by Montalk
January 26, 2012
Article Updated on
January 26, 2012
Montalk Website
version of this report)
There are many factors one can analyze to predict the future. Here I
examine the more unique and unusual ones.
Kondratiev Wave
A modification to the
Kondratiev Wave
predicts recessions, booms,
and wars for America. This is not my invention; all credit goes to
an old friend for discovering it.
The cycle is a summation of 52, 26, 13, and 6.5 year sine waves
properly inverted, aligned, and scaled in the range of 0% to 100%.
At 0% is the bottom of a depression of recession, and 100% is the
top of a boom.
Anything above 80% indicates a heightened probability
of war. This graph indicates probabilities.
Here is the graph for nearby years:

The graph accurately traced the 2008 economic crash, the supposed
“green shoots” recovery of 2009-2010, and the second downward slide
of 2011.
The graph ramps up in 2012 and crosses the 80% mark in Fall
2012, when war becomes a real possibility. The last time this
happened, the Iraq war under George W. Bush was set into motion.
Large Hadron
Collider and HAARP
On March 30th, 2010, the
Large Hadron Collider
went into regular
operation, after many months of delays, repairs, and intermittent
This machine is so large and expensive that not even
military/corporate black ops in their underground bases have
presumably built such a thing. Meaning, the LHC itself would need to
be timeshared for black project purposes.
And with it now being operational, now is when such strange and
likely nefarious experiments may begin. If this involves
dimensional/temporal experimentation, then that points once more to
the level of novelty in world events increasing.
Thus there ought to
be a correlation between
milestones in the LHC program and whatever
effects upon the world/timeline such black projects might aim to
The Collider, the Particle
and a Theory About Fate
NY Times
October 12, 2009
More than a year after an explosion of sparks, soot and frigid
helium shut it down, the world’s biggest and most expensive
physics experiment, known as the Large Hadron Collider, is
poised to start up again. […]
A pair of otherwise distinguished physicists have suggested that
the hypothesized Higgs boson, which physicists hope to produce
with the collider, might be so abhorrent to nature that its
creation would ripple backward through time and stop the
collider before it could make one, like a time traveler who goes
back in time to kill his grandfather.
Holger Bech Nielsen, of the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen,
and Masao Ninomiya of the Yukawa Institute for Theoretical
Physics in Kyoto, Japan, put this idea forward in a series of
papers with titles like “Test of Effect From Future in Large Hadron Collider: a Proposal” and “Search for Future Influence
From LHC,” posted on the physics Web site arXiv.org in the last
year and a half.
According to the so-called Standard Model that rules almost all
physics, the Higgs is responsible for imbuing other elementary
particles with mass.
“It must be our prediction that all Higgs
producing machines shall have bad luck,” Dr. Nielsen said in an
e-mail message.
In an unpublished essay, Dr. Nielson said of the
“Well, one could even almost say that we have a model
for God.” It is their guess, he went on, “that He rather hates
Higgs particles, and attempts to avoid them.”
This malign influence from the future, they argue, could explain
why the United States Superconducting Supercollider, also
designed to find the Higgs, was canceled in 1993 after billions
of dollars had already been spent, an event so unlikely that Dr.
Nielsen calls it an “anti-miracle.” […]
There’s nothing
impossible about what these physicists are suggesting.
They’re just extending
mathematics outside the matchbox paradigm of orthodox science. What
they’re really saying is that the LHC can induce
It’s quantum physics applied on the macro scale, and involving
future-past feedback, which, by the way, the equations of quantum
physics don’t disallow.
As for
HAARP, the
waterfall chart shows HAARP has been active 24/7
since February 23, 2011.
According to Wikipedia, on April 13, 2011,
“LHC becomes the world’s highest-luminosity hadron accelerator […]
beating the Tevatron’s previous record.”
I’ve been watching the HAARP charts since 2005 and they always
consisted of limited test runs, many of which
coincided with
hurricane and earthquake production.
With HAARP (and presumably the
related facilities) now operating all hours of the day, the testing
phase is over, and whatever HAARP was built for is now being
Based on what I know about scalar physics, HAARP and similar
ionospheric heating facilities can produce scalar, longitudinal,
gravitational, temporal waves capable of affecting consciousness,
etheric energy, the stability of our dimension, and the trajectory
of our timeline.
