
by L. Scantamburlo
February 22, 2008
AngeliSmarriti Website
I still respect and trust what the
United States of America represent and are, notwithstanding some
mistakes done in the past and done recently by the last
Administration, especially through some lies directly told - by some
politicians and decision makers - to the mass media, the American
public and the entire world.
The not well-known "Kay report" is just an example of that:
Kay, a former CIA chief inspector in Middle-East, did not report
what the U.S. President claimed he had reported about clues and
evidence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq: as the matter of
fact, David Kay resigned to leave a mark of his disdain the day
after the State of the Union address (January 2004).
Commenting the U.S. President's speech,
he said to the media:
"He should have said, in my view: we
were wrong. He didn't! [...] The worst thing for democracy is to
suppress the truth in the interest of the elections."
source: "Le mond selon
Bush", a film by William Karel, © Flach Film, 2004 with the
participation of France 2 and the collaboration of RTBF, TSR,
SBS, and of the Centre National de la Cinématographie.
Previously the former F.B.I.
vice-director John O'Neil did the same (again resignation) for
other reasons, and unfortunately he died on September 11th at the W.T.C. in New York City, as person in charge of W.T.C. security. It
is likely that a hidden and big struggle is in action at every level
since year 2001, and perhaps even before. Being under wraps, we can
just have some visible clues of it.
I know that there are still many people who - as members of Federal
agencies and of U.S. military - are really loyal subject of the
American Constitution (1787), the Bill of Rights (1789-1791), and
they are aware of what the Declaration of Independence (signed by
General Congress on July 4th, 1776) stands still today for all
So I have decided it is time to speak out and to present to the
public some abstracts and excerpts coming from my unpublished book,
in spite of I have not finished the first draft yet; an essay I have
"The American Armageddon. From
Eisenhower's Secret to the Discovery of Planet X".
A book for which so far I did not find a
publisher yet. By the way, I foretold my unpublished work on an
Italian bi-monthly magazine (UFO Notiziario, pag.43, nr.65,
October/November 2006), before that the well-known and brilliant
Zecharia Sitchin announced his:
End of Days. Armageddon and Prophecies of the Return",
published in 2007. I
did not copy any part of his title; just a curious coincidence about
the biblical term used by both of us: Armageddon.
The recent scientific article published by the magazine New
Scientist - "The Mystery of Planet X", by Govert Schilling,
magazine issue 2638, 11 January 2008 - is a not at all a surprise
for me. Several scientists in the past dedicated time and energy to
search for Planet X.
For example:
T. C. Van Vlandern (U.S. Naval
C. Powell (Teledyne Brown Engineering, Huntsville,
R.S. Gomes (Observatorio Nacional in Rio de Janeiro,
G.D. Quinlan (Lick Observatory) and many others
them, the most famous was Robert Sutton Harrington (USNO)
Now, here you are a short excerpt from the first chapter of my book,
entitled "La vexata quaestio del pianeta X: da P. Lowell a R.S.
" [...] Purtroppo l’improvvisa
malattia del dr. Robert S. Harrington – la quale ufficialmente
lo condusse alla morte nel gennaio 1993 - ci ha privato di un
importante ed autorevole esperto in materia. Uno scienziato che
durante la sua carriera aveva già firmato sul pianeta X ben
cinque articoli usciti su svariati periodi scientifici.
Eccone i titoli e gli anni di pubblicazione:
- Planet X? (aprile 1986);
Planet X - The Current Status (coautore con P.K. Seidelmann,
marzo 1988);
The Location of Planet X
(giugno ed ottobre 1988);
- The Search for Planet X (settembre 1989);
- Search for Planet X (1991).
