
communities in diverse localities.
After having studied the subject for many years, I wrote this
chapter in the Himalayas, and to me the name ’Shambhala’ covers the
White Island in the Gobi, hidden valleys and catacombs in Asia and
other places, and a great deal more.
COMMENT: "Geographical indications may be confused" for another,
simpler and more obvious reason, not considered by Andrew Tomas:
Shambhala no longer exists. Shambhala was just another name for
Hyperborea, Yggdrasill, Asgard, Mount Olympus,
Mount Zion and Mount Meru -- The Cosmic Tree. It is not here anymore. Most writers would
never even think to discuss it in this manner, as I am doing.
Analyzing this material in terms of
The Cosmic Tree is my own unique
"contribution" to this whole field of Planet X research. These
secret caverns of "Guardians" may have been related to Shambhala in
some way, but they do not represent Shambhala’s true location. Note
the reference above that it was thought to be in "northern"
latitudes. RS
Lao Tse (sixth century B.C.), the founder of Taoism, searched for
the abode of Hsi Wang Mu, the goddess of the west, and found it.
Taoist tradition asserts that the goddess was a mortal thousands of
years ago. After having become ’divine’ she retreated to the Kun Lun
Mountains. Chinese monks insist that there is a valley of great
beauty in the range which is inaccessible to travellers without a
guide. The valley is the home of Hsi Wang Mu, who presides over an
assembly of genii. These may be the world’s greatest scientists.
In this connection the sighting of a strange aircraft over the
Karakoram (which is an extremity of Kun Lun) by the
Expedition is quite significant. The strange disc may have come from
an aerodrome or spacedrome of the ’gods’.
COMMENT: Reading this, it has just occurred to me for the first time
that perhaps the Duat described by Zecharia Sitchin in
The Stairway
To Heaven, the "hidden place" or "northern port" from which
"conveyances" that looked like "tomcats" departed for
Yggdrasill, or
"climbed up and down the Golden Pole", may still exist near the
modern Altai Mountains! After the detethering/departure sequence
played itself out and there was no longer a "Cosmic Tree" beyond the
north (Greek, hyper borea), the Duat "conveyance port" continues to
operate as an "airport" even until today. Perhaps it is from this
secret location of "Shambhala" that some of our UFOs originate.
Mongolia is about as far off the beaten path as one can get on this
Earth. The trouble here is that this is generally where the next
North Pole will be located. Was this Duat "conveyance port"
deliberately constructed for logistical reasons near the site of the
next North Pole, perhaps even to assist in the electromagnetic
beam’s tethering process soon to occur again? It is a fascinating
idea indeed to contemplate, amongst all the other "mysteries" from
eons long past. RS
From what has been said by now, it is clear how difficult it is to
establish a contact with the dwellers of the secret communities. Yet
these meetings have taken place more often than reported. The
absence of records is explained by the inevitable vow of secrecy
which is demanded of the visitors to these ancient colonies for a
justifiable reason. The ’Mahatmas’ do not wish to be disturbed by
curiosity seekers, treasure hunters or skeptics, for they are the
custodians of Ancient Science and the guardians of the Treasure of
the Ages.
It would be appropriate to quote from one of the letters of the
Mahatmas themselves inspiringly outlining the scope of their
humanitarian activities:
"For countless generations hath the adept built a fane of imperishable rocks, a giant’s Tower of Infinite
Thought, wherein the Titan dwelt, and will yet, if need be, dwell
alone, emerging from it but at the end of every cycle, to invite the
elect of mankind to co-operate with him and help in his turn
enlighten superstitious man."
Thus wrote Mahatma Koot Humi in July
The origin of these unknown communities is lost in the night of
time. It is more than likely that our elders in evolution ordered
the exodus from Atlantis of the people of the ’Good Law’.
COMMENT: People regularly ask me about why we have not actually seen
Planet X Nibiru with a telescope if I am so certain that it is
coming back. My speculative answer can vary from one conversation to
another, but there is a "lingering thought" in the back of my mind,
recalled again here by the idea that there is an "emergence" of this
"Titan" from time to time. It could be that Planet X Nibiru is
cloaked or in another dimension. Thus, we can’t see it, even with
the Hubble Space Telescope. If it reflects no light, it would not be
visible. Perhaps it may suddenly "emerge" or "decloak", or "come
crashing through the dimensional fabric of Space", when it is time
for this event to publicly begin. It could be that this "emergence"
from this "other dimension" will cause a booming trumpet-like noise,
remembered in our history as Gabriel’s Horn or Gjallar’s Horn.
