by Greg Jenner
Abbotsford, B.C., Canada
DarkStar1 Website
“I am the [Twice Born] prophet [Elidor]
to tell men of the FRIGHTENER, though many generations will pass
before it appears. It will be a thing of monstrous greatness… its
body will be red… it will spread destruction across the Earth,
running from sunrise to sunset. It will come in the Days of
Decision, when men are inflicted with spiritual blindness…”
The Kolbrin Bible from The Book of the Silver Bough
Did you know that many ancient Egyptian Pharaohs and prophets were
known as the ‘Twice Born’ Ones? Not a term one reads about in
everyday Egyptian textbooks. Mainstream magazines such as National
Geographic and Discovery will not even address the Twice Born Ones.
Why? What is all the controversy about?
Well, for starters, the initiation process of becoming a Twice
Born One involves lying down inside the granite sarcophagus
within the Kings Chamber of the Great Pyramid, all for the
purpose of having an out of body experience or OBE.
Thus the soul—freed from his mortal body—starts communicating with
the other side and has a revelation that his soul is indeed
Furthermore, after acquiring an infinite amount of wisdom, the soul
re-enters the initiate’s body within the stone sarcophagus (called
the “Womb of Rebirth”) in which he becomes physically transformed
into a white radiant one, now worthy of becoming a Pharaoh. Finally,
the Twice Born graduate is honored and held in high regard as a
physical living god by the ancient Egyptian populace.
More importantly though, as a Nibiru researcher, my investigation
has revealed that the Twice Born Ones collected sobering
astronomical information of a fiery red planetoid that periodically
returns named the ‘Frightener’ (or Nibiru) in which I will get into
I’m sure by now you can see why conservative Egyptologists would
scoff at such a radical notion as this. Be that as it may, my
research isn’t conservative by any stretch and my investigation into
the Egyptian Twice Born Ones has uncovered a 1923 magazine article
that gives tantalizing clues as to the reality of this initiation
See below:
Exhibit 1) ‘Initiates and Initiation’
(Theosophy Magazine, Vol. 11, No.5, Mar.
1923 edition. P. 220-223)
“…[The aspiring one] was allowed to
remain in this state for three days and three nights, during
which time his spiritual Ego was said to “confabulate”
[communicate] with the gods, descended into Hades… and do works
of charity to the invisible Beings, whether Souls of men or
Elemental Spirits; his body remaining all the time in a temple
crypt or subterranean cave. In Egypt [he] was placed in the
Sarcophagus in the King’s Chamber of the Pyramid of Cheops…”
So as it turns out the Theosophists, along with the ancient Egyptian
priests and scribes, inherently knew all along, the purpose of the
stone sarcophagus within the Great Pyramid. It was to achieve Twice
Born status!
Again, conservative Egyptologists will tell you that the stone
sarcophagus housed within the King’s Chamber is nothing more than a
burial tomb for the Pharaoh Khufu or Cheops. According to my
research, this idea couldn’t be further from the truth! Therefore I
intend to document the Twice Born initiation ritual from beginning
to end and suggest to you that this was one of the paramount reasons
why the Great Pyramid was built in the first place.
In other words, the Great Pyramid was built by initiates for
initiates, period. That’s it. It’s that simple! However, before
getting into the details of the Twice Born ceremony, let’s first
probe a little deeper into what others have said about the
initiation rites within the Great Pyramid.
Exhibit 2) Peter Tompkins
(Secrets of the Great Pyramid ©1971
Pages 256-257)
“Several authors have expressed the
opinion that there is a close connection between the Great
Pyramid and what are known as the Egyptian Mysteries, that is to
say, the secret knowledge possessed by the hierarchy of
initiates which was communicated to those who could prove their
worthiness by passing a long period of probationary training and
severe trials, the sort of system that was [adopted] by such
societies as the Templars, the Rosicrucians, and the Masons.”
“Knowledge of the astronomical cycles and their application also
formed part of the ancient initiatory teaching. In those days,
says [Great Pyramid researcher] William Kingsland, astronomy was
not the mere science of the mechanism of the heavens, but was
intimately connected with… “a profoundly esoteric science
connected with the great cycles [including Nibiru’s cycle] of
man’s evolution, understood only by the Adepts.”
