by Montalk
March 31, 2010
Montalk Website
Spanish version
This report has being
There are many factors one can analyze to predict the future.
Here I
examine the more unique and unusual ones.
Kondratiev Wave
A modification to the
Kondratiev Wave predicts recessions, booms,
and wars for America. This is not my invention; all credit goes to
an old friend for discovering it.
The cycle is a summation of 52, 26, 13, and 6.5 year sine waves
properly inverted, aligned, and scaled in the range of 0% to 100%.
At 0% is the bottom of a depression of recession, and 100% is the
top of a boom. Anything above 80% indicates a heightened probability
of war.
This graph indicates
Here is the graph for nearby years:

As you can see, starting
late 2007 it drops steeply, reaches the bottom in late 2008, and
then climbs back up.
This matches the real
estate crash that began in late 2007, reached public panic levels in
late 2008, and then was temporarily ameliorated by the infusion of
fiat cash into the economy via the bailouts and stimulus checks.
For 2010, it continues to climb until late Summer or Fall, after
which it slides down once more and keeps sliding all through 2011.
Thus we can expect yet another economic panic later this year, and
for 2011 to be a very economically stressful year.
Gerald Celente
has predicted a crash in commercial real estate, and we will likely
be seeing this in 2011.
If the graph stays accurate, we will then see a drastic climb back
up in early 2012. This is hard to imagine, considering the economy’s
death state is due to a century of debt-based economy that keeps
borrowing from the future and printing money out of thin air, which
inevitably causes an implosion and collapse of the dollar.
That is, unless something drastic happens.
What could bring the
economy back after being near death? To truly make up for debt, one
must produce real wealth.
One possibility is that the U.S. discovers a jackpot of energy
reserves or develops a new technology, perhaps
free energy
technology. Since military
black projects are already sitting on
free energy technology, they could easily select one to release at
the appropriate time. This production of real energy would fill in
the hole dug by decades of debt.
Another is that preparation for war fuels the economy, the same way
WWII got the country out of the Great Depression. This may be war
abroad, or even war at home. The latter, for instance, would be a
boon for all sorts of industries purposed toward a mushrooming
totalitarian infrastructure.
And a third possibility is that after
collapse of the dollar, there
is conversion to a global currency upon bailing out by a world bank.
In which case American wealth and real estate would be divided up
amongst the financiers, and the people will lose all sovereignty and
ownership of their own land. Then the economy would move forward
once more, fueled by a new infusion of blood from foreign donors.
Whatever the case, the window for war opens in late
2012, and with
it a possible draft, which would undoubtedly meet with fierce
resistance by the public.
Putting it all together, it looks like all will be fine through the
summer, then a new economic panic, then a downward slide through all
of 2011 which will mean very high unemployment and empty
storefronts, then some kind of bailout or war-preparation or
energy-tech-discovery, and likely a new draft if the war is a big
Optimism boosts the immune system
and stress lowers it. An economic panic and depression heightens the
risk of disease, which for now are held at bay by a functioning
medical system, a relatively stable way of life thanks to the
bailouts, and the public being told things are getting better.
In concert with a real impact to the average person’s way of life,
with rising anger against injustices and abuse of authority, with
collapse of the medical system, with malnutrition from poverty diets
- you will see a rise of disease to the epidemic/pandemic level.
This is pure logic.
Right now tuberculosis,
West Nile, and H1N1 are the main threats.
Tuberculosis will likely
make a comeback, but not until things get to Great Depression
Large Hadron
On March 30th, 2010, the
Large Hadron Collider went into
regular operation, after many months of delays, repairs, and
intermittent tests.
There are a couple things to consider concerning
First is that novelty or improbability comes in clusters. That’s why
synchronicities precede or accompany sudden shifts in your psyche.
The LHC is extremely novel. What it’s doing is unprecedented. It is
a highly improbable event, performing experiments on the subatomic
level that have never been done before. And it’s something of novel
interest to the global consciousness, not just a little thing in the
life of one little person.
