by Greg Jenner
DarkStar1 Website
Part One
“Behold the day is coming, burning
like an oven and all the proud, yes, all who do wickedly will be
stubble. And the day which is coming shall burn them up. Says
the Lord of Hosts… But to you who fear My Name the SUN OF
RIGHTEOUSNESS shall arise with healing in HIS WINGS…”
Malachi 4 vs. 1-2 (From
the New King James version of the Bible)

Mainstream history has chosen to forget about this lost
continent that once existed in the Pacific. But to many esoteric
researchers, including me, Lemuria should be included in academic
text-books. One such educational book that does include Lemurian
history was published by an obscure Rosicrucian sect called The Stelle Group or
The Lemurian Fellowship based out of Stelle,
Illinois and San Jose, California respectively.
I managed to get my hands on a copy of this rare text-book entitled:
The Ultimate Frontier.
Exhibit A) Eklal Kueshana
(The Ultimate Frontier 1963)
The inside jacket
cover says the following:
“Some of the…fascinating subjects
discussed in THE ULTIMATE FRONTIER are:
- Evidence of a magnificent civilization that once flourished on
the now submerged continent of Lemuria in the Pacific Ocean. - A moving story of communities that are actually living by this
[Lemurian] philosophy. - A Master Plan, dating from 4700 B.C. and involving the Great
Pyramid, for establishing in October A.D., 2001 a new nation
dedicated to the uplift of all mankind.
THE ULTIMATE FRONTIER describes the mysteries of human
existence… and may well mark the beginning of a much greater
phase of Western Civilization.”
I must admit, the intro of this book
does seem a little ‘cultish’ but I believe the Rosicrucians are onto
something here to suggest the Lemurian Continent was very physical
and very real. Why did Lemuria submerge into the Pacific Ocean?
According to North American Rosicrucian adepts this occurred because
of a pole shift.
More importantly though, what was the reason or ‘trigger’ for a
pole-shift? I’ve always argued that a pole-shift can only occur from
the magnetic field interaction of a planetary body passing near-by
such as Nibiru. Have the Rosicrucians and Freemasons acquired
ancient knowledge of this celestial intruder? I say yes, and each
brotherhood gives tantalizing clues of this through symbolic
They also speak of a ‘Dark Satellite’ and a ‘Blazing Star.’ (See
Andy Lloyd’s ‘Aphelion in 1881 & Freemasonry’) Before
getting into that, however, let’s first look at this mysterious
continent known as ‘Mu’. I’ve included [brackets] and CAPITALS to
emphasize my argument.
Exhibit B) David Hatcher Childress
(Lost Cities of Ancient Lemuria &
the Pacific ©1988)
“One of the great proponents of
Lemuria [or MU] was James Churchward, an Anglo-American who
spent a great deal of his life in India. Here he was initiated
into certain eastern esoteric “truths,” being shown, supposedly,
some ancient tablets in an Indian/Tibetan monastery. [See
‘Nibiru and the Subterranean Connection – Part One”—GJ] (There
have been many Tibetan monasteries in India for hundreds, if not
thousands of years.) He was taught how to read the tablets and
was told many fascinating things about ancient history. Then,
after traveling all over the world, he wrote a series of very
popular books. [The first one entitled] "The lost Continent of Mu…”
“Churchward’s books added a great deal to the store of
information available on Lemuria. While Churchward had his
inaccuracies, he nevertheless had many interesting things to
say. Furthermore, one can find substantiation for much of his
“In the year 1900 at Dunhuang, a small desert town on the border
of northern Tibet, a Taoist monk found a hidden library inside a
cliff honeycombed with caves. The room had been walled up with
bricks in the eleventh century to keep it from falling into the
hands of invading barbarians. For eight hundred years the books
had lain there, preserved by the dry desert air and maintained
in excellent condition. Then the famous explorer and
archaeologist Sir Aurel Stein passed through Dunhuang in 1907
and persuaded the monk to allow him to view the treasure, which
was at the time still kept in the secret [subterranean] cave.”
“He found Buddhist texts in many languages—Chinese, Tibetan,
Sanskrit—and some in languages that were completely unknown!
Just how old some of the texts were was impossible to tell, but
they had probably already been copied over several times from
earlier texts. The originals could have been written hundreds
and perhaps thousands of years ago. Amazingly, one of these
Pages 7-8.

The above map was obtained from Lemuria—Lost
Continent in the Pacific ©1931 (Exhibit C) published by the AMORC
Rosicrucians of San Jose, California. It shows a submerged Lemuria
after the cataclysmic pole-shift. Note also the Brazilian Amazon
Exhibit B) David Hatcher Childress
(Lost Cities of Ancient Lemuria &
the Pacific) continues:
“Something else which lends
credibility to the belief that these secret libraries exist is
the fact that many references are made to them in Central Asian
literature. It is said that they can be found in many temples in
India, Nepal and Tibet. They probably can be found in China and
Mongolia as well.
"About forty years ago, a Chinese representative of the
ROSICRUCIAN BROTHERHOOD visited the Rosicrucian Fraternity in
San Jose, California. He brought with him a manuscript which had
been kept in a secret Asian archive for thousands of years. It
was said to have been authored by the Egyptian Pharoah Akhnaton,
historically the founder of monotheism. The Rosicrucians
translated this book and published it under the title Unto Thee
I Grant. [©1931]
The appearance of this book would seem to
illustrate that such archives do in fact exist, and that
knowledge is occasionally disseminated from them. Furthermore,
the Rosicrucians claim to have access to a number of secret
[subterranean] libraries in Tibet. [See ‘Theosophy and the Dark
Star’—GJ] Therefore, one can see that the idea of Churchward
having access to some “secret” tablets, fantastic though it may
seem, is really not so far fetched.”
Page 8.
“The founding fathers of the United States included many Masons
as well as several Rosicrucians. The history of both of these
groups can be traced back to the ancient Mystery Schools of
Egypt; the same Mystery Schools that had taught Moses! Had the
secret teachings of the Masons and Rosicrucians been based on
information which had been passed down for thousands of years
through Egypt, originally having come from some lost
civilization? It occurred to me that this was possible, and
Page 29.

“…according to The Lemurian Fellowship…the Elders of Lemuria,
known as the “Thirteenth School,” moved their headquarters prior
to the [pole-shift] cataclysm to the uninhabited plateau of
Central Asia that we now call Tibet. Here they supposedly
established a library and school, and became known as “The Great
White Brotherhood.”
“…the great Chinese Philosopher Lao Tzu talked frequently of
“Ancient Masters” and their profound wisdom. Lao Tzu was born
more than two and a half thousand years ago in 604 B.C. He wrote
the famous book, the Tao Te Ching, probably still the most
popular book ever written in Chinese. When he finally left
China, near the close of his very long life, he journeyed to the
west, to the legendary land of Hsi Wang Mu. According to the
ancient Chinese, this was the headquarters of the “Ancient
“…Lao Tzu wasn’t the only Chinese to go off in search of the
Abode of the Immortals. The Chou dynasty emperor “Mu” (strange
coincidence, eh?) journeyed to the land of the Kun Lun
mountains… the “Mount Olympus” of the Central Asia and ancient
China, in order to contact the “mysterious, profound and wise
Ancient Masters.”
Were these legendary Masters identical with
the masters of … “The Great White Brotherhood” spoken of by The Lemurian Fellowship? It is an intriguing possibility.
Pages 48-49.
same group as the LOST WHITE BROTHERS from Hopi Indian tradition? I
believe so! See ‘Nibiru and the Subterranean Connection – Part Two’—GJ.
“… The Ultimate Frontier [states
that] Lemuria had been a large continent in the pacific which
had encompassed all the present-day Australia, New Zealand, the
Philippines, Oceania, western North America, and everything in
between. The continents’s real name had been Mukulia or Mu…’
Page 27.
“According to the Fellowship, these Lemurians built great cities
out of … stone and, under the direction of the so-called Elders,
went on to create an “advanced” civilization. As the Mukulian
Empire grew, more people wanted to be part of it. Persons from
all the valleys of Mukulia eventually joined the “Empire of the
Page 352.
“The Ultimate Frontier…says the Lemurian, or Mukulian
civilization “…lasted in the form of an empire for 52,000 years
and reached heights so great that our present civilization can
barely be considered a civilization when compared to it.
Government, religion, and science achieved such perfection as to
be far beyond our present comprehension. Western Civilization is
only about 2,500 years old and has narrowly survived its
power-seeking rulers and priests. Our science and technology are
but in their infancy and as yet consist of relatively few
Page 28.
“…Mankind’s first civilization rose 78,000 years ago on this
giant continent and it lasted an astonishing 52,000 years. It
was destroyed in earthquakes which had been generated by a “pole
shift” occurring some 26,000 years ago, or at approximately
24,000 B.C. The continent was so large, that when it sank, the
oceans of the world became drastically lowered as water rushed
into the newly formed Pacific Basin. The relatively small
islands which had existed in the Atlantic during the time of the
Lemurian civilization were left high and dry by the receding
ocean. The newly emerged land joined the Poseid Archipelago of
the Atlantic Ocean to form a small continent. This continent is
called Atlantis by historians today. Its real name was Poseid.”
Page 28. [See ‘Nibiru and the
Atlantean Connection – Part One’—GJ]
“The Mukulian Civilization had survived many pole shifts
previously, building its structures out of gigantic blocks of
stone fitted together in structures designed to last tens of
thousands of years. Because the area of the Hawaiian Islands
were one of the pivot points in the pole shifts that took place
every ten thousand years or so, the citizenry of the Mukulian
Empire were generally spared the massive destruction that
typically takes place in such an event.”
[So says the American