“Kingsland adds that if the Great Pyramid was built by initiates
for initiates, “What could be more likely than that some of the
deeper forces of nature [such as levitating the stone blocks,
for example] were used in its construction, and that these
would… solve the problems of construction which still remain an
enigma to us.”
“According to [Theosophist] Manly
P. Hall, the illuminated of antiquity passed through the
mystic passageways and chambers of the Great Pyramid, entering
its portal as men and coming forth as [Twice Born] gods.
“The candidate,” says Hall, “was
laid in the great stone coffin, and for three days his
spirit—freed from his mortal coil—wandered at the gateways
of eternity. His Ka, [or soul] as a bird, flew through the
spiritual spheres of space. He discovered that all the
universe was life, all the universe was progress, all the
universe was eternal growth. Realizing that his body was a
house which he could slip out of and return to without
[physical] death, he achieved actual immortality. [Knowing
his soul was in fact immortal—GJ]
At the end of three days
he returned to himself again, and having thus personally and
actually experienced the great mystery, he was indeed an
Initiate [of the Twice Born]—one who beheld and one to whom
religion had fulfilled her duty bringing him to the light of
“Most of the ancient philosophers
and great religious teachers, including Moses and St. Paul,
acknowledged or are acknowledged to have derived their wisdom
from the Egyptian initiates… Some of the ceremonies of what are
sometimes referred to as the lesser mysteries have survived in a
more or less degraded and merely formal manner in the ritual of
Masonry [for example]. Kingsland believes the secret of the
[Great] Pyramid is even known to present-day initiates, but is
probably “one of those matters which they do not see fit to
disclose to the world at large.”
Page 259.
Well, I certainly see fit to disclose
what went on inside the Great Pyramid from a bygone age. My source
to all of this is none other than
the Kolbrin Bible. See below:
Exhibit 3) Marshall Masters
(The Kolbrin Your Own World Books Master Edition, Book of
Manuscripts ©2006)
MAN:31:16 "…the Great House [the
Great Pyramid] of the Hidden Places stands in Kahemu. It is
built to last forever and stands up strongly towards Heaven,
high above the heads of men. It is covered with white stones,
the white stone of Rehakom was cut for it, and above it is
topped with copper. It is not the copper of men, but the copper
of God. [See image to the right] Within it lies the Womb of
Rebirth used by the TWICE BORN of the Enlightened Ones. Men
enter its portals to die and [physically] come out restored to
life, reborn as gods…"
From the
Book of Scrolls
SCL:9:1 "This concerns the mystery
of the TWICE BORN. It relates to those born again, to those who
have endured the awfulness of the FALSE DEATH [within the Great
Pyramid] which many do not survive; who have drunk deeply from
Koriladwen, the smooth [hallucinogenic] bitter brew which
releases the spirit; who have entered Ogofnaum through the
thundering doors…"
From the
Book of Sons of Fire
SOF:2:2 "…the
Ritual of the TWICE
BORN… is a ceremony to regain spiritual vigor and to restore
spiritual power, whereby a Chosen One dies and rises
[physically] again. It is a grim undertaking fraught with
danger. It is not for the spiritually weak or for the
fainthearted. Not all survive to walk again upon the friendly
ground of Earth."
SOF:2:1 "These things must not be entrusted to common folk,
neither must they be degraded by disclosing them to such as
would profane them. They were once reserved for those who were
exalted in wisdom and virtue, In those days of Harempta, Mouth
of God on Earth, they were hidden from those in high places."
SOF:2:3 "Only the older men who had completed the three cycles
of seven years were accepted. They had to be men with wisdom and
courage, with the strength and fortitude to survive. Other
essentials were absolute purity and complete self discipline.
The ability for self sacrifice and a strict sense of duty were
demanded. Only men possessing all these qualities could cross
the border in consciousness and return. To be deficient in any
essential quality meant death."
SOF:2:11 "Behind the sacred place in the temple, behind the
place of flame, was the Thrice Hidden Door [of the Great
Pyramid] and this led down to the Chambers of Darkness,
[including the Great Pyramid’s underground chamber] which were
before the Caverns of Initiation."
SOF:2:12 "Before the first Chamber of Darkness there was an
antechamber containing a small lamp and light. Cut on the walls
were representations of Life and Spirit. The candidate had
studied with the priests of the upper temple for seven years and
been observed by one of the TWICE BORN for seven years. Now,
here in the antechamber he became an Anointed One."
