by Goro Adachi
June 22, 2003
Etemenanki Website
Osirian President
Endgame IV, we identified the 'resurrection of Osiris' as the key
theme attached to the 'stargate window' coming this summer/fall
('03). And I ended the article by mentioning the relevance of George
W. Bush and the so-called 'New World Order'.
The latter is often
associated with the 'All-Seeing Eye' capstone shown on
the back of
the US dollar bill. The pyramidal capstone - or the 'Benben Stone' -
signified the Osirian resurrection in ancient Egyptian tradition,
which is interchangeable with the death-rebirth cycle of the
There is much to be said about these associations. For example,
Osiris - the god of the dead - was sometimes called the 'Foremost
(or President) of the Westerners' as if to allude to the US
And we find that George Bush is particularly 'Osirian' in
that he, like his father and grandfather, is a member of 'Skull and
Bones', an influential Yale secret society obsessed with the idea of
death and war (hence it is also called 'the Brotherhood of
The Bush family is the society's most powerful political
And it is fitting that Bush seems to have a messiah complex these
days (reportedly he believes he was chosen by
God to lead the United
States in this time of troubles). As discussed before, Christ
is the
Judeo-Christian version of Osiris.
Accordingly, in the New Testament
Jesus is compared to the cornerstone of the Temple that the
'builders rejected' (evoking the Giza pyramid, the Egyptian
'Temple', missing its Osirian capstone):
Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone
(Ephesians 2:20)
Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by
the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom
raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before
you whole. This is the stone which was set at nought of you
builders, which is become the head of the corner.
(Acts 4:10-11)
As we saw in Endgame IV, underscoring this connection is how Christ
and Osiris nicely merge via a Renaissance painting by Poussin, 'Et
in Arcadia ego' (or 'The Shepherds of Arcadia'), in which the 'tomb
of Jesus' and the superimposed 'tomb of Osiris' (the Great Pyramid)
interact coherently (undeniably as a result of deliberate design).

I didn't mention this in
Endgame IV, but there is a striking piece
of evidence to further support the validity of the Poussin overlay
scheme. This is the marble monument bearing a copy of the same
painting at Shugborough Hall in Staffordshire, England (see image
While very close, it's actually not an exact replica. It's
the mirror-reversal of the original for example. But more
importantly, upon the tomb is shown another sarcophagus with a
pyramid on top! (There are other alterations to strongly suggest
that the designer was aware of Poussin's esoteric message concealed
in the painting.[2])
So in hindsight this was a rather
straightforward instruction, telling us how to decipher the secret
In Secrets of the Tomb, Alexandra Robbins reveals what's inside the
mysterious and nearly impenetrable 'tomb' (headquarters) of Skull
and Bones.
There I found something potentially significant:
...when the art does not focus on death or war, it tends to center
with bravado on the Bonesmen themselves...
[T]he mostly
nineteenth-century, mildly impressionistic portraits... are works
commissioned by the society that depict only the most illustrious
Bonesmen, such as President and Chief Justice William Howard Taft
and Chief Justice Morrison R. Waite.
One of those portraits depicts
in the background a skull with a bird perched on it.[3]
The highlighted part, I though, could be easily related to the
Et in
Arcadia ego theme.
It turns out that the enigmatic phrase 'En in
Arcadia ego' made its debut before Poussin in a painting by Il Guercino (c. 1618). And this features a skull with a bee perched on

click above image
Although Skull and Bones' portrait does
not feature a tomb (which is practically synonymous with 'Et in
Arcadia ego'), it is kept in the 'Tomb', as the Bones headquarters
is called. So there seems to be something more than mere coincidence
involved here.
In the the Guercino, the phrase 'Et in Arcadia ego' - meaning 'And
in Arcadia I' - is found directly below the skull which in turn is
facing directly toward the viewer.
This clarifies to some extent the
meaning of the mysterious motto. The 'ego' part (i.e. 'I' as in
'me') can be understood to refers to the skull, that is, death.
we would have:
'Even in Arcadia death'.
To put it another way,
'death is also to be found in Paradise; or, in the midst of earthly
delights, the transience of life cannot be disregarded'.[4]
Amazingly, this dark sentiment is clearly echoed by at least one of
the mottos found in the Bones 'tomb'.
As Robbins writes:
Other artwork [in the tomb of Skull & Bones] includes a picture of
George Washington delivering his inaugural address, a picture titled
Youth in the Voyage of Life, and engravings of the pseudo-Latin
gibberish phrases "Nihilne te concureus Bonorum omnium morir?"
("Don't you realize that all good men die?")...[5]
So it can be inferred that, if not a direct connection, then there
is at least a common philosophy or mentality behind the Renaissance
paintings and Bones tradition.
This view is encouraged by the medieval order of the Knights
Templar, as we find that:
The Templars were the legendary guardians of the Grail-Ark, the
underlying theme of our Arcadian paintings. (The term 'Arcadia', for
example, seems to be an anagram for 'Arca Dei', the 'Ark of God').
Templars, as well as Freemasons, are closely associated with the
'skull-and-crossbones' symbol, as is
Skull and
Bones. (The symbol is
featured in the regalia of the Masonic degree called 'Knights
The Templars and Freemasonry are 'the only organizations in all of
history that found their principal identification in the Temple of
Solomon', the home of the Grail-Ark.[6] (Officially the Templars
were known as 'The Order of the Poor Knights of Christ and the
Temple of Solomon'.) Often Skull & Bones members call their tomb
'the Temple'.
Another curious and somewhat disturbing clue is the fact that Skull
and Bones has Germanic origins.
It is even said that Bones is
actually just the American chapter ('Chapter 322') of a German
secret society, perhaps the infamous Bavarian Illuminati.
Certainly the Skull and Bones building itself supports this theory.
The rooms are rife with German artifacts, and German phrases are
engraved in the walls...
Furthermore, Bonesmen confirmed for
[Alexandra Robbins] that one of the society's traditional songs is
indeed sung to the tune of "Deutschland uber Alles," the German
national anthem.[7]
The significance here is that in previous Endgame articles we
discussed the existence of a subtle swastika in Poussin's Et in
Arcadia ego. The swastika is of course a symbol now inseparable from
Nazi Germany.

