by Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC
DrBoylan Website
Latest Briefing From
High-Level National Security
Part One
He emerged from his vehicle in the
parking lot of a fancy hotel near the shoreline, attired in
dress-casual clothes with sunglasses, thrust out his hand, and said,
"Hi! I’m [Z]" (name withheld in this dispatch). With that, I
met face-to-face with one of the highest-level informants in the U.S. National Security network. What follows are extracts from our
three hours-long conversation.
"Z" was deeply concerned about current events in the Middle
East. He said the National Security community considers that the
place where soon war could break out which would engulf not only the
Middle East, drawing in not only Syria, Iraq, Jordan, and possibly
Egypt, Turkey and Iran, but also draw in larger powerful states such
as India and Russia.
Then, with India’s attention diverted, China
could march into areas of India it considers within its sphere of
influence. The Western Powers would have to respond, and global war
would become a reality.
He said that the Intelligence community expects a major terrorist
strike within the United States this Winter, most likely a
biological warfare agent dispersed across a city of note, or even a
nuclear weapon detonated. He noted grimly that 18 Soviet nuclear
warheads have gone missing, and are most likely in terrorist hands
now. He considered anthrax the most likely biowarfare agent to be
used, but allowed as that there are other killer microbes available
to the terrorists also. He said terrorist groups are within the U.S.
Z stated that the U.S. is quietly on ThreatCon Delta, the
equivalent of the Pentagon’s wartime DefCon 4 (active war) alert
status. ThreatCon Delta is the highest level of civilian threat
alert condition, because biological or nuclear incidents are
considered likely to occur at any time now.
Because of ThreatCon
Delta, classified sections of the National Security Act (amended)
and secret Presidential National Security Directives have become
"Did you know," Z asked me,
"that the President is not in charge now.
FEMA [the Federal
Emergency Management Agency] is!"
I replied that that is unconstitutional.
Z replied that the classified laws and NSD Directives make it
We discussed the various huge
underground city-like
installations that are all stocked and staffed and prepared to take
in a certain portion of the population in the event of a disaster or
terrorist strike happening. Such installations include one under the
Kansas City stadium, with a capacity to take care of one million
selected persons. Many such installations exist and are ready to go.
There is also a "shadow government", Z told me, with
substitute President, Vice-President, Cabinet officers, heads of
Senate and Congress, Supreme Court Justices and other top
governmental officials ready to function if disaster strikes
"topside". Thus he confirmed earlier leaked reports about a secret
Continuity of Government plan. He also confirmed that the "REX
Exercise" authorized by President Reagan was a dry-run dress
rehearsal of the taking over of command of the government,
legislature and courts by the unelected shadow government,
implemented, if necessary, by federalized FEMA troops.
Z then got down to the more exotic areas of mutual interest.
He confirmed the previously-anecdotal story about President Nixon’s
having taken then-famous television star Jackie Gleason to Homestead
Air Force Base, Florida, and showed him the corpses of Zeta Reticulan (Grey) crewmen retrieved from a UFO crash.
Z said that he,
too, had viewed those bodies.
He indicated that
the Bilderberg Council (a transnational elite
world policy planning group comprised of heads of some governments
and multinational corporations) interacts with "The Nine", a group
of extraterrestrial representatives from a Council of coordination
for many cosmic super-civilizations in contact with Earth.
Phyllis Schlemmer spoke of this in her classic book, "The Only Planet of
Choice". Schlemmer herself occasionally is a channel for
The Nine.
Z also confirmed what black-projects defense industry-insider
Edgar Rothschild Fouche wrote about in his recent book, "Alien
Rapture": the existence of the TR3-B, a large triangular antigravity
craft within the U.S. antigravity fleet.
This fleet also includes:
the B-2 Stealth bomber, made by Northrop
the Lockheed X-22A two-man
antigravity disc
the large space-faring Nautilus, manufactured by
Boeing and EU’s Airbus Industries
Northrop’s discoid craft
XH-75D or "XH Shark" antigravity helicopter, made by Teledyne Ryan
Aeronautical Corporation of San Diego
Here is what Z had to say
about the TR3-B triangular antigravity craft.
"TR3-B. This is the code name for
what everyone on Earth has seen. It is a very large
triangular-shaped re-entry vehicle with anti-gravity. It is what
the November issue of Popular Mechanics identified as the Lenticular
Reentry Vehicle, a nuclear-powered flying saucer, the
first version of which went operational in 1962, [the version
Popular Mechanics illustrated.]
"It was used in Gulf War’s early hours with
electromagnetic-pulse/laser cannons. It literally sat mid-air,
firing long-, medium-, short-range to take out antennas, towers,
communications, air traffic control towers, TV dishes and
centers, etc. For three hours, these three triangles [TR3-Bs]
just sat there blowing up everything in sight. Then the Stealth
fighters had fun for the rest of the day into the early evening
next night.
Then [followed] carpet bombings from high altitude
B-52 Strato-Fortresses. They dumped all the old, aged
Vietnam-era crap [munitions]; a third blew up and the rest
[were] duds.