SOF:2:13 "The Anointed One went into the first Chamber of
Darkness for testing by one of the TWICE BORN of a lesser order.
Here it was discovered whether he truly desired The Great
Illumination and whether he had all earthly desires and
ambitions under control. Here he was warned of the dangers he
would have to face and was tested for courage and fortitude.
Before him now there was only one choice, victory or death. This
was the Chamber of the Red Light."
SOF:2:14 "Now the candidate and he who attended upon him stood
before the next door, and the priest said to one who stood
there. “Having realized by his own preparation, that the
external is unreal and having eliminated earthly desires and
substituted spiritual ones, he who aspires stands ready. He has
tamed the wild steed of his body, so that it is completely under
his command. He has awakened the man within the man, and the
eyes of inner vision are open. He has made the irrevocable
decision and is one ready to go forward”."
SOF:2:15 "The Anointed One was admitted into the second Chamber
of Darkness and here he was uncovered and placed within a bath
of cold water where he remained for a period determined by the
burning of a lamp. This was the Chamber of the Purple Light."
SOF:2:16 "From here the Anointed One passed into a small chamber
which was the entrance to the Caverns of Initiation. He now
stood before the Portal of Restuah and recited the Prayer Before
the Portal, “O Unnameable God, give me a burden of suffering to
bear and place about my shoulders the yoke of tribulation. O
God, fill the empty spaces of my spirit with pain. O grant me
such fortitude that even under an almost unendurable load of
distress I may be willing to lighten the burden and suffering of
"Even as I stand prepared for the awaiting test, I ask that
should I be returned to the light of Earth, I be granted a share
in the afflictions of others, for I need the strength given by
suffering and sorrow, and will welcome them for the benefits
they bestow”. Then one who stood in this place gave the Anointed
One water to drink and said this prayer, “O Unnameable God, hear
the prayer of the Anointed One. Strengthen him with such courage
and fortitude that he will not fail in his hour of awful trial,
but shall pass beyond the Place of Terror [Hades] through the
Portal of Death, and so may shine with the protecting radiance
and therefore return unharmed in spirit and body”."
SOF:2:17 The Anointed One entered the first Cavern of Initiation
and was tested there in such manner that no ordinary mortal
could endure it. AFTER THREE DAYS he came out saying to one who
stood there, “O acceptable suffering, what has been decreed is
indeed best”.
From the Book of Scrolls:
SCL:7:1 "This is the manner whereby
the Aspiring Ones of Earth may cross the dread horizon through
residence within the Cavern of Stone. It is thus that men come
to know the Truth concerning the Realms of Glory beyond the
Western Horizon, but it is a path beset by great dangers and
manifold terrors, and many return witless."
SCL:7:2 "The Aspiring One [or Twice Born initiate] is of Earth,
he is earthbound. He sits within the cavern before the Cauldron
of Rebirth and Regeneration [Queens Chamber. See image above],
and inhales the smoke from the brew of release. [Hallucinogenic
drug to help release his soul] He rises above himself, flying on
wings of five feathers, the names of which are recorded in the
Book of Secret Mysteries, wherein are the awful recipes. There
it is written that he may ASCEND LIKE A FALCON and cannot go
otherwise than as a falcon. [See image, below-right] He may not
go in the manner of any other bird."
SCL:7:3 "He escapes the call of Earth, its fetters fall from
him. The Aspiring One leaves his attendants behind, he is not
with them, he is not of Earth, neither is he of Heaven. He is at
the place where the two meet and intermingle."
SCL:7:4 "His body moves without the spirit and partakes of the
sour yellow bread of wide vision. The Aspiring One drinks the
brew of grey barley and sips long at the wine of harish, eating
the cakes of green brown horris. He eats the fruit of the
releasing tree and drinks the brew of black fungus, which is in
the smoke goblet. [Again, these are special visionary
hallucinogenic drugs to help the initiate transcend into the
beyond] Thus, he sleeps and the attendants lay him down in the
receptacle called the Womb of Rebirth. He is in the Place of
Visions but remains like the masthead bird."
