by Lee Covino
9 February 2013
DarkStar1 Website

On March 25, 2010, the European Space Agency (ESA) announced
on their blog that ESA’s study of the mass of Phobos (Precise Mass Determination and the
Nature of Phobos) had been
accepted for publication in the scientific journal Geophysical
Research Letters.
The announcement excerpted startling
conclusions of ESA’s findings:
“We conclude that the interior of
Phobos likely contains large voids. When applied to various
hypotheses bearing on the origin of Phobos, these results are
inconsistent with the proposition that Phobos is a captured
asteroid.” (1,2)
Since that time, a number of prominent
ancient astronaut blogs have had plenty to say about the findings.
The ESA findings were most recently written about in December of
For the sake of expediency, I shall
focus only on what the late
Zecharia Sitchin previously had to say
about Phobos, and leave it to the adept reader to search for UFO
Digest, Before It’s News, Above Top Secret, Richard C. Hoagland’s
Enterprise Mission and other.com sites who most recently covered
ESA’s findings.
It should be noted here that Russia also launched a second probe
to Phobos on November 9, 2011, but the mission failed to escape Earth
orbit and presumably fell to the sea.
Most likely, chatter about the
unsuccessful Russian Phobos-Grunt probe renewed interest in the ESA
findings during 2012.
To date, internet speculation on Phobos has included:
it’s a gigantic spaceship
possibly built as an orbiting station or space observatory
a generation starship that
arrived from another star system and was placed in parking
orbit around Mars
it was being built in Mars orbit
for interstellar travel but was never completed
it’s a functional (or
non-functional) gargantuan planet-killing space bomb
As a backyard astronomer and avid reader
of Zecharia Sitchin’s books, I would like to propose a new
Phobos is a previously mined
Although Phobos is referred to as a moon
of Mars, its actual size is more like one of the larger asteroids
located in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
To give an example, the
asteroid Gaspra
is one of the larger main belt asteroids, coming in at 11km. Phobos
is also 11km. To give further perspective, Earth’s Moon is 1,737km.
So, Phobos is a moonlet of Mars at best.
Both NASA and the private sector are reported in January 2013 as
looking into the capture and ultimately mining of asteroids. NASA is
considering a plan to drag a near-earth asteroid into the moon’s
orbit, while the private sector is considering capturing a
near-earth asteroid and dragging it into an earth orbit.
But, why would an asteroid be a candidate for mining?
DATELINE: January 2, 2013 - “NASA
mulls plan to drag asteroid into moon’s orbit”
New Scientist reports that,
“…NASA is considering a proposal
to capture an asteroid and drag it into the moon’s orbit… by
the 2020’s.”
The article says that,
“Robotically bringing a
(7m-wide) asteroid to the moon…would be a more attractive
step” to allow further robotic probes, “…and maybe even
More importantly, New Scientist
“Such work could help develop
ways to use asteroid material for construction or spaceship
fuels, making it a stepping stone for human missions to
larger asteroids and eventually to Mars.” (3)
DATELINE: January 25, 2013 - “Asteroid
Mining Becoming More Of A Reality”

Image Mark Garlick
Science Photo
Kitco News, a precious metals industry service reports that,
“…Deep Space Industries (DSI) is
working towards making asteroid mining a reality.”
DSI, of McLean, Virginia,
“…plans to launch two… space
probes named FireFly in 2015.” DSI is ultimately, “…looking
for asteroids that are between 100 and 300 meters long.”
The company is quoted as saying,
“Our main commercial market, we
believe will be propellant… for communication satellites…”
But, they are also looking at other
by-products for mining:
“There are some asteroids that
are high in water, methane and other
hydrocarbons… nickel-iron… gold, silver and platinum.”
Regarding the shift in interest to
capture and drag an asteroid into orbit, the article states,
“Bringing it back to an orbit
where it can be more easily accessed is a relatively new
idea (as opposed to) setting up an outpost on an asteroid
and mining it while it was in (its own) orbit.” (4)
So, what did Sitchin have to say about
In his book "Genesis Revisited", Zecharia Sitchin entirely devotes
Chapter 12 to the enigma that is Phobos. In it, he details the
failed Russian probe to the asteroid (launched July 12, 1988), which
was known as Phobos 2.
The probe was equipped with,
“…highly sophisticated equipment
that included two packages of instruments to be placed on the
moonlet’s surface.” (5)
The Soviet mission control center
announced that communication with the probe was lost on March 28,
Assisting the Soviets was the European
Space Agency, along with French and German scientific institutions.
But none were able to re-establish communication with the probe.
However, the probe’s final pictures were beamed to the control
Sitchin continues:
“…reports in the European press (but
for some reason not in the U.S. media) spoke of an ‘unidentified
object’ that was seen ‘in the final pictures taken by the
spaceship,’ which showed an ‘inexplicable’ object or ‘elliptical
shadow’ on Mars.”
