by Sorcha Faal
a.k.a. David Booth
December 10, 2010
WhatDoesItMean Website
Spanish version
A new report circulating in the Kremlin today authored by
Doctor-Scientist Alexander Stepanov of St. Petersburg's
Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory
warns that the massive dark Jupiter-sized object lurking at
our solar system’s outer edge appears to have “accelerated” its
movement towards our Earth.

When “coupled” with the
Total Lunar Eclipse of December 20/21,
Dr. Stepanov suggests, the likelihood of an 8.0 magnitude or
higher earthquake striking our Planet December 11th to
January 8th, 2011, is a “near certainty”.
The massive dark Jupiter-sized object
being mentioned in this report coincides with the research planetary
John Matese of the University
of Louisiana at Lafayette and his colleague Daniel Whitmire
who in 1999 postulated that this dark, Jupiter-sized object
is responsible for hurling chunks of ice and dust toward Earth, and
we can read:
“After examining the orbits of more
than 100 comets in the Minor Planet Center database, the Matese
and Whitmire concluded that 80 percent of comets born in the
Oort Cloud were pushed out by the galaxy’s gravity. The
remaining 20 percent, however, needed a nudge from a distant
object about 1.4 times the mass of Jupiter.”
The existence of a massive planetary
object in our Solar System affecting life on our Planet Earth has
long been debated since the ancient Semitic peoples of the Middle
East wrote extensively of its existence and attributed it to being
the “home of the gods”.

The ancient Babylonians referred to it
Nibiru and in modern times it has been called
“Planet X”.
scientists further postulate that this massive object is a brown
dwarf “dark
companion” to our Sun.
Important to note about Russian research papers dealing with our
Solar System are that they all subscribe to what is called
The Electric Universe Theory and
stands starkly opposed to those theories held by Westerners.
One of Russia’s leading researchers on effects of The Electric
Universe is Doctor-Scientist Habibullo Abdussamatov who is
the head of space research at St. Petersburg's Pulkovo Astronomical
Observatory who in 2009 issued a paper stating that the primary
factor responsible for causing climate variations on Earth is our
Sun, not carbon dioxide, and as
we can read:
“Observations of the sun show that,
as for the increase in temperature, carbon dioxide is not
guilty, and, as for what lies ahead in the coming decades, it is
not catastrophic warming, but a global and very prolonged
temperature drop.”
Potentially even worse for our Planet is
the research conducted by Professor Bill Napier, from Cardiff
University, this past year stating that the mini-ice age we
experienced 13,000 years ago was caused by a
single hour-long hailstorm from
space, and that when coupled with Dr. Stepanov’s research places the
blame for this catastrophic event squarely on this massive
mysterious object orbiting out beyond the
Ort Cloud.
Though not directly mentioning the existence of this mysterious
object, the United States NASA space organization has issued a
warning for 2012 that the
electrical effects upon our Sun will rival the Solar Maximum of 1958
and could very well “play havoc” with technology.
The earthquake danger envisioned by Dr. Stepanov in this report
centers around the “sudden accelerated movement” of this mysterious
object evidenced by the increasing number of
comet-like objects being thrown
into the Sun and “destabilizing” our Earth’s electro-magnetic shield
due to massive Solar blasts thus lessoning our Planet’s ability to
counter-act its own tidal forces.

Interesting to note in this report is
Dr. Stepanov stating that the likely precursor to this coming giant
earthquake will be a massive low pressure system exerting downward
atmospheric pressure upon the Earth’s surface, and which this past
week has seen an outbreak the likes of which have not been seen in
modern times.
From what is being described as a “monster
storm” due to hit the United States this weekend, to the
deadly catastrophic rains that have hit
South America and
Australia, to the “once
in a lifetime” cold that has gripped Great Britain and
unprecedented cold and snow
wreaking havoc across all of Europe, perhaps never before in modern
history have so many major weather events hit our World all at the
same time.

To this report’s warning of a giant
earthquake to quickly follow these major weather events it is
not in our knowing if it will happen.
What is in our knowing, however, is that
it is better to be prepared for even the worst catastrophe than to
be left unprepared.