SCL:7:5 "He shall be covered and made so that in his struggles
he rise not. His voice is heard speaking in a strange tongue, as
he calls on his fathers who have gone before and now preside
over affairs beyond the Wide Lake. His body becomes still, as he
enters the dazzling chamber which is the doorway to twin
SCL:7:6 "Now, he must penetrate the Walls of Dry Air which bar
his passage, and rise into the rainbow coloured Clouds of
Radiance which are above. High up [his soul] looks below him and
sees the waters of the Winding Canal of Experience and
understands the meaning of all that had befallen him. Now he has
four eyes, these being the inner and outer eyes, and rising
higher he attains the heights of wide consciousness."
SCL:7:7 "Here he meets the Pathfinder and follows him swiftly.
He speaks rightly to the Guardian. He shields his eyes when
passing the Lurker on the Threshold, and goes on until he comes
to the abode of the Opener of the Ways."
SCL:7:8 "Now, the body of the Aspiring One becomes restless and
those who attend him place the power of Hori over his face…"
SCL:7:9 "The Aspiring One becomes covered with moisture, he
writhes, he shouts, he struggles. The Companionable
know he has left the protection of The Sungod, that he has been
seized by the Fiends of Darkness, but he struggles and prevails
over them, and all is well…"
From the Book of Sons of Fire
SOF:2:18 "After passing through the
first two Caverns of Initiation [with the last one being the
Queens Chamber] the candidate became an Enwrapped One, and in
the last small Cavern of the Lord of the TWICE BORN released his
spirit. The Enwrapped One was then placed within the WOMB OF
REBIRTH [granite sarcophagus within the King’s Chamber] and
there, within the tomb of stone, he was left seven days.
[According to the Kolbrin text the
“Enwrapped One” was left inside the stone sarcophagus for seven
days, contrary to three days as suggested by Manly P. Hall]
Here came complete liberation of the
spirit. It floated out through the confining stone and went as
it willed. No words of men, however learned, can ever describe
this experience."
From the
Book of Gleanings
GLN:15:60 "“Yet there is [this]
vision possible to man, which pierces the universal veil, a
vision free from all obscurity, a vision uncontaminated by the
dark shadows of base desires or fear, by unstable emotions or
unworthy motives. It is the vision seen when man develops a new
faculty, a new sense. It is an inward vision of splendor. A wave
of spiritual light will engulf him, a mysterious power
indescribable in mere words sweeps like a shooting star over the
expanse of his spirit, giving a sudden illuminating flash which
floods his whole inner being, his soul, with a glorious light.
"In its brilliance he is granted, for a brief moment in time, a
glimpse of the vision splendid. He is then united with the
living heart of the universe by a bond reaching out to infinity.
Nothing known to man, no symbols of his conception can express
the joyousness which floods his whole being. It can be
experienced in quiet tranquility of spirit. It can burst all the
bounds of restraint, expressing itself in an all embracing,
overwhelming feeling of love. Lost in an unfathomable sea of
silent contemplation, the body will shine with radiance from the
inner light, and all about will be bathed in a luminous
spiritual glow. Having once been in divine communication, these
awakened spirits know a joy supreme, and never again do they
walk through the veil of mortal sorrows. The truly awakened soul
is beyond carnal lust and mortal grief, his love is alike for
all My creation…"
From the Book of Scrolls
SCL:7:10 "A hundred shining suns
whirl above, a whisper rolls around like thunder, lights of
manifold hues sway above, like the river reeds in the wind. All
things appear to dance in a shimmering haze, then turn over and
fold back into themselves, and such beauty is produced that the
human tongue cannot describe it. All things take upon
them-selves shimmering forms through which other forms can be
seen. Great melodic music throbs all around, while everything
pulsates a soft rhythm. The air is filled with voices of
unearthly sweetness, glory and splendour are everywhere. Then
the Aspiring One awakes."
SCL:9:21 "A curtain of darkness descends, there is a heavy dark
mist, then the muffled crash of Thundering Doors. The aching
body reclines within the tomb of stone. The questing PILGRIM has
returned to his home-haven. He has learned truths he could never
learn on Earth and now knows the Grand Secret. Faith is replaced
with certainty and he is now an Initiated One."
“The questing pilgrim has returned to his home-haven.”