È evidente che lo studio dell’ipotetico pianeta X era stato al
centro degli interessi e della vita professionale del compianto
scienziato. Perché mai tanta ostinazione?"
from The American
Armageddon. From the Eisenhower's Secret to the Discovery of
Planet X, by L. Scantamburlo © 2006-2008 - unpublished
The text reproduced above is in Italian
and is about the courageous
Robert Sutton Harrington (Newport, VA,
October 21, 1943 – January 23, 1993), who worked as astronomer at
the U.S. Naval Observatory, in Washington D.C, and died because of
an esophageal cancer. Harrington was a recognized scientist: he
worked with James Christy who later on discovered the moon Charon,
in 1978. They calculated the mass of the Pluto-Charon system, which
was lower than the lowest previous estimates.
About R.S.Harrington, there is a nice biography written by one of
his colleagues - dr. Charles E. Worley - and spread in September
1993; you can find it on Internet searching for "Robert Sutton
Harrington, 1942-1993", and "Publication: Bulletin of the American
Astronomical Society ; vol. 25, no. 4, p. 1496-1497, USNO".
Pay attention to the biographical test and to what there is written
about the Harrington's interest in search for Planet X. Then, draw
your own conclusions, remembering how many scientific articles were
written by him on the same subject (they were 5) before to die (see
the list above). It would be helpful to know what there is written
in the last scientific work by R.S. Harrington: "Search for Planet
X", published in 1991 on Reports of Planetary Astronomy, pag.53
(N92-12792 03.89). On the Web only a short abstract is available.
Moreover, it is very interesting the fact that R.S. Harrington was
interviewed by Zecharia Sitchin in August 1990: a few minutes of
that interview (below video) are available in the outstanding documentary entitled
"Are We Alone?", and based on Sitchin's
Genesis Revisited, 1990-1991.
But as Zecharia Sitchin pointed out in an interview kindly granted
to me in year 2006 for an Italian magazine, their conversation was
recorded for at least 40 minutes. I am sure that the other minutes,
showed by Sitchin to some of his fans during one of his recent
seminars in U.S.A., are quite important as well.
Now let's talk about the well-known I.R.A.S. project (InfraRed
Astronomical Satellite project):
I quote from the second chapter of
my book, entitled "Le sonde Pioneer 10-11 ed il telescopio Iras a
caccia del pianeta X?":
" [...] Ricapitoliamo la cronologia
degli articoli e dei fatti principali:
a) 19 giugno 1982: pubblicazione dell’articolo Spacecraft May
Detect Mystery Body in Space, New York Times; l’articolo
fornisce tre stime della distanza di tre diversi ipotetici corpi
celesti non ancora identificati e che potrebbero essere
responsabili delle anomalie registrate sui moti orbitali di
Urano e Nettuno.
b) 25 gennaio 1983: lancio del satellite all’infrarosso IRAS
dalla base californiana di Vandenberg (USAF); si tratta di un
ambizioso progetto scientifico congiunto che coinvolge tre
diversi enti scientifici (la NASA, l’agenzia spaziale olandese
NIVR ed il britannico SERC); costo del progetto: 80 milioni di
dollari .
c) 30 gennaio 1983: pubblicazione dell’articolo
Clues Get Warm in the Search
for Planet X, di John Noble Wilford, New York
Times; si discutono le anomalie gravitazionali dei due giganti
Urano e Nettuno, dovute probabilmente ad un "large object that
may be the long-sought Planet X"; inoltre, si sottolinea come
gli scienziati della NASA stiano monitorando i percorsi delle
sonde spaziali Pioneer 10 ed 11 in modo tale da registrare
eventuali variazioni nelle loro traiettorie che fornirebbero in
tal caso indizi sulla origine della misteriosa forza
d) 30 dicembre 1983: pubblicazione del celebre articolo Mystery
Heavenly Body Found by Infrared Orbiting Telescope, a firma di
Thomas O’Toole, Washington Post; finalmente si ha un primo
valore sperimentale, anche se controverso: a 50 milardi di
miglia da noi sarebbe presente un oggetto celeste enorme, di
tipo gioviano. Gli scienziati del team dell’IRAS non sanno di
che cosa si tratti.