While it's not clear whether Skull and Bones as an organization
was/is pro-Nazis, we know for certain that
George W. Bush's
grandfather, a Bonesman, was a very active supporter of Hitler.
is also curious that the first President Bush served as head of the
CIA, which has an unusually high number of Bonesmen and Yale
It turns out that the intelligence agency (formerly the OSS) was more or less created originally 'by the Nazis for the
Seeds of the Fourth Reich
In the early days, the CIA headed by Allen Dulles, a dedicated
follower of Hitler, was filled with former Nazis.
This is because
the CIA came into existence after the war partly for the purpose of
giving a home to the 'Gehlen Org', the German intelligence network.
Many members of the Third Reich were brought into the US spy service
through Dulles' 'Operation Sunshine', including Richard Gehlen
himself (of the Gehlen Org). Hundreds of Nazi scientists and
specialists were also covertly recruited by the US via 'Project
As discussed in
Endgame II, Germany under Hitler was technologically
very advanced and may even have succeeded in producing an
antigravity or 'stargate' machine.
In The Hunt For Zero Point (2001)
journalist Nick Cook reveals his findings suggesting that the
technological 'Holy Grail' was then likely seized by the US at the
end of the war.
Cook's scientist informant is quoted as saying:
"When the Americans tripped over this mutant strain of nonlinear
physics and took it back home with them, they were astute enough to
realize that their home-grown scientific talent couldn't handle it.
That it was beyond their cultural term of reference. That's why they
recruited so many Germans.
The Nazis developed a unique approach to
science and engineering quite separate from the rest of the world,
because their ideology, unrestrained as it was, supported a wholly
different way of doing things.
Von Braun's V-2s are a case in point,
but so was their understanding of physics.
The trouble was, when the
Americans took it all home with them they found out, too late, that
it came infected with a virus. You take the science on, you take on
aspects of the ideology, as well."[8]
Previously we discussed how this 'virus' would relate to the 2002
'alien crop glyph' bearing a coded message warning us about some
Trojan Horse-like 'false gifts', i.e. a form of virus (see

The crop glyph (right) was found in Hampshire, England last August
The glyph's design was apparently borrowed from a logo (left)
used on
the 'Watcher' website.
It was then conjectured that the phrase 'Ultra-Tech' in the alien
graphic above, presumably the model for the crop glyph design, was
in effect becoming a reference to Nazi 'ultra'-technology.
While the
main focus was previously the 'stargate' technology, with the
emergence of the CIA in our discussion we are now encouraged to pay
attention to
MK-ULTRA, the agency's infamous mind-control project
stemming from the work of former Nazi scientists.
This is quite
literally 'ultra tech' seeded by the Third Reich. Could this
association relate on some level to the Bush administration's
uncanny ability to effectively manipulate public opinion through
their massive and pretty much illegal propaganda campaign,
orchestrated by Bush's 'co-president' Karl Rove?
In terms of 'viruses', we do find Nazi Germany right behind today's
major diseases such as AIDS, as revealed in the book
Viruses (1996) by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz. What's striking here is
the publisher of Emerging Viruses having the name 'Tetrahedron'.
me remind you that there was a slightly altered version of the
Ultra-Tech alien logo on the 'Watcher' website (shown above) which
replaces the 'disk' with a rotating tetrahedron!
And the tetrahedron
is of course intimately associated with Mars/Cydonia, a major theme
of the 'Endgame'.
This seemingly suggests that the 'warning' found encoded in the crop
glyph was about some man-made viruses. In this light it's certainly
curious that there was the world-wide SARS outbreak in 2003 which
some suggested was a virus engineered in a lab somewhere.
scientists even theorized that SARS came from outer space, which too
would nicely echo the 'alien' aspect of the glyph design.
In Emerging Viruses, furthermore, is meticulously explained how the
US military-medical-industrial complex absorbed many dark Nazi
programs. A prominent company involved in this was the Merck
pharmaceutical firm.
Horowitz writes:
The Merk net, so named for its leader Kurt Merk, was a network of
CIC [Counter Intelligence Corps] informants...
Given the provision
of false documents and slight name changes to protect German
intelligent assets, I now wondered whether there was any connection
between "Merk" and "Merck." [...]
[I]n the Spring of 1944, Merck and Company, Inc. received a large
cash infusion from Martin Bormann - Hitler's top minister...
This at
the time Merck's president, George W. Merck, was advising President
Roosevelt, and initiating strategies, as America's biological
weapons industry director.
According to CBS News correspondent Paul
Manning, the lion's share of the Nazi gold went to 750 corporations,
largely including Merck, to secure a virtual monopoly over the
world's chemical and pharmaceutical industries. This was done not
only for Germany's economic recovery, but to assure the rise of "The
Fourth Reich."
Merck, then, along with
Rockefeller partner
I.G. Farben, received
huge sums of money from the Nazi war chest to actualize Hitler's
"vision of a thousand-year Third Riech [and] world
This was outlined with clarity in a document called
'Neuordunung,' or 'New Order,' that was accompanied by a letter of
transmittal to the [Bormann led] Ministry of Economics. 'Bury your
treasure,'" Hitler advised Bormann, "for you will need it to begin a
Fourth Reich."[9]
This is quite disturbing stuff.
"The real treason," however, according to
William Preston, Jr., a
professor of history at New York's John Jay College of Criminal
Justice, was that for years before World War II, and after, "a
secret, conspiratorial alliance between various American
corporations and their Nazi collaborators... betrayed and subverted
U.S. national interests."[10]
Preston also states:
This link between a "fraternity" of top business executives and the
country's deadliest wartime enemy, the Third Reich, this
collaboration between capitalism and fascism, has been suppressed by
the politically powerful, for their own political purposes.[11]
Now, to get back to
George W. Bush, isn't it curious that the
president of Merck at the time of the unholy collaboration was a
'George W.' (George W. Merck) who was even advising the US President
at the time?
Not that there is a deliberate design here, but
coincidences like this do often hint at some tangible connections
smoldering beneath the surface.
Given the Bush family's documented
German/Nazi associations, it is certainly natural for us to kind of
wonder about the possibility of the current Bush presidency
representing - if not literally then symbolically - the resurrection
of the Third Reich, in effect the 'Fourth Reich', the seeds of which
were planted in the US decades ago.