And so, in theory, this ought to attract other improbabilities on
the global scale.
For instance:
February 28, 2010 |
7:06 am
Yesterday just before 11:25 p.m. Central European Time, the
first protons of 2010 were injected in the Large Hadron Collider.
By 2:45 a.m. CET a
proton beam had made hundreds of turns around the 27-kilometer
ring in one direction, and the same feat was completed in the
other direction by 4:10 a.m. The beams had an energy of 450
billion electron volts (GeV), which is the energy at which they
are injected into the LHC.
The Chilean
The 2010 Chilean
earthquake occurred off the coast of the Maule Region of Chile
on February 27, 2010, at 03:34 local time (06:34 UTC), rating a
magnitude of 8.8 on the moment magnitude scale and lasting 90
Coincidence, yes, but a
meaningful one.
Two highly improbable
world events in the same 24 hour window. There need not be a causal
connection between the two, just a synchronistic one. And it doesn’t
imply that every LHC event will trigger an earthquake either. It
just means that, with its operation, there may be a correlating
increase in novelty as far as world events go.
Perhaps both are
products of the same general novelty trend, along the lines of
Terrence McKenna’s
Timewave Zero Theory.
Starting March 30th, the LHC will run near continuously for 18-24
months before shutting down for a year, then undergoing some
upgrades and starting up again at double the energy. April 2010 is
the beginning of a long window of continuous LHC operation. And thus
I expect world events to be correspondingly interesting.
At least, even more than
they have been these past few years.
Second point of consideration is that this machine is so large and
expensive that not even military/corporate black ops in their
underground bases have presumably built such a thing. Meaning, the
LHC itself would need to be timeshared for black project purposes.
And with it now being operational, now is when such strange and
likely nefarious experiments may begin. If this involves
dimensional/temporal experimentation, then that points once more to
the level of novelty in world events increasing.
Third point of consideration is this:
The Collider, the Particle
and a Theory About Fate
NY Times
October 12, 2009
More than a year after an explosion of sparks, soot and frigid
helium shut it down, the world’s biggest and most expensive
physics experiment, known as the
Large Hadron Collider, is
poised to start up again. […]
A pair of otherwise distinguished physicists have suggested that
the hypothesized
Higgs boson, which physicists hope to produce
with the collider, might be so abhorrent to nature that its
creation would ripple backward through time and stop the
collider before it could make one, like a time traveler who goes
back in time to kill his grandfather.
Holger Bech Nielsen, of the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen,
and Masao Ninomiya of the Yukawa Institute for Theoretical
Physics in Kyoto, Japan, put this idea forward in a series of
papers with titles like “Test of Effect From Future in Large Hadron Collider: a Proposal” and “Search for Future Influence
From LHC,” posted on the physics Web site arXiv.org in the last
year and a half.
According to the so-called Standard Model that rules almost all
physics, the Higgs is responsible for imbuing other elementary
particles with mass.
“It must be our prediction that all Higgs
producing machines shall have bad luck,” Dr. Nielsen said in an
e-mail message.
In an unpublished
essay, Dr. Nielson said of the theory,
“Well, one could
even almost say that we have a model for God.”
It is their guess,
he went on,
“that He rather hates Higgs particles, and attempts
to avoid them.”
This malign influence from the future, they argue, could explain
why the United States Superconducting Supercollider, also
designed to find the Higgs, was canceled in 1993 after billions
of dollars had already been spent, an event so unlikely that Dr.
Nielsen calls it an “anti-miracle.” […]
There’s nothing
impossible about what these physicists are suggesting.
They’re just extending
mathematics outside the matchbox paradigm of orthodox science. What
they’re really saying is that the LHC can induce synchronicities.
quantum physics applied on the macro scale, and involving
future-past feedback, which, by the way, the equations of quantum
physics don’t disallow.
But these scientists have in mind a specific case - the inadvertent
discovery of the Higgs particle altering the past, causing it not to
be discovered in the first place. Bad analogy, but it’s sort of like
holding a carrot before a donkey to make it go, but the donkey eats
the carrot causing it to stand still. Now imagine if you knew how to
mount it on a stick and turn it into a steering device. Then you
have a means of transportation.