C’è un filo rosso che collega questi articoli di divulgazione
scientifica, pubblicati su prestigiosi quotidiani statunitensi?
Mi sembra palese che esso ci sia e possa essere individuato
nell’indagine sull’origine delle misteriose perturbazioni
orbitali riscontrate nei moti dei pianeti più esterni,
perturbazioni attribuite al celebre pianeta X a lungo cercato da
Questo spiegherebbe il progetto internazionale IRAS, finalizzato
soprattutto a fare luce su un’anomalia che viene ascritta dunque
ad una forza di natura gravitazionale non ancora identificata.
Il problema è capire se essa sia dovuta all’influenza di una
nana bruna (una compagna oscura del Sole), di un corpo
planetario dall’orbita molto ellittica, oppure sia il risultato
di un’azione combinata di entrambi. La presenza di un potenziale
buco nero non verrà più riesumata dagli studiosi, in seguito.
La clamorosa coincidenza nel valore di 50 miliardi di miglia
(quasi che la sorgente infrarossa individuata dall’IRAS fosse
già stata desunta se non otticamente, almeno sulla carta
attraverso complessi calcoli di meccanica celeste), suggerisce
che è molto probabile che il Sole faccia parte di un sistema
stellare binario.
La sua compagna avrebbe una massa gioviana ma
non sufficiente ad innescare reazioni termonucleari di fusione:
da qui si comprende la sua difficoltà ad essere vista nello
spettro del visibile, non brillando di luce propria e trovandosi
ad una remota distanza da noi, molto oltre le colonne d’Ercole
del Sistema Solare (qui intese come le orbite dei pianeti più
esterni: Nettuno e Plutone)."
from The American
Armageddon. From the Eisenhower's Secret to the Discovery of
Planet X, by L. Scantamburlo © 2006-2008-unpublished
It is obvious that articles of
scientific spreading published on prestigious newspapers compose
some pieces of a giant scientific riddle, which has meaningful
political and religious implications. At this point, I believe the
Andy Lloyd's research is another piece which can
contribute to
solve the enigma: "Winged Disc: The Dark Star Theory" and "The Dark
Star: The Planet X Evidence", by Andy Lloyd, 2005.
A. Lloyd is a British author and chemist who lives in U.K.: in the
last years has studied Sitchin's books and the problem of Planet X
In fact there are strange data - with reference to search for Planet
X - published on "The New Illustrated Science and Invention
Encyclopedia" by H.S. Stuttman Inc., Westport,
Connecticut -1987-89
Edition, USA.
On page 2488 there is a discussion about the NASA Pioneer probes and
their interplanetary flight (now become interstellar). There is also
a diagram which clearly shows the position of "Nemesis", a popular
name for our hypothetical Sun's binary companion: the datum reported
in the diagram is "Dead Star - 50 billion miles". In this case, of
course, when we are talking about a dead star, probably we are
referring to a
brown dwarf.
But what is more interesting is that the
chart provides the approximate position of Planet X, indicated as:
"Tenth Planet - 4.7 billion miles".
So there would be - as members of the
Solar System - two more important celestial bodies. Unfortunately no
information on the source of the data are included, neither in the
text nor in the caption. Remember that the date of first publication
of this encyclopedia is 1987, while the first Kuiper Belt Object (KBO)
was co-discovered only in the following years (precisely in 1992),
by David Jewitt and the fellow Jane Luu.
By the way, in the past years the astronomer David Jewitt asserted
about Planet X:
" [...] Summary - There is no
convincing evidence for Planet X but "absence of evidence is not
evidence of absence". Such an object could exist provided it is
sufficiently far away. "
Planet X, by D. Jewitt, Last
updated 2005 August
Now, in my opinion it seems that the
mysterious data provided by that American encyclopedia mentioned
above is a leak of information from the American scientific
community. Is it possible? The first datum, about the possible dark
star beyond Neptune and Pluto, is 50 billion miles, the same datum
provided by IRAS team, in 1983, and referred to a mysterious
celestial object.