Chiming in here for a moment, the quote
above indicates to me that J. R. R. Tolkien, author of The Lord of
the Rings trilogy, no doubt was inspired by the Twice Born ritual
from within the Kolbrin. In Tolkien’s trilogy, “Gandalf, the gray
pilgrim” fought a demon within the deep abyss and upon surviving the
ordeal he “was sent back” to become “Gandalf, the White.” A self
illuminated radiant one. In the Kolbrin’s case, the text tells us
that the Twice Born soul “comes back” into the King’s chamber and
physically emerges out of the “womb of rebirth.”
Also becoming a self illuminated radiant
one. The similarities are uncanny! Therefore it’s entirely
reasonable to suggest Tolkien himself portrayed Gandalf as a Twice
Born One. (For other Lord of the Rings/Dark Star connections also
see Andy Lloyd's article)
The Book of Scrolls continues…
SCL:7:11 "He is raised, [by his
attendants and] behold he comes forth and walks as one bemused
by a vision of glory. He staggers, he cannot walk unsupported.
His throat burns and his mouth is overgrown with dryness His
head resounds with drumbeats. He is given the sweet waters in
the cup of forgetfulness and drinks deeply, all is well. He is a
Reborn One, he is an Enlightened One. He is one resurrected from
the Cavern of Stone"
SCL:9:3 "The Welcomers stand back, for this is not their stage.
The Brilliant One is there and another who is the Reciter, and
he explains the visions: “O Brave stouthearted one…the things
you behold are the things seen by the Great Ones of Earth when
they came this way in their hour and were RETURNED BACK TO
[PHYSICAL] LIFE. They were truly men of wisdom, well versed in
the mystic procedures, men who knew their position and parts.”"
From the book of the Book of the Sons of Fire
SOF:2:19 "The spirit of the
Enwrapped One returned to the body at the behest of the Lord of
the TWICE BORN, and he who had survived became a TWICE BORN One.
When led forth into the Place of Glorification HIS FACE SHINES
conduct and attitudes are changed and he is at peace with all
men and with himself. He needs nothing from earthly life and
seeks nothing. He accepts and enjoys whatever life offers, for
he has learned the answer to the riddle of life and solved the
Secret of the Ages."
SOF:2:20 "Your brother was one who underwent the Initiation of
the TWICE BORN, and he has drawn the curtain aside a little to
reveal only what is permitted. It is little enough but
sufficient for you to understand why, when kings and governors
rose to position and power, they declined the ordeal. It is
understandable, for the final ordeal brought earthly life as
close as possible to extinction, without complete severance of
the spiritual umbilical cord. Before this, went more than twenty
years arduous preparation. Yet long and terrible though it was,
the time and austerity did not exceed the necessary limits by
even one jot. In sorrow your brother must say that it was not an
ordeal required to obtain something man has never possessed, it
was to regain something he had lost. It was, however hard it may
seem, the lowest price payable for the Secret of the Ages."
SOF:2:21 "For long years he who aspired to become one of the
TWICE BORN had to practice the awakening of his spirit and bring
his body under complete control. The first thing to overcome was
met long before any threshold was approached, it was something
which lurked in the uncontrolled thoughts of men. The
frightening experiences during the years of preparation had to
be modified and their effect channeled off, otherwise the
awakening spirit would have been completely overwhelmed. As the
material body of man cannot come too close to a blazing fire, so
cannot the spirit approach too close to the sphere of divinity."
SOF:2:22 "Having arisen from the Womb of Rebirth, the spirit is
completely freed from any doubt about the immortality of man.
Can a man doubt the source of sunlight when he can see the sun
arising in glory before his eyes? Having joined the TWICE BORN
each man has a choice, he can go on to higher development within
the Realms of Light, or he can remain to help others. Your
brother chose to remain."
SOF:2:23 "The wisdom of the TWICE BORN has spread to every
corner of the Earth, and Caverns of Initiation are opened
everywhere. But increasingly, through the years, men have
declined to undergo the austerities and trials essential to
bring them into the clear light of Truth. Therefore, the places
of initiation decay and their secrets are lost, men grope in the
dark and try to open a door to which they have no key. If a man
has not the courage or the time, the inclination or the ability
to sail to a far distant land, then if he would know about that
land he must listen to those who have made the journey. So it is
with those who would know the Secret of the Ages…"
SOF:2:24 "Your brother has no way of explaining his ultimate
experience to others. Although he has looked upon the face of
Truth and now understands the purpose of life, what he has seen
must remain locked within the heart. Though he no longer has to
be satisfied with belief alone, he cannot extend his certainty
to others. Yet men forever seek him out hoping to share with him
the wonderful knowledge which has so gloriously transformed his
life. This he tries to do, within the limits imposed by his own
expanded enlightenment, beyond that he cannot go."
