by Michael Salla
January 15, 2013
Examiner Website
On January 9 Gordon
published an article declaring that a US Congressional
investigation of alien
moon bases was underway.
In the article, Duff
doesn’t disclose sources to back up his claim, but referred instead
to stories from other publications that touch on various aspects of
his claim.
Among them is a photo of what appears to be a tall tower
on the moon; and a controversial photo and video of an alien moon
base allegedly discovered and leaked by China, yet critics claim
that the video is actually old NASA footage.

Alien Moon Base
Captured By Chang'e-2 Orbiter?
Credit: Dark

Is this a 13 mile
high tower on the moon that NASA is hiding?
Credit: NASA, JPL,
Veterans Today
According to Kerry
Cassidy from Project Camelot, Duff’s claim is a genuine disclosure
with some necessary redirects and disinformation thrown in for the
sake of plausible deniability and for the benefit general reader
still unaccustomed to the reality of an extraterrestrial/UFO cover
Is it possible that
the US Congress has begun holding secret hearings on decades-old
evidence of alien moon bases?
began his article:
Discussions of
alien moon bases and videos of structures on the dark side of
the moon aren’t new. That congress is investigating, not only
the bases themselves but three decades or more of continually
doctored data from NASA and defense space projects is news.
The closest Duff
gets to supporting this astounding claim is referring to photos and
a video of alleged alien structures on the moon.
The first photo, and
video (below) appears to show a base of some kind on the moon. The photo and
video were allegedly taken by China’s second lunar orbiter
Chang’e-2, and leaked to the world by China.
Alien Moon Base Captured By Chang'e-2 Orbiter?
- 2012
Narration by Karl Wolf
According to
The image,
however, has been identified with a NASA lunar orbiter mission,
not the Chinese. Further investigation has led some to believe
the image is an outright hoax, while others are still adamant
it’s real.
Another photo
appears to show a tower on the moon [above image] which according
to Duff “is approximately 13 miles high, 4 miles in diameter at the base,
the dome top has three miles in diameter.”
cites DarkGovernment.com which says:
“insiders Ken
Johnston and Donna Hare accuse the space agency of “ordering a
cover-up of photographic evidence,” and that “NASA doctored,
obfuscated, and obscured thousands of photos over the years.”
Duff doesn’t give
sources to substantiate his headline grabbing claim that the US
Congress is hearing about a NASA orchestrated alien cover up.
Yet he
does refer to two witnesses, former NASA contractors/employees who
would know about such a cover-up. Ken Johnston and
Donna Hare would be among the key witnesses that would be expected
to be called before such a Congressional committee.
To that list,
one could add (US Air
Force Sergeant) Karl Wolf who has also
testified publicly that NASA
along with the US Air Force has tampered with evidence of
extraterrestrial life on the moon.
Wolf is mentioned in
DarkGovernment article that writes:
As reported by
the Washington Times (full report in below insert),
“Karl Wolf, an Air Force sergeant who was
assigned to the National Security Agency, said that mysterious
structures were discovered on the far side of the moon when the
United States was mapping its surface before the 1969 lunar
landing. Those photos too were culled out of the public record.”
Government is Covering-Up
UFO Evidence
by Julia Duin
May 11, 2001
recovered through
WayBackMachine Website
The U.S. government has been covering up evidence of
extraterrestrial visits for more than 50 years, an array
of 20 retired Air Force, Federal Aviation Administration
and intelligence officers said Wednesday.
They demanded Congress hold hearings on what they say is
long-standing secret U.S. involvement with UFOs and
Calling it the "greatest secret of the 20th century,"
the officials, who termed themselves "witnesses" of
UFO-related events, described a series of military
investigations they said they saw: crashes of alien
spacecraft, bodies of alien beings, secret government
documents, even James Bond-style "erasures" of people
who knew too much.
"The individuals who
have these sightings range from airline pilots and
military pilots to police officers, some of the
people your lives depend on, on a daily basis,"
retired Air Force Lt. Col. Charles Brown told a
roomful of skeptical reporters.
"They are very reputable, dependable people," he
"The field is filled with hoaxes and scams," said
Steven Greer,
director of the Disclosure Project, which had
gathered the witnesses. "But it doesn't mean all of
it is."
The 20 witnesses, he said,
were a fraction of the 400 people who are willing to
testify under oath and under congressional immunity
about a secretive portion of the government they say has
gone out of control.
UFOs have long fascinated Americans, including several
U.S. presidents.
Webster L. Hubbell, a
former associate attorney general under President
Clinton, has described in an autobiography his
unsuccessful quest to determine government involvement
in the topic.
John Callahan, a former FAA division chief of accidents
and investigations, said he was directed by CIA officers
to cover up a Nov. 18, 1986, incident involving a UFO
and a Japanese airliner near Anchorage, Alaska.
"We were all sworn to
secrecy that this event never happened," he said.
Michael Smith, a
former U.S. Air Force air traffic controller stationed
near Klamath Falls, Ore., in the 1960s and early 1970s,
reported seeing a UFO hovering at 80,000 feet one night.