“However, when open war broke out between [two factions]
according to The Lemurian Fellowship, the Empire was [finally]
on the verge of collapse, and during a[nother] pole shift, the
tectonic plate shifted downward, raising the South American
continent and creating new land areas as the waters of the world
poured into the Pacific Basin. Colonel
James Churchward
described it as the continental arch buckling during a pole
Page 352.
Exhibit B) continues:
“Theosophist named W. Scott-Elliot,
wrote a lengthy paper called The Story of Atlantis and the Lost Lemuria [©1896] and according to… Elliot, Lemurians were between
twelve and fifteen feet tall. Their faces were flat, save for a
protruding muzzle, and they had no foreheads… and their eyes
were set so wide apart they could see sideways as well as
Page 9.
“In Pathways to the Gods, [©1982. Erich] Von Daniken relates a
number of legends [from a tiny island in the middle of the
Pacific called Nauru] that involved gods [little g] coming from
the sky…One of the gods has the name Nareau, which is perhaps
where the name Nauru came from. Von Daniken eventually finds the
stone grave of one of the giants… The grave is 5.3 meters long
and piled high with stones.”
“He relates the local legend that goes along with the graves:
that two Giants, apparently brothers, came to the island. They
were twice as large as normal men and could lift massive stones
and do other feats of great strength. The islanders, afraid of
these giants, got them drunk on palm wine and then killed them
so they could not do any mischief. They were buried in pits and
covered with stones.”
“…What was most interesting to Von Daniken, and to me, were the
GIANT FOOTPRINTS of Tarawa. A book has even been written about
them, entitled The Footprints of Tarawa (it is extracted from
the Journal of the Polynesian Society, Vol 58, No.4, December
1949, Wellington, New Zealand, and written by I.G. Turbott).
This book mentions a number of places where these footprints can
be found in the Kiribatis, [Islands] but the main spot is in the
village of Banreaba at a spot called Te Aba-n-Anti, the “Place
of the Spirits,” or Te Kananrabo, “the Holy Place.”
“Here various footprints can clearly be seen in the volcanic
stone, some of them so huge as to seem impossible. MOST HAVE SIX
TOES ON EACH FOOT. The largest are about three feet long, easily
twice as large as the foot of an especially tall person…The
footprints are reported to be very clear, with the toes, heels
and outline distinct: naturally rounded and curved like a normal
footprint. They were certainly not natural rock formations
coincidently formed into footprints…These men [Giants]
apparently had six toes and were probably ten to twelve feet
Pages 192-193
“According to The [Rosicrucian] Lemurian Fellowship and other
sources, many inhabitants of the Pacific continent were in fact
GIANTS, some standing twelve feet tall or more… Possibly, in the
final submergence of the continent in a pole shift, survivors of
the many waves of earthquakes and tidal waves sought refuge in
the very peaks of mountains, many of which were volcanic.
Shortly before or after the final submergence, these survivors
(who probably didn’t survive) walked on the lava that was to
become the Kiribati islands. This may have happened as recently
as 24,000 years ago, if we are to believe The Lemurian
Fellowship’s date for the submergence of this continent…”
“…As to giants with six toes who are twelve feet tall, Frank
Edwards reports in his book, Stranger Than Science, [©1959] that
in 1833, soldiers digging a pit for a powder magazine at Lompock
Rancho, California… hacked their way through a layer of cemented
gravel and found the skeleton of a man about twelve feet tall.
The skeleton was surrounded by carved shells, huge stone axes,
and blocks of porphyry covered with unintelligible symbols. The
giant also had a double row of teeth, both upper and lower! When
local Indians began to attach religious significance to the
skeleton and artifacts, the authorities ordered it secretly
buried, to be lost to science.”
“Edwards goes on to say in his book: “This particular giant,
incidentally, bore marked similarity to another, that of a giant
man with double rows of teeth whose skeletal remains were dug up
on Santa Rosa Island, off the California coast. Subsequent
research has shown that he, or his descendants, feasted on the
small elephants which once lived on that island and which have
vanished, like the giants who ate them, countless ages ago.”
“Near Crittenden, Arizona, in 1891, workmen excavating for a
commercial building came upon a huge stone sarcophagus eight
feet below the surface. The contractor called in expert help,
and the sarcophagus was opened to reveal a granite mummy case
which had once held the body of a human being more than twelve
feet tall—a human with six toes, according to the carving on the
case. But the body has been buried so many thousands of years
that it had long since turned to dust.”
Page 194.
At this point I raise the question, whatever happened to the
granite case depicting a detailed carving of the giant? As I’ve
stressed before in my last essay, these artifacts conveniently
go missing for the purposes of controlling our current paradigm
of mainstream history.
“So, we suddenly see a correlation with six-toed giants on the
west coast of North America with six-toed giants leaving
footprints in ancient strata in the [Pacific] Kiribati Islands.”
Pages 194-195
In Exhibit 13 from my paper: ‘Nibiru and
the Atlantean Connection – Part Two,’ the reader will notice that
the Irish Giant also has six toes and is approximately twelve feet
tall. Just like the Polynesian Giants! The similarities are uncanny.
Coincidence? It seems unlikely.
Throughout my essays, I’ve been
insisting that Giants had roamed the entire globe—within and on top
of Earth—from some long forgotten age. And one such distant outpost
that documented and recorded the Giants of Lemuria comes from Easter
According to James Churchward,
Easter Island was originally part of Lemuria akin to the Azores being originally part of Atlantis so it’s
reasonable to consider tangible evidence would have been left behind
documenting the Giant Lemurian race.
As it turns out, researcher and explorer Harold Wilkins addressed
this by suggesting the original inhabitants were indeed Giants and
that local islanders recorded what the Lemurians looked like, they
replicated their “Taskmasters” in the form of giant statues. See
Exhibit D) Harold Wilkins
(Mysteries of Ancient South America
“…who were these strange people who
left the amazing number of 550 colossal images in Easter Island,
of whom not even the unquiet sea whispers tales of old, unhappy
things and battles long ago? May be, the answer is… in the book
of Genesis: “There were giants on the earth in those days…”
Page 28.

In James Churchward’s book, The Lost
Continent of Mu ©1926, (Exhibit E) he includes a map (see below)
showing Easter Island and Hawaii being part of a larger Pacific

Another clue that lends credence to Easter Island and Hawaii being
part of a larger continent comes from the same Giant Stone Heads
found on each island. Notice the amazing facial similarity between
the two images shown below, especially the lips. Are they ‘stylized’
replicas of Giants that once roamed Lemuria? I say yes!
Giant Head
Statue |
Giant Head Statue
From Easter
Island |
From Hawaii
Harold Wilkins had some interesting things to say about these
colossal heads and the Giants of Easter Island. He writes the
Exhibit D) Harold Wilkins
(Mysteries of Ancient South America)
“…This eerie island…
Easter Island… lies 2,000 miles westwards into the eye of the sunset’s
fires from the South American coast… Here all round were tall
cliffs on the top of which ancient but very skilful architects
and engineers had designed and erected a colossal platform made
of megalithic stones, laid beautifully together without the bond
of any cement or mortar. The imperious race who made this
strange island-mausoleum were like the Egyptians of the old Pharoahs: they [the Giants] conscripted, for the work of raising
these mighty stone blocks into position, slave-labour [local
“…The “wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command” on the faces of
these imperious colossi seems to menace anyone approaching the
amphitheatre from inland. Behind the grand platforms of
cyclopean blocks the thunder of the great Pacific surges crashes
on the beach, while the rude bourdon of the music of the South
Pacific winds roars like an organ above the heads of these Ozymandiases, kings of kings. There are no fewer than 550 of
these tremendous images of martial men and rulers, mostly
without feet. Almost every face is arrogant and masterful—men of
a race of world-conquering imperialists and militarists. Yet
every face is different and individual…”
Page 25.
“Drawings in the rocks suggest that the [Giant] race sailed
three-masted ships, and knew of four-footed birds. In some
cases, [the race] have ears with enormous lobes, singularly
reminding us of the Orejones, or long-eared warriors of the old
Incas of Peru…”
Page 27
Harold T. Wilkins also provides a great
description of how the Lemurian Giants reacted when a pole-shift
finally destroyed their homeland. See Below:
Exhibit D) continues:
“One day, while the [Easter Island]
slaves and slave-artisans, under the eyes of their TASKMASTERS
were putting the finishing touches to a number of heads of great
figures lying in a vast quarry-crater of a workshop to which the
avenues lead from the cliff-platforms… a stern-faced supervisor,
cracking a hide-whip, had just stepped forward to flog the back
of a craftsman who had been detected scamping the work on the
back of one of the images, where he believed it would not be
While the crack of the heavy thong
still resounded in the hot air of a winless day, a black cloud
seemed suddenly to cover the face of the sun. It spread very
rapidly to the horizon. The ground heaved violently in
tremendous tremors that lasted many minutes. The whole island
shook to the rim and tops of the crater. Mountainous waves of an
ocean infuriated and maddened by some tremendous force swept
right over the tall cliffs and crashed on to the feet of the
colossal images. The light of day went out. The night of total
eclipse had come.
A heavy black pall covered the vault
of the heavens. Strange rains of blood-red water and white ash,
mingled, cascaded on to the causeways and covered the dome of
the great temple of ancestors… The terrified slaves in the
quarry-workshop threw down their tools, heeding not the whips
and curses of the TASKMASTERS, who, themselves, white to the
very lips, began to stammer and to follow the headlong rush of
the panic-stricken workers to the safety of caves in the
neighboring hillside.”
“…a gang of many hundreds of slaves had just hauled a cyclopean
statue on to the platform where it was to be set up, when the
island shook and the vast tidal waves swept right over the
mighty balustrades. In the unearthly darkness, as of a last day
on Earth, the terrified slaves cast off their hauling-ropes and
the great trunk and head of the statue crashed on its face, with
the head looking out to the maddened ocean, raging as under the
force of a hundred typhoons.
They fled, seeking safety and
harbour, as they raced, many being crushed under the weight of
mighty masonry and great carved stones, toppled over by the
violent quakes. The quarry was abandoned, the keeper of the
sacred mausoleum-temple fled with the rest, the architects, the
officials, and the engineers. [Technicians literally became
cavemen—GJ] May be, mephitic gases overtook them on their way to
shelter in the secret caves of the cliffs on that dreadful
island night; but those who managed to survive the long days and
nights of cosmic cataclysm ran out on the cliffs to wait for the
relieving food-ships that were never to come…
For the mighty Pacific
island-continent of …Mu… had toppled from her foundations deep,
deep down into the hell of the abyss, and the boundless, heaving
waters of the ocean now covered a whole vast land where life,
legend whispers, had been one long dream of paradisiacal bliss,
peace and prosperity, until one of its races, the men of blood
and brawls, had turned it into almost continual fighting…”
Pages 27-28.
In the passage below Wilkins describes
the colossal statues with an interesting SYMBOL ENGRAVED ON THE
NECKS and backs of their stone heads.
“Four splendid stone causeways
radiate inland from the platforms. They are magnificently paved,
and lined at intervals with splendidly carved statues of men.
[Giants—GJ] They pass on to an open plaza of great extent where
towers up into the sky a domed temple, many-sided and polygonal,
with statues at every angle of the building…[One] symbol, a
circle, sometimes cleft with a rod, and on some of the images
themselves engraved in series on the necks or backs, imports
that they also worshipped the sun; perhaps, an emblem of a…
Page 26.
Who and what is this ‘unrevealed god’
and ‘mystic Sun’ mentioned by Wilkins?
One answer may lie with a
sun-like object dubbed the BAL STAR by James Churchward. [See
Exhibit P-1; from ‘Nibiru and the Subterranean Connection – Part
1’ ]. According to ancient Tibetan Naacal tablets studied by Churchward, he suggested it was the trigger or cause of Mu’s
destruction. See Below:

Exhibit E)
James Churchward
(The Lost Continent of Mu ©1926 – The
complete edition reprint ©1994.
“...Here is an interesting extract
from the Lhasa Record: When the STAR OF BAL fell on the place
where now is only the sky and the sea,
[appeared to fall below
the Pacific Ocean horizon-GJ] the seven cities with their golden
gates and transparent temples, quivered and shook like the
leaves in a storm; and, behold, a flood of fire and smoke arose
from the palaces. Agonies and cries of the multitude filled the
air. They sought refuge in their temples and citadels, and the
wise Mu - the Hieratic Ra Mu - arose and said to them: did I not
predict all this?
And the women and the men in their
precious stones and shining garments lamented 'Mu, save us!' and
Mu replied: 'You shall all die together with your servants and
your riches, and from your ashes new nations shall arise.
they forget they are superior not because of what they put on
but what they put out the same will befall them.' Flames and
smoke choked the words of Mu: the land and its inhabitants were
torn to pieces and swallowed up by the depths. BAL is a Maya
word meaning 'Lord of the Fields.”
Pages 56 and 57.
Paralleling this, another answer may lie
with a Basalt ‘Sun-Disc’ found in Australia by Marilyn Pye. See
image to the right. This Sun-Disc is purported to be a relic from
Lemuria! (From Exhibit B: Lost Cities of Ancient Lemuria & the
Pacific. Page 114)
Note what looks like a prehistoric sea creature
directly below. To me this indicates the Sun-Disc was associated
with the Pacific Ocean just as Mu’s Bal Star was.
Could Marilyn Pye’s Lemurian Sun-Disc and James Churchward’s
Star be the same sun-like object—Nibiru? It is an intriguing
In the Introduction of this paper the question was asked: Have the
Rosicrucians and Freemasons acquired ancient knowledge of a
celestial intruder that is about to return, yet again? As I’ve
stated earlier, this is indeed the case. Secret teachings and
knowledge gleaned from subterranean libraries have been passed down
from Elders to Adepts, possibly for thousands of years, originally
coming from some lost civilization such as Mu.
Knowledge can also be passed down through symbology and a great
example of this can be seen on the picture showing a Masonic
‘Landmark’ (see image right) erected in Massachusetts from 1763.
(Exhibit F: ‘The History & Evolution of Freemasonry’ by
Delmar Duane Darrah ©1954, Page 30)
What’s fascinating here is the trinity indicated above the
two-pillared Enochian archway consisting of the Sun, Moon and Star.
Many researchers think the smaller star depicted is Venus, however I
disagree. Here’s why, if you look closely at the smaller star it is
clearly above one of the two ‘pillars of Enoch’ and in connection
with this researchers Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas write the
Exhibit G) Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas
(Uriel’s Machine,
“King Solomon built his famous
temple at Jerusalem on a site that was already a Canaanite
[Giant—GJ] sacred sanctuary, and according to the oral
traditions of Freemasonry still in use today, when workmen were
sent to clear the ground, they struck a stone that seemed to
make a hollow sound.
Upon raising this stone, they discovered A
VAULT BELOW which was found to be the remains of an Enochian
temple. A workman is lowered down on a rope by his colleagues
and discovers [only] one of the two pillars on which Enoch had
engraved all the secrets of civilization that existed before the
Page 374.
The reader should know that Enoch was
told by an angel named Uriel, to preserve the secrets of
civilization on the two pillars because a global disaster was
Masonic documents dating from the early 17th century,
known as the 'old charges' tell how everything dear to mankind
existed before the disastrous Flood and had to be reconstructed by
the survivors.
Now, Venus is usually represented as a five-pointed star. The
smaller star shown here depicts seven points, possibly eight
therefore it is my contention that the smaller sun-like object isn’t
Venus at all. It’s the ‘missing star’ above the ‘missing pillar’ of
I conclude that the star-like object boldly etched on the Masonic
Landmark symbolizes the ‘cause’ of the disastrous Flood.
In-other-words this is the “Sun of Righteousness”—our solar system’s
celestial intruder.
The Freemason’s blazing star, the Tibetan Bal
Star and yes, the Lemurian Sun Disc known as Nibiru.
Part Two
“…The vault in which this tomb was
found was illuminated by the SUN OF THE MAGI, and inscribed with
magical characters. The body of the illustrious founder
[Christian Rosenkreutz] was discovered in perfect preservation…”
Quote from the
‘Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology’ ©1978. Vol. 2;
Page 788.
In Part One of this paper a supporting list of evidence is presented
suggesting that North American Rosicrucians inherently know all
about the ‘lost continent of Mu’ and pride themselves on a Lemurian
philosophy still entrenched in their society today. Parts Two and
Three go one step further by exposing the European history of the
Rosicrucians including some of the precious secrets brought fourth
with them to present day.
Before I commence, however, the reader should know that I am not in
any way, nor do I wish to be, affiliated with the Rosicrucian or
Mason brotherhoods. With this in mind, my research can only scratch
the surface of their esoteric knowledge, reserved only for the
highest initiates, of course.
Be that as it may, from what I have uncovered, both fraternities
hold dear the fundamental core belief of a physical subterranean
realm—especially the Rosicrucians. This paper includes romantic
tales that shed light not only on their tradition of an ‘Underground
Empire’ (to be addressed in Part Four) but also their knowledge of
the Universe. Particularly the existence of another mystic sun in
our solar system known as “The Sun of the Magi” linked to Christian
Rosenkreutz’s tomb itself. Are these romances true?
You be the
judge, although various members of the Theosophical Society say YES!
The first romance I’ve provided has all the hallmarks of ‘Moria’ in
Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings. This yarn takes place in Staffordshire,
England; circa 1675 and tells the tale of a farmer who stumbles
across a subterranean staircase leading deep underground to a stone
chamber occupied by a mysterious elder reading some-sort of ancient
manuscript. You can read the entire account below:
Exhibit H) Leslie A. Shepard (Encyclopedia of Occultism and
Parapsychology - Vol. 2 ©1978)
“Mr. Hargreave Jennings quoting Dr.
Plot in his History of Staffordshire, written in the third
quarter of the seventeenth century, gives an interesting
account of a supposed ROSICRUCIAN CRYPT in that county, which,
however, cannot be found in the work alluded to. A countryman
was employed, at the close of a certain dull summer's day, in
digging a trench in a field in a valley, round which the country
rose into somber, silent woods, vocal only with the quaint cries
of the infrequent magpies. It was some little time after the sun
had sunk, and the countryman was just about giving over his
labour for the day.”
“In one or two of the last languid strokes of his pick, the
rustic came upon something stony and hard, which struck a spark,
clearly visible in the increasing gloom. At this surprise, he
resumed his labour, and, curiously enough, found a large, flat
stone in the centre of the field. This field was far away from
any of the farms or " cotes," as they were called, with which
the now almost twilight country was sparingly dotted. In a short
time, he cleared the stone free of the grass and weeds which had
grown over it; and it proved to be a large, oblong slab, with an
immense iron ring fixed at one end in a socket.”
“For half an hour the countryman essayed to stir this stone in
vain. At last he bethought himself of some yards of rope which
he had lying near amongst his tools; and these he converted,
being an ingenious, inquisitive, inventive man, into a tackle-by
means of which, and by passing the sling round a bent tree in a
line with the axis of the stone, he contrived, in the last of
the light, and with much expenditure of toil to raise it. And
then, greatly to his surprise, he saw a large, deep, hollow
place, buried in the darkness, which, when his eyes grew
accustomed a little to it, he discovered was the top-story to a
stone staircase, seemingly of extraordinary depth, for he saw
nothing below.”
“The country-fellow had not the slightest idea of where this
could lead to; but being a man, though a rustic and a clown, of
courage, and most probably urged by his idea that the stair-case
led to some secret repository where treasure lay buried, he
descended the first few steps cautiously, and tried to peer in
vain down into the darkness. This seemed impenetrable, but there
was one object at a vast, cold distance below. Looking up to the
fresh air, and seeing the star Venus-the evening star-shining
suddenly like a planet, in encouraging, unexpected brilliancy,
although the sky had still some sunset-light in it, the puzzled
man left the upper ground and descended silently a fair, though
a somewhat broken stair-case.”
“Here, at an angle, as near as he could judge, of a hundred feet
underground, he came upon a square landing-place, with a niche
in the wall; and then he saw a further long stair-case,
descending at right angles to the first stair-case, and still
going down into deep, cold, darkness. The man cast a glance
upwards, as if questioning the small segment of light from the
upper world which shot down whether he should continue his
search, or desist and return. All was stillest of the still
about him but he saw no reason particularly to fear. So,
imagining that he would in some way soon penetrate the mystery,
and feeling in the darkness by his hands upon the wall, and by
his toes first on each step, he resolutely descended, and he
deliberately counted two hundred and twenty steps.
"He felt no difficulty in his breathing, except a certain sort
of aromatic smell of distant incense, that he thought Egyptian,
coming up now and then from below, as if from another though a
SUBTERRANEAN WORLD. "Possibly," thought he - for he had heard of
them - " the world of the mining gnomes; and I am breaking in upon
their secrets, which is forbidden for man." The rustic, though
courageous, was superstitious.”
“But, notwithstanding some fits of fear, the countryman went on,
and at a much lower angle he met a wall in his face; but, making
a turn to the right, with a singular credit to his nerves, the
explorer went down again. And now he saw at a vast distance
below, at the foot of a deeper staircase of stone, a steady
though a pale light. This was shining up as if from a star, or
coming from the centre of the earth. Cheered by this light,
though absolutely astounded-nay, frightened-at thus discovering
light, whether natural or artificial, in the DEEP BOWELS OF THE
EARTH, the man again descended, meeting a thin, humid trail of
light, as it looked, mounting up the centre line of the shining
though moldering old stairs, which apparently had not been
pressed by a human foot for very many ages.
He thought now, although it was
probable only the wind in some hidden recess, or creeping down
some gallery, that he heard a murmur overhead, as if of the
uncertain rumble of horses and of heavy wagons, or lumbering
wains. Next moment, all subsided into total stillness; but the
distant light seemed to flicker, as if in answer to the strange
sound. Half a dozen times he paused and turned as if he would
remount-almost flee for his life upwards, as he thought; for
this might be the secret haunt of robbers, or the dreadful
abode of evil spirits.
What if, in a few moments, he should
come upon some scene to affright, or alight in the midst of
desperate ruffians, or be caught by murderers. He listened
eagerly. He now almost bitterly repented his descent. Still the
light streamed at a distance, but still there was no sound to
interpret the meaning of the light, or to display the character
of this mysterious place, in which the countryman himself was
entangled hopelessly.”
"The discoverer by this time stood still in fear. But at last,
summoning courage, and recommending himself devoutly to God, he
determined to complete his discovery. Above, he had been working
in no strange place: the field he knew well, the woods were very
familiar to him, and his own hamlet and his family were only a
few miles distant. He now hastily, and more in fear than through
courage, noisily with his feet descended the remainder of the
stairs; and the light grew brighter as he approached, until at
last, at another turn, he came upon a square chamber
[underground vault] built up of large hewn stones.
"He stopped, silent and awestruck, here was a flagged pavement
and a somewhat lofty roof, gathering up into a centre; in the
[Note: I will pause the story at this
point to address the significance of the rose. Usually accompanied
with a cross, the rose symbol is widely used within Rosicrucian
circles. Andy Lloyd eloquently summarizes the importance of this
symbology from his web-page: ‘The Rosy Cross.’ See below:
“The symbols of the Rose and the
Cross are themselves deeply suggestive of Nibiru which was often
depicted in the form of a cross by the ancients, as Zecharia
Sitchin describes:

“The pictographic sign for the Twelfth Planet, the “Planet of
the Crossing”, was a cross. This cuneiform sign, which also
meant “Anu” and “divine”, evolved in the Semitic languages to
the letter tav, which meant “the sign”.
“This vital observation is often lost during arguments about the
nature and timing of this mythical planet and its orbit.
"The earliest symbol of Nibiru was a cross, and this seems
inextricably linked to its later Messianic symbolism during the Graeco-Roman era. Nibiru's red countenance perfectly fits with
the 'Rosy Cross' symbol used by Freemasons and Rosicrucians, and
is connected with esoteric concepts such as the 'Blazing Star',
the 'Dark Satellite'…and the 'Eighth Sphere' of the
The Staffordshire story continues:
“But what was this poor man's fright
when, making another sudden turn, from between the jambs, and
from under the large archivolt of a Gothic stone portal, light
streamed out over him with inexpressible brilliancy, shining
over every thing, and lighting up the place with brilliant
radiance, like an intense golden sunset. He started back. Then
his limbs shook and bent under him as he gazed with terror at
the figure of a man, whose face was hidden, as he sat in a
studious attitude in a stone chair, READING IN A GREAT BOOK,
with his elbow resting on a table like a rectangular altar, in
the light of a large, ancient iron lamp, suspended by a thick
chain to the middle of the roof.”
“A cry of alarm, which he could not suppress, escaped from the
scared discoverer, who involuntarily advanced one pace, beside
himself with terror. He was now within the illuminated chamber.
As his feet fell on the stone, the figure started [to] bolt
upright from his seated position as if in awful astonishment. He
erected his hooded head, and showed himself as if in anger about
to question the intruder. Doubtful if what he saw were a
reality, or whether he was not in some terrific dream, the
countryman advanced, without being aware of it, another
audacious step.
The hooded man now thrust out a long
arm, as if in warning, and in a moment the discoverer perceived
that his hand was armed with an iron baton and that he pointed
it as if tremendously to forbid further approach. Now, however,
the poor man, not being in a condition either to reason or to
restrain himself, with a cry, and in a passion of fear, took a
third fatal step; and as his foot descended on the groaning
stone, which seemed to give way for a moment under him, the
dreadful man, or image, raised his arm high like a machine, and
with his truncheon struck a prodigious blow upon the lamp,
shattering it into a thousand pieces, and leaving the place in
utter darkness.”
“This was the end of this terrifying adventure. There was total
silence now, far and near. Only a long, low roll of thunder, or
a noise similar to thunder, seemed to begin from a distance, and
then to move with snatches, as if making turns; and it then
rumbled sullenly to sleep as if through UNKNOWN, INACCESSIBLE
What these were-if any
passages—nobody ever found out. It was only suspected that THIS
The place in Staffordshire became
afterwards famed as the sepulchre of one of the brotherhood,
whom, for want of a more distinct recognition or name, the
people chose to call " ROSICRUCIUS," in general reference to his
order; and from the circumstances of the lamp, and its sudden
extinguishment by the figure that started up, it was supposed
that some ROSICRUCIAN had determined to inform posterity that he
had penetrated to the secret of the making of the EVER-BURNING
LAMPS OF THE ANCIENTS, though, at the moment that he displayed
his knowledge, he took effectual means that no one should reap
any advantage from it.”
Pages 890-891.
Who was the mysterious hooded
Rosicrucian described above?
His identity was never revealed.
Prominent Rosicrucians have been identified in the past, however,
noted people such as: Dante Alighieri who wrote the ‘Divine Comedy’
including ‘Dante’s Hell,’ Robert Fludd who helped translate the
Bible into English for King James I and Sir Francis Bacon who wrote
literature on a ‘New Atlantis’ that inspired the colonization of
From my investigation though, two men within the brotherhood stand
out above all others that quite possibly could have brought fourth
ancient knowledge of a mystic second sun. Two very mysterious
characters named
Christian Rosenkreutz and Count Saint-Germain. It
is generally believed Christian Rosenkreuze was nothing more than a
fictitious character said to be the founder of the Rosicrucian
Order, although Theosophists say he was very real indeed.
Provided below is the biographical romance of Christian Rosenkreutz.
His true life (?) account eventually became known as ‘The Chemical
Exhibit H) Leslie A. Shepard
(Encyclopedia of Occultism and
Parapsychology - Vol. 2 ©1978)
“…Practically nothing was known
concerning the Rosicrucian brotherhood before the publication of
Mr. [A. E.] Waite’s work The real history of the Rosicrucians in
1887…the result of arduous personal research, has
gathered…facts…drawn from manuscripts, in some cases discovered
by himself, and from skilful analogy. As it is the only
authority on the subject worth speaking about…”
“…We find then that the name “Rosicrucian” was unknown
previously to the year 1598. The history of the movement
originates in Germany, where in the town of Cassel in the year
1614 the professors of magic and mysticism, theosophists and
alchemists, were surprised by the publication of a pamphlet
bearing the title
The Fama of the Fraternity of the Meritorious
Order of the Rosy Cross Addressed to the learned in General and
the Governors of Europe. It purported to be a message from
certain anonymous adepts who were deeply concerned for the
condition of mankind, and who greatly desired its moral renewal
and perfection. it proposed that all men of learning throughout
the world should join forces for the establishment of a
synthesis of science, through which would be discovered the
perfect method of all the arts…”
“…The fraternity kindly supplied an account of its history. The
head and front of the movement was one C.R.C. [Christian
Rosenkreutz] of Teutonic race, a magical hierophant of the
highest rank, who in the fifth year of his age had been placed
in a convent, where he learned the humanities. At the age of
fifteen, he accompanied one, Brother P.A.L. on his travels to
the Holy Land; but the brother died at Cyprus to the great grief
of C.R.C., who, however resolved to undertake the arduous
journey himself.”
“Arriving at Damascus, he there obtained knowledge of a secret
circle of theosophists who dwelt in an unknown [subterranean?]
city of Arabia called Damcar, who were expert in magical arts.
Turning aside from his quest of the Holy Sepulchre, the lad made
up his mind to trace these Illuminati and sought out certain
Arabians who carried him to the city of Damcar. There he arrived
at the age of sixteen years, and was graciously welcomed BY THE
MAGI, who intimated to him that they had long been expecting
him, and relating to him several passages in his past life. They
proceeded to initiate him into the mysteries of occult science,
and he speedily became acquainted with Arabic…After three years
of mystic instruction, he departed from the mysterious city for
Egypt, whence he sailed to Fez as THE [MAGI]WISE MEN of Damcar
had instructed him to do…”