But what about the so-called "Tenth Planet", and
its distance of 4.7 billion miles?
Well, a possible answer could be hidden
in this statement:
"In addition, the telescope provided
new look at our own galaxy, the Milky Way, and detected many new
mysterious objects.", from a NASA press release,
"Many new mysterious objects", they
said; of course new asteroids, comets, ... And is it possible
that the IRAS has identified another mysterious celestial body
whose existence was put under wraps, because of military and
political reasons? What do you think the praxis of scientific
spreading is? For instance, the scientist Michael Brown
(Caltech) has written something about large objects discovered
in Space and about the procedure of their spreading to general
" [...] there is a second reason that we don't announce objects
immediately, and that is because we feel a responsibility not
just to our scientific colleagues but to the public. We know
that these large objects that keep being found are likely to be
the result of intensive interest by the public, and we would
like to have the story as complete as possible before making an
source: "The Discovery of 2003 UB313, the 10th Planet" by M.
Brown, 2005 -
His article is 3 years old, and about
the astronomical code mentioned in the title - "2003 UB313" - is not
the 10th planet: it is one of the many KBO, and now its name is

Artists concept of
the view from Eris with Dysnomia in the background,
looking back towards
the distant sun.
Credit: Robert Hurt
Now, let's give a look to what would have happened in Space in the
early 1990's, according to some scientists. On September 28 1999 the
BBC news Online made an announcement: "Old Spacecraft Makes Surprise
Discovery", by dr. David Whitehouse. It was a news about the Pioneer
10, sent by NASA in 1972 towards Jupiter and beyond the frontiers of
the Solar System, and its presumed encounter in deep space with a
probable Trans-Neptunian Object, that would have occurred in
December 1992.
In the article the researchers involved
in the discovery are some scientists from JPL (NASA, Pasadena) and
an Italian scientist:
Dr. Giacomo Giampieri, from the
Queen Mary and Westfield College in London, UK; G. Giampieri
said to press:
"We are quite excited that we have
found one of these events. It is a very neat signal!".
A short passage from that article:
" […] On 8 December, 1992, when
Pioneer was 8.4 billion km (5.2 billion miles) away, they saw
that it had been deflected from its course for about 25 days.
The scientists have been looking for such an effect for years
and are currently analyzing the data using several different
methods to confirm their findings."
Old spacecraft
makes surprise discovery
By BBC News Online Science Editor Dr David Whitehouse
Tuesday, September 28, 1999 Published at 21:23 GMT 22:23 UK
NASA has never denied, and as the matter
of fact the same news is reported on several institutional websites
(included NASA websites), such as:
The young Italian astrophysicist Giacomo
Giampieri was born in 1965 and earned a laurea in astronomy in
Bologna (1988) and Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics (Pavia, 1992) with
the following thesis: "Gravitational radiation background: theory
and detection with Doppler tracking of interplanetary spacecraft";
after that, he went to U.S.A. where he worked at the striking Jet
Propulsion Laboratory, before to find a job in last part of his
career at the Imperial College, in London.
Unfortunately he died in September 2006,
in Los Angeles, because of a cancer.
What about his colleagues and
their previous work?
For sure the following article (year 1995) led them to their
discovery: "Search for Kuiper-Belt Flybys Using Pioneer 10 Radio
Doppler Data", by J.D.Anderson, G.Giampieri, E.L.Lau, & R.T.Hammond,
published on Bull. Am. Astr. Soc. 187, # 42.07 (1995).
In fact some
years later - in October 1999 - another article was published:
"Pioneer 10 Encounter with a Trans-Neptunian Object at 56 AU?", by G.Giampieri, J.D.Anderson, & E.L.Lau, Bull. Am. Astr. Soc. 31, #
26.04 (1999).