[In-other-words, the Twice Born could have an OBE and
communicate with the spirit or God at will—GJ] How often have
you seen your brother in a state of ecstasy which he cannot
describe? It is a state beginning in quiet bliss, flowing
outward in bright radiance from an inner light which can even
illuminate the material darkness about him. He hears the music
of the sacred spheres and sees the throbbing pulsations of life
heaving about him, like waves upon the great seas. He becomes
aware of an inflowing of unspoken knowledge from a surrounding
power. It does not come from any one point, but appears to flow
out of all things and to penetrate all things. Material objects
lose their density and become visible within, they become as
though compounded of ten thousand whirling spheres of
brightness. Colors are no longer dull and restricted, they
become infinite in depth and number. The spirit becomes lost in
adoration and wonder at the beauty revealed in everything. The
soul is aware of something glorious within all this and knows it
for the spirit out flowing from its source."
SOF:2:26 "There is a complete unconsciousness of others, for the
greater sight transcends their material bodies. The spirits of
men are seen in a harmony of colors and their bodies as
whirling masses of power. The experiencing soul is lost in a sea
of sensitivity and feeling. There is a swelling surge of
harmony, a sounding of glorious chords. It is the sea that
washes the shores of eternity lapping upon the nearer strand."
SOF:2:27 "It is an experience that no one can give to another or
adequately describe to him. It is the earned reward of those who
have paid the price. It is not the only reward, for throughout
the life of one who is TWICE BORN there is boundless feeling of
wellbeing, sickness and disease are unknown. There is an abiding
love for all men, a sense of brotherhood, and over all this the
certain knowledge of the immortality of the soul and its unity
with its source."
From the Book of Manuscripts
MAN:33:27…Down through the ages,
this belief in immortality persisted over the official view,
which held that no more than a few might hope for immortality…In
the days of the first Pharaohs, it was different. Then
immortality was the reward of all people, though only
collectively and under the leadership and guidance of the king.
Nevertheless, the immortality of the common folk and the
immortality of the Twice Born were not alike… Now Osireh
[Osiris], of whom I speak, is… he whom the people of this land
have made a god, for the Twice Born who have wisdom have let it
be thus. Call him man or call him god; it is a matter of small
importance, for the boundary between them is not impossible.
MAN:33:28 "Osireh came… with seven strangers from a land far East
of the Sea of Death…"
Notice how the Egyptian image (to the
right) portrays the god Osiris in a radiant white gown. That’s
because he was a Twice Born One—a living god in the Egyptian
eyes—and I suggest he originally brought the ‘Twice Born’ wisdom,
along with the Great Pyramid’s design, into Egypt from the east.
From the Book of the Sons of Fire
SOF:2:28 "The impressions received
in moments of illumination are everlasting. They fill the spirit
with a glorified splendor. There are flashes of inspired
visions, and the future unrolls and can be read as the past.
There is a form of joyous rapture experienced by those who have
risen from the Womb of Rebirth, and when it comes it can no more
be held back than the sun can be stayed in its rising."
SOF:2:29 "When the body of your brother lay enwrapped within the
Womb of Rebirth, [King’s chamber sarcophagus] his spirit was
carried out as on the wings of a serif and became lost in a
sphere beyond understanding. He knew not which way to go or what
to seek. Then, like a roll of distant thunder, there was a
swelling sound and there came an over-dazzling light. It grew
steadily more brilliant until your brother saw a beautiful form
of divine glory arrayed in a splendor beyond all earthly bounds.
The cumbersome words of Earth cannot do justice to what your
brother wishes to describe. It is like trying to sew a silk
garment with rope, or to eat sweetmeats with a spade. Words are
wholly inadequate symbols. The vision of glory which had been
granted passed away and your brother found himself in the
familiar sphere of the Spirit."