It’s a much more advanced version of
Philadelphia Experiment.
I suspect shadow government forces, who are in league with negative
alien factions, are attempting to initiate artificial end-times
events related to solar, volcanic, seismic, and climate activities
in order to precipitate a timeline of their choosing. They may also
be artificially suppressing mass consciousness and/or locking out
higher dimensional benevolent influences that are now pounding at
the gate, so to speak.
I base this on the
capabilities of HAARP-type technology and the known intentions of
negative alien factions.
I’ve said it for years that as we approach “the end,” dark will get
darker and bright will get brighter.
This will appear at the mass
scale, national scale, local scale, and even family and
psychological scale. There will be increasing division as crops and
weeds recognize each other and band together with their own kind.
It’s a natural sign of the times, a kind of sifting bridge, as
catalysts force us to choose instead of sitting on the fence.
happening now and will accelerate.
in Movie Titles
This is a completely speculative idea, and I pursue it for fun just
to see what comes of it.
The idea is that the titles of box office
foreshadow events that occur 10-10.5
years later. Sort of like dream symbols and puns that end up being
As an example, consider 2001 with the WTC attacks, government
conspiracy, doctoring of evidence, and pretext for the Afghanistan
and Iraq invasions.
Here are some titles from the top 100 movies of
1991, which synchronystically reflect the events of 2001:
Double Impact (twin
towers impacted by two planes)
New Jack City (play on New York City)
City Slickers (another city reference, slick=slippery, cunning)
Sleeping with the Enemy (reference to inside job)
Necessary Roughness (problem, reaction, solution – killing own
citizens out of necessity to accomplish Machiavellian goals)
Toy Soldiers (toy soldiers are disposable fighters sent to die
needless deaths, aka cannon fodder, like the soldiers sent to
Afghanistan and Iraq on false pretenses)
Silence of the Lambs (killing of the innocent)
Defending Your Life (immediate reaction post 9-11, the paranoia
of being attacked by foreigners, and the blind patriotism that
led to support of the Afghanistan and Iraq invasions to “defend
our lives”)
Dead Again (death reference)
Dying Young (another death reference, either to innocent victims
of 9/11 or young enlisted soldiers sent to their deaths)
Out for Justice (post-9/11 anti-Arab bloodlust)
Hook (while especially tenuous, may refer to 9/11 as the “hook”
of a “hook, line, and sinker” swallowing of a false story)
Doc Hollywood ( Doc = doctored, Hollywood = special FX and
fakery; relates to doctoring of evidence and use of diversion
and special effects to create the official cover story)
JFK (term indicating conspiracy, specifically government
Hot Shots (Hot implies fire and explosions, shots implies
missiles or aimed impacts)
The Rocketeer (Flight 93 was shot down by rockets/missiles,
which even Donald Rumsfeld
slipped up and admitted, and the
Pentagon impact is claimed by some researchers to have been a
missile or drone painted to look like a commercial airplane)
Naked Gun 2 1/2 (another reference to shooting; additionally,
the Twin Towers were not the only ones to fall, the smaller WTC
7 building fell as well under suspicious circumstances)
Backdraft (term relates to a sudden deadly burst of fire, and
fire has been the central issue regarding why the Twin Towers
fell; whether heat was high enough to melt steel, and if not,
then the towers were intentionally demolished)
As you can see, these
form a “theme cluster” among the 100 top grossing movies of 1991,
and the theme cluster seems to relate to
9/11 a decade later.
If the
interpretations seem like stretches, it’s because these are treated
as dream symbols, which likewise require some creative
Well, if it worked for 2001, what about other years? I looked at the
titles of the Top 100 grossing films from 1999-2005 to see if they
clustered into identifiable trends. They did. Not only did each year
have unique themes, not only did they logically segue from one year
to the next, but each cluster causally supported another cluster;
for instance, one theme of cataclysm supporting another theme of
The only problem was having the correct context. For instance, 2001
titles seemed to indicate a big event in 2011 regarding the Royal
Family and Princess Diana.
I figured maybe it was a scandal
involving Princess Diana, maybe the conspiracy of her assassination
would be blown wide open. But turns out it was the royal wedding
between William and Kate. There are many other cases of similar
rhyming or resonance between theme clusters and the actual event.
