by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Seattle Exopolitics
October 3, 2011
Examiner Website
In an exclusive October 2, 2011 ExopoliticsTV interview, independent
scientist Leuren Moret, MA, PhD (ABT) has stated that the covert
mission of
the U.S. Space shuttle (1981-2011) was to distribute
chemtrails in space as part of the
HAARP weapons system.
Ms. Moret
based her findings on U.S. Navy and other documents reproduced in
the article below.
Chemtrails in
space & HAARP weapons system
According to Ms. Moret, Chemtrails in space are used as a
weapons-system component of the HAARP weapon of mass destruction
system that is for,
The environmental warfare events created by the HAARP and chemtrails
(space-based and atmosphere-based) weapons system includes at least,
by the evidence the following:
9/11 (the molecular dissociation
and collapse of the World Center twin towers)
the Katrina Hurricane of 2005
the 2008 Myanmar cyclone
(150,000 dead)
the 2008 China earthquake
(80,000 dead)
the 2010 Haiti earthquake (200,
000 dead)
the March 11, 2011 Fukushima
false flag tectonic and global radiation attack
The results of
the Fukushima event,
triggered by the HAARP and chemtrails (space-based and
atmosphere-based) weapons system includes,
a projected 100,000 deaths
in USA and Canada by the end of 2011
the radiation contamination of
Japan, USA and Canada
long-term radiation depopulation
of the human race
Leuren Moret on covert mission of U.S. space
shuttle - chemtrails in space
Ms. Moret’s chain of evidence is set out in the October 2, 2011 ExopoliticsTV interview:
10th anniversary of
HR-2977 banning chemtrails in space
Ms. Moret’s interview comes on October 2, 2011, the 10th anniversary of
the introduction of
HR-2977, the Space Preservation Act, in the U.S.
House of Representatives by Rep.
Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio).
In her ExopoliticsTV interview, Ms. Moret notes that HR-2977 banned
the spraying of chemtrails in space, and the tandem use of HAARP, of
which chemtrails are a weapons-system component, in space.
Ms. Moret notes that HR-2977 was drafted by this reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre and submitted to Rep. Dennis Kucinich for
introduction as a bill into the U.S. Congress in the summer of 2001,
well before the HAARP chemtrails (space-based and atmosphere-based)
false flag attack on the World Trade Center towers of
September 11,
In the HR-2977 bill of October 2, 2001, the U.S. Congress banned the
following space-based weapons:
“Exotic weapons systems such as,
“(i) electronic, psychotronic,
or information weapons;
“(ii) chemtrails;
“(iii) high altitude ultra low frequency weapons systems;
“(iv) plasma, electromagnetic, sonic, or ultrasonic weapons;
“(v) laser weapons systems;
“(vi) strategic, theater, tactical, or extraterrestrial
weapons; and
“(vii) chemical, biological, environmental, climate, or
tectonic weapons.”
In her Exopolitics TV interview, Ms.
Moret notes that the October 2, 2001 HR-2977 bill was the first bill in
the U.S. Congress to ban the use of space-based chemtrails as a
component of space-based weapons system and was widely praised when
first introduced.
In her interview, Ms. Moret also states that, as an Environmental
Commissioner of Berkeley, CA, Rep. Dennis Kucinich spoke with her in
private conversations in Berkeley, CA about his key U.S. House of
Representatives committee positions in the U.S. Congress overseeing
space and aeronautical issues that included congressional oversight
over chemtrails in space.
deletes ban on chemtrails in space
In her interview, Ms. Moret notes that, rather than supporting the
ban on chemtrails in space as his committee position required, Rep.
...mysteriously pulled the October 2, 2001
HR-2977 bill as an
active bill, and gutted the bill so that it did not mention or ban chemtrails in space,
...and in place of HR-2977, on January 23, 2001,
Kucinich introduced HR-3616 a bill that
not mention or ban chemtrails
in space and eliminated any mention of the actual space-based
weapons that HR-2977 contained.
At the time, one supporter of HR-2977 stated,
“Re-writing bills is a common enough
practice as a bill goes through the legislative process.
However, the differences between HR-2977 and HR 3616 are more
than just a few tweaks here or there.