SOF:2:30 "Once the mysterious border has been crossed it remains
open ever after and can be re-crossed almost at will. You are
told of these things because your brother knows that the age of
the TWICE BORN draws to its close. Because of those who have
devoted their lives to the discovery of Truth, there is progress
in the sphere of the spirit. Nothing has been lost, nothing has
been in vain; the Great Gates are still closed, but they are no
longer bolted. Now they will open at a knock. The road is better
marked and the way more clearly indicated. They who lit the path
have departed from Earth, but their service has not ended. They
serve still in another place. While life on Earth moves forward,
life in the sphere of the spirit does not stand still."
Mentioned earlier in the paper, ancient Egyptian roots go deep
within Masonic lore including Egyptian symbolism within their
initiation rites. After studying the Kolbrin I can see why this is
indeed the case.
The book states that a small Egyptian
contingent fled their homeland, due to the calamitous aftermath of
Nibiru’s wrath and one such member of this group, I argue, was an
Egyptian prophet named Elidor. Yes indeed, he brought forth Twice
Born wisdom of the “Frightener” (or Nibiru) to the northwestern
lands of green rolling hills. This was the land of the Celts. Thus
the Briton/Egyptian connection was born.
See below:
From Exhibit 3) Marshall Masters
(The Kolbrin Your Own World Books
Master Edition, Book of Manuscripts)
MAN:33:5 "I go, for go I must. I
depart, for destiny demands it. ‘When his motherland collapses
about him like an undermined palace built on a foundation of
mud, then it is not a time for hesitation, One man cannot stem a
flood with his hand.
"When his habitation falls apart, it is time to seek another.
Perhaps nations, like men, grow old and decay. My land is old, a
hundred and twenty generations have passed through it since
Osireh [Osiris] brought light to men. FOUR TIMES THE STARS HAVE
What I find most striking about the
above passage is that something caused at least four Earth
pole-shifts. Did Elidor’s ‘Frightener’ cause these catastrophic
events? I say yes!
As it turned out, Elidor tried to tell
the Celts about this profound Twice Born wisdom, along with the
knowledge of the Frightener, however the original inhabitants found
the information a little unsettling, to say the least, and they just
couldn’t except what Elidor had to say. See below:
From Exhibit 3) Marshall Masters
(The Kolbrin Your Own World Books Master Edition, Book of the Silver
SVB:4:18 "Through my own efforts and
sacrifices, through application and long years of patient
endeavour, I have been granted an insight into the nature of
things. I have been given a clear revelation and also been
charged with making it known to men… why then do you mock my
teachings or doubt my sincerity? Have I asked anything from you
except a change of heart?"
SVB:4:19 "You mock me, saying, “We cannot understand the import
of your great teachings”, or you deride me, saying, “Were it not
that we have pity on your state of madness, we would drive you
away from us.” For your sakes I have given up all I once
possessed, I have left all I hold dear, can you not spare me a
few moments of your time?…"
SVB:4:20 "You say I am no more than a man like yourselves, this
is true. You say I am powerless among you, that I remain only
because of your benevolence and goodwill. If you think me
powerless, you are mistaken. In the Stone Chambers [of the Great
Pyramid] I learned secrets of power beyond your conception. Do
not think me helpless because I come among you with humility and
restraint. Had I so desired, my knowledge could have brought me
riches and position, instead I chose to live as I do and follow
the road of a true prophet. Is this not proof enough of my
SVB: 7:18 " …I am the prophet to tell men of The FRIGHTENER,
though many generations will pass before it appears. It will be
a thing of monstrous greatness arising in the form of a crab,
first its body will be red, then green, then blue. It will
spread destruction across the Earth, running from sunrise to
sunset. It will come in the Days of Decision, when men are
inflicted with spiritual blindness, when one ignorance has been
replaced with another, when men walk in darkness and call it
light. In those days, men will yearn after pleasure and comfort,
they will go down roads of ease, encouraged by women incapable
of inspiring them towards the upward path."
SVB:7:19 "There will be disbelief in spiritual things, but this
will proceed from ignorance, it will be a thing of the lips, for
disbelief is not in the heart and nature of man. No matter how
much a man cries out his disbelief, in times of turmoil, in
strange and unfamiliar surroundings, when frightened by the
unknown, he turns to spiritual things for comfort and strength."
SVB:7:20 "In the days of the great conflict do not pray that The
Supreme Spirit be on your side, this would be a futile waste of
time. Pray rather that you be on the right side, the side of The
Supreme Spirit."