Personally I truly anticipate that during the commencement of the
arrival sequence, there will sound a great "cosmic herald" which
will announce Planet X’s arrival and which will scare the living
daylights out of all of us! Mark my words. Anybody want to bet a
little money here, against this possibility? RS
All the material and spiritual achievements of Atlantis in her
splendor may still be preserved in the secret colonies. Though not
represented in the United Nations Organization, this tiny republic
may be the only permanent state on the planet Earth and custodian of
a science that is as old as the rocks. The skeptics would do well to
bear in mind that messages from the Mahatmas are still preserved in
state archives of certain governments.
In the folklore of Russia there is a myth of the underground city of Kitezh, where justice reigns. The Old Believers, persecuted by the
Czarist government, searched for this Promised Land. "Where to find
it?" asked the young. "Follow the path of Batu," answered the old, Batu Khan, the Tartar conqueror, [who] had come from Mongolia in his
westward drive. The direction meant that the utopia was to be found
in Central Asia.
Another rendition of the legend pointed to Lake Sveltloyar in Russia
but it has no basis because the lake bottom has been explored and
nothing discovered. It seems that the tradition of Kitezh should be
placed alongside with that of Northern Shambhala. The same can be
said of the myth of Belovodye.
COMMENT: Obviously, the terms
Kitezh and Belovodye are identical
with Shambhala, Hyperborea, Yggdrasill, Asgard, etc. To my
knowledge, the bottom of Lake Baikal, also in this same general
area, has not been determined. Why this would be "significant" to
Andrew Tomas, I do not know; but the next North Pole will certainly
be located in the vicinity of Lake Baikal. RS
In the Journal of the Russian Geographical Society for 1903 there is
an article by Korolenko entitled "The Journey of Ural Cossacks into
the Belovodye Kingdom". Likewise the West Siberia Geographical
Society published in 1916 an account by Beloliudov, "To the History
of Belovodye".
Coming from scientific bodies, both of these articles are of extreme
interest. They speak of a strange tradition which was circulating
among the ’Staroveri’ or Old Believers in Russia. An earthly
paradise existed somewhere in ’Belovodye’ or ’Belogorye’ -- the land
of the White Waters and White Mountains. Let us recall here that
Northern Shambhala was founded on the White Island.
The geographical location of this phantom kingdom may be less vague
than it appears at first sight. There are many salt lakes in Central
Asia, some drying and covered with a white layer. The Chang Tang and
Kun Lun are snow-capped.
Nicholas Roerich learned in the Altai Mountains that there was a
’secret valley’ beyond the great lakes and high mountains. Many
people had tried to reach Belovodye but without success, he was
told. However, a few had found it and stayed there for a short time.
Two men in the nineteenth century reached the utopia and resided
there temporarily. They returned and described wonders about the
lost colony but "of still other wonders they were not permitted to
This account has many points of similarity with that of Dr. Lao-Tsin,
related earlier.
COMMENT: This account also has a similarity with the visit of
Apollonius of Tyana and Damis of Ninevah to Indian Sage
whose "palace" was located in or near the Himalayas, probably in
Kashmir or Tibet. There were marvelous "scientific technologies" on
display for Apollonius and Damis. Whether we ever get additional and
more definitive information about this place, for our own present
purposes, depends entirely upon the whims of these "Guardians". RS
That the people of these secret settlements are science-conscious
can be concluded from a story of Roerich about a lama who was
returning to his monastery from one of the communities. The monk had
met two men carrying a thoroughbred sheep in a narrow subterranean
passage. The animal was required for scientific breeding in the
hidden valley.
Vatican archives preserve rare reports of missionaries in the
nineteenth century which affirm that in times of crises the emperors
of China used to send deputations for advice to the ’Genii of the
Mountains’. These documents do not show where the Chinese couriers
went to, but it could only be to the Chang Tang,
Kun Lun or
These records of Catholic missionaries (and a work by Monseigneur
Delaplace, Annales de la Propagation de la Foi) indicate the belief
of the Chinese sages in superhuman beings living in inaccessible
parts of China. The chronicles describe the ’Protectors of China’ as
human-like in appearance but physiologically different from man.
COMMENT: "Human-like" but "physiologically different" is correct.
