by Michael E. Salla, Ph.D
Kona, Hawaii
Exopolitics Website
I just received a message (posted below) concerning Dr
Richard Boylan's response to
Declaration for Citizen Contact Councils.
The Declaration has been posted on a
petition site and is
available here. Dr Boylan's response runs the
now predictable route he has taken in relation to me by repeatedly
referring to me as a Cabal Ufologist with nothing but the
dubious reasoning that since I challenge his all "Star Visitor's are
benign" claim that I must be in league with governmental authorities
suppressing the truth about extraterrestrial life.
I have responded to him previously on
this issue
here. What was truly surprising however was his response
to the Citizen Contact Council initiative which is supported
by a number of exopolitical organizations including the Exopolitics
Institute as evidenced in a May 24 press release available
This is what Dr Boylan wrote:
Salla further reveals his Cabal
misdirection strategy by pointedly avoiding any mention of the
official diplomatic point-of-contact for Humanity with Star
Nations, the Councillor of Earth, appointed Human member of Star
Nations' governing Council.
This is an astounding claim. Boylan is arguing that as "Councillor
of Earth" he is the "official diplomatic point-of-contact for
Humanity." As far as I'm aware, he was given this title from a
Gray extraterrestrial, through a telepathic medium, and was
approved in a questionable fashion on his UFO Facts list where
dissenting opinions are not allowed.
Essentially, Boylan has
used a very dubious process with no standing in the exopolitical/UFO
community to proclaim himself "Councillor of Earth," and to
reject initiatives that don't recognize him in this exalted
What follows next in his email is even more
Now I can foresee the future day when Humans will reorganize
their governance to take back control of their regions from
Cabal-polluted governments. At that point the Councillor of
Earth will certainly seek and welcome organized citizen input
into policy formulation vis-a-vis Star Nations.
But that day has not arrived yet,
and it certainly won't through the formation of Salla's illusory
"Citizen Contact Councils".
So Dr Boylan is here saying that
humanity is not yet ready for Citizen Contact Councils since it has
not rid itself of Cabal-polluted governments in different regions.
Until that time, he proclaims that as Councillor of Earth he
is the only suitable conduit for relations with extraterrestrial
This is truly an amazing claim insofar
as he views organized citizenry having no role to play in this
moment in history as governments finally move forward in releasing
information about extraterrestrial life.
I find Dr Boylan's position to be untenable and based on
self-aggrandizement that is a product of poor judgment and faulty
reasoning. I greatly respect his earlier research in support of
whistleblower testimonies that was truly pioneering work and
deserves public acknowledgment. However, I have found him to be
increasingly prone to making bizarre public statements about his
role and relations with extraterrestrials with no supporting
His dismissal of the Citizen Contact
Council initiative because it does not include him as a focal
point in relations with extraterrestrial civilizations needs to be
repudiated, and his self-proclaimed status as "Earth Councillor"
dismissed as delusional. Such bizarre claims should not be allowed
to distract the general public who are increasingly taking evidence
of extraterrestrial life more seriously and seeking informed opinion
by exopolitical/UFO researchers.
The path to organized citizenry establishing diplomatic relations
with extraterrestrial life lies neither through governmental
institutions compromised by the sixty year old secrecy policy, nor
through a self-appointed central civilian authority. There needs to
be a decentralized process whereby private citizens can organize
themselves around the world, and take responsibility for
communications/interactions with extraterrestrial life.
I call on all who believe organized
citizenry have a role to play in establishing diplomatic relations
with extraterrestrials to support the Declaration of Citizen Contact
Councils by signing the petition and/or forming/joining Citizen
Contact Councils in your local area.
As Margaret Mead so eloquently
pointed out:
"Never doubt that a small group of
thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed,
it's the only thing that ever has!"
[Note: What follows is the unedited email response by
Richard Boylan concerning the Declaration for Citizen
Contact Councils]
It is unfortunate that this message was posted. Undoubtedly the
Deputy Moderator was unaware that this "Declaration" is more of
the self-promoting operations of Cabal ufologist mole
Michael Salla. Salla is so aware of his bad name that he
uses microscopic print in the footnotes section to finally
identify that he is behind this deceptive scheme.
I recommend not signing the Petition.
Why? Because it is another Cabal distract-and-divide operation
masquerading as a "citizen contact council" initiative".
If any new reader is unfamiliar with Salla's true nature, they
have only to go to:
A supplemental reading would be at:
Like his Cabal co-conspirator
Steven Greer, Salla alludes
to direct "citizen council" diplomacy with
Star Nations: a false
promise which Michael Salla cannot deliver on. Star Nations will
have nothing to do with him. They refuse to communicate with
anyone associated with the Cabal.
Salla further reveals his Cabal misdirection strategy by
pointedly avoiding any mention of the official diplomatic
point-of-contact for Humanity with Star Nations, the
Councillor of Earth, appointed Human member of Star
Nations' governing Council.
Now I can foresee the future day when Humans will reorganize
their governance to take back control of their regions from
Cabal-polluted governments. At that point the Councillor of
Earth will certainly seek and welcome organized citizen input
into policy formulation vis-a-vis Star Nations. But that day has
not arrived yet, and it certainly won't through the formation of
Salla's illusory "Citizen Contact Councils".
Meanwhile I get input from those citizens who are aware and on
my Groups lists, whom Star Nations have validated as a
fair representative sample of Humans of informed consciousness.
People who fall for his deception might as well get a flashlight
and join Steven Greer huddled on some hillside shining
flashlights into the sky to "call in" those UFOs which never
quite seem to come around despite his pose of telepathically
summoning them.
Wake up, folks!
The Cabal has more deception operations up its sleeve. Analyze
carefully any proposal, no matter how attractively worded, and
consider the source carefully.
in the light,
Richard Boylan, Ph.D.,
Councillor of Earth
From: UFOFacts@yahoogroups.com [mailto:
On Behalf Of Orion Pleyades
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2008 7:24 PM
To: UFOFacts@yahoogroups.com
Cc: bluzman2@...
Subject: [UFOFacts] Declaration for Citizen Contact
Please read the following Declaration for Citizen Contact:
Adara J.