Previous predictions:
2000 / 2010: Lots of
snow / Obama kicks into action and is criticized for not being
man enough / Important Mars discovery / huge hurricane hits /
something inside a mountain or underground building up /
populist resistance movement and bold actions on their part /
early start of domestic terrorism / congested traffic or high
gas prices interfering with travel.
[Update October 2010: The underground theme stems from titles
like What Lies Beneath, U-571, Vertical Limit, Pitch Black for
example. Closest mirroring in reality is the archetype of
problems underground, namely mine accidents and the Gulf Oil
disaster. Time will tell whether the other theme clusters make
for accurate predictions]
2001 / 2011: domestic terrorism event, populist resistance
inspired, foments revenge mindset in rest of population /
economic depression / police state becomes real problem / strong
heat and wind in America during the summer / military operation
involving captives / Mexico becomes an issue / fishing and
shipping industry devastated / scandal over Princess Diana /
archeological discovery related to the Holy Grail or Ark of the
Covenant / people shaken up by turn of events / end times
religious fervor involving New Jerusalem themes / nordic
human-like aliens gain publicity, portrayed as our brothers and
sisters, mankind criticized for being animals, some Mars or time
travel connection / major meteor or comet event.
The one big event that
2001 titles pertained to, but which did not manifest, was the theme
of nordic alien “space brothers” making an appearance, or some major
news event pertaining to the whole “aliens are our friends and
humans are irresponsible” theme.
Then again, I noticed a shift in
the alien agenda in mid 2009 away from the lovey-dovey alien
paradigm, and toward the more shifty-eyed “aliens are out to get us”
paradigm, which sets the stage for a false flag alien attack. I
don’t think that shift was originally part of the plan, but was a
shift in approach due to new developments.
So for 2012, what do the theme clusters from 2002 predict?
I’ll post
the clusters themselves:
Sunshine State Paid in Full Orange County
Savage Messiah Aankhen The Emperor’s New Clothes The Scorpion King The Master of Disguise Big Fat Liar Super Troopers Attack of the Clones Showtime The Two Towers Empire
Trapped Monsoon Wedding Collateral Damage Blue Crush City by the Sea The Earth Will Swallow You The Weight of Water The Rules of Attraction 40 Days and 40 Nights Big Trouble
The Grey Zone Green Dragon Red Dragon Star Trek: Nemesis Reign of Fire Friday After Next Life or Something Like It Two Weeks Notice Panic Room Changing Lanes 8 Mile Moonlight Mile The Sum of All Fears Die Another Day Day after Tomorrow Polar Express Ice Age Signs
The Time Machine What Time Is It There? Time Out Time Changer Extreme Ops Formula 51 Das Experiment Clockstoppers The Ring Crossroads Station Nord Men in Black II The Transporter
Time of Favor Happy Times Spirited Away Manna from Heaven Far From Heaven Return to Never Land Heaven Treasure Planet
Can you spot the themes?
financial involving Florida or California.
Rise of
Antichrist / Police State conditions.
Water disaster,
maybe a major city wiped out by tsunami and/or floods.
object disturbing Earth’s climate and orbit. Signs in the
Time travel
Rapture or
timeline split.
Again, this is just fun
My interpretations aren’t absolute, and I’m sure others
can interpret these clusters more accurately. Nonetheless,
predicting the future based on movie titles sounds nuts, but it
seems to work to some extent.
These themes reflect more what is
prevalent in mass consciousness, than what actually materializes
physically. For instance, 2001 titles also had a strong religious
“end times hysteria” theme, but rather than the end of the world
coming, it was the
Harold Camping campaign.
I’m curious as to whether there will indeed be an interplanetary
intruder this year. The 188 day earthquake cycle (below video) suggests as much,
with the next earthquake window falling around Spring Equinox 2012.
One could also look ahead.
For 2005/2015 there were movies with the
following titles suggesting forced migration/evacuation:
Red Eye (slang term
for an inconveniently timed airplane flight, often stressful and
Flightplan (flight = fleeing suddenly, plan = organized
Kicking & Screaming (being forced to do something against one’s
will, doing it reluctantly and with much stress as forced by
Be Cool (relates to the stress idea, and the idea of being
organized and cool-headed, which only makes sense if there is
potential for losing one’s head due to urgent circumstances)
Hide and Seek (indicates being on the run, ducking for cover)
The Longest Yard (another reference to a long distance journey)
Coach Carter (pun on coach and cart, two names for the same
primitive means of travel)
Walk the Line (traveling by foot, line is reminiscent of column,
file, caravan, procession)
Hitch (traveling by catching a ride, not necessarily knowing how
one will get to the final destination)
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (another hitch/travel
March of the Penguins (mass migration on foot, and if you’ve
seen the movie, it’s about penguins facing a grueling trek under
adverse conditions).