SVB:7:21 "Hear my voice, for I tell of things to come. There
will be no great signs heralding the coming of The FRIGHTENER,
it will come when men are least prepared. It will come when they
seek only worldly things. In those days men will be falling away
from manliness and women from womanliness. It will be a time of
confusion and chaos."
From Exhibit 2) Peter Tompkins
(Secrets of the Great Pyramid ©1971
Pages 217-218)
“…The most ancient tradition about
the Great Pyramid is that it was erected to memorialize a
tremendous cataclysm in the planetary system which affected the
globe with fire and flooding.”
“Arab authors recount that the [three] pyramids were built
before the deluge by a king who had a vision that the world
would be turned upside down [due to a pole shift], and that the
stars would [in unison appear to] fall from the sky. According
to these Arab sources, the king placed in the pyramids accounts
of all he had learnt from the wisest men of the times, including
the secrets of astronomy, complete with tables of the stars,
geometry, and physics, treatises on precious stones, and certain
machines… they also speak of “malleable glass...”
“…The Arab legends maintain that the Great Pyramid not only
contained representations of the position of the stars and their
cycles, but also a history and chronicle of the times past and
“As to who built the Great Pyramid, Arab historians such as
Ibrahim ben Ebn Wasuff Shah say that the Giza pyramids were
built by an antediluvian king called Surid or Saurid, who saw in
a dream a huge planet falling to Earth at the time. [I maintain
the planet King Surid envisioned in his dream was none other
than the ‘Frightener’ or the ‘Destroyer,’ better known as
“Abu Zeyd el Balkhy quotes an ancient inscription to the effect
that the Great Pyramid was built at a time when the Lyre was in
the Constellation of Cancer, which has been interpreted as
meaning “twice 36 thousand solar years before the Hegira,” or
about 73,000 years ago.”
“The famous traveler ibn-Batuta, writing 730 years after the
Hegira [Muslim date of 622AD], says that Hermes… (the Hebrew
Enoch), “having ascertained from the appearance of the stars
that the deluge would take place, built the pyramids to contain
books of science and knowledge and other matters worth
preserving from oblivion and ruin.”
In concluding, I feel there is ample evidence to suggest the purpose
of the Great Pyramid is twofold:
Firstly, the entire structure of
the Great Pyramid was designed as a giant battery, complete with
it’s own copper-top! This ingenious triangular design no doubt
focused the necessary battery-powered energy toward the King and
Queen’s chamber, whilst at the same time, the administered
hallucinogenic concoctions induced OBE’s upon the initiates, at
will, strictly for them to communicate with the other-side.
Secondly, the location and shape of the Great Pyramid was
positioned and built on Earth in such a manner as to survive various
cataclysmic pole shifts. Caused by Nibiru of course.
Great lengths
were taken by the master builders to preserve the internal
structure. Was it in hope that one day this esoteric science, now
lost over eons of time, would one day be resurrected? I suggest one
revisit the
Egyptian Book of the Dead and look for clues in there. I
also suggest The Book of the Dead has nothing to do with a funerary
precession and burial ceremony at all. Simply put, it is full of
esoteric sciences concerning the Twice Born!
See Below:
From Exhibit 2) Peter Tompkins
(Secrets of the Great Pyramid, Page 260)
“Henri Furville in his La Science
Secrete claims that the texts of the [Egyptian] Book of the Dead
are incomprehensible to those who never made a careful study of
them from the point of view of [esoteric] science. The obscure
texts, says Furville, “shine in the light of initiation, and the
practices which seem extraordinary and even absurd to the
profane, are, on the contrary, the result of the most profound
I must admit, there is a lot to chew on
here, however, the one verse that has struck a chord and resonated
with me throughout the Kolbrin text was the sobering warning
gave to the Celts of the rolling green lands:
“I have warned [you] of The
FRIGHTENER, I have done what I am charged to do.”
Yes indeed, Elidor of the Twice Born,
who experienced the “womb of rebirth” within the Great Pyramid,
tried his utmost to warn his adopted people of the wrath to come.
Was it all in vain? No, because the Kolbrin manuscript survived to
see the present day and that alone is an encouraging thought. Thus
the warning has not died.
This cosmic event will herald in a new
age from a planet known as ‘Nibiru.’