“By its conspicuous appearance in 2977, the term 'chemtrails'
received a form of credibility within the official government
process never seen before... producing the hope that one
courageous Representative had finally had the fortitude to take
the issue of chemtrails to a level of Congressional scrutiny
long overdue.
“In Rep. Kucinich's revised new (some would say 'emasculated')
Bill, HR 3616, there is no longer any mention whatever of:
particle beams
electromagnetic radiation
extremely low frequency
(ELF) or ultra low frequency (ULF) energy radiation
mind-control technologies as
'weapons systems covered in the measure'”
Impact of Kucinich’s
mysterious withdrawal of HR-2977 banning chemtrails in space
In her ExopoliticsTV interview, Ms. Moret details the impacts that
Rep. Kucinich’s mysterious 2001 withdrawal of the HR-2977 ban on
space-based chemtrails, and on space-based (satellite-based)
particle beam weapons, electromagnetic radiation weapons, plasma
weapons, ELF and ULF mind control weapons, and directed-energy
frequency weapons such as HAARP.
HAARP is defined as a space-based weapon
of mass destruction as two of its key components are in space -
chemtrails and the heated ionospheric weapons system
HR-2977 was introduced on October 2, 2001 just after the false flag
operation of 9/11 to growing public support. At the time of its
introduction by Rep. Kucinich over 280 peace-oriented NGOs supported
HR-2977 and were lobbying for its passage.
The false flag operation of September 11, 2011 had just occurred,
and the HAARP and chemtrails (space-based and atmosphere-based)
weapons system were key to the 9/11 molecular dissociation of the
World Trade Center towers.
With proper leadership, HR-2977 could
have been used as a tool to prosecute the 9/11 perpetrators,
operators of the HAARP and chemtrails (space-based and
atmosphere-based) weapons system.
Moreover, the passage of HR-2977 or even the publicity concerning its
banning of space-based weapons systems such as HAARP and space-based
chemtrails could have legitimized the opposition to the catastrophic
environmental warfare events following 9/11.
The carnage and damage of:
the Katrina Hurricane of 2005
the 2008
Myanmar cyclone (150,000 dead)
the 2008 China earthquake (80,000
the 2010 Haiti earthquake (200, 000 dead)
the March 11, 2011 Fukushima
false flag tectonic and global radiation attack could have
been avoided
As noted, the results of the Fukushima event, triggered by the HAARP
and chemtrails (space-based and atmosphere-based) weapons system
a projected 100,000 deaths in
USA and Canada by the end of 2011
the radiation contamination of
Japan, USA and Canada
long-term radiation depopulation
of the human race
Rep. Kucinich
decimates HR-2977 - Cui bono?
In her ExopoliticsTV interview, Ms. Moret notes that Rep. Kucinich
was fully aware of the effects of chemtrails and HAARP, as he was a
ranking U.S. Representative on U.S. congressional committees
regulating space-based weapons such as HAARP and space-based
Ms. Moret notes that Congressman Kucinich mysteriously withdrew the
HR-2977 ban on space-based chemtrails right after the 9/11 event,
where space-based weapons such as HAARP and space-based chemtrails
played a key role in the false flag operation.
Ms. Moret also notes that, with the withdrawal of HR-2977 (despite
growing support) controllers of the HAARP and chemtrails
(space-based and atmosphere-based) weapons system were given carte
blanche to carry out the environmental war attacks ranging from 2005
Hurricane Katrina to the 2011-Fukushima false flag tectonic and
radiation event, whose casualties so far have probably exceeded
500,000 dead worldwide and climbing.
"For whose benefit," Ms. Moret asks,
"did Rep Kucinich withdraw HR-2977 and with what consequences?"
U.S. space shuttle &
space-based chemtrails
In her ExopoliticsTV interview, independent scientist Leuren Moret
reveals U.S. Navy documents showing that HAARP and space-based
chemtrails experiments were utilized on the U.S. space shuttle
starting in 1985.
The U.S. space shuttle’s hidden agenda,
she concludes, was chemtrails in space.