I wrote about this in my
previous Research Note. The possibility of
a solar-induced catastrophe has really been saturating the media
The movie Knowing portrayed it, as did Emmerich’s 2012. Mainstream
news and magazine articles cover it as well. See for instance an
article from New Scientist Magazine called
Space Storm Alert: 90
Seconds from Catastrophe.
Seasoned astrometeorologists like
Theo at the Alamac Forum predict
Solar Cycle 24 will be an extended cycle lasting into 2016.
From my previous Research Note:
During the downward
slope, solar flares and sunspots grow less frequent, but with
potentially stronger X-class flares even though they are fewer
and farther between.
During the last cycle, the downward slope
was well underway by 2003 when some whopper sunspots and flares
appeared. This corresponds to mid 2012 to mid 2013 in the
upcoming cycle [unless the cycle is extended, then 2013 to 2016
is the target window].
We could see a major CME event around this time, which if strong
enough could knock down the electric grid and make things all
the more interesting. Visit
to read a
government-funded study on how society would be affected.
It’s worth noting that military black projects ought to have
enough computing power to accurately predict (but not reveal to
the public) when the next major CME event will hit, when
electric and communications infrastructure will go down.
would allow them to
prepare far in advance
and capitalize on
that knowledge.
Maybe they would need widespread blackouts to
conduct questionable operations that could not be pulled off
under the light of media and internet awareness.
Timing of the
next solar peak should indicate when such a scenario is likely
to manifest.
From another note titled
Coherence Indicators:
Solar flares appear
to have an impact upon the earth grid and thus upon the
stability between realms.
Strong solar flares impact the earth’s
magnetosphere and give a shock to the earth grid, increasing the
number and magnitude of portals and thereby assisting
dimensional engineering attempts.
forces have an easier time changing things when realm conditions
are unstable, such as during certain astrological alignments and
when the earth’s magnetic field is buffeted. Solar flares, being
plasma shockwaves, also carry with them a longitudinal magnetic
vector potential wave, essentially a gravitational potential
wave, which I think is the primary instigator of realm
when solar activity is high, things
tend to get whacky.
Apparently it has to do with alignments of
the planets and their magnetic fields and how it impacts the
Other natural wild-card
events could arise.
Meteorite storms have
wreaked havoc in the past:
These cannot be easily
predicted in advance, but they remain open as possibilities.
If nothing else, increased solar activity will lead to worsening
weather, volcanic and earthquake activity, and power outages.
Natural disasters, more than anything, are going to bankrupt
governments and mortally wound the global economy through death by a
thousand cuts.
It’s underway.
Personally, I foresee aliens showing up anywhere from early 2013 to
late 2017 based on current trends/conditions and various data
For them to appear and have the proper leverage, we must
first go through global economic collapse and WWIII. As anyone
following the news and research knows, those two things are nipping
at our toes right now.
It’s also worth noting
the Malachi Prophecy predicting the
succession of popes, with the last two coming to power during the
end of days. The current pope,
Darth Ratzinger, is the third from
last. The prophecy says he would be short lived. Hence we will see
the fulfillment of Malachi’s Prophecy in the next few years.
prophecy ends with:
In the final
persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Peter the
Roman, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations, after
which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful
Judge will judge the people. The End.
Then there is
the Fatima
Prophecy, namely the Third Secret of Fatima.
The Vatican
released a fake version of it that is self-congratulatory and
Here is one closer to the real thing:
Humanity has not
developed as God desired. Mankind has been sacrilegious and has
trampled underfoot the gifts of God.
No longer does order reign anywhere. Even in the highest places
Satan reigns and directs the course of events. Satan will
succeed in infiltrating into the highest positions in the
Satan will succeed in sowing confusion in the minds of
scientists who will design weapons that can destroy great
portions of mankind in a few minutes. Satan will gain hold of
heads of nations and will cause these destructive weapons to be
If mankind will not oppose these evils, I will be obliged to let
fall My Son’s arm. If the chief rulers of the world and of the
Church will not actively oppose these evils, I will ask God
Father to visit His Justice upon mankind.