That’s what I mean by
black project uses for the LHC.
So, all the above taken together, means that in conjunction with the
LHC entering regular observation and new experiments and knowledge
coming out of it left and right, we ought to see a corresponding
increase in the “impossible” and “unbelievable” as far as world
events go.
That includes
geological, climatic, political, technological, and astronomical
Foreshadowing in Movie Titles
This one is more tenuous, but it’s an intriguing idea nonetheless.
Seems to me that the
titles of top grossing movies foreshadow future world trends and
events 10-10.5 years later. By mainstream standards there is no
connection, but by
synchromystic standards there is
As an example, consider 2001 with the WTC attacks, government
conspiracy, doctoring of evidence, and pretext for the Afghanistan
and Iraq invasions.
Here are some titles
from the top 100 movies of 1991, which synchromystically reflect
the events of 2001:
Double Impact
(twin towers impacted by two planes)
New Jack City
(play on New York City)
City Slickers
(another city reference, slick=slippery, cunning)
Sleeping with
the Enemy (reference to inside job)
Roughness (problem, reaction, solution – killing own
citizens out of necessity to accomplish Machiavellian goals)
Toy Soldiers
(toy soldiers are disposable fighters sent to die needless
deaths, aka cannon fodder, like the soldiers sent to
Afghanistan and Iraq on false pretenses)
Silence of the
Lambs (killing of the innocent)
Defending Your
Life (immediate reaction post 9-11, the paranoia of being
attacked by foreigners, and the blind patriotism that led to
support of the Afghanistan and Iraq invasions to “defend our
Dead Again
(death reference)
Dying Young
(another death reference, either to innocent victims of 9/11
or young enlisted soldiers sent to their deaths)
Out for Justice
(post-9/11 anti-Arab bloodlust)
Hook (while
especially tenuous, may refer to 9/11 as the “hook” of a
“hook, line, and sinker” swallowing of a false story)
Doc Hollywood (
Doc = doctored, Hollywood = special FX and fakery; relates
to doctoring of evidence and use of diversion and special
effects to create the official cover story)
JFK (term
indicating conspiracy, specifically government conspiracy)
Hot Shots (Hot
implies fire and explosions, shots implies missiles or aimed
The Rocketeer
(Flight 93 was shot down by rockets/missiles, which even
Donald Rumsfeld
slipped up and admitted,
and the Pentagon impact is claimed by some researchers to
have been a missile or drone painted to look like a
commercial airplane)
Naked Gun 2½
(another reference to shooting; additionally, the Twin
Towers were not the only ones to fall, the smaller WTC 7
building fell as well under suspicious circumstances)
Terminator 2 (a
terminator is a killer, an exterminator, and the sequel
number may be a double/twin reference in this context)
Backdraft (term
relates to a sudden deadly burst of fire, and fire has been
the central issue regarding why the Twin Towers fell;
whether heat was high enough to melt steel, and if not, then
the towers were intentionally demolished)
If you think laterally,
you’ll see the connection of the above titles with the whole
meme-pool surrounding
Again, this is synchromysticism, where
there’s a fine line between oracular signal and the noise of
So I looked at the titles of the Top 100 grossing films from
1999-2005 to see if they clustered into identifiable trends.
did. Not only did each year have unique themes, not only did they
logically segue from one year to the next, but each cluster causally
supported another cluster; for instance, one theme of cataclysm
supporting another theme of migration.
Without knowing the full context of the future, here are my guesses
as to what these themes could signify:
1999 / 2009:
Search for ET life and exoplanets / concern over bad weather
in future / polarization between people awakening and
sleeping more deeply / fake or dead political threats like
Iran and North Korea / global warming hysteria.
2000 / 2010:
Lots of snow / Obama kicks into action and is criticized for
not being man enough / Mars life discovery / huge hurricane
hits / something inside a mountain or underground building
up / populist resistance movement and bold actions on their
part / early start of domestic terrorism / hurricane
evacuations causing congested traffic or high gas prices
interfering with travel.