There is indeed a striking parallel between Bush and Hitler.
Adolph Hitler |
George W. Bush |
Hitler's rise to
power was assisted by business leaders. |
Bush is a 'CEO
president' supported by many corporate friends. |
Hitler was never
elected by the people. |
Bush was not
properly elected by the American people. |
Within a month after
Hitler was named chancellor, the Reichstag
(Parliament) fire took place - blamed on the
communists - and quickly Hitler was given
dictatorial power through the 'Enabling Act'
('The Law to Remove the Distress of the People
and State') and civil rights were suspended. |
Just months after
becoming president, 9/11 occurred - blamed on
al-Qaeda - and Bush obtained dictator-like
power, assisted by the 'USA
PATRIOT ACT' ('Uniting and Strengthening
America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required
to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism'), which may
soon be enhanced by 'PATRIOT
Act II', diminishing personal privacy by
removing checks on government power. |
To invade Poland,
Hitler created a fake attack on a border radio
station which gave the Nazis an excuse to
unleash their Lighting War (blitzkrieg),
defeating Poland.
To invade Iraq, the
Bush administration apparently
manipulated intelligence data regarding the
threat level of Iraqi weapons of mass
destruction and tricked the hesitant nation into
war. The war utilized a 'Shock and Awe' tactic
designed to quickly overwhelmed the opponent. |
While there are many differences between the two leaders, lately
people are increasingly becoming amused and/or alarmed by the
growing similarities.
Silent Coup?
Many in the US are still in denial about this, but the reality is
George W. Bush is quite plausibly the intellectually weakest US
President the nation has seen. In that sense, Bush is no Hitler.
is in the White House largely because of his last name and the 'evil
genius' Karl Rove, aka 'Bush's Brain'. He is in the White House
because he happens to make a good front man, through whom unelected
ideologues could wield their power covertly.
Is this too harsh and sinister a view of the Bush presidency?
Perhaps. But what makes it uncomfortably real is
the existence of
the 'neo-conservatives' - the 'hawks' - surrounding Bush today who
are behind the Bush doctrine of preemptive attacks and the general
arrogant aggressiveness exhibited by the administration.
This group
Vice President Dick Cheney
defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld
Paul Wolfowitz (deputy
defense secretary)
Lewis Libby (Cheney's
chief of staff)
Richard Perle (senior
adviser to president)
Douglas Feith (undersecretary of defense for policy),

While most Americans are satisfied with the idea that the toppling
of the Iraqi regime this spring was a directly result of '9/11', the
truth is that the invasion of Iraq had been a dream of neo-cons long
before the historic terror attacks took place in 2001.
Indeed, as
early as 1992 Wolfowitz and Libby wrote a paper ('Defense Planning
Guidance') which became the basis for 'Rebuilding America's
Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century' (2000)
PNAC (Project for a New American Century), a neo-con think tank,
which strongly advocated taking military action against Iraq as a
key step toward achieving a 'Pax Americana'.
Although literally meaning 'American peace', Pax Americana is about
global domination by the United States. It's about building an
American empire based on the presumption that the American way is
the best way and that the US could do no wrong ('might is right').
The most worrisome aspect of the neo-con ideology is that just
beneath the surface it goes directly against traditional American
values such as freedom and basic human rights.
As those who have
carefully followed the Bush administration (i.e. beyond the
mainstream media propaganda) should know, the White House used the
fear created by '9/11' to make Congress pass the 'USA PATRIOT ACT'
which allows the government to take away various individual rights
from the American people (proposed 'PATRIOT Act II' is worse).
As it
foreshadows a police state so much, thus un-American, that
some US
cities are even hesitating to comply with the new law.
It is a quite telling that people are increasingly
comparing the
Bush administration to the fascist Nazi regime.
The definition of
fascism is:
'A system of government that exercises a dictatorship of
the extreme right, typically through the merging of state and
business leadership, together with belligerent nationalism'.
it does sound familiar doesn't it?
But here is something that makes the comparison more real.
It turns
out that the neo-conservatives in power in and around the
administration reportedly have a ideological vision handed down from
pro-fascist philosopher named
Leo Strauss (1899-1973) who taught
at the University of Chicago.
As pointed out by the Lyndon
camp, before coming to the US Strauss lived in Germany where he
directly interacted with, and was heavily influenced by, the leading
Nazi ideologue Martin Heidegger and the Nazi legal architect Carl
Although a Jew, Strauss' mentality was very much in tune
with that of the Nazis. Many of the neo-conservatives - such as Paul Wolfowitz, the architect of
the Iraq war - are said to be
'Straussians', which nicely explains their fascist tendencies.
So the emerging picture is that we have a US President with
connections to Germany/Nazism (through family and Skull & Bones)
surrounded by neo-cons whose ideology can be traced back to the
Third Reich.
Is it any wonder then that almost everything the United
States does these days under the control of the Bush administration
- such as the unprovoked 'preemptive' war and 'Patriot Act' - is
decidedly un-American?
And let's not forget the fact that George W.
Bush was not really elected by the American people. From the very
beginning, the Bush presidency was anti-democratic and in opposition
to what the United States stands for.
The United States, it may even be said, was hijacked by closet
'neo-Nazis' in 2001. Hopefully this is more symbolic than actual...
Burning Bush
In the earlier Endgame installments we discussed the significance of
December 2002. According to our projected future timeline, the
'December window' was to produce the fall of the Babylon leader(s).
While the scenario deemed likely was the US president or Pope going
down, what actually took place was the fall of US Republican leader
Trend Lott and Cardinal Bernard Law of Boston's Catholic
Archdiocese. (These were two of the biggest events in the US during
December '02.)
In other words, the projected pattern did manifest,
but in a downgraded form.
Another significant event that occurred during the 'December window'
was the
announcement of the birth of the first cloned human baby.
already explained in Endgame IV, this suspected hoax by Clonaid, a
company affiliated with the alien cult 'Raelians', was nicely in
line with the symbolic themes carried by the December window (such
as 'false gifts', ETs, etc.).
Curiously, the Raelians believe that mankind was created by ETs
through genetic engineering.
