January 2009 from ExopoliticsJournal Website
In contrast to extraterrestrials, these beings do not appear to be dependent on technologies for communication and travel.
I use the term ‘celestial’ to refer to any life form that has achieved higher states of consciousness whereby they display a number of remarkable abilities without technological assistance.
I describe the historical role played by ‘celestials’ in intervening in human and extraterrestrial affairs. I will show how increased awareness of the historic presence of celestials can assist humanity in making the transition to a mature galactic culture, wherein open contact with extraterrestrial civilizations occurs. Important policy choices need to be made over which extraterrestrial groups are reliable partners to work with, and which advanced technologies ought to be incorporated into human society.
Celestials can help minimize unnecessary
stress and conflict in this transition, and ensure that humanity’s
evolution to a galactic culture is harmonious and peaceful.
These highly developed ethical beings
have been described as Angels,
Ascended Masters,
Elohim, and similar terms used to signify highly developed
states of consciousness or ‘spiritual awareness’. I will use the
term ‘celestial’ to refer to any life form that has achieved higher
states of consciousness whereby they display a number of remarkable
abilities without technological assistance.
This ability to travel through
space-time further distinguishes celestials from paranormal entities
or ‘inter-dimensionals’ described by
John Keel and others as
ghosts, fairies, goblins, etc., that are bound by spatio-temporal
factors to Earth but can move between dimensions.[1]
Finally, celestials are not limited to
any one physical form, and can change their form at will to suit
whatever circumstances they are in. This ability again distinguishes
them from extraterrestrial entities that identify with a particular
physical form or genetic characteristics, and require technology to
change their physical characteristics or how they are perceived by
Celestials have been described as
often intervening to assist humanity’s evolution especially during
periods of conflict involving extraterrestrial civilizations and
advanced technologies. Celestials have been witnessed
together with extraterrestrials who view the former as teachers,
“Masters of Wisdom” or universal messengers whose advice is
respectfully heard thought not always followed.
Less well known is the role played by
celestials and their precise relationship with extraterrestrials in
their complex interaction with humanity’s evolution. This is
unfortunate since evidence suggests that celestials have played
significant historical roles in humanity’s evolution by ensuring
that advanced technologies are wisely incorporated, and intervening
in conflicts between humanity and extraterrestrial civilizations.
This has led to the development and
incorporation of advanced extraterrestrial technologies by the
military corporate sector that in a few select cases has been
allowed to filter through to mainstream society.[4]
Evidence points to a heightened degree
of human extraterrestrial contact that will culminate in open
contact wherein Earth becomes an interplanetary society. This will
lead to important policy choices to be made over the extent to
which, humanity should interact with different extraterrestrial
groups and incorporate the advanced technologies offered by them.
I will show how increased awareness of the historic presence of celestials can assist humanity in making the transition to a mature galactic culture, wherein open contact with extraterrestrial civilizations occurs. Important policy choices need to be made over which extraterrestrial groups are reliable partners to work with, and which advanced technologies ought to be incorporated into human society.
Celestials can help minimize
unnecessary stress and conflict in this transition, and ensure that
humanity’s evolution to a galactic culture is harmonious and
Celestials have played leading roles in helping humanity deal with extraterrestrial entities or other life forms that have the power to significantly impact on human civilization.
They appear to play critical roles in helping resolve conflicts associated with the use of advanced technologies.
In some cases, celestials have directly
intervened against extraterrestrial entities that have violated what
appear to be universal norms such as non-intervention and the
diffusion of advanced technologies to unprepared populations. In
this and the next section, I examine passages from Judeo-Christian,
and Vedic religious-historical traditions that describe celestials
interacting with extraterrestrials and humanity.
In the Book of Enoch, a group of 200 extraterrestrial entities called the ‘Nephilim’, or ‘fallen angels’, come to Earth allegedly due to their attraction to human females.
The Nephilim subsequently begin to interact with humanity by interbreeding:
The above passage points to extraterrestrials interbreeding with humans as a sin or violation of universal law.
Presumably this stemmed from the progeny
of such unions possessing genetic advantages that would inevitably
led to them becoming rulers or exerting disproportionate influence
to their numbers. Furthermore, extraterrestrial technologies would
likely be shared with such progeny to assist them in asserting their
rule over human society.