“…He proceeded to Spain… Unhappily, the scholarhood (sic) of
Spain [denounced C.R.C.’s magical knowledge and] turned its back
upon him with loud laughter…With noble indignation he shook the
dust of Spain from his feet, and turned his face to other
countries only, alas, to find the same treatment within their
boundaries. At last he sought his native land of Germany where
he posed over the great truths he had learned in solitude and
seclusion and reduced his universal philosophy to writing.”
“Five years of a hermits life, however, only served to
strengthen him in his opinions, and he could not but feel that
one who had achieved the transmutation of metals and had
manufactured the elixir of life was designed for a nobler
purpose than rumination in solitude.”
“Slowly and carefully he began to collect around him assistants
who became the nucleus of the Rosicrucian fraternity. When he
had gathered four of these persons into the brotherhood they
invented amongst them a magical language, a cipher writing of
equal magical potency, and a large dictionary replete with
occult wisdom. They erected a House of the Holy Ghost, healed
the sick, and initiated further members, and then betook
themselves as missionaries to the various countries of Europe to
disseminate their wisdom.”
“In course of time their founder, C.R.C., breathed his last, and
for a hundred and twenty years the secret of his burial place
was concealed. The original members also died one by one, and it
was not until the third generation of adepts had arisen that the
tomb of their illustrious founder was unearthed during the
re-building of one of their secret [underground] dwellings. The
vault in which this tomb was found was illuminated by the SUN OF
THE MAGI, and inscribed with magical characters. The body of the
illustrious founder was discovered in perfect preservation, and
a number of marvels were discovered buried beside him...”
Pages 787-788.
In connection with C.R.C’s life story I
have highlighted this Rosicrucian diagram (above right) emphasizing
the Sceptre above his tomb. My argument contends that this celestial
red sphere represents the ‘Sun of the Magi’—our second sun-like
Exhibit H) continues:
“…In 1618 Henrichus Neuhuseus
published a Latin pamphlet, which stated that the Rosicrucian
adepts had migrated to India, and present-day Theosophists will
have it that they exist now in the table-lands of Tibet...”
“…A pseudo-Rosicrucian Society existed in England before the
year 1836, and this was remodeled about the middle of the last
century under the title “ The Rosicrucian Society of England.”
To join this it is necessary to be a Mason. The officers of the
society consist of THREE MAGI, a master-general for the first
and second orders, a deputy master-general, a treasurer, a
secretary and seven ancients…”
“…The ‘Rosicrucian Society of England’…was organized in 1865
under the name Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia; a Metropolitan
College was founded in London in 1866… Other colleges were later
formed in the provinces. Kenneth Mackenzie, author of The Royal
Masonic Cyclopaedia (1877) became Honorary MAGUS and gave many
lectures to the Society…”
Page 789.
As mentioned earlier, it is a known fact
that Rosicrucian societies still exist today so one can deduce,
based on the above quotes, modern-day Magi continue to operate from
within the brotherhood. The Bible tells us that THREE MAGI were
synonymous for portending Christ’s birth due to the Star of
Bethlehem’s manifestation. I get the impression the Magi knew
exactly where to look for it in the sky when the right time arrived.
So if the Magi are interwoven into the Rosicrucian fold, one can
suggest the ‘Christ Star’ would be interwoven in their symbolic
imagery as well. Sure enough this is indeed the case.