2001 / 2011:
Domestic terrorism and military operations / aliens,
possibly nordic, show up and criticize mankind for being
animals, or maybe things get out of hand with people acting
like animals.
2002 / 2012:
People being very worried / signs in the skies, celestial
phenomena / social breakdown and gangs roaming cities /
elite evacuate to bases and shelters / appearance of
threatening object(s) in sky / orbital disturbance /
beginning of weather changes toward coldness.
2003 / 2013:
People attempting to bring down elite where they can find
them / people’s revolution against old power structure /
more ETs may make an appearance / Russia plays a role.
2004 / 2014:
Severe weather disturbances, extreme heat and cold / the
rise of superhumans or heroic people leading others / the
presence of zombified or mind-controlled people causing
problems / survival by congregating into little villages /
more ETs appear.
2005 / 2015:
Alien wars / sky is falling, utter chaos / mass migrations,
running and hiding / long distance travel toward safety, new
lands, or lower latitudes.
Pretty dramatic. I’m not
saying this is what will happen, just saying these are potential
theme clusters.
To show what I mean by
theme clustering, for 2005/2015 there were movies with the following
titles suggesting forced migration/evacuation:
Red Eye (slang
term for an inconveniently timed airplane flight, often
stressful and hurried)
(flight = fleeing suddenly, plan = organized procedure)
Kicking &
Screaming (being forced to do something against one’s will,
doing it reluctantly and with much stress as forced by
Be Cool (relates
to the stress idea, and the idea of being organized and
cool-headed, which only makes sense if there is potential
for losing one’s head due to urgent circumstances)
Hide and Seek
(indicates being on the run, ducking for cover)
The Longest Yard
(another reference to a long distance journey)
Coach Carter
(pun on coach and cart, two names for the same primitive
means of travel)
Walk the Line
(traveling by foot, line is reminiscent of column, file,
caravan, procession)
Hitch (traveling
by catching a ride, not necessarily knowing how one will get
to the final destination)
Guide to the Galaxy (another hitch/travel reference)
March of the
Penguins (mass migration on foot, and if you’ve seen the
movie, it’s about penguins facing a grueling trek under
adverse conditions).
Are these themes to be
taken literally, or merely archetypally? Time will tell...
For now this is just an
entertaining theory with some interesting results.
The pattern of domestic terrorism and populist resistance, that’s
something I picked out several months ago from the titles, but I
found it hard to believe it would begin so soon.
Joseph Stack flew his plane
into the IRS building,
Jihad Jane made the news, and
now the
Hutaree Militia is under
Main surprise was the alien pattern for 2011.
Based on alien research,
I expect the (false)
Disclosure process to be
multi-phased, with an earlier short introduction to the world,
followed a year or two later by an actual landing and meeting with
I say “false” because it will be a ruse playing to world
expectations instead of a genuine disclosure of information on alien
My estimate is as follows:
discovery of
life on Mars (or confirmed SETI signal) in 2010
first alien
message to the world and/or fly-over in 2011
full landing in
early 2013
This could all be
compressed to 2012-2013, but I will be astonished if by mid 2013 not
a single thing happens regarding Disclosure.
I have my many reasons
for this timing, one being that their appearance must be
strategically timed in context of global economic collapse, world
war, solar cycles, and climate change.
As mentioned above, populist resistance against federal authority is
The Ron Paul movement
played its part, giving open support to formerly underground
sentiments. These sentiments have since become mainstream. In
reaction to the socialist trespasses of the current administration,
it has only become stronger. The
Tea Party has been hijacked, and it
seems to me there is an agenda afoot to simultaneously increase
totalitarian measures from the top down, and foment anti-government
feelings from the bottom up.
All this, to induce the assisted radicalization (via programming,
agent provocateurs, and paid opinion leaders like Hal Turner and
Glenn Beck) of the conservative body and bring America toward a
state of dissolution and/or civil war, or at least justify the use
of all those shiny new concentration camps the feds have been
building ‘round the clock since the 90s.