They were Saurians from Planet X Nibiru. RS
Pages 51-54
Many mountains throughout the world are considered to be the abodes
of ’gods’. This is especially true of India, where this chapter is
Hindus believe in the divine character of Nanda Devi, Kailas,
Kanchenjunga and numerous other high peaks. They think the mountains
are residences of the gods. What is more, it is not only the peaks
that are considered sacred but the bowels of the mountains as well.
Mount Kailasa is often mistaken for the "mythical"
Mount Meru. After Planet X Nibiru departed and Mount Meru was no longer
there, the legends became transferred over to Mount Kailasa, a real
peak in the Himalayas. So also in Greece. When Mount Olympus
disappeared from "beyond the north", the legends and stories got
moved to a tall Greek mountain which took the place of the Celestial
Mountain and only symbolizes the true, lost Mount Olympus. RS
Shiva is said to have his seat on Mount Kailas (Kang Rimpoche). He
is also known to have descended upon Kanchenjunga, whereas the
goddess Lakshmi, on the contrary, is reputed to have ascended to
heaven from the peak. In analyzing these myths one forms an
impression of a two-way air or space traffic that was going on in a
distant epoch when gods walked among men.
Shiva is the Hindu equivalent of Nibiruan Prince Enki/Poseidon/Seth,
and Lakshmi is their name for Princess-Royal Inanna/Aphrodite/Hathor.
Inanna was Commander of the Baalbeck Airport. After her lover Duke
Dumuzi/Adonis/Aten-Ra was appointed as Lord of India, undoubtedly
Inanna and Dumuzi flew back and forth to visit one another. See "The Vengeful Birth Of Lord Hellespontiacus"
for additional information. RS
Ever since mankind had risen from the state of savagery at the dawn
of civilization, there appeared a belief in beneficent, powerful
gods. Certain localities on earth and abodes in heaven were
allocated to these sky-beings. In ancient Greece Mount Parnassus and
Olympus were thought to be the thrones of these gods.
According to the Mahabharata, Asuras live in the sky while
and Kalakanjas reside in Hiranyapura, the golden city, floating in
space. At the same time the Asuras have subterranean palaces. Nagas
and garudas, the flying creatures, likewise have underground abodes.
Do these myths allegorically speak of space platforms, cosmic
flights and spacedromes on earth?
COMMENT: Parts of this word "Hiranyapura" are similar to "Hyperborea"
-- "yapura" is practically identical with "yper", and both words
begin with H. This was indeed a "golden city, floating in space" --
"beyond the north". And the idea of the "bowels" or "subterranean
palaces" of these mountains also being sacred places references the
fact that the subterranean parts of the Duat or Yggdrasill were also
considered "sacred" and "off-limits" to humans who were not
"sponsored" to enter the Duat. See
The Stairway To Heaven by Zecharia Sitchin or my COMMENTary in Osiris & Isis for more details.
The Puranas mention ’Sanakadikas’ -- the Ancients of Space
Dimensions. These beings remain a mystery if the possibility of
space travel in remote antiquity is not accepted.
Since interstellar navigation is impossible without astronomy, the
statement in the Surya Siddhantas that Maya, a ruler of Atala (Atlan?),
received astronomy from the sun-god, seems to indicate a cosmic
source of this knowledge.
COMMENT: The Hindu Goddess
Maya is identical with the Greek Goddess Maia. They are the equivalents of Nibiruan Crown-Princess Ninlil,
consort of Crown-Prince Enlil. She was also known as Ma’at in Egypt,
Majesta in Rome, Myesyats in Russia and Tien-Mu in China. RS
Whether the gods are Grecian, Egyptian or Indian, they invariably
pose as man’s benefactors, showering upon him useful knowledge and
warning him in critical times.
The scriptures of India speak of Mount Meru, the centre of the
world. On the one hand, it is identified with Mount Kailas in Tibet;
on the other, it is said to rise 84,000 yojanas or 411,600 miles
above the earth. Is Mount Kailas a gateway to space which had
existed long before the last cataclysm destroyed Atlantis?
COMMENT: It has been so long since I first read this book that I’d
forgotten about this information. It is my hypothesis that Planet X
Nibiru tethers itself about 60,000 miles (100,000 kilometers) above
our North Pole, about one-fourth the distance to the Moon. This
Indian number of 411,600 miles seems quite excessive to me. And
purely from the vestigial legends, it would be impossible to know if
this number is accurate or merely a human "guess estimation" of the
distance to "the golden city". Mount Meru was located at the "centre
of the world". Identical ideas can be found in other cultures, and
"centre" in this case means Earth’s Axis of Rotation "around"
Polaris, or Planet X occluding Polaris!, at the "centre" of the sky.