The highlighted picture above is a blow-up of “a certificate of
membership in ‘The Societas Rosicruciana’ in Anglia founded in 1886
by a group of Freemasons.” The Rosicrucian Society of England’s
certificate clearly shows a crown with seven stars but notice how
the crown is represented as a sun directly above our own celestial
Is this another representation of the ‘Sun of the Magi’? I say
Exhibit I) Jim Marrs (Rule by Secrecy ©2000)
“[Master Mason]…Pike in his book
Morals and Dogma intended only for the inner core of Masonry,
made it clear that worship of the sun was an adulteration of an
earlier belief. “Thousands of years ago, men worshipped the
sun… Originally they looked beyond the orb (our solar system’s
sun) to the invisible God… The worship of the Sun (the invisible
God) became the basis of all the religions of antiquity…”
“…This secret becomes clearer when closer study reveals that
this Great Architect of the Universe is a supreme creative
being… Masonic authors draw a DISTINCTION BETWEEN the celestial
“sun” and the “Sun” God which they say, is the bringer of
light… interestingly enough, the appellation “Morning Star” and
“Bringer of Light” were at times applied to Jesus.”
Page 263.
This is a remarkable statement because
it suggests that the Masons [as well as the Rosicrucians] inherently
knew of TWO SUNS! The Celestial Sun and the Sun God dubbed “The
Grand Architect of the Universe.” Furthermore, if the Masonic Sun
God was associated with the term “Bringer of Light” this infers a
direct correlation to the “Christ Star” or the “Sun of the Magi.”
As mentioned in Part One, my research reveals that the two
fraternities have acquired ancient knowledge of this second sun-like
planet gleaned from subterranean libraries passed down from Elders
to Adepts originally coming from, not only Egypt, but from some
older civilization such as Mu. A great example of this two-sun
symbology comes from a 19th century Masonic Irish silver dish
obtained from the book Freemasonry – A Journey through ritual and
Symbol by W. Kirk MacNulty ©1991. (Exhibit J)
See bottom left:
Compare that image to the upper-right image depicting the ‘True Sun’
of the Incas. The similarities are striking to say the least. (Also
see Andy Lloyd ‘The True Sun of the Incas.’)
Another proponent of Lemuria and the knowledge of an invisible
Sun-God (The Sun of the Magi) was Max Heindel.
Exhibit K) James R. Lewis
(The Encyclopedia of Cults, Sects, and
New Religions ©1998)
“Carl Louis Van Grasshof, a German
immigrant, founded the Rosicrucian Fellowship in 1909. Van
Grasshof, better known as Max Heindel, settled
in Los Angeles in
1903 and began to participate in Katherine Tingley’s
Theosophical Society. Heindel was president of the lodge in 1904
and 1905, and gained popularity as a lecturer during that time.
In 1907, Heindel made a trip to Germany. During that trip he met
an entity [?] identified as an Elder Brother of the Rosicrucian
Order. The Elder Brother promised to be of assistance to Heindel.
Heindel then traveled to the Temple of the Rosy Cross, near the
Bohemian border. There, Heindel received much of the information
he later published in his book, The Rosicrucian
“After his return to America, he opened the first center for the
new Rosicrucian Fellowship in Columbus, Ohio. By 1910 there were
additional centers in the states of Washington, Oregon, and
California. Heindel’s teachings were essentially theosophical.
[Derived from the lectures of Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925)—GJ] He
discussed the origin, development, and future constitution of
the human race and the planet on which it evolves, as well as
the spiritual hierarchies in whom this evolution is embedded.
"Heindel incorporated more Christian symbolism and drew more
heavily on the history of Rosicrucianism than did most
theosophical thinkers.
[Another prominent official of
the Fellowship was Author Manly P. Hall—GJ]
"The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception" is a
rare and fascinating book delving deep into mystic Christianity.
Although I cannot begin to understand the complex esoteric knowledge
within this 610 page volume there are however some points I would
like to address regarding the brotherhood’s direct first-hand
knowledge of the Nibiru/Dark Star system:
Exhibit K) Max Heindel
(The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception ©1909)
On page 515 Heindel discusses “ancient truths” associated with
Christian Rosenkreutz and the ‘Order of the Rosicrucians.’ Heindel
says that our Sun is the physical light bringer that travels from
east to west but he also says we have an INVISIBLE SUN [THE DARK
STAR] that also travels from east to west.
Then on page 502 the Max Heindel states that “Christ Himself
symbolizes the Divine Initiate of the Vulcan Period.” And on page
391 Max Heindel discusses “THE STAR” and how “THE BLAZING STAR is
ever there to guide HIM.”
From Pages 410 & 413 notice the symbology of the invisible Sun-God
(shown below) and how it portrays the classic Egyptian winged-disc.
So as you can observe, Heindel’s book also has deep symbolic clues
as to the existence of a Dark Star/Nibiru binary system.
Part Three
In certain ways Count St. Germain’s life was similar to that of
Christian Rosencreuze. Provided below is a condensed biographical
account of Germain’s ‘true life’ history.
Exhibit I) Jim Marrs
(Rule by Secrecy ©2000)
“Within early Freemasonry men were
called magicians-not the stage illusionists of today but men who
took the name from the term MAGI, OR WISE MEN. Until the
Enlightenment of the eighteenth century, magic was merely
another name for science. These magicians seriously claimed to
have the ancient knowledge of metal transmutation, matter
manipulation, and eternal youth. One of the most magical of
these Masons was a person known as a “Wonderman,” who was
thought to have lived for hundreds of years.”
“People who knew the Count of Saint-Germain either characterized
him as a charlatan or an immortal magician. The truth probably
lay somewhere between, although there was a definite strangeness
about the man. No one ever learned his true origins…”
“Whoever he was, the Count of Saint-Germain, called a
“Wonderman” due to his vast knowledge and social skills, proved
to be one of the most successful agents of the secret societies
in his time…”
Page 251.
Exhibit L) Theosophy Magazine
(Vol. 27, No.1, No.28 ©November, 1938)
Pages 3-9.
“…Count de St. Germain, described by
his friend Prince Karl von Hesse as "one of the greatest
philosophers who ever lived, the friend of humanity, whose heart
was concerned only with the happiness of others." Intimate and
counselor of Kings and Princes, nemesis of deceptive ministers,
ROSICRUCIAN, MASON, accredited Messenger of the Masters of
Wisdom - the Count de St. Germain worked in Europe for more
than a century, faithfully performing the difficult task which
had been entrusted to him.”
“...During the 112 years that he is said to have lived in
Europe, he always presented the appearance of a man about
forty-five years of age. He was of medium height, with a
slender, graceful figure, a captivating smile, and eyes of
peculiar beauty. "Oh, what eyes!" sighed the Countess d'Adhémar.
"I have never seen their equal!" He was an extraordinary
linguist, speaking French, German, English, Italian, Spanish,
Portuguese, Russian and Swedish without the slightest trace of
an accent, and his knowledge of Sanscrit, Chinese and Arabic
showed that he was well acquainted with the East…”
“…The prodigious memory of the Count de St. Germain was a
constant source of amazement to his friends. He would merely
glance at a paper, and days afterward repeat its contents
without missing a word. He was ambidextrous, and could write a
poem with one hand while he framed a diplomatic paper with the
other. He frequently read sealed letters without touching them
and was known to answer questions before they had been put into
“…Many of St. Germain's friends had practical proof of his
alchemical knowledge…St. Germain… possessed the secret of
melting several small diamonds into one large stone, an art
learned in India, he said. While visiting the French Ambassador
to The Hague, he broke up a superb diamond of his own
manufacture, the duplicate of which he had recently sold for
5500 louis d'or. On another occasion he removed a flaw from a
diamond belonging to Louis XV, increasing the value of the stone
by 4000 livres. On gala occasions he appeared with a diamond
ring on every finger and with shoe-buckles estimated to be worth
at least 200,000 francs....”
“…The charming personality of the Count de St. Germain made him
a welcome guest in the homes of the nobility of every land. But
while he often sat at table with his friends, his own food was
specially prepared for him in his own apartments. He ate no meat
and drank no wine, his favorite beverage being a tea which he
prepared from certain herbs, and which he frequently presented
to his friends…He spoke with feeling of things which had
happened hundreds of years in the past, giving the impression
that he himself had been present…
If, as many claimed, St. Germain affirmed that he had lived in Chaldea and possessed the
SECRETS OF THE EGYPTIAN SAGES, therefore he would have known
about the Egyptian
winged Sun-Disc. [See Andy Lloyd’s web-page
‘The Duat’—GJ] he may have spoken the truth without making any
miraculous claim. There are Initiates, and not necessarily of
the highest, who are able to recall many of their past lives.
This may have been St. Germain's way of calling attention of his
friends to the doctrine of reincarnation. Or perhaps he knew the
secret of “the Elixir of Life”…”
“…From 1737 to 1742 the Count de St. Germain was living in the
Court of the Shah of Persia, occupied with alchemical research.
On his return from Persia he settled in Versailles and became an
intimate friend of Louis XV and Madame Pompadour. In the
following year he was caught in the Jacobite Revolution in
England. From there he went to Vienna, and afterward visited
Frederick the Great in his castle of Sans-Souci in Potsdam,
where Voltaire was also an honored guest.
Although Voltaire was
opposed to St. Germain's fellow-Theosophist Saint-Martin, his
admiration for St. Germain was unbounded. In a letter to
Frederick, Voltaire expressed his opinion that "the Count de St.
Germain is a man who was never born, who will never die, and who
knows everything."
In 1755 the Count de St. Germain
accompanied General Clive to India. On his return to France Louis XV
gave him a suite of apartments in the Royal Chateau of Chambord, in
Touraine. Here he often entertained the King and members of the
Court in the ALCHEMICAL LABORATORY which the King had provided for
“[In 1762]… St. Germain was called
to St. Petersburg, where he played an important part in the
revolution which placed Catherine the Great upon the throne of
Russia. He left the country in the uniform of a Russian general,
with full credentials to which the imperial seal of Russia was
affixed. Shortly afterward he appeared in Tunis and Leghorn
while the Russian fleet was there, again in Russian uniform, and
known under the name of Graf Saltikoff.
“…How many realized that they were conversing with an emissary
of that Great Fraternity of Perfected Men who stand behind the
scenes of all the great world-dramas, one who was directing not
only the minor currents of European history, but some of the
major currents as well? How many were aware of St. Germain's
real mission, part of which was the introduction of Theosophical
principles into the various occult fraternities of the day?…”
DOCTRINES IN FIGURES, and one of his enciphered manuscripts
became the property of his staunch friend, Prince Karl von Hesse.
H.P.B. [Helena Blavatsky] mentions this manuscript in The Secret
Doctrine (II, 202)…”[See the Rosicrucian blurb from my
‘Theosophy and the Dark Star Connection’ paper—GJ]
Exhibit M)
Alchemy texts archives -
The Comte de St Germain manuscript
At one time, Theosophist Manly P. Hall had in his possession one of
Count St. Germain’s manuscripts entitled ‘The Most Holy Trinosophia.’
He wrote:
“The word “Trinosophie” quite
properly infers a triple meaning to the contents of the book, in
other words that its meaning should be interpreted with the aid
of three keys. From the symbolism it seems that one of these
keys is ALCHEMY…; another Essenian Cabbalism; and the third
Alexandrian Hermetism the mysticism of the later Egyptians.”
“Mr. Hall mentions St Germain's work as “The rarest of occult
manuscripts”… The Most Holy Trinosophia is truly a brilliant
work; in its apparent simplicity it reads as a wonderfully
the latter this is only on the superficial level. The title of
the manuscript attests to a deeper significance and a larger
breadth. As Mr. Hall writes, "The word "Trinosophie" quite
properly infers a triple meaning to the contents of the book, in
other words that its meaning should be interpreted with the aid
of three keys. From the symbolism it seems that one these keys
is alchemy...; another Essenian Cabbalism; and the third
Alexandrian Hermetism, the mysticism of the later Egyptians.”
“…There are also magical symbols, figures resembling Egyptian
hieroglyphics, and a few words in character resembling
cuneiform. At the end of the manuscript are a number of leaves
written in arbitrary ciphers, possibly the code used by
St.Germain's secret society. "The various texts are written in
Chaldean Hebrew, Ionic Greek, Arabic, Syriac, cuneiform, Greek
hieroglyphics, and ideographs. The keynote throughout this
material is that of the approach of the age when the Leg of the
Grand Man and the Waterman of the Zodiac [Orion & Aquarius?]
shall meet in conjunction at the equinox and end a grand 400,000
year cycle. This points to a culmination of eons, as mentioned
“…I sense this last comment is a reference to the precession of
the equinoxes and the Sun's entrance into Aquarius. Although
straying a bit from alchemy directly, and obviously fostering a
contagious sense of mystery…”
Yes, there is indeed great mystery here.
St. Germain’s arcane (Rosicrucian) philosophy was obtained when he
traveled to Syria and the Orient where he contacted Initiates of
the fraternity. It was during this timeframe, under the direction of
the Anisaireh Brotherhood, St. Germain went into an altered state
where he could see future events and the secrets of nature and the
solar system were revealed to him.
Researcher Robert Wood was able to view St. Germain’s manuscript
entitled “The Triangular Book of the Count of St. Germain” and
translated the bizarre text in 1979. I’ve provided a snippet of this
text below:
“1. To find things lost in the seas
since the flooding of the globe.
2. To discover mines and
diamonds, gold and silver within the bowels of the earth.
3. To
preserve one's health and prolong one's life for a century, and
that with the freshness of fifty years, and the strength of that
“…let me know by a just inspiration if you judge me to be
dignified by the purity of my soul -- the places where there are
mines of diamonds, gold, and silver, those who find precious
things lost in the seas -- to prolong my life in health and that
for a century -- I request these favors to be granted without
incurring danger, risk, or peril, by Y and V which Adam
understood, by the name AGLA for the preservation of Lot and his
family from the fire of Sodom and Gemorrha…”
So it would seem Count De St. Germain
was in the mining business searching for copious amounts of
gemstones existing deep within the Earth and according to various
reports he actually located and produced them. Furthermore, he
mentions the cosmic “Fire” which destroyed Sodom and Gemorrah. I
maintain this destruction was a direct result of Nibiru swinging on
by and symbolic clues were given in St. Germain’s rare manuscript.
All this esoteric knowledge was acquired from the time of Moses.
Another passage from the manuscript worth noting says:
“The Holy Magic revealed to Moses
discovered within an Egyptian monument and preciously preserved
in Asia under the EMBLEM OF A WINGED DRAGON.”

I argue the celestial dragon is also
deeply suggestive of Nibiru. (See Andy Lloyd’s web-page ‘The Book of
Revelation.’) The chief message in many discussions of the Magi is
to illustrate the philosophical position of two primal eternal
realities (good and evil) in-other-words dualism and through
symbolic images dualism can shine through quite distinctively.
A great example of this can be seen in the dragon image below. The
picture is from the front cover of a book entitled "The Prophetic
Vision of Merlin" by R.J. Stewart ©1886. (Exhibit N)

As you can see above, Nibiru—the Sun of the Magi—is represented in
each of the dragon mouths. In one mouth, a benevolent star (The
‘Christ Star’ which spares planet earth—good) and in the other, a
malevolent star (The “old dragon” or Satan, that can destroy planet
earth’s surface with his cosmic fire—evil). In-other-words celestial
dualism is created dependant upon where Nibiru is in relation to the
Keeping this thought in mind, Author R. J. Stewart writes the

“…Merlin can interpret [prophesy
and] he reveals the meaning of ‘A STAR OF GREAT MAGNITUDE AND
BRILLIANCE’ that heralds a NEW AGE…and this is a stellar event
[that will be] seen by people throughout the land…”
Page 64.
Exhibit L) Theosophy Magazine continues:
“While St. Germain was living in
Vienna he spent much of his time in the ROSICRUCIAN LABORATORY
on the Landstrasse, and at one time lived in the room which
Leibniz occupied in 1713. St. Germain also worked with the
Fratres Lucis, and with the "Knights and Brothers of Asia" who
studied Rosicrucian and Hermetic science and made the
“philosopher's stone” one of the objects of their research.”
“Although an effort has been made to eliminate St. Germain's
name from modern Masonic literature, careful research into
Masonic archives will prove that HE OCCUPIED A PROMINENT
to the Wilhelmsbad Convention in 1782 and to the great Paris
Convention of 1785. Cadet de Gassicourt described him as a
traveling member of the Knights Templar, and Deschamps says
that Cagliostro was initiated into that Order by St. Germain.”
[From an underground chamber near
“The Count de St. Germain is said to have died on February 27,
1784, and the Church Register of Eckernförde in Danish Holstein
contains the record of his death and burial. But as it happens,
some of St. Germain's most important work was done after that
date. This fact is brought out in the Souvenirs de
Marie-Antoinette, written by one of her ladies-in-waiting, the
Countess d'Adhémar. This diary was started in 1760 and ended in
1821, one year before the death of the Countess, and a large
part of it is concerned with St. Germain's efforts to avert the
horrors of the French Revolution.”
“Early one Sunday morning in 1788 the Countess was surprised to
receive a visit from the Count de St. Germain, whom she had not
seen in several years. He warned her that a giant conspiracy was
under foot, in which the Encyclopaedists would use the Duc de
Chartres in an effort to overthrow the monarchy, and asked her
to take him to the Queen. When Madame d'Adhémar reported the
conversation to Marie-Antoinette, the Queen confessed that she
also had received another communication from this mysterious
stranger who had protected her with warnings from the day of her
arrival in France. On the following day St. Germain was admitted
into the private apartments of the Queen...”
“In [another] conversation [with her] the Count de St. Germain
informed her that the time when he could have helped France was
past. "I can do nothing now. My hands are tied by one stronger
than myself. The hour of repose is past, and the decrees of
Providence must be fulfilled." He foretold the death of the
Queen, the complete ruin of the Bourbons, the rise of Napoleon.
"And you yourself?" the Countess asked. "I must go to Sweden,"
he answered. "A great crime is brewing there, and I am going to
try to prevent it. His Majesty Gustavus III interests me. He is
worth more than his renown." The Countess inquired if she would
see him again. "Five times more," he answered. "Do not wish for
the sixth.”
“True to his word, the Count de St. Germain appeared to the
Countess d'Adhémar on five different occasions: at the beheading
of the Queen; on the 18th Brumaire; the day following the death
of the Duc d'Enghien in 1804; in January, 1813; on the eve of
the assassination of the Duc de Berri in 1820. Presumably, the
sixth time was on the day of her death, in 1822.”
“What happened to the Count de St. Germain after that date? Did
he, as Andrew Lang asks, "die in the palace of Prince Karl von
Hesse about 1780-85? Did he, on the other hand, escape from the
French prison where Grosley thought he saw him, during the
French Revolution? Was he known to Lord Lytton about 1860?
[Lytton wrote ‘Vril, The Power of the Coming Race in 1871. See
Exhibit C in ‘Nibiru and the Subterranean Connection’—GJ] Who
knows?" Who, indeed. One of the Masters spoke of the "benevolent
German Prince from whose house, and in whose presence he (St.
Germain) made his last exit - home.”
“In the last decade of the eighteenth century St. Germain
confided his future plans to his Austrian friend, Franz Graeffer,
“Tomorrow night I am off. I am much needed in Constantinople,
then in England, there to prepare two new inventions which you
will have in the next century -- trains and steamboats. Toward
the end of this century I shall disappear out of Europe, and
betake myself to the region of the Himalayas. I will rest; I
must rest. Exactly in 85 years will people again set eyes on me.
(Kleine Wiener Memorien.)
These words were spoken in 1790.
Eighty-five years from that date brings us to 1875. What part
did St. Germain play in the Theosophical Movement of last
century? What part is he going to play in the present century?…”
Based on this magazine article,
Christian Rosencreuz (if real) and Count St. Germain were both
alchemists so its quite reasonable to stress here that the second
sun-like body would be portrayed within alchemic manuscripts akin to
the ‘Sun of the Magi’ being symbolized in Rosenkreuz’s ‘Chemical
Wedding.’ Below are six illustrations to support my argument:
Exhibit O) ‘Alchemy’ -
Adam McLean's Gallery of alchemical
Engraving from Johann Joachim Becher,
Opuscula chymica rariora, Nurnberg, 1719. (showing two suns) |
from Splendor Solis. A Coat of Arms with foliage, has a
shield bearing the image of the sun. Above this another
sun shines down. (portrayed in a wing-like manner)
Engraving from Baro
Urbigerus, Besondere chymische Schrifften, Hamburg, 1705. (showing
two suns) |
Middle ages wood cut showing two suns in the sky. |
“Child of the Sun”
Emblem from Hermaphrodite (Notice how the ‘red sphere’ is identical
with the ‘Rosy Cross’ sphere from Christian Rosenkrueze’s tomb
diagram—see Exhibit H) |
from Rosary of the Philosophers. A winged sun hovers
above a sepulchre filled with water (the ‘Sun of
the Magi’) |
These striking images make it quite clear the ‘Sun of the Magi’ is
destined to reappear one day in the future and the MAGI—Count St.
Germain included—were privy to this ancient secret. Two thousand
years ago, eluded to earlier, the Magi knew exactly where to look in
the sky. They knew the ‘Star of Bethlehem’ was cyclical in nature
just as the Magi of today (within the Mason/Rosicrucian movements)
know this and are secretly anticipating its eminent return.
I also suggest to the reader the ‘EIGHTH SPHERE’ of the theosophists
is attributed to Christ Jesus himself and A. P. Sinnet (a
theosophist) hints of a sky position as to where to look for it. See
Exhibit P) A. P. Sinnet
(Esoteric Buddism ©1885) from Chapter VI;
Kama Loca
“…there is not much mystery left now
in the riddle of the eighth sphere [sun of the Magi—GJ], nor as
to the place in the sky where it may be sought. The conditions
of existence there, however, are topics on which the adepts are
very reserved in their communications to uninitiated pupils, and
concerning these I have for the present no further information
to give…”
In concluding, the late Father Malachi Martin (an ex-Jesuit Priest
who no doubt rubbed shoulders with Rosicrucians in his life time)
said to a well-known American radio personality, Art Bell, in an
interview I personally listened to back in ’97 or ’98.
“…the sign
will be in the form of a Red Cross and everyone will see it…”
signify change and herald in a new age. Simply put, the ‘Rosy Cross’
of the Rosicrucians is the celestial ‘Red Cross,’ the ‘Christ Star’
and yes, the ‘Sun of the Magi’ known as Nibiru.
Part Four
“God, your Father, sends the sun to
shine upon you. God, your Father, can also send the sun to burn
you. A SECOND SUN lies out in your atmosphere [solar system],
the Ball of Redemption. I repeat, My children, it is not a myth,
nor a story; it is a fact.”
The Virgin Mary gave this
vision to the devout Catholic, Veronica Lueken on December 31,