Then will God punish
mankind even more severely and harshly than He did at the time
of the great Deluge. The great and powerful will perish along
with the lowly and weak.
A time of very severe trial is also coming for the Church.
Cardinals will oppose Cardinals and Bishops will oppose Bishops.
Satan will enter into their very midst. In Rome also, there will
occur great changes. What is rotten will fall, and what falls
must not be retained. The Church will be obscured, and all the
world will be thrown into great confusion…
The only thing I see
that could cause such cataclysmic upset to the Church would be
aliens revealing themselves and overturning the whole foundation of
Sides would be chosen, corruption and deception (on the
human level) revealed, and things would get very topsy turvy.
The Third Secret continues:
Fire and smoke will
fall from heaven, and the waters of the ocean will turn to
steam, throwing their foam to the very sky. Whatever is standing
will be overturned. Millions of people will die. Those surviving
will envy the dead. Distress, misery and desolation will be
found the world over.
The time is drawing near, and the abyss is ever deepening. There
will be no escape: the good will die with the wicked, the great
with the lowly, the princes of the Church with the faithful, the
rulers of the nations with their people.
Death will reign
everywhere, raised to triumph by erring men, the helpers of
Satan who will be the masters of the earth. These evils will
come at a time when no one expects it: nevertheless it must come
as punishment and revenge in accordance with God’s plan.
The age of ages is coming, the end of all ends if mankind will
not repent and be converted, and if this conversion does not
come from rulers of the world and of the Church. Woe and greater
woe to mankind if conversion does not occur.
This matches up nicely
with the
Mother Shipton’s prophecies.
For those who live
the century through
in fear and trembling this shall do.
Flee to the mountains and the dens
to bog and forest and wild fens.
For storms will rage and oceans roar
when Gabriel stands on sea and shore,
and as he blows his wondrous horn
old worlds die and new be born.
A fiery dragon will cross the sky
six times before the earth shall die.
Mankind will tremble and frightened be
for the six heralds in this prophecy.
gets worse...)
Question is how much of
what was seen in these prophecies is still applicable, and if valid,
then is it valid for everyone? Are we all chain-ganged to the same
timeline, or is there an option for some of us to branch off onto an
alternate probable future where these things don’t take place?
will tell...
Appendix -
Because someone will inevitably ask me for some tips on survival,
I’ll go ahead and cover those.
These are mainly good for weather
disasters and temporary interruptions to utilities and the food
supply. For bigger things, you would need fate, destiny, and divine
intervention on your side.
Basic needs in order of urgency:
suggestions on the first four:
portable water
filter (First Need XL, Katadyn Pocket), cases of bottled water,
water purification tablets, collapsible water bags. If there is
only one item to get, it is a high quality portable water
filter. I cannot stress this enough.
Because water is the first
and most important thing to go after any disaster, and portable
filters are so compact yet good for hundreds to thousands of
beans/rice/potatoes/oatmeal/pasta, canned or jarred fruits and
vegetables, canned or pouched meats, salt, pasta and jarred
pasta sauce, olive and sunflower oil, and vitamins (especially
Vitamin C, as it’s hard to get from canned/jarred foods, and
Vitamin D since if you’re hiding by day and traveling by night
you won’t get any), military meal packs.
For cooking, either a Sterno or Esbit folding stove and fuel, a small Woodgas Camp
Stove, or a simple alcohol stove and a couple gallons of S-L-X
denatured alcohol.
extra prescription
items, toiletries and personal hygiene essentials, and First Aid
kit (Total Resources International, REI kit or Adventure
Or make your own kit:
anti-bacterial ointment (most important),
anti-fungal ointment, cortisone cream, anti-diarrheal, laxative,
SAM splints for sprains and breaks, assorted band-aids, buffered
aspirin, vaseline, rubbing alcohol, iodine liquid, medical tape,
gauze rolls, elastic bandage wrap, wound dressing pads,
butterfly sutures, superglue for cuts, burn gel or burn pad,
moleskin for blisters, bandage scissors, tweezers, latex-free
gloves, plastic syringe for wound washing, Bic lighter, sturdy
drinking straws, Swiss Army Classic, optionally some #15
scalpels and 4.5 inch straight iris scissors for tissue work,
non-alcohol thermometer, cayenne powder and/or Celox for wound
blood clotting.