Tales of superior beings residing on certain mountains are scattered
far and wide. In American Indian mythology of the Pacific
north-west, Mount Shasta in California occupies a prominent place.
One legend recounts the story of the Flood. It tells how an ancient
hero Coyote ran to the top of Mount Shasta to save himself. The water
followed him but did not reach the peak. On the only dry spot, the
top of the mountain, Coyote made a fire. When the Flood subsided,
Coyote brought fire to the few survivors of the cataclysm and became
their culture hero.
COMMENT: Like Mount Olympus in Greece and
Mount Kailasa in
India/Tibet, Mount Shasta in California is probably only a "symbolic
remembrance" of the vanished Cosmic Mountain. It is curious here
that a "coyote" ran up the mountain. Is the American Indian "animal"
that climbs up and down the "totem pole" a "coyote"? In Siberia this
"animal" was a "tomcat"; in Scandinavia, a "squirrel" named "Ratatosk";
in Central America, a "monkey". See my book Planet X Nibiru :
Slow-Motion Doomsday and my COMMENTary on The Stairway To Heaven for
additional details. RS
In these myths we also hear of ancient times when the Chief of the
Sky-Spirits descended upon Mount Shasta with his family. Visits of
the earth-people to the abodes of the Sky-People are also mentioned.
Mount Shasta myths may refer to actual incidents of the past -- the
Great Flood, landing of aviators or astronauts, and the
establishment of underground shelters inside the mountain. Moreover,
this colony may still be alive. There is evidence which supports
this supposition.
After the Gold Rush days in California, in the middle of last
century, prospectors reported mysterious flashes over Mount Shasta.
These had sometimes taken place in clear weather, showing that they
had nothing to do with lightning. Electricity could not account for
the flashes because the country was not yet electrified. In more
recent times cars on the roads of Mount Shasta have been known to
develop ignition trouble without any apparent cause.
When a forest fire swept over Mount Shasta in 1931, a mystery fog
appeared which stopped it from advancing. The demarcation line of
the fire damage could be seen for many years. It went around the
central zone in a perfect curve.
A curious article was featured by the Los Angeles Times in 1932. Its
author, Edward Lanser, claimed that after interviewing residents in
the Mount Shasta area, it emerged that the existence of a strange
community on or in the mountain had been known for decades. The
inhabitants of the phantom village were white, tall, noble-looking
men with close-cropped hair and a band across their foreheads. They
were dressed in white robes.
Merchants said that the men used to
come to their shops on rare occasions. The purchases were always
paid for with gold nuggets, well in excess of the value of the
goods. When seen in the forest the Shastians tried to avoid contact
by escaping or by instantly vanishing from sight. Strange cattle
belonging to the Shasta dwellers have appeared on the slopes of the
mountain. They were unlike any animals known in America. To add to
the enigma, rocket-like airships have been observed over Mount
Shasta territory. They were wingless and noiseless, sometimes diving
into the Pacific Ocean to continue out on the sea as vessels or
Is there a shelter of the Sky-People in the heart of the mountain as
the old Indian legends say? Did they truly escape from a global
deluge in aircraft?
Similar secret communities seem to exist in Mexico. In his book
Mysteries Of Ancient South America Harold T. Wilkins writes of an
unknown people in Mexico which used to barter goods with the
Indians. They were supposed to have come from a lost jungle city.
Roerich’s report spoke of mysterious men and women from the
mountains who bought goods in Sinkiang and paid for them with
ancient gold coins. California, Mexico and Turkestan are far apart,
yet the tales about the strange people seem to have many points of
L. Taylor Hansen in He Walked The Americas tells of an American
couple who were flying over Yucatan's jungle in their private plane
many years ago. Because of fuel shortage they were forced to
crash-land. In the jungle they came upon a secret Mayan city
camouflaged against survey from the air.