Mountains! Why are we so fascinated with them?
Since the beginning
of human history people have felt compelled to explore their lofty
summits and deep caverns within their broad extremities. This
ageless attraction seems to be inherently ingrained in our human
psyche, but why? One reason is that mountains are associated with
the spiritual realm and are deeply rooted in religious tradition.
The Hindu Vedas speak of the Himalayas where Rama flew north to Mt.
Meru, the Bible speaks of Mt. Ararat where Noah’s Ark landed and Mt.
Sinai where Moses talked to God. American native Indians speak of
Mt. Shasta and the Teton mountain range, where they say was once
home to an ‘invisible’ ancient white race.
I must admit when I first viewed these majestic mountains such as
the Tetons and Mt. Shasta in person, I too, sensed there was
something mystical about them. There was another ‘esoteric truth’ to
these mountains that mainstream history wasn’t telling me, but what?
I just couldn’t put a finger on it. Many years went by grappling
with this notion and one day, finally, the answer hit me like a ton
of bricks.
The revelation of ‘rapid mountain building’—a direct
result from crustal slippage caused by a pole-shift.

Yes, I realize geologists will tell you the modus operandi theory
today is ‘Plate Tectonics,’ a very long and dull process where
mountain summits increase or decrease only by one centimeter, give
of take, every year. But geologists do not realize there is another
variable at play here in nature’s equation. Nibiru and the Dark
Star! And its clear to me now, geologically speaking, the Earth goes
through long periods of boredom only to have short periods of terror
occur when Nibiru rolls on by.
If Nibiru’s path becomes close enough, tremendous gravitational
pressures would build up between the two magnetic fields resulting
in a pole-shift. Much like how two positive magnets would repel one
another when held to close together. You can actually feel a
physical reaction of the two magnets ‘slipping’ away from one
another. Try it yourself. So, if one pictures this same scenario,
but more on a gargantuan scale you can see how crustal slippage on
the Earth would indeed occur.
In-other-words, rapid mountain
up-thrusts or down-thrusts—designed by the ‘Grand Architect of the
Universe,’ GOD.
“A fire goes before Him and burns up
his enemies all around. His [cosmic] lightning flashes in the
sky [within the upper atmosphere]. When the people see it, they
tremble. The MOUNTAINS MELT LIKE WAX before the Lord.”
Psalm 97 verses 3-5.
So if you take this Biblical verse
literally, island chains in the ocean or even continents would come
and go in cyclical fashion. Call it ‘Divine Intervention,’
if-you-will. The Rosicrucian Lemurian Fellowship is one such
brotherhood that documented all this by stating the inhabitants of Lemuria knew the pole-shift was imminent and had no choice but to
migrate to Mt. Shasta in northern California just prior to their
continent “melting like wax.” See below:
From Exhibit B) David Hatcher Childress
(Lost Cities of North & Central America
“Mount Shasta has long been a source
of mystery to those involved in studies of the paranormal. It
has been called the North American Mecca for mystical phenomena.
Stories about Mount Shasta range from ancient Masters who live
inside the mountain to frequent UFO sightings...”
“…Among the legends surrounding Mount Shasta is one which states
that the mountain was a last refuge for a group of survivors of
the [pole-shift] cataclysm that sank the lost continent of the
Pacific, called Mu…”
[See Part One—GJ]
“Located on the northern extremity of the Sierra Nevada range,
Mount Shasta is the cone of what scientists believe to be a
dormant volcano. Today it extends to a height of 14,380 feet
above sea level, though scientists believe that at one time the
land in this region was actually higher and that Mount Shasta
may well have been the highest mountain in California…”
Page 529
“The Rosicrucians [Ancient and Mystical Order of the Rosae
Crucis or AMORC] …have a tradition regarding the ancient history
of California and Mount Shasta through information derived from
ancient manuscripts brought from China and Tibet. From this
source much information has been gained concerning the
connection between California and the lost Lemurian Continent.”
Page 531.

As early as 1908, an article in the
Overland Monthly suggested that California was a remnant of the
hypothesized lost continent of Lemuria, the Pacific Ocean equivalent
of Atlantis.
This idea was popularized by H. Spencer Lewis, the
founder of AMORC, and the author of Lemuria, the lost continent of
the Pacific, published in 1931 under the pseudonym Wishar Spenle
“[Spencer Lewis’ book]… discusses
the emigration of Lemurians to California. According to the
ancient manuscripts allegedly in his possession, before the
[pole-shift] catastrophe the mountains in the northeastern part
of Lemuria (now northern California) were higher than they
presently are today, and were perhaps the highest mountains in
the world. This made Mount Shasta region an ideal place of
refuge for those seeking to escape the GREAT DELUGE which
occurred with the supposed sinking of the continent. He says,
“The fact that only a few thousands succeeded in reaching the
mountains would indicate that the last great catastrophe of
Lemuria [caused by Nibiru—GJ] was more or less sudden and
decidedly complete in its submergence of the land.”
“His records state that some of the people from that
civilization had apparently anticipated the possibility of the
catastrophe and had established a[n underground] base of
supplies in the mountains…
[akin]…to present day Cheyenne Mountain outside Colorado Springs
(a hollowed out mountain with a Military command base inside).
These they protected in well-built structures made of very hard
stone and marble in “typically Lemurian fashion.” Lewis (Cerve)
claims these structures exist today in a state of only partial
ruin, and are examples of the architecture of a people who lived
millennia back in time.”
Page 531
“One of the most famous incidents of a possible discovery of
Lemurian architecture involved a man named J.C. Brown and
occurred near the turn of the century. In 1904, Brown, who at
the time was a prospector, claimed to have made an intriguing
discovery somewhere in the Cascade mountain range (Mount Shasta
is located in the Cascades). Brown had been hired by the Lord Cowdray Mining Company of England to prospect for gold in this
area. While on his second trip to the region, Brown found a
Man-made tunnel carved into a solid rock wall. Apparently, a
landslide had destroyed a wall which had hidden the tunnel.”
“He followed the tunnel until he came to a large man-made
cavern. The room was lined with sheets of tempered copper.
Strange shields hammered from gold were hung on the walls. In
various niches within the cavern, Brown saw unusual artifacts
and statues. In addition, strange drawings and undecipherable
hieroglyphics were found in rooms lying off of the main cavern

“Brown did not immediately report his discovery of the treasure
for fear that his employers would usurp the rights to it.
Instead, he waited 30 years, until after his retirement. In 1934
he finally told his tale. In a short time, eighty people from
Stockton California were ready to assist him in the rediscovery
of the cavern.”
“On June 19, 1934 they set out on their journey into the Cascade
Mountains. The night before Brown was to have shown the party
the entrance to the cavern, they camped out beside a stream.
Some time during the night, he mysteriously disappeared. The
disappearance was investigated by the Stockton police who were
stymied by the incident.
Apparently, Brown had not led them all
there as a hoax for any attempted personal gain, for not a cent
had been stolen from any person in the party. They theorized
that Brown had been abducted, but by whom or for what reason, no
one ever learned. He was never seen again.”
“According to the Rosicrucians (AMORC), stories were quite
common in northern California many years ago of strange-looking
persons who would emerge from the forests from time to time.
These people would run back into hiding if seen or discovered by
anyone. Occasionally they might come into one of the smaller
towns and trade for modern commodities using gold nuggets or
dust as payment.
They refused to accept change for the items
they purchased leading some to theorize that the gold was not of
value to them, nor did they really need money of any kind.
Garbed in an unusual costume not recognized as being either
American Indian or European, these people are described as being
distinctive in features and complexion; tall, graceful, and
agile, having the appearance of being quite old and exceedingly
Pages 533-534.
“The Rosicrucians also report that “boats” exist which have
flown out of the Shasta region high in the air over the hills of
California as well as other nearby areas. They say such boats
have been spotted at sea and as far north as the Aleutian
Islands. The airships were unusual in that they made absolutely
no sound, giving no indication of having been powered by a motor
of any kind.”
Page 537.
Exhibit R) Rosicrucian Digest
(May 1931 Issue)
“Many testify to having seen the
strange boat, or boats, which sail the Pacific Ocean, and then
rise at its shores and sail through the air to drop again in the
vicinity of Shasta. This same boat…has neither sails nor
smokestacks…[and] was seen several times by the officials
employed by the cable station located near VANCOUVER, and the
boat has been sighted as far north as the Aleutian Islands…”
Exhibit B) continues:
“The Indians have always believed
that California was inhabited by a super-race whose colonies
isolated themselves, preserving their strange culture intact and
separate from others. One location occupied by this mysterious
race of “invisible people” according to tradition has been Mount
Shasta; one Wintun Indian, Grant Towendolly, recalls a story his
father had told him in which he once heard the laughter of
children coming from [within] the mountain.”
Page 529.
“Elements of the Indian legends lend credence to the belief that
California and Mount Shasta may have been part of an advanced
and ancient civilization and that its legacy is a race of people
who at one time (and perhaps still today?) occupied the area.”
Page 530.
“Indians in the Shasta area [also] report the existence of
[boats or] UFOs over the mountain. In 1930 shortly before his
death, Chief Potentio, member of the old Cahuilla Tribe and 108
years old told of the silver ships that came and went from the
highest point of the mountain…”
Page 537.
Exhibit S)
Branton (The Underground
Empire ©1995±) Internet Publication: File No. 008
“Note: There are indications that
some members of certain Masonic-type 'secret government'
societies, such as the ROSICRUCIAN ORDER, have attempted to
establish contact with the subterranean residents of Mt. Shasta,
although it is uncertain just what might have come of this.
Several encounters with the 'Blondes' (both subterranean and
extraterrestrial?) [have occurred in the Mt. Shasta region]
since this is their world also, and they are just as native to
earth as anyone else living on this planet…”
Are the tall Blonde Entities members of
the GREAT WHITE BROTHERHOOD and descendants of the terrestrial Giant
Race now able to go off planet? That would explain why Branton
believes they are just as native to Earth as we are.
Exhibit T) Eric Norman (The Underpeople ©1969)
The following letter was written to the Author from a correspondent:
“...at first I scoffed at such
stories about mysterious tunnels and an alien civilization
beneath the surface... I joined an inner earth group for the
simple enjoyment of discussing outlandish ideas in a humorless,
serious manner. Gradually, I became interested by the
considerable volume of circumstantial evidence. I now believe
the earth is absolutely honeycombed by a web of tunnels that run
beneath the continents, under the oceans, and these passageways
link the subterranean cities of the inner world.”
“...There are many reports concerning a vast tunnel called the
'Roadway of the Incas' which has an entrance somewhere in Peru.
It runs south more than a thousand miles. There is another
entrance to this fabulous tunnel in the Desert of Atacamba in
Chile. [See ‘Nibiru and the Subterranean Connection – Part Two'—GJ]
The 'Highway of the Incas' passes under Cuzco, the legendary
city of Peru.