Ms. Moret states,
“U.S. Navy documents reveal the
‘Dr. Bernhardt has conducted over eight experiments
from 1985 to the present, using the Space Shuttle Orbital
Maneuver Subsystem (OMS) engines, to modify the ionosphere with
high-speed exhaust injections into the upper atmosphere.
The results of these dedicated
engine burns have been recorded using the VHF and UHF radars at,
Arecibo, Puerto Rico
Kwajalein, Marshall Islands
Millstone Hill,
Jicamarca, Peru"
Ms. Moret continues,
“The U.S. Navy documents continue,
‘Dr. Bernhardt has pioneered the use of chemical releases to
study the ionosphere. His ionospheric modification experiments
have been monitored with Incoherent Scatter Radar (ISR) systems
around the world and with in situ plasma probes provided by
NRL's Plasma Physics Division.
The 1992 NRL Ionospheric Focused
Heating (IFH) experiment, combined chemical release and
high-power radio wave technology to produce the highest level of
plasma turbulence ever measured with the Arecibo ISR'."
Dr. Paul A Bernhard,
HAARP, chemtrails and the U.S. space shuttle
Ms. Moret states,
“The real purpose of the space
shuttle has never really been apparent… until now.
Even more
puzzling is the recent abrupt shutdown of that very expensive
program. But in reports like the U.S. Navy documents about Dr.
Paul A. Bernhard... connections between the space
shuttle and a global network of HAARP facilities are exposed."
Ms. Moret continues,
“Dr. Paul A. Bernhard has been
affiliated with the Univ. of California and Stanford Univ. for
higher education, IEEE, AGU, and worked for the U.S. Navy and
Los Alamos nuclear weapons lab, and the HAARP facility at Gakona,
Alaska - all intimately involved in co-development of HAARP
secretly with the Soviet Union and post-Soviet Russia.”
Ms. Moret states,
“Dr. Bernhardt used the high-power
HF facility near Arecibo, Puerto Rico, and Nizhny Novgorod,
Russia, from 1985 to 1999 to observe mid-latitude artificial
plasmas that illuminated natural irregularities in the
In her ExopoliticsTV interview Ms. Moret
notes that,
“Dr. Bernhardt has pioneered the use
of chemical releases to study the ionosphere. His ionospheric
modification experiments have been monitored with Incoherent
Scatter Radar (ISR) systems around the world and with in situ
plasma probes provided by NRL's Plasma Physics Division.
The 1992 NRL Ionospheric Focused
Heating (IFH) experiment, combined chemical release and
high-power radio wave technology to produce the highest level of
plasma turbulence ever measured with the Arecibo ISR.
Dr. Bernhardt has conducted over
eight experiments from 1985 to the present, using the Space
Shuttle Orbital Maneuver Subsystem (OMS) engines, to modify the
ionosphere with high-speed exhaust injections into the upper
The results of these dedicated
engine burns have been recorded using the VHF and UHF radars at,
Arecibo, Puerto Rico
Kwajalein, Marshall Islands
Millstone Hill,
Jicamarca, Peru
Currently, Dr. Bernhardt is the
principal investigator for the Charged Aerosol Release
Experiment (CARE) program, designed to study the scattering of
radar from electrons in the vicinity of charged particulates
that form artificial 'dusty plasmas'.”
Japan - Major
Player in Global HAARP Program
In her ExopoliticsTV interview, Ms. Moret reveals the covert and
major role that Japan has had in the global HAARP program, which now
has more than 17 HAARP sites worldwide to use space-based and
atmosphere-based chemtrails for environmental tectonic and weather
Ms. Moret states,
“Seismologist and geologist
Shimamura Hideki (former Director of the National Institute of
Polar Research) is one of the leading directors of HAARP
development by Japan. We call him ‘Daddy HAARP’."
Ms. Moret continues,
“To show the impact of environmental
warfare by tectonic attack, it is useful to note that in the
space-based chemtrails and HAARP period (between 1995-2011),
earthquakes increased by 1070% in Japan. This was due to
space-based chemtrails and HAARP".