It appeared that the Anunnaki involved humanity in their fratricidal warfare that led to the destruction of a number of cities in Mesopotamia, and predictably an exodus from the affected lands. Abraham was a refugee from the city of Ur who brought with him sufficient knowledge, wealth, family members and even technology to launch the Jewish nation in Palestine.[8]
The Anunnaki described in Sumerian cuneiform texts are referred to as the Nephilim in the Book of Enoch, The Book of Genesis and other Judaic texts.
The relationship between humanity and the extraterrestrials led by Semjaza is not entirely negative since the latter teaches humanity a range of technologies and esoteric knowledge essential for developing an advanced civilization.
This reflected cuneiform accounts of how the Anunnaki had helped in establishing the Sumerian civilization in Mesopotamia around 3800 BCE.[9]
The knowledge from the Nephilim ranged from metallic weapons, cosmetics, jewelry, divination, astronomy, weather observation, agricultural science and herbology:
Whereas extraterrestrials are depicted as teachers of advanced technologies and civilization, celestials are depicted as instruments of universal will.
In the process of teaching advanced technologies to humanity, the extraterrestrials have fomented much devastating warfare and suffering that has led to humanity lamenting to heaven for relief.
The Book of Enoch describes the conflict that then occurs between the Nephilim and a group ‘righteous’ angelic entities or ‘celestials’:
It appears that the celestials are concerned about the way in which advanced technologies have been disseminated to an unprepared humanity, and how human sovereignty has been usurped by the progeny of the Nephilim.
A specific complaint is that extraterrestrials have,
This reflects a similar conflict described in Sumerian records over the extent to which humanity would be given advanced technologies and knowledge.
The celestials are then depicted as carrying out
universal will insofar as they intervene to end the rule of
the Nephilim (also described as the ‘Watchers’)
that have brought about an unbalanced state of affairs on the planet
in terms of the level of advanced technologies and human
In the next set of instructions, the celestials are instructed to destroy the Nephilim by fomenting war amongst them.
In the above passage the celestials have the power to manipulate the extraterrestrials to destroy themselves, in much the same way the extraterrestrials or Nephilim have fomented war and strife among humanity. The ancient wars fought among the extraterrestrials that used advanced weapons that destroyed their cities are described by the researchers Zecharia Sitchin and Joseph Farrell.[14]
In the above passage, the celestials led by Archangel Michael are depicted as protectors of humanity, and ended what appears to have been a highly unjust and violent civilization dominated by the Nephilim and their progeny.
It appears that the extraterrestrials main fault was to have tempted humanity with advanced technology and knowledge when it was not ready to responsibly integrate this.
This led to an imbalance between humanity’s level of technological sophistication and higher states of consciousness.
The celestials therefore appear in the Book of Enoch as ultimate protectors of a humanity that is easily led astray by manipulative extraterrestrials that exploit humanity’s desire for advanced technologies and knowledge. Rectifying the imbalance between advanced technology and higher states of consciousness appears to be the main goal of the celestials.
A similar dynamic appears in Vedic
accounts of celestials interacting with extraterrestrials and
The inhabitants of these flying saucers, cities, etc., were given a wide array of names by Vedic authors, e.g., Asuras, Devas, Gandharvas, etc.
Some appeared to be indigenous to the Earth insofar as they controlled a particular city or region, while others were visitors from another world or dimension called a ‘loka’ (a word in Sanskrit, in Hinduism and Hindu mythology, means world, dimension, plane, abode, and/or place or plane of existence).
If Vedic sources are reliable, then ancient India was an open Galactic society with a great diversity of beings originating from different worlds or ‘lokas’ interacting in the development of human civilization. Insofar as these beings required advanced technologies to move themselves through time and space, they can be regarded as extraterrestrials.
In cases where these beings could
between worlds without technology, they can be regarded as
celestials (from other dimensions).
The Asuras used advanced technologies to invade different planets to establish direct control though interbreeding and the introduction of advanced technologies. Their chief protagonists, the Devas, also used advanced technologies in their perennial conflict with the Asuras. In contrast to the Asuras, however, the Devas were intent on establishing what they called the Sanatana Dharma (eternal law) where righteous human rulers were in charge of Earth’s different kingdoms and civilizations.
The Devas did not appear interested in ruling directly the Earth, and were content in ruling over their own world or realm called Devaloka. In times when the Asuras had overrun the Earth and Devaloka itself, the Devas appealed for help from celestials. The celestials were typically the physical embodiment or incarnation of one of the three key Hindu gods, Shiva, Vishnu or Brahma or of a feminine divine being, the Devi.