There is another, smaller, but very well hidden
entrance to the tunnel in the mountains near Machu Picchu, which
is the capital city of the first and last Inca emperor. It is
called 'The Lost City of the Incas' and was not discovered until
1911 by an American, Hiram Bringham. It is considered the
'Eighth Wonder of the World.”
“...Everything at
Machu Picchu is an excellent
preservation...there are more than two hundred buildings
constructed from white granite... fountains... shrines... and
gigantic stairways carved from a single massive boulder.”
“...This was a thriving city. It is intact except for the
thatched roofs of the houses having deteriorated over the
centuries...and, the doors are missing...it is as if the
inhabitants selected a single day and mysteriously vanished. Did
they enter the 'Highway of the Incas' and migrate to the inner
“His mention of the 'Highway of the Incas' strikes a familiar
note... A physician in Argentina has devoted his spare time to
an investigation of this legendary inter-continental tunnel of
the Under-People. He commented:
“...I have always been intrigued by the unknown and please
convey my thanks to Dr. H--- for providing the opportunity to
publish my views... I started to investigate the 'Highway of the
Incas' when I was a young, curious youth and I have hundreds of
witnessed, notarized statements. These documents and tape
recordings fill one room of my home. The Incas knew of the
tunnel and, although gold was of little value to them, they hid
their treasures in these caverns to keep it from the greedy
Spanish conquerors. No one had provided a satisfactory
explanation for their mysterious disappearance. There was an
empire of several million people that vanished from the surface
of the earth. They entered the tunnel and left the Quechua
Indians behind. As few Incas have been seen since then, they
possibly took up residence in a cavern city or followed the
tunnel to the interior of the earth.”
“...The 'Highway' is the largest of the tunnels and it connects
all continents. In addition to the openings in South America,
there are entrances in CANADA, IN BRITISH COLUMBIA; in America,
you should investigate MT. SHASTA IN CALIFORNIA... The tunnel is
connected with Tibet and another opening in Central Asia. I
believe the African entrance is in the Atlas mountains in the
north of that continent.”
“...I also suggest that you explore the 'highways' which have
been found in the oceans. These ancient underworld civilizations
may be mining our seas!”

In many volcanic regions caves are
created when the outer surface of lava flow congeals and cools into
a hollowed out shell. Called lava tubes, these formations are found
in and around Mount Shasta, some are a mile or more long. (According
to AMORC some are endless and have been occupied by ancient man) But
the most famous is ‘Pluto Cave.’ See the picture above.
From what I
have read, exploring this lava tube near Mount Shasta should not be
taken lightly and the depths of this cave are eternally dark. The
travel-guide books will advise you not to venture in alone because
of the seriousness of getting ‘lost’ within the cave. However, the
guide-books will tell you the eerie experience of advancing into a
seemingly infinite blackness is unforgettable.
Exhibit S) continues….
“…The following are some excepts
from an article written by William F. Hamilton… Bill has been in
Data Processing for 22 years and is now a Sr. Programmer -
Analyst. He is a writer, investigator and researcher. He has
been involved in UFO research and investigations since 1953…He
founded Nexus and Nexus News, an info center for alternative
energy and alternative life-styles… He is a UFO investigator with MUFON, an Associate Director of UFOCCI, and founder of UFORCES.
Bill is the author of the following books:… Alien Magic; and
Cosmic Top Secret. He has written numerous articles for
publications such as… 'The New Atlantean Journal,' 'California
UFO,' and 'UFO Universe'. The following article originally
appeared in the 'New Atlantean Journal':
“...I run across some fascinating people in the course of my
investigations who tell me many unusual stories. While on the
trail of reports of UFO base locations, I met a young, very
pretty blonde girl with almond-shaped eyes and small perfect
teeth, whose name is Bonnie. Bonnie has told me an incredible
story and has related a volume of interesting information...
Bonnie is sincere, cheerful, and rational and says she (was
born) in 1951 in a city called TELOS that was built inside an
artificial dome-shaped cavern in the Earth a mile or so beneath
Mt. Shasta, California.”
“Bonnie, her mother (Rana Mu), her father Ra(Mu), her sister
Judy, her cousins Lorae and Matox, live and move in our society,
returning frequently to TELOS for rest and recuperation. Bonnie
relates that her people use boring machines to bore tunnels in
the Earth. These boring machines heat the rock to incandescence,
then vitrify it, thus eliminating the need for beams and
supports. A tube transit tunnel is used to connect the... cities
that exist in various subterranean regions in our hemisphere.
The tube trains are propelled by electromagnetic impulses up to
speeds of 2500 mph. One tube connects with one of their cities
in the Matto Grosso jungle of Brazil. (They) have developed
space travel and some flying saucers come from their
subterranean bases... They grow food hydroponically under
full-spectrum lights with their gardens attended by automatons.
The food and resources of Telos are distributed in plenty to the
million-and-a-half population that thrives on a no-money
economy. Bonnie talks about history, of the Uighers, Naga-Mayas,
and Quetzals, of which she is a descendant…”
“(Note: Many people have mistakenly identified the inhabitants
of 'Telos' as being directly descended from the 'Lemurians',
however Bonnie here seems to refute this by indicating that her
ancestrage was other than this, possibly Meso-American and/or
East-Indian? As in the case of the ancient 'antediluvian' cities
of the eastern seaboard which were re-established after being
abandoned by the lost 'Atlanteans', the 'LEMURIANS'…also seem to
have been devastated in a world-wide cataclysm [due to the
return of Nibiru—GJ] and their cities re-established by the
Uighers, Naga-Mayas, and Quetzals and probably scattered members
of other societies. As we've said earlier, the name 'Telos' is a
Grecian word meaning 'uttermost', suggesting a 'possible'
connection with the grecian-like Hav-musuvs of the Panamint
mountains of California - Branton).”
“I met Bonnie's cousin, Matox, who, like her, is a strict
vegetarian [as are the Rosicrucians—GJ] and holds the same
attitudes concerning the motives of government. They constantly
guard against discovery or intrusion. Their advanced awareness
and technology helps them remain vigilant...”
“Science Fiction? Bonnie is a real person. Many have met her. Is
she perpetrating a hoax? For what motive? She does not seek
publicity and I have a devil of a time getting her to meetings
to talk with others, but she has done so. There has been little
variation in her story and her answers in the past three years.
She has given me excellent technical insight on the construction
of a crystal-powered generator that extracts ambient energy...
Bonnie's father, the Ramu, is 300 years old and a member of the
ruling council of Telos.”
“Many tunnels are unsafe and closed off. All tube transit
tunnels are protected and are designed to eject uninvited
guests. Does Bonnie have the answers that we are looking for? I
don't know... Bonnie says she would like to satisfy our need for
proof and will work with me on a satisfactory answer to that
problem, but she is unconcerned with whether people accept her
or not. Bonnie is humorous and easy-going and well-poised, yet
sometimes she becomes brooding and mysterious. She says her
people are busy planning survival centers for refugees. One of
these is to be near Prescott, Arizona...”
“(Note: or rather below the Groom Creek area just south of
Prescott, to be exact. Another 'Survival Center' for refugees of
the world-wide cataclysms which the Telosians believe will
eventually devastate the surface of the Earth, is said to be
below the general area of Jenny Lake, Wyoming, near the Tetons.
The Tetons themselves have been the alleged home of a mysterious
race, according to different sources, and extremely ancient
stone 'buildings' have reportedly been found high atop these
peaks - Branton).”
From Exhibit B) David Hatcher
Childress (Lost Cities of
North & Central America)
“The claim of a large city beneath
Mount Shasta is interesting in light of the fact that the
Cascade Range of mountains, of which Mount Shasta is a part, is
an active volcanic range. It has been predicted by many Native
American Shamans, such as Sun Bear in Spokane, Washington, that
Cascade volcanos are all going to all erupt [at the same
time during the next pole-shift—GJ] This could include Mount
Shasta and nearby Mount Lassen… With all that magma moving up
from the Earth’s core, the million people in [Mount Shasta’s]
underground city might have some environmental problems...”
Page 540.
“It seems quite possible that some sort of ancient, high tech
place might have existed at Mount Shasta, though it seems
doubtful that a million people, or even any number even remotely
near that figure, ever lived inside the mountain. Generally, it
is said that the few who maintain such ancient repositories as
those that allegedly exist at Mount Shasta, Tibet and other
places, do not make contact with the outside world or the
Page 541.
“In a strange book, A Dweller On Two Planets, originally
published in 1899 (though written [by Phylos the Tibetan] in
1886), there are several incidents which relate directly to the
mysteries of Mount Shasta. One is the use of vailxi by
Atlanteans, a submersible, cigar shaped airship. These airships
are the Atlantean equivalent of an Indian Rama empire
vimana. At
one point in the book, the author, in an Atlantean
incarnation… goes from Atlantis to Rama in a vailx, and at one
point stops at a “vimana port’ and monastery on top of Grand
Teton in Wyoming. The ruins of this ancient structure are said
to be on Grand Teton today…”
Page 537.
“It is a strange book, and according to some sources, such as
the Lemurian Fellowship, it is a mixture of FACT and fiction.
Perhaps, in an effort to sort out the “esoteric truth” about
Mount Shasta, the Lemurian fellowship of [northern] California
can help us. Founded in 1936, the Lemurian Fellowship, under the
direction of Dr. Robert Stelle, [or ‘The Stelle Group’—[see Part
One of this paper] claims to be the mundane school of the
Lemurian Brotherhood, whose real name is the Lothian
brotherhood, as Phylos claimed.”
“The Lemurian Fellowship further claimed that, as Phylos had
said [in his book], Mount Shasta had been, indeed, the secret
headquarters for the Lemurian Brotherhood, of which the Master
Quong was the chief officer. With the use of left over Atlantean
vailxi stored in the depths of the dormant crater, members of
the Brotherhood could go anywhere they wanted, including any of
the other secret retreats [underground bases] around the world.”
“According to the Lemurian Fellowship, [as mentioned in Part
One] the so-called Thirteenth School of “Mu” relocated somewhere
on the Tibetan Plateau just prior to the pole shift and sinking
of the Pacific Continent about 24,000 years ago. It is this
Thirteenth School of Lemuria that became the nucleus of what was
later to be called
The Great White Brotherhood. This site is
allegedly in the Kun Lun Mountains of western Tibet, known in
ancient Chinese tradition as the Land of Kwan Yin, or the Land
of Hsi Wang Mu…”
“Later, after the devastating geographical [Earth] changes had
turned a small group of islands in the Atlantic into a small
continent known as Poseid (Atlantis) [See ‘Nibiru and the Atlantean Connection – Part One’—GJ] and the cataclysmic [rapid]
uplifting of the South American continent had occurred, the
first of the seven secret Brotherhoods was started by Quong in
Mount Shasta. Six more Brotherhoods around the world were
started in various places, each with an esoteric school where
students could study…”
Page 538.
“In May 1936, The Rosicrucian Digest, a publication of AMORC and
Harvey Spencer Lewis, announced that because of all the
attention that Shasta was attracting, the Lemurians were
abandoning their site on Shasta in favor of a more secret
location. According to the digest, a delegation of them had come
to Lewis’ office in San Jose where the Grand Lodge of the
Rosicrucian order is located (…there are at least three
Rosicrucian orders currently in the USA…) to tell him this and
to ask that he not divulge their new location.”
“The Lemurian Fellowship claims that the “Lemurian Brotherhood”
began moving their headquarters from Mount Shasta into a remote
mountain area of the [Canadian] Yukon sometime in the late 1800s.
Apparently, the members of the Brotherhood had their own
airships, which they used during their move… to their supposed
new base of operations in the Yukon. In theory, many of the UFOs
seen around Mt. Shasta are airships of the Lemuria Brotherhood,
left over from those ancient days of yore.”
Pages 539-540.
“With all of the modern activity going on around Mount Shasta,
it made sense, as the Rosicrucians had claimed, that the secret
Masters of Mount Shasta had moved their base to the Yukon where
they exist with peace and quite…”
Page 541.