Ms. Moret notes,
“Japan had 14 large magnitude (6.0
and greater) between 1891 and 1968 (77 years). Between
1995-2011, there were 32 quakes (16 years and 32 quakes) a 1070%
increase in seismicity. Indonesia has a similar large increase
in quakes. Indonesia was targeted for HAARP mining projects by
London financiers to sell minerals/metals to China on the rise.”
Ms. Moret states,
“Early pioneers before 1900, such as
Tesla, described HAARP applications today such as ‘molecular
dissociation by using energetic waves’ for creating vortexes for
weather modification, causing earthquakes using scalar
waveforms, and many other basic discoveries that are only being
developed now, in particular as HAARP applications.”
HAARP seismic warfare
In her ExopoliticsTV interview, Ms. Moret discusses “Current
Status of Seismo-Electromagnetics for Short-Term Earthquake
Prediction” by M.
Hayakawa, and Y. Hobara (June 23, 2010) Geomatics, Natural Hazards
and Risk.
She states,
“This scientific paper describes
“modern earthquakes” with a transmitted ULF frequency detected
up to 12 days before the quakes, a quiet period about three days
before the quake when the 2.5 Hz frequency is transmitted from a
HAARP magnetometer, and the after-period with aftershocks.
This new field has emerged in
seismology that coincides with the exponential escalation of
large magnitude earthquakes globally since about 1965.
In fact
the International Geophysical Year, which began in the 1950’s,
was the signal for new research in geoscience that became the
basic research necessary for HAARP applications.
The American Geophysical Union was
revamped and well funded in the early 50’s as well to provide
the science forum for development of HAARP under the cover of
satellite - 2004 launch
In her ExopoliticsTV interview, independent scientist Leuren Moret
reveals the significance and function of the
2004 Demeter satellite
by France as a component of HAARP and chemtrails (space-based and
atmosphere-based) weapons system.
She states,
(lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere coupling) is not only a new
well-funded field, but France launched their own satellite in
2004, “Demeter”, dedicated to monitoring ULF signature
Demeter is the Greek goddess of the
harvest, grains, fertility of the earth, and the seasons, and is
also the Goddess of poppies, with an
Afghan=heroin=Dope, Inc.
Ms. Moret states,
“The paper by M. Hayakawa, and Y.
Hobara gives an inventory of “modern” earthquakes (post 1965)
with the ULF anomaly (Earthquakes in Kobe, Spitak Armenia, Loma
Prieta, CA (USA), and Izu/Kagoshima/Iwate, Japan) and other
contemporaneous earthquakes without the ULF anomaly (Earthquakes
in Northridge, CA - USA - and Okushiri and Erimo, Japan).”
Ms. Moret concludes,
“One can only conclude from data
presented in this paper that countries are triggering HAARP
earthquakes causing enormous environmental disasters used
against their own citizens.”
"Daddy HAARP"
In her ExopoliticsTV interview Ms. Moret states,
“Nearly all polar research since the
1930’s by the Soviets, has been necessary to develop the HAARP
program, and the Tesla and earlier discoveries of waveforms with
many applications, but always the most important for the
bankers, is science for WMDs.
By searching Dr. Hideki’s - ‘Daddy
HAARP’s’ - name, a cornucopia of new evidence on HAARP
development came from programs for global conferences, HAARP
site newsletters, and lists of scientists and their papers,
funding sources, joint cooperation by the international
community, and even ties to academia and corporations emerged to
produce a 4 dimensional rich body of evidence as to who, what,
how, why, and where on HAARP."
Nikon corporation
...and the HAARP and chemtrails (space-based and
atmosphere-based) weapons system
In her ExopoliticsTV interview, Ms. Moret discusses an article from
the NIKON Website: “Development of Observation Technology
- Reading
the winds from the Antarctic, The Story of Light and People”.
Ms. Moret states,
“Always research science in Nature
should be carefully examined when large sums of funding are
pumped for decades into global science projects such as HAARP,
and knowing that the international financiers fund and control
the direction of “large science” to benefit themselves.
science is always used as an innocent blanket of wonder
(auroras, gravity waves, noctilucent clouds, Antarctic winds) to
cover the sinister applications and agendas that emerge later.”