This has a lot in common with the
Nazi/Aryan perspective which similarly involved extraterrestrial
intelligence creating divine-human hybrid beings through genetic
manipulation - an event associated with the Atlantis myth.
supposed superiority of the 'Aryan race' as claimed by Hitler was
based on this mythical thinking.
The Aryan mythology can be traced back to Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
- the author of Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine published in
the late nineteenth century - who founded the influential
Theosophical Society.
Her esoteric ideas were subsequently picked up
the Thule Society - a front for the
Germanenorden (German Order),
an occult, anti-Semitic, and nationalist organization that played a
crucial role in giving rise to Hitler and Nazism.
The connection is
evident in the logo of the Thule Society, which was the swastika
(shown over a sword).
Amazingly, the original symbol of the
Raelians too featured a
swastika, woven into the Star of David (image right). Combined with
its December window association, this implies that the current world
situation does have something to do with the Third/Fourth Reich.
particular, it has the function of underscoring the fascist nature
of the Bush administration.
This is because the neo-conservatives
currently making aggressive policies for Bush are a largely
Jewish/Zionist group (as can be seen from that fact that most
neo-cons belong to JINSA, the Jewish Institute for National Security
They could be described as 'Judeo Nazis' - or perhaps more
accurately, 'fascist Zionists' - thus perfectly reflecting the
combination of the swastika and the Star of David (symbol of Israel)
displayed by the Raelian logo.
Bush, the leader, being surrounded by Jews/Zionists is quite fitting
in that the leader of the Jews would archetypally be Moses - whom I
have already identified with George W. Bush (I did so first at the
time of the 2000 presidential election).
As discussed in my article
The Two Suns of Election MM (2000), what
I had first noticed were some intriguing symbolic connections
between the Clinton presidency and Solomon, an important biblical
figure (King David's son) responsible for building the Temple for
the Ark of the Covenant in Jerusalem.
This in turn made Clinton
analogous to an 18th-Dynasty ancient Egyptian king named Amenhotep
III (c. 1405-1367 BC), in that researcher Ahmed Osman had plausibly
identified this king with Solomon in his books (Out of Egypt, etc.).
And because Amenhotep III was succeeded by Akhenaten, whom
Osman and
others had equated (or at least associated) with Moses, I
conjectured that George W. Bush, Clinton's successor, could be
viewed as a version of Akhenaten/Moses. (Various other symbolic
clues supported this view.)
President |
Biblical |
Pharaoh |
Clinton |
Solomon |
Amenhotep III |
Bush |
Moses |
Akhenaten |
In light of the decidedly un-American nature of the Bush presidency
demonstrated repeatedly since the election, we can see that the
above comparison was indeed very potent.
Akhenaten ('Moses'), after
all, is a notorious 'heretic king' who went against the traditional
ways of ancient Egypt; as I wrote in the Two Suns article:
Akhenaten... was no ordinary pharaoh.
He was a 'rebel' who abolished
all the traditional Egyptian gods and held the Aten, represented
only by the sun-disk, as the only god to be worshipped. Akhenaten,
in other words, introduced monotheism... to suddenly deviate greatly
from the by then nearly 2000-year old tradition of ancient Egypt.
And he also moved the seat of power from Thebes to a peculiar site
he personally selected which he named Akhetaten, now known as Tell
el-Amarna, situated about half way between Giza and Thebes on the
Due to such great changes brought about, the era of Akhenaten
and the succeeding rulers related to the rebel king (Semenekhkare,
Tutankhamun, and Ay) is now specifically known as the Amarna period
and seen apart from [the rest] of the 18th Dynasty.
And of course the Osirian nature of Bush intensifies the connection,
as pharaohs - including Akhenaten - were traditionally regarded as
the earthly representation of Horus (while living) and Osiris (when
Moreover, Akhenaten's apparent obsession with the Benben Stone,[12]
the archetypal pyramid capstone, resonates with the Bush family's
close connection with the so-called 'New World Order', said to be
symbolized by the 'All-Seeing Eye' at the apex of the pyramid
depicted on the back of the US dollar bill. (It signifies the
'stargate' as well.)
We find that the Aten heresy of Akhenaten somehow seems to have come
to be considered a form of disease or virus, especially after the
rebel king's reign:
Those priests and individuals who did remain loyal to the outlawed
faith of Akhenaten would have been seen as heretics, to be rejected
by society if they did not embrace Egypt's polytheism once more...
It is not unlikely that they would have become known as social
'lepers', or the 'impure people', terms used by Manetho to describe
Osarsiph-Moses's followers...[13]
As the Aten was a sun-disk, the heresy was in a way a 'solar virus'.
This again brings to mind the
SARS virus that suddenly emerged
around the time of the Iraq war. SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory
Syndrome) is said to be a form of 'coronavirus'. The term 'corona'
refers to the luminous ring seen around a celestial body, especially
the sun (the envelope of highly ionized gas outside the chromosphere
of the sun). Hence SARS could be interpreted as a 'solar virus'.
Since the invasion of Iraq was a war zealously and solely wanted by
the Bush administration (only weakly supported by the 'coalition of
the bullied and bought'), its overlapping timing with the SARS
epidemic certainly encourages the Bush-Akehenaten-Moses equation.
(Note that there was a real plague during/around Akhenaten's reign,
and the biblical account of the Exodus - led by Moses - also
involves plagues.)
Combined with SARS' rumored extraterrestrial origin and Akhenaten's
obsession with the Benben Stone (theorized to have been a
meteorite), we are here reminded of the intertwined 'cosmic virus'
and 'false gift' themes, which in turn are related to Mars.
the Benben Stone is not necessarily a Martian rock, the archetypal
'false gift' is the Trojan Horse of Greek myth that is inseparable
from a character named Odysseus (discussed in Homer's epic, The
Odyssey); and it just happens that the NASA Mars probe currently
orbiting the Red Planet (which in 2002 gave us a key IR picture of
Cydonia) is named 'Odyssey'.
And then there is the fact that the Great Sphinx guarding the Giza
pyramids, which are gigantic representations of the Benben Stone,
traditionally embodies Mars as well as the sun.