Without going into further detail, some
believe that the probe was taken out of commission by some kind of
sentinel protecting Phobos from intruders.
The whole episode has previously
received coverage on cable broadcasts.
“It is noteworthy that Phobos,
unlike the smaller Deimos, has peculiar features that have led
some scientists in the past to suspect that that it was
artificially fashioned,” Sitchin says.
“There are peculiar ‘track marks’
that run almost straight and parallel to each other. The
possibility that these… tracks were caused by flowing water or
wind has been ruled out…
The tracks seem to lead to or from a
crater that covers more than a third of the moonlet’s diameter
and whose rim is so perfectly circular that it looks
artificial.” (5)
Sitchin speculates:
“Were a natural crater and interior
faults artificially carved out by ‘someone’ to create…a shelter,
shielding its occupants from the cold and radiation of space?”

Image ID number: 357A64
Maybe so, but Sitchin’s own
interpretation of the cuneiform seals and tablets indicates that
'Red' Planet was first a base for Alalu and his people and then
developed as a “way station” by the Anunnaki to ship Earth’s gold
back to the home planet Nibiru.
Following NASA’s and the private sector’s approach on how to
establish a base on the Moon, resources for raw construction
materials, spaceship fuel and water are paramount and must be
available locally. Where would all of these resources be available
in concentrated amounts? Contained within the proper asteroid, of
The proximity of the Main Asteroid Belt,
located between Mars and Jupiter provides just such a good hunting
ground for resource-rich asteroids.
In Sitchin’s own writings,(6,7) he leaves a trail of
breadcrumbs which - when considered in tandem with NASA’s and the
private sector’s current efforts to capture, drag into orbit and
mine asteroids - leaves me to confidently conclude that Phobos was
brought to its current location in an effort to mine it for
resources used in constructing the Mars way station.
It may also, as Sitchin has speculated,
have served as a shelter shielding its occupants from the cold and
radiation of space. In my opinion, a Mars way station that
functioned for thousands of years could not have been efficiently
constructed were these resources to have been shipped in from points
The following includes excerpts from a
paper by Sasha Lessin, PhD: (8)
Our timeline begins some 500,000 years ago, when King Lahma, the
eighth dynastic King on Nibiru confronted environmental disaster.
Nibiru was losing atmosphere, needed for climate stability and
survival of its people.
King Lahma considered nuking the
volcanoes and sending miners to nearby asteroids to create an
atmospheric barrier and preserve the atmosphere. King Lahma’s
scientists suggested that since the asteroid probes had indicated
the presence of gold, that the metal could be recovered, reduced to
powder and spread into Nibiru’s atmosphere.
It should be noted here that today, the canopies of jet fighters
like the F-16 contains fine gold powder, used to deflect the harmful
rays of the Sun.
Also, scientists investigating a response to
climate change have suggested geo-engineering the Earth’s atmosphere
with fine metallic dust to induce global cooling, not unlike when
volcanoes discharge metric tons particles into the atmosphere and
thereby cools the planet. These methods are designed to deflect the
rays of the Sun.
King Lahma was deposed (fatally) by Prince Alalu because of his
failure to implement a plan to save the planet. Anu, Lahma’s
rightful heir, agreed to Alalu’s rule.
Anu’s firstborn son, Ea/Enki married
Alalu’s daughter Damlina/Ninki to seal the deal. King Alalu then
proceeded to address Nibiru’s urgent need to preserve its
atmosphere. King Alalu tried nuking the volcanoes,
but it wasn’t enough to correct the problem.
He sent up a mission to
the asteroids to mine for gold, but the rocket crashed leaving no
survivors. Anu, now citing his rightful succession to the throne and
Alalu’s failures, challenged him to the kingship. In a hand-to-hand
match up, Anu emerged victorious and became king.
In an attempt to regain his rule, Alalu stole a rocket and made his
way through the asteroid belt to Earth, where he found gold in the
(Persian) Gulf.
He threatened Nibiru with nukes and said that the
fate of Nibiru’s atmosphere was in his hands. Anu’s son Enlil beamed
to Alalu to prove there was enough gold there, and Alalu responded
with technical data proving his contention.
Ea/Enki, as son-in-law to Alalu, was in
a position to mediate and asked the governing Council to approve a
mission for him to pass through the asteroid belt, visit Earth and
obtain gold from its waters in the Gulf.
“Let Alalu rule Earth, but for
kingship on Nibiru let him wrestle Anu,” he said.
Anu also approved of the plan.
When Ea/Enki reached the asteroid belt, he blasted the rocks in his
path with water, which was also a part of his on-board propulsion
system. But the pilot Anzu warned that the water levels were
depleted and the rocket would fail to reach Earth unless more water
was added.
Water was found on Mars and the mission reached its
Meeting up with Alalu, Ea/Enki built the first settlement, Eridu
near the Gulf where gold recovery operations from those waters began
in earnest.