"I was told you keep it
to yourself," he said.
"NORAD [North American
Aerospace Defense Command] called me one night to
say there's a UFO coming up the California
coastline. I asked them what to do. They said
nothing, not to write it down."
After he was stationed at
another military base in Michigan, UFOs were so close to
one landing strip, he said, that two incoming B-52s had
to be steered around them.
The Disclosure Project,
a Crozet, Va.-based research organization that has been
gathering government witnesses for several years, says
its reason for going public is because the U.S.
government has long had information on anti-gravity
propulsion systems.
These have been retrieved
from downed spacecraft, such as those from a purported
crash in Roswell, N.M.,
in July 1947.
These propulsion systems, which would use
electromagnetic and "zero
point energy state" technology to produce
vast amounts of energy without any pollution, would
drastically change the world's oil-based economy.
Such energy sources would
not require damming the world's rivers or building power
plants, transmission lines or other expensive
infrastructures needed to produce electricity for the
world's 6 billion inhabitants.
Such electro-gravitic technology would also allow people
to travel totally above the ground, rendering roads
obsolete. Several witnesses talked of incredible speeds
demonstrated by these crafts, estimated by radar
technicians to be more than 10,000 miles an hour. The
fastest known speed of a man-made aircraft is 3,000
miles an hour.
But information on extraterrestrial speeds is never made
public, said Daniel Sheehan, counsel for Project
Disclosure. Even the Vatican Library, he said, has
hidden information on UFOs.
Donna Hare, a NASA design illustrator with secret
clearance, said UFOs were routinely airbrushed out of
high altitude photos of the Earth before being released
to the public.
"We always airbrush them
out before we release them to the public," one
technician told her. Curious, she began asking
around the agency.
"A guard told me he was asked to burn some
photographs and not to look at them," she said. "And
there was another guard guarding him, watching him
burn the photographs. He looked at one and it was a
picture of a UFO and he immediately was hit in the
head and had a big gash in his forehead."
Apollo astronauts, she
said, had spotted UFOs, but they "are told to keep this
quiet and not to talk about it," she said.
One of them, Edgar
Mitchell, who walked on the moon as part of the
Apollo 14 team,
is a witness for Project
Karl Wolf, an Air Force sergeant who was assigned
to the National Security Agency, said that mysterious
structures were discovered on the far side of the moon
when the United States was mapping its surface before
the 1969 lunar landing. Those photos too were culled out
of the public record.
The Pentagon does not comment on UFOs, except to say
they do not exist and that such objects really are high
altitude balloons, swamp gas or military aircraft.
Despite the government's refusal to discuss the issue,
several witnesses have also told of being stationed at
military bases or near silos containing nuclear missiles
when a UFO swung by.
Afterward, military officers
would discover the missiles had been temporarily
Without naming his
sources, and only giving photos and videos to indirectly support his
claim, it would be easy to dismiss Duff.
No so fast according
to Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot
who writes:
Veterans Today
is disclosing right on time and at the level to which they feel
their audience 'can handle the truth'. Mixed in with proper
doses of disinfo and misdirects. But nonetheless. It is
Cassidy also doesn't
name her sources for supporting Duff's claims. One thing 'is clear',
disinformation is 'certainly' a part of Duff's article. One tidbit
involves yours truly.
Citing Dark
Duff writes:
And then
there’s the publication, The Canadian that reports:
“Dr. Michael
Salla has indicated that there is a Military Industrial
Extraterrestrial Complex or MIEC, and that Earth is being
assimilated by an alien agenda which also operates on Earth’s
Let me set the
record straight here.
It is true that I
written about a Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex or
MIEC which derives from a classified set of agreements and
cooperation between select government/military/corporate entities
and some extraterrestrial groups.
An alien agenda
based on an assimilation program, however, is not something I have
claimed as alleged by the Canadian.
That is something that
David Jacobs
and Budd Hopkins have discussed in relation to
Gray extraterrestrials conducting an extensive hybridization
In contrast, I have
stated repeatedly that the evidence points to most extraterrestrial
groups being highly ethical and taking a non-interventionist
approach to human affairs.
extraterrestrials have been silently 'assisting humanity' by a variety
of consciousness raising activities and limited human contacts that
I have
recently discussed at length.
One cannot speak of a single
alien agenda, since there are
many alien groups visiting earth, some
of which are directly competing against each other. This would not be
the first time that the
Canadian has misrepresented my writing in a way that undermines
my credibility as a researcher.
Unfortunately, both
DarkGovernment and VeteransToday have perpetuated the inaccuracy or
disinformation to promote the view that I support the belief in a
single alien agenda of assimilation.
Duff’s claims are
extraordinary, and may well be a mix of genuine facts and
disinformation. If Congress has indeed begun holding secret hearings
on alien bases on the moon, that would be a welcome development.
Perhaps Donna Hare,
Karl Wolf and Ken Johnston are testifying right now as of this
writing. Perhaps, Duff has got it all wrong.
One day, however,
the truth about alien bases on the moon will be conclusively
determined, and the US Congress will hold hearings about how long
and why evidence was withheld for so long.