This is echoed by Akhenaten being obsessed with both the Benben Stone and the Sphinx
(=Mars). Adding to this is the fact that Akkhenaten's sun-disk god
Aten was formerly called Re-harakhty ('Horus of the Horizon') which
was one of the epithets given to the Sphinx.[14]
The insistent blending of Mars, the sun, and the Sphinx/lion is
repeated by the 'stargate'/duat configuration we'll witness in the
sky this summer (late Aug. 2003).

As discussed in Endgame IV, around August 23 and at sunrise, the
leonine sun-Regulus conjunction and brilliantly shining Mars (being
closest to Earth in recorded history) will become a celestial
manifestation of the aker-lions, the guardians of the gateway to the Osirian realm of the dead (duat).
The sun and Leo will be rising on
the east horizon and Mars will be setting on the western horizon.
The celestial configuration even relates to the Aten in that, as
Re-harakhty, the god 'embodied the dual aspects of the double
horizon - the solar disc in the west at sunset and in the east at
sunrise'.[15] This suggests that the 'stargate window' marked by the
'aker configuration' is relevant to Akhenaten, thus also to George
So we are coming back to the original hypothesis of Bush having much
to do with the opening of the 'stargate' or the 'tomb of Osiris'
this year. And we are beginning to see a clearer picture of this
suggested big event.
The Fall
What does the opening of the Osirian tomb, or the resurrection of
the death god, mean for the the Osirian president Bush?
The most
straightforward interpretation would be that Bush will be
'resurrected'. But that doesn't make much sense in that to be
resurrected one would have to be dead first. The key here is this:
the Egyptian resurrection theme is a little twisted in that the
restoration of Osiris takes place in the duat-underworld of the
In other words, Osiris is reborn into the death realm.
Resurrection, therefore, would simply mean 'death' in a sense. (The
resurrection into the living realm is done through the birth of
Horus, Osiris' son by Isis.)
So the implication would be that the coming 'stargate window' is to
involve the 'death of Bush'. But this doesn't have to be taken
literally. The apparent essence of the message with regard to Bush
is 'this is the end of the road'.
The interpretation is further encouraged by the celestial
positioning of Eridanus, a constellation representing the river of
the underworld, accompanying the late-August 'stargate'
While the Regulus-Sun-Jupiter-Venus conjunction and the Red Planet
will be marking the eastern and western horizons simultaneously,
Eridanus will be positioned (as seen from Giza) directly to the
south with the lowest star named 'Achernar', meaning 'End of the
River', placed right at the horizon. (See image below.)
Now consider
1) the horizon is in effect a line separating this world and
the 'underworld'
2) Eridanus is the 'River of Orion', thus also
the 'river of Osiris'
So the 'End of the River' (of the underworld)
pinpointing the threshold of the death realm conveys the idea of
'the end of Osiris'.

The relevance of Eridanus here is dramatically increased by two
other things.
First, Eridanus is often identified with the Euphrates
river flowing through Iraq, the very nation the US just invaded. The
'end of Eridanus' signified by Achernar would therefore be analogous
to the mouth of the Tigris-Euphrates river - which happens to be
precisely at 30°N latitude.
As discussed in
Endgame IV, the position
is very meaningful in that the eternal gaze of the 'Martian
monument' at Giza (also on 30°N), the Great Sphinx, is fixed due
east and thus perfectly aligned with the 'end' of the
Tigris-Euphrates. The Sphinx is also traditionally the guardian of
the Osirian tomb (represented at Giza by the pyramids) so as to
perfectly accord with the 'end of Osiris' theme.
Second, Eridanus is mythologically considered the tomb of Phaėthon,
naturally an alter ego of Osiris-Saturn-Prometheus. The tale of
Phaėthon wanting to ride the 'chariot of the sun' across the heavens
is told in Greek myth.
The chariot of the sun, we learn, was owned by his father Helios,
who wouldn't let his son ride it because this was just too
dangerous. But Phaėthon strongly insisted and was eventually able to
get his father's permission.
The result was inevitable he quickly
lost control, and now the world was in danger of being set on fire.
This dire situation prompted Zeus to strike Phaėthon with his
thunderbolt, which threw him off the chariot. And like a shooting
star Phaėthon fell into the stream of Eridanus. The Eridanus thus
became the grave of Phaėthon.
Phaėthon is said to be an alter ego of Saturn,[16] thus also that
of Osiris, Eridanus becomes just another name for the tomb of
Osiris. And we also find the strong emphasis on the sun in the story
- the 'chariot of the sun' and Phaėthon's father being Helios the
sun-god - very appropriate.
The tale of Phaėthon is even comparable to the Bush presidency.
'chariot of the sun' would correspond to the office of the
President, which was held by George W. Bush's father, i.e. 'Helios',
just a decade ago. Like Phaėthon, Bush Jr. is rapidly destabilizing
the world with his 'might is right' doctrine. And following the
parallel, the next step would be Bush being struck down by a
'thunderbolt'. Well, is this what's scheduled to take place for the
'stargate window'?
It is quite telling that the Iraq war was immediately preceded by
the space shuttle Columbia falling from the sky like a meteorite -
like Phaėthon. 'Columbia' is another name for the United States and
it derives from 'Columba', i.e. Noah's dove.
As the dove is a
universal symbol of peace, the Columbia disaster can be interpreted
as an omen for the destruction of 'American peace'.
Amazingly, 'American peace' is exactly what is meant by 'Pax
Americana' - the US global domination envisioned by the
neo-conservatives now in power in the Bush administration.
invasion of Iraq was the first major step toward achieving the Pax
Americana. So the symbolic implication of the space-shuttle omen
would be that the Bush administration's global ambition will lead to
a major disaster. This, again, is likely relevant to the coming
'stargate window'.
It's worth noting that Akhenaten's 'Pax Americana' - i.e. the
heresy (Amarna revolution) - was also unsuccessful and had a short
Akhenaten himself was probably removed by a military coup.[17]
The theorized identification of Akhenaten with Moses, the leader of
the Jews, fits here nicely, as we read in Genesis that the dove Columba - embodied by the destroyed space shuttlee - comes back to
Noah with an olive branch, a symbol closely associated with the
Jewish people.
This relates to the fact that many neo-conservatives
are Jewish/Zionist and the fact that the ill-fated Columbia mission
was notable for carrying onboard the first Israeli astronaut.