Additional anti-microbials: oregano oil and
colloidal silver.
packs of batteries,
or rechargeable Sanyo Eneloop batteries and solar charger, LED
headlamp (very important - if you only get one type of lighting,
make it an LED headlamp), good LED flashlight (can light up a
whole room and run for 8 to 72 hours), 12V DC to 120V AC
inverter, solar charge controller, 20W minimum solar panel,
18-50 AH marine battery.
The simplest and
cheapest anyone can do, is get couple cases of bottled water (not
the opaque gallon jugs since they end up leaking), a first aid kit,
an LED headlamp with some extra batteries, and some canned and
ready-to-eat (granola bars, cereal boxes, peanut butter and
crackers) foods. That’s good enough for a week.
If you’re worried about self-defense, the most legal option (check
your local laws) is pepper spray and a baseball bat; anything beyond
that is up to you. You can get all these things in one day, put it
away in your closet, and go on with your life. Having spare cash on
hand is recommended: enough for food, gas, and motel covering 2-3
days of travel.
Doesn’t take much time or effort to get the basics. Occasionally
check the clearance section at stores; good deals on useful items
appear there sometimes.
And if something jumps out at you, is on
sale, and seems like a good idea, maybe that’s a hint. Years ago I
had an intuitive nudge, and a synchronistic opportunity, to get some
nice Walkie-Talkies with a 5-mile range.
Later they became
absolutely essential when my girlfriend and I evacuated Florida in
separate cars during the 2004 hurricanes. Had I ignored my intuition
and the opportunity, who knows what would have happened.
As far as survivalism goes, here are some things to keep in mind:
You can only
prepare for a limited set of scenarios. A point comes in
your attempt to prepare for everything, where you’ve just
thrown away your life, your destiny, your mission if you
have one, all for the sake of surviving.
Then you would
be surviving for the sake of existing, not for the sake of
living. Life would be meaningless and you just defeated your
very purpose for coming here.
Therefore, no
amount of preparation warrants throwing your life away and
heading into the hills, shutting yourself off from the world
until doomsday comes. All preparations should be done in
parallel with your regular life and not infringe upon it.
If your main
life is Plan A (nothing happens) then keep that open while
you simultaneously have Plan B (S.H.T.F.).
Do some basic
physical preparations without becoming obsessed,
preoccupied, or emotionally invested in it.
If you get some
survival item, know how to use it and put it away until time
for maintenance, practice, and use. Try not to fondle it
like you have some kind of survivalism fetish, don’t be
turning over post-apocalyptic fantasies in your mind,
gloating over your advantage over the other poor suckers who
are asleep and unprepared.
Reason being
that holding onto an extreme survivalism mentality, beyond
what’s needed to actually do it, is highly detrimental to
your spiritual balance. Have the knowledge and supplies, but
be very cautious of aligning your heart and thought-train
completely and exclusively with the mere idea of physical
Making it your
life goal will kill your soul, and you need your soul and a
spiritual connection to gain the synchronistic and intuitive
protection needed to keep you safe in all scenarios, not
just the ones you can physically prepare for.
To an extent,
spiritual balance, good intuition (honed through past trial
and error), and sharp awareness (observe and think several
steps ahead) will get you farther than any physical survival
dwelling or supplies.
Why? Because
then you can respond flexibly to whatever comes, as it
By spiritual
balance I mean keeping a leash on your ego, your jealousies,
contempt and hatred, desperate materialism, greed, and other
base impulses… and instead, striving for equanimity,
gratitude to the Creator, devotion to truth and beauty and
fairness, and consideration for others.
Then you acquire
divine blessing that increases the luck factor in your life.
In the midst of calamity you can get an intuitive or
synchronistic helping hand.
Of course, spiritual
versus physical preparation are not mutually exclusive; just avoid
physical obsession that infringes on spiritual balance; that’s the
most important thing I can say.
Same goes for looking
toward the future and getting apprehensive. Don’t lose hope or
optimism, as you need these to carve out a pathway to heaven through
times of hell.