Whether he actually said it or not, the purported quote by Admiral
Yamamoto is true:
“You cannot invade the mainland United States.
There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.”
Sure, it would
be difficult to invade directly, but not difficult to get the
country to expend all those bullets on itself through a civil war
and then enter to clean up what’s left.
And so the turning of the enemy away from foreign toward domestic is
to be expected. In recent decades, when a Republican is in office,
the enemy is foreign. When a Democrat is in office, the enemy is
Reagan had the Russians
Bush Sr. and Jr. had the Muslims
Clinton had the domestic right-wingers of Waco and OKC
now has his convenient domestic enemy...
It’s all so very predictable.
Tax rebellion is inevitable. And with it will come the collapse of,
Social Security
In the mean
time, taxes will get out of control to attempt to pay for it all.
I’m reminded of the
prophetic words from Barbara Marciniak’s channelled book
Bringers of the Dawn (1992):
Much of the
political maneuvering going on, particularly in the United
States, is purposely designed to separate you.
Look at the New Age.
Do you see how the New Age is separated? All kinds of things are
said to keep you from discovering what you have in common. When
people discover this, they will begin to get angry. As more and
more of the methods of control and separation are revealed to
you, the anger will build in the United States.
Events will occur
that may look as if the country is falling apart, yet they will
serve the purpose of bringing people together. A new pride and a
new sense of integrity will come about, because this is what is
designed for the times.
The material realm is one area that everyone relates to. Life in
the United States translates into how much money you have in
your pocket and how much money the government wants out of what
you have in your pocket. Taxes will be the issue that will
create both the greatest amount of havoc in the United States
and the greatest amount of unification, because you all have
taxes in common. You may not worship the same God, but you all
pay taxes.
In a clever move, the Middle East crisis allowed the government
to have what it wanted without going through the problem of
asking your permission for a tax raise on gasoline.
You see how clever
these things are? With a few more taxes piled on top of one
another, people will begin to examine the quality of their
You will see a lot
of anger in this country, because many people will feel
powerless. Anger is one of the first emotions that will occur
when people finally understand the manipulation that has been
going on and begin to get in touch with their feelings.
If the current populist
resistance trend continues, then in five years’ time, the “United
States of America” will no longer exist.
It will likely be
separated into autonomous territories, with only a smaller section
still under the control of the present federal government. Military
coup is possible. This depends on how well infrastructure remains
If a
solar EMP wipes out food and water supplies for more
than a month, then nation-states disappear and things return to
medieval-style feudalism.
That is actually more
likely than a totalitarian global government, due to the fragility
of our global infrastructure.
I wrote about this in my
previous Research Note.
The possibility of a
solar-induced catastrophe has
really been saturating the media lately.
The movie
Knowing portrayed it, as did
2012. Mainstream news and
magazine articles cover it as well. See for instance an article from
New Scientist Magazine called
Space Storm Alert - 90 Seconds from
Based on the positions of Jupiter and Saturn, I have come up with
the following prediction for Solar Cycle 24:

There you see it
reaching the first peak in Fall 2010, dipping in Spring 2011,
reaching a second peak in Summer/Fall 2011, and slowly descending
through 2012 and settling down by Summer 2013.
Seasoned astro-meteorologists
like Theo at the Alamac Forum predict it will be an extended
cycle lasting into 2016.
From my previous Research Note:
During the downward
slope, solar flares and sunspots grow less frequent, but with
potentially stronger X-class flares even though they are fewer
and farther between. During the last cycle, the downward slope
was well underway by 2003 when some whopper sunspots and flares
appeared. This corresponds to mid 2012 to mid 2013 in the
upcoming cycle.
We could see a major CME event around this time, which if strong
enough could knock down the electric grid and make things all
the more interesting. Visit
empcomission.org to read a
government-funded study on how society would be affected.