The Mayas live in ancient splendor in complete isolation from the
outer world to preserve their hoary culture, which, no doubt, has
its origin in Atlantis. The Americans pledged not to reveal the
location of their city. After a long stay in Yucatan, the American
couple returned to the United States with an extremely high opinion
of the moral and intellectual level of the secret inhabitants of
In the Incidents Of Travel In Central America, Chiapas And
Yucatan J.L. Stephens, noted American archaeologist, cites the story of a
Spanish padre in 1838-9 who saw from the Cordillera:
"A large city
spread over a great space, and with turrets white and glittering in
the sun. Tradition says that no white man has ever reached this
city; that the inhabitants speak the Maya language, know that
strangers have conquered their whole land, and murder any white man
who attempts to enter their territory. They have no coin, no horses,
cattle, mules, or other domestic animals."
The Spanish conquistadores recorded the Aztec tradition of hidden
outposts in the jungle with vast stores of treasure and supplies.
These reserve bases had become almost forgotten when the invaders
landed in Mexico. Verrill writes that "because no one has ever
discovered any of these ’lost cities’ does not prove that they did
not exist or that they may not exist at the present time".
The Quechua Indians of Peru and Bolivia point to an
subterranean network in the Andes. Considering the outstanding
engineering achievements of pre-Inca master builders, these tales
could be true.
Colonel P.H. Fawcett sacrificed his life in search of a lost city
which, he thought, could prove the reality of Atlantis. He claimed
to have seen the ruins of such a city in South America.
The legends of lost cities, sacred mountains, hidden valleys and
catacombs should be examined without any bias as some of these
traditions lead to the colonies of Atlantean descendants or even of
still earlier races.
Page 59-60
The spectacular rise of Sumerians from thousands of years of
barbarism to a brilliant epoch is puzzling if we discard the myths
of some wonderful beings who came as civilizers.
Babylonian tradition speaks of regular visitations of the gods who
taught men the arts and crafts. One of these mysterious being was
Oannes, the fish-god.
COMMENT: The subjects of
Oannes, the Sumerians and the Dogons are
discussed in great length by
Robert K.G. Temple in The Sirius
Mystery and Murry Hope in The Sirius Connection. RS
Berosus, a Chaldean priest who lived at the time of Alexander the
Great, left an excellent record of the activities of Oannes and his
comrades. Learned Berosus writes that in ancient Babylon people were
like beasts. Then a strange creature emerged out of the Persian
Gulf. Its body was similar to that of a fish but under the fish’s
head there was a human head. The feet were joined, forming something
like a fish’s tail. Yet this odd creature could speak, although
described by ancient Babylonians as "an animal destitute of reason".
Oannes came out daily from the sea to give the primitive inhabitants
of Mesopotamia "an insight into letters and sciences and arts of
every kind". He instructed the first men of Babylon how "to
construct cities, to found temples, to compile laws, and explained
to them the principles of geometrical knowledge". The early
Babylonians were also taught agriculture and, as Berosus says, --
"in short, he instructed them in every thing which could tend to
soften manners and humanize their lives."
The chronicle states that since the appearance of Oannes and "other
amphibians" -- "nothing material has been added by way of
improvement of his instructions."
A tale about "amphibians" or "animals destitute of reason" who acted
as science teachers, does not make much sense. Oannes was no god
because Berosus clearly says that "his voice and language were
articulate and human". Where this culture bearer had come from, is a
question which can be answered only if we admit the existence of a
superior civilization in former times, or else on other planets.
Berosus tells us that Oannes’s head was contained within the fish’s
head. Is this not a good description of a space helmet within which
could be seen the face of a man? Feet subjoined to the fish’s tail
may be a crude definition of the appearance of the lower part of a
pressurized suit. How could the primitive people find words to
describe these strange visitors except by a comparison with known
Whoever the creatures were, the facts speak for themselves as
immediately after their visitations, men began to build cities,
construct canals and experiment in the realm of abstract thought. It
is then that art, music, religion and science were born in Babylon.
COMMENT: Not considered by Andrew Tomas is the idea that these "Saurians"
might be some sort of aquatic reptile, like an alligator, crocodile
or sea-snake. In
Flying Serpents & Dragons
R.A. Boulay presents
compelling evidence that these Nibiruans are "reptilian" or
Sitchin disagrees completely, making them simply a
different species of "mammalian humanoids" from another Planet.
Until we have further proof, this mystery will remain unknowable.