Ea/Enki also built a flying chariot and
with his personal pilot Abgal probed the planet further for other
sources of gold. After sending two successive shipments of gold back
to Nibiru, it was determined that the Gulf water’s yield was
insufficient to address the atmospheric problem.
Finally, Ea/Enki
found huge veins of gold in Southeast Africa, which was called the
Enlil then visited Earth and confirmed the massive find of gold in
the Abzu, enough to save Nibiru’s atmosphere. With rivalries between
Alalu and Anu, and Enki and his brother Enlil continuing to smolder,
Anu traveled to Earth at Enlil’s request to draw lots and settle the
chain of leadership once and for all.
Three lots were drawn:
Enlil became the Lord of the Command and
was based in the Edin (Gulf); Ea/Enki was awarded oversight of the
Abzu and of the seas; but Alalu disagreed that Anu should be the
ruler of Nibiru, asserting both his command of the Earth and of
So, Anu and Alalu again engaged in a hand-to-hand wrestling contest.
Without going into further details, Alalu was exiled to Mars with
food and tools along with the pilot Anzu, after “playing dirty” in
his contest with Anu. Anzu would tend to Alalu until his death
After Anu arrived back on the home planet, he told the Council of
ambitious plans to hunt
for gold throughout the solar system.
would be continuous freight shuttles between Earth and way stations
on the Moon and Mars, as well as on other satellites. From these way
stations, the gold would be shipped back to Nibiru.
Sending his daughter Ninmah with a crew of female health officers
back to Earth, Anu instructed her to check in on Alalu as they
passed Mars on the way in. He further ordered her to give Anzu other
crewmembers to construct the first way station. Upon arriving on
Mars, Ninmah found Alalu had died and gave 20 crewmembers to Anzu,
with orders to construct the way station to accept the shipments of
gold bound for Nibiru.
Such a major undertaking could not be done without access to
construction materials including metals. And, with a dual mission
which included a hunt for gold throughout the solar system, the main
belt asteroids become prime candidates to drag into local orbit and
mine for these resources.
Mars contains traces of water, necessary
for life, fuel and perhaps electricity.
But on the metal front, the
planet is mainly composed of iron oxides and short on other metals.
So, asteroids are a likely place to obtain what was needed to
develop the way station.
Was Phobos mined? Was Deimos also placed
in the queue?
While today’s internet blog sites may point to blockbuster
movies while speculating that Phobos is a starship or planet-killing
machine, I am content to point to what I call “The Most Fantastic
Story Ever Told” - Zecharia Sitchin’s Earth Chronicles - when I
propose for your consideration that Phobos is a mined asteroid.
The circumstantial evidence left behind
by the Anunnaki speaks for itself.
Update 2nd March 2013
On the evening of 28/2/13, broadcaster Linda Moulton Howe
appeared to take a swipe at the proposals put forward in this
article on Coast-To-Coast AM. (9)
Without citing this paper directly, Howe
writes in a follow-up article on her website:
"Recently an article came to
Earthfiles, along with an illustration of how Phobos is
camouflage for a structured interior. Allegedly the information
source was someone within the European Space Agency, known as
ESA. No one at ESA has confirmed any reality to the illustration
and web article..." (10)
She seems to have confused the
information provided in this article for some kind of official ESA
press release, which it quite evidently isn't.
As a result, she discussed Phobos with
Dr. Jay Melosh of Perdue University. He dismissed speculation
that Phobos is hollow or an artificial body and, instead, suggested
that it is,
"thoroughly fractured and has a lot
of void space in it." (9)
If Linda Moulton Howe's point is that
the illustration at the top of this article is not properly
referenced, then one cannot help but be amused by the irony here:
She fails to reference this article in both her C2C interview and
her Earthfiles article.
The broader irony is Howe's "mainstream"
response to the large voids of Phobos, and Coast's willingness to
allow for such a one-sided debate.
1) ESA Mars Express Blog “Radio
science result from 2008 Phobos Flyby now accepted for
publication” March 25, 2010
2) Andert, T. P., et al,
Precise Mass Determination and the
Nature of Phobos, Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 37, Issue 9, May
3) Jeff Hecht “NASA
mulls plan to drag asteroid into moon’s orbit” 2nd
January 2013
4) Alex Létourneau “Asteroid Mining Becoming More of A Reality”
25th January 2013
5) Zecharia Sitchin “Genesis Revisited: Is Modern Science
Catching Up With Ancient Knowledge?”, 1990
6) Zecharia Sitchin "The Lost Book of Enki", 2002
7) Zecharia Sitchin "The Wars of Gods and Men", 1985
8) Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. “How
Face of Alu, First Nibiran on Earth, Became Face on Mars”
15th April 2008
Coast-to-Coast with George Noory,
interviewing Linda Moulton Howe "Mystery Booms,
Bigfoot DNA, & Phobos" 28th February 2013
10) Linda Moulton Howe "Strange
Martian Moon Phobos - Could its Dust have Evidence of Life?"
Feb 2013