It’s worth noting that military black projects ought to have
enough computing power to accurately predict (but not reveal to
the public) when the next major CME event will hit, when
electric and communications infrastructure will go down.
This would allow
them to
prepare far in advance and
capitalize on that knowledge.
Maybe they would
need widespread blackouts to conduct questionable operations
that could not be pulled off under the light of media and
internet awareness. Timing of the next solar peak should
indicate when such a scenario is likely to manifest.
From another note titled
Coherence Indicators:
Solar flares appear
to have an impact
upon the earth grid and thus upon the stability between realms.
Strong solar flares impact the earth’s magnetosphere and give a
shock to the earth grid, increasing the number and magnitude of
portals and thereby assisting dimensional engineering attempts.
hyperdimensional forces have an easier time changing things when
realm conditions are unstable, such as during certain
astrological alignments and when the earth’s magnetic field is
buffeted. Solar flares, being plasma shockwaves, also carry with
them a longitudinal magnetic vector potential wave, essentially
a gravitational potential wave, which I think is the primary
instigator of realm fluctuations.
Translation: when
solar activity is high, things tend to get whacky. Apparently it
has to do with alignments of the planets and their magnetic
fields and how it impacts the sun.
Other natural wild-card
events could arise.
Meteorite storms have
wreaked havoc in the past:
These cannot be easily
predicted in advance, but they remain open as possibilities.
If nothing else, increased solar activity will lead to worsening
weather, volcanic and earthquake activity, and power outages.
Natural disasters, more than anything, are going to bankrupt
governments and mortally wound the global economy through death by a
thousand cuts.
It’s underway.
So, everything points to mid-late 2010 through all of 2011 being the
start of a very interesting time in our history.
Let’s keep in mind, however, that one can only accurately predict
what is inevitable, what remains independent of freewill. For
instance, if you knew what choice you would make next week, then the
choice is already made and you would just be following the
inevitable instead of making an actual freewill decision. But in
having freewill, you could easily defy your prediction.
Thus, you cannot predict
that which is the result of freewill.
This means all
predictions and remote views of “the” future see only a
reduced-color version of what will actually happen. It cannot see
all the colorful possibilities brought about through freewill.
Therefore when people make predictions of doom, even if they
accurately see what is in front of them time-wise, in reality things
will not turn out as bad, at least not for everyone. In this
Research Note I am not covering all the positive trends that will
parallel the negative ones discussed above, mainly because they are
not the result of material or social causal factors.
They are matters of
destiny and freewill, and must by necessity be hidden from easy
predictability and thus shielded from controllability. But basically
it’s the idea of
spiritual awakening among small percentages of the
population and their coordination to act as (mostly invisible,
behind-the-scenes, underground) leaders who take advantage of the
old order crumbling to catalyze the establishment of newer ways of
Now, if you intend to make some basic preparations, even for simple
things like storms that knock out power, then it can be done quickly
without too much dwelling upon it all. You can find plenty of
survival advice on the net.
Because someone will inevitably ask me for some tips, I’ll go ahead
and cover those. Basic needs in order of urgency: water, food,
medicine, energy/lighting, shelter/clothing, defense, and tools.
Some suggestions on the
first four:
If there is only
one item to get, it is a high quality portable water filter.
I cannot stress this enough. Because water is the first and
most important thing to go after any disaster, and portable
filters are so compact yet good for hundreds to thousands of
canned or
jarred fruits and vegetables
canned or
pouched meats
salt, pasta
and jarred pasta sauce
olive and
sunflower oil
(especially Vitamin C, as it’s hard to get from
canned/jarred foods)
meal packs
For cooking,
either a Sterno or Esbit folding stove and fuel, or a
Woodgas Camp Stove.