The Puranas give numerous accounts of
how the celestials would intervene in a time of cultural degeneracy
to restore of the Sanatana Dharma and help the Devas in their
perennial conflict with the Asuras.
Just as the Book of Enoch described the Archangel Michael and Gabriel as stoking conflict between children of extraterrestrial factions to rid the world of degenerate civilizations, so too Krishna performed a similar function according to the Bhagavad Purana:
Here the reference is to the Mahabharata wherein a great war involving advanced technologies led to the decimation of Asura dominated kingdoms in ancient India.
Numerous references in the Mahabharata refer to the destructiveness of the advanced weapons used, some of which appeared to be atomic in nature as evidenced in the following passage:
The above passage almost certainly describes ancient nuclear warfare and indicates how advanced technologies were routinely used in Vedic India for destructive purposes.
It appears that celestials such as
Krishna intervened to bring about the end to civilizations that had
not found the right balance between advanced technologies and higher
states of consciousness.
He later claimed to have been taken into an extraterrestrial mothership in February 1953. In it he described meeting Orthon and a number of other extraterrestrials from planets in our solar system including Venus, Mars and Saturn.
Adamski described the extraterrestrials as human looking and possessing advanced technologies. There was however, often a picture or reminder of an advanced being or ‘master’ that the extraterrestrials venerated as embodiments of universal wisdom.
Adamski described sitting at a table with extraterrestrials on board their ship where he for the first time met one of their ‘masters of wisdom’:
Adamski clearly felt that the being possessed an extraordinarily high degree of consciousness that had great wisdom.
Adamski described other contact experiences involving
‘masters of wisdom’ who were revered by the extraterrestrials on the
ship, and on their home-worlds. His experiences help verify the
existence the celestials who in some cases cooperate with
extraterrestrials seen to be fulfilling a higher spiritual mission.
He described three times where he was taken aboard their vehicles and flown to various locations, and given much information about the extraterrestrials activities and agenda for humanity. In one incident, he described how he was taken by the extraterrestrials to meet with another group of 24 ‘contactees' at a remote location in the Andes.
Rincon described how he and the others were given special ‘ambassadorial’ training to prepare humanity for the truth of extraterrestrial life. At the end of his training he describes how the group of contactees and a number of extraterrestrials were taken to meet with a “Master of Wisdom.”
Rincon described the appearance of the Master of Wisdom who came out of a tunnel built high in the Andes as follows:
The “Master of Wisdom” then dispelled Rincon’s belief that he was Jesus Christ:
The speech by the Master of Wisdom suggested that he was a celestial who had achieved an extraordinarily high level of cosmic consciousness.
This had given him the ability to transcend space and time, and made him a figure of reverence among the extraterrestrials. Rincon said that the “intelligence and love expressed by his face, projecting peace was the most incredible and marvelous that I have ever felt.” [22]
Rincon left with a number of unanswered questions from the extraterrestrials about the encounter with the celestial:
While the extraterrestrials did not answer his questions, Rincon reached his own conclusion:
Rincon’s encounter with the Master of Wisdom, demonstrated the qualitative differences in the nature of experience with celestials as opposed to extraterrestrials.
While the latter can lead to very
positive inspiring encounters, encounters with celestials are life
transforming. This qualitative difference appears to also be
recognized by extraterrestrials who give a great degree of respect
and reverence to celestials. The next case involves an celestial
allegedly living in Russia.
Revelations of her amazing life in the Siberian ‘tiaga’ where she is able to live in the harshest conditions without any modern amenities, is leading to a powerful grass roots movement for small scale agriculture and spiritually reconnecting with the land.
Millions in Russia and elsewhere have developed conferences and clubs where her teachings and practices are more closely studied. According to her Russian interlocutor, Vladimir Megre, she has powerful telekinetic abilities, can telepathically communicate with animals and people, and can use remote influencing on people at great distances. Perhaps most remarkably she is able to instantly teleport herself anywhere.
Her remarkable abilities, if Megre’s accounts are accurate, suggest she is an celestial since she can travel anywhere in space time without any technological assistance.
Megre’s books describe several incidents where she interacts with extraterrestrials and their advanced technologies.