Ms. Moret continues,
“Like the HAARP satellite 'Demeter',
the wondrous new Japanese HAARP research station in the
Antarctic named “Pansy” for a lovely flower, reveals the real
agenda in the name. Pansy is from the French word “penser” which
means “to think, or thought”.
But with Kyoto Univ. and Tokyo Univ.
and their connections to globalist City of London bloodline
networks being the main players in developmental plans, Pansy
went operational just last May 2011, the hidden HAARP and
chemtrails (space-based and atmosphere-based) agenda will soon
Pansy is one of three Antarctic
HAARP antenna arrays exactly 1000 miles apart and arranged in a
triangle that could function as a global
mind control program".
Integrated system -
bankers, corporations, and science
Nikon corporate website - “Pansy” Antarctic HAARP
project is a Japanese initiative to introduce an MST
(Mesosphere-Stratosphere-Troposphere) /IS (Incoherent Scatter) radar
in the Antarctic SyowaStation. The centre frequency will be 47 MHz
and the peak power will be 500 kW (with an average of 25 kW).
The antenna array will be a
quasi-circular array consisting of 1045 3-elelment crossed Yagi
antennas with sensitivity within30 degrees of zenith. The total
collecting area will be approximately 16000 m2.
Ms. Moret notes the use of scientific propaganda to cover the true
role of the HAARP and chemtrails (space-based and atmosphere-based)
weapons system in creating the very Earthquakes it deplores.
She notes the article states,
“The pansy - a member of the violet
family - was bred in Scandinavia in the 1800s through
cross-fertilization between several species of violet with a
view to creating large, vividly colored flowers… The name
‘pansy’ is said to be derived from the French word ‘pensée,’
which means 'thought'."
She states the article continues,
“In the pursuit of science, man has
long contemplated various phenomena. The Tohoku Earthquake of
March 2011 appears to have significantly undermined confidence
in some branches of science."
The reality is, however, that Japan
continues to lead the world in terms of scientific and technological
“The PANSY project (Program of the
Antarctic Syowa MST/IS Radar - hereafter "PANSY") has now
commenced. This is a large-scale scientific project led by Japan
to observe the Antarctic winds. Human beings will continue to
contemplate and comprehend a new reality. Japan will continue to
tread this path.”
More science fraud to
protect Tepco (Fukushima)
In her ExopoliticsTV interview, independent scientist Leuren Moret
exposes the issue of science fraud on the service of corporations
TEPCO that participated as a co-conspirator in the March 11,
2011 false flag tectonic nuclear radiation attack.
Ms. Moret discusses the analysis in “Why
Did They Fake the “9.0”? - What TEPCO and the Media are Hiding”
Takashi Hirose, September 21, 2011.
Ms. Moret notes the article states,
“The seismologist and geologist
Shimamura Hideki (former Director of the National Institute of
Polar Research) said, ‘This never-before-heard-of figure of
magnitude 9 is was produced by JMA’s arbitrary altering of the
magnitude scale.’”
Ms. Moret continues,
“In fact a number of different
scales have been used to calculate magnitude. In Japan in the
past the “JMA magnitude (Mj)” scale has been used.
If we enter
data of the Great Tohoku Earthquake into the Mj formula (omitted
here as it is complicated), its magnitude would be 8.3 or 8.4 at
most according to Shimamura.
He continues, ‘It is because JMA
recalculated the data using the ‘moment magnitude (Mw)’ scale,
which has been used only by scientists, that the magnitude could
be raised to 9.0.’”
She states,
“The true magnitude of the 8.3 or
8.4 March 11, 2011 Fukushima earthquake was deceptively raised
to 9.0 so that TEPCO, the Japanese nuclear power company, could
state that it was a 9.0 once in a 1000 years earthquake and thus
escape liability for not having ‘predicted’ the earthquake that
this criminal network had actually created.”
Ms. Moret concludes,
“It is quite incredible to realize
that the powers behind TEPCO to protect assets and profits, are
able to co-opt the entire seismological community globally into
this deception that the Tohoku earthquake was a M 9.0 and not a
M 8.4 as originally reported by U.S. news sources.
But Western
science, and now we know Japanese as well, is willing to commit
science fraud to protect corporations.”