Do you see any relation?
The datum of 56 A.U. (not sure, it is an
esteem, and that's why there is a question mark in the article
title) is close to what we have from the already mentioned
encyclopedia: 4.7 billion miles are 50.56 A.U. The new datum - but
experimental - is 56 A.U. I presumed that somebody already knew a
possible and approximate position, at that time, of Planet X (early
Therefore, is it possible that Pioneer 10 has had an encounter with
Planet X?
Let's see what John Anderson - another scientist who
worked with Giampieri - did in the past: in July 1987 John Anderson
(JPL, NASA), with Robert S. Harrington (but what a coincidence!)
held a press conference in which they talked about the possible
existence of the Tenth Planet. However, they did not suggest a
cometary orbit for the Planet X.
In Italy the magazine Panorama
wrote an article about it, entitled "Ben trovato, mondo X", by
Sandro Boeri.
But who John Anderson is and what did he do as researcher?
First of
all, dr. John D. Anderson is a Senior Research Scientist at the Jet
Propulsion Laboratory. Ph.D. in 1967, he worked as Principal
Investigator for Celestial Mechanics on various NASA missions
(Mariner, Pioneer, and Galileo). He earned also a medal from NASA
for his work on Pioneer 10 and 11. Indeed!
You can find that he
wrote a scientific article in 1988: "Planet X - Fact or Fiction?"
(Planetary Report, vol.8, July-August, 1988, p.6-9).
But back in June 19, 1982, The New
York Times published the already mentioned article:
"Spacecraft May Detect Mystery Body
in Space":
" [...] Scientists at the space
agency's Ames Research Center said the two spacecrafts, Pioneers
10 and 11, which are already farther into space than any other
man-made objects, might add to knowledge of a mysterious object
believed to be beyond the solar system's outermost known
Spacecraft May Detect
Mystery Body in Space
NYT, June 19, 1982
It means that at NASA someone was
already attempting to detect what was responsible for the "persistent
irregularities in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune", the article
Even before the IRAS launch, taken place in January 1983 from
the Vandenberg Air Force Base. It is curious what the article
suggests about the possible explanations of the anomalies: 5 billion
miles for an unknown planet "beyond the outer orbital ring of known
planets", 50 billion miles for "a dark-star type ob object", and 100
billion miles for a black hole.
And on January 30, 1983, The New York
Times published an article entitled "Clues Get Warm in the Search
for Planet X", by John Noble Wilford, where John Anderson is
"[...] Moreover, a brown dwarf in
the neighborhood might not reflect enough light to be seen far
away, said Dr. John Anderson of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in
Pasadena, Calif."
But most significant are the following
words, always coming from the NYT article:
"Its gravitational forces, however,
should produce energy detectable by the Infrared Astronomical
Satellite [...] Dr. Anderson said he was "quite optimistic" that
the infrared telescope might find it and that the Pioneer
spacecraft could supply an estimate of the object's mass".
So, was dr. Anderson referring to an
extended mission of the Pioneers spacecraft?
It is enough giving a
look to what John Anderson with Michael M. Nieto and
Slava G.
Turyshev, presented at the 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, in
Paris, on July 18-25 2004; their report was: "The Study of the
Anomalous Acceleration of Pioneer 10 and 11".
Well, at page 10 of the PDF file (image below) of their work there is written: "Mid 1979 (Search for Planet X)", and it
is also specified "Search for unmodeled accelerations started (~ 20

Somebody among the highest levels of NASA - probably since the early
1970's- knew already that there could be some very important
celestial bodies not discovered yet in the visible spectrum and
belonging to our Solar System.
Some possible answers could be concealed in the ancient texts and
traditions, as the scholars
Immanuel Velikovsky and
Zecharia Sitchin
suggested and proved in their books and work.
Are we ready for the unexpected?