Anastasia is particularly concerned by the possibility
extraterrestrial technology might be used as a Trojan horse to
win over the loyalty of much of humanity, thereby leading ultimately
to the loss of humanity’s sovereignty. She is intent on
demonstrating to Megre the superiority of a focused mind that can
influence the environment, to the technology possessed by the
The incident began as a remote viewing session where both Anastasia and Vladimir observed extraterrestrials planning to covertly take over the Earth by first distributing advanced technologies.
According to Anastasia,
In responding to Megre’s belief that such technology would be a boon to humanity, Anastasia replied:
After persuading Megre about the dangers posed by advanced technology that the extraterrestrials would bring with them, Anastasia responds to Megre’s request to physically travel to the planet to put a stop to their plans.
He then writes:
After having rendered their medallion
weapons inoperative, Megre described how Anastasia persuaded the
extraterrestrials that her remarkable abilities made the Earth too
difficult a place to take over.
In the case of Anastasia, it appears that celestials can sometimes take preemptive action to impede take-over plans where extraterrestrials manipulate humanity’s desire for labor saving technological devices.
Depiction of Solar
Generator on Venus
The final individual contactee I wish to introduce is Bolivian architect, Luis Fernando Mostajo who I met at the Earth Transformation conference in Hawaii in May 2008.
Fernando claims to have had physical contacts with extraterrestrials from Venus and Ganymede (a moon of Jupiter). He says he was physically taken to Venus and Ganymede where he encountered the advanced civilizations established by extraterrestrials belonging to the Confederation of Worlds.
During one of his encounters with an extraterrestrial from Ganymede called Xenon, he was introduced to a being described as an Elder belonging to an association of ‘Ascended Masters’ called the 'Great White Brotherhood’.
Luis Fernando writes about how an extraterrestrial, Xenon, introduced him to the Elder:
Fernando was subsequently told more about the history of the Elders or Great White Brotherhood in terms of their alignment with higher states of consciousness or divine law:
According to Xenon, the White Brotherhood,
Xenon further revealed that the hidden
retreats established by the While Brotherhood had been recently
relocated from Tibet to the Andean mountain region of Peru and
Bolivia due to the Chinese occupation. In his book, Luis Fernando
describes later being taken into the underwater retreat of the
Tiahuanaco Elders at
Lake Titicaca.
During the seminar we were taken by boat to an uninhabited island which he claims is physically the closest point to both the Lake Titicaca retreat of the Great White Brotherhood, and also an adjacent base for the Confederation of Planets.
The experiences at his seminar give
confidence to his life changing message of contact with both
extraterrestrials and celestials at Lake Titicaca.
The work and philosophies of celestials appears to be focused on helping humanity align with a higher universal will and avoid the inherent dangers posed by advanced technologies or domination by extraterrestrials or their progeny.
The highly advanced consciousness of the celestials distinguishes them from extraterrestrials who in some of the cases examined above defer to the celestials who are described as “Masters of Wisdom”, “Elders” or “Ascended Masters.”
In other
cases, there is outright conflict between celestials and
Often the results have been cataclysmic
with entire civilizations being destroyed. More typically, it
appears that celestials help humanity’s evolution in a more gradual
non-interventionist manner. In such cases, they work directly with
individuals whose interest in developing higher states of
consciousness makes them suitable vehicles for such contact, and
disseminating the information passed on by celestials.
In some cases, interbreeding programs have again raised the scepter of extraterrestrial progeny gaining undue influence in human society. [33]
All these technology exchange and interbreeding programs have led to a highly secretive national security system in the U.S. and other countries.
technologies have been developed to an extent far in excess of
humanity’s ethics and collective consciousness.
The current planetary situation is also very unbalanced wherein spiritual/ethical awareness has low priority against policies emphasizing technological progress at all cost. Such a planetary situation has been shown to be historically untenable.
Celestials are working directly with an
increasing number of individuals to rectify the situation by raising
the consciousness of those ready to assist the Earth’s evolution by
balancing technological progress with spiritual awareness.
For those extraterrestrials and government agencies that have directly contributed to the growing imbalance between technology and humanity’s collective consciousness, the time to expose such agreements is at hand. On 08/08/08, a global initiative focused on exposing and terminating such agreements was launched.[34]
As time progresses, it can be expected that such agreements will be exposed and the suitability of technologies that have been acquired will be more properly assessed by an informed humanity.
In the meantime, those choosing to work
with celestials can play a very constructive role in averting the
dangers posed by the incautious incorporation of advanced
extraterrestrial technologies by national security agencies and
transnational corporations.