"Anyways, the TR3B has been in testing since the ’60s. BUT it
has only been perfected for the last 8 years [1992]. It is a
good remake of what Truman first saw, [the Roswell semi-circular
craft]. It is compartmentalized, built by the Skunk Works
{Lockheed-Martin’s classified plant at Palmdale, CA) and Boeing.
It is housed in Utah. Remember Utah?"
Z was reminding me of his
earlier revelation that the U.S. Space Command has located its
prime headquarters and antigravity space-launch fleet facility
beneath the tallest mountain in the Wasatch Range east of Salt
Lake City, Utah.
"This is the end of that story. This is what people have seen,
which I could safely estimate more than 90% of the times. The
other 10% is what you seek, the real! [extraterrestrial UFOs]."
I politely disagreed with Z’s
estimate, since I doubted that the U.S. antigravity fleet was
numerous enough to account for the hundreds of daily sightings. But
I thanked him for all his information, and for so graciously driving
a distance to rendezvous with me.
I certainly hope that the destructive incidents that the current
ThreatCon Delta alert is set for do not happen.
But I also believe
that the American public has a right to know what I have learned.
Latest Briefing From
High-Level National Security
Part Two
In the previous report, I wrote of what the National Security
informant I’ll call "Z" had to say about such matters as
current terrorist threats, the U.S. antigravity craft fleet, and
what U.S. Presidents have known about ET visitation. But there was
more. That is included in this second report.
Many will recall the uproar in the newspapers and on television
several months ago when NASA reported that astronomers had spotted a
huge asteroid out in deep space on a trajectory to strike the Earth
in 2030. This story generated much press attention and interviews.
And then suddenly NASA did a follow-up news release, this one saying
that astronomers had made an error, and that upon rechecked
calculations, the asteroid would miss Earth by thousands of miles.
Great sighs of editorial relief took place all over the world. But
Z says there is more.
Actually, the first news release was the accurate one! NASA released
it to allow the authorities to gauge what public reaction would be
to the doomsday announcement.
Actually, the world took the news
without extraordinary immediate panic and hysteria. But NASA then
retracted the story, to avoid the long-term corrosive effect of such
news on society, so that life could go on as normal, and people
would not begin to question why they were going to their boring jobs
and paying the mortgage when massive destruction was coming anyway.
And so the stock market would not crash, nor other institutions lose
allegiance from the public.
Z added some details on the Doomsday asteroid. It is indeed
huge, larger than five miles by 10 miles: the size of a small
county. NASA has also calculated the impact zone: the north
Atlantic, somewhere between Europe and the United States and Canada.
It will have devastating impact.
As it comes through the atmosphere, it will create the loudest sound
humans have ever heard in history, a noise which will be heard
around the world. The pressure waves caused by its impact will
fracture the immediate tectonic plate it strikes, and create great
earthquakes everywhere. Its impact will create tremendous tidal
waves that will tower well above one mile high.
Scientists have
calculated, for example, that everything on the U.S. eastern
seaboard below 5000’ facing the wave will be inundated. Similarly,
monstrous waves will be generated eastward towards Europe’s Atlantic
coast and elsewhere. Z revealed that emergency plans have already
been drafted. One such plan calls for important designated persons
to be placed aboard the largest airliners and go airborne to ride
out the earthquakes and tidal waves from a safe altitude.
Z said that currently government and military planners are
desperately figuring out strategies to prevent the disaster: for
example, whether to try to deflect the asteroid by explosions from
rockets with nuclear warheads sent out into space to meet the
But even such a plan has downside risks. What if the nukes
do not nudge the asteroid out of its current course, but instead
fragment it, so that instead of one big object, several enormous
pieces are created which still continue in their current course and
strike with a wider shotgun pattern of destruction on Earth? The
planners and scientists continue to wrestle with choices and
decisions, feverishly working despite the huge rock’s being a little
over 29 years away.
There is a second large object incoming of quite a different kind,
Z stated, and it is due much sooner. This object is due
around 2011-2012, and has already been spotted by Naval observers
coming from a direction visible from the Southern Hemisphere. Z
confirmed that this is the Tenth Planet of our solar system, which
takes an extremely elliptical orbit.
He said it is the one of which Orientalist scholar
Zecharia Sitchin has written in his books
decoding the Sumerian tablets. These tablets also spoke of a
Planet, with a 3600-year orbit cycle. That planet, which they called
Nibiru, is inhabited by the
extraterrestrials who told the Sumerians
that they bioengineered humans, using Earth primate stock and
extraterrestrial genes.
I commented to Z that perhaps then we will meet our makers in
2012, before we later meet
our Maker in 2030, (if a solution to the
asteroid is not worked out beforehand.)
I thanked Z for sharing the news, although it is weighty
indeed. And after he finished, I understood better the momentous
concerns that some high in government wrestle with, and why some in
government feel that the people are better off not knowing.
Nevertheless, I believe that information is our public right. And
knowledge is power.