by Alfred Lambremont Webre
January 12, 2015
NewsInsideOut Website
Significant Exopolitical revelations emerged from participants
USMCss Capt. Randy Cramer and UK Town Councilor Simon
Parkes in a two-hour roundtable (far below video) on the future
of Earth-Mars relations and human relations with reptilian and
Mantid extraterrestrials.
Did a
Pleiadian nuke strike gone wrong destroy Mars ecology?
According to UK Town Councilor Simon Parkes, Mars devastated surface
and ecology, and intelligent civilizations may be the result of a
nuclear first strike that the Pleiadian made against
Draco reptilian
base on Mars that was a threat to Mars and perhaps
the balance of the solar system.
This accidental nuclear devastation of
Mars is why so many Pleiadian star-seed souls have incarnated on
Earth at this time, says Parkes, to ensure that the same fate does
not happen to Earth as a result of a nuclear exchange either from on
or off planet.
On Mars and in
the Pleiades there is an
abiding sense of accountability and regret at having caused almost
terminal damage to Mars, states Simon Parkes.
One alternative explanation states that Mars was turned into a
damaged obloid planet with a highly impacted atmosphere and surface
ecology by a
fragment of the Vela Supernova that entered our solar
system as part of a solar system catastrophe of 9500 BC.
Earth's great maritime civilization was
also destroyed by this celestial fragment according to this
alternative hypothesis.
Cheney ran
secret Mars Colony Corporation
The Roundtable also revealed that
Richard B. Cheney, Vice-President
during the George W. Bush administration (2001-2009), in the
Nixon and Ford White House, and Secretary of Defense to George HW
Bush, was the leader of the secret Mars colony and the U.S. Mars
Colony Corporation which the U.S. Mars Defense Force was deployed on
Mars to defend.
The Mars Colony Corporation is a
centerpiece of the Breakaway Civilization, the so-called military-industrial-intelligence-manipulative
ET complex is using Earth as platform to colonize the solar system
and is committed to Matrix rule on Earth.
In a previous interview, USMCss Capt. Randy Cramer had stated that
unless the green, advanced technologies now sequestered by the
Breakaway civilization are released for Earth's public good, Capt.
Cramer says the Breakaway civilization intends to eliminate Earth's
current surface-dwelling humans and replace them with humans that
are now part of a secret Mars colony selected for its preferred gene
pool and elite status.[1]
If the facts of a
planned depopulation of human surface dwellers on
Earth are true, the implications for Cheney and the Breakaway
Civilization are staggering, as under Nuremberg Principles Cheney
and all significant decision makers surrounding or linked to the
Mars Colony project would be indictable for war crimes, genocide and
crimes against humanity.
This reporter sat as a Judge on the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal
that on May 11, 2012 found,
George W. Bush
Richard B. Cheney
H. Rumsfeld
Alberto Gonzalez,
...and their counsel
guilty of war crimes
for conspiracy to circumvent the Geneva Conventions prohibitions
against Torture for their torture of civilians and detainees in Iraq,
Afghanistan and Guantanamo.[2]
Relations with Reptilians and Mantid Intelligent Civilizations
USMCss Capt. Randy Cramer and Town Councilor Simon Parkes
each discussed their experiences with Mantid and
intelligent civilizations, on Mars and in the dimensional ecology.
Cramer spent 17 years with the
Mars Defense force on Mars in the polar regions in combat and peace-keeping
missions with reptilian and Mantid civilizations on Mars. Councilor
Parkes states he was raised by Mantids.
The Roundtable discussed the how the
hive mind of Mantids functioned and how it differed from individual
and collective human consciousness.
Marine Corps: Plan to replace humanity
with Mars elite DNA colony
– MAY 11, 2012
Additional Information