But from the standpoint of "common sense", I tend to think that they
are "aquatic reptiles" whose behavior resembles what one would
associate with an "amphibian". It would be far easier to confuse a
"reptile" with an "amphibian" (or vice-versa) than to confuse a
"humanoid" with either one of them. This is "basic knowledge", for
crying out loud! Ideally, there should be absolutely no doubt in our
recorded history about such an important fact as this. It is
unfortunate that we have been left in the dark about this. RS
Dwellers in the Euphrates valley were beast-like before Oannes, but
after him they became civilized and reached a high level of
intellectual development. By the second millennium before our era,
the mathematicians of Babylon were already proficient in algebra and
geometry. The astronomers had exact tables in algebra and knew the
position of celestial bodies at any time. And it all started with a
fish-like ’god’ who had come out of the waters of the Persian Gulf.
Pages 61-64
Garcilaso de la Vega transmitted to us the history of the
The Sun, the great parent of mankind, in token of compassion sent Manco Copac and
Mama Ocllo to teach men the arts of agriculture and
women the crafts of weaving and spinning. The people of Peru
accepted the Children of the Sun and laid the foundations of the
city of Cuzco. Another legend describes bearded white men who came
from the east and imparted the blessings of civilization to the
Blood tests on the tissues of five Inca mummies in the British
Museum were made in 1952 by B.E. Gilbey and M. Lubran and reported
to the Royal Anthropological Institute. Three out of the five
mummies possessed traces of Group A, which is utterly foreign to the
American Indian. None was rhesus-negative but one had the substances
D and c with the absence of C and E. This combination is rare among
the Indians. Further, another royal Inca mummy had the substances C,
E and c, with the absence of D. This blood sample is very unique,
and almost without a parallel on our earth. These overwhelming facts
prove that the Inca kings could not have belonged to the original
population of South America.
It should also be noted that the Spanish conquistadores heard the
Inca courtiers speak a secret language which their subjects could
not understand.
A similar tradition exists in Mexico, Guatemala and Yucatán where
[respectively] Quetzalcoatl, Kukumatz or Kukulkán is called a
god-man. He was a white man with a ruddy complexion and long beard.
On his shoulders was a long robe of black linen with short sleeves.
Toltecs, skilful craftsmen, builders, sculptors and agriculturalists
followed Quetzalcoatl.
The Feathered Serpent, or Quetzalcoatl, arrived from an eastern land
and opened in Mexico an era of great prosperity and progress. One
version has an interesting detail as to the manner of his arrival
Quetzalcoatl is said to have landed at the spot now known as
Cruz in a strange, winged ship. In Codex Vindoonensis he is shown
descending to earth from a hole in the heavens.
COMMENT: Certain
liberal-minded Christian historians have speculated
that after the Hebrew Jesus Christ "ascended into Heaven" from
Palestine, he made an appearance in Central America, because this
description of a bearded white "god-man" fits the general
description of the Christ. It could be suggested just as easily that
this "god-man" with the long beard, ruddy complexion and linen
garments was Apollonius of Tyana. Apollonius once wrote, "Live
unobserved; but if that cannot be, then slip unobserved from life."
When Apollonius at the age of 100 decided to "slip away", he sent
Damis of Ninevah to Rome with a private letter for their friend
Emperor Nerva. After Damis left for Rome, Apollonius entered a Greek
cave and was never seen again. One can only "presume" that he
"died". In fact, he could have transported himself in some
"miraculous" manner to Mexico, to continue his Hermetic work in an
entirely different cultural milieu. Sitchin equates the Greek Hermes
with the Egyptian Thoth and the Mayan Quetzalcoatl. All three, in
turn, are merely equivalents of Nibiruan Prince Nannar, God of
Magic. Apollonius was a Master of these secret Hermetic teachings.
By contrast, we have absolutely no "official" record that the
Jesus (Bar Abbas of Nazareth) was familiar with Hermeticism. And Apollonius would have arrived in Mexico from a land to the east. We
can never know the truth about this mystery, but it is fascinating
to speculate on the possibilities. See specifically
for additional information concerning the Crucifixion and
Resurrection. RS
When culture hero’s mission was interrupted by enemies, he returned
to the coast and set out for the country of Tlapallan on a raft of
snakes. Another myth describes how the messenger cast himself on to
a funeral pyre. His ashes then flew up and were changed into birds
while his heart became the planet Venus. Quetzalcoatl was
resurrected and went to heaven as a god. Was his winged ship -- a
spaceship, and the funeral pyre -- its fiery launching?
As civilizer, architect, agriculturist and religious leader
Quetzalcoatl left behind him an unforgettable mark on the history of
Mexico. He is still greatly venerated in that country.