In Part Three of this paper I presented a Theosophy magazine article
(Exhibit L) that posed the question; What role was Count De Saint
Germain going to play in the 1900s?
Well, it seems he turned up,
strangely enough, at Mount Shasta as an “ascended Master” belonging
to the Great White Brotherhood. It was at this location where he
chose a mining engineer named Guy Warren Ballard as his official
messenger to herald in the coming of the “Golden Age,” See below:
Exhibit U) William Bramley
(The Gods of Eden ©1989)
“After St. Germain’s reported death
in 1784, he was made to seem physically immortal. In the early
1930s, a man named Guy Warren Ballard [1878-1939] claimed that
St. Germain had spoken to him on a mountain in California. That
conversation gave birth to an interesting new branch of the
“Guy Warren Ballard was a mining engineer. In 1930, he went on a
business trip to Mount Shasta in northern California. Ballard
had become interested in mysticism before his trip and he wanted
to use his off-duty hours at Mount Shasta to unravel rumors
about the existence of a secret branch of the Brotherhood called
the “Brotherhood of Mount Shasta.”…was said to have a secret
underground headquarters inside the famous California mountain…”
Pages 364-365.
“Against this background, Mr. Ballard’s experience on Mount
Shasta takes on added significance. Mr. Ballard writes that he
had hiked up the side of the mountain and paused by a spring. As
he bent down to fill a cup with water, he felt an electrical
current passing through his body from head to foot. Looking
around, he saw behind him a bearded man who looked to be in his
20’s or 30’s. The stranger later introduced himself as the Count
of St. Germain.”
“As a result of this meeting, Mr. Ballard began a full-time
career spreading the teachings of the new St. Germain. Ballard
established the “I AM Foundation”—an organization with secret
initiations and step-by-step teachings. Mr. Ballard claims that
he had been introduced to members of the highest levels of the
[Great White] Brotherhood, under which the I AM was founded.”
Pages 365-366.
“The initial meetings between Ballard and “St. Germain” took
place between August and October 1930. During the earliest of
those meetings, St. Germain had Ballard drink a liquid which
caused a strong physical reaction and made Ballard go “out of
body.”…After imbibing this fluid on several occasions, Ballard
said that he was able to go “out of body” without the drink…”
Page 366.
“[On one occasion]…while he was in one of his “out of body”
states, St. Germain, who was also “out of body,” took him to
some rather remarkable places. One locale was a mountain in the
Teton Range of Wyoming—a mountain Mr. Ballard calls the “Royal
Teton.” According to Ballard, there was a sealed tunnel entrance
near the top of the mountain that led to ELEVATORS. The
elevators took their occupants to a location two thousand feet
down into an underground complex of huge halls, storage spaces,
and mines…”
Pages 366-367.
“…Mr. Ballard claims to have visited four secret underground
locations altogether: two of them while “out of body” and two by
regular human means. Interestingly, each location corresponded
to a region in which there existed earlier in history a major
civilization worshiping the Custodial “gods.” The Teton location
coincided with the ancient North American civilizations. A
similar underground location in South America went hand-in-hand
with the Incan civilization on that continent. A trip by boat
and automobile resulted in a stopover at a reputed underground
location on the Arabian peninsula, which matched the ancient
Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilizations. The fourth location in
the mountains above the city of Darjeeling, India, corresponded
to the ancient Aryan civilizations of the Indian subcontinent.
The underground locations were reportedly quite expansive and
served a number of functions. In addition to holding electronic
gadgetry, the caves were reportedly filled with enormous
quantities of precious metals and gems…”
Pages 368-369.
“…According to Mr. Ballard… Mankind lost… records to Brotherhood
leaders who had deliberately removed and hidden the writings.
Ballard claims that he saw some of those ancient historical
works inside the underground mountain complex north of
Darjeeling, India. He added that the records would not be
released to the human race until the “Ascended Masters” [Count
St. Germain being one of them—GJ] so ordered:
“These records are not brought forth into the use of the outer
world at the present time, because of lack of spiritual growth
and understanding of the people. The race has a restlessness and
critical feeling, that is a very destructive activity... the
Ascended Masters of the Great White brotherhood, have always
foreseen such destructive impulses and have withdrawn all
important records of every civilization, and preserved them,
then left the less important to be destroyed by the vicious
impulse of the vandals.”
Page 372.
“In one of the large underground rooms, [within the Royal Teton
Mountain in Wyoming] Mr. Ballard claims that he saw an ALL
SEEING EYE SYMBOL on the wall. There was a large machine, which
Ballard described as:
“…A DISC OF GOLD—at least twelve feet in
diameter. Filling it so that the points touched the
circumference—BLAZED A SEVEN POINTED STAR—composed entirely of
Page 367.
It should be noted that Ballard was labeled a fraud because of his
rather strange tale and no tangible evidence of his life-experience
was ever produced. Skeptics will tell you that extraordinary claims
require extraordinary proof. Pity Ballard isn’t alive today to
defend himself. Be that as it may, whether you believe Ballard’s
story or not, I’m saying the giant gold Sun-Disc he believed he saw
was not a representation of our own Sun at all, but a copy (and
ancient machine) of another
sun-like sphere within the outer fringes
of our solar system.
As I have pointed out in Part Three, Saint Germain knew all about the ‘Sun of the Magi’ so it would be fitting
he brought Ballard to this underground locale to view it.
Have there been other Sun-Discs, found on Earth, representing our
companion Sun-like planet? Yes indeed! For instance: the Egyptian
Winged Sun-Disc, the Lemurian Sun-Disc found in Australia (See
Exhibit E in Part One of this paper), and
another significant one
found in Peru, see below:
Exhibit V) Harold T. Wilkins
(Mysteries of Ancient South America
“There is a tradition current in the
mystic east, and, perhaps, derived from Atlanteans who quitted
their great motherland before the time of the terrible
cataclysm… that the central cathedral temple of old Atlantis’
capital, hill city, “Sardegon”, had a dome-shaped ceiling from
which flamed a magnificent “…[MYSTIC] SUN OF BLAZING GOLD...”
The late inheritors of the remains of the civilization of the
Atlantean…colony… in Brazil, of South America, the Incas of Peru
(Peru… being derived from a word not found in the Quichua, or
native Peruvian tongue) VIRA meaning the GOD OF THE SUN. It was
there when the keels of Don Francisco Pizarro’s… galleons touched
the shallows of the Peruvian coast in A.D. 1530. The very
eye-balls of the beholder were pained by its scintillations.”
“This GLORIOUS FACE of refulgence was really, at Cuzco, A
diameter?—GJ] encrusted thickly with emeralds of superb size and
quality, and other gems. At his rising the rays of the [regular]
sun fell directly onto THIS FACE in the temple, where gold
blazed back everywhere from walls and ceilings. The cornices
were of gold and a broad frieze of gold, let into the stonework,
surrounded the whole exterior of the temple.”
Page 162.
“But when Pizarro’s conquistadores laid their bandits’ hands on
this ancient civilization, as the Carian-Colloans had done
before them in relation to what was left of the communities of
the old, white, bearded Atlanteans of… Brazil in the islands of
lake Titicaca, Peru, that glorious SUN OF GOLD vanished. For
four centuries its whereabouts have remained a mystery…”
“…Be sure, that there is living today, in one of the valleys of
the Peruvian cordilleras, some Peruvian, little suspected by his
fellows, who knows where this SUN went [under]ground! In the
neighborhood of modern Cuzco, I have heard some of the
traditions about this MYSTIC LOST SUN. How well its shining
wonder attests the old melancholy and vanished grandeur of a
great race! The Quichuan peones say it was fashioned as a human
face of solid gold, radiating shafts of light as it blazed from
the walls. It personified, to the people, the Sun, and,
hieratically, to the priests, no doubt, the “Great…Sun of the
Cosmos”; the unknown God…”
Pages 161-162.
This is an amazing statement by Harold
Wilkins because he is implying that the giant ‘gold Sun-Disc’ is not
a representation of our own Sun! Wilkins also stated that the term
“VIRA” means GOD OF THE SUN and since we know ‘Virachocha’ means
“TRUE SUN of the Incas” (stated by Andy Lloyd’s going by
the same name—not our regular sun) it is reasonable to suggest the
giant Gold Sun-Disc of the Incas is indeed our Sun-like planetary
Peruvian tradition hints that the giant SUN OF GOLD was hidden and
transported underground through an endless tunnel system called the
“Roadway of the Incas” to a safe location. Was this the same giant
SUN OF GOLD Guy Warren Ballard encountered deep within the ‘Royal
Teton’ mountain and its final resting place? I can only speculate.
Harold Wilkins continues…
“None of the old secrets of the land
of the Incas have really perished. There are native societies of
the underworld who, age by age, keep them inviolate. Their
members are sometimes wandering Catholic priests who, on one day
of the year, revert to the celebration of their real religion;
the rites of the sun, that…MYSTIC SUN of pre-cataclysmic ancient
world, symbolizing the unknown Divinity…”
Page 164.
Again, this is another remarkable
statement by Wilkins. Why would converted Catholic Peruvian priests
still worship a pre-cataclysmic Sun today? Its because they worship
the other Sun-like planet—cyclical in nature—that actually causes
the cataclysms! So I can see now why they called it their ‘True
Truth is this particular Sun-like planet can produce
significant amounts of damage to us, yes, the truth hurts. No wonder
the Incas prayed to this “unknown divinity,” for appeasement in hope
of escaping the incoming wrath.
In connection with the above thought, the Aztec Indians state “we
are living in the fifth Sun.” I believe, based on my research, they
are not referencing our regular Sun at all. The Aztecs are referring
to the other Sun-like celestial body that has returned at least five
times in the ancient past.
When it comes to future Earth changes, I cannot help but wonder what
role the ‘planet of the crossing’ will play.
Edgar Cayce may have
said it best:
“As to the changes physical again:
The earth will be broken up in the western portion of America.
The greater portion of Japan must go into the sea. The upper
portion of Europe will be changed in the twinkling of an eye.
Land will appear off the east coast of America. There will be
upheavals in the Arctic and in the Antarctic that will make for
the eruption of volcanoes in the Torrid areas, and THERE WILL BE
A SHIFTING OF THE POLES—so that where there have been those of a
frigid or semitropical will become the more tropical, and moss
and fern will grow.
And these will begin in ’58 to ’98 [2058 to
2098?] when these will be proclaimed as the periods when HIS
AGAIN in the clouds.”
Reading No.3976-15

Cayce also tells us that Atlantean lands
are going to rise again out of the Atlantic Ocean. Will this be the
case for Lemuria, out of the Pacific? Only time will tell.
But I
will say this, the ‘trigger’ for a pole-shift and subsequent Earth
crust-displacement will be from the ‘Mystic Lost-Sun, the Aztecs'
Fifth-Sun and yes, the mountain-maker known as Nibiru.