prescription items
and personal hygiene essentials
First Aid
kit (Total Resources International, REI kit or Adventure
Or make your own
anti-bacterial ointment (most important)
SAM splints
for sprains and breaks
medical tape
gauze rolls
bandage wrap
dressing pads
for cuts
burn gel or
burn pad
moleskin for
syringe for wound washing
Bic lighter
drinking straws
Swiss Army
some #15 scalpels and 4.5 inch straight iris scissors
for tissue work
powder and/or Celox for wound blood clotting
Additional anti-microbials:
oregano oil
packs of
batteries, or rechargeable batteries and solar charger
LED headlamp
(very important - if you only get one type of lighting,
make it an LED headlamp)
winding LED flashlight
12V DC to
120V AC inverter
solar charge
20W minimum
solar panel
18-50 AH
marine battery
The simplest and
cheapest anyone can do, is get couple cases of bottled water (not
the opaque gallon jugs since they end up leaking) for $12, a first
aid kit for $10, an LED headlamp with some extra batteries for $15,
and some canned or ready-to-eat foods for $25. That’s good enough for a
If you’re worried about self-defense, the most legal option
(check your local laws) is pepper spray and a baseball bat; anything
beyond that is up to you. You can get all these things in one day,
put it away in your closet, and go on with your life. Having spare
cash on hand is recommended: enough for food, gas, and motel
covering 2-3 days of travel.
Doesn’t take much time or effort to get the basics. Occasionally
check the clearance section at stores; good deals on useful items
appear there sometimes. And if something jumps out at you, is on
sale, and seems like a good idea, maybe that’s a hint.
Years ago I had an
intuitive nudge, and a synchronistic opportunity, to get some nice
Walkie-Talkies with a 5-mile range.
Later they became
absolutely essential when my girlfriend and I evacuated Florida in
separate cars during the 2004 hurricanes. Had I ignored my intuition
and the opportunity, who knows what would have happened.
As far as survivalism goes, here are some things to keep in mind:
You can only
prepare for a limited set of scenarios.
A point comes in
your attempt to prepare for everything, where you’ve just
thrown away your life, your destiny, your mission if you
have one, all for the sake of surviving. Then you would be
surviving for the sake of existing, not for the sake of
living. Life would be meaningless and you just defeated your
very purpose for coming here.
Therefore, no amount of
preparation warrants throwing your life away and heading
into the hills, shutting yourself off from the world until
doomsday comes.
All preparations
should be done in parallel with your regular life and not
infringe upon it. If your main life is Plan A (nothing
happens) then keep that open while you simultaneously have
Plan B (S.H.T.F.).
Do some basic
physical preparations without becoming obsessed,
preoccupied, or emotionally invested in it.
If you get some
survival item, know how to use it and put it away until time
for maintenance, practice, and use. Don’t fondle it like you
have some kind of survivalism fetish, don’t be turning over
post-apocalyptic fantasies in your mind, gloating over your
advantage over the other poor suckers who are asleep and
Reason being
that holding onto an extreme survivalism mentality, beyond
what’s needed to actually do it, is highly detrimental to
your spiritual balance. Have the knowledge and supplies, but
be very cautious of aligning your heart and thought-train
completely and exclusively with the mere idea of physical
Making it your
life goal will kill your soul, and you need your soul and a
spiritual connection to gain the synchronistic and intuitive
protection needed to keep you safe in all scenarios, not
just the ones you can physically prepare for.
To an extent,
spiritual balance, good intuition (honed through past trial
and error), and sharp awareness (observing and think several
steps ahead) will get you farther than any physical survival
dwelling or supplies.
Why? Because
then you can respond flexibly to whatever comes, as it
By spiritual
balance I mean keeping a leash on your ego, your jealousies,
contempt and hatred, desperate materialism, greed, and other
base impulses… and instead, striving for equanimity,
gratitude to the Creator, devotion to truth and beauty and
fairness, and consideration for others.
Then you acquire
divine blessing that increases the luck factor in your life.
In the midst of calamity you can get an intuitive or
synchronistic helping hand.
Of course, spiritual
versus physical preparation are not mutually exclusive; just avoid
physical obsession that infringes on spiritual balance; that’s the
most important thing I can say.
Same goes for looking
toward the future and getting apprehensive.
Don’t lose hope or
optimism, as you need these to carve out a pathway to heaven through
times of hell.