According to Pedro de Cieza de León, Viracocha of the Incas was a
tall white man who came from the land of dawn. He instilled kindness
in the hearts of Quechua Indians and revealed to them the secrets of
civilization. After completing his mission, he disappeared into the
sea. Viracocha’s name means ’foam of the sea’. The sentiments of the
Indian in regard to the legend of the white demigod have been so
strong that even today some Peruvian Indians salute a friendly white
stranger with the greeting -- "Viracocha".
COMMENT: Here another intriguing comparison can be made to
Apollonius. Flavius Philostratus related in Life Of Apollonius Of Tyana that
Apollonius’ mother’s husband, Apollonius Menodotus, was
not his true father, who in fact was the Sea-God Proteus, colleague
of Poseidon, God of the Sea. And Poseidon, as we know from Sitchin,
was the Greek name for Nibiruan Prince Enki. A truly enigmatic
Trident of Poseidon (see
Page 76 below) is carved onto the cliffs of
the Peruvian Bay of Pisco, pointing directly to the "landing strips"
in the
Nazca Plain. After visiting the Incas, did
Apollonius return
to his "heavenly father" in the sea? Is that the reason a mysterious
"fish symbol" became associated with early Christianity? RS
There is considerable similarity between the legends of Quetzalcoatl
and Viracocha in America, and the tradition of Oannes, the Fish-Man,
in Babylon, geographically so for apart. The mythology of many races
abounds in stories about gods who once trod the earth. Fanciful as
the myths are, there is no doubt that some of them may be records of
actual historical events.
All these apostles of civilization, descending from the sky or
emerging out of the sea, plant ready-made culture among primitive
tribes. Who were the founders of solar dynasties? They were the last
Atlanteans who had been saved from the Great Flood in airships and
spaceships as the
Epic of Gilgamesh suggests.
The British scientist W.J. Perry believed that the Age of the Gods
was largely bound up with the Children of the Sun: "The conclusion,
therefore, seems forced upon us that the various groups of Children
of the Sun throughout the world are derived from one primordial
stock." That source may have been the legendary Atlantis.
In the East, India in particular, the guest is a sacred person
because gods are believed to have appeared unexpectedly in olden
times in the form and attire of man. To retain for themselves the
favours of possible celestial visitors, the Hindus treat the guest
with veneration and hospitality up to this day, even if he is only
human. This tradition goes back for thousands of years to a time
when gods trod the earth.
In India I had a few embarrassing moments when standing decorated
with tropical garlands, men and women prostrated at my feet to pay
homage to a visiting ’god’.
Pages 66-67
-- Puzzling portrait galleries exist in the caves of the
Kimberley Ranges in Western Australia.
The aborigines say they were
made by another race. The technique of artwork and the employment of
a blue pigment not used by the aborigines, attributes the authorship
of these drawings to a people of non-Australian origin. The
Kimberley rock paintings portray figures with peculiar head-dress or
halos but no mouths. In the land of bare-footed natives, the figures
are painted with sandals on their feet.
These ’Wandjina’ pictures are supposed to represent the first men.
It should be noted here that they are depicted with three or seven
fingers and toes. The Wandjina are connected with the
Serpent paintings in the Kimberleys. The Rainbow Serpent is the term
for ’Dreamtime’ or the prehistoric age.
There is a remarkable affinity between the Tassili rock paintings
and those of the Kimberleys. The creatures without mouths may be
beings in space helmets. Numerous theories have been advanced to
explain the Mouthless Ones, yet none is satisfactory.
"Nibiruan Physiology"
I describe the Celtic God Cú Chulainn, who was said to have had
seven fingers and toes. Thus, in my chart of comparison between the
Saurian and the Neanderthal, I note that Saurians can have "up to
seven" fingers and toes, compared to our five. So, here we find
something else to bolster that idea in these Wandjina paintings. The
"Rainbow Serpent" refers of course to the fact that atop the
"Rainbow Bridge Bifrost" there are "serpent-gods" living in
Shambhala, "the golden city floating in space". The peculiar term
"Dreamtime" must refer to that period when
The Cosmic Tree is
tethered to our North Pole. The majestic arrival sequence and what
followed must have seemed like a "dream" to surviving humans. In
retrospect, yes, it is a "Dreamtime" for us, too. But to play the
Devil’s Advocate, this could refer to something entirely different,
for it is impossible to know. In any case, it is an intriguing word,
this "Dreamtime"! RS
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