Even though Moses was supposedly a Hebrew, his interchangeability
with Akhenaten would make him a non-Jew, which resonates with Bush
being a born-again fundamentalist Christian surrounded by neo-con
Jews and Zionists. (The Bush administration is pretty much a
incestuous cult of Judeo-Christian fanatics.)
Combined with Bush's
messiah complex, it is even possible to view the administration as
reenacting the story of Jesus, the 'king of the Jews'. And we know
how this story ends: the Jews along with Romans crucified the rebel
This then makes us wonder about the nature of Bush's relationship
with the neo-cons. Will Bush be 'sacrificed' by his own people in
some way?
The apparent fusion of Jesus, Akhenaten, and Phaėthon via Bush is
curiously echoed by the Talmud sometimes
referring to Jesus as 'Ben Panthera'
('son of Pandira'). As 'Panthera' is the Hebrew form of an
ancient Egyptian royal title meaning 'the (sun-) god Ra', 'Ben
Panthera' would denote 'son of the sun', or 'son of Helios'.[18] And
the 'son of Helios' is none other than Phaėthon.
It is also intriguing to find that researcher Ahmed Osman has boldly
identified Jesus with Tutankhamun, i.e. 'King Tut', who ascended the
throne soon after Akhenaten.[19] (The two were likely blood
And here, too, evidence strongly suggests that
the king
was murdered.
Promised Land
One of the Bush administration's first major international
activities following the Iraq invasion
was the release of the
so-called 'road map to peace' for the Israelis and Palestinians. (It
was quickly answered by intensified violence in the region.)
As a
version of 'Moses' /'Jesus', it is only fitting that Bush turned his
attention to the 'Promised Land', i.e. Israel, at this critical
Fitting indeed. Notice that the name 'Israel' comes from one of
Isaac's sons, originally called Jacob. As discussed in Endgame IV,
Jacob is a key figure in the 'stargate' scheme.
In Genesis we read:
And Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and he said, Surely the Lord is
in this place; and I knew it not. And he was afraid, and said, How
dreadful is this place! This is none other but the house of God, and
this is the gate of heaven.
And Jacob rose up early in the morning,
and took the stone that he had put for his pillows, and set it up
for a pillar, and poured oil upon the top of it.
And he called the
name of that place Beth-el... And this stone, which I have set for a
pillar, shall be God's house...
(Genesis 28:16-19,
We have already discussed how the 'pillar-stone gate' relates to the
Tower of Babel (in Babylon) as well as the Benben Stone.
But let me
point out again that Babylon is today's Iraq, and the Benben Stone
is inseparable from Osirian resurrection and Bush/Akhenaten. And it
happens that Cairo - the Egyptian capital sitting next to Giza, the
site closely associated with all the key themes - was once called
'Babylon' (meaning 'gate of the gods'). (Today's name, Cairo,
denotes 'Mars'.)
In light of the very Martian nature of the 'stargate window' that
will open the gate to the duat-underworld or the 'house of God' this
summer/fall, it's plausible that Israel will be a key part of the
(Conceptually, the fall of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel
Sharon, as well as the Pope or even Tony Blair, would be more or
less interchangeable with the fall of Bush - both being a 'Babylon
The emerging Israel-Mars overlap is also hinted by the Star of
David, the Jewish symbol.
As already pointed out by others, the
six-pointed star (or two interlocking equilateral triangles) may be
viewed as a two-dimensional representation of two circumscribed
interlocking tetrahedrons, i.e. the configuration from which derives
the 'message of Cydonia', 19.5 degrees.
In Endgame IV was discussed how this
'19.5 degrees' is also pinpointed by the Nile, the literal river of
time (see
The Nile Decoded).
More specifically, the latitude 19.5°N is marked by
the river's 'Great Bend' which in turn would be associated with the Osirian 'House of Sokar', or 'House of God' of Jacob (= Israel).
(See Endgame IV or my book for more on this.)
Israel's relevance is reinforced further by its founding phase in
the early 1900s overlapping the sensational discovery of the tomb of
Tutankhamun (1922) - in effect a tomb of Osiris/Jesus ('House of
Not only that, the two events seem to have directly
influenced each other behind the scenes as discussed in the 2002
Tutankhamun: The Exodus Conspiracy by Andrew Collins and
Chris Ogilvie-Herald.
The book's argument is basically that undisclosed papyrus documents
supposedly found inside Tutankhamun's tomb contained an account of
the Exodus that did not conform to the biblical version and thus
could undermine the Jewish people's claimed right to occupy
It is suggested that the mysterious deaths of those
involved in the tomb discovery were likely a result of
assassinations designed to suppress the 'dangerous' information that
could ruin Zionists' dream.
And of course the 'true' version of the
Exodus story withheld from the public is theorized to have involved Akhenaten - potentially King Tut's father - as the main Mosaic
It is interesting to realize here that the founding of Israel was
not sought solely by the Zionists. Another major driving force
behind the dream was Britain which was very much under the influence
of scriptural prophecy concerning the Day of Reckoning, supposedly
the time of the 'Second Coming' of Christ.
It was believed that
according to the Bible this could take place only after the Jews
have returned to Zion (Jerusalem), and thus British statesmen's
twisted interest in creating a Jewish home in the Holy Land.
The man most responsible for the creation of Israel, the 'father of
Israel', was Baron Edmond de Rothschild (1845-1934) who established
the Jewish Colonial Trust - the first Zionist bank - to buy
territories in Palestine. Ironically, the powerful Rothschild
international banking empire was also partly responsible for the
'problematic' discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb.
It turns out that the
fifth Earl of Carnarvon, who along with Howard Carter discovered the
tomb, was married to the illegitimate daughter of Alfred Rothschild,
a grandson of the British branch of the House of Rothschild.[20]
many of his excavations in Egypt 'were unquestionably funded from
money supplied to Lady Carnarvon by Alfred de Rothschild'.[21]
Unholy Alliance
Like many other players in the 'endgame',
the Rothschilds are Jewish
and originally from Germany.