HR-2977 Space Preservation Act,
introduced October 2, 2001 into the U.S. Congress
Space Preservation Act of 2001
(Introduced in the House)
HR-2977 IH
1st Session
H.R. 2977
To preserve the cooperative,
peaceful uses of space for the benefit of all humankind by
permanently prohibiting the basing of weapons in space by the
United States, and to require the President to take action to
adopt and implement a world treaty banning space-based weapons.
October 2, 2001
Mr. KUCINICH introduced the following bill; which was referred
to the Committee on Science, and in addition to the Committees
on Armed Services, and International Relations, for a period to
be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for
consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction
of the committee concerned
To preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the
benefit of all humankind by permanently prohibiting the basing
of weapons in space by the United States, and to require the
President to take action to adopt and implement a world treaty
banning space-based weapons.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
United States of America in Congress assembled,
This Act may be cited as the 'Space Preservation Act of
Congress reaffirms the policy expressed in section 102(a) of
the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 (42 U.S.C.
2451(a)), stating that it 'is the policy of the United
States that activities in space should be devoted to
peaceful purposes for the benefit of all mankind.'.
The President shall,
(1) implement a permanent
ban on space-based weapons of the United States and
remove from space any existing space-based weapons of
the United States; and
(2) immediately order the
permanent termination of research and development,
testing, manufacturing, production, and deployment of
all space-based weapons of the United States and their
The President shall direct the United States representatives
to the United Nations and other international organizations
to immediately work toward negotiating, adopting, and
implementing a world agreement banning space-based weapons.
The President shall submit to Congress not later than 90
days after the date of the enactment of this Act, and every
90 days thereafter, a report on,
(1) the implementation of
the permanent ban on space-based weapons required by
section 3; and
(2) progress toward
negotiating, adopting, and implementing the agreement
described in section 4.
Nothing in this Act may be construed as prohibiting the use
of funds for,
(1) space exploration;
(2) space research and
(3) testing, manufacturing,
or production that is not related to space-based weapons
or systems; or
(4) civil, commercial, or
defense activities (including communications,
navigation, surveillance, reconnaissance, early warning,
or remote sensing) that are not related to space-based
weapons or systems.
In this Act:
(1) The term 'space' means
all space extending upward from an altitude greater than
60 kilometers above the surface of the earth and any
celestial body in such space.
(A) The terms 'weapon'
and 'weapons system' mean a device capable of any of
the following:
(i) Damaging or
destroying an object (whether in outer space, in
the atmosphere, or on earth) by,
(I) firing one
or more projectiles to collide with that
(II) detonating
one or more explosive devices in close
proximity to that object;
(III) directing
a source of energy (including molecular or
atomic energy, subatomic particle beams,
electromagnetic radiation, plasma, or
extremely low frequency (ELF) or ultra low
frequency (ULF) energy radiation) against
that object; or
(IV) any other
unacknowledged or as yet undeveloped means.
(ii) Inflicting
death or injury on, or damaging or destroying, a
person (or the biological life, bodily health,
mental health, or physical and economic
well-being of a person),
(I) through the
use of any of the means described in clause
(i) or subparagraph (B);
(II) through the
use of land-based, sea-based, or space-based
systems using radiation, electromagnetic,
psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other
energies directed at individual persons or
targeted populations for the purpose of
information war, mood management, or mind
control of such persons or populations; or
(III) by
expelling chemical or biological agents in
the vicinity of a person.
(B) Such terms include
exotic weapons systems such as,
(i) electronic,
psychotronic, or information weapons;
(ii) chemtrails;
(iii) high altitude
ultra low frequency weapons systems;
(iv) plasma,
electromagnetic, sonic, or ultrasonic weapons;
(v) laser weapons
(vi) strategic,
theater, tactical, or extraterrestrial weapons;
(vii) chemical,
biological, environmental, climate, or tectonic
(C) The term 'exotic
weapons systems' includes weapons designed to damage
space or natural ecosystems (such as the ionosphere
and upper atmosphere) or climate, weather, and
tectonic systems with the purpose of inducing damage
or destruction upon a target population or region on
earth or in space.