The banking family can be traced back
to Baron Mayer Amshel Rothschild (1744-1812), a Jewish
banker/financier from Frankfurt. From there the House of Rothschild
became the most powerful banking family in Europe. One of the its
members, Baron Edmond de Rothschild, eventually became the 'father
of Israel' as mentioned, though not all Rothschilds have been
There is no question that through the influence of its international
banking system the House of Rothschild stood to benefit financially
and politically from the achievement of [the Zionists'] ultimate
goal - the establishment of a Jewish National Home in Palestine.
same has to be said of the British government, which staked its
reputation on achieving the British Mandate for Palestine through
its signing of the Balfour Declaration. With the ultimate
establishment of the Jewish state, it could look forward to a strong
partner who would help bring stability to the Middle East, and also
tender its interests in the oil fields of Iraq and Arabia...[22]
Inevitably this makes us wonder about the deep involvement of
Zionists, Britain, and 'George W. Christ' in the recent (and
on-going) Iraq war and the increasingly shaky stated reasons for the
invasion (WMD, liberation, etc.).
What's more bizarre is the uncomfortably plausible theory that the
Rothschilds played a key role in giving rise to Hitler and the Third
It is well documented that the fascist dictator was strongly
supported by Western industrial and banking circles which
'guaranteed Hitler's success'.[23] And of course, George W.'s
grandfather was one of those who eagerly helped Hitler. Although
Hitler was openly against the Rothschilds - and Jews in general -
'the emerging Nazi power continued to find support in Britain, even
within the Rothschild-dominated Bank of England'.[24]
Why would these powerful businessmen, all with financial links to
the great Rothschild empire, support the overtly anti-Jewish Hitler?
Part of the answer may lie in an astounding assertion that
was a blood relative to the Rothschilds! [...] This incredible story
might be written off as fanciful wartime propaganda except for the
fact that the OSS never made this story public, indicating that the
tale may have been considered too sensitive to publicize. [...]
is obvious why neither Hitler or his followers nor today's neo-Nazis
nor the Rothschilds nor those who desire to profit from their
international power would want the Hitler-Rothschild connection made
All this helps us see more clearly the symbolic relevance of the Raelians, the ET/cloning cult that came to our attention through our
'December window' (of 2002).
Their original symbol showing the
swastika within the Star of David - in effect Nazism embedded within
Zion - nicely illustrates the strange alliance between
Germany/Nazis/fascism and Israel/Rothschilds/Zionism.
And the Raelians' interest in genetic engineering and cloning ties in well
with what Nazism was really about: in Hitler's words,
'it is the
determination to create a new man'.
The same configuration is formed by the Bush administration, i.e. a
Germanic 'messiah' surrounded by neo-conservative Zionists.
And this
spells trouble - not just for the world but also for Bush himself.
It is instructive to look at recent two cases where the US President
was ousted - namely John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon.
In the case of John F. Kennedy, according to a plausible theory:
[W]e had a situation in which the Kennedys had agreed pacts with the
Israeli lobby (Israel and the Rothschilds in effect) and organized
crime. In return the Israelis/Rothschilds wanted control of
President Kennedy's Middle East policy and the mob wanted to be left
alone to operate their international crime syndicate...
They were in
for a shock on both counts. Kennedy double crossed them and they
were beside themselves with rage and resentment. Both would be
involved in Kennedy's assassination. [...]
[T]here are key elements
to the Kennedy story that have been suppressed because of where that
knowledge would lead - Israel.[26]
It is helpful to know that JFK's father was anti-Jewish and
But what JFK did was basically go against
the global
elite, which proved deadly for him. Note also that, like Bush, JFK
was almost a messianic figure (his presidency was called 'Camelot'
for instance).
As for Nixon, who was forced out of the White House in 1973, the key
person was his right-hand man Henry Kissinger, yet another
German-born Jew and a regular face in conspiracy theories concerning
the 'New World Order'.
For example, we are told:
Behind [the Watergate] 'scandal', many researchers now believe,
...was Henry Kissinger, the frontman for the Rockefellers and the
Rothschilds. [...] Watergate was a setup to give total power to
Kissinger, and therefore the Elite.
This was a crucial period in the
global maneuverings by the New World Order manipulators to remove
what shreds were left of government for the people, by the people.
Watergate and the removal of Richard Nixon was another coup d'etat
on America. Nixon was no political angel, but he was just another
George Bush became chairman of the Republican Party National
Committee at exactly the time the Watergate story was really
breaking and his mentor, Henry Kissinger, was both national security
advisor and secretary of state...[27]
So like the JFK assassination, we seem to find here a
influence of the Zionist and NWO agenda.
Combined with the apparent
involvement of
George Bush Sr.
(Kissinger's protégé) in Watergate,
we can't help but wonder about the possibility of George W. Bush -
given his weak intelligence - being another 'stooge' used by the
hidden Elite and the neo-con Zionists.
That it was the year 1973 also adds more weight to the view that
there will potentially be a Watergate-type event this year (2003).
Recall that the esoteric 'Stargate Conspiracy' pinpoints the year
2003 as the conclusion of some 'programming' that began in 1973 (see
Endgame IV).
Curiously, 1973 also happens to be when the 'godfather
of neo-conservatives', Leo Strauss, died, as well as when the Raelian cult was founded.
On May 1 ('03),
Bush - a draft dodger - made a shameless 'Top Gun'
landing on the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln carrier in military
uniform and
announced to the nation and the world that the United
States' main mission in Iraq was over.
This was obviously a big moment for the presidency - carefully
stage-managed and all - which makes the selection of the USS Abraham
Lincoln unlikely to be a result of chance or practicality. It was
obviously meant to carry a symbolic message.
Indeed, besides the
aura of greatness that comes with Lincoln's name, the Civil War
happens to be a hero of neo-conservatives (along with
Ronald Reagan). The neo-cons worship Lincoln. And Bush was advised
(by the neo-cons?) to make his 'heroic' speech on the warship
Lincoln. (Nice little pun, eh?)
That the occasion was designed to be special, especially in the
hidden esoteric context, was made more evident by the scriptural
reference used in Bush's speech.
As has been pointed out:
In his remarks, Bush closed with a paraphrasing of the Book of
Isaiah: "In the words of the prophet Isaiah, 'To the captives, come
out, and to those in darkness, be free...'"
This was a quotation from Chapter 61 of Isaiah, the very book
Christ used when proclaiming that Isaiah's prophesies of the Messiah
had come true. Using this passage from Isaiah, Jesus presented
himself as the Son of God in Nazareth. [...]
The passage of Isaiah referenced by Jesus at Nazareth, and by
on the Abraham Lincoln, is part of a larger collection of verses
known as the "Servant Songs."
The specific verse used by Bush, out
of Isaiah 61, is most important; it is widely accepted by both
Christian and Jewish scholars as announcing the Messiah.
Christians, the Messiah is Jesus, and so this passage refers
specifically to Him and His coming. The fact that Jesus
himself used
this passage to announce his presence further confirms this. Bush's
reading of this passage suggests the possibility that he believes
this coming, for the second time, has arrived.
So, regardless of Bush's awareness of the implication (I doubt he
was in on it), the big show was apparently intended to make a
'Messiah' out of Bush. In other words, it was a little 'Second
The bad news is, the story is unlikely to end well for the 'king'.
After all, Jesus' ministry ended quickly with his crucifixion.
It may be relevant here that the Bush administration began to focus
on the issue of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict soon after the big
speech by delivering the peace 'road map'. While it's unlikely that
the Zionist neo-cons around Bush were/are serious about making peace
with the Palestinians by giving up some lands, there have been some
news reports suggesting Bush (who is not as ideologically driven)
may be becoming quite sympathetic to the Palestinian side.
cannot be a good development for the ruthless neo-con gang. Is it
possible that they will 'crucify' Bush for his potential 'betrayal'?
Also at this time there is growing criticism of how intelligence was
twisted by the Bush team in order to drag the nation into war. The
man to be considered most responsible for the manipulation would be
the President. And
it does seem entirely possible that
Bush will be
removed from office because of this.
There was another ominous event emerging from Iraq. This was
toppling of the Saddam statue in Baghdad (another staged event for
the media), which was meant to signify the fall of the Saddam
The 'Babylon leader' parallel we have been detecting between
Saddam and Bush was seemingly acknowledged here by the US military
personnel placing a US flag over the statue's head before bringing
it down to the ground. The Saddam statue was soon 'decapitated' and
the detached head was dragged through the streets.
Was this
foreshadowing what will happen to Bush?
Interestingly, the notion of 'decapitation' was also present at the
very opening of the war. Recall that the first US strike against
Iraq on March 20 - a key
Mars/Sphinx day - was a rushed
'decapitation attack' intended to kill Saddam.
Even the pyramidal capstone theme (All-Seeing Eye, etc.), symbolic
of Osirian resurrection, seems to be associated with decapitation
via the Isis head placed at the apex of the pyramid in the 'House of
Sokar' depiction.
What's more, the US decapitation attack on the 'Mars/Sphinx day'
brings our attention to the fact that the 'Martian Sphinx', i.e. the
'Face on Mars', is a decapitated head.
And of course, as revealed in
Endgame III, the 'Face' turns out to be a very 'messianic' monument
comparable to the celebrated Shroud of Turin (supposedly showing the
image of Jesus).
The Shroud, in turn, shows an awkward and seemingly detached head,
which has been theorized to be that of Leonardo Da Vinci (a possible
creator the Shroud).
And Leonardo, 'keeper of the Grail', is closely
associated with John the Baptist (see
Endgame III), the decapitated
forerunner of Jesus.
Dizzy yet...?
What we seem to be detecting here is a message telling us that the
coming 'stargate window' may produce a major 'decapitation event'
involving Bush, the Osirian messiah of Babylon.
But this is a
potential scenario. There are other variations and possibilities.

It is perhaps useful to watch what happens on/around June 24 ('03),
the feast of John the Baptist. As discussed in Endgame IV, there
will be a Sun-Saturn conjunction on that day at the 'stargate'
region of the sky (i.e. an ecliptic-Milky Way intersection) marked
by Orion (=Osiris).
And this configuration will resemble the
of Liberty with the sun corresponding to the torch - thus seemingly
alluding to relevance of the US. (Click on image right.) The torch
is also very evocative of Promethean fire, a form of 'false gift',
one of the key 'Endgame' themes.
If I am reading the pattern right, it is very possible that what
happens on/around June 24 will be a 'preview event' of a bigger
event that may be scheduled for the 'stargate window' this
Stay tuned...
[1] Alexandra Robbins, Secrets of the Tomb (New York: Little, Brown
and Company, 2003), pp.87-9. [2] Richard Andrews and Paul Schellenberger, The Tomb of God (New
York: Little, Brown and Company, 1996), pp.86-8. [3] Robbins, Secrets of the Tomb, p.89. [4] Andrews and Schellenberger, The Tomb of God, p.109. [5] Robbins, Secrets of the Tomb, p.89. [6] John J. Robinson, Born in Blood (New York: M. Evans & Company,
1989), p.170. [7] Robbins, Secrets of the Tomb, p.83. [8] Nick Cook, The Hunt for Zero Point (New York: Broadway Books,
2002), p.270. [9] Leonard G. Horowitz,
Emerging Viruses (Massachusetts:
Tetrahedron Publishing Group, 1998), pp.334-5. [10] Ibid., p.342. [11] quoted in ibid., p.342. [12] Andrew Collins,
Gods of Eden (London: Headline Book Publishing,
1998), pp.160-4. [13] Andrew Collins and Chris Ogilvie-Herald, Tutankhamun: The
Exodus Conspiracy (Virgin Books, 2002), p.163. [14] Collins, Gods of Eden, p.150. [15] Ibid., p.150. [16] Giorgio de Santillana and Hertha von Dechend,
Hamlet's Mill
(Boston: David R. Godine, 1977), pp.265-6. [17] Ahmed Osman, Out of Egypt (Arrow Books, 1999), pp.116-7. [18] Ibid., pp.160-1, 217. [19] Ibid., pp.166-7. [20] Collins and Ogilvie-Herald, Tutankhamun, p.271. [21] Ibid., p.272. [22] Ibid., p.278. [23] Jim Marrs, Rule by Secrecy (New York: HarperCollins, 2000),
pp.163-9. [24] Ibid., p.165. [25] Ibid., pp.167-8. [26] David Icke, ...and the truth shall set you free (Bridge of Love
Publications, 1998), pp.280-1. [27